Rural Development (Thesis) PDF
Rural Development (Thesis) PDF
Rural Development (Thesis) PDF
I, Emil Elestianto Dardak, declare that this thesis, submitted in fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Graduate School of Asia
Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, is wholly my own original work
unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. The document has not been submitted for
qualifications at other academic institutions.
LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................. i
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................. vi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................viii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1
Background ..............................................................................................................1
The Challenges Faced in Agropolitan Development ...............................................8
Research Objective ...............................................................................................10
Scope of Research.................................................................................................11
Significance of Research.......................................................................................11
The Early Location Theories .................................................................................14
von Thunen and Weber.........................................................................................15
Christaller and Losch .............................................................................................20
Major Works on Spatial Economics in the 1950s and 1960s - The Classical
Location Theories ..................................................................................................24
Empirical Regularities in Space-Economy ...........................................................24
Transportation Input and Agglomeration Economies...........................................26
Agricultural Location Theory ...............................................................................31
Urban Location Model..........................................................................................34
Major Works on Spatial Economics after the Classical Location Theories:
Modern Regional Economics.................................................................................37
Fujitas Model of Urban Economics and Agglomeration.....................................37
The Henderson Study on Urban Systems .............................................................38
Spatial Version of Dixit-Stiglitz Monopolistic Competition Model.....................41
The Economic Base Model and the Multiplier ......................................................45
The Concept of Accessibility.................................................................................49
Investigating the Role of Accessibility in Urban Growth....................................108
Theoretical Background......................................................................................108
Methodology for Investigating Accessibility.....................................................112
Analysis of the Spatial Pattern of Industrial Linkages.........................................113
Theoretical Background......................................................................................113
Indices for Industrial Linkage Analysis..............................................................115
The Relationship between the Socio-Economic Factors and the Individuals
Level of Use of the Rural Town ..........................................................................123
5.4.1 Theoretical Background......................................................................................123
5.4.2 Structural Equation Modeling.............................................................................125
5.4.3 Variable Definition .............................................................................................127 Accessibility .............................................................................................128 Rural Village Amenities...........................................................................129 Willingness to Travel ...............................................................................130 Desire to Consume Urban Services (Level of Modernity).......................131
5.4.4 The Path Diagram and Causal Relationship .......................................................133
5.4.5. Hypotheses..........................................................................................................135
5.4.6. Data Gathering ....................................................................................................143
Ampel Sub-District ..............................................................................................148
Ampel City Development Plan ............................................................................151
Socio-economic Background of Ampel...............................................................152
The Cattle-Related Sector in Ampel ...................................................................156
Ampel as an Agropolitan Region.........................................................................166
Appendix 1.............................................................................................................................283
Appendix 2.............................................................................................................................285
Appendix 3.............................................................................................................................286
Appendix 4.............................................................................................................................287
Appendix 5.............................................................................................................................289
Appendix 6.............................................................................................................................300
Appendix 7.............................................................................................................................306
Table 4.1. Systems in Agropolitan Region
Table 7.9. Development Indices and Distance from the Growth Center Village
Table 7.13. Value of Flow of Forage Grasses for Each Village to the Forage Market 210
Table 7.14 Indices for Natural Grass
Table 7.22. Ampel Market Links for Milk and Meat Consumption
Figure 2.1. Economies of Scale for Urban Activities
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Degree of Leverage
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Spatial Linkages Analysis for Iron and Steel Firms in the USA
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Sinha, for his
undying support and excellent guidance. Without his support, I would not have been able
to complete this thesis. I will always be sincerely grateful for all his kindness and
understanding. I certainly look up to his professionalism as an academic, and remember
all his valuable advises in my future career. I would also like to extend my sincerest
thank to all APU professors who have helped me throughout the course of my study,
including Professor Nair and Professor Kuchiki for their recommendations in my
application. I thank Professor Zhang Wei Bin and Professor Cooper for kindly sparing
their busy time to discuss my research and they have certainly given me very useful
advice in the aspects of location theories and regional development. I thank Professor
Miyoshi for his advises and continuing support.
I thank Professor Monte Cassim for his continuing support, and his kind help in lending a
hand as a former UNCRD expert, in giving useful inputs on Agropolitan and the concepts
of regional development. I thank Dean Yamagami for his kind support and understanding
throughout my studies. I also thank Professor Fukui for his kind support and
understanding. I thank Professor Hayashi for his kind help during the difficult time in my
early stage of PhD. I thank Professor Eades for his great advice and Professor Mani for
his suggestions and support as the PhD coordinator. I thank Professor Kee Po Kong for
giving inputs on my dissertation.
I have also to thank the supportive and helpful staff from the academic and research
offices, Ruth Archbold, Miyoshi-san, Earl Goodman and Belinda. I also thank the staff of
the student office who have given support and help in my student life, Kimiyama-san,
Nonaka-san, Goto-san, Kato-san, Inoe-san and all other staff members whose name I
have not mentioned.
I am indeed thankful to my father, a PhD himself, who has given me the inspiration and
become my role model. His support has been instrumental throughout my course of study,
and I hope I can always make him proud. I thank my mother for her love and care, and
her undying support. I also thank my sister, Mila, and my brothers, Eril and Eron, for
their great support. I am always grateful for my family members who have been very
supportive to me. I also thank Evan, Romi, Rizki, my beloved cousins, and my aunties
and uncles, as well as my grandmother, for their continuing support.
I have to thank my friends, who have made my life in Japan very enjoyable. I thank Indra,
Cicha, Nuki, Yandri, Ivan, Trie for being the kindest of friends to me. I also thank my
PhD colleagues, Kumar, Himanshu, Villiami, Fred, Dulal, Palentina, Victor and others
whose name I have not mentioned, for their suggestions and support. I thank my seminar
class members, Sohel, Parvesh, Mariam, James, Jahangir and others whose name I have
not mentioned, for being such great classmates to me. I am very thankful to Clarissa
Wilanda for her kind assistance in the revision of this thesis, as well as to Marsha for her
valuable help.
I am thankful to those in Indonesia who have given their support and understanding. I am
certainly indebted to the Spatial Planning Team, Dr. Deni, Mr. Hadian and Mr. Darto for
their assistance in my fieldtrips and surveys. I also have to thank Mr. Iman, Mr. Dwi and
Mr. Sanusi from the Ministry of Public Works. I also thank Ernan Rustiadi for his advice
and cooperation in discussing the concepts of Agropolitan. Their support has certainly
been instrumental in throughout the course of my study.
I also thank my employers and work colleagues who have granted me necessary leave for
the period of this study. I thank Rudy Willem, Raj Kannan and Syarif Puradimadja, from
PPITA project,. I also thank Migara Jayawardena, Sati, Eka and Hanny from World Bank
Energy Team. I am certainly thankful to my IEU University partners, Mrs. Retna Suliati
for her kindness and understanding, Prof. Kemala, Dr. Arief, Dr. Yanti and those whose
name I have not mentioned, for their continuing support.
I am also thankful to Dr. Dadang and Mr. Goodwin, who have given me
recommendations three years ago, which helped me enter the graduate school of APU. I
am thankful to Neil Powe from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, who has kindly
given me inputs for the questionnaire.
Last but most importantly, I thank Yuke Irawati for her patience, understanding, and her
continuing support and care. I thank her for being beside me all the way, throughout the
good and bad times. I am also grateful to her family for their continuing support and
This thesis focuses on the development of agricultural-based small urban areas in rural
regions. The interregional development in Indonesia has been characterized by
imbalances in the rural-urban linkages. The discussion on urban and regional economic
theories and the empirical studies have shown the potential development of small urban
areas in predominantly agricultural rural areas. The criteria for the selection of research
area were defined by drawing upon the various interpretations of Agropolitan. Ampel
sub-district in Boyolali District, Central Java, was chosen as the research area. Ampel has
an established agro-business system in the cattle rearing sector.
The analysis on the accessibility factor shows the importance of accessibility in urban
development. The calculation of spatial industrial linkage indices shows that Ampel has a
balanced rural-urban linkage, which is characterized by high magnitude and market size
for the rural sectors. The high concentration of rural sectors forward linkages to the
Ampel city shows the significant role of Ampel city in the cattle rearing industry. The
moderated structural equation modeling for Ampel shows that the residents willingness
to travel has insignificant effect on the positive relationship between accessibility and the
usage of small urban center. The model also shows that the residents modernity has
significant effect on the negative relationship between rural amenities and the usage of
small urban center.
Overall, agricultural-based small urban areas can develop the rural economy by
benefiting from economies of scale that is subject to high accessibility, concentration of
forward linkages and the development of urban amenities that meets the needs of the
local people.
The development of agricultural-based growth centers urban areas was inspired by the
desire to develop the rural economy. The rural economy has a tendency of being
dominated by low value-added agricultural activities with consistently decreasing land
productivity and the high risk of loss arising from fluctuations in the prices of fresh farm
products. This condition along with the population growth has brought villages to the
point where they can no longer sustain their populations in terms of job creation. This
leads to rural-urban migration, which has adverse impacts. However, there is an
important distinction that must be made between different kinds of rural-urban migration.
This research argues that rural-urban migration has detrimental impacts when the
migration takes place from rural area to metropolitan areas located far away from the
rural areas and not if the migration takes place from rural areas to a nearby small to
middle-sized urban area. We believe that the latter form of migration indeed creates
healthy rural-urban linkages. In addition, it is also important to distinguish between daytime population and night-time population. Migration that contributes to the increase in
day-time population in the urban areas is usually because of commuters who live outside
the urban areas. However, again, a distinction needs to be made between commuting that
takes place in the metropolitan areas and that which takes place in small to medium sized
urban areas. The former tends to take place from suburban areas to urban areas and is a
clear indication of urban sprawl. The sprawl usually has a combination of concentric and
linear growth pattern.
Urban sprawl has been the major feature in the development of primate cities.
The sprawl is due to the centralized governance in Asian countries such as Indonesia,
Thailand and the Philippines (Anwar, 2000). The primate is defined as the excessive
growth of the largest metropolitan areas in a country (Mills and Hamilton, 1994).
Preferential treatment in terms of state budget allocation to capital cities can, however,
lead to a significant disparity in urban amenities, and suppress the growth of other urban
areas within the country. The population of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, has
grown at an average rate of 4.59 percent per annum from 1961 to 2002. The population
increased from 2.9 million in 1961 to 8.4 million in 2002. With 3.95 percent of the
national population residing in Jakarta, the local GDP of Jakarta has reached 15 percent
of Indonesias GDP and this clearly indicates how Jakarta has grown to become a primate
city (Kasikoen, 2005).
Although the other metropolitan areas in Indonesia may not yet qualify as primate
cities, these metropolitan areas including Medan in North Sumatra, Surabaya in East Java,
Bandung in West Java, Semarang in Central Java and Makassar in South Sulawesi, are
also growing rapidly. Henderson and Kuncoro (1996) find that in Java Island, there is an
increasing degree of population concentration in four metropolitan areas, namely Jakarta,
Bandung, Surabaya and Semarang. For these cities, the population increased by 32
percent and industrial sector labor increased by 51 percent during 1961 to 2002
(Kasikoen, 2005). We cannot consider the development of other cities in Indonesia as a
sign of equitable development, because these are simply replications of the similar
mobilized savings and adopted an import substitution industry. The private sector at that
time was very dependent on projects initiated by the government. The fact that the
technology used for these industries was imported caused Indonesia to rely on abundant
raw materials and cheap labor. Such advantages became unsustainable as the
development in technology has led to a continuous increase in the productivity of the
machines, decreasing the demand for labor. However, a lack of indigenous technological
progress caused Indonesia to rely heavily on imported technology and rendered
Indonesias past competitive advantage less effective.
At the same time, increasing population pressure has led to an upward pressure on
food prices. However, farmers are least likely benefit from such price increases. Their
general lack of access to infrastructure has caused farmers to rely on intermediaries in
marketing their produce. Most of the profit margin is actually enjoyed by these
intermediaries, due to the low bargaining power of the farmers. At the same time, the
government is continuously faced with the dilemma caused by the trade-off between
cheap food policies and industrial development. Thus, in response to the upward pressure
on food prices, the government has resorted to a cheap food policy. This policy involves
import of rice and different forms of market interventions.
It is reasonable to argue that cheap food policy is also instrumental in ensuring
that poverty is kept in check. However, this triggers a vicious cycle, because the
government has been focusing too much on the urban poor, in its poverty eradication
strategy. In the rural areas, poverty is experienced by farmers, and the cheap food policy
affects their income. At the same time, the cheap food policy at the expense of rural
farmers is distorting, because urban areas continue to be attractive to potential migrants
as this urban-favoring policy disguises the limitations the urban areas have in providing
employment opportunities. It can therefore be argued that Indonesias urban areas have
grown at the expense of rural areas. This is due to the policy of growth pole creation.
Industrialization as the fuel for urban growth is largely dependent on the supply of cheap
Harun (2006) argues that farmers also suffer from the fact that they cannot be
isolated from the urban economy. When they transact with the urban economy, the
inflationary pressure in the urban area is exported to the rural areas because farming
equipment and supplies tend to have price increases at a faster rate than the food prices.
Another important issue that is related to the cheap food policy is the fact that the urban
labor force is seen as a strong political force to the government. This has encouraged
government to stabilize food price to ensure urban labor political stability.
Rustiadi and Hadi (2006) identify other possible causes of the backwash effect in
Indonesias regional development. The first is the fact that access to villages often
encouraged urban elites and central bureaucrats as well as large corporations to exploit
the rural resources. These rural communities were unable to defend themselves due to
their lower bargaining power. Second, rural residents have low human resources capital
and weak institutional capacity. This handicap made it difficult to disseminate the ideas
and modern concepts of rural development. Therefore, most activities take place in
enclave form by bringing in human resources from outside the villages.
According to Rustiadi and Hadi (2006), even if the urban areas remain healthy
despite the sickness of the rural areas, this is not a sustainable condition, because
eventually the disease in the rural areas will spread to the urban areas. This seems to be
the scenario that Indonesia might face. Harun (2006) opines that the rural areas in
Indonesia are considerably overpopulated if density is measured by the size of farmland
per household. This is particularly the case in Java, where the average ratio of land to
household is less than 0.3 hectare/household and is consistently decreasing. In many
cases, farmers do not own their land and become landless peasants who must give around
one-third to a half of their produce to their landlords. In relation to the decreasing ratio of
land per farmer, Dardak (2004) points out the danger of land degradation caused by overintensive cropping that has drained soil nutrients. A field trip to Malangs apple farms
shows an example of how over the years intensive cropping has caused the soil to lose the
critical nutrients. As a result, the farms experienced decreasing yield both in terms of
quantity and quality.
The unsustainable farming condition in rural areas has caused urban areas to
experience migration from rural areas beyond what they can accommodate, leading to
social problems. The cheap food policy has been the key to the survival of the urban
areas but if this issue remains unaddressed, food scarcity will undoubtedly take place
because of the imbalance between urban food demand and rural food supply. The recent
controversy over import of rice has been a real example of such a danger. The food price
will inevitably increase, and the governments decision to import food in stabilizing the
price will be at the expense of local farmers who will face significant decrease in income,
since they will have to sell a lower quantity at the same price. Farmers may decide to give
up farming and move to the cities in search of the superficial 1 urban opportunities. One
The word superficial is used to describe how the urban areas seem to provide endless opportunities for
migrants, while in reality, this is not the case. This is because the urban areas sustainability relies on cheap
food supply from the rural areas and the actual growth of industrial employment is lower than the number
of rural to urban migrants.
may argue that the migration will solve the issue of overpopulation in the rural areas.
However, the prevailing unemployment in urban areas shows its inability to create
enough employment opportunities for the migrants, which further results in a vicious
cycle leading to urban social problems and overexploitation of rural farm lands in pursuit
of larger and cheaper food supply to feed the urban population.
Secondary and tertiary economic activities have been concentrated in the urban
areas in pursuit of rapid growth. This involves transporting rural produce over long
distances for processing or even for simple packaging and sorting. During the 1970s and
1980s, when the supply of gasoline was abundant and fuel subsidies were still feasible,
the impact of long haul was hidden by the low price of fuel. However, now Indonesia has
become a net importer of fuel. The phasing out of subsidy has caused a problem in the
logistical arrangement. As fresh farm products with low value added are transported over
long distance, the cost of transport as a percentage of the final price increases.
There is an opportunity for the rural areas to process their produce so that they
can cope with the increasing burden of transportation costs. Minimizing the distance
traveled between farm gate and the subsequent processing or handling may become a
critical factor in reducing the cost of transportation. This would also create alternative
employment opportunities for the rural population. However, Dardak (2005) points out
that the challenge in such rural development program is the small scale of operation that
makes it infeasible for a manufacturing industry to operate.
Friedmann and Douglass (1975) propose the Agropolitan concept as an alternative
for regional development. The concept relies heavily on the development of an urban
growth center, which is located within 5-10 kms or an hour of cycling from its hinterland.
This concept allows the leveraging of investment as more than one village is involved
and the investment can be focused on the growth center village that is most accessible, so
that the catchment is also optimum. The government of Indonesia adopted this concept in
rural development in 2002, with particular focus on the development of infrastructure
such as rural roads, market and irrigation (Rustiadi, 2004). This program follows the
trade follows the ship principle, where infrastructure provision precedes the demand
and is expected to encourage economic activities and concentration of post-farm
distribution in the growth center by the hinterland villages so that economies of scale can
be realized.
The Agropolitan program has now been in operation for four years, and the evaluation
process for the initial phase of the project has been conducted. The agencies involved in
the implementation and evaluation are the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of
Public Works. Researchers from Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Bandung Institute of
Technology and Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta helped to create the conceptual
framework for the Agropolitan. This conceptual framework will be the result of an
analysis that shows how an agropolitan system operates in terms of its socio-economic
spatial arrangements.
Indonesia is a pioneer in implementing Friedmanns concept of an Agropolitan,
but there is still no clear implementation criterion and model for this type of development.
A Bogor Institute of Agriculture publication in 2006 discusses the possible concept of an
Agropolitan. The author of this thesis was given the privilege to participate in the
National Workshop on Agropolitan development in November 2005, where the
Agropolitan concept was defined for inclusion in the governments policy and regulatory
The evaluation by the Directorate General for Urban Rural Development of the
Ministry of Public Works (2004) was based on the infrastructural construction and its
impact on farmers revenue. A working example of an Agropolitan growth pole has not
been yet properly identified in Indonesia. An Agropolitan is a way of achieving the
development of small urban areas in the agricultural-based regions to facilitate rural
development. The evaluation system in 2004 focused on the revenue impact without
paying much attention to changes in spatial structure. As a regional development strategy,
it is important to evaluate the impact on spatial structure, especially in assessing the
presence and even further the effectiveness of a small urban area in an agricultural region.
