Efficient Distributed Genetic Algorithm For Rule Extraction

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Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems

Efficient Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Rule Extraction

Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Dept. of Information Technologies
University of Huelva

Antonio Peregrin
Dept. of Information Technologies
University of Huelva

The outline of the contribution is as follows: In

Section 2 we review the distributed evolutionary
models in rule induction. Section 3 is devoted to
analyse the proposed algorithm. The experimental
study developed is shown on Section 4 and finally, we
reach conclusions in Section 5.

This paper presents an efficient distributed genetic
algorithm for classification rules extraction in data
mining, which is based on a new method of dynamic
data distribution applied to parallelism using networks
of computers in order to mine large datasets. The
presented algorithm shows many advantages when
compared with other distributed algorithms proposed
in the specific literature. In this way, some results are
presented showing significant learning rate speed-up
without compromising other features.

2. Preliminaries: genetic learning

Genetic Algorithms (GA) are search algorithms
based on natural genetics that provide robust search
capabilities in complex spaces, and thereby offer a
valid approach to problems requiring efficient and
effective search processes [8].
They have achieved reputation of robustness in rule
induction, in commons problems associated to real
world mining (noise, outliers, incomplete data, etc).
Initially GA were not designed as machine learning
algorithms but can be easily dedicated to this task [10].
Typically the search space is seen as the entire possible
hypothesis rule base that covers the data. The goodness
is usually related to a coverage function over a number
of learning examples.
Regarding the representation of the solutions, the
proposals in the specialized literature follow two
approaches in order to encode rules within a population
of individuals:
The Chromosome = Set of rules, also called the
Pittsburgh approach, in which each individual
represents a rule set [18]. In this case, a
chromosome evolves a complete RB and they
compete among them along the evolutionary
process. GABIL [9] and GA-MINER [7] are
proposals that follow this approach.
The Chromosome = Rule approach, in which
each individual codifies a single rule, and the whole
rule set is provided by combining several
individuals in a population (rule cooperation) or via
different evolutionary runs (rule competition).
In turn, within the Chromosome = Rule
approach, there are three generic proposals:

1. Introduction
Mining huge datasets for learning classification
models with high prediction accuracy can be a very
difficult task. The evaluation of data over large size
datasets makes data mining algorithms inefficacy and
inefficient. The effect produced by the size of the data
in the algorithms is called scaling problem.
There are three main approaches for this problem:
Use as much as possible apriori knowledge to
search in subspaces small enough to be explored.
Perform data reduction.
Algorithm scalability.
In this way, there have been several efforts to make
use of models based on distributed evolutionary
algorithms in data mining for classification in large size
datasets in order to emphasize on aspects of scalability
and efficiency. REGAL [1] and NOW G-net [2]
increase the computational resources via the use of data
distribution. Nowadays, the use of collection of
computers to achieve greater amount of computational
resources become more popular because they are much
more cost-effective than single computers of
comparable speed.
In this paper we present an Efficient Distributed
Genetic Algorithm for classification Rules extraction
(EDGAR) with dynamic data partitioning that shows
advantages in scalability for exploring high complexity
search spaces with comparable classification quality.

978-0-7695-3326-1/08 $25.00 2008 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/HIS.2008.128


