Classifying Imbalanced Data Sets Using Similarity Based Hierarchical Decomposition

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Classifying Imbalanced Data Sets Using

Similarity Based Hierarchical Decomposition

Cigdem BEYAN (Corresponding author), Robert FISHER

School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, G.12 Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street,

Edinburgh EH8 9AB, UK

Tel: 44-131-651-3441 Fax: 44-131-650-6899,


Classification of data is difficult if the data is imbalanced and classes are overlapping. In recent years,
more research has started to focus on classification of imbalanced data since real world data is often
skewed. Traditional methods are more successful with classifying the class that has the most samples
(majority class) compared to the other classes (minority classes). For the classification of imbalanced
data sets, different methods are available, although each has some advantages and shortcomings. In
this study, we propose a new hierarchical decomposition method for imbalanced data sets which is
different from previously proposed solutions to the class imbalance problem. Additionally, it does not
require any data pre-processing step as many other solutions need. The new method is based on
clustering and outlier detection. The hierarchy is constructed using the similarity of labeled data
subsets at each level of the hierarchy with different levels being built by different data and feature
subsets. Clustering is used to partition the data while outlier detection is utilized to detect minority
class samples. The comparison of the proposed method with state of art the methods using 20 public
imbalanced data sets and 181 synthetic data sets showed that the proposed method’s classification
performance is better than the state of art methods. It is especially successful if the minority class is
sparser than the majority class. It has accurate performance even when classes have sub-varieties and
minority and majority classes are overlapping. Moreover, its performance is also good when the class
imbalance ratio is low, i.e. classes are more imbalanced.

Keywords: Class imbalance problem, Hierarchical decomposition, Clustering, Outlier detection,

Minority-majority classes.

1. Introduction

In recent years, learning and classification with imbalanced data sets has become one of the key topics
in pattern recognition due to its challenges especially for real-world applications where the data sets
are dominated by normal examples in addition to a small amount of unusual examples [1, 2, 3].
Usually, the samples are grouped into binary classes. The well-represented class is called the majority
class and the under-represented class is called the minority class. In such a case, a problem usually
occurs because traditional classification algorithms tend to be biased towards to the majority class [4,
5]. On the other hand, even though being imbalanced is not always a problem (such as where the
classes are separable) imbalanced data sets usually contain overlapping regions where the prior
probabilities of the two classes are almost equal [6]. Moreover, small disjuncts, and small sample size
with high feature dimensionality [7] are frequently observed challenges in imbalanced data sets
causing classification errors as well.

The appropriate evaluation criteria (such as the feature selection criterion to lead the training process
and/or the criterion to evaluate the performance of classifiers) are also important issues when dealing
with imbalanced data sets. For evaluation, many metrics exists in the literature. Accuracy is the most
frequently used metric which is the sum of correctly predicted minority and majority samples over the
total amount of samples. However, for imbalanced data sets, it is obvious that using accuracy might
misguide the classifier and the importance of the minority class can be ignored since it is under-
represented. This might be worse (total misclassification of the minority class) if the ratio between the
classes is huge and the data is highly overlapping. Based on this, many alternative metrics has been
proposed for evaluation of imbalanced classification. The geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity
[8], adjusted geometric mean [9], Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) [10],
and the F-measure which uses precision and recall (useful especially if we are highly interested in
effective classification of a specific class) [5] are examples of effective metrics in this area.

Applications utilizing imbalanced data sets are diverse such as text categorization, medical diagnosis,
fault detection, fraud detection, video surveillance, image annotations, anomaly detection [2, 4, 11].
Inherently, the diversity in applications has led to different solutions over the years. Approaches are
traditionally divided into four categories: i) algorithmic level, ii) data level, iii) cost-sensitive methods
and iv) ensembles of classifiers.

i) The algorithmic level approaches force the classifier to converge to a decision threshold
biased to an accurate classification of the minority class such as by adjusting the weights for each
class. For instance, in [3] a weighted Euclidean distance function was used to classify the samples
using k-nearest neighbors (k-NN). Similarly, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a kernel
function biased to the minority class is proposed in [12] to improve the minority class prediction.

ii) The cost-sensitive approaches assign different costs to training examples of the majority and
the minority classes [13, 14]. However, it is difficult to set the cost properly (can be done in many
ways) and may depend on the characteristics of the data sets. The standard public classification
data sets do not contain the costs [2] and over-training is highly possible when searching to find
the most appropriate cost.

