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Tropical Biomedicine 27(1): 7988 (2010)

Identification of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites in

fresh stool sample: comparison of three staining techniques
and study on the viability period of the trophozoites
Tan, Z.N.1, Wong, W.K.3, Nik Zairi, Z.2, Abdullah, B.2, Rahmah, N.3, Zeehaida, M.2, Rumaizi, S.4,
Lalitha, P.5, Tan, G.C.2, Olivos-Garcia, A.6 & Lim, B.H.1

School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
3 Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia.
4 Laboratory Animal Research Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia.
5 Faculty of Applied Sciences, AIMST University, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia.
6 Departamento de Medicina Experimental, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico,
04510 Mxico D.F., Mxico
Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Entamoeba histolytica causes about 50 million infections worldwide with a death rate
of over 100,000 annually. In endemic developing countries where resources are limited, microscopic
examinations based on Wheatley trichrome staining is commonly used for diagnosis of intestinal
amoebiasis. Other than being a time-consuming method, it must be performed promptly after
stool collection as trophozoites disintegrate rapidly in faeces. The aim of this study was to compare
the efficacies of Eosin-Y, Wheatley trichrome and Iodine stains in delineating the diagnostic features
of the parasite, and subsequently to determine the suitable microscopy observation period for
detection of erythrophagocytic and non-erythrophagocytic trophozoites spiked in semi-solid stool
sample. Wheatley trichrome staining technique was performed using the standard method while
the other two techniques were performed on the slides by mixing the respective staining solution
with the spiked stool sample. One million of axenically cultured non-erythrophagocytic E.
histolytica and erythrophagocytic E. histolytica were separately spiked into 2 g of fresh semisolid faeces. Percentage viability of the trophozoites in the spiked stool sample was determined
at 30 minute intervals for eight hours using the 0.4% Trypan blue exclusion method. The results
showed that Eosin-Y and Wheatley trichrome stained the karyosome and chromatin granules
better as compared to Iodine stain. The percentage viability of non-erythrophagocytic trophozoites
decreased faster than the erythrophagocytic form in the first 5 hours and both dropped to ~10% in
the 6th hour spiked sample. In conclusion, Eosin-Y staining technique was found to be the easiest
to perform, most rapid and as accurate as the commonly used Wheatley trichrome technique;
Eosin-Y stained slide sealed with DPX could also be kept as a permanent record. A period not
exceeding 6 hours after stool collection was found to be the most suitable in order to obtain good
microscopy results of viable trophozoites.


parasitic diseases, after malaria and

schistosomiasis (Tanyuksel & Petri, 2003).
The disease is widely reported in developing
countries like India and Bangladesh, tropical
African countries and in some areas in Brazil
and Mexico. The incidence is increasing in
non-endemic and developed countries such
as the USA and European countries, due to
the ease of world travel and immigration of

Entamoeba histolytica is an enteric

anaerobic protozoan parasite that causes
about 50 million infections with a death rate
of over 100 000 worldwide annually (WHO,
1997; Jackson, 1998; Zlobl, 2001; Fotedar et
al., 2007). The amoebic infection is the third
most common cause of death among


