Communicative Warmers
Communicative Warmers
Communicative Warmers
A warmer is basically a fun game that you play at the beginning the lesson to get students
"warmed-up" and ready to learn.
Having a warmer is very important, for the classroom, because it sets the mood for the rest
of the lesson. Warmers are essential because they help students:
To relax and feel comfortable in the classroom
Have fun
Learn a little about you and their classmates (building teacher-student rapport)
Gain confidence
Increase interest
Subliminal learning
You should try to start every lesson with a warmer, even if it is brief. However they can
also be used mid-lesson to give students a quick break, or at the end of the lesson if
students have finished their allocated work.
Here are some suggestions for types of warmer to use in the classroom. Remember to
adapt these ideas to the target language that you wish to cover and to the ability of your
1) Name: Magic Numbers Focus: Pronunciation Materials Required: None
Start by writing the numbers 0 9 in 2 columns on the board. Choose 5 pairs of similar sounding
words that you think the students will benefit from practicing.
0 three
1 tree
2 ship
3 sheep
4 - thirteen
5 thirty
6 play
7 played
8 late
9 eight
Model and drill the words, highlighting differences. Then draw a set of dashes on the whiteboard
Ask the students to copy this four times into their notebooks and write your
name by the first grid. Explain that you will say one of the words from the board
and you want them to write the number in the right place in the grid. ICQ, So if I
say thirteen what will you write? (4)
- James
Point to the first gap on the board and say one of the words, repeat it, check
students have written into their grid. Then point to the next dash and say another
word. Repeat until you have finished the grid and students have a completed grid
written down. Ask students to feedback onto the board, they may make many
errors, especially the first time they do this.
Then explain to students that they have found out your number and now you
want them to think of their own number, (suggest date of birth, phone number etc.
if they struggle). Ask them to write this down but not show anyone. Now explain
they have to find out three other students numbers. Students stand up and
circulate, when they have finished reading out their numbers in word format (eg.
Tree, ship, sheep), their partner should feedback to them in 123 format.
Students need to keep their hands on their shoulders unless they have
the ball. This results in increased attention.
If a student drops the ball they are out, unless it is a bad throw in
which case the thrower is out.
For lower level classes elicit a list of questions before you start the
If a student answers incorrectly they are out.
You may wish to make higher level classes give a reason for their
If you want to end the activity quickly decrease the time limit as the
game progresses.