The Michigan approach, in which each individual

encodes a single rule. These kinds of systems are
usually called learning classifier systems [17]. They
are rule-based, message-passing systems that
employ reinforcement learning and a GA to learn
rules that guide their performance in a given
environment. The GA is used for detecting new
rules that replace the bad ones via the competition
between the chromosomes in the evolutionary
The IRL (Iterative Rule Learning) approach, in
which each chromosome represents a rule.
Chromosomes compete in every GA run, choosing
the best rule per run. The global solution is formed
by the best rules obtained when the algorithm is run
multiple times. SIA [4] is a proposal that follows
this approach.
The GCCL (genetic cooperative-competitive
learning) approach, in which the complete
population or a subset of it encodes the RB. In this
model the chromosomes compete and cooperate
simultaneously. COGIN [19], REGAL [1] and
NOW G-Net [2] are examples with this kind of
In relation with scalability, one of the approaches to
scale supervised data mining algorithms is to use data
distribution in a number of processors [3]. Then each
processor performs genetic learning using a single
training data subset and a single subpopulation. It
seems that each sub-population is likely to over fit the
corresponding training data subset. Some approaches
have been applied to avoid this problem:
Dynamically redistribute training data and rules. A
master process controls the data assigned trough the
learning process [1][2] to each client processor.
The data subsets assigned to each client processors
changes after a pre-specified number of generations
without removing the existing population. The
individuals will try to cover then the newly arrived
training data [6].
The proposal presented in this work follows GCCL
approach with a new dynamic data distribution
technique in order to get scalability without the
previously mentioned over fitting, and a central elite
pool to integrate the partial solutions.

This section details the distributed model and the

components of the genetic algorithm: representation,
genetic operators, genetic search and data reduction.
Last part of this section is devoted to the greedy
algorithm used for determine the best set of rules that
will make up the classifier from the redundant
population of rules generated by a GCCL algorithm.

3.1. Model
Using the intrinsic parallelism of GA, various
distributed GA have been proposed to reduce the
computational effort needed in solving complex
optimization problems. Instead of evolving the entire
population in a single processor, parallel GA applies
the concept of multiple intercommunicating
subpopulations [10] in analogy with the natural
evolution of spatially distributed populations namely
island model.
In order to improve scalability, we have assigned
different partitions of the learning data to each node.
Each node will tend to cover the local data proposing a
concept description. The communication of the best
individuals between subpopulations will enforce those
individuals that perform properly in more than one
GA 1

Rules &

Rules &

& Data partition

GA 4


Rules &

GA 2

Rules &
Rules &

GA 3

Figure 1. Distributed model

To avoid the disruption due to data partitioning we
propose a novel technique called data learning flow
(DLF). DLF it is based in the idea that a training
example not properly covered may be better covered in
another data partition. DLF copies the training
examples covered by low fitness rules to the
neighborhood. DLF allows recreating the original
concept represented by those learning examples in one
of the existing data partitions.
When the data does not have small disjunts [15] and
the classes are nearly balanced each node will produce

This section describes the characteristics of
EDGAR. This algorithm uses the inherent parallelism
of GA for distributing the population and the training
data in order to improve the scalability on large


a valid set of rules. But datasets with small dijunts will

be even more difficult to learn after data partitioning.
Another difference with the island model is the
extraction of the rule set that will form the final
solution. In an island model all the nodes will converge
to a similar population, but with data partitioning each
node will generate a different set of rules reflecting the
assigned data and may not perform properly against the
entire dataset.
This proposal uses an elite pool in a central node
with the full dataset for this purpose (see figure 1). The
nodes send their best rules to the elite pool. When the
classification ratio does not improve in the elite pool
for some generations the current set of rules is
extracted from this pool as the proposed classifier.
As a summary, the distributed model proposed is
based on:
Multiple intercommunicating subpopulations.
Distributed data and DLF.
Central elite pool.

using the Universal Suffrage (US) operator for

recombination and mutation. Each offspring will
replace a randomly selected individual in the current
After a number of iterations, some operations are
performed (see figure 2):
The rules that better cover the local data are copied
to other nodes and the elite pool.
Some individuals from other nodes replace
randomly selected individuals in the current
DLF: The learning examples not covered or
covered by low fitness rules are copied to other
If the best rules are the same for a number of
iterations, the best individual and their covered
cases are removed.
The process finalizes whether all the training data is
removed or the classification ratio in the central pool
does not improve after a number of generations.

3.2. Local genetic algorithm

3.3. Representation

EDGAR uses a local GA in each node with some

communications with the neighborhood for individuals
and poorly covered examples.