iii) Re-sampling the data in order to handle the problems caused by the imbalanced nature of data
is another approach. This data level approach does not modify the existing classifiers and is
applied as a pre-processing technique prior to the training of a classifier. The data set can be re-
sampled by oversampling the minority class [3], and/or under sampling the majority class [8, 15,
16]. Even though being independent of the classifier seems like an advantage, it is usually hard to
determine the optimal re-sampling ratio automatically. Additionally, it might be problematic to
oversample minority classes yet keep the distribution the same, especially in real-world
applications where overlaps between minority and majority classes are highly likely. Similarly,
while under-sampling the majority class, it is usually difficult to keep the new distribution of the
majority class as similar as the distribution that it is sub-sampled from.

iv) Ensembles of classifiers have been popular in the last decade [17]. There are two main
approaches; bagging and boosting. Bagging contains different classifiers which are applied to
subsets of the data [18]. Alternatively, in boosting, the whole set is used to train classifiers in each
iteration while more attention is given to the classification of the samples that are misclassified in
the previous iteration. This is done by adjusting the weights toward their correct classification.
The most well known boosting method is AdaBoost [19]. Even though ensembles are frequently
used for classification of imbalanced data sets, they are not able to handle the imbalanced data
sets by themselves. And they require one or a combination of the approaches that are mentioned
above such as re-sampling data (SMOTEBoost [20], EUSBoost [2] etc.).

In this study, we propose a new approach which is not completely defined by any of these categories
presented above. The proposed method is a hierarchical decomposition which is based on clustering
and uses outlier detection as the classifier. Following the standard approach in the literature, we
consider only two-class problems with imbalanced data sets. The hierarchy is built using the similarity
of data subsets while using the selected best feature subset (in terms of a chosen feature selection
criterion) at each level of the hierarchy. Clustering of data based on the selected feature subset
(without initially using known class labels) is the way to partition the data into separable subsets.
Using outlier detection as the classifier is due to the assumption that the samples of the minority class
are expected to be outliers and should be differentiated by the chosen outlier definition. For instance,
outliers can be the samples that are far away from cluster center given a cluster composed of samples
of the majority and the minority classes.

The basic steps of the proposed hierarchical decomposition are clustering (Section 3.1), outlier
detection (Section 3.2), and feature selection (Section 3.3). The hierarchy is automatically generated
using the similarities of data samples and does not use any class and/or feature taxonomy as
hierarchical classifiers do. Many hierarchical classifiers are motivated by a taxonomy such as [21, 22].
In contrast to approaches which use the same feature space for all classifications we use different
feature subsets at different levels of the hierarchy. This allows us to use more specific features once
the data has become more focused onto specific subclasses (which might occur in the lower levels of
the hierarchy).

The proposed method is evaluated using data sets from different fields and is compared with popular
supervised learning methods in combination with algorithmic level and data level approaches.
Additionally, synthetic data sets are used to test the performance of the proposed method in detail and
different conditions (Section 4).

The contributions of this paper are as follows:

 We present a novel method that uses outlier detection in combination with clustering to
classify imbalanced data sets,
 We present a new hierarchical decomposition method which does not use any fixed hierarchy
based on features and/or classes. By being based on clustering, it is different from common
hierarchical methods which use supervised learning,
 We show that different feature spaces can be used to build the hierarchy,
 Results show that the proposed method is successful especially when the distribution of the
minority class is sparser than the majority class. It performs well when the class imbalanced
ratio (the number of minority class samples over majority class samples) is low. It is
successful if the majority and minority samples are highly overlapping and even when both
classes contain varieties (such as having a mixture of distributions or having subclasses).
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 briefly discusses the previous research on the class
imbalance problem, hierarchical classifiers and hierarchical decomposition methods. Section 3
introduces the proposed method including the hierarchy construction (training step), new sample
classification using the hierarchy (testing step) and basic methods (clustering, outlier detection, and
feature selection). The test data sets, experimental set up and the corresponding results are given in
Section 4. Finally, Section 5 discusses the proposed method with its advantages and shortcomings.

2. Related Research

The research related to the proposed method can be divided into two subsections: research considering
the class imbalance problem and research about hierarchical classifiers and decomposition.

2.1 Class imbalance problem

One of the most popular re-sampling approaches is SMOTE [3] which creates synthetic minority class
instances by pre-processing before classification. In this approach, for each minority class sample a
new sample is created on the line joining it to the nearest minority class neighbor. Previously, it has
been combined with many supervised methods such as SVM [5], Naive Bayes [3], C4.5 [2, 3],
Random Forest [23, 24]. Even though it is popular and works better than only under-sampling the
majority class, it does not always achieves better classification performance compared to the original
classifiers as observed in [25]. A possible reason for this is that the newly generated samples might
cause class overlapping. There are some improved versions of SMOTE as well such as Borderline
SMOTE [26], SMOTEBoost [20], and modified SMOTE [26]. Recently, Barua et al. [27] proposed a
novel oversampling method which identifies the most informative minority class samples, which are
the samples hard to classify. Using clustering, weights were assigned to each minority samples
according to their distance to majority class samples. Finally, the synthetic samples were generated
using those weighted samples.