people from endemic areas (Nari et al.,

2008). High risk people are those who travel
to crowded endemic areas with low
standards of hygiene and sanitation; and
those who practice unnatural sexual
activities such as direct anal-genital and/or
oral-anal sex (Espinosa-Cantellano &
Martinez-Palomo, 2000; Haque et al., 2000;
Zlobl, 2001; Fotedar et al., 2007).
Entamoeba histolytica has a simple life
cycle, in which the transmission is via the
faecal-oral route. Infection occurs through
ingestion of infective cysts (size 8-20 m) or
invasion of motile trophozoites (size 20-40
m) (Martinez-Palomo, 1982; Lucas &
Upcroft, 2001). The infection causes a variety
of clinical presentations, from asymptomatic
colonization to invasive amoebic dysentery
and extraintestinal amoebiasis. Most
infected individuals do not show clinical
signs, and the problem is compounded by the
lack of reliable and practical diagnostic tools
(Martinez-Palomo, 1982; Huston et al., 1999;
Zlobl, 2001; Blessmann et al., 2003; Huston,
2004; Fotedar et al., 2007).
The routine diagnosis of amoebic
dysentery is still based on identification
of erythrophagocytic trophozoites in
dysenteric specimens (Cheesbrough, 2005).
This low- cost diagnostic technique is still
the preferred method in developing
countries although numerous molecularbased methods such as polymerase chain
reaction and immunological-based methods
such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay, have been reported to be effective in
species-specific diagnosis of E. histolytica
(Huston et al., 1999; Tanyuksel & Petri, 2003;
Visser et al., 2006; Fotedar et al., 2007). A
major setback in microscopy is the
requirement of freshly collected stool
samples as the trophozoites had been
reported to disintegrate in faeces from 30
minutes to 3 hours after collection (Gardner
et al., 1980; Tanyuksel & Petri, 2003; Fotedar
et al., 2007); nevertheless there is no
conclusive published data to support this
claim. Another disadvantage of microscopy
is the time consuming Wheatley trichrome
staining process, which requires at least 42
minutes to perform (Flournoy et al., 1982).

As amoebiasis mostly occurs in

resource-tight developing countries,
microscopy technique will still remain the
diagnostic method of choice. Laboratories
worldwide reportedly used numerous
successful staining methods such as
Wheatleys trichrome, Iron hematoxylin,
Giemsa, Wrights, Methylene blue, Chorazole
Black E and Iodine-trichrome stains (Koontz
& Weinstock, 1996; Tanyuksel & Petri, 2003;
Fotedar et al., 2007), but all are tedious and
time-consuming. Hence, a simple, rapid and
reliable staining technique is urgently
needed. The objectives of this study were
to compare the efficacies of Eosin-Y,
Wheatley trichrome and Iodine in staining
the characteristic features of the parasite;
and subsequently to determine the most
suitable microscopy observation period for
detection of erythrophagocytic and nonerythrophagocytic trophozoites spiked in
semi-solid stool sample.


Staining of trophozoites
Approximately one million E. histolytica
axenically cultured in TYI-S-33 medium was
washed with 1X Phosphate Buffered Saline
(PBS) and spiked in 2 g of fresh semi-solid
stool sample obtained from a healthy
volunteer. Then, spiked stool samples were
stained separately with Wheatley trichrome,
Iodine and Eosin-Y solution alcoholic with
phloxine B (Sigma HT110316, USA) (EosinY). Duplicate slide smears were prepared for
each staining technique. Wheatley trichrome
staining technique was performed based on
the standard operating protocol (SOP) used
at the Department of Medical Microbiology
and Parasitology, School of Medical
Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Malaysia. An applicator stick was used to
smear ~2 mg of stool sample on a clean slide.
The smeared slide was then immersed in
Schauddins fixative for 2 hours. This was
followed by soaking the slide in succession
in tincture of iodine, 70% alcohol, Wheatley
trichrome stain (REMEL Inc., Lenexa, USA),
acid alcohol, absolute alcohol and xylene.


Finally, the slide was mounted with dibutyl

phthalate xylene (DPX) and observed under
a light microscope at 1000X magnification.
The iodine stained smeared slide was
prepared based on the protocol suggested
by Koontz & Weinstock (1996). Briefly, an
applicator stick was used to mix ~2 mg of
stool sample with ~30 L Lugols Iodine
solution on a clean slide. A cover slip was
placed on the sample and sealed with DPX,
then observed under a microscope. In EosinY staining technique, an applicator stick was
used to mix ~30 L of Eosin-Y with ~2 mg of
stool sample on a clean slide. A cover slip
placed over the sample was sealed with
DPX, then observed under a microscope
at 400X and 1000X magnification. The
images of the trophozoites stained by all
three methods were captured using an
Olympus Image Analysis System (Olympus
System Microscope Model BX41, Japan).
Comparisons were made among the images
of the three types of stained trophozoites
based on the clarity of their characteristic
nuclear features.

trophozoites and their disintegration over

time. An applicator stick was used to mix ~2
mg of spiked stool sample with ~30 L
normal saline (0.85% NaCl) on a clean slide.
Then, a cover slip was placed on the sample
and observed immediately under a light