Anwar (2006) defines the agenda of Agropolitan development, which is to
develop a small urban function center. This urban function center acts as the service
center and should be equipped with urban facilities such as clean water, electricity, a
market center, entertainment, financial institutions, post primary education, road network,
transportation system, communication facilities and other economic activities. These
centers are the critical gatekeepers to filter the rural migration to metropolitan areas as
they serve as centers for off-farm employment and services provision.
The fact that the evaluation process tends to exclude the analysis of changes in
spatial arrangement, shows the need for a clear working example of an Agropolitan.The
November 2005 National Workshop on Agropolitan and Metropolitan, has given a clear
direction on the concept of an Agropolitan. Nevertheless, this concept requires a working
model that can be obtained only by empirical analysis. This working model should
feature a real example of an agro-based small urban function center.
Research Objective
This research seeks to establish a working model of an Agropolitan. This will help the
government in designing Agropolitan projects and evaluating existing projects in terms of
the changing spatial arrangements.
The objective is to develop a conceptual framework based on literature review
and a theoretical framework, and to use this conceptual framework to identify the
research object. The empirical analysis is conducted to find a real life example of an
agro-based small city, or at least a small city that is close to being an agro-based small
city but lacks certain traits that are required in the conceptual framework.
The research questions are:
For the theoretical and literature review:
What are the factors that contribute to the growth of urban areas, in particular the
process that takes place for a non-urban area to become an urban area?
Has there been any development of agro-based small urban areas in other
countries and what are the issues faced?
Scope of Research
This research looks at urban and regional economic theories as well as related literature
in conceptualizing a working model for an Agropolitan. The research selects one project
from the list of on-going Agropolitan projects and potential Agropolitan projects. The
selection criterion is based on the conceptual framework. A working visit is conducted
only to the shortlisted project areas. The focus is on the role of accessibility, villagers
socio-economic background, urban amenities, interaction with other urban areas and the
industrial linkages.
Significance of Research
Many countries place a heavy importance on agricultural sustainability. The empiricalbased working model will provide more accurate guidelines for implementation
compared to a pure theoretical working model. This research is the first in analyzing the
industrial linkage pattern of a small agro-based city in Indonesia, and the role of
accessibility. The role of accessibility is also important in designing spatial plans and
road network as well as urban interactions.
The research also takes into account socio-economic factors that influence
villagers decision to utilize the small city for employment and access to services. The
working model can also serve as a guideline for potential development of similar rural
development projects in other Asia Pacific countries. The industrial linkages analysis is
limited to the flows of goods within the region, and only includes the sectors related
directly to the main commodities produced in the region. The exports from the region are
not included in the analysis.
Theoretical studies form an integral part in understanding the processes leading to the
emergence of an urban area. This chapter discusses theories of urban and regional
development to depict an overall picture of the various intellectual interpretations of the
mechanisms behind the emergence of an urban area. The research objective of this
dissertation is to analyze the development of agriculture-based small towns. Hence there
is a heavy emphasis on understanding the mechanisms of an urban area formation.
In relation to an Agropolitan, the role of agriculture-based small towns in
facilitating a balanced rural-urban linkage pattern is very significant. The intense
interaction between the hinterland villages and the market town, which is created through
backward and forward linkages, is the most important characteristic of an Agropolitan
region. The market town is basically a central point in the region that serves as a market
center to collect the produce from the rural villages and distribute urban services. This
market center develops into an urban center or market town through concentration of
secondary and tertiary activities as well as a certain degree of population concentration.
However, we can narrow the scope of population concentration to day-time population,
instead of night-time population. Day-time population includes those who live in the
hinterland villages but work in the market town while night-time population excludes
such people. The assumption that the market town has high accessibility from every point
in the Agropolitan region also means that the villagers do not need to reside in the market
town because travel is easy.
We look at various theories that explain the mechanisms of urban growth. The
processes that lead to urban growth will serve as useful inputs to construct a working
model for an Agropolitan. Most of the theories are within the field of urban and regional
economic development. There are various names for urban and regional economics field,
which include among others, urban economics, regional science, regional economics,
economic geography and spatial economics. All the theories in urban and regional
development try to integrate spatial aspects in explaining the process of economic
development. We discuss the process that leads to the establishment of urban area, in
particular, the criteria in terms of economic activities and spatial arrangements.
The major original spatial economic theories were all outside the Anglo-Saxon tradition,
mostly due to the fact that these works were written in language other than English. They
were mostly in German. The major spatial economists were von Thunen (1826), Weber
(1909), Christaller (1933) and Losch (1938). Although these theories adopt different
approaches, there is a common feature shared by these theories as they all are directed
towards understanding how the behavior of economic agents in making location decision
for economic activities leads to the emergence of activity centers as embryos of cities.
Section 2.2 discusses the early attempts in integrating spatial dimension with economic
development. These include the works of von Thunens work on isolated state, Webers
work on industrial location theory and the theories of market area of Christaller and
of the crop such as its perishability, determines whether it needs to be located nearer to
the core or not, and thus determines the price received and the potential revenue gained.
Although inherent characteristics of crops affect the price due to the necessity to
locate nearer to the core area, those located farther from the core area need to incur
higher transport cost and this also translates into a higher price. Therefore, it is not
acceptable to judge the commercial value of a crop based solely on their location
decisions. The benefit of locating near to the core market, according to von Thunen, is
strictly confined to the transportation of farm produce. Nevertheless, activities that are
not dependent on the market area have the freedom to pursue the lowest possible land
rent without any worry about transport costs.
There are some exogenous factors that may affect the operability of farms.
Demand may affect the price of the commodities and the possible intensification of
farming may reduce the need for larger land space. In the presence of intensification, the
sacrifice of paying higher rent can be offset by reductions in transport costs. Higher
demand for a product may also lead to a disproportionate trade-off between transport
costs and bid-rent because the savings in transport costs may exceed the higher bid-rent
paid as the quantity of goods transported is higher.
von Thunen showed that market function plays a significant role in creating an
urban area. The presence of a core market affects productive activities and their
respective locations relative to the distance from the core area, which is further
influenced by the demand for the product and the possible intensification measures. He
explains the spatial arrangements of a functional region, and simply attributes urban
growth to the development of a market for agriculture produce.
Weber (1909) provided a very useful addition that fills the missing piece in the
process of urban growth from von Thunens theory. Weber explains the emergence of a
locational structure with particular reference to the general contributing factors. Weber
starts with the initial condition where people occupy an undeveloped land area that will
later become established as an isolated economy. The first phase is the establishment of
agricultural stratum that produces the necessary items required for human survival. The
people who are engaged in farming will then demand consumer goods. To satisfy this
demand, surplus labor from the farming sector will be engaged in primary industries that
are located away from the first stratum. This location where industrial activities take
place becomes the second stratum and is called the primary industrial stratum. The
combined demand for secondary industrial goods from the people working in the
agricultural stratum and the primary industrial stratum are then satisfied by the surplus
labor from these two sectors who engage in secondary industrial activities. The location
for secondary industries is named the third stratum, located away from the second and
first stratum.
These three strata are the basis of an isolated economy. The demand for services
from the people working in these is satisfied by additional surplus labor that engages in
central organizing activities. These service and administrative activities take place in the
fourth and fifth stratum. As we can see, the farm activity extends economic activities
outward and as the location goes outward from the farm, the economic activities that take
place shift to secondary and tertiary sectors. If we assume that more than one farm
activity unit is doing the same thing, and these farm activities are located within a
concentric line, there are directions where the outward movements of these units will
converge and the further the outward movement, the more farm units are included in the
converged points. If we further assume that the secondary activities will take place in
locations where the most number of people can be served, we can see the agglomeration
of activities taking place through this outward movement. As a farm unit decides to
extend its economic activities in establishing a second stratum for primary industries,
another adjacent farm unit may decide to do the same thing and thus the second stratum
may involve more than one farm unit.
As the second stratum comprising of two or more farm units expands into the
third stratum, two or more second strata may have a point of convergence. Thus, the third
stratum may involve more than one second stratum. As this process continues, the final
point will be a convergence of all the farm units that can be connected in one concentric
or circular line located in the outermost of the circular region (refer to appendix 1 for
detailed illustration of this process).
Weber (1909) follows the concentric pattern of land use that von Thunen uses, but
explains in detail how the core area is created. von Thunen created the impression that the
market place is the central point in the isolated economy, and insisted that activities
originate from that point. In contrast, Webers theory can be interpreted as an outward
movement, where the region gets developed initially from the outermost circumference of
the circle, which depicts the region, and as it extends outward from the farm points, this
extension instead becomes an inward movement as all the points within the
circumference line converge into the central nucleus or core of the circular region. This
explains how conglomeration or agglomeration of activities takes place and how
economies of scale contribute to the creation of human settlements and urban areas. The
central organizing strata or the fourth and fifth stratums, are most likely the urban core
which von Thunen is referring to in his theory.
However, if we note that the locations where second or subsequent stratums take
place were initially used also as farm locations, we can see how agricultural activities get
driven away. As the point of convergence between two or more farm units create
economic value of land, farm activities are no longer profitable because of the low valueadded. Thus, primary industries that offer higher value-added and is able to produce at
the demand required for more than one farm unit is considered more suitable to be
located in the land with a higher economic value. This process continues until the core
area, where all the possible points have converged is formed, and the highest value
economic activities take place in this area. This explains how competition for land use as
hypothesized by von Thunen, is also applicable to Webers theory.
From both Weber and von Thunens theories, we can see endogenously derived
creation of cities that takes place due to agglomeration of activities 2 . The surplus labor to
be had because of intensive farming or population growth can be engaged in primary
industries. This process continues until it is possible to produce tertiary goods and
services. Thus, the pre-conditions of an urban area is the sufficient catchment area or
population size that it can serve, which is largely determined by the location. The process
takes place naturally where locations that can serve more people will have higher
economic value and thus higher value activities that satisfy the demand of more people
replace the primary activities that have lower value added.
It is important to note that growth of cities can also be derived exogenously through the existence of other
economic centers, which will be explained in other theories to be discussed later in this chapter.
Weber (1909) also developed a location theory that is based on the following
assumptions: firms exhibit constant return to scale along with technological
improvements; factors of production are infinitely available anywhere or be located at
certain locus of production or supply; the demand is known and fixed in terms of space
and amount, and the transport cost for the commodities increase in proportion to the
increase in weight and distance of the goods being transported. Based on this theory, the
location that gives the optimum profit for the firm is determined by minimizing both
production and transportation costs.
This theory is also well known as the Weber triangular problem. The problem is
that a firm that is faced with the decision to locate its factory to minimize the cost of
serving a particular consumption site. The problem is named the triangular problem
because there are two sources of raw materials that are required for the production
activities and there is a market center located at the third point. Hence, if linked, these
three points form a triangle.
Weber shows that the location giving optimum profit is located within the triangle,
and this location is determined on the basis of the relative strength of the pull forces for
the two sources of raw materials and the market center. This theory is the main point of
discussion of regional science scholars, including Isard (1956). Isards theory on Webers
triangular problem is discussed in a later section of this chapter.
This section looks at the central place theory developed by Christaller (1933) and Losch
(1939) that build on Weber and Thunens theories. The central place theory is, however,
constructed under strict assumptions. Newer theories such as those developed by Isard
(1956) and Alonso (1964) have been constructed under a more relaxed assumption in
updating the central place theory. These newer theories will be discussed in the later
sections of this chapter.
Christaller (1933) provided an empirical analysis to further explain and build on Weber
and Thunens theories. Christaller studied a large number of market towns in South
Germany where every group of market towns were focused on a larger administrative
center. This center is also a market town, but is larger in scale and scope. This
relationship continues as the smallest market towns are linked to the second smallest
market town, and this second smallest market town is linked to the larger market town
until the second largest market towns are linked to the largest market town. This
hierarchy of relationship is the main point of Christaller. The inward centralistic manner
of relationship shows that a hierarchy exists in the settlement pattern. Christaller also
found that settlements of typical size tend to be spaced regularly. The empirical findings
show that population of several sizes of typical settlements tend to bear a regular relation
between each other, and the distances separating any pair of similar size settlements tend
to increase by 3 as one proceeds from a given settlement size to a settlement of the
subsequent higher size.
Losch (1938) added another important dimension to Christallers findings. Losch
looked at the process of urban settlements by collecting additional empirical evidence.
His finding is also a rebuttal to Palanders (1935) view that in the absence of pure
competition in modeling spatial economics, general equilibrium can never be obtained.
Loschs work features a highly simplified static model of a space economy that operates
under monopolistic competition.
It is, however, important to note the strict assumption by Losch of a broad and
homogenous plain economy with uniform transport features in all directions and with an
even scatter of industrial raw materials in quantity sufficient to facilitate production
activities. The economy also has a uniform distribution of agricultural workers as well as
population that have the same set of tastes and preferences. Losch also assumed that each
farmhouse is self-sufficient in the beginning and technical knowledge gets disseminated
throughout the economy with production opportunities available to all the people.
Economies of scale is assumed to be the inducing factor for production of a
commodity that is beyond the farmhouses basic needs. Thus, if the farmhouse finds
production of a secondary or tertiary commodity to be profitable, it will produce the
commodity to serve a certain market area that is depicted to take a circular form.
However, since production opportunities are available to all farmhouses, if a farmhouse
finds it profitable to produce a commodity in surplus, so will the others, and thus the
force of competition will eliminate excess profits and alter the market area. This
alteration not only leads to smaller market size for each farmhouse, but also changes the
shapes of the market.
Ultimately, the market area transforms from a circular form into a hexagon form.
The hexagon market area is seen as an ideal economic form of market area, and is
sustainable because the net of the hexagonal market will completely cover any area under
consideration. In contrast, a circular area will still leave empty untouched corners. Other
possible shapes may be triangles, squares and octagons. But, only a hexagon deviates the
least from the circular form and at the same time allows minimization of transport costs
in supplying a given demand. Thus, a hexagonal form has a circular forms advantage of
allowing maximization of demand from the population in the given area and at the same
time, is better than the circular form because it does not leave any empty untouched
As conceptualized, Loschs argument is that for each commodity, the economy
can be depicted in the form of a geometric plane that is dissected into a honeycomb or a
net of hexagons of market areas. Losch further groups these honeycombs according to the
size of the respective market units. The varying sizes and the relationship between the
smaller and the larger markets create a system of nets that conforms to Christallers
hierarchy of market centers.
The combination of the system of nets and the hierarchy of market area is wellknown as Central Place theory. The strength of this theory is its ability to help simulate
how shocks, shifts or changes in the economy can affect the economy from a spatial
perspective. This effect takes place as producers, retailers and service providers from
each hierarchy interact with one another in a vertical and horizontal manner. Horizontally,
they interact with activities at the same hierarchy or size. Vertically, they interact with
activities at the smaller and larger sizes or lower and higher hierarchies.
However, as discussed earlier, this theory is based on a very strict assumption of
an even distribution of opportunities in a homogeneous place, which is contradictory to
the fact that people tend to cluster in areas where more facilities and amenities are
available. One way to overcome this possible drawback is to relax this assumption and to
adjust the system of hierarchy with possible variations in opportunities along the
homogeneous plane. Despite this drawback, it is important to recognize the fact that
Christaller and Losch provide an answer to how economies of scale and transport costs
interact in determining the spatial structure of an economy.
Another possible drawback of Central Place theory, according to Krugman et al
(2000), is its failure to explain how individual actions also play an important role in
causing the hierarchy and how this hierarchy is sustained once created. The theory fails to
acknowledge the fact that dynamisms in the economy may emerge from the actions of
economic agents. Krugman et al (2000) suggest the use of Central Place theory as a
classification scheme and a way to organize perceptions and data, but warn against using
this theory as an explanation of the economys spatial structure.
Major Works on Spatial Economics in the 1950s and 1960s - The Classical
Location Theories
This section will mostly be focused on Isards (1956) seminal work on general theories of
location and his disciple Alonsos (1964) work on urban land use. Both these works were
path-breaking in regional science. They successfully assembled previously scattered
theories and studies.
Isard investigated empirical regularities in the spatial economy as a justification for the
need to develop location theory. Isard also refers to Losch (1933) and Christaller (1938)
where as one proceeds from smaller to larger class sizes of cities, the distance separating
cities of like class size increases, although with considerable variation around an average.
Isard (1956) refers to Zipf (1949), who conducts a study on the association
between city size and the market area complex. Zipf used a graph that plotted the weight
of shipments between any pair of cities and the corresponding P1 P2
(P1 and P2
represent population of two given cities and D represents distance) distance factor. Zipf
found a definite inverse relationship between tonnage of railway cargo and distance.
Stewart (1950) used Newtonian physics in observing the relationship between volume of
trade and spatial distance. Stewarts theory was that the demographic (gravitational) force
F of attraction between two groups of N1 and N2 average Americans separated by r
distance is given by F = N 1 N 2
multiplied by N 1 N 2
one area has over the other area. When referring to the influence one area has over a
certain region, Stewart used the equation V = 1 DdS where D refers to the density of
the population over area, dS. The integral in this equation covers all the points within the
region where the density of the population is not zero. According to Stewart, the
influence that one area has over a certain region is also an inverse measure of the areas
proximity to the total population. In other words, this influence over a certain region also
indicates how accessible the location is, relative to other locations. Accessibility is
discussed in detail in a later section.
The empirical regularities present in Zipf and Stewarts findings led Isard (1956)
to the conclusion that the friction of distance is present and affects the spatial structure of
an economy. Therefore, transport infrastructure plays an important role in altering such a
structure. Isard incorporated transport into his model by treating transport as a production
input. The transport input is seen as a derived input obtained from the service of the basic
production inputs, which are labor and land. In other words, the producer has to choose
between allocating the labor and land inputs for transportation or for cultivation. Thus,
any decision to produce within a greater distance from the market implies that the
producer anticipates greater returns. A greater return is obtained as the investment in
labor and land inputs for transportation of products is offset by the savings in
transportation cost 3 . In Isards model, the transport input is seen as an indirect labor input
that is a substitute of the direct labor input.
Isard (1956) simulated a condition where a firm is faced with more than one point of raw
materials or input source and market points. This simulation shows the problem where a
firm has to substitute a closer distance to one input source at the expense of longer
distance to the other input source. If the firm decides to locate near the market, the firm
also has to substitute closer distance to market at the expense of longer distance to raw
material sources. The main objective of this simulation is to find the location that
There is trade-off between the investment in labor or land inputs for transport and the labor or land inputs
for product cultivation.
minimizes the overall transport costs. Transportation cost is a function of distance and
mass of the inputs or finished products.
It is important to note the elasticity of transport cost to distance, whereby the
increase in transport cost from zero distance to a distance slightly more than zero (i.e.
from 0km to 0.1km) is significantly higher compared to the increase in transportation cost
from distance more than zero to a slightly longer distance (i.e. from 1km to 1.1km).
Because of the elasticity of transportation cost to distance, Isard argued that the most
efficient location is located in the corner of the polygon rather than the middle because it
is always more efficient to have one of the inputs or outputs free of transport costs.
