Newsletter: Message From The Principal

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Cheshire Academies Trust

October 2015


Welcome back from half term. We have a long term ahead of us but what an exciting one. We have such a
lot of wonderful activities this term to look forward to. There are lots of sporting competitions, day trips
and not to mention the build up to Christmas.
Last term was the start of the planned meetings between Trust staff and I am delighted to say that this
has been groundbreaking in terms of the opportunities that they have had to work with other outstanding
colleagues. It is really making a difference to the opportunities we can provide to our children at Boughton
Heath. We have a new assessment system now which, along with Mill View and Kelsall, staff have received
training and support in using beginning this term. Since September levels as we knew them do not exist
anymore. The government made this decision primarily to give schools the opportunity to create their own.
This isnt without its problems. However, as a Trust we have developed our own banding system for each
year group as follows:
Below (The National Curriculum objectives for their year group)
Emerging (Just beginning to demonstrate understanding of the objectives for their year group)
Developing (Working on achieving the objectives for their year group)
Working at (achieving the required age related expectations)
Deeper Learning (Demonstrating the ability to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding)
I am confident parents will have a lot of questions about how the school will track progress or how parents
will receive information in the future. Rest assured this is a key priority. Parents must know where their
children are up to (in order to help them) and what the children can or cannot do yet. Our system will
support teachers in providing this information to you at key times throughout the year. This, at Boughton
Heath, will be more than just parents evenings. We will be writing to you in the near future to invite
parents to join us at school to further understand how this new banding system will be applied and how
children will be judged at key times such as Year 2 and Year 6.
I am delighted with the informal feedback from parents which has been universally supportive of the
efforts of the teachers. I know how hard they work but it is lovely to hear this coming from parents. Please
do tell teachers when things are going well with your children.
Finally, what a delight it was to attend the Halloween disco. It was a real family event and I very much
enjoyed seeing all of the scary and inspired costumes that had clearly taken a long time to prepare. The
children adored the event and I would like to thank Ian and the rest of the members of the PTA for a
wonderful event which was well organised and lots of fun.
Thank you for your support. Our school continues to get even stronger and do even better. Please do read
the section on the Wish Tree and I look forward to reading your responses. Please also note the change
of date for the Junior Christmas Performance. It is now Tuesday 15 December.

Steve Ellis
Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.


Children from each year group will work on various aspects of friendships, anti-bullying and our moral
compass. Over the week beginning 16 November each class will create a poster to use in our final
assembly where each class will be discussing what they have done and learnt... As a school we look at 3
distinct parts.


From September 2015 all pupils in the infants will be able to receive a school meal at no cost
to the parent/guardian. We need to ensure that all parents/guardians that have a statutory
entitlement to a free school meal complete this form. We will then be able to confirm
whether the school is entitled to claim the pupil premium for your child.
The Pupil Premium is extra money given to your childs school to spend on resources such as
one to one tutoring, music lessons, extra curricular clubs and school trips. For 2014/2015 this
is 1300 per pupil. Funding is based on children registered for a free school meal, further
reinforcing the importance of making sure all those who qualify are actually registered.
Your child may be entitled to receive free school meals if you are entitled to receive one of the
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual
income that does not exceed 16,190.
It is really important that you complete and return this form to help make sure your childs
school is funded as well as possible.

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.


The Boughton Heath Wish Tree is a concept we have created to get right to the heart of what parents
want for their children. We would like parents to return the luggage tag with their wish for their child/ren
while they attend our school. You can see some of the examples from Reception parents who have already
filled out a tag.


Our new Learning Wheel

Reception making scarecrows

Year 2- Hilbre Island Seals

Year 1 visiting the Gruffalo in

Delamere Forest

Year 5 science experiments on


The start of our Anglo Saxon


Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.


Positive character behaviours are extremely important to us at Boughton Heath Academy, which is why
children have been earning pink cards by demonstrating a positive character trait such as honesty,
cheerfulness and perseverance. I am delighted that children have been very keen to earn a card. What is
so important is to teach children the values labelled on the reverse side of the cards and to celebrate when
someone notices. Furthermore, we have been awarding children Principal post cards on Friday simply for
friendship which was the value of the last half term.

We will be holding Parents Evenings for classes on the dates as follows:
All Classes except Year Three

Tuesday 17 November- 3.30pm-6.00pm

Thursday 19 November- 4.30pm- 7.00pm

Year 3: Mrs Woods will be splitting her appoints over 3 nights.