Staining of trophozoites
Images of the trophozoites were compared
based on the detection of the characteristic
features of trophozoites such as the
chromatin granules that line the nuclear
membrane and the small spherical
karyosome at the centre of the nucleus.
Nucleus of trophozoite has no fixed position
in the cytoplasm, but moves freely and
sometimes rotates rapidly (MartinezPalomo, 1982). Thus, observation of the
characteristic features of live trophozoites
requires fine focusing of the optical
microscope at 400X or 1000X magnification.
Permanent stains were much more
effective than the direct wet mount for
detection of trophozoites and/or cysts in
stool specimens (Gardner et al., 1980).
Figure 1(a) shows the image of a Wheatley
trichrome stained trophozoite; it was stained
blue-purple with greenish background, with
good delineation of the chromatin granules
and karyosome. The stain provided a good
contrast between the trophozoite and the
background debris. However, an obvious
disadvantage was the tedious protocol which
required 2 hours fixation period and a total
time of ~3 hours to complete. Appropriate
fixation periods coupled with sufficient
washing steps are pertinent in obtaining a
well-stained nucleus, thus may require the
preparation of a number of slides for each
stool sample. Repeated use of acid alcohol
in destaining trichrome stain will reduce its
efficiency and subsequently require a longer
destaining time although a better alternative
is to use a fresh solution. The suggested
fixation time with Schauddins fixative is
between 2 to 24 hours. Any increase in
fixation time must be followed by an
appropriate increase in washing time using

Viability of non-erythrophagocytic and

erythrophagocytic trophozoites in stool
About one million cultured trophozoites
washed with 1X PBS were spiked into 2 g of
fresh semi-solid stool sample. About 2 mg of
the sample was mixed with 50 l Trypan
(0.4%) blue and the mixture was loaded
into a Neubauer chamber to determine
the viability of non-erythrophagocytic
trophozoites by microscopy. The procedure
was performed in duplicate and repeated
every 30 minute intervals for eight hours.
In order to determine the viability of
erythrophagocytic trophozoites, about 10 L
of blood was first added into a sterile
microfuge tube containing 1 x 106 axenically
cultured trophozoites. After 30 minutes, the
trophozoites were washed with 1X PBS and
spiked into 2 g of fresh semi-solid stool
sample. Then, ~2 mg spiked stool sample
was mixed with 0.4% Trypan blue, and the
percentage viability was determined as
described earlier.
Direct wet mounts were also prepared
to observe the movement of motile

tincture of iodine. Moreover, Schauddins

fixative, which killed and fixed the
trophozoites contains mercury compound
which is not environmentally-friendly
(Garcia & Shimizu, 1998; Amin, 2000). This
staining technique demands technical skills
of an experienced microscopist, and would
be daunting to those unskilled personnel
who have to perform the technique
Iodine stain is mostly used to identify
E. histolytica cysts in stool microscopic
detection (Cheesbrough, 2005). However,
Koontz & Weinstock (1996) reported that the
stain could be used to delineate intestinal
amoebas by negating the motility of the
trophozoites. As shown in figure 1 (b), the
nuclear chromatin granules were only faintly
stained and the karyosome remained
Figures 1(c) and 1(d) show Eosin-Y
stained non-erythrophagocytic and
erythrophagocytic trophozoites, respectively.
The former shows a trophozoite with its wellstained nuclear chromatin granules and
karyosome; and the latter reveals wellstained characteristic features of the
erythrophagocytic amoebic trophozoite and
the engulfed erythrocytes. The whole
trophozoite was stained light red, and both
the chromatin granules and karyosome
showed distinctly dark appearances. EosinY also clearly stained the engulfed
Various types of eosin stains are
available commercially and some are used
as counterstain to haematoxylin in
Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain. Its
acidic property stains the basic components
of a cell, such as cytoplasm, light red in
colour. Others used eosin as an exclusion dye
to stain dead trophozoites light red in colour
to distinguish them from the unstained viable
trophozoites (Mirelman et al., 1987; Behnia
et al., 2008). The stain was also reportedly
used to facilitate the detection of motile
trophozoites by staining the background
pink without staining the live parasites
(Cheesbrough, 2005). Interestingly, phloxine
B in Eosin-Y was reportedly used to stain

