Sandiway Primary School: Looking Ahead
Sandiway Primary School: Looking Ahead
Sandiway Primary School: Looking Ahead
Number 3
01606 883298
Unfortunately, we have had to
cancel the first PTA event of the year
due to lack of interest. This
promised to be a wonderful
occasion, bringing our parents
together. If you can give any
feedback to members of the PTA
about the idea for the event, it would
be very helpful for the future. Thank
you to the PTA for all the hard work
that I know was put into the
organising of the event.
Mr Ault has asked me to remind
parents that his club payments are
now due, thank you.
I will communicate
the findings with you
when they have been
collected and
analysed. If you
would like a paper
copy of the
questionnaire, they
can be collected
from the school
While you are in
questionnaire-fillingin-mode, I would like
to remind you about
Ofsteds ParentView
website where you
are free to leave your
views at any time.
These results from
this questionnaire
can be seen by
members of the
public and can really
help parents making
choices about where
School Website
Whilst it seems very early to be thinking about next years Reception class, the
admissions process has already started. If you have a child who is due to start
school next September, you must apply for a place before 15th January 2016.
This also applies for current parents to the school. Last year, we had so much
interest for our school, we could nearly fill the 30 places twice over - this year is
already looking similar. Please visit Cheshire West and Chesters admissions
website at
education_and_learning/school_admissions.aspx to read the criteria for
admissions and to make your online application. Please pass this message on
to other parents who you know are interested in the school.
We will be holding an open afternoon for all parents interested in applying for a
place on Thursday 5th November from 1.15pm. In addition, you can also visit
the school to have a look around and to ask any questions that my be specific
to you and your family. Please contact the school oce to make an
Other news...
Notes from the PTA
Last night we held our AGM where
we shared the many successes of
last year. A small, but very
enthusiastic group recalled the
highlights, including our music
festival Sandfest, the childrens
discos, film nights and the Christmas
The PTA has a healthy balance in the
bank, but are keen to spend your
contributions wisely. Already pledged
is money for: new laptops and a
trolley, contributions to support the
visits for each class, reading books
and an artist who will be working in
the school later this term.
The PTA will shortly send a letter out
with more details of the upcoming
events for the year.
Dont forget to check out the PTA
Facebook page - search for
Sandiway PTA. This is often updated
and gives you chance to leave any