Lowell Observatory
Lowell Observatory
Lowell Observatory
Lowell Observatory
Private institution
Flagstaff, Arizona
351210N 1113952W
sonMichael (19671987), Michael's brother William Lowell Putnam III (19872013), and
current trustee W. Lowell Putnam.
The observatory operates several telescopes at three locations in the Flagstaff area. The main
facility, located on Mars Hill just west of downtown Flagstaff, houses the original 61-centimeter
(24-inch) Clark Refracting Telescope, although its role today is as a public education tool and
not research. The telescope, built in 1896 for $20,000, was assembled in Boston by Alvan
Clark and then shipped by train to Flagstaff. Also located on the Mars Hill campus is the 33centimeter (13-inch) Pluto Discovery Telescope, used by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 to discover
the dwarf planet Pluto.
Lowell Observatory currently operates four research telescopes at its Anderson Mesa dark sky
site, located 20 km (12 mi) southeast of Flagstaff, including the 180-centimeter (72-inch)
Perkins Telescope (in partnership with Boston University) and the 110-centimeter (42-inch)
John S. Hall Telescope. Lowell is a partner with theUnited States Naval Observatory and Naval
Research Laboratory in the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer (NPOI) also located at that
site. The Observatory also operates smaller research telescopes at its historic site on Mars Hill
and in Australia and Chile.
Past Anderson Mesa, on the peak of Happy Jack, Lowell Observatory has also built and is
commissioning the 4.28-meter (169-inch) Discovery Channel Telescopein partnership with
Discovery Communications, Inc.
3 Current research
4 Notable discoveries
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Percival Lowell in the observer's chair of the Alvan Clark 61 cm (24-inch) refractor
Alvan Clark refractor telescope, the first permanent telescope at Lowell Observatory
Rotunda building
be the fifth-largest telescope in the contiguous United States, and it will enable
the astronomers of Lowell Observatory to enter new research areas deeper into outer space.
The DCT and the research carried out there will be the focus of ongoing informative and
educational television programs about astronomy, the sciences, and technology to be telecast
on the Discovery channels. The primary mirror of the Discovery Channel Telescope will be
4.28 m (169 in) in diameter. It will be supposely notable for its uncommon meniscus design for
such a large mirror. This mirror was ground and polished into its parabolic shape at the Optical
Fabrication and Engineering Facility of the College of Optical Sciences of the University