nuclear structures in histological sections

(SPI.Supplies, 2009). Until now, there were
no reports on the use of phloxine B to stain
nucleus of E. histolytica. Here, we showed
that Eosin-Y was just as accurate as
Wheatley trichrome staining method in
identification of trophozoites in stool
samples. Besides staining the characteristic
nuclear features of the trophozoites and/or
the engulfed erythrocytes, it could be
performed easily to give spontaneous
results. The Eosin-Y used in this study is
commercially available in its working
dilution, thus can be applied directly onto
the stool samples without fuss. Alternatively,
Eosin-Y staining solution can also be
prepared by mixing 1% (w/v) Eosin-Y, 1%
(w/v) phloxine B, 95% ethanol and glacial
acetic acid in appropriate volumes (Mayers,
Another major advantage of Eosin-Y
staining technique is that the stained
trophozoites could easily be visualized under
400X magnification. At this magnification, it
is very difficult to identify the Wheatley
trichrome stained trophozoites. The rounded
shape and immotile trophozoites left for 3
hours in stool sample were also easily
stained by Eosin-Y [Figure 1(e)]. In fact, this
stain was able to preserve the general
morphology of the trophozoite for more than
24 hours. This was probably due to the
presence of alcohol and glacial acetic acid
in the stain, as these two chemicals are also
used in Schauddins fixative.
A major advantage of Wheatley
trichrome staining technique is that it be
used to prepare a permanent record of the
stained amoebas. In contrast, the stained
nuclear chromatin granules and karyosome
of an Eosin-Y stained trophozoite gradually
became fainter over time and almost
indistinguishable from its cytoplasm after an
hour [Figure 1(f)]. However, by sealing the
edges of the cover slip to the slide with DPX,
it prevented Eosin-Y from drying. This
permanent record of the Eosin-Y stained
slide could be stored longer if placed in a
horizontal position (instead of a vertical


Figure 1. Stained trophozoites. (a) Wheatley trichrome stained trophozoite, 1000X magnification (b)
Iodine stained trophozoite, 1000X magnification (c) Eosin-Y stained trophozoite, 1000X magnification
(d) Eosin-Y stained erythrophagocytic trophozoite, 1000X magnification (e) Eosin-Y stained trophozoite
showed clear chromatin granules and karyosome, 400X magnification (f) Eosin-Y stained trophozoite
without DPX seal indicated unclear nuclear characteristics after an hour, 400X magnification.

test whereby the dead trophozoites were

stained blue and the live ones remained
unstained (Figure 2). The viability chart of
the non-erythrophagocytic trophozoites in
spiked semi-solid stool is shown in (Figure
3). During the first hour, the percentage
viability dropped rapidly and fluctuated at
approximately 55%. This was probably due
to the unfavourable conditions in the stool
as compared to the optimal axenic

Viability of non-erythrophagocytic and

erythrophagocytic E. histolytica
trophozoites in stool sample
Gonzalez-Ruiz et al. (1994) reported that
trophozoites started to disintegrate rapidly
as soon as they were in the faeces. However,
the viability period of trophozoites outside
its host was not studied. In the present study,
the viability of trophozoites in stool sample
was assessed by Trypan blue dye exclusion

Figure 2. Trypan blue dye exclusion stained trophozoites, 1000X magnification.

Figure 3. Viability chart of E. histolytica trophozoites in spiked semi-solid stool.

conditions of the trophozoites in TYI-S-33

medium at 36C. Thereafter, the viability
dropped to ~10% at the third hour. However,
during the 3 to 5 hours period, the
percentage viability increased slightly, and
then fluctuated around ~30%. At the 7th hour,
none of the trophozoites was detected but
~10% viability was again observed at the
8th hour. This was probably due to the fact
that E. histolytica in the stool samples was
being challenged with a toxic high oxygen
environment (30%) since it has been

reported that amoebas can be supported in

only less than 5% O2 (Band & Cirrito, 1979).
Figure 4 shows the viability chart of the
erythrophagocytic trophozoites in spiked
semi-solid stool. In comparison with figure
3, the percentages viability of erythrophagocytic trophozoites was higher (65%
and 95%) during the first and third hours
in stool sample. This was probably due to
the antioxidant molecules (superoxide
peroxirredoxin and vitamin E) present in the