In addition to oversampling, bagging with oversampling for a bioinformatics application is presented

in [28]. Differently, Liu et al. [29] proposes a double ensemble classifier by combining bagging and
boosting. In that study, EasyEnsemble and BalanceCascade use bagging in the first ensemble and also
for each bag AdaBoost [19] is used. Seiffert et al. [30] combined sampling and ensemble techniques
(RUSBoost; random under sampling with boosting) to improve the classification performance in
skewed data. The algorithm is close to SMOTEBoost [20] while being simpler, faster and performing
much better. Random under sampling (RUS) randomly removes the majority class samples until the
training set becomes balanced. However, the results shows that making the dataset completely
balanced (imbalanced ratio=1) might result in lower performance than having imbalanced ratio a bit
lower than 1. A boosting algorithm with an ensemble of SVM was presented in [31] where the
minority class prediction is increased compared to pure SVM. In this study [31], Boosting-SVM with
Asymmetric Cost is the best on average compared to very popular methods such as SMOTEBoost
[20], random under sampling with SVM and SVM-SMOTE [3] for imbalanced data classification.

On the other hand, cost sensitive approaches which are usually applied in earlier works include many
variations applied with k-nearest neighbors (kNN) [32], SVM [33], decision trees [34], logistic
regression [35] and so forth. For instance, imbalanced logistic regression (ILR) was advocated in [35]
for mine classification which is based on logistic regression. The results show that ILR is better in
classification of imbalanced datasets compared to pure logistic regression but not very successful on
classification of datasets which have a high amount of outliers.

In summary, the number of proposed approaches in this field is very large. Interested readers can refer
to review papers [17, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39] for a very detailed discussion of imbalanced data

2.2 Hierarchical Classifiers and Hierarchical Decomposition

Hierarchical methods for classification can be considered in two categories: i) Hierarchical classifiers,
ii) Hierarchical decomposition. In the former case, there is a pre-defined hierarchy such as a taxonomy
and the classes are organized using this taxonomy as a tree or a graph. In the latter case, there is no
pre-defined class hierarchy and the hierarchy is created using factors such as similarity of data [40].

Many studies [41, 42, 43, 44] have focused on hierarchical classifiers. Wu et al. [42] used a tree
shaped class taxonomy for a multi class scenario while using a multi-class classifier at each parent
node. Li et al. [43] presented a method for automatic music genre classification. In that paper [43], the
taxonomy gives the relationship between the genres and in addition to genre classification automatic
taxonomies were built by using the similarity matrix from linear discrimination. Classification in large
taxonomies was re-visited with improved results in [44]. In that work [44], solutions for error
propagation (which affects the classification of the lower levels of the hierarchy much more) and the
complex decision boundaries occurring in higher levels of the hierarchy were studied. Silla et al. [45]
proposed a method based on a fixed taxonomy for hierarchical protein function prediction. Given the
fixed taxonomy, a couple of strategies were applied: selecting best classifier, selecting the best feature
representation given a fixed classifier and selecting the best classifier and best feature representation.

Hierarchical decomposition is as popular as hierarchical classifiers and in this study we are also
proposing a method for this category. The most common type of hierarchical decomposition is
dividing a multi class problem in a hierarchical way to obtain binary hierarchical classifier [40]. In this
technique, a hierarchy can be created using the similarity of classes. For instance, Kumar et al. [46]
divided classes in a hierarchical way where classes similar to each other are grouped together. This
turns the multi-class classification problem into a binary classification problem. Similarly, hierarchical
SVM was presented in [22] for multi-class classification. In that method, classes are partitioned into
two subsets until one class label is obtained at a leaf node based on class similarities. SVM based
hierarchical clustering was used for text mining utilizing the similarities between features [47].
Dividing the problem into smaller problems by the hierarchy results in selecting a smaller set of
features (a more specific domain term features) to a sub-problem which increased the accuracy and
efficiency [47]. Freitas et al. [48] proposed a method for generation of meta-classes on the fly without
using a taxonomy. In this work [48], a two level hierarchy was constructed where the leaf is composed
by the similarity of the meta-class level. Epshtein and Ullman [21] built an automatic hierarchy using
the relationship between features. The same feature extraction procedure is applied at all levels of the
hierarchy. The top-level features are broken into their smaller components and for all levels of the
hierarchy different features, sub-features and their specific parameters are learned using the training
samples. The results showed that dividing features into a hierarchy performs better than using features
as a whole. Hierarchical clustering is combined with entropy based feature selection to construct a
binary hierarchical structure [49]. The method results in a hierarchy which has different feature
subsets. At each component of the hierarchy SVM is used as the classifier. This method [49]
performed better than traditional one-against-one hierarchical decomposition for multi-class audio
event classification for healthcare applications.