Isard (1956) also found that transport costs are the most important determinant of
spatial structure. This finding was based on the analysis of relationship between three
locational factors and the distance of settlements. The three locational factors are
transportation and transfer costs, labor, utilities and financial service costs and factors
that give rise to agglomeration and deglomeration. He found that only transport and
transfer costs have regular variation with the distance of settlements, while the other two
locational factors do not have any regular variation. This shows that transport costs are
the main determinant in the formation of an economys spatial structure.
Nevertheless, this does not necessarily imply that agglomeration economies have
no influence on the spatial structure of an economy. Isard explains how despite the lack
of regular variation between spatial structure and the agglomeration economies, the
factors of agglomeration can influence spatial structure. Hoover (1937) classified
agglomeration factors into three categories, which are large-scale economies, localization
economies and urbanization economies. Isard explains the relationship between the
factors of agglomeration and the creation of spatial structure. According to Isard, the
relationship between large-scale economies as an aglomeration factor and the spatial
structure of an economy, can be explained with reference to Loschs (1938) hexagonal
market area theory. Isard refers to the case of two different commodities with different
marginal costs. The marginal cost of one of the commodities may increase sufficiently to
allow for the division of market while the other commodity may have economies of scale
extended over much larger range of products. In this case, for the commodity with
economies of scale extended over much larger range of products, if the market area is
enlarged, the gain in revenue outweighs the loss from incurring higher transportation
costs. In contrast, the commodity with significant increase in marginal cost cannot have a
larger market area since transport costs are higher. Therefore, a hierarchy of small and
larger markets are created through a system of economies of scale, which conforms to
Loschs theory of market area hierarchy.
Isard refers to Webers (1909) theory on the reasons behind clustering of several
firms or units, in explaining the relationship between localization economies and spatial
structure. Weber sees the intersection of critical isodapanes between two or more firms
as the condition for clustering. However, it is important that when clustered together, the
unit can produce the requisite quantity in serving the combined market area efficiently.
An isodapane consists of points of equal transport costs from the point of distribution.
The critical isodapane is reached when savings in labor cost are just off-set by the
increased transport costs (Pinto, 1977). When agglomeration takes place through
clustering, the benefit of agglomeration economies that the firm gets is equivalent to the
extra profit gained from serving the market beyond the critical isodapane.
Labor Economies
Power Economies
Education Economies
Isard (1956) also deals with agricultural location theory. He argued that rent differentials
have always played an important role in determining the location of agricultural activities.
However, the location theories for agricultural activities and industrial activities are still
similar with regard to the trade-off between labor costs and transport costs. The only
significant difference is the fact that agriculture producers are small in size and their
markets are concentrated at particular points. Such a condition allows deeper locational
Isards disciple, Alonso (1964), focused on the agricultural location model.
Alonsos model features a single market for selling agricultural products and the land
around the market are assumed to have similar potential for cropping. The model
introduced the concept of bid rent whereby the more distant the land is from the market,
the lesser is the bid rent as the producer has to incur more transportation cost. The
amount of bid rent will be limited to the difference between the market price and the total
production and distribution cost. The competition among farmers will bring the bid rent
to the level where farmers earn only normal profit (compensation for labor). The formula
for rent at any location is:
Pc (t ) = N [Pc C K c (t )]
Where Pc(t) is the rent per unit of land at a distance t from the market, N is the number of
units of crop produced per unit of land (land productivity), Pc is the price per unit of the
crop, C is the cost of production for one unit of the crop and Kc(t) is the cost of
transporting one unit of crop from distance t to the market.
The total production of the crop is:
Total production = N S (te)
where te is the most distant location at which the crop is grown and S(te) is how much
land bounded by a circle of radius te around the market.
Through the concept of total production using a circular area, the mechanism of
spatial extension of agriculture can be understood. When production of crops exceeds the
demand in the market, price will decrease. Thus, the bid rent will also decrease causing
the farthest distant of crop production to move closer to the market to compensate for the
lower bid rent.
This system is based on the landlord and farmer relationship where farmers set
aside some of their profit as rent for the landlord. Thus, farmers are indifferent to the
location as long as the rent reflects the fair costs involved in production and transport of
products given that the land is a featureless plain and the time concept is not yet
incorporated in this model.
This model can be developed further to include more than one agricultural
commodity. In this case, the bid rent function for each commodity is assumed to be
different in terms of gradient or slope and thus, there will be a point where one
commodity can bid for a higher rent. Thus, assuming that there are two commodities, the
area where the first commodity can bid for a higher rent than the second commodity
shows the area of the first commoditys successful bid or second commoditys
unsuccessful bid.
Figure 2.2. Alonsos bid rent curve
Source: The author of this thesis modification of Alonso (1964) bid rent curve
The area where the second commodity can bid a higher rent than the first
commodity shows the area of the second commoditys successful bid or the first
commoditys unsuccessful bid. When the highest bidders are taken together, the actual
rent structure is formed.
If under the assumption of land being a featureless plain, farmers are indifferent to
locations as far as rents are concerned, retailers are not. The selling ability of land is
considerably different from the production ability of land. The proximity to the center of
a market plays a more important role in the firms selling ability. However, this view
contradicts the earlier discussion on land bid rent where agricultural activities also bid for
a location nearer to the market center. It is important to note that under the agricultural
bid rent model, taking the example of commodities B and C, if commodity B is outbid by
commodity C in a location nearer to the market, there is still a possibility that commodity
B can outbid commodity C in a location farther from the market. This is because different
commodities have different profile of costs. For commodity C, the need to locate nearer
to the market is higher and this leads to a higher price for the commodity to compensate
for the higher bid rent. In contrast, commodity B may need to have larger areas and thus,
locating nearer to the market is less important. Thus, farmers do not bid just for locating
nearer to the market, but also for a certain land size to facilitate production. In the case of
retailers, locating farther from the market center will sacrifice the potential sales.
Isard (1956) simulated a condition where an urban business faces a trade-off
between savings in expenditures for rent and the revenue potential. Alonso (1964) cited
Isard (1956) with reference to the determining factors in the urban business rent decision.
The determining factors are the effective distance from the core area, the accessibility of
the site to potential customers, the number of competitors, the intensity of competition for
sales and the proximity to supporting business services. Under a monocentric city model
with population concentrated in the CBD area, the more distant the firm locates from the
CBD, the less accessible the firm is from potential customers.
Under a model of city with scattered population and varying density, each firms
unique location may lead to a certain degree of monopoly power. Alonso modeled the
urban businesses in a similar manner as residential households. The urban business is
faced with the given structure of prices for land according to distance in which it will
decide on the location and the lot size that yields the greatest possible profits.
G =V C R
and the rent patterns. The use of isochrones provides closer approximations of the reality
in urban and regional modeling (refer to Figure 2.3 for illustration).
Figure 2.3 - Isochrones
This section discusses a wide range of studies conducted after the 1960s. Economists
have further developed the original and classical locational theories. The new studies
include Krugman et al (2000), Fujita (1989), Fujita and Thisse (2002) and Henderson
(1974). Most of the modern works, particularly those by Fujita (1989) and Krugman et al
(2000), focus on mathematical modeling of the regional economy from the perspective of
consumer utility.
Fujita (1989) presented the basic theory of urban land use and city size in a
microeconomic framework using mathematical tools that incorporate the bid-rent
approach. The model assumes individuals or households to be utility-oriented with
consumption of goods and housing being constrained by income and transportation costs.
The model is further extended for various conditions. These include the trade-off between
space for living and accessibility to work, the time cost of commuting in terms of leisure
time being forsaken, the application of Herbert Stevens model to find the optimum land
use pattern, the use of exogenous parameters such as population, transport costs and
income to equilibrium land use changes and how capital intensity on land varies with
distance from the city center.
Fujita and Thisse (2002) studied the economics of agglomeration by using
mathematical models. Among the conditions included in the model is the competition
among land developers that allows for the decentralization of efficient allocation of
public goods when the economic agents are identical in preferences and incomes. Thus, a
competitive land market is a pre-condition for an efficient allocation of resources in a
space-economy. By studying clustering of firms in the cities, Fujita and Thisse (2002)
also found that product differentiation reduces price competition and allows firms to
attract more consumers as compared to when they choose to stand alone.
In reality, there are large cities that may have gone beyond their economic size.
Despite the fact that their size has led to diminishing utility, residents in the large cities
still have no incentive to move to a new location. This lack of incentive is due to the fact
that any existing large cities would still give higher level of welfare than a new location
with less amenities. Henderson argues that this situation is a vicious cycle that can only
be broken by involving forward-looking large land development agents. These agents
capitalize on the profit opportunity arising from the existence of too few cities with
excessive sizes by organizing city corporations. These city corporations move a
number of people to a new city of optimal size and earn profit from possibly higher land
prices. According to Krugman et al (2000), in the United States, major private developers
have been playing a significant role in the urban growth in this way.
In explaining the existence of varying city sizes, Henderson argued that external
economies of scale tend to be specific to particular industries but diseconomies tend to
depend on the overall size of a city, regardless of whatever it produces. Thus, as there are
diseconomies to the city size, there is no economic justification to locate more than one
industry without mutual spillovers in the same city. Industries that have low linkages
between each other or share no similar outputs should not be located in the same area.
This is because the benefit of their co-existence is outweighed by the diseconomies
arising from their co-existence that may result from congestion and higher land-rent as
well as wages and utility costs. This situation would force a city to specialize in a
particular industry or few industries that have external economies of scale, and make
these industries the export industries. The export industries serve as the local
economic base, which is expected to generate a multiplier effect on the local economy.
Henderson also explains the differing extent to which external economies of scale
takes place across different industries. Krugman et al (2000) illustrate Hendersons
(1974) idea with examples of a textile company and a banking center. In the case of a
textile company, it makes no economic sense to include more than a handful of mills.
However, in the case of a banking center, it will be best if it contains practically all of the
financial businesses that take place in the country. This difference in economies of scale
thus leads to the varying sizes of cities, and explains Hendersons argument that the
optimal size of a city depends on its industrial role. Eventually, all residents in different
cities will possess similar utility levels, but the size of cities will vary depending on the
role of the cities.
Krugman et al (2000) criticize Henderson because Hendersons argument on the
emergence of new cities relies heavily on the role of large scale developers. This heavy
reliance gives less emphasis on the invisible hand that has played an important role in the
emergence of big spatial structures such as metropolitan areas, regions or even nations.
Krugman et al also argue that Hendersons approach is non-spatial. This is because
Henderson does not explain the internal structure of cities, although one can assume that
the activities which have externalities must be concentrated in the central business district.
There is also no explanation on where cities themselves are located relative to each other.
Another important attempt to describe the urban systems is the work of Fujita and
Ogawa (1982). Fujita and Ogawa assume external economies of scale between producers
that decline with distance. The external economies of scale provide the centripetal force
that pulls employment into a concentrated district. However, workers require living space
and must commute to the district. This creates a von Thunen-type trade-off between
commuting costs and land rent that further creates a centrifugal force. Therefore,
businesses can attract workers at lower wages by locating in low-rent locations nearer to
where these workers reside. This is important in explaining the actual formation of cities
as they do not only come in monocentric structure. Instead, cities can take the form of a
polycentric structure.
2.4.3 Spatial Version of Dixit-Stiglitz Monopolistic Competition Model
U = M
A 1
M = m ( i ) di
, 0 < < 1
In this function, the parameter represents the intensity of preference for variety
in manufactured goods. When is close to 1, the differentiated goods are nearly perfect
substitutes of each other. If is close to 0, the desire to consume a greater variety of
manufactured goods increases. Thus, this function shows the degree of consumption that
affects the demand for manufactured goods. If = 1/(1-), then is the elasticity of
substitution between any two varieties.
Thus, this model focuses on the maximization of consumer utility subject to the
budget constraint as follows:
p ( i ) m ( i ) di
= Y
where pA represents the price of the agricultural good and p(i) represents the price of each
manufactured good.
With respect to manufactured goods, the minimization of cost is done for each
variety of good such that:
p ( i ) m ( i ) di
m ( i ) di
= M
From the first order derivative of the expenditure minimization problem using
pair of goods i and j, we find the following marginal rates of substitution to price ratios:
m ( i ) 1
p (i )
p ( j)
m ( j)
By substituting equation 2.9 in equation 2.6 and by multiplying the right hand
side of the equation by M, Krugman et al (2000) get equation 2.9. In the right hand side
of the equation, M is the quantity demanded. Thus, the right hand side of equation 2.9 is
the multiplication of price index and the quantity, which gives the expenditure, which is
denoted as G in the left hand side of the equation.
G = p (i)
/( 1 )
( 1) /
= p ( i ) 1 di
1 /( 1 )
where =(-1)/ or =(1/(1- ). The price index G measures the minimum cost of
purchasing a unit of the composite index M of manufacturing goods. Equation 2.9 is an
expenditure function.
After finding the equation for the price index of manufactured goods, the next
step is to find the combination of consumption of agricultural and manufactured goods
that maximizes utility and is constrained by the income. This function is expressed as
equation 2.10.
max U = M
A 1 s.t GM + p A = Y
From this equation we can obtain the consumers demand function for the agricultural
goods, which is:
A = (1 ) Y / p
p ( j )
for j [ 0 , n ]
G ( 1 )
U =
(1 ) 1 YG
) (1 )
p rM ,
This model uses an iceberg as a metaphor for transport cost. As the iceberg melts along the journey, the
iceberg transport technology expresses transport cost as a sacrifice in the product amount. This reduces the
number of variables in the model because the transport cost is expressed as the sacrificed amount of
products for transport.
p rsM = p rM T rsM
By adjusting the price index (G) equation with the iceberg transport technology,
the consumption demand for location s for a product produced in r can be expressed as
Y s ( p rM T rsM ) G s(
where Ys is the income for location s. 2.15 shows the level of consumption, but for
obtaining the quantity delivered, this has to be multiplied by the function
T rsA / M . Thus,
it is clear that sales depend on income and the price index in each location as well as on
the transport costs and the factory or farm price of the products.
The multiplier effect of an economic base is particularly important in analyzing the role
of an economic sector in promoting urban growth. The dominance of an economic sector
that acts as an economic base for a region is not seen merely from its quantitative
contribution to the economy, but also from how it facilitates the creation of other
economic sectors both directly and indirectly. This employment multiplier effect leads to
the diversification of an urban economy. According to Davis (1990), the employment
multiplier is associated with a particular regional stimulus designed to yield and estimates
the total employment attributable to the stimulus per job or man-year of employment
directly created.
Isard (1960) defines the multiplier to be equal to the total (or increase in)
employment in both basic and service activities divided by total (or increase in) basic
employment. Regional development can be modeled using the economic base multiplier
approach. In this approach, the components of the multipliers and the role of these
components determine the structure of an economy.
Total Employment (T) = Basic Employment (B) + Nonbasic Employment (N) (2.16)
Basic employment involves activities such as export (including export services
and tourism), investments in housing or businesses, government expenditures for
investment, operation and transfer payments. These activities are considered to be
exogenous to the model. The non-basic employment is local service oriented activities
that is induced by the basic employment activities. The non-basic employment is
endogenous to the model. Krumme (2002) has three models of the multiplier effect. The
first is the non-basic employment (NE) generated by basic employment (BE):
T = B+N
MultiplierEffect = B
B( B + N )
M1 =
The second formulation defines the multiplier as the basic employment (BE)
multiplied by non-basic employment per basic employee:
M2 =
where the denominator of this multiplier is the leakage coefficient in which the larger the
coefficient, the smaller the multiplier. N/T is the retention coefficient, which is:
N/T= plc x iclcs
where plc is the propensity to consume locally and iclcs is the income generated per local
consumption dollar.
The third formulation defines the multiplier as basic employment multiplied by the
multiplier minus basic employment:
T = B + ME
M 3 = (1 +
T = B+B
T = B(1 +
ME = B
This formulation places a heavy emphasis on the N/B ratio in determining the
multiplier effect. However, the above methods simply focus on how to find the size of
multiplier in a region by using the available economic data on employment. What is more
important is to find the factors that can lead to a higher multiplier. According to Tiebout
(1963), there are several factors that affect the size of the multiplier. These include the
size of a region by population, income and area, degree of geographic isolation, transport
and communication costs for exports and imports, specialization and the economic
structure of the region, social and economic attributes, time-horizon, local protectionism
and import substitution policies and the community power structure.
With regard to the size of the region, while holding other things equal (ceteris
paribus), Tiebout sees that the larger the region, the larger the expected multiplier. This is
because more of the imports (leakages) would become intra-regional transactions. With
more activities expected to reach their threshold level, sufficient demand within the
region would increase the operational viability and thus, less goods and services have to
be imported into the region. The larger percentage of expenditure staying in the region
leads to further linkages and these will induce other income generating activities in the
With regard to degree of geographic isolation and transport and communication
costs for exports and imports, Tiebout argues that the higher the degree of isolation or
transport and communication costs, the higher the propensity to consume locally and thus,
the higher the income created per dollar of local consumption sales. In terms of
specialization and economic structure of the region, having strong comparative advantage
in the export sector may lead to non-competitiveness of some non-basic activities for
local factors of production such as land and labor, which leads to more consumption of
imported goods and services than if there is a weak comparative advantage that leads to
higher self-sufficiency and thus, a higher multiplier.
As indicated earlier, the other factors influencing the multiplier include socioeconomic attributes, time horizon, local protectionist and import-substitution policies and
community power structure that affect the economic structure of the community.
However, it is interesting to observe that regions are, in fact, trying to break their
isolation, focusing on comparative advantage and refraining from local protectionist
policies. This trend contradicts Tiebouts argument. Despite the higher competition for
available labor caused by the comparative advantage, it is important to take into account
the in-migration from nearby areas as this may neutralize the crowding-out effect. Having
a high degree of isolation and refraining from inter-regional trade to contain the spending
of income in the local economy may not be feasible as this leads to inefficient allocation
of resources. Thus, strengthening of the economic structure and facilitating stronger intraregional linkages may be crucial in improving the magnitude of the multiplier.
One of the main objectives of this research is to examine how a rural economy is able to
evolve into an urban economy through improvements in accessibility. Thus, it is pertinent
that the concept and measurement of accessibility be clarified in the theoretical
framework. According to Rodrigue (2004), accessibility can be defined as the degree of
mobility. Mobility can be expressed in terms of people, freight or even information. The
relationship between transport amenities and accessibility is undoubtedly positive when
impacts of congestion are not taken into account. Therefore, the adequate provision of
transport infrastructure is central to the accessibility of an area.
According to Rodrigue, when an area is considered more accessible than others,
the factors that are usually considered are location and distance. Location is a relative
position that is estimated in relation to the transport infrastructure. Distance is measured
with respect to the connectivity between locations where connectivity can only exist in
the presence of transport. Distance is conventionally expressed in units such as in
kilometers or in time and cost of travel.