EDGAR uses a fixed length bit string representation

to code a disjunctive rule. The use of fix length
chromosomes allows having simpler genetic operators.
In order to keep the maxima that a local change on the
genotype implies a proportionate change on the
phenotype, each different possible value of an attribute
in a rule is represented as a single bit. Meaning a bit set
to 1 the presence of the value in the rule and a bit set to
0 the absence of this value in the rule.
A rule is composed by characteristics C= c1, c2, ... ,
cj, each one can take just one value in each instance of
the data mined but the rule may have more than one
value for this characteristic.
For example, a rule which covers a dataset with
three antecedents c1 (v1,v2,v3), c2(v4,v5), c3 (v6,v7,v8) and
the consequent class(v9,v10) will be represented as seen
in figure 3.

Generate initial population using seeding

While (Stop Criteria)
For a number of generations
Select g individuals by US
For each individual
If % Perform recombination
If % Perform mutation
replace g individual from population
Exchange individuals
Exchange training examples
Extract set of rules by greedy algorithm
Send set of rules to Central Pool
If (not improving) reduce training data

if c1 in (v1,v3) and c3 in (v1 ) then class is v2

V1 v2 v3
v6 v7 v8 v9 v10
Figure 3. Example of rule representation

Figure 2.Local Genetic Algorithm

Each node receives a subset of the training
examples randomly selected from the initial dataset.
Each training example only will exist initially in one
partition. The initial population is created with rules
covering some of the examples of the initial population
(seeding). In each cycle some individual are selected

3.4. Fitness
The fitness function is based on the following


Simplicity: considered as the number of

conditions in a rule. In a bit string representation,
as more zeros are presents in the formula, as
fewer conditions in the rule.
inversely the number of
misclassifications. This means examples covered
with a different assigned class.

guarantees that all the examples will be selected either

in the standard phase with the initial dataset, or in the
final phase, with the reduced dataset.

3.7. Greedy algorithm for rule set extraction

This algorithm is used by the nodes to send their
partial model to the pool and also to extract the final
classifier from the central pool.
The population in any node is a redundant set of
rules that does not specify how they perform the
classification. The classifier must be extracted from
this pool taking into account coverage, classification
and simplicity. As two of them are already managed by
the fitness at rule level, a derived expression gives
order criteria ( ) to extract the proposed rule set:

The fitness function is

zeros(r )

f (r ) = 1 +
lenght(r )


Where Cases- means the number of covered

examples predicted has false positives (different
consequent as the rule). Zeros(r) is the number of
zeroes in the bit string representation of the rule r and
length is the chromosome length in bits.

zeros(r )

: 1 +
(r )


* Cases +

3.5. Genetic operators

Once selected the rule, all the positive cases of this
one are removed and the rest of candidate rules are
newly reordered. When no examples are uncovered the
process returns the rule set. This rule set represents the
current concept description in an ordered set where the
first applicable rule predicts the result. This set is
calculated frequently to decide if the model is more
accurate than the previous one. When the model does
not longer improve, it returns the last concept
description extracted.

The species formation is of great importance in a

GCCL algorithm. For this purpose EDGAR uses the
selection operator universal suffrage (US) first used in
[1]. This mechanism creates niches of coverage that do
not compete between them (co-evolution).
The recombination and mutation operators are
based on standard bit string representation and are
applied on the selected parents based on a probability.
The recombination operator used is the two-point
crossover. The mutation operator changes one random
bit in the chromosome.

3.6. Data training set

evolution and covering


4. Experimental study


In this section we describe the experimental study

developed. Subsection 4.1 give details of dataset and
algorithms used for comparison. Subsection 4.2 shows
the methodology followed in the experiments,
subsection 4.3 shows the results, and finally, in
subsection 4.3 we analyze them.