Figure 4. Viability chart of E. histolytica erythrophagocytic trophozoites in spiked semi-solid stool.

engulfed erythrocytes (Kuypers, 2007),

which helped the amoeba to detoxify the
reactive oxygen species generated during
the oxygen reduction and/or because the
erythrocytes were source of nutrients for the
amoebas. Between the third and sixth hours,
the mortality of the trophozoites increased
gradually from about 65% to 90%, and none
was detected from the seventh hour
onwards. In general, the percentages
viability of both forms of trophozoites
dropped to ~10% at the sixth hour in semisolid stool sample and none was detected
from the seventh hour onwards. Since ~90%
of the trophozoites were undetected at the
sixth hour, microscopy detection to detect
the amoebas should thus be performed
within six hours after stool collection.
Observation of the direct wet mount
slide preparation during the first hour in
fresh semi-solid stool sample revealed that
the trophozoites did not have fixed shape and
were actively pushing out the ectoplasm to
form pseudopodia, followed by the inflowing endoplasm. In addition, the
technique allowed the disintegration process
of trophozoites to be observed over time
(Figure 5a). Uroid of the amoeba was located
at the posterior end of the live trophozoites.
Faint engulfed erythrocytes were also visible
but the characteristic nucleus was

impossible to visualize without staining

(Figure 5b). Thus the direct wet mount
technique is neither sensitive nor reliable for
detection of E. histolytica in stool samples.
All microscopy staining techniques
(include those used in this study) cannot
differentiate E. histolytica from the nonpathogenic E. dispar. However parasite
identification by staining is still commonly
used in developing endemic countries
where resource are limited, as the costs
of commercially available E. histolytica
antigen detection tests are prohibitive.
An important supportive evidence for
microscopy is the detection of
erythrophagocytic trophozoites in stool
sample, although some non-pathogenic
Entamoeba species may also ingest
erythrocytes (Gonzalez-Ruiz et al., 1994).
Indiscriminate use of antiparasitic drugs may
lead to development of drug-resistant. Thus,
treatment should only be given to patients
where the presence of E. histolytica in stool
is confirmed, and no treatment should be
administered if only E. dispar is found
(WHO, 1997). Until now, light microscopic
differentiation between the two amoeba
species is not yet available and WHO has
highlighted the urgent need in developing
improved methods for the species-specific
diagnosis of E. histolytica infection (WHO,

Figure 5. (a) Disintegrated trophozoite, 1000X magnification (b) Motile

trophozoite with uroid at posterior end examined using direct wet mount, 1000X

1997). Hence efforts should also be on the

search for stains which can specifically
demonstrate structural compounds found in
E. histolytica but absent in E. dispar.
In conclusion, this study showed that for
microscopic identification of E. histolytica
in patients samples, Eosin-Y could stain the
characteristic nuclear chromatin granules
and karyosome of the trophozoites as
accurately as the Wheatley trichrome, and
better than the Iodine stain. Eosin-Y stained
slide could also be kept as permanent record
if the cover slip is sealed to the slide with
DPX, however further studies are needed to
determine the period of time before drying
occurs. Nevertheless, Eosin-Y technique
offers the added advantages of being rapid

and easy to perform, thus is very useful for

the purpose of identification of E. histolytica
in patients stool samples, especially in busy,
and/or understaffed laboratories. The
identification of E. histolytica was
supported by the signs and symptoms
presented by the patients and the detection
of erythrophagocytic trophozoites. This
study also suggests that the microscopy
observation for viable trophozoites is best
performed within the first 6 hours after stool
Acknowledgement. This study was funded by
a research university grant from Universiti
Sains Malaysia (1001/PPSK/813009). The first
author received financial support through

the university fellowship. Special thanks to

Mohd Khairul Afif Azman for his technical
assistance and Zainul Fadziruddin Zainuddin
for proofreading the manuscript.

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