Rodrigue categorizes accessibility into two main types, which are topological
accessibility and contiguous accessibility. The first one is related to measuring
accessibility in a system of nodes and paths (a transport network), assuming that
accessibility is a measurable attribute that is significant only with reference to specific
elements of the transport system such as terminals, airports, sea port or station. The
second type is contiguous accessibility that involves measuring accessibility over a
surface, assuming that accessibility is a measurable attribute of every location.
Accessibility is a good indicator for the underlying spatial structure as it considers both
the location and the inequality arising from distance to other locations.
Rodrigue uses network connectivity as a basic measurement of accessibility. This
involves using a matrix that expresses the connectivity of each node with its adjacent
node in the network. The number of columns and rows in the matrix represents the
number of nodes in the network, and the value of 1 is assigned to the cell when the pair of
node that is not connected by transport network and the value of 0 if otherwise. The
values of the cells are summed to provide the basic measure of accessibility in the
network that can be called the degree of the node.
However, the above methods exclude the possibilities for indirect paths between
the nodes. Thus, to include the direct as well as indirect paths between the nodes in the
network, the total accessibility matrix is used. By calculating the total paths in the
network, the matrix can provide a more comprehensive accessibility measurement as
compared to the network connectivity.
Going beyond merely calculating the number of available paths in the network,
Rodrigue proposed that accessibility be measured by the shortest paths between the nodes.
The Shimbel index is a measurement of accessibility that calculates the minimum number
of paths necessary to connect one node with all the nodes in the network, in which the Dmatrix is used to express the shortest path between each node. However, both the
Shimbel index and the D-matrix fail to incorporate the notion of physical distance. To
overcome this problem, the valued graph matrix or L-matrix can be used so that instead
of the minimum path in each cell, the minimum distance is used to measure connectivity.
From the above measurements, accessibility boils down to two practical measures,
which are geographical accessibility and potential accessibility. Geographical
accessibility is a summation of all distances between other locations that takes into
account the number of locations. The lower the sum of distances, the more accessible is
the location. This can be measured using a combination of the Shimbel Index and the LMatrix (Rodrigue, 2004) represented by A(G) (geographical accessibility matrix) as:
where dij is the shortest path of distance between location i and j, n is the number of
locations and L is the valued graph matrix.
Potential accessibility (Rodrigue, 2004) is relatively more complex to measure as
compared to the geographical accessibility, as it simultaneously considers the distance
weighted by the attributes of the place as all places are not equal.
Some places are more important than others. Potential accessibility can be
measured as follows:
Where A(P) is the potential accessibility matrix, dij is the distance between place i and j,
Pj is the attributes of place j, such as its population, fertile land surface and n is the
number of places. The value of this matrix reflects the emissiveness and attractiveness
and it is non-transposable. The emissiveness is the capacity to leave a location as
indicated by the summation of values in the row of the A(P) matrix, and the attractiveness
refers to the capacity to reach a location as indicated by the summation of values in the
column of the A(P) matrix.
This chapter discusses the findings from recent studies on secondary urban area or small
urban center development. The previous chapter discussed basic theories of regional and
urban economics and identified the mechanisms that are important in the emergence of an
urban area. The literature review in this chapter is directed towards understanding the
challenges and prospects of the development of new urban areas, specifically of the
development of secondary urban areas or small urban centers or rural towns. From now
on, we will use the term small urban center.
The initiative to develop small urban centers in improving rural-urban linkages
has been discussed since the late 1980s. This initiative was inspired by the limited nature
of the traditional perspective in regional planning that has led to a fragmented approach
in rural and urban policy making. Rural areas are generally seen as the laggards in
economic development. Hodge and Monk (2004) question such common perception in
Englands policy making in the rural areas that associates rural areas with economic
decline, low incomes and lack of services. They argue that one cannot generalize about
the rural areas as there are differences among the areas currently grouped as rural.
There are certain circumstances where some rural areas can be grouped with urban areas
and this depends on an areas specific characteristics.
Hoggart (1990) has a similar view as he criticizes regional planners and scholars
for the lack of theorization about the structural differences across rural areas. This view
contradicts the common perception among economists that rural areas are simply
economically inferior compared to urban areas. It suggests that some rural areas may in
fact have stronger economic activities compared to some urban areas. This will be largely
determined by the rural-urban linkages with respect to the economic structure of the rural
The idea of a rural area being economically superior to an urban area may sound
peculiar. However, we should not view this idea only in terms of economic superiority of
rural areas. Instead, rural areas should be seen as inseparable from urban areas and thus,
comparing rural areas with urban areas is inappropriate. Caffyn and Dahlstrom (2005)
suggest the integration of rural and urban areas for regional development. Instead of
focusing on the differences between rural and urban areas, the focus should be on
interdependences and commonalities. They point out the trend in Europes policy papers
towards stressing interdependencies and in moving the emphasis towards functional
regions rather than separating town and country.
Development of secondary cities or small urban centers is one way of
implementing rural and urban integration. Rondinelli (1991) looked at government
policies of Asian countries aimed at creating a balanced pattern of urban development
and how these had largely failed. These failures led to the recognition of the importance
of diffusing urban growth rather than controlling or suppressing it. In light of this, Asian
governments have refocused their urban development policies, one of which is towards
investing in secondary cities and towns with growth potential that allows the integration
of urban and rural markets.
The following sections discuss in detail existing works with respect to the
regional economic concept of small urban centers as growth poles, and the empirical
findings on the benefits of establishing small urban centers as well as the challenges
faced. Solutions to the challenges and the pre-conditions for an effective small urban
center are also discussed.
The development of small urban centers or small urban centers leads to the integration of
rural and urban area into a functional region. In understanding the inseparability between
rural and urban area from an economic perspective, it is useful to first analyze the process
of regional economic development. From a regional perspective, we can view economic
development from two dimensions. The first dimension is economic growth and the
second is spatial structure (Parr, 1979) 5 . As far as regional economics is concerned, both
these dimensions are inter-related without any exact sequence. In other words, economic
growth may influence spatial structural change and vice versa 6 . In understanding the
mechanism of rural-urban integration, the emphasis is placed on how economic growth
influences the spatial structural change.
Parr (1987) gives an example of a regional economic development involving
spatial structural change. The case study is that of a newly growing economy with per
capita income initially at a relatively low level. Parr uses population density as an
indicator to measure the spatial structural change. In the case used in the model for Parrs
study, economic growth induces population growth where growth rates are highest near
Social structure as another possible dimension of economic development will be discussed later in section
5.3.3. on the social economy.
Parr (1979) refers to a case where the nature and pace of regional economic change over a given period
can be influenced by the form of spatial structure at the start of the period.
the center of the region and the rates steadily decline as we move away from the center.
Parr uses the term metropolis to refer to the center of the region and considers the
metropolis as an emerging growth pole. There are two possible cases that may conform to
such a spatial development model, which Parr refers to as the model of Regional
Concentration with Metropolitan Centralization.
The first is the case of a region where the economy was formerly based on
traditional activities and it undergoes industrialization. In this case, according to Lampard
(1955), the difference in transport costs are not substantial, and thus, economic activities
no longer need to be located near each market. This, in turn, leads to a more concentrated
pattern of location for production activities. It is important to note that the absence of
substantial transport costs allowing for concentration of activities is only for the
surrounding area that is within a certain radius from the metropolis.
In the non-metropolis part of the region or the areas outside the growth pole, there
is also economic growth, but the rate is slower. The growth in the non-metropolis part of
the region can be attributed to the income earned by commuters working in the
metropolis as well as to the increased demand of the metropolis population and economic
activities for raw materials and food that are supplied from the non-metropolis part of the
region. Therefore, in this case, the process of economic growth originates from the
industrialization that takes place at the center or growth pole area of the region, which
later trickles down to the hinterland or the non-metropolitan area surrounding the
The second case is that of a region with growth occurring initially in the nonmetropolitan part of the region, which in turn provides the stimulus for the metropolis
part of the region. Such is likely to be the case for newly settled regions. The
advancements in agriculture and resource-based activities in the non-metropolitan part of
the region create substantial demand for goods and services that are only available in the
metropolis part. These goods and services usually include manufactured goods to be used
as inputs to production or for final consumption, as well as services such as banking,
financial, wholesaling, transportation and consumer-oriented services.
The nodal location of the metropolis and the economies of scale that are present in
economic activities that take place in the metropolis, lead to a disproportionate multiplier
effect experienced by the metropolis from the growth that originates from the nonmetropolis part of the region, as stated by Parr (1973). In other words, as the surrounding
hinterland composed of agricultural or primary resource extraction economic activities
experiences growth, leverage is experienced because the metropolis area is able to
produce goods or services which are in demand in the surrounding hinterland more
However, in this case, there is an important pre-condition if economies of scale
are to take place. This pre-condition can be explained by depicting the region as taking a
circular form with the metropolis forming the nucleus of a smaller circular area in the
middle of the larger circle representing the region. If growth originates only from some
parts of the hinterland located within the larger circle but outside the nucleus, maximum
leverage cannot be achieved. Economies of scale requires that growth originates from a
substantial proportion of the hinterland. The degree of leverage will determine the
potential economies of scale. The degree of leverage may be expressed as a product of
the proportion of hinterland experiencing growth and the maximum spatial leverage.
= 2
R r
A : area of the hinterland that experiences economic growth
R : radius of the whole economic region
r : radius of the nucleus or growth pole or metropolis
Although the final ratio can be obtained in a straightforward manner without
having to compute the other ratios, it is important to note that the other ratios have a
crucial role in determining the optimality of the spatial arrangements in terms of resource
utilization for the whole region. The ratio of the hinterland area experiencing economic
growth to the total area of hinterland represents the proportion of hinterland experiencing
growth. On its own, this ratio gives the degree of optimality of the leverage. The closer it
is to one, the more optimum is the leverage. The maximum spatial leverage is the ratio of
the hinterland area to the nucleus area. The product of these two ratios is the ratio of the
hinterland area experiencing growth to the nucleus area. This ratio shows the degree of
leverage based on how large is the area of hinterland experiencing growth as the potential
market for the nucleus in comparison the the area of the nucleus itself. However, this
calculation may not take into account population density and natural resource disparity.
Thus, the size of the area in this formula can be substituted with other indicators such as
the number of population, agriculture produce, or fertile land area (refer to appendix 2 for
However, the circular region model may have some limitations in delineating the
sphere of influence for the growth pole, especially in case of terrain variations that may
lead to variations between the sky distance from one point in the nucleus to the point in
the hinterland and the actual transportation cost and time. Therefore, modifying the
model by replacing circular radius with isochrones 7 can make Parrs model more
applicable to the real world.
The establishment of growth poles in the form of small urban centers can create leverage
effect to catalyze regional economic development. The idea is to capitalize from the
urban benefits that are brought nearer to the rural areas through encouraging certain
forms of urbanization. The development of a small urban center is also expected to
contribute to rural development by linking rural areas with the larger market and creating
employment opportunities. The economic and social rationale for establishing small
urban centers has been the subject of many studies, in particular, among rural and
regional development scholars and researchers. This section discusses the empirical
works on the role of small urban centers or small urban centers as one way of overcoming
the challenges faced in rural development.
3.3.1. Market Linkage and Employment Creation through Market-Based Small
Urban Center Development: Growth Poles as Service Provision Centers
Trager (1988) studied what an African rural population would call hometowns. These
hometowns are small urban centers located within close proximity to rural areas such that
Alonso (1964) defines isochrones as the points with the same travel distance or the same commuting cost
from the center of the city that may be connected by iso-access lines.
these rural people are able to claim the small urban centers as their hometowns even
though they do not permanently reside in these hometowns. The focus of Tragers study
(1988) was on the role of these small urban centers in the economic and social activities
of the rural hinterland, in particular, the pattern of rural-urban linkage that the rural
hometown system exhibits.
An interesting aspect in Trager (1988) is the role of markets that encompass a
significant portion of rural population activities. Adalemo (1979) and Bromley (1984)
propose the empowerment of existing market centers to become the center for provision
of other urban services to the rural populations. These studies also found that such
markets conform to the central places hierarchy system. The presence of a market
therefore shows some degree of centrality that can be measured by analyzing the level of
activities, functional relations, flows, linkages and area of influence.
Recognizing the conformance of marketplaces to the central place hierarchy,
Adalemo (1979) and Bromley (1984) argue that these marketplaces can serve as a base
for other developmental activities. Trager (1979) uses the analysis of a central place
hierarchy to identify how the system of periodic markets in Southwestern Nigeria allows
periodic markets to become provider of services. An example is the provision of health
services in these markets during market days.
Trager (1988) shows that the markets in the Ijesa area of Nigeria serve a variety
of functions for traders, farmers and consumers. The markets serve as retail distribution
points for sellers of manufactured goods and other goods not produced locally. The
markets are also the place where rural farm products can be purchased and gathered for
redistribution in bulk elsewhere. Traders in the market include those coming from local
area as well as those coming from other, usually large, centers. Thus, farmers utilize the
market as a place to sell their products as well as to buy other necessary goods. Ukwu
(1969) describes such a market as a rural central market. As opposed to a rural local
market that serves only the village in which it is located, a rural central market serves the
surrounding villages or the hinterland.
Thus, markets play an instrumental role in rural areas as they become places
where people and goods move and lead to the establishment of economic and social
relationships. Trager (1979) points out that, in general, the marketplace facilitates the
creation of economic links in two directions. The first is by linking small centers and
rural areas with the larger urban centers and the second is by linking the small centers
with their rural hinterlands. In brief, these marketplaces located in the small urban centers
provide access for selling the locally produced goods of the rural people as well as
providing access points for purchasing goods that are not produced in the local area.
Gaile (1992) also looked at the role of such small towns in Africa. This recent
study shows that through market-based development small towns have become effective
instruments to improve rural-urban linkages by expanding market-based agricultural
activities and they stimulate non-farm employment opportunities. Aeroe (1992) looked at
the industrialization programs that took place in the small towns of Makamboko and
Gutu in Zimbabwe. Small towns are relatively less attractive compared to large towns as
a destination for investment and a place to live, and thus they cannot be expected to
replace industrialization in large towns.
Nevertheless, Aeroe points out that small town industrialization can supplement
large town industrialization. Aeroe refers to the surveys in African countries that have
shown how small enterprises are often more efficient and are able to create more
employment as compared to the larger enterprises within the same industry. There is a
similar finding in the discussion of urban to rural shift of business activities and
employment in England. Keeble and Tyler (1995) refer to a survey of over 1,000
manufacturing and service businesses in remote rural, accessible rural and urban
settlements. The survey shows that rural firms achieve faster employment growth. In the
case of small enterprises in Makamboko and Gutu towns, the development is mainly
contributed by the intense interaction between these towns and their respective rural
Rondinelli (1988) also looked at the role of Africas small urban centers in
facilitating agricultural production as well as stimulating the growth of enterprises and
jobs related to agricultural marketing, processing and exchange. These small cities are
also called market towns and are proven to play important roles in linking rural areas
with urban markets. The expansion of the market-based linkage plays a crucial role in
promoting regionally equitable economic development.
In China, the rural industries are known as town and village enterprises (TVEs).
Southall (1988) cites The Beijing Review (1987), which questioned whether relying on
two pillars, which are the development of large-scale modern enterprises in the urban
areas and the village and township run enterprises based on traditional technology in the
countryside, can lead rural population to achieve urbanization. The Fei Xiaotong lecture
in 1988 as quoted by Southall (1988) answers this question by suggesting that: China
should preserve and expand the collective production to promote rural industries based on
scattering industry and technology to the countryside with the ultimate aim of avoiding
Whether or not development of small urban center can be cannibalistic to the current
development in the larger urban centers is a possible challenge to the idea of developing a
small urban center. If development is a zero-sum game where there is always a winner
and a loser, then one may find that the development of a small urban center will eat out
the share of growth of the urban centers. Thus, in aggregate, there is no change to the
economic development of the country.
Owusu (2005) looks at the promotion of small towns in Ghana, in particular the
district capitals. Owusu concludes that such development is a positive response to rural
development and the development of dispersed urbanization in the long run. Owusu
highlights the significant growth in both the number and population of small towns over
the last three decades and how these have not brought about significant changes to the
proportion of urban population in urban centers, thus contradicting the widespread view
that such proliferation and growth of small towns leads to a decline in growth rates of
larger urban centers.
3.3.3. The Social Economy in Rural Areas
Another argument against the establishment of a small urban center is the existence of a
social economy in the rural areas. A social economy is believed to help rural people
overcome the challenges in their economic and social activities through collective efforts
and cooperation, without the need to actually have an urban center to facilitate such
infrastructural activities.
Williams and White (2001) looked at how the social economy is utilized by rural
residents in overcoming their disadvantage in terms of transport. The social economy
refers to the community function in fulfilling the rural needs. Using a study from five
contrasting localities in rural England, Williams and White found that despite the wide
usage of social economy in tackling transport problems, the system is unstable. In
addition, there is still a significant minority of households that cannot use private cars and
public transport and thus, cannot utilize the social economy to solve their transport
problems. Therefore, the social economy in itself cannot guarantee the self-sufficiency of
rural residents and immediate access to service providers and market centers are the first
priority in promoting rural development.
Amin et al (1999) also looked at the social economy and examine the three central
claims made for the social economy, which are empowerment, economic sustainability
and a capability to provide real alternative to the mainstream/formal public and private
sector economies. However, the finding of this study shows that these claims are not true.
This study supports the view of William and White (2001), indicating the difficulty in
leaving rural developments to rely solely on the social economy in coping with the lack
of infrastructure.
The development of small urban centers is not free of shortcomings and challenges. This
section focuses on the challenges and possible drawbacks in the development of urban
centers by looking at empirical works on the effectiveness of small urban center
development strategies.
3.4.1. Policy Challenges
Otiso (2005) looks at the secondary cities growth strategy in Kenya. In Kenya, the
promotion of equitable urban and regional development started way back in the 1970s.
The program involves mainly the promotion of secondary cities to relieve the population
pressure in the countryside, help to better integrate the nations rural and urban
economies, and help to reduce congestion and increase the spill-over of modernization
that urban centers provide to the surrounding rural areas.
Kilkenny and Gale (1999) emphasize the potential of rural areas in attracting
manufacturing activities based on the fact that during the 1990s, food manufacturing
employment in the USA grew by more than 70,000 jobs with non-metros accounting for
most of the new jobs. In the 1990s, in the USA, non-metro areas accounted for more than
50 percent of the national employment for meat products, more than 30 percent for grain
mills and fats and oils and more than 25 percent for fruits and vegetables, dairy, sugar
and confectionary. Non-metro areas accounted for a lower proportion of national
employment for bakery products and beverages, both of which require large amount of
non-agricultural inputs. During 1991-1996, across 357 non-metro job-gaining areas in the
USA, the average gain in food processing jobs was about 291 jobs per county. It is
important to note that the job gain was more predominant in the midwestern and southern
However, Kilkenny and Gale (1999) point out how food manufacturing does not
contribute significantly to total employment as it provides only 1.7 percent of all nonmetro jobs. They even calculate the case where all the 1 million jobs in food
manufacturing in the USA are moved to the non-metro areas. In this case, food
manufacturing would still only account for 4 percent of the total non-metro jobs. They
point out that the largest and fastest growing agriculturally related employment sectors
are, in fact, the food retail and marketing sectors. Unfortunately, these businesses tend to
locate in urban locations to gain access to consumers.