Tuesday 17 November- 3.30pm-5.30pm
Wednesday 18 November 4.30- 6.00pm
Thursday 19 November- 4.30pm- 6.00pm
During the 10 minute meeting, the teachers will discuss your childs progress, development and targets for
the next term.
Time is obviously limited, if you require additional time with the teacher, please arrange this during the
meeting. Before parents evening we will send the banding levels schools use, to aid discussions regarding
progress and attainment.
You will be receiving a letter tomorrow, Wednesday 04 November, to confirm which time slot/s you
require. Please look out for it.

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.


Our harvest festival assembly will be held on 01 October, with Rev. Pendlebury who will be talking to
children about growing and how this linked to specific character traits that were positive in a person. Each
class showed some work they have completed, sung songs and leant about harvest and what it meant at
that time of the year.

Cheshire Academies Trust

Cheshire Academies Trust 11 by 11 Entitlement
Boughton Heath Academy- How will we do it?
11 by 11 Experience

Visit London
Learn to swim
and water safety


Camp under
stars, cook on a
fire and look at
the stars


Learn First Aid

Do something for
Plant it, Grow it,
Eat it.

Year Group

Additional Information

Year 6
Year 3 (mop up swimming
lessons Year 4, Year 5 and
Year 6).
Year 5

Visit to the houses of parliament and link to curriculum.

Water safety elements to be taught within swimming units.



Year 1 and Year 6

Year 1- Year 6


Learn the basics

of cooking

Year 1- Year 6


Perform on stage

Year 1- Year 6


Play a Musical

Year 1- Year 6

10. See the sea

Year 2
Year 3

11. Learn to ride a

bike and road

Year 5

Year 5 to complete this entitlement while on their residential trip to

Condover Hall. Sleeping in tents on the second night.
To cook on a fire in the residential trip.
To cook on a fire in the residential trip.
St Johns Ambulance IMPs programme
Selected charities each year will be supported. This year they
include, Childline and Project Paddington.
Will also deliver an extra to the 11 by 11 by sponsoring a pig from a
local farm which is reared, slaughtered and then eaten by school
Each class will have their own fruit or vegetable to plant grow and
eat as follows:
Reception- Strawberries
Year 1- Tomatoes
Year 2- Onions/Lettuce
Year 3- Courgettes
Year 4- Carrots
Year 5- Beans and Peas
Year 6- Raspberries and Blackberries
Each year group will learn designate skills as follows:
Reception- Hygiene- Cooking different breads
Year 1- Crumble- Chopping
Year 2- Measuring and Weighing
Year 3- Rock Cake- Scaling with recipe ingredients
Year 4- Converting- Bread
Year 5- Chutney- Preservatives
Year 6- All Skills- Pumpkin pie
All year groups will have an entitlement to perform on a stage

Christmas Productions


End of Year 6 Productions

Drama Club

Chester Music and Drama Festival

Each child will learn to play the recorder and this will be consolidated
and progressively taught throughout school. Other lessons with
children include curriculum music lessons and also individual lessons
in piano, brass and woodwind instruments.
Visit to Hilbre Island for topic lesson. Wildlife, flora and fauna and
sea observations.
Residential Trip to Conwy. Canoeing up and down the Menai Straight.
Balance bikes and scooters to be used to teach children the art of
Bikeability programme taught in Year 5 which gives children the
opportunity to ride their bike on the road once skills have been
taught on the playground.

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Children are taking part in
tag rugby and basketball at
the moment. These are both
outdoor games and as such
children should have clothes
to keep them warm enough.
Use of a school jumper for
P.E. is not acceptable. Please
ensure all items are clearly

We would like to remind
parents of the restriction in
place due to the conditions
within the planning permission.


Parents are reminded that
the school car park is not to
be used to stop and drop off
children. It causes
congestion and is unsafe for
children to be walking across
to reach school.

Parents are reminded that this
club begins at 7.45am at a cost of
There is no need to book in

Children and parents are

allowed to use the
adventure playground only
till 4.15pm after school and
no children should be on
school site during
weekends or holidays


This year all the proceeds from

our Harvest Festival will be
donated to Save the Family.
We will be collecting before and
after half term with all the
donations being sent on Friday
2nd October. Please give a can
or dried food to this good


It has become increasingly apparent that parents are using the school car park to drop off both in the
mornings and after school. Parents are reminded that the school car park is extremely small and children
should never enter the car park. Teachers have noticed when leaving children running across the car park
and this is extremely dangerous. Please do not use it to pick up or drop off at any time during the day.