Studies such as [21, 47, 50, 51] showed that hierarchical methods can have better classification
performance compared to flat classification techniques. More interested readers can refer to [40] for a
recent survey which combines different hierarchical classifiers in different application areas and
highlights the differences between hierarchical classifiers and hierarchical decomposition.

In this study, the proposed hierarchy is not based on any taxonomy between features or classes. It is a
hierarchical decomposition technique which uses feature selection to find the similarities between data
and an outlier detection method to determine the data samples belong to a specific level of the
hierarchy. Therefore, the different levels of hierarchy use different data and feature subsets.
Additionally, the class imbalance problem that we consider is a two class problem embedded in a

3. Hierarchical Decomposition for Imbalanced Data Set Classification

The basic components of the proposed hierarchical method are i) clustering (Section 3.1), ii) outlier
detection (Section 3.2) and iii) feature selection (Section 3.3). Feature selection is embedded into
clustering and outlier detection. Clustering of data on selected features without using data labels
partitions the data into clusters some of which might be separable. In Section 3.4, the training step of
the proposed method, which is the construction of the hierarchy, is given. To automatically generate
the hierarchy, data is first clustered then classified by outlier detection using the ground truth data. In
contrast to previous research that uses the same feature set for every level of the hierarchy or a flat
classifier, we use different feature sets at different levels of the hierarchy (similar to [45] while our
method is different by not using a fixed taxonomy). As the last part of this section (Section 3.5) we
describe the classification phase of the proposed method which is called as “new data sample
classification using the hierarchy”.

3.1 Clustering

In this study, we used Affinity Propagation (AP) [52] for clustering. AP has been applied as a
clustering method in various studies including anomaly detection which is an imbalanced data set
application. AP identifies the cluster centers from actual data points which are called cluster
exemplars. The method uses the pair-wise similarity of each pair of feature points which is the
negative of the Euclidean distance between the points. The objective function of AP tries to find the
exemplars that maximize the overall sum of similarities between all exemplars and their data points
given the similarity matrix. There are two kinds of messages between data points. The first message,
which is called responsibility, is from data point i to j that represents the accumulated evidence for
how appropriate it would be for the data point j to be the exemplar for data point i. The second
message, which is availability, represents how appropriate it would be for data point i to choose data
point j as its exemplar. More information can be found in [52].
AP has many advantages over traditional clustering methods such as its fast processing speed, being
non-parametric, not requiring initialization, not depending on sample order (such as hierarchical
clustering) and scalability (which makes our method scalable as well). However, in our case the main
reasons for using this method are its ability i) to produce smaller clusters, and ii) to produce uneven
sized clusters which is compatible with the outlier detection method that we used.

3.2 Outlier Detection

An outlier is defined as a datum which is distant from other data points in the same cluster. Most of
the time, the cardinality of the outliers is smaller than the other data points in the same cluster. By
using this definition in an imbalanced data set problem outliers become samples of the minority class.

In this study, we adapted the outlier detection method from [53] and use it to detect minority class
samples. This is the foundation of classification in the proposed method. We assume two types of
outliers (Figure 1):
- Those located in small clusters,
- Those in dense clusters but far from center of the cluster.

To detect the small and dense clusters, a threshold is defined based on the cardinality of all clusters. A
cluster which has fewer data samples than 10% of the median cardinality of clusters or a cluster that
has only one data point is defined as a small cluster. All samples that belong to such a cluster are
classified as the minority class (Figure 1a, the clusters having boundaries with thick lines). Otherwise,
the cluster is a dense cluster, and outliers are detected using the Euclidean distance between the sample
and the cluster exemplar (Figure 1a, the clusters having boundary with dashed lines and Figure 1b). A
data sample whose distance is longer than the threshold τ=μ+wσ (with mean (μ), weight (w) and
standard deviation (σ) of all distances between all samples and cluster exemplar) of that cluster is
defined as an outlier and this makes it belong to the minority class (Figure 1b). This threshold is
different and specific for a given cluster and is calculated in terms of the data in its cluster. The w is
taken as {-1, -0.3, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3} in the experiments given in
Section 4. For interested readers, evolutionary algorithms can be adapted to find the optimal w but in
our experiments, the values of w that we used were good enough to obtain good performances.