In addition to food retail and marketing, service industries are the fastest growing
sector of most economies. This includes transport and communication, public utilities,
wholesale and retail trade, finance, insurance and real estate, personal, business and
health services. However, in participating in service industries, rural areas again face a
big challenge as these industries tend to agglomerate in urban area as their viability
depends on the potential market size.
3.4.3. Equitable Participation of Rural Population in Urban Development
From an example in Latin America, Southall (1988) found that small urban centers
contribute to rural underdevelopment. His argument is that the change in the way of life
brought about by the forces of capitalism is an inseparable feature of urban life. It has
eroded the beneficial traditional culture and led to disillusion among the rural population.
He cites in his Latin America example, an urban person working as garbage scavenger
who still feels better off than living in the impoverished, deprived and oppressed
countryside. However, his argument goes back to the conventional reasons for ruralurban migration, which is the feeling of being better-off in the urban area because of lack
of health, education and welfare services in rural areas.
If the argument narrows down to the problem of unequal distribution of services,
there can be a rebuttal to such an argument. The presence of small urban centers should
instead allow the leveraging of public service investment depending on the accessibility
of the location relative to the rural hinterland, whereby investing in public service in that
particular center would have an impact on its surrounding hinterland. Nevertheless,
Southall acknowledges that his findings are focused on the cases where the development
of small urban centers are initiated through foreign development assistance.
According to Southall, it is only where the stimulus to urban growth results in
activities primarily by the people and for themselves that small scale urbanization may be
beneficial locally. Otherwise, the result may be exploitative. Southall uses the analogy of
TV soap operas rising popularity over rural rituals and dramatic performance in
explaining how the aspect of city lights and urban excitement attract rural people to
experience urban life. This is particularly the case when the promotion of urban
dynamism has killed the creative entertainment, rituals, vibrant arts and crafts of rural
areas. Thus, the essence of Southalls thesis is simply that the reason for rural urban
migration may not be the superiority of urban centers in comparison to rural areas, but
instead it is the mentality and needs of the rural area that is altered towards favoring
urban lifestyle.
Therefore, a more careful analysis of Southalls claims that establishment of small
urban centers become an exploitative process that drains rural resources is necessary.
Southall denies that his view is based on sentimental, romantic or chauvinistic ideas or it
is anti-urban. Southall points out that the high culture appeal of urban area is, in fact,
far beyond the reach of the rural people as they have no skills and are generally poorly
paid or unemployed. Southall argues that when small urban centers are established by
foreign investment, the more efficient exploitation of local resources increases wealth for
the few elite people who are in a position to profit by it.
In giving a good example of small urban center development, Southall cites
Tragers (1988) idea of homeboys. According to Southall, when the source of
investment is the emigrants of the area who work in the cities and channel their savings
towards building highly profitable breweries, food processing, garages and service
stations including roads, churches, hospitals and schools, the result is an increase in urban
employment and expanded outlets for rural produce.
Therefore, a pertinent issue to be considered in the establishment of small urban
centers is the participation of the local community in the development of the urban area.
Unless a participatory approach is pursued, these rural people may end up being the
victims of capitalism and thus remain impoverished and deprived of the urban excitement
and city lights. Although these urban features are now in closer proximity to the rural
people, they can only be the audience and not the beneficiary. To avoid this, a collective
system as practiced in Chinese town and village enterprises may provide a desirable
example of rural industrialization triggered by the development of skills and
entrepreneurship of the rural population.
The early theories of economic development, which include the linear stages of
growth, emphasize the importance of savings in economic development. These theories
may be outdated, but the role of saving and investment as drivers of growth has never
been contested. Therefore, unless rural people can generate savings from the surplus of
their produce, the extent of growth for the area will depend on the mercy of external
investors. Government intervention in redistributing investment returns through taxation
There is a vast literature that deals with the conditions necessary for urban centers to
function effectively. These conditions include endogenous and exogenous factors.
Endogenous factors include the amenities and services present in the small urban center
as well as its economic role. The exogenous factors include the presence of larger urban
center and the national economic policy.
Exogenous Factors
activities in the capital cities, which further resulted in an urban bias in the development
decisions that negatively impacted rural areas and the development of the small urban
Agricultural deregulation as part of the structural adjustment policies introduced
by the Eastern and Southern African governments in the early 1990s led to a balancing of
regional development as the urban bias was generally reduced. The agricultural
deregulation has given way to an increased diversification into both agricultural and nonagricultural activities that led to rapid growth in the small urban centers of Africa.
However, the devaluation of national currencies and rising food prices became a
limiting factor to Africas major urban growth, leading to a stagnation and even
regression in the formal economy and forcing people to rely on the informal small-scale
economy. Apparently, the formal economys stagnation hit the small and intermediate
urban center harder than the capital cities, although few details about this are known. The
reduction in the demand for intermediate products produced by the small urban centers
may be a possible cause. In contrast to the larger urban centers with greater diversity in
work opportunities, the small urban centers have to rely heavily on these intermediate
agriculture-related sectors. Therefore, the informal economy in the small urban centers is
not ready to absorb the idle labor, which may explain why small urban centers are hit
harder compared to the capital cities.
The case of Eastern and Southern Africa has shown how national economic
policies play a major role in the growth of small urban centers. Concentration of
economic activities in the capital cities tends to hinder growth of small urban centers.
When the economic policy encourages higher value added activities in the agricultural
sector, the small urban centers will benefit from the growth of agriculture-related
processing activities. However, the agricultural sector remains prone to any downturn in
the economy due to the massive reliance to the intermediate processing sector.
Firman (2004) examined urbanization patterns in Indonesia using data from the National
Population Census of 2000. Although urbanization in Indonesia is still characterized by a
high concentration of urban population in few large cities, the small towns and
intermediate cities in the outer islands are experiencing higher population growth
compared with those in Java. This might suggest that these towns and cities are playing a
more significant role in regional development. From another angle, such a trend may also
show that in the absence of a mega-influential urban area such as Greater Jakarta and
Greater Surabaya, small towns and cities can flourish better and play a more significant
role in regional economic development.
Titus (1991) investigated the economic structure and role of four small towns in
Central Java, Indonesia. Titus presents a structural model explaining the small towns
production structure through its dominant modes and forms of production as well as the
functional relationships between these small towns and their rural hinterland and to other
urban centers. Tituss findings show that the town-hinterland relations seem to be
determined by higher-order centers and by rural development process largely influenced
by national policies, rather than by the small towns own functions. Titus highlights the
many cases of bypassing experienced by these small towns in terms of marketing and
distribution that reduce these towns potential development.
Endogenous Factors
The relationship between the small urban centers and the larger urban center as well as
the rural hinterland plays an important role in the effective functioning of these small
urban centers. Evans (1992) looked at the virtuosity of rural-urban development in Kenya,
where the tasks of the small towns can be effectively played when they connect external
demand from the markets to the farmers and help farmers raise agricultural productivity
by allowing them to spread risk through diversification of incomes. Based on his
observations in Africa, Rondinelli (1982) acknowledges that growth poles within the
rural regions are unlikely to have much impact if they are isolated. Rondinelli stressed the
importance of linking these growth centers with the immediate cities in order to promote
development of their hinterlands and for integrating urban and rural areas. He argued that
the presence of employment in services, distribution, commercial, marketing and agroprocessing offers a far better base for such a rural growth pole compared to large-scale
Trager (1988) cited McNulty (1985) in defining the rural-urban linkages as the
multitude of formal and informal flows of goods, services, messages, capital and people
between the rural and urban areas. These linkages consist of various types of activities
including among others, migration, flows of goods and information and administrative
ties. Trager (1988) builds on McNultys definition of rural-urban linkages with specific
attention being paid to two types of linkages that were considered pertinent in terms of
the role played by small urban centers in Southern Nigeria. These linkages are economic
linkages through the market system, and the social and economic ties maintained by those
who are originally from one place but now residing elsewhere.
Evans (1992) stressed the possible proliferation of such non-farm activities under
a vibrant agriculture, in which such non-farm activities will, in turn, create a demand for
farm produce. This virtuous cycle of rural-urban development shows an idealistic model
of interaction that a small and intermediate urban center should create. Haggblade et al
(1989) show how the evidence from Asia might suggest that agricultural growth through
a network of consumption and production linkages can generate significant income and
employment multipliers in the rural non-farm economy.
Douglass (1998) looked at the regional network strategy for reciprocal ruralurban linkages in Indonesia. Douglass lists five types of rural-urban flows, which are
flows of people, production, commodities, capital and information. These five flows are
the baseline determinants of the pattern of rural-urban linkages. When all these five flows
are present, and both rural and urban areas benefit from these linkages, the rural-urban
linkages are in a healthy state.
Illgner and Nel (2001) observe the shopping habits of people living within and
around Cleobury Mortimer town, Shropshire, United Kingdom. They suggest a change in
retail strategy of small country towns from a market place to become a marketing place is
required. With this change, small country towns are no longer placed in the lower
hierarchy of the distribution of services and urban goods.
According to Fletcher and Badger (1971), the growth of existing small towns in
viable areas will depend on the attitudes of the people and actions of policy makers at all
levels of government. If a city relies heavily on local retailing with only very small firms
Rural-Urban Migration
It is also useful to observe the trend of rural urban migration to study the factors that may
affect rural peoples decision to utilize small urban centers. Lee (1966) lists four general
factors that influence rural peoples migration decisions. The four general factors are
origin factors, destination factors, intervening obstacles and personal factors. Origin
factors refer to the factors in every area that tend to hold people in the area and factors
that tend to repel them. Destination factors refer to the conditions in the potential
migration destination that attract rural people to migrate. Intervening obstacles refer to
the factors other than origin and destination factors, which affect the migration decisions.
Distance is the most obvious obstacle and distance can be further grouped into
sociocultural and physical distance. Physical distance is related to time and cost of travel.
Sociocultural distance includes the differences between origins and destinations with
regards to the lifestyle and social behavior system as well as the absence of the next of
Development has led to the reduction of these distances. Construction of roads
and better public transportation have brought about reduction in physical distance. The
sociocultural distance is reduced through better education in the rural area that improves
literacy and shapes the attitudes to better suit urban life. Personal factors and
characteristics are also very important as these will affect how the individuals perceive
the origin, destination and intervening obstacles factors in making their migration
decisions. Again, development plays an important role in the personal factors. Increased
level of education, aspiration, awareness of urban opportunities and general level of
modernization tend to stimulate migration.
of potential income gains as a result of the difference in income between origins and
destinations. The model also recognizes the non-monetary benefits that arise from
locational preferences. The costs incurred include moving expenses, opportunity costs of
foregone earnings between jobs and the non-monetary psychological cost. The nonmonetary psychological cost can take the form of the disutility of leaving a familiar
environment to settle in an unfamiliar environment. Under this model, the development
of rural areas may encourage migration by reducing the perceived costs of migration as
well as the increase in the perceived benefits of migration. This happens when the
development leads to the modernization of rural residents while at the same time not
being able to increase rural residents income. Thus, the important factor in increasing
rural retention rates is increase in income. Nevertheless, the recognition of non-monetary
benefits may also require the improvement of rural conditions by bringing rural people
closer to the conditions in the urban area. This is to anticipate the increased demand for
urban lifestyle due to the modernization of rural residents.
Todaro (1969) explained continued rural-urban migration as the result of
expected income in urban areas perceived by the rural residents. The expected
income is a function of the relatively high urban sector minimum wage and the
probability of ones securing urban employment. This model also proposes the increase
of rural income to bring it closer to the expected income in urban areas.
The intersectoral linkage model is another approach that looks at the
interconnection between rural and urban areas by systems of backward and forward
linkages (Bell and Hazell, 1978). The development of rural areas will affect urban areas
by creating demand for farm inputs as part of the backward linkages. These include
banking services, farming tools and consulting services. Through forward linkages, rural
areas supply their products for further processing in agro-industries located in urban areas.
The demand for urban goods increases due to higher rural income and strengthens the
intersectoral linkages. The model assumes that an increase in rural income will result in
an increase in the proportion of spending of the added income for urban goods and
services. Therefore, the increase in demand will induce urban development and create
employment opportunities that will increase the attractiveness of the urban areas. This
will, in turn, induce rural-urban migration.
According to de Jong and Gardner (1981), rural-urban migration can be motivated
by the desire for educational opportunities offered in the urban areas. However, in the
case of rural poor, economic considerations such as expected income are still the main
reason for migration.
Rhoda (1983) looks at empirical research on migration. The research has been unable to
explain the relationship between level of rural development and rate of out-migration. In
Asia, most of the rural-urban migrations tend to originate from rural areas with low
incomes. In contrast, there are high rates of out-migration originating from the rural areas
with higher income in Africa and Latin America. This indicates the presence of a strong
influence of other factors in the decision to migrate. However, Findley (1977) and Lipton
(1980) showed that rural areas with high population densities or high ratios of labor to
arable land have higher rates of out-migration. Rhoda (1983) summarized the empirical
generalizations in rural-urban migration. Rural out-migration is positively correlated with
higher population density, unequitable land distribution, access to cities, rural-urban
from the curriculum taught in urban schools. Therefore, there is still a need to develop
jobs that would cater to the occupational skills of educated rural residents. The
availability of skilled labor as well as greater access to raw materials is the basis for
attracting agriculture-related manufacturing activities to the rural areas.
In looking at rural-urban migration, Southall (1988) argued that it is not the
superiority of work that these rural migrants look for. Instead, they perceive their home
villages as impoverished and backward, which may be due to the lack of facilities,
apparent lack of alternative employment other than on-farm jobs as well as the attraction
of city lights and urban excitement. For some rural residents, the lifestyle in rural areas
can be monotonous because the population is sparsely distributed and amenities are
lacking. In addition, with most of the people working on the farms, that such lifestyle
may no longer appeal to some rural people. The dissemination of information from audio
and visual media has encouraged the rural people to transform themselves into urban
individuals, despite the presence of other forms of information transfer such as the rural
traditional rituals and the frequent gatherings at the village halls. There are endless
debates on whether such transformation is beneficial and reflects the true process of
modernization. However, from an economic point of view, when rural people are
discouraged to stay back in rural areas, the rural economy tends to degrade. Direct
migration to large urban areas is the most likely outcome under this condition, especially
when there are no small urban centers to filter the migration.
In Africa, marketplaces located in the small towns and urban centers perform the
role of providing urban services to the rural area through their marketplace (Trager, 1988).
The effectiveness of these hometowns in serving as provider of urban services to the
rural population can serve as a measure of the retention rate of rural population. Trager
also identifies the key elements that would influence the behavior of the rural people in
their interaction with the hometowns. In the absence of effectively functioning urban
centers, the forces leading to rural-urban migration are stronger. Expectations of Available Services in Rural Towns
Trager (1979 and 1988) finds that a service-providing marketplace is an attractive thing
in keeping the rural population from migrating. Thus, urban centers must be able to serve
as outlets for the distribution of farm produce of the rural population. The urban centers
must also be able to serve as outlets for the distribution of consumer goods which are not
locally available. In addition, what are most needed are the inputs that are not locally
produced such as fertilizers and pesticides. This will create a backward linkage between
the rural farm activities and the urban centers in terms of purchases of farm inputs and a
forward linkage in terms of sales of farm produce.
In addition, the need for urban center in the rural area may also indicate the desire
among rural people to gain access to urban amenities. Amenities are abstract and difficult
to measure. They vary according to the perception of each individual. However, there
appears to be no study yet that has focused on the pattern of rural-urban small center
linkages that is based on individual perspectives on urban amenities. Recent works on
amenities (Bell (2000), Cavailhes et al (2003)) focus more on rural amenities in the urban
areas, which include among others, fresh air, congestion-free traffic and greeneries.
Thus, on one hand, rural people need access to urban amenities and on the other
hand, urban people also need access to rural amenities. There is a common need for both
types of amenities. However, the degree of utility trade-off between the two types of
amenities may vary between individuals. According to Trager (1988), one of the most
important urban amenities is the availability of goods and services not locally produced
for both consumption and farm inputs.
Owusu (2005b) analyzes the role of district capitals in regional development.
According to Owusu, there have been only a few studies on the role of district capitals
and the linkages between these centers and their hinterland as basis for evaluating the
effectiveness of regional development strategies. Owusus work provides a
conceptualized and analytical model for examining the role of district capitals and ruralurban linkages in regional development in Ghana. Apart from the proximity and
accessibility to higher-order centers, the small towns production and service functions
are among the four critical factors in this model.
Hardoy and Satterthwaite (1988) conducted a study on small and intermediate
urban centers in the Third World. They looked at most of the Third Worlds population
who live in rural areas but depend on small and intermediate urban centers for access to
goods and services, markets for rural produce and government facilities. Their work
highlights the main factors that determine the effectiveness of small and intermediate
urban centers. These factors are largely influenced by the expectations the rural people
have about these urban centers.
Owusu and Lund (2004) looked at the role of markets and womens trade in
district development in Ghana. Their study shows that for many people, the markets in
the district capitals serve as the main platform for interaction with the larger urban center,
thus promoting rural-urban interactions. Therefore, these underdeveloped markets require
improvement of infrastructure, which is believed to generate more revenue for district
development, improve agriculture, increase income and reduce poverty, especially among
women. Most importantly, upgrading these underdeveloped markets generally provide
alternative means to district development.
Apart from industrial linkages, it is also useful to look at housing. Although many
would believe that small rural communities are the ideal places to live, Ziebarth et al
(1997) find that rural households are more likely to live in unsuitable or inadequate
human settlements and earn lower incomes, thus creating a self-reinforced situation
where rural people find it difficult to obtain affordable decent housing. They also
highlight the rising concern among the rural community about the housing amenities that
they have. The urban centers are expected to contribute to the improvement in rural
housing amenities.
Moseley (2000) reviewed the provision of six key services in Englands villages.
The six key services include village shops, post offices, village halls, schools for 5 to 11
year olds, pubs and public community transport. The main challenge often faced in
providing such services in rural areas is the sparse population. The solutions include
encouraging public-private and community partnerships, introducing information and
communication technology and providing subsidy. The villagers in England require these
six services to be within immediate access. Looked at from another angle, rural people do
not expect these services from small urban centers. Rural people will however seek
higher level services that include among others, secondary education institutions, and
shops with wider range of goods and intra-regional transport from such centers.