US is a powerful and flexible operator for most

situations, but if training examples representing a
concept are a in a smaller amount than other concepts,
US could makes the rule disappear under the attraction
of the rules with more voters.
In order to dedicate more computational effort to
the more difficult to learn examples the algorithm
deletes the examples already learned. The process is
the following: when the algorithm detects that the rule
set has the same rules in a number of generation, the
best rule is removed from the population. The criteria
of selection for the best rule is based on number of
positive cases and the fitness. The worst rules covering
fewer examples will receive more computational efforts
allowing a better coverage.
This strategy also makes the algorithm less
dependent on the example-population ratio because it

4.1 Datasets and algorithms

For the experimental study, a well known problem
has been chosen from UCI [16]: Nursery. This dataset
has 12.960 instances, big enough to test data
distribution. Nursery is a complex dataset with 6
characteristics and 5 not balanced classes, representing
three of them more than 97% of the dataset.
The algorithm chosen for comparison is REGAL.
As was commented before, this algorithm is a
distributed evolutionary algorithm using US. However
the parallelization strategies is different than the one
proposed in this work: REGAL centralizes the search


trough the direct assignation of learning examples to

nodes and EDGAR let the local heuristics and the
enhanced island model to drive the search.

Table 3: Results of EDGAR

Nodes Time Rules %Test %Training
2,89 173
1,59 209
1,20 206
1,11 231
1,21 199

4.2 Comparison Methodology

We have evaluated both algorithms using 5
partitions with 50% of training and testing.
The comparison will measure the quality of the
classifier and speed up achieved relative to the number
of processors. The first one is given by the number of
rules and classification ratio. The speed up is measured
trough the total execution time having the same
parameters in each execution.
The comparison has been carried out with 1600
individual as sum of all local node population. This
population has been proved to be big enough for both
algorithms to get the maximum accuracy and lower
number of rules.









Figure 4. Compared time Nursery execution

4.4 Analysis

Table 1: Execution parameters

Stopping criteria
500 gen.
Not improve
in 5 gen.
Communication ratio 10%
10% max
Generation Gap

Analyzing tables 2 and 3, we can point out:

The time of execution (see figure 4) of the
proposed has a considerable speedup and a better
behavior than the compared algorithm when the
number of processors increases.
Classification accuracy is similar in both
algorithms and does not follow any tendency
relative to the number of processors
The number of rules generated is between 60%
and 80% smaller in EDGAR.

The experiments have been realized having

configurations from 4 to 64 nodes in order to study the
impact of the distribution on the referenced variables.
Table 2 shows value parameters used. The stopping
criteria for REGAL has been calculated experimentally
using the same criteria as with the population.

5. Conclusions
This work presents an evolutionary distributed
genetic algorithm for classification rules extraction
based on the island model and enhanced for scalability
with data training partitioning. To be able to generate
an accurate classifier with data partition two techniques
has been proposed: an elitist pool for rule selection and
a novel technique of data distribution (DLF) that uses
heuristics based on the local data to dynamically
redistribute the training data in the node
In this preliminary study EDGAR shows a
considerable speed up and even more, this
improvement does not compromised the accuracy and
quality of the classifier.
Finally, we would like to remark the absence of a
master process to guide the search. This architecture
suggests a better scalability by avoiding idle time due

4.3 Results
Tables 2 and 3 represent average on 150 executions
(5 for each partition, 6 different seeds and 5 node
configurations). First column is the number of nodes.
Second is the execution time in minutes. Finally, third
and fourth columns show the classification results for
test and training dataset.
Table 2: Results of REGAL
Nodes Time Rules %Test %Training
1,78 290
1,97 251
2,32 250
2,81 268
3,08 316


[14] C. Schaffer, When does over fitting decrease prediction

accuracy in induced decision trees and rule sets?,
Proceedings of the European Working Session on Learning
(EWSL-91),1991, pp. 192205.

to synchronization issues or network bottleneck

typically associated to master-slave relation.

6. Acknowledgements

[15] G. M. Weiss, Learning with rare cases and small

disjunts, Proc. 12th Int. Conf. Machine Learning (ML-95),
1995, pp. 558-565.

This work has been supported by the Spanish

Ministry of Education and Science under grant No.
government under grant No. P05-TIC-00531 and No.

[16] UCI C. J. Merz and P. M. Murphy, UCI repository of

machine learning databases. University of California Irvine,
Department of Information and Computer Science,
http://kdd.ics.uci.edu, 1996.

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