(a) (b)
Fig. 1: (a) A representation of clustered data, for small clusters boundaries are shown with thick lines and dense
clusters’ boundaries are shown with dashed lines, (b) Outlier detection in dense clusters: samples which are
inside of the inner circle are classified as the majority class whereas the rest of the samples are classified as the
minority class, given threshold τ.
3.3 Feature Selection

As mentioned before, feature selection is embedded in clustering and outlier detection. In this step, we
use Sequential Forward Feature Selection [54] to find the best feature subset. Feature selection helps
to decrease the chance of over-fitting, eliminate irrelevant, redundant features and even features that
might misguide clustering. Different from the standard procedure of Sequential Forward Feature
Selection, we use the mean of sensitivity (Eq. 1) and specificity (Eq. 2) (as suggested in [8] for
imbalanced data set evaluation) as the feature selection evaluation criteria rather than the accuracy
which increases misclassification of the minority class especially when the number of minority class
samples are very low.

Table 1: Contingency table for two-class problems.

Prediction as positive class Prediction as negative class

(Minority Class) (Majority Class)
Positive Class
True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
(Minority Class)
Negative Class
False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)
(Majority Class)

Sensitivity (True Positive Rate)= TPrate= TP/ (TP+FN); minority class accuracy (1)
Specificity (True Negative Rate)= TNrate= TN/ (TN+FP); majority class accuracy (2)

Feature selection is used as follows: Given the current set of features, an additional feature is added,
clustering and outlier detection are performed with the extended feature set. The mean of sensitivity
and specificity are found using the ground-truth labels. All possible additional features are tried in the
same way, and the extension with the best classification performance using the training set is kept.
Adding features to the current feature subset stops when the classification performance on the training
set decreases compared to the previous feature subset.

The experiments were evaluated using different feature selection algorithms as well. We applied
Laplacian score [55] and Multi-cluster approach [56] that are a filtering based feature selection
algorithms (meaning that class labels are not being used). The results showed that Sequential Forward
Feature Selection performs better than these filtering methods even though it is much slower. We tried
different feature selection criteria as well, such as precision and recall, accuracy, mutual information
etc. using the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity as the evaluation metric. Those criteria did
not perform as well as the mean of sensitivity and specificity.
3.4 Hierarchy Construction

We start with two definitions:

 Perfectly classified clusters: Contain the samples that are all correctly classified by the outlier
detection process. A perfectly classified cluster can include:
­ Both minority and majority class samples which are correctly classified using the outlier
detection threshold (perfectly classified mixed, Figure 2a),
­ Only majority class samples which are correctly classified using the outlier detection
threshold (perfectly classified pure majority, Figure 2b)
­ Only minority class samples which are correctly classified due to being in a small clusters
where we assume that samples of small clusters are outliers (perfectly classified pure
minority, Figure 2c)

 Misclassified clusters: Consist of at least one data sample that is not correctly classified by the
outlier detection process. A misclassified cluster can contain:
­ Both minority and majority class samples with at least one sample wrongly classified using
the outlier detection threshold (misclassified mixed, Figure 2d),
­ Only majority class samples with at least one sample classified as a minority sample using
the outlier detection threshold (misclassified pure majority when the cluster is a dense
cluster, Figure 2e),
­ Only majority class samples which are wrongly classified as minority samples due to being
in a small cluster (misclassified pure majority when the cluster is a small cluster, Figure 2f),
­ Only minority class samples where at least one sample is classified as a majority sample
using the outlier detection threshold (misclassified pure minority, Figure 2g).

Perfectly classified clusters

(a) (b) (c)

Misclassified clusters

(d) (e) (f) (g)

Fig. 2: Definitions used in hierarchy construction: perfectly classified clusters, misclassified clusters. A
perfectly classified cluster can be a) perfectly classified mixed, b) perfectly classified pure majority, c) perfectly
classified pure minority. A misclassified cluster can be d) misclassified mixed, e) misclassified pure majority
when the cluster is a dense cluster, f) misclassified pure majority when the cluster is a small cluster, g)
misclassified pure minority. Diamonds represent the samples from the minority class while circles represent the
samples from the majority class. The outlier detection thresholds for dense clusters are shown with dashed red

The training phase constructs a hierarchy which involves the selection of features and determine the
clusters with their outlier detection threshold (which is specific for each cluster and is only applied to
dense clusters) while a subset of data is used at each level of the hierarchy. All of the training data
points are used for the construction of the first level of the hierarchy. Any data which belongs to a
perfectly classified cluster at any level are not used at further levels.