The socio-economic condition of the rural population plays a very important role in the
effective functioning of small urban centers. These conditions may affect an individuals
utilization of small urban center services. Pinkerton et al (1995) examine the effects of
consumers socioeconomic characteristics, personal location situations and community
satisfaction on buying within the local community (in-shopping) against buying in other
communities (out-shopping) for selected goods and services. The background of this
study is the improvements in transportation and communication, which have expanded
the choice for rural consumers in terms of shopping destination. Their data were obtained
from two small rural communities in Northwestern Missouri in the USA. Their findings
show that age is the socio-economic variable that is strongest in terms of its relation to
satisfaction in shopping locally. Other variables included residential location, which can
either be in the center or in the open country and the location of jobs.
Moseley (1979) points out the relationship between accessibility and the
utilization of small urban centers. When rural residents own their cars, they tend to travel
farther to gain higher order services. Nevertheless, there are some services that cannot be
compromised with respect to distance. These include health and school services. Rural
people usually prefer to have higher quality for services that are infrequently used. The
utilization of these services is not so dependent on physical distance. Therefore, residents
with higher mobility tend to out-shop or by-pass the small urban centers services.
Residents with limited mobility remain dependent on the village and market town
services. In addition, if the service levels in the hinterland villages are lower compared to
market towns, the transport links to market towns become more essential for rural people.
The issue of service level or quality difference also varies between each type of
services (Powe and Shaw, 2004). In line with Moseleys findings, car-owners tend to
seek higher quality of service in non-food retailing. This explains why they tend to
bypass market town centers and shop in larger urban centers. However, the quality
difference is not so much of a concern with respect to general practitioners or school
services. Food retailing is also not sensitive to quality differences and thus, rural areas
should try to have more of food retailing businesses. It is also important to carefully
select the site for the supermarket, because it can become an anchor location for other
The deterrent of a late journey back from larger urban areas for evening
entertainment may also provide opportunities to claw back services such as clubs,
restaurants, cinemas and theaters. In addition, what is most important is the expectation
that the rural people place on the services required. This will be determined by the level
of modernity and the age. It is important to note that the more accessible the other towns
are to the rural population, the higher the tendency for rural people to out-shop.
Bromley and Colin (2002) looked at the impact of the establishment of a new
food superstore in Llanelli, South Wales UK, on shopping behavior. The disadvantaged
consumers, consumers without cars and the elderly were already heavily reliant on town
center shops prior to the opening of the superstore. From the survey, it was also found
that the social vitality of the Llanelli town has increased. That is also the case for the
shoppers satisfaction with their shopping experience in the town. However, Bromley and
Colin have not found any sign of the multiplier effect such as the growth of related
industries. The study confirms the relationship between mobility and utilization of
services. In addition, the increase in social vitality shows the higher degree of expectation
the population has placed on services, which can be satisfied through establishing a new
Findlay et al (2001) analyzed the mobility of rural residents in commuting to
service provision centers and focuses on the association between migration, travel to
work and travel to shop. Using a log-linear regression, they found that the journey to
work is a defining variable in mobility. It was also found that commuting to work is
likely to be associated with commuting for other activities such as shopping.
Moss et al (2004) investigated the employment commuting patterns of individuals
living in the disadvantaged rural areas of Northern Ireland. The objective was to identify
the key explanatory variables that are related to commuting distances. The study found
that females tend to be working in the nearest towns rather than the village. They usually
have public sector jobs, in particular in the health and education sectors. For males,
employment tends to be concentrated in declining traditional industries and the distance
traveled to work is considerably longer. The study suggested that mobility is crucial in
providing access and maintaining employment for rural dwellers. Therefore, there is a
need to have policies that improve the mobility of rural dwellers.
The location of employment greatly determines the patronage of local town
centers by the rural population (Pinkerton et al, 1995 and Findlay et al, 2001). The
location where people work affects the extent to which they out-shop. Out-shopping is
defined as shopping activities outside the residents small urban centers and villages.
Therefore, those who are retired tend to purchase goods and services in the town centers
as they are within the close proximity.
Brueckner et al (2002) modelled local labor market by linking workers skills and
the physical space of cities. They found that firms tend to exploit the workers from both
aspects. This is done by setting wages below the competitive level. This monopsony
power is due to the fact that size of the firms labor force is inversely related to the costs
that the workers incur in commuting and acquiring skills. Therefore, the low waged
workers are caught in the dilemma of not being able to invest in acquiring higher skills
and traveling farther for work. This explains the emergence of socioeconomic ghettoes,
because workers who possess low skills are unable to cope with high commuting costs.
Hazans (2004) found that in the Baltic countries, commuting leads to a reduction
in the rural-urban wage gap and contributes to the increase in national output. This effect
was quantitatively measured by estimating two sets of earning functions with location
variables measured at the workplace and at the place of residence. For the Baltic
countries, in places where commuting activities take place, the wage gap between the
urban and rural areas is significantly lower. However, the actual outcomes also depended
on the area-specific spatial patterns such as educational and occupational composition of
the commuting flows as well as the presence or absence of wage discrimination against
rural residents when competing in urban labor markets. Gender, ethnicity and local labor
market conditions were also included in this study as the underlying factors that
determine commuting decisions.
Powe and Shaw (2004) conducted a survey on Alnwick town in England. They
observed the usage of the town for shopping and other services and related this usage
with origin village amenities and personal socio-economic characteristics. The village
amenities were measured by the population density, deprivation index, road distance,
general store availability, pubs, general practitioners, meeting places and maximum days
with bus to Alnwick. The socio-economic characteristics included employment status,
place of work, occupation and journey to work. The services accessed included
supermarket, other food shops, non-food shops, pubs, general services (district councils,
health, insurance, solicitors, travel agents or banks), post-offices, markets, cinemas,
theaters, cafes and restaurants. For evening entertainment, the usage was divided into
theater, eating out, pubs, cinema, clubs and petrol/takeaways.
The motivation to visit is thus divided into going to the supermarkets, going to
work, visiting other food shops and meeting friends. Their findings showed that 98% of
respondents visited Alnwick in the past month and most had used a broad range of its
services. The highest destination was the supermarket (78%), followed by general
services (67%), other food shops (61%), non-food shops (46%), post-office (35%),
market (30%), cafes and restaurants (28%), theater (18%), pubs (14%) and cinemas
(13%). 86% of the respondents considered Alnwick as an important place to shop and
79% agree that Alnwick is an important place to access services. 42% of the respondents
visited Alnwick in the evening and the mean age of these respondents was 51 years. For
the whole sample, the mean age was 53. Going to the supermarket was the most popular
motivation to visit the town (49%), followed by work (12%), other food shop (11%) and
meeting friends (11%). Age and mobility were found to play an important role in the
utilization of services.
When asked about suggestions on any improvements that would make Alnwick
more desirable to visit, the proportion of residents that suggested improvement of the
supermarket was 33%, parking (29%), shopping in general (17%), non-food shops (15%),
bus service (8%), opening hours (5%), facilities for disabled (4%) and restaurants (3%).
61% of the out-shoppers for food were willing to shop in Alnwick if the supermarket is
improved. 36% of the out-shoppers for non-food were willing to shop in Alnwick if
shopping is improved.
characteristics play a major role in the decision to utilize urban centers. There is a certain
degree of expectation that a rural resident places on small urban centers and this varies
between individuals according to their personal socio-economic characteristics.
The idea of developing small urban centers is supported by various studies that show how
it can provide leverage to the regions development. There are challenges and there are
pre-conditions that must be met for such urban centers to function effectively. This
section discusses the prospects ahead and the strategies to seize the opportunities and
overcome external threats and internal weaknesses.
Off-Farm Employment
rural nonagricultural enterprise which requires rural infrastructural development and are
most likely to locate in small towns and market centers in order to gain access to other
goods and services required as part of their backward and forward linkages. Second was
the labor intensive rural public works that can provide jobs and satisfy the rural
infrastructural needs such as roads, dams and irrigation, electricity, potable water, schools
and other physical amenities. The maintenance activities needed to keep the infrastructure
in proper condition can also create long term employment.
An interesting insight on the off-farm farming sector related industries can be
found in the work of Broadway (2002). Broadway looked at the slaughtering industry in
Great Britain and how it has evolved along with the changes in industrial hygiene
regulations. In the past, slaughtering of cattle, sheep and pigs was an activity that could
be widely dispersed with much of the work being completed in small butchers shops.
The demand for standardized products from restaurants, the hospitality industry and
supermarkets, all of which have replaced butchers as consumers primary source of meat,
has encouraged the emergence of highly specialized companies to dominate the
slaughtering industry. In addition, stricter industrial hygiene regulations also played a
dominant role in the rise of these specialized companies. It is interesting to note that
Broadways findings indicate that despite these industrial changes, sheep and cattle
slaughtering remains widely dispersed and only pig slaughtering has become more
specialized with high level concentration in the western counties of England. The fact
that these slaughtering activities remain dispersed is favorable to the effort to promote
small urban centers. The economies of scale may still be unable to justify the escalations
in transportation costs and thus, these industries may find it more profitable to locate
nearer the animal farms.
Broadway (2002) also looked at the rural farming communities throughout the
Prairies and Great Plains in the United States that have sought to attract value-added
processing of agricultural products as means of economic development. The availability
of cattle in the area has attracted the meatpacking industry and created thousands of low
paying jobs. It has boosted the local agricultural industry through an increased demand
for animals and feedstuff. Dalla et al (2005) also looked at the food industry. They used
more recent data and found that stable year-round employment in the food-processing
industry is the most significant factor in attracting immigrants to the rural Midwest in the
Kilkenny and Gale (1999) suggest possible market opportunities that may allow rural
areas to participate in the service industry. As consumers in urban areas are demanding
more intangible attributes in their food products, they are willing to pay a premium for
these attributes. An example of such an attribute is organic farm products. Business and
communities can tap this opportunity by creating brands associated with their particular
region, production practice or other attributes that may allow for premium pricing. Rural
areas can also utilize the advances in information technology to be in direct contact with
urban consumers in selling their products and services.
In addition, the base employment in the food manufacturing sector can create
more employment opportunities through the multiplier effect. The presence of food
manufacturing leads to higher income for rural farmers due to higher margins arising
from lower transport costs. The creation of employment also leads to creation of income
for some members of the rural community. Both these activities result in higher income
for rural people that increases spending and potential savings. Through the employment
multiplier, food manufacturing will create demand through backward and forward
linkages. Thus, despite generally low direct employment generation from food
manufacturing, rural areas can still develop their economy through the employment
multiplier effect. Rural areas should be able to tap this opportunity by supplying services
to the food manufacturing or to further process the products of food manufacturing.
In addition, the increase in spending creates demand for more products and
services. Rural areas should also be able to tap this opportunity. This can include the
opening of services of higher quality that can satisfy the new demand from the employed
rural population such as that of real estate, restaurants, supermarkets, entertainment,
retailing and other services.
The potential saving can also be utilized by channeling them to finance
investment in the rural areas. If we look at the rural area as an economy, saving serves as
an important factor in the economic development of the rural area. The presence of
financial institutions such as local banks plays an important role in keeping the surplus
funds in the rural economy. Entrepreneurship is also an important ingredient in ensuring
that surplus funds can be invested in the rural areas.
Epstein and Jezeph (2001) looked at the Wangala area in Thailand and how the focused
rural development project that utilizes the growth center has contributed to the rapid
development of Wangala. According to Epstein and Jezeph, rural people usually prefer
social cohesion in their small rural communities as opposed to the individualistic lifestyle
prevailing in large cities. Therefore, to retain them in the rural area, access to sufficient
income generating activities and reasonable standard of living are the necessary preconditions.
During the past 20 years, Wangalas economy has diversified in terms of tertiary
industrial development. Wangala has managed to sustain the service sector because of the
sufficient demand from within the village and the surrounding areas. The farmers enjoyed
the higher profit reaped from higher soybean price and initiated the establishment of
soybean mill to cut the costs of transporting the soybean to the mills in the other cities.
The soybean industry eventually developed and the town is now equipped with modern
banks, schools, traders, an extensive service industry and first class hospitals.
Development strategies included the strengthening of local community organization,
expansion of off-farm employment and rural enterprises, strengthening of rural finance
market and improvement of natural resources management.
Epstein and Jezeph (2001) cite other examples of rural-urban industrial linkages
in Taiwan and South Korea. In these countries, the urban manufacturing industry that
produce consumer goods and small goods mainly for exports, rely on small factories with
low overheads. This is made possible by linking the factories with rural domestic
productive units. Villagers come to the cities to be trained in operating the machines and
upon completion, the trained villagers return to their villages and use the machines for
production on a hire-purchase agreement. To succeed, the rural area must have adequate
infrastructure, which includes road networks, access to education, sanitary water, the
primary health center, hospitals, banking and a stable supply of power.
According to Jezeph and Epstein, there are three levels in growth center strategies,
which are the growth area, the growth center and the urban center. At the growth area, the
strategy is to calculate the most effective and appropriate size of individual growth areas.
Then, the growth center as the nuclei of the growth area is established to perform a twoway socioeconomic relationship with surrounding hinterland villages and to link the
villages with the larger markets. The growth center also provides formal services to the
villagers. For the urban center, the network linkages with the growth center are very
From the success story of Thailands Wangala and the rural-urban industrial
linkages in Taiwan and South Korea, we can observe the prospects in the development of
small urban centers as growth centers for their respective growth areas. The key is to
create a mutual linkage in human resources development that is facilitated by proper
growth area strategy and adequate rural infrastructure.
3.7. Summary
because a growth center enjoys economies of scale from its leverage as a service provider
and from the industrial linkages with the surrounding hinterland.
The small urban center is a part of the hierarchy of urban centers. This allows
small urban centers to participate as centers for urban service provision as one considers
the relative centrality of the small urban centers to the hinterland. Small urban centers
develop from value-added activities related to the primary activities in the hinterland,
which in most cases is agriculture. Food manufacturing can only offer limited
employment and thus, there is a need to channel local saving and attract investment to
develop the service sector and marketing or retail activities. Empirical findings have
shown how rural people are increasingly demanding better housing and amenities (refer
to appendix 3 for a summary of this literature review).
The challenges are not easy to overcome, but the key is to simply come up with a
clear policy and strong commitment on the part of the national government. The policies
in developing small urban centers should involve participation from the rural population
and the focus in national economic policy must not deviate away from encouraging
diversification of the rural economies.
rural areas can create the necessary value-addition to their commodities, hence earning
sufficient income to further advance their possession of knowledge and information that
in turn will help develop the local economy.
One way of overcoming the disparity in bargaining power that may disrupt the
balance in the structure of rural-urban interaction is through the development of small
urban areas or small urban centers. These small urban centers play a role as the provider
of basic urban services and as the collectors and processors of rural produces. Rondinelli
(1985) supports the idea of small urban center development in strengthening a healthy
rural-urban linkage. He argues that there are three main reasons behind the detrimental
impacts of existing rural-urban linkages pattern to the rural areas. These are the lack of
accessible small urban centers, the inadequate provision of facilities for the rural areas
and the isolation between settlements in the rural areas.
Friedmann and Douglass (1975) propose an Agropolitan approach in developing
small urban centers. This approach involves the concentration of development programs
to a rural area with a population size between 50,000 to 150,000 people. According to
Pradhan (2003), the Agropolitan approach is modeled upon Mao Tse Tungs rural
development strategy in China, which decentralized the authority for planning and
decision making to rural people. In return, the rural people have to bear full responsibility
for their respective area development. This approach also relies on careful location
decision, which is crucial in enhancing rural access to urban amenities.
Indonesia was the first country to fully adopt the Agropolitan approach. The
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) play the
leading roles in the development of Agropolitan Centers. However, there have been
various perspectives in defining Agropolitan development. The MoA defines Agropolitan
as an agricultural-based town that grows and develops to support the development of
agro-business system and commercial activities, which in turn serves, attracts, supports
and encourages agro-business development in its surrounding rural hinterland. The MoA
definition distinguishes Agropolitan development and an Agropolitan region. Agropolitan
region is defined as a system of agricultural-based towns and the surrounding rural
producers. The regions boundaries are not drawn according to administrative jurisdiction
as instead it is determined based on economies of scale. Thus, the Indonesian MoA
defines the development of an Agropolitan region as an agricultural-based economic
development in an agro-business region, which is designed and implemented through
synergizing various potentials to encourage the development of a competitive agrobusiness system. The system must be people-based, sustainable, decentralized, performed
by the local people with the support of the government (Agropolitan, 2002).
The MoA definitions tend to show that Agropolitan merely involves the
development of urban facilities in rural areas. Provision of urban facilities such as
electricity, roads, warehouses, markets are considered sufficient to transform rural areas
into agricultural-based towns. Having urban facilities is considered as the main
precondition for the development of agricultural activities that in turn improves farmers
welfare. This definition is not incorrect, however, it may be oversimplifying the actual
process. The original idea of Agropolitan development is a response to urban-biased
regional development, hence the focus on strengthening rural-urban linkages. Thus, the
relativity of rural region development in connection with the urban areas must be taken
into account.
It is important to consider other definitions of Agropolitan development in finding
a richer definition. Saefulhakim (2004) defines Agropolitan development by breaking the
term into two terms, agro and metropolis. Agro in Latin means a managed land or crop
cultivation. Metropolis refers to a central point of various activities. Therefore, Agropolis
or Agro-metropolis can be defined as a central point that serves agricultural-based
economic centers.
development of various aspects that support the role of an Agropolis as a service center
for a region consisting of agricultural-based economic activity.
According to Anwar (2004), Agropolitan regions can be defined as central places
that have a hierarchical structure. An Agropolis in particular is referred to as microurban-villages that can grow and develop due to its function of coordinating the main
activities of agro-business main activities. Therefore, an Agropolitan region can be
defined as a functional system consisting of one or more agricultural-based urban areas in
a particular agricultural region, which is characterized by the existence of a spatial
hierarchy for farmers settlements units. The spatial hierarchy is composed of an
Agropolitan center and surrounding production centers.
According to Rustiadi (2004), Agropolitan development is a model that relies on
decentralization and urban infrastructure provision in rural areas, all of which lead to
urbanization. In this case, urbanization is seen as a positive aspect, in which the rural
areas experience transformation towards becoming urban. This in turn helps overcome
With reference to the background and definition of the term Agropolitan, we can define
the objectives of Agropolitan development within the context of interregional
development as follows:
1. Creating balanced rural-urban development;
2. Improving the synergetic rural-urban linkages;
3. Developing the economy and environment of agricultural-based rural settlements;
6. Contain one or more small scale urban function centers that are integrated
functionally with the surrounding agricultural producing areas,
7. Have management systems with adequate autonomy,
8. Have a planned and controlled spatial arrangements system,
9. Enable the development of secondary (manufacturing) and tertiary (services)
10. Have strong local community economic institutions,
11. Have adequate access to economic resources for the local people.
1. The center of settlements with the highest accessibility internally (with other areas
within the Agropolitan region) and externally (with other urban centers),
2. The center of activities for processing and distribution of farm produce, which is
characterized by the concentration of agro-business facilities and institutions.
