Precision Injection Molding

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Plastic Optics

Precision Injection Molding

How to Make Polymer Optics for High Volume
and High Precision Applications

Whether it is a cellphone camera

or a head-up display polymer optics is
at the heart of many high tech devices
and the market demand for such pre
cision optical components is growing
year by year. The main application fields
are in the automotive industry, in the
medical field (disposable optics), in sensor and information technology. Beside
lightweight and economic advantages,
polymer optics enables completely new
solutions in optics. The key to all this is
precision manufacturing.

Basic assessment of Precision

Injection Molding
Injection molding is well known from the
field of plastics production. The conventional injection molding technology is not
accurate enough for optical parts production. To achieve the necessary precision, it
is necessary to optimize the whole process
After several years of continuous development, precision injection molding (PIM)
became a technology that helps to satisfy
growing market demands in reasonable priced but highly functional precision optics.
Table 1 shows the differences in the process
and the materials between conventional
molding and precision injection molding.

Typical Features of Precision

Injection Molding
Today, polymer optical components offer
a number of unique features. Traditionally,
they are particularly well suited for large
production lots and low costs. But meanwhile they also offer some features, where
they are clearly superior to glass optics: integrated optical or mechanical functionality
is one example. The most important features will be discussed in the following.
Low weight
Optical polymers have approximately half the density of glass. Hence low
weight designs are possible.

Low material cost

Optical polymers are within a range of
530/kg. Compared to optical glass
this makes a notable difference.
Plain and fast mass production
Injection molded lenses are finished in
one step to optical quality without the
need for additional finishing steps, such
as polishing. Compared to glass, the cycle
times are very low which makes injection
molding suitable for mass production.
High degrees of freedom in the design
With injection molding almost every
surface shape (e.g. diffractive, freeform,
nano structure) becomes feasible without
extra costs. Hence this process is well suited for the mass production of demanding optical elements. Because of this
advantage glass optics and polymer optics are sometimes combined (e.g. as an
aspheric field lens) to improve imaging
quality at reasonable costs.
Excellent automation possibilities
Modern injection molding machines are
fully automated and computer controlled in every parameter. Together with an
autonomous handling system and advanced process control, it is easy to set
up flexible manufacturing cells. These
cells are capable of running whole process chains like molding, testing, coating
and packaging.
Integration of mechanical functionality
Injection molding enables the designer to
incorporate mechanical mounts, like lens
mounts, snappers and other fixture elements together with optical functionality
into one part, which reduces the number
of elements or may increase alignment
accuracy of optical components.

Applications of PIM
Precision injection molding is developed
to enable an economic mass production of
precise spherical, aspheric, diffractive and
freeform plastic lenses and mirrors with
high accuracy and good to excellent optical surface finishing. Figure 1 briefly shows
possible application fields.

46 Optik & Photonik December 2007 No. 4

The Author
Ralf Mayer
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Mayer
attended University of
Kaiserslautern and holds
a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1997 he received a
doctors degree in the fields of thin film
coating and sputtering. After that he
worked on the development of high
speed scales at Wipotec and than joined
SiemensVDO where he was responsible for the optical design of automotive
head-up-displays. Today he in charge
of Viaoptics development department.
His main tasks are developing and designing optical systems from scratch for
e.g. industrial sensors, LED lighting or
automotive driver assistance systems like

Dr.-Ing. Ralf Mayer

Viaoptic GmbH
Ludwig Erk Str. 7
35578 Wetzlar, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 6441/9011-35

Typical Part Specifications

Due to the manufacturing technology,
polymer optical components have certain
limitations in their dimensions. Precision
injection molding allows for a lens diameter from 1 mm to 100 mm, lens thickness
may be chosen between 1 and 30 mm.
The diameter to thickness ratio should be
in the range of 1:1 and 5:1. The optically
used area may then be between 1 mm and
50.000 mm. Technical tolerances for polymer optics are summarized in table 2.
In general one should keep in mind that
feasible tolerances are directly dependent

2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Plastic Optics

Due to material properties, polymer optics are more sensitive

to changes in the environmental
conditions. Typical effects are:
shrinkage, warpage (during processing), thermal and mechanical
stress, water absorption, heat deflection. The parts service conditions are usually more important
when dealing with polymer optics
than with glass optics. Depending
on the expected performance,
the temperature range can be
between 40C and 150C. Additionally, chemical impact (even in
residual concentrations) may have
a large impact on the lifetime of
polymer optics.