At each level of the hierarchy, a subset of features, which are found by feature selection (Section 3.3)
are used for clustering. Following this, outlier detection is applied to each cluster (Section 3.2) and the
minority class and majority class predictions are determined. Then, using the ground truth labels the
sensitivity (Eq. 1) and specificity (Eq. 2) are found. Feature selection stops when the value of the
feature selection criterion on the training set (for the specific level) decreases compared to the previous
iteration of feature selection. This determines the best feature set for the current level. After the best
feature set is found, clusters are labeled either as perfectly classified clusters or misclassified clusters
using the ground truth data. The figure illustrating those steps is given in Figure 3.
All perfectly classified clusters are fixed for that level of the hierarchy and hierarchy building recurs
with the samples which belong to misclassified clusters (all of these samples are collected together for
the next level of feature section, clustering and outlier detection). The tree is extended recursively until
there is no perfectly classified cluster or every sample is perfectly classified. The leaf nodes of the
hierarchy are either i) perfectly classified clusters which can be observed mostly at the upper levels, ii)
misclassified clusters which can only be at the bottom level of the hierarchy.

Fig. 3: (a) Overview of proposed method: Diamonds represent the samples from the minority class while circles
represent the samples from the majority class. The outlier detection thresholds for dense clusters are shown with
dashed red circle. After clustering and outlier detection, clusters are labeled either as perfectly classified clusters
or misclassified clusters using the ground truth data. Perfectly classified clusters contain the samples all
correctly classified by the outlier detection and decomposition for the samples belong to perfectly classified
clusters stops at this point. Misclassified clusters consist of at least one sample that is not correctly classified.
Clustering, feature selection and outlier detection is repeated for the samples of misclassified clusters.
The pseudo-code for training is:

Input: Training Set: X ={X1, X2,…XN}

Ground-truth labels: G ={G1, G2,…GN}
Size of training set: N
Features: F ={f1, f2,…,fM} % all possible features
Total number of features: M
Feature Selection Criterion Function: E
Outlier detection thresholds: w={-1, -0.3, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5,3}
Output: Hierarchy H ={ Total number of levels: L
Selected Feature Subsets: selFea ={sf1, sf2,… sfL}, where sfi  F
Perfectly Classified Clusters: Cperfect ={CP1, CP2,… CPL}
Misclassified Clusters: Cmis ={CM1, CM2,…CML}
where CPi and CMi  set of all subsets of X
for z=1:size(w)
wz=w(z); % current outlier detection threshold
while current_level >=1
if current_level ==1
sfcurrent_level={}; =F; % all features
while (NOT featureSelection_converged)
for fi
[C] =Clustering (remaining_samples, (sfcurrent_level  {fi}));
% using algorithm in Section 3.1
[CPi, CMi] =OutlierDetection (C, wz); % using algorithm in Section 3.2
ei =evaluate( CPi, CMi, G);
select j=
sfcurrent_level= sfcurrent_level  { fj}
= \ { fj}
featureSelection_converged =E(sfcurrent_level) ≤ E(sfcurrent_level \ { fj})
H. L =current_level;
H. Cperfect(H.L) =CPj-1;
H. Cmis(H.L) =CMj-1;
H. selFea(H.L) =sfcurrent_level\{ fj};

if notEmpty(H.Cperfect(H.L)) and size(samples(H.Cperfect))  N

% there is at least one perfectly classified cluster
% and the total number of perfectly classified
% samples are not equal to N
current_level =current_level+1;
current_level =0;
3.5 New Data Sample Classification Using the Hierarchy

During the new data sample classification (testing), the constructed hierarchy including the
misclassified clusters of each level, the selected feature subset for each level and the outlier detection
threshold for each cluster are used. Testing is rule based and very efficient since it is based on distance
calculations between the new data point and the clusters in each level to find the closest cluster. The
closest cluster is found using the Euclidean distance between the test data sample’s feature vector
(using the features selected for the current hierarchy level) and all cluster centers at a given level.

At each level in the hierarchy, the closest cluster can be one of 6 possible cluster types (“perfectly
classified pure minority”, “perfectly classified pure majority”, “perfectly classified mixed”,
“misclassified pure majority”, “misclassified pure minority”, and “misclassified mixed”) as described
in Section 3.4. At each level in the hierarchy, for the new data sample, 3 types of class decisions are
possible: “majority class sample”, “candidate minority sample” and “no effect on the decision”
Figure 4 summarizes the testing algorithm.

