Tata Steel Sales Forecast Report For Chrome Product
Tata Steel Sales Forecast Report For Chrome Product
Tata Steel Sales Forecast Report For Chrome Product
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Problem: To forecast the sale of Charge Chrome for the next four quarters starting Mar 10.
Forecasting Methodology: To forecast the sales for the next four quarters, We have used the following
forecasting techniques.
• Trend Analysis
• Seasonal Variation
• Exponential Smoothing
• Moving Averages(3 and 4 Quarter)
• Weighted Moving Average(3 and 4 Quarter)
Using trend analysis, exponential smoothing, seasonal variation techniques we have forecasted sales
data for the next four quarters. As calculated in appendices, the mean square error for trend analysis is
the least. This implies the forecasting of sales data is best explained by Trend Analysis out of the
techniques used.
Suggestions and Recommendations: As per our analysis, we forecast the following sales for the next
four quarters using the data from Trend Analysis.
Sr. No Quarter Forecasted Sales (in Rs. Cr.) Actual Sales ‘09 Appendix
1 Mar ‘10 274.43 288.4 I
2 June ‘10 282.91 261.7 I
3 Sep ‘10 291.38 265.3 I
4 Dec ‘10 299.86 297.1 I
As compared to actual sales of ’09, the forecasted sales are increasing except for quarter (Mar
’10).Therefore, we suggest the manager to create sufficient infrastructure and efficient resource allocation
to meet the forecasted sales.