Polymer Materials
The material properties are responsible for process capability
and manufacturability of the products and hence for feasible tolerances. There are a wide variety of
polymers available today. But if it
comes to precision injection molding of optical components only a
few are left, especially if the parts
are to be coated with dielectric
anti-reflex coatings.
Important material properties
are e.g. viscosity, melt temperature, glass transition temperature,
water take up and gas absorption.
The latter are important parameters for thin film coating processes
on polymers, because those coating processes are commonly running with process temperatures
above 80C and require a water
and residual gas free atmosphere.
Mold shrinkage is another important measure of a given material to accurately replicate fine
product features and meet tight
dimensional tolerances. Amorphous polymers typically exhibit lower shrinkage (0.30.8%)
than semi-crystalline polymers
(13%) [1]. Besides being a ma-


Laser Technology


Laser Lenses/Optics
Beam Shaping

Looking at injection molding processes one can realize five different

fields which are very important for
precision injection molding.

Scale Magnifiers



Optical Sensors

Motion Detectors
Collimation Optics


Scanner Optics
Optical Storage

Figure 1: Applications for precision polymer optics.

Design Review
not feasible

Tool Design
not feasible

Tool Making
Non-Optical Mold-Parts

Optical Mold-Parts


HSC, Polishing,
Diamond Turning

Quality Check

Quality Check

n. ok

Premises for Precision

Injection Molding

Rain Sensor
Head-Up Displays
Steering Angle Sensors

part design / tool design revision

Limitations of
Polymer Optics

terial specific feature shrinkage is

dependent on process parameters and typically exhibits some
batch to batch variations. Hence
shrinkage prediction in injection
molding is still a quite challenging
problem and practical experience
with material-behavior is irreplaceable. To improve the shrinkage behavior inorganic fillers like
TiO nano particles are commonly
used. Generalized: dimensional
stability improves with a higher
glass transition temperature and
larger difference between service
temperature and glass transition
Because of the above reasons
VIAOPTIC prefer materials like
COCs or COPs due to their low
water take up and their temperature stability. Polycarbonate is
not well suited for high precision
applications because the relatively
high water take up causes swelling
which will spoil high tolerances
immediately. Additional water vapor from the part is not very welcome during thin film processes.
For further reading on the mechanisms of dimensional instability
in polymers appropriate literature
such as [1] is recommended.




n. ok

Identifying Stable Process
Parameters (cpk-Analysis)

tool correction by pre shaping

on material properties and parts

geometry. The polymer material
also defines the optical properties. Today, the materials allow
for refraction with n = 1.491.7
(1.9). The Abbe numbers can be
between 28 and 58.

Quality Check:
Molded Part
n. ok

Expert Knowledge
To achieve the tightest part tolerances one has to accept that
precision injection molding already starts at the optical design of
the parts. Further it is essential to
consider the optical design, the
mechanical design, the mold-process development and the moldmachine development as parts
of an integrated design process
with very strong interactions. You
cannot do one without the other!
Hence it is necessary to employ
highly skilled and experienced
design engineers who can understand and handle tasks like optical
design, part design, tool design,
finite element analysis and mold
flow analysis.

2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 


Controlled Series Production

Figure 2: From Design to part: High Precision injection molding starts with parts design and ends with the molded part.



Figure 3: Comparison of the impact of n-index tolerances to

dimensional tolerances. 47

Plastic Optics

Figure 4: MOORE Nanotech 250UPL

diamond turning a freeform lens.

Even if most operations during injection molding processes are fully automated and controlled by computers today,
the presence of skilled and well educated
operators is still essential. High precision
injection molding processes are operating
on the edge of the capabilities of injection
molding technology. Typical are tide process windows and therefore a demand for
continuous monitoring and manual adjusting critical process parameters and that is
where the human factor is very important.
Figure 5: Worn out diamond tool tip.

Design Experience
To obtain maximum part performance with
minimum parts tolerances the part design is
very important (see figure 2). The part design decides about the feasible tolerances.
Some common design rules from our experience are:
preferably constant wall thickness in parts
no wall-thickness leaps, smooth transitions
keep a reasonable minimum wall thickness (material dependent)
no holes etc. near optical active surfaces
because of resulting flow lines
avoid material accumulations, they are
prone to sinkmarks.