At the given hierarchy level (with its trained clusters, outlier detection thresholds, and selected
features) and a new data sample, the first step of the algorithm is to compute the characteristics of the
closest cluster, which can be one of the followings:

i. The closest cluster is a “perfectly classified pure minority cluster” (underlined with red and
shown as “a)” in Figure 4) which makes the new data sample a “candidate minority sample”.
The new data sample goes to the next hierarchy level.
ii. The closest cluster is a “perfectly classified pure majority cluster” (underlined with red and
shown as “b)” in Figure 4) and the new data sample is further than the outlier detection
threshold of that cluster. This makes the new data sample a “candidate minority sample”. The
new data sample goes to the new hierarchy level.
iii. The closest cluster is a “perfectly classified pure majority cluster” and the distance between the
new data sample and the corresponding cluster’s centre is smaller than the outlier detection
threshold of that cluster. This makes the new data sample a “majority class sample” and
classification stops.
iv. The closest cluster is a “perfectly classified mixed cluster” (underlined with red and shown as
“c)” in Figure 4) and the new data sample is further than the outlier detection threshold of that
cluster which makes the new data sample a “candidate minority sample”. The new data sample
goes to the next hierarchy level.
v. If case iv occurs, but the distance between the new data sample and cluster centre is smaller than
the threshold, then the new data sample is a “majority class sample” and classification stops.
vi. The closest cluster is a “misclassified cluster” (pure or mixed) (underlined with red and shown
as “d)” in Figure 4) then the data sample proceeds to the next level. This does not have any
effect on the classification of the new data sample unless all the closest clusters at each level are
“misclassified cluster” (“no effect on the decision”, see below for the applied rules in this case).

As seen, even a single level’s decision of the majority class is enough to classify the new data sample
as “majority sample” regardless of the level of the hierarchy. On the other hand, if there is no decision
as majority class sample from any level and if the decision of at least one level is “candidate minority
sample” (underlined with green and shown as “a)” In Figure 4) then the class of the new sample is
declared to be “minority sample”. However, as mentioned in case vi, it is possible that the closest
cluster at each level of the hierarchy is a misclassified cluster (underlined with green and shown as
“b)” in Figure 4). In this case, we use the ground-truth labels of the training samples and apply the
following rules, starting from the top of the hierarchy:

vii. The closest cluster at the current level contains all majority class training samples by looking at
the ground-truth class labels: If the new data sample is not further than the rest of the samples in
that cluster this makes it a “majority class sample” (classification stops here); otherwise the data
goes to the next hierarchy level (underlined with purple and shown as “b)” in Figure 4).
viii. The closest cluster contains all minority class training samples by the ground-truth: The data is
sent to the next hierarchy level (underlined with purple and shown as “a)” in Figure 4), to apply
the rules vii, viii, ix, and x again.
ix. The closest cluster contains both majority and minority training samples: In this case, we apply
the nearest neighbor rule (underlined with purple and shown as “c)” in Figure 4) which makes
the class of the new sample the same as the closest training sample’s class. If the class is
majority class then classification stops. Otherwise, the data goes to the next level to apply the
rules vii, viii, ix, and x.
x. If the data reaches the last level and were not classified as majority class sample in the last level
as well, then the data is classified as a “minority class sample”.

In this study, we used the heuristic that a decision as a “majority class sample” at any level stops the
classification of the new sample while a decision as a “minority class sample” sends the new data
sample to the next hierarchy level. Other strategies can also be applied. For instance, for applications
where the classification of the minority class is more important than classification of majority class
(such as anomaly detection), the heuristics can be applied conversely. Then, any decision as a
“minority class sample” stops the classification regardless of the level of the hierarchy while decision
as a “candidate majority sample” sends the new sample to the next hierarchy level (see Section 5 for
more detailed discussion). Alternatively, all the samples can traverse all levels of the hierarchy while
decisions are made as “candidate majority class” and “candidate minority class”. In this case, the
final class decision can be done by majority voting.
Fig. 4: The flow chart of classification of a new data sample using a previously constructed (during training)
hierarchy. The characteristic of the closest cluster can be: a) perfectly classified pure minority, b) perfectly
classified pure majority, c) perfectly classified mixed, iv) misclassified cluster (either pure minority, pure
majority or mixed) (those are all underlined with red). The decisions can be: a) majority class, b) minority class,
c) candidate minority sample and iv) no effect on decision (which needs another iteration to classify the new
sample’s class as majority class or minority class). Decisions are all shown with rounded rectangles either with
single or double line. Rounded rectangles with double lines represent the final class of the new sample whereas
single line rounded rectangles indicate provisional decisions.
4. Experiments and Results

To evaluate the classification performance of the proposed method, the experimental setup can be
divided into two sections: i) experiments using public imbalanced data sets and ii) experiments with
synthetic data sets. In both parts the preprocessing algorithms that are given in Table 2 are applied.

Table 2: Preprocessing algorithms that are used.

Method Description

Feature Sequential forward feature selection method with the criterion of the mean of sensitivity
Selection [54] and specificity was used as described in Section 3.3.

Number of neighbors were selected as to make the dataset’s imbalance ratio (the number
of minority class samples over majority class samples [2, 4]) equal to 1. If this was not
possible (when imbalance ratio is too small), then we took the number of neighbors equal
to the number of minority class samples which made the set as balanced as it can be.