We have started building an Anglo Saxon roundhouse behind the polytunnel. It should be big enough for
30 children and in the end have a thatched roof. Thank you to Mrs Gell and Mr Lucas for helping to get it
started. We do need more help. In particular concrete and someone who can help thatch the roof once we
have built it. Do you know of anyone who can help build the structure with us? IF so please give them our
contact details. Thank you also to Jewson who supplied the school with a hole borer to help with the
digging. We still need a 6 foot deep hole for the main central column. A mechanical digger would be nice!

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Diary Dates- 2015-2016
Additional diary dates will be provided throughout the term. N.B It is inevitable that changes may occur. We will endeavour to keep you
informed as early as possible. Please visit our website Thank you
Wednesday 2 September
Wednesday 9th September
Monday 14th September
Monday 14th September
Tuesday 15th September
Wednesday 16th September
Friday 25th September 9.30
Friday 25th September 8.50-9.20
Wednesday 30th September
Monday 5th October
Tuesday 6th October
Thursday 8th October
Thursday 22nd October 9.15-11.45 and 1.15-2.45pm
Friday 23rd October
Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd November
Tuesday 3rd November
Wednesday 4th November
Wednesday 11th November
Week beg: 16th November
Tuesday 17th November- 3.30pm 6pm
Thursday 19th November 4.30pm 7pm
Monday 23rd November am
Monday 30th November
Friday 27th November
Wednesday 9th December 10am and 6pm
Thursday 10th December 10am
Tuesday 15th December 9.30am 6.30pm
Friday 18th December
Monday 4th January
Tuesday 5th January
Wednesday 6th January 2016
Thursday 7th January
Friday 29th January
Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February
Friday 26th February
Tuesday 1st March
Thursday 10th March
Monday 14th March Wed 16th March
Tuesday 22nd March Thursday 24th March
Thursday 24th March
Friday 25th March
Monday 28th March
Tuesday 29th March 4.30pm 7pm
Thursday 31st March 3.30pm 6pm
Thursday 31st March
Friday 28th March
Friday 1st April
Monday 18th April
Tuesday 19th April
Tuesday 19th April
Friday 22nd April
Friday 22nd April
Monday 2nd May
Wednesday 4th May
Monday 9th May- Thursday 12th May
Thursday 26th May
Friday 27th May
Friday 27th May
Monday 6th June
Friday 10th June
Thursday 16th June
Tuesday 21st June
Friday 24th June
Friday 24th 26th June
Monday 27th June
Tuesday 28th June
Friday 1st July
Tuesday 12th July 1.30pm and 7pm
Wednesday 13th July 1.30pm
Thursday 21st July

Year 2 visit Hilbre Island- Note late return to school 5pm
Clubs Begin
Year 3 and Year 4 circus day
Meet the Teacher Reception: 5.30pm
Year 1 and Year 3: 6.00pm
Meet the Teacher Year 2 and 4: 5.30pm
Year 5-6: 6.00pm
New Parent Coffee Morning to follow share learning
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Harvest Festival (Children only)
Year 1 to Delamere Forest TBC
Year 3 to Pizza Express
Year 5 to Jodrell Bank (Late return of 4pm)
OPEN DAY (Prospective families)
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School Closed INSET day
Year 3 and Year 4 trip to Liverpool World Museum
Year 5 DT day- Making tree houses
Anti-Bullying Week 2015
Parents Evening
Parents Evening
Individual & Family Photographs
Majority of Clubs Finish for Autumn Term
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
KS1 Christmas Production
KS1 Christmas Production
KS2 Practice at Northgate Church and Performance
School Closed INSET day
School Closed INSET day
School Reopens 2016
Year 6 DT day
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School CLOSES for Spring Half Term
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Year 1 DT day
Year 5 Class Assembly
Year 3 Residential
Year 4 Residential
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Good Friday- School Closed
Easter Monday- School Closed
Parents Evening
Parents Evening
Year 2 Class Assembly
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School Closed INSET day
Scholastic Book Fair in School
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Year 4 DT Day- Making the Iron Man
Year 4 Class Assembly
Year 6 SATs Week
Year 1 Class Assembly
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
School CLOSES for Half Term
Tempest Class Photos
Year 3 Class Assembly
Sports Day Infants- morning Picnic Lunch Juniors- Afternoon
Share the Learning Open Morning 8.50 finish at 9.15
Y6 Residential to Robinwood Centre
Year 2 DT day- Swing Bridges
Reception Class- Design Technology day
Reserve Sports Day
Year 6 Leavers Production
Year 6 Leavers Production

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Boughton Heath Academy. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

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