Road investments are very important in linking the market center with the
regions economic centers. However, since the accessibility of the market center or small
urban center from the villages is high, the development of roads linking the market center
and the villages need not be at a level that is required for interregional transport. Specific
attentions must be paid to the provision of water, housing, health facilities and social
services at the small urban center, which are crucial in improving labor productivity.
Off-farm employments and urban amenities must also be available, as they help in
discouraging migrations to locations outside the region. According to Anwar (2001),
small urban areas can be developed through the policy of giving attractive economic
incentives. The development of small urban areas (micropolitan centers) involves the
provision of public facilities, including also, in addition to the above-mentioned
amenities, an entertainment center, electricity, financial institutions, educational
institutions, open spaces and gardens, waste disposal system and communication systems.
According to de Jong (1988), the roles that must be played by the small urban
center in promoting rural development are as follows:
1. Center to provide durable and non-durable goods,
2. Center for public and private services,
3. Linkage to the larger markets for rural produces,
4. Supply center for production factors,
5. Center for agro-processing,
6. Center for knowledge and information.
Anwar (2001) argues that the most important role of infrastructure provision in
small urban centers is in reducing the disparity between the productivity of farming and
non-farm sectors through improving human capital, social capital and technological
applications in the surrounding rural hinterland. The development of non-farm sectors
can contribute to lower unemployment and better trade balance. This is however largely
determined by the ability to promote competitive advantages in the areas main products,
which should ideally be benchmarked to fulfill not only national standards, but also
international standards. There is thus a need to make use of the areas comparative
advantages, which are subject to the ecosystem conditions. Therefore, the provision of
infrastructure and agro-business system development must conform to the ecosystem
conditions and the local needs. The necessary components of an Agropolitan region are
listed in table 4.1.
Table 4.1. Systems in Agropolitan Region
Settlement System
Urban Local Activities Center, Clean
Function Center
Water Provision, Wastewater
Treatment, Telecommunication,
Detailed Spatial Arrangements
Agro-Business System
Agricultural Market,
Supporting Branch for
Banks, Farming Support
Center, Agro-industry
Center, Agropolitan
Management Office
Although the existence of small urban center can help promote rural development,
another factor that must be taken into account is the spatial pattern that includes the road
network within the region and that which links the region and the other cities. According
to Smith (1976), the spatial patterns that often put rural areas at the disadvantage are the
denritic, solar and network systems.
The solar system is a pattern where a large urban area is directly adjacent to the
rural areas. The Network system is a pattern where there is no center of activities. Both
these systems are unlikely to appear in an Agropolitan. However, the argument that
denritic system may put rural areas at a disadvantage contradicts the concept of
Agropolitan. The dendritic system is a pattern that can be illustrated as shown in Figure
4.1. The argument against a dendritic system is based on the assumption that there must
be choices present for economic activities center to forward link their products. However,
the Agropolitan concept relies on having one small urban center to serve the rural
hinterland efficiently.
Figure 4.1. Dendritic Regional System
Large City
Medium City
Small Cities
Rural Areas
The argument that a monopoly of power by one market center may put rural areas
at a disadvantage is plausible. Nevertheless, the alternative of having more than one
market centers to give choices for rural producers may not be feasible. One way of
overcoming this is to improve linkages between the rural producers. This may facilitate
the seamless flow of information that is crucial in increasing rural bargaining power, and
providing choices for forward linkage. Intervillage transport links can however be
developed at a later stage, due to the costs involved and the low necessity at the early
stage of an Agropolitan development.
This chapter describes the methodologies for the empirical analysis. There are three main
empirical analyses in this research. First, the role of accessibility in the growth of the
urban area in the research area is investigated. This analysis looks at whether accessibility
is an important determinant of urban growth. Second, we analyze the industrial linkages
in the research area are analysed in order to look at the spatial pattern of the linkages and
how this pattern shows the rural-urban linkages within the research area. Third, we
analyze the relationship between the various socio-economic factors and an individuals
level of utilization of the small urban center is analysed. The results of this analysis will
be used to define an effective agricultural-based small urban center.
the urban areas hinterland or catchment area. This factor largely determines the
economies of scale that can be achieved when the urban area has a concentration of
higher order economic activities within the vertical industrial linkage, such as
manufacturing using the hinterlands produce as the raw materials. According to
Lampard (1955) urban growth that is fueled by industrialization is mainly due to the
absence of substantial transport costs that allows for concentration of activities.
Basquero (2006) discussed the development of peripheral cities, taking Vigo city
of Galicia, a peripheral region of the European Union, as the research object. Basquero
sees the growth of such cities being determined mainly by the inherent development
potential and their accessibility to markets. The urban growth in Vigo city is a product of
externalities arising from concentration of activities that benefit from significant
reduction in transport costs as a result of accessibility. Johnson (2002) also observed the
effect of geographical accessibility by using data from Multi-City Study on Urban
Equality (MCSUI) Household and Employer Surveys in Atlanta, Boston and Los Angeles.
However, this focus is more on the employment opportunities. Johnson found that job
search outcomes are affected by the interaction of the degree of residential location
constraints and the proximity to employment opportunities. Yan (2005) looked at the five
dimensions of a compact urban development, which include street network connectivity,
density, land use mix, pedestrian walkability and accessibility. Using Portland, Orange
County and Montgomery County in the USA as the study areas, Yan found that all three
areas showed similar development patterns, indicating accessibility as being important
among the factors inherent in these three areas urban growth.
In India, the prohibitive costs of setting up shops in urban areas have led to
industries relocating to smaller and medium towns. The improvement in physical
infrastructure that leads to greater accessibility, for example, the Airport Road link
experienced by the Whitefield area in the peripheral of Bangalore, brings about urban
growth to these periphery areas. This shows the importance of accessibility not only
between the urban area and its catchments, but also between the urban area and the
regional growth center. Industries locating in semi-urban areas and rural areas also
benefited from the large pool of labor that would usually migrate to urban areas in search
of jobs as indicated by the National Institute of Urban Affairs 1991 data (Sridhar, 2001).
Therefore, the governments investment in accessibility-improving infrastructure would
indirectly benefit firms in real estate and induce growth in new urban areas.
An interesting study by Kumar and David (1997) analyzed the commuting
behavior across US cities. It shows that markets react to high interaction costs in large
cities by increasing density rather than density being a cause of high interaction costs.
Kumar and David saw density increase as a way of substituting for city size. By
regressing the mode of travel on commuting time, speed and distance, they found that the
higher the density, the lower the speed and the shorter the distance required. The
significance of Kumar and Davids study is the possibility that as a substitute to city size
that is limited by the degree of accessibility, a process of density increase will take place
to augment city size. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind the trade-off in terms
of congestion and thus lower speed for journey to work.
Appraisers have included accessibility among the major forces to be considered
when forecasting urban growth paths. Four theories of land use patterns may explain the
directions of such growth (Martin, 1984). The four theories include concentric zone
theory, sectoral theory, multiple nuclei theory and radial corridor theory. These theories
predict the directions of urban growth. As far as accessibility is concerned, the concentric
zone theory and the radial corridor theory are consistent with the idea of extending a
radius line and drawing a circumference to identify the areas of potential growth.
The 1950s and 1960s were the era when many manufacturing businesses in the
USA moved from the urban centers to the suburban sites and smaller cities. Some urban
cities, however, remained attractive for manufacturers because of the centrality of the
location to a large pool of workforce, the proximity to research and knowledge centers as
well as good transport and accessibility to markets and suppliers (Martin, 1983).
During the 1970s, non-metropolitan areas in the US experienced population and
workforce growth. This was due to the desire of the residents to benefit from urban or
urban-type services and the preference to avoid the difficulties associated with urban
residence, such as congestion. Herzog and Bjornstad (1982) tested the migration decision
model based on the proximity-centrality relationship using gross migration rate as the
dependent variable and age as one of the independent variables. The result conforms to
the proximity-centrality hypothesis on the relationship between age and migration
decision. The younger citizens are willing to compensate for the lack of accessibility as
opposed to the older citizens. The changes of spatial patterns of accessibility in the 1960s
also helped trigger the rural renaissance in the 1970s.
Gamzon (1981) looked at the meshing of urban and suburban real estate markets
due to the changes in the corporate perspectives. Companies have begun focusing on the
inner cities or the core of the region as the solid corporate base location. The core area
has also become an important source of tax revenue. At the same time, companies have
improved the accessibility of the suburban areas or the hinterland to the core area to
allow for the distribution of benefits of economic and social development. This is
facilitated by the growth of residential areas in the hinterland. For Gamzon, the
accessibility is not seen from hinterland to the core area, but rather from the core area to
its surrounding hinterland. The diffusion of growth will be determined by the
accessibility of a particular area within the hinterland to the urban core of the region.
Gamzon also states that the firms with industrial or manufacturing operations will be
particularly attracted to cities offering accessibility.
A rural town is the small urban part of the region that is surrounded by rural villages as the hinterland.
The small urban center is usually composed of one or more villages within the region that is characterized
by the presence of urban amenities.
Weber (1909) looked at the locational structure of an urban area that shows a
correspondence between the concentric layers or rings 9 and the types of economic
activities that take place in the respective layers. Both von Thunen (1826) and Weber
related the type of economic activities to the concentric rings. However, von Thunen
focused more on the existing arrangements while Weber described more the process of
growth of the settlements. In von Thunen, secondary and tertiary economic sectors are
the main features of the economys growth center, but Weber shows that initially, low
value added activities began at the future center of the economy. In Webers model, the
growth of an urban area takes place starting from the outer concentric ring and progresses
to the inner concentric ring along with the creation of secondary activities. As the process
continues, a growth center is created from the meeting point in the center point of the
urban region which is depicted as taking a circular form. In Webers model, the growth
center arises out of the need for secondary and tertiary goods and subsequently, the need
to organize these economic activities.
These two pioneer theorists of urban development show the importance of
industrial linkage in facilitating the growth of an urban center. In the absence of industrial
linkages, urban growth is unlikely to happen. The growth of an urban area requires that
An urban area is depicted to be composed of a growth center at the center of the circle and concentric
rings starting from the innermost to the outermost part of the urban area.
there are derivative economic activities 10 in the main economic sector of the area.
Therefore, an analysis of industrial linkage is important in identifying whether an area
demonstrates the characteristics of a functional region, with local resource-based urban
area as the growth center. Weber (1909) also developed the location theory to investigate
the location decision of industrial firms. Weber found that firms choose their location
based on two objectives, which are minimizing cost of serving a particular consumption
site and minimizing the cost of raw materials or input acquisition. This choice has its
trade-off that leads us to the classic Weber triangle problem. The role of a growth center
in solving Webers triangle problem is in minimizing the overall cost. However, even
with the presence of a growth center, the two conditions of cost-minimization cannot be
satisfied simultaneously. Hence, it is important to look at the nature of industry to
prioritize which cost is to be minimized.
Christaller (1933) and Losch (1938) used the central location theory to maximize
the numbers of consumers under service coverage. However, this view tends to be biased
towards the view that market is the most important factor in industrial location. Isard
(1956) looked at Zipfs (1949) study on the gravity model, which focuses on population
size and distance. Again, this model tends to emphasize the market because population
size is an indicator of market size. Weber proposed that location decision of firms be
based on the nature of the industry. If the industry has significant cost proportion for raw
material input compared to the cost of distributing the products to consumers, the
industry should locate in areas near the source of raw materials. In contrast, if the
Derivative economic activities are secondary and tertiary activities that are related to the primary
activities. The secondary activities usually use inputs from the primary activities.
industry has significant cost proportion for sales and distribution, the industry should
locate in areas that maximize the consumer catchments.
The economic base model and the multiplier model (Davis, 1990) give an
explanation on how industrial linkages can lead to benefits from urban growth. Industrial
linkages allow for the operations of secondary and tertiary sector activities, which are
linked to the primary commodities produced in the area. The spatial pattern of industrial
linkages shows how the region functions and the potential urban growth that stem from
the linkages. In the case of an Agropolitan region, the location of a growth center that is
within close proximity to the rural villages implies that the activities in growth center
place heavy importance on locating near source of raw materials. Therefore, the ratio of
the industrys acquisition of raw materials to the total cost should be high.
The input-output matrix shows a linear relation between inputs and outputs of each sector
in the economy and consists of a system of simultaneous equations that describe the
supply of and demand for each sectors output (Mouhamed, 2000). This matrix can be
used to analyze the structural interdependence among various economic sectors in the
local Agropolitan region.
In the case of an Agropolitan regim, the input-output matrix divides the local
economy into various economic sectors producing different outputs, in which each sector
requires specific amounts and combinations of inputs that are produced by other
industries to produce its own output. Thus, the interdependence among the various
economic sectors in the local Agropolitan region is investigated by describing the intersectoral flows of inputs and outputs in the Agropolitan economy.
Schmidt analyzed the steel industrys industrial linkages by observing the firms
linkage pattern, which he classified into three types, backward-linked, forward-linked or
intermediate-linked (refer to Table 2 of Appendix 4). Forward-linked firms supply
relatively large amount of output to other firms in the economy. Backward-linked firms
purchase large amount of inputs from other firms in the economy. Intermediate-linked
firms have a balance between the amount of supply to and purchase from other firms in
the economy. The firms included in the analysis were firm A (iron-foundry), firm B
(iron-steel foundry), firm C (iron-steel foundry), firm D (iron-steel foundry), firm E
(fabricator), firm F (fabricator) and firm G (foundry/manufacturing) in the Pacific
Northwest area. Comparison was made with the iron and steel industries in Puget Sound
in Washington, Oregon and with the USA as a whole.
In analyzing the linkage patterns, two ratio measures were used. The ratio
measures the level of dependence of the firm upon other firms for inputs. It is given by
the ratio of purchased inputs to the value of total production. The ratio measures the
level of interdependence of the firm with other firms as consumers of output that is
measured by the ratio of intermediate sales to total demand (refer to table 3 of appendix
4). Backward-linked firms would have low values of , while forward-linked firms
would have low values of . A low can be an indicator of the high value-added in the
industrys outputs.
Schmidt described the spatial interdependence measures indicated by Ij and Ej as
measures for the aggregate spatial linkage orientation of the firms. Ij is a measure of the
ratio of inputs purchased from firms outside the region to the total purchases. It is called
the import coefficient. Ej is the spatial output coefficient that is measured by the
proportion of total sales exported by the firm. Using these two indicators, Schmidt was
able to determine whether the firm in the region is local market oriented or
national/international market oriented. The two indicators also measure the dependence
of the firms on the inputs from sources outside the region.
Schmidt identified three basic forms of change in technical orientation of firms,
based on the measurement he used for the steel industry. First is the shift in the mix of
material purchases and outputs that leads to changes in the sectoral orientation of the firm.
Second are the changes in the number of firms or sectors in which the firm maintains
contact that is accompanied or unaccompanied by change in the product mix. The last
one is the variation in the magnitude or frequency of input-output transactions with an
individual firm. All these three changes in technical orientation of firms lead to variations
in the length, number and magnitude of input-output contacts in a spatial context.
Schmidt used a more complex measurement of (beta), (iota), (phi) and
(eta) indices to examine the linkage patterns and changes in the linkage structure of the
steel firms. These indices measure the linkage network complexity, the concentration of
flows and the spatial expansion of supply areas and markets, respectively.
The index is a simple measure of the relationship between two individual
elements of a network that is given by the ratio of the number of edges (or links) to the
number of vertices in the network. A higher value means a greater number of supply
sources and markets. Thus, it measures the complexity of the spatial structure.
mileage within the linkage system. The index is the ratio of the total mileage of a
linkage network (M) to the level of total purchases or sales (T) of a firm. It can also be
defined as the average distance per local currency unit (LCU) of purchases or sales. By
computing the reciprocal of the index (1/ ), we can obtain the average LCU purchases or
sales per mile. A larger 1/ index indicates greater magnitude of flow per mile of the
The index measures the relationship between the linkage network as a whole
and specific edges of the network. It shows the relationship between the total mileage of
the network (c) and the length of the longest edge or flow (d). The index indicates the
shape of the linkage in the network. If the ratio is high, we can expect a more spatially
dispersed flow having more channels of distribution. Thus, the index serves as an
effective measure of spatial dispersal or concentration in the linkage pattern of the firms.
The index measures the average length of network linkages. The index is
simply the ratio of total mileage of the linkage flows to the number of edges. The index
can also be expressed as follows:
= [( s )(d ) / ke] .
s: volume of sales of each link and d is the length of the linkage.
k: is the computational constant (10-9) and e is the number of edges.
This formula allows the measurement of strength or magnitude of the spatial
flows network. The index serves as a composite measure of the geographical market
size and volume of sales (or purchases). A higher value of indicates a higher average
volume and length of flow.
The work of Schmidt provides useful insights in analyzing the spatial pattern of
industrial linkages in an agglomeration economy. The indices and ratios serve as useful
indicators in assessing how the spatial industrial linkage pattern in the area conforms to
the Agropolitan model. Furthermore, Schmidts method does not need macro-data. To
apply this model, a primary research on firm linkage patterns is necessary.
In this thesis, I used Schmidts graph theoretical analysis to analyze the
Agropolitans industrial linkages pattern. However, instead of performing the time series
analysis or comparison between changing market conditions, this research looks at the
existing spatial pattern of industrial linkages. The objective of this analysis is to
investigate the spatial pattern of industrial linkages for the economic sectors that are
related to the main agricultural commodities of the research area. In an Agropolitan
region, the main agricultural commodities must be produced by most of the villages in
the area, and the products must be further processed into value-added goods. There needs
to be an interaction between the villages and the small urban center or Agropolis. It is the
interaction between these villages and the small urban center that is central to the
effective functioning of an Agropolitan region.
There are steps to be followed in analyzing the spatial pattern of industrial
linkages. Since the focus is on spatial pattern, geographical location is very important.
The first step is to define the nodes within the research area. The nodes should include an
agropolis or small urban center node and village nodes. The practical application of this
step is to assign one node for the small urban center, and one node for each village within
the research area that is outside the small urban center. The next step is to define the
industrial or economic sectors that are part of the industrial linkages. These usually
include farming activities in the villages and post-farming activities that can take place
either in the villages or the small urban center. In terms of forward linkages, each activity
at the village level has possible actions. These include supplying for local consumption,
local processing, consumption in other villages, consumption in the small urban center,
processing in the small urban center, consumption outside the small urban center and
villages as well as processing outside the small urban center and villages. Each activity
has possible links that are counted up as the total possible links. If the activity supplies to
all the possible links, its linkage pattern is spatially dispersed and more complex. If it
supplies to a small percentage of the possible links, the linkage pattern is spatially
concentrated and less complex. This is measured by the index in Schmidts graph
theoretical analysis.
Since the central element of this analysis is the forward linkage between the
activities that take place in each node and the possible links in the network, each node for
each village will be further grouped according to the economic sectors that are present in
the village. These include one node for each commodity related to the areas main
commodity, one node for each supplementary activities or processing activities and one
node for the household sector as the consumer of the goods and services. For example, if
there are activities 1 and 2 in village A, village A has two economic units, which are the
village As activity 1 unit and village As activity 2 unit. If activity 1 also takes place in
village B, then there is another economic unit named village Bs activity 1 unit.