Under Bagging This was only applied with Random Forest. All minority samples were kept, and subsets
(Balanced of the majority class were chosen randomly to build the decision trees. The number of
Training [57]) majority class examples in the chosen subset was equal to the number of total minority
class data samples.

4.1 Experiments with Public Imbalanced Data Sets

In this section, we introduce the data sets used and previous state of the art classification algorithms to
compare their performance with the proposed method. The results are evaluated in terms of different
metrics. Moreover, different statistical tests were applied to assess the performance significance
between the proposed method and the state-of-art methods.

4.1.1 Data Sets

Twenty popular imbalanced data sets were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
The data sets are from different fields such as biology, physics, medicine, etc. The number of features
(#Fea.), the total number of samples (#Sam.), the total number of minority and majority samples
(#Min., #Maj.), the imbalance ratio (IR=the number of minority class samples over majority class
samples [2, 4]) and the corresponding citations for each data set (Ref.) are given in Table 3. While
choosing these data sets, we tried to cover the range of variety in the data sets. The selection was based
on: unique datasets name (as many of the data sets are combinations of the same data set but with
different class combinations), a range of IR measure values (from 0.57 to 0.02), variation in the
amount of class overlap (see the KEEL repository [58] for more information), a varying number of
samples (from 106 to 7420) and variation in the number of features (from 7 to 294).
Table 3: Summary of imbalanced data sets.

Data Sets #Fea. #Sam. (#Min., #Maj.) IR Ref.

Ionosphere 34 351 (126, 225) ~ 0.57 [59, 60]
Pima 8 768 (268, 500) ~ 0.50 [61, 62]
Vehicle1 18 4230 (1085, 3145) ~ 0.35 [58]
Vehicle2 18 4230 (1090, 3140) ~ 0.35 [58]
Vehicle0 18 4230 (995, 3235) ~ 0.31 [58]
Hepato 9 536 (116, 420) ~ 0.28 [61]
Appendicitis 7 106 (21, 85) ~ 0.25 [63]
Satimage 36 6435 (626, 5809) ~ 0.11 [60]
Glass2 9 1070 (85, 985) ~ 0.09 [58]
Ecoli-0-1-4-7_vs_2-3-5-6 7 1680 (145, 1535) ~ 0.09 [58]
Ecoli-0-1-4-7_vs_5-6 6 1660 (125, 1535) ~ 0.08 [58]
Cleveland-0_vs_4 13 865 (65, 800) ~ 0.08 [58]
Scene 294 2407 (177, 2230) ~ 0.08 [64]
Yeast-1_vs_7 7 2295 (150, 2145) ~ 0.07 [58]
Ecoli4 7 1680 (100, 1580) ~ 0.06 [58]
Oil 49 937 (41, 896) ~ 0.05 [65]
Glass5 9 1070 (45, 1025) ~ 0.04 [58]
Yeast5 8 7420 (220, 7200) ~ 0.03 [58]
Yeast-1-2-8-9_vs_7 8 4735 (150, 4585) ~ 0.03 [58]
Winequality-red-8_vs_6-7 11 4275 (90, 4185) ~ 0.02 [58]

The Hepato data set originally had 4 classes, the Scene data set originally had 6 classes, Satimage data
set originally had 7 classes. For those data sets, we chose the smallest class as the minority class and
collapsed the rest of the classes into one in order to obtain a two-class imbalanced data set. The other
data sets (Pima, Ionosphere, Appendicitis and data sets from the KEEL repository [58]) originally had
binary classes or they were supplied as binary by the given references therefore we used those data
sets as they are provided.

4.1.2 Results

To evaluate the proposed method 2 fold cross validation with the Appendicitis data set and 5 fold cross
validation for the rest of the data sets was performed. The datasets from the KEEL repository [58]
were provided as 5-fold. We used the testing sets of the corresponding data sets as provided but to
obtain the validation set (which we need for feature selection especially) we randomly divided the
supplied training sets into 4 folds where minority and majority class samples were distributed equally.
This gave us datasets having equal amounts of samples for testing and validation with 3 times bigger
training sets (as 5 fold cross validation with training, validation and testing set gives). Similarly, for
the rest of the data sets, using 5 fold cross validation, training, validation and testing sets were
constituted randomly where minority and majority class samples were distributed equally.

The proposed method is compared with the state of the art methods given in Table 4 in combination
with feature selection and with imbalanced data set handling approaches: SMOTE and Under Bagging
(Balanced Training). For each method the same training, validation and testing sets were used.
Therefore, for the standard version of the methods (kNN, C4.5, NB, SVM, RF BT and proposed) and
all versions of them with SMOTE we used the same training and testing sets. On the other hand, for
the experiments with feature selection we used validation sets as well to pick the best feature set for

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