The Company
Viaoptic GmbH
Wetzlar, Germany
VIAOPTIC GmbH is a professional partner in the development and manufacture of optical components, mechanical
parts and sub-assemblies made of plastic material, with advanced competence
in: Selection of materials, Design of individual parts and sub-assemblies, Prototyping, Tool design, Tool fabrication,
Manufacturing with injection moulding,
Sub-assembly Fabrication and quality

Furthermore, one has to keep in mind that

the refractive index of polymer lenses is less
accurate than with glass lenses. From our
experience you cannot expect more than
the 2nd to 3rd decimal of stability of the refractive index under standard environmental conditions. Lets look at the sensitivity of
some lens parameters in comparison:
The focal length of a spherical lens with
2 radii R , center-thickness d and refractive index n is defined by:
f = (n 1) (1 1 + (n 1) d
R1 R
n R1 R2
One can easily derive the sensitivities to
radius changes thickness changes and refractive index changes from:
n = f , R = f , d = f
Looking for example at a lens with n = 1.5,
d = 3 mm, R1 = R2 = 10 mm the nominal
calculated focal length will be 10.52 mm.
Graphically one will get the dependencies
shown in figure 3 for a parameters change
from 1%to 1%.
From Figure 3 one may obtain a different significance of mechanical tolerances
and it should be clear that it is worthwhile
to think twice about tight geometrical tolerances in a design, which may become a
problem during injection molding.
Tool design is of the same importance
as part design. The tool directly defines

48 Optik & Photonik December 2007 No. 4

the achievable product quality. Product tolerances in the micron range require tools
which are dimensionally stable within the sub
micron range. There is no common wisdom
in tool design and there are a lot of successful tool concepts but there is one important
thing to mention: Dimensional stable tools
require a high rigid design and adequate
material choices with an adequate heat treating. The importance of the latter is often
neglected. Hardened steel for example tends
to change its dimensions in the sub micron
and micron range even without load if the
microstructure change during austenite to
martensite transition is not totally finished or
stopped, by e.g. cryogenic treatment [2].

Tool Shop Capabilities

Besides design considerations the tooling is
a very important part of injection mold processes. The molds have to be machined and
assembled to very tight tolerances because
what you give away here in terms of tolerances is hardly retrieved later in the injection mold process and/or will for sure further
narrow the process window. Important for
precision tool making is a temperature controlled environment. From technology point
of view precise high speed multi axis milling
machines are thought to replace EDM technology more and more. But from our point
of view you need both in very high qualities.
When it comes to the quality of the optical
mold inserts VIAOPTIC relies on a MOORE

2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


Nanotech 250 uPL (see figure 4) for single

point diamond turning for ready to use tool
inserts (without the need for polishing).
A big disadvantage of diamond turning
today is that there is no process to cut directly into ferrous materials, such as steel, that
would wear out the diamond pretty fast. You
always need a nickel coating on the steel inserts which may be an additional risk in
terms of durability. Currently VIAOPTIC joins
a research project developing a heat treatment process for some tool steels to enable
single point diamond turning in optical quality. The initial results look very promising.
The availability of high precision tooling
machines is only half the truth. The other
part is the cutting/milling tool itself. e. g. for
single point diamond turning high precision and accurate grinded monocrystalline
tool-tips are needed. At VIAOPTIC we pay
much attention to the surface and edge finish of this tools. even the tiniest defects

(see figure 5) in the cutting edge will be

seen later on the molded part.
For high precision machining you need
high precision data formats. *.iges and
*.step files proved not to be accurate enough (figure 6). This is why the authors use
direct surface descriptions, e. g. using the
mathematical polynomial of if that is not
feasible NurBS.

Meet us at
Booth 6146

Injection Molding Machinery

Got the need

for speed?

The injection molding machine is of course

another important element of the process
chain. Within the machine the polymer
is melted and reproducibly injected into
the mold. This requires a precise control
of all process temperatures, the displacement volume, the injection speed, the
cavity-pressure etc. Product quality in the
micron range requires micron precision

the new UsB2000+

enables 1,000 full
spectra per second

TABLE 1: Differences in the process and the materials between conventional molding
and precision injection molding.
Process Features

Precision Injection Molding (PIM)

Conventional Molding

critical phase

post filling


mold temperature



polymer temperature



cycle time




packing pressure




injection velocity



major difficulties

sinkmarks, warpage, shrinkage

short shots, flash

thin walled parts



thick walled parts



Material Features

Precision Injection Molding (PIM)

Conventional Molding

glass transition temperature



water uptake

very low





melt viscosity






intensity (counts)

toshina 3648-element tCd1304Ap detector

Low Cost Quality

Standard Quality

State of the Art

+/ 35 %

+/ 23 %

+/ 0.51 %

Curvature error

+/ 35 %

+/ 23 %

+/ 0.51 %




2050 m

520 m

0.55 m




1015 nm

510 nm

25 nm

Surface Quality
roughness ra
Centering Accuracy

+/ 3 min

+/ 2 min

+/ 1 min

Center Thickness

+/ 0.1 mm

+/ 0.05 mm

+/ 0.01 mm


+/ 0.1 mm

+/ 0.05 mm

+/ 0.01 mm

12 %

0.51 %

0.30.5 %


2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim



Focal Length

Geometry error
(arbitrary surfaces)


TABLE 2: Typical tolerances of optical components made of polymers.

(@ 25 mm diameter)

sony 2048-element ILX511 detector







starting Wavelenght (nm)

detector sensitivity Comparison

Features usB2000+
rohs and Ce compliant
Integration time 1 ms to 65 seconds
resolution ~0.3-10.0 nm fWhM
neW sony ILX511B silicon CCd array
Various gratings (200-1100 nm range)
8 digital user-programmable GpIos
User interface software spectrasuite

for more information see us at

Photonics West - Booth 6146 or
contact our sales team via sales@ or call us at +31
26 3190500 or +49 711 34 1696 0 49

Plastic Optics

CAD-Data transfer to machinery via:


x, y, z-


point cloud

Rational B-Splines

~25 m

~1 m

<1 m

= not sufficient!

= just ok!

= ok!

Figure 6: Data formats

in brief comparison.


Mold Machine

cooling area

Mold Machine

temp. and humidity-controlled, cleanroom cell

material preparation: dehumidifying, dedusting



Figure 7: Manufacturing Cell (schematic).

Mandatory for PIM machines is controlling those parameters within a closed loop.
Furthermore, all process relevant mechanical movements of the machine should
be of highest precision (e.g. parallelism
of mold mounting plates) and all relevant
machine parts of high stability. Due to their
drive concept electrically driven injection
molding machines have clear advantages in
terms of accuracy and reproducibility and
should be preferred for PIM.
Another important point are the environmental conditions in which the parts are
molded. For parts with tolerances in the low
m range a climate controlled, de-dusted,
dehumidified environment is mandatory.
This is particularly true if the parts should
be coated afterwards. The manufacturing
cell should than be set up according to the
customers specification for reference-conditions.
Because there are different customer specifications and because climacontrolling and
dedusting large areas is expensive, setting up
an appropriate manufacturing cell is a good
alternative (see schematic in Figure 7).

Further common requirements for a clean

manufacturing cell are:
thermo controlled environment according to customers specifications
constant humidity according to customers
parts specification (water absorption)
to the highest standard cleaned and
dried process-air (no condensates)
local granulate dryers and dedusters
local granulate degassing processes and
prompt use
automated part handling systems: for part
handling during and after injection and
for packing and measuring parts as well
special devices to cut sprue without dust
or debris
as less human interaction as possible

Injection Molding Process

The injection molding processes can be
classified into two types: conventional injection molding and injection-compression
molding. Injection-compression molding is
preferred for molding parts with micro structures, e.g. lenses with diffractive structures.

50 Optik & Photonik December 2007 No. 4

Common to both processes is the injection

of a hot polymer melt into a (compared
to the melt temperature) cold mold cavity.
This will introduce additional internal stress
during the cool down and may spoil lenses
for applications in polarized light [3]. To
overcome this potential show stopper one
may temper lenses, which is practically not
feasible because they will lose their shape,
or to use compression-injection molding
processes which have some big advantages
Molding processes are very complex with
a lot of different (often counteracting) parameters and influence factors (see figure 8).
Summarizing injection molding process parameter ranges, some important are:
Mold temperature: 90C up to 170C
Compound temperature: 180C up to
Cycle time: 30 sec to several minutes
Packing pressure: part/material specific
(up to >1000 bar)
Injection velocity: mold/part/material
The mold process in PIM is a part-specific
process and has to be developed for each
part separately. Process developments are
based on the experience of the process engineers, on smart process evaluation strategies
and statistic process evaluation methods.
Common process strategies can be found in
[3] and might serve well as a starting point.
Some important parameters, such as
shrinkage, are not only material specific but
process and part specific too. In our experience they cannot be determined accurately enough for part tolerances in the low
micron range without molding trials. Hence
VIAOPTIC is relying on another strategy for
high precision optical parts (see figure 2).
First we start designing and building a
mold tool without taking shrinkage into account. In a second step we develop an injection molding process with the smallest part
to part deviations and the widest process
window. Then we are checking the molded
parts and pre correct the shape of the
mold. This procedure enables high process
stability and high precision as well, but requires the right equipment in the metrology
and tool shop department and some mathematical skills in the design department.

Future Outlook
Precision injection molding paves the way
for polymer optical components into high
demanding high volume precision applications. Back in the early seventies when VIAOPTIC started to produce the first polymer

2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

CCD Line Scan Cameras

Plastic Optics

512 to 10 680 pixels, monochrome and color

CCD line scan cameras with modular
interface concept
Analog: RS422
Digital: LVDS
USB 2.0

7 of 1000



clamping force
tool opening
ejector geometry
ejector force
barrel size
srew geometry

injection presure
filling velocity
plasticising capacity
screw torque
non-return gate

barrel temperature
material temperature
runner temperature
tool temperature
injection temperature
screw stroke and

screw torque
filling velocity
filling time
gate pressure
tool pressure

SK 9170: Gray Scale Line Signal 0


SK 9170: Gray Scale Line Signal 1



Windows xp


tool wear
air vent

thermic behavior
effective area
flow length
sharp edges
part geometry

VI library for
LabVIEW 8.2

molding additives
padding material
masterbatch, color
type of material

granulate size
glas transition

Laser Line-, Micro Focus- and

Laser Pattern Generators

Figure 8: Parameters for Injection Molding.

optical part for a LEICA camera (a viewfinder screen) nobody could imagine what is
possible today. But there is still room for
some improvements which I would like to
summarize here:
Process and Parts Metrology:
easy to use, reliable and accurate
(<0.1m) non-tactile metrology for aspheric and freeform surfaces (reflective
and transparent)
improvement of in-mold sensor systems
Mold Design:
improvements in mold flow analysis for
high precision parts
easy to use software for mold design/
mold flow analysis
high precision diamond cutting of ferrous materials
temperature stable optical polymers
with a larger n and n range
more accurate and temperature stable
refractive index
less prone to micro cracking

[1] Greener, Jehuda; Precision Injection Molding,
Hanser 2006
[2] Holden, Frank C.; A Review of Dimensional Instability in Metals, Memorandum 189, Defense
Metals Information Center, 1964
[3] Bumer, Stefan (ed.); Handbook of Plastic Op-




Wavelength 635 980 nm (optional 405 or 1550 nm)

Line width 0.008 mm Laser lines with uniform
intensity distribution and constant line width P1 + P2

tics, Wiley-VCH 2005

Fiber Optics
polarization maintaining,
for laser beam sources
370 - 1700 nm
Laser Beam Coupler
for Singlemode

fiber coupling axis

A Laser beam coupler
B Laser source
C Singlemode fiber (PM)

D Fiber collimator
E Microfocus optic

Laser Sources
with fiber optics from Schfter+Kirchhoff

1 HeNe laser
2 DPSS laser

(two fiber system)



405 - 1083 nm
Not shown:
EC laser,
Argon laser,


3 Diode laser

Mold Machine Design:

high rigidity
high thermal stability
high mechanical accuracy
accuracy and repeatability of process parameters
sensor technology: melt-flow, viscosity,
cleanliness, e.g. oil spillage, dust through
easy to clean

Kieler Strae 212 D-22525 Hamburg / Germany

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