This research also looks at the distance traveled between each links. If activity 1
in village A supplies to activity 1 in village B, the distance traveled is measured by
looking at the actual distance between village A and B. The value of the supply is also
included in the analysis. Since the research area in Indonesia uses rupiah (Rp) as the local
currency unit, our research uses rupiah (Rp) in calculating the indices. Thus, if the value
of the goods supplied from village A to village B is Rp1 million, and the distance between
A and B is 10 kms, this means it takes 10 kms to transport Rp1 million worth of goods or
in other words, the average rupiah per distance travelled is Rp100,000 per km. In the
analysis, the focus is on the aggregated score. Thus, all the supplies (hereto referred as
edges) are summed up in terms of their distance and value of goods. The total value for
all the edges divided by the total distance gives the economic units average rupiah per
distance travelled. This is called the 1/ index in Schmidts graph theoretical analysis and
is a measure of the magnitude or density of flow.
The measure of spatial concentration can also be expressed by the ratio between
the total length that is obtained by summing up the total distance of all the economic
units edges and the length of the longest edge. A lower ratio shows more domination by
one edge or link in the network, while a higher ratio shows lower degree of domination.
The more dominant one edge is to the total linkage, the more concentrated the industrial
linkage. Similarly, the less dominant one edge is to the total linkage, the less concentrated
the industrial linkage. This is expressed by the index in Schmidts analysis. The ratio
between the total distance of all the economic units edges and the number of edges gives
the average length of each link or edge for that particular economic unit. This is a
measure of the length of flow and is expressed using the index in Schmidts analysis of
The index is important as it measures the geographical market size and gives
an idea of how big the market is for that particular economic unit. This is measured first
by multiplying the value of goods transported for each edge with the distance for each
edge. Next, the multiplied values are summed up and divided by the total number of
edges for that particular economic unit. A higher index shows a larger market in
terms of geographical size and value of transactions.
The hypothesis in this analysis is that rural villages are expected to have linkages
pattern characterized by low complexity, high concentration, while the small urban center
is expected to have linkages pattern characterized by high complexity and low
concentration. However, the concept of an Agropolitan does not require the small urban
center to be necessarily more dominant in terms of value of goods supplied. Hence, the
forward linkages of the small urban center may not always be higher than those of the
rural villages. Instead, if rural villages have higher 1/ and indices, there is a more
balanced rural-urban interaction, because the small urban center does not dominate the
The effective functioning of an agro-based city or small urban center in serving as the
collector for rural produce and the distributor of urban services relies heavily on the
extent to which the small urban center is being used by the villagers. Gaile (1992) found
that market-based development of small towns helps the expansion of market-based
agricultural activities and non-farm employment opportunities. Trager (1979 and 1988)
sees service-providing market towns as a tool for preventing rural population from
migrating to large urban or metropolitan areas. Thus, if the villagers level of use of small
urban center is low, the town may not function effectively, particularly when one
considers the need to have enough catchments for a feasible scale of operation.
Hardoy and Satterthwaite (1988) highlight the main issue in the effectiveness of
small and intermediate urban centers, which is the expectation that the rural people place
on these urban centers. Owusu and Lund (2004) found that for Ghana, the people see the
development of markets in the districts capital as a beneficial thing that can lead to
increased rural income through agricultural improvements. The expectation of rural
people with regard to the effectiveness of small urban center has been a major issue in
research on rural economic development.
Pinkerton et al. (1995) found that for Missouri, USA, age is the most important
socio-economic variable that determines the satisfaction of shopping for goods and
services within the locality. Other variables include the residential and employment
locations. Moseley (1979) found that there is a relationship between ownership of cars
and the tendency to travel farther to gain access to services that are of higher quality and
not routinely consumed. The level of services in the hinterland villages also determines
the utilization of services in the small urban center. Powe and Shaw (2004) see a pattern
in the villagers decision to consume higher quality services or wider assortment of goods
from larger and farther towns. This pattern corresponds with the varying characteristics
of the goods and services.
Powe and Shaw (2004) found that potential services that can be offered by small
urban centers to substitute for the consumption in larger towns. These include restaurants,
evening entertainments and food retailing. However, the demand for secondary and
tertiary goods and services is determined by the level of modernity and age. Higher
accessibility of other towns may also create a higher tendency for rural population to
shop outside the small urban center.
These findings which are discussed in Chapter 3 are the basis for constructing the
present research model, used in investigating the relationship between socio-economic
background of the villagers and their respective level of utilization of urban services in
the small urban center. I was privileged to have been given the kind support from Neil
Powe of the University of Newcastle, UK, of the questionnaire he used in analyzing the
small urban center effectiveness in Alnwick. The present research combines the findings
from the literature review with the questionnaire from Neil Powe and another
questionnaire from Kasikoen (2004) on rural-urban linkages in West Java.
The author is also privileged to have been given the kind support from the
National Spatial Planning team of the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works, who made
constructive suggestions to improve the questionnaire. The questionnaire is written in
Bahasa Indonesia and has been examined to ensure its relevance to the local conditions in
the research area. The questionnaire contains eleven main sections. The design of the
questionnaire is directed towards providing data for the structural equation modeling
(SEM), which is the statistical tool used in investigating the relationship between the
dependent and independent variables.
Construct variables are variables that cannot be directly measured and require some indicators or proxies
to allow measurement.
According to Hair et al (1998), SEM involves 7 steps. These are: (1) develop the
model based on the theory, (2) develop a path diagram for causal relationships, (3)
express the path diagram in terms of the structural equation and measurement model, (4)
choose the input matrix and the proposed model estimation, (5) analyze the possibility of
the model being able to be identified, (6) analyze the criterions for goodness of fit and (7)
interpret the results.
This research has developed a research model based on these theoretical findings.
The research model includes the manifest variables, construct variables and the
relationship between the construct variables. The variables however need to be defined in
terms of their relevance to this research. Most of the variables have already been used in
the previous studies cited.
Variable Definition
The analysis has one dependent variable and four independent variables. The independent
variables are the relative accessibility of the village to the small urban center, the level of
amenities in the rural village, the respondents willingness to travel and the respondents
desire to consume urban services. The dependent variable is the respondents level of
utilization of the small urban centers services and economic opportunities such as
employment and business opportunities.
The four independent variables are latent variables, each having three proxies.
The dependent variable, which is the level of utilization, is not a latent variable and has
only one indicator. A single indicator can be used for the dependent variable because the
level of utilization can be measured solely by looking at the number of visits made to the
small urban center. The level of utilization is measured using a Likert scale on a range of
1 to 5, where 1 represents very few visits and 5 represents very frequent visits. The Likert
scale is used because of two reasons. First, the respondents may have difficulties in
exactly recalling the number of visits to the small urban center. Second, use of the Likert
scale addresses the issue of scale and allows compatibility with the type of data used for
the independent variables, which are also measured on a Likert scale.
far (2)
d. near (4)
c. acceptable (3)
b. inadequate (2)
d. adequate (4)
The level of amenities in the respondents village also determines the extent to which
villagers will utilize urban services. The better the rural village amenities, the less likely
the villagers will spend more time on consuming goods and services from the small urban
center. This variable is measured using two indicators, which are the availability of goods
for consumption in the rural village and the relative availability of the facilities in the
rural village compared to the small urban center. In the questionnaire, these indicators are
measured using a Likert scale with score ranging from 1 to 5.
The question for the indicator of relative availability of goods for consumption in the
rural village compared to the small urban center is:
How do you see the availability of goods in your village?
a. very adequate (5)
c. acceptable (3)
b. adequate (4)
d. inadequate (2)
The question on the relative availability of facilities in the rural village compared to the
small urban center is:
What is the availability of facilities in your village compared to the small
urban center?
a. very adequate (5)
c. acceptable (3)
b. adequate (4)
d. inadequate (2)
Willingness to Travel
Willingness to travel has strong impact on how the villagers will perceive the relative
accessibility. If the willingness to travel is high, the level of utilization tends to be higher.
A high willingness to travel means that the villager is willing to travel beyond the rural
village to consume goods and services. The willingness to travel is measured using two
indicators. The first indicator is the mode of transport used for non-food shopping. The
second indicator is on how the respondents consider themselves enjoying traveling. In the
questionnaire, these indicators are measured using a Likert scale with score ranging from
1 to 5.
The question on the mode of transport for non-food shopping is:
How do you usually travel for non-food shopping
a. walk (1)
The question on the willingness to travel outside the village is the first question in
the fifth section of the questionnaire. The question is:
Do you agree that you like to travel?
a. strongly disagree (1)
c. neutral (3)
b. disagree (2)
d. agree (4)
The desire to consume urban services reflects the level of modernity. This is particularly
important in determining whether the villagers demand urban services or not. Those who
are traditional and prefer simple goods and services that are readily available in the
village would have lower demand for urban services. There are various indicators that
can be used to measure the desire to consume urban services.
This research uses two indicators to measure the desire to consume urban services
and the level of modernity. The first indicator is the respondents access to information,
which includes the ownership of electronic media such as television, radio,
communication device as well as the access to printed mass media such as newspapers.
This indicator is measured by summing up the answer to four questions.
The first question is on the ownership of communication device. Since hand
phone has become affordable and can be accessed using prepaid card, we assume
subscription to landline telephone to indicate higher level of modernity.
What communication device do you own?
a. landline telephone (3)
c. none (1)
The second question is on the usage of public phone. This is only applicable if the
first questions answer is none.
If you do not own any communication device, do you use the public phone
a. yes (1)
b. no (2)
c. television (3)
b. magazine (4)
d. internet (5)
b. no (1)
The aggregate score is then converted into a Likert scale score ranging from 1 to 5. The
conversion is as follows:
< 7=1
9-10 = 3
7-8 = 2
11-12 = 4
>12 = 5
The second indicator is the usage of financial services. This reflects how
advanced these residents are in transactions and their work activities. In the questionnaire,
this indicator is measured using the Likert scale with score ranging from 1 to 5. The
question on the usage of financial services is:
You often use financial services to aid your transactions.
a. strongly disagree (1)
c. neutral (3)
b. disagree (2)
d. agree (4)
There are various types of relationships that can be explored in the research model for
structural equation modeling. This research initially used the indirect relationship model,
but from the field survey and discussion with Prof. Imam Ghozali, the author of a SEM
book from the University of Diponegoro in Semarang, Indonesia, the decision was to use
the SEM with the moderating variable. The indirect relationship model involves
relationship between one variable and another variable. The latter variable is related to
another variable which is the dependent variable. The moderating variable model
involves having a variable that influences the strength of the relationship between two
other variables. The moderating variable model suits the research objective much better
because all the hypothesized independent variables have relationships with the dependent
variable. However, independent variables previously hypothesized as having indirect
relationships with the dependent variable do not cause the other independent variables.
Instead, these independent variables affect the relationship between the other independent
variables and the dependent variable.
According to Ghozali and Fuad (2005), the moderating variable model is a recent
development in SEM. For brevity, the moderating variable model in SEM is called a
moderated SEM. Cortina et al (2002) state that the most accurate and popular method to
use in moderated SEM is the interaction form. This interaction form is obtained by
multiplying x1 with the moderator of x2. According to Ghozali and Fuad, the multivariate
interaction model can be expressed as follows:
Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x1x2
As the interaction method will always cause multicollinearity among its independent
variables, the best solution is to transform the data into mean-centered values. Ping
(1995) proposed the use of a single indicator to assess the impact of a moderating
variable in an interaction model. Ping cites the example of applying this method in cases
where variable X has a relationship with variable Y as the dependent variable, and
variable Z has impact on the relationship between X and Y. In his example, Y is a
dependent manifest variable while X and Z are latent variables both with more than one
indicator. According to Ping, the step in using the interaction approach is to use a single
indicator as an interacting variable. This is because the moderating hypothesis is analyzed
using the interaction approach, which in this case is:
Y = a + b1x1 + b2z2 + b3x1z2
where x1 and x2 are the manifest variables used as proxies to measure the X exogenous
latent variable, z1 and z2 are the manifest variables used as proxies to measure the Z
exogenous latent variable and Y is the dependent or endogenous manifest variable. The
single indicator for interacting variable is calculated using the following formula:
moderating indicator = (x1 + x2) x (z1 + z2)
To use the moderated SEM using the above method, there are two stages to be
followed. The first stage is to use a normal structural equation modeling without
including the interaction variable. This stage will give the relationship between the
construct or latent variables and the dependent variable. After the loadings and error
variances for the independent variables are obtained from the first stage, these values will
be inputted to the second stage. The second stage involves the analysis of all the variables
hypothesized to have relationship with the dependent variable, including the interaction
variable. This is done by estimating and fixing the loading and error variance for the
interaction variable indicator using the following formula (Ping, 1995):
interaction = (x1 + x2) x (z1 + z2)
interaction = (x1 + x2)2 VAR (X) (z1 + z2) + (z1 + z2)2 VAR (Z) (x1 + x2)
+ (x1 + x2) (z1 + z2)
= error variance
= loading indicator
Since the data used are ordinal data with Likert scales, the appropriate input
matrix for the model is polychoric correlation (Wibowo, 2004). After the variables have
been identified, the relationship between variables must be hypothesized in order to
construct the path diagram.
5.4.5. Hypotheses
According to Joreskog and Sorbom (1989), LISREL works much better if it is used for
confirmatory analysis rather than for exploratory analysis if we have many variables and
a weak theoretical background. The theoretical aspects for the inclusion of each variable
and how they interact with the level of usage of the small urban center services have
already been discussed. In conceptualizing the model, the hypothesized relationship
between the latent variables must be determined. At this stage, a clear distinction between
the exogenous and endogenous variables must be made. In our analysis, the exogenous
variables are the four latent variables, each with three manifest variables as indicators.
The exogenous variables are rural village amenities, modernity, willingness to travel and
relative accessibility. The endogenous variable is the level of usage, which is the
dependent manifest variable.
The next step is to determine the relationships between the exogenous variables
and the endogenous variables, hypothesizing whether the relationship is positive or
negative. In the operational definition of the variables, the hypothesized relationship with
the dependent variable has already been pointed out. Since the model used here is the
moderated model, there are exogenous variables which have direct relationships with the
endogenous variables, and there are also exogenous variables which influence the
relationship between the endogenous variables and the exogenous variables in which the
endogenous variables have a direct relationship.
Accessibility is hypothesized to have a direct relationship with the level of usage
of the small urban center. According to the literature review, the willingness to travel of
the residents will influence how strong the relative accessibility will influence the level of
usage. If the willingness to travel is high, the influence of the relative accessibility to the
level of usage is low.
accessibility to be as important in deciding to visit the small urban center. Therefore, the
moderating variable in the relationship between relative accessibility and the level of
small urban center usage is the willingness to travel.
The rural village level of amenities is hypothesized to have a direct relationship
with the level of usage of the small urban center. The higher the level of amenities in the
village, the less likely it is for the residents to visit and use the small urban center and
vice versa. According to our literature review, the modernity and the desire for urban
services have an important role as it may influence how strong the rural village amenities
influence level of usage. If the modernity is high, the negative relationship between the
rural village amenities and the level of usage will be weaker. However, if the modernity
is low, the negative relationship between the rural village amenities and the level of usage
will be stronger. Thus, the moderating variable in the relationship between rural village
amenities and the level of small urban center usage is the desire for urban services or
Overall, there are two moderating variables and two independent variables on the
right hand side of the equation. On the left hand side of the equation is a dependent
manifest variable. This theoretical model sets the basic framework to be further
developed into a path diagram. Figure 5.1 shows the conceptual framework for the
present research.
The path diagram is a graphical representation about how the variables in the
model are related to one another. It provides an overview of the models structure. The
proper construction of the path diagram will ensure that the algebraic equations including
the errors for the equations are expressed correctly. In the path diagram, the interacting
variable will also be included. This is to explain the structure for the stage 2 analysis in
the moderated structural equation modeling. In principle, the path diagram for stage 1 is
the same with the exception that the interacting variables are not included in the analysis.
Figure 5.2 shows the models conceptualization in the form of a path diagram.
The path diagram includes the LISREL notation for the algebraic equations that is
written beside the actual name for each variable. In the LISREL notation for the
structural model, the exogenous latent variable is named . This research has six
exogenous latent variables including two interacting variables. These exogenous
variables are assumed to be correlated with each other, in which the correlation is
expressed with . The endogenous manifest variable is simply expressed by y.
The direct relationships between the exogenous variables and the manifest
variable are expressed by and the measurement error caused by the influence of the
exogenous variables to the endogenous variable is expressed by .
Figure 5.1. Conceptual Research Framework
for Urban Services
Rural Village
Level of Rural
Town Usage
Willingness to
RVA 1 (x1)
RVA (1)
RVA 2 (x2)
MOD 1 (x3)
MOD 2 (x4)
RACC1 (x5)
RACC2 (x6)
WTT1 (x7)
LUA (y)
RACC (3)
INT 1 (5)
MOD (2)
INT 2 (6)
VARINT2 (x10)
WTT (4)
In the LISREL notation for the measurement model, the indicators for the
exogenous latent variables are expressed as x. In this research, there are 14 x variables
acting as proxies for six latent variables in this model. The relationships between the
latent variables and their respective indicators are expressed by BDA (). The
measurement errors for the indicators of the exogenous variables are expressed by
DELTA () and for endogenous variable these measurement errors are expressed by
EPSILON (). Since this research has no latent endogenous variable, EPSILON () is not
Expressing the model in equation forms is an important part of structural equation
modeling. The model in Figure 5.2 can be expressed as follows:
Structural Equation:
y = 1 1 + 2 2 + 3 3 + 4 4 + 5 5 + 6 6 +
x2 = 22 + 2
x3 = 33 + 3
x4 = 44 + 4
x5 = 55 + 5
x6 = 66 + 6
x7 = 77 + 7
x8 = 88 + 8
x9 = 99 + 9
x10 = 1010 + 10
Based on the above equations, there are four hypotheses in this research, these
Hypothesis 1
Hypothesis 2
Hypothesis 3
Hypothesis 4
The next step is to define the goodness of fit indices to be used in this analysis.
LISREL generates various indicators for assessing the fitness of the model. The
evaluation of the models fitness in structural equation modeling remains a difficult issue.
According to Ghozali and Fuad (2005), there have been different views on the indicators
of a models fitness. This research selects only the most commonly used goodness of fit
indices for assessing the model.
Chi-square and the probability value are among the most commonly used
goodness of fit indices. Chi-square shows the deviation between the sample covariance
matrix and the model (fitted covariance matrix). However, chi-square has many
weaknesses when used as a fit index. Bentler and Bonett (1980) argue that it is important
to use other indicators to complement the chi-square. According to Jorekog and Sorbom
(1993), the chi-square value will only be valid if the assumptions of normality are met
and the sample size is large.
Therefore, this research looks at other