Elvax 460
Elvax 460
Elvax 460
Product Description
Material Status
Commercial: Active
Typical Characteristics
Typical Properties
Nominal Values
Test Method(s)
* Density ()
0.941 g/cm
ISO 1183
ASTM D1238
IS0 1133
Nominal Values
88C (190F)
ASTM D3418
ISO 3146
64C (147F)
ASTM D1525
ISO 306
Test Method(s)
Processing Information
* Maximum Processing Temperature
General Processing Information
230C (446F)
Elvax resins can be processed by conventional thermoplastic processing
techniques, including injection molding, structural foam molding, sheet and shape
extrusion, blow molding and wire coating. They can also be processed using
conventional rubber processing techniques such as Banbury, two-roll milling and
compression molding.
Elvax can be used in conventional extrusion equipment designed to process
polyethylene resins. However, corrosion-protected barrels, screws, adapters, and
dies are recommended, since, at sustained melt temperatures above 446F
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(230C), ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) resins may thermally degrade and release
corrosive by-products.
ELVAX 460 EVA Resin complies with Food and Drug Administration Regulation 21
CFR 177.1350(a)(1) - - Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, subject to the limitations
and requirements therein. This Regulation describes polymers that may be used in
contact with food, subject to the finished food-contact article meeting the extractive
limitations under the intended conditions of use, as shown in paragraph (b)(1) of the
The information and certifications provided herein are based on data we believe to
be reliable, to the best of our knowledge. The information and certifications apply
only to the specific material designated herein as sold by DuPont and do not apply
to use in any process or in combination with any other material. They are provided
at the request of and without charge to our customers. Accordingly, DuPont cannot
guarantee or warrant such certifications or information and assumes no liability for
their use.
For information on appropriate Handling & Storage of this polymeric resin, please
refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet..
A Product Safety Bulletin, Material Safety Data Sheet, and/or more detailed
information on extrusion processing and/or compounding of this polymeric resin for
specific applications are available from your DuPont Packaging and Industrial
Polymers representative.
Read and Understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before using this product
Regional Centres
DuPont operates in more than 70 countries. For help finding a local representative, please contact one of the
following regional customer contact centers:
Asia Pacific
DuPont Company
Chestnut Run Plaza Bldg. 730
974 Centre Road
Wilmington, Delaware
19805 U.S.A.
Toll-Free (USA): 1-800-628-6208
Telephone: 1-302-774-1000
Fax: 1-302-355-4013
The data listed here fall within the normal range of properties, but
they should not be used to establish specification limits nor used
alone as the basis of design. The DuPont Company assumes no
obligations or liability for any advice furnished or for any results
obtained with respect to this information. All such advice is given
and accepted at the buyer's risk. The disclosure of information
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This data sheet is effective as of 08/08/2010 04:36:14 PM and supersedes all previous versions.
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