Hydrology Reviewer
Hydrology Reviewer
Hydrology Reviewer
Tipping-Bucket Type
Sources of Data
Weighing-Bucket Type
Precipitation Data
Direct Determination.
Light Rain
Trace to 2.5 mm/h
Moderate Rain
2.5 mm/h to 7.5 mm/h
Dilution techniques
Electromagnetic method
Snow-consist of ice crystals which is usually combine to form flakes.
Ultrasonic method
Drizzle- A fine sprinkle of water droplets size less than 0.5 mm and intensity
Indirect Determination.
less than 1mm/h.
Hydraulic structures
Glaze- formed when water freezes to form ice coating when rain or drizzle
Manual Gauges
through air of subfreezing temperature.
Sounding Weights
Long-base weirs
Direct Runoff it is the part of the runoff which enters the stream
directly after the rainfall. It includes the surface runoff, prompt
interflow, and rainfall on the surface of the stream.
Basin Characteristics
Infiltration Characteristics
Channel characteristics
Storage Capacity
Climatic Factors
Initial loss
Components of Hydrograph
Crest Segment contains the peak flow. The peak flow occurs
when the runoff from the various parts of the catchment
simultaneously contribute amounts to achieve the maximum
amount of flow at the basin outlet.
Time invariance
Linear Response
IUH Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph- is the limiting case of unit hydrograph
of zero duration.
Chapter 7: Floods
Flood is the unusual high stage in a river, normally the level at which the
river overflows its banks and inundates the adjoining area.
Methods in estimating Flood Peak
Rational Method
Empirical Methods
Hydrologic Routing
Hydraulic Routing
Hydrologic Routing Methods (Approximate Method) employ essentially
the equation of continuity.
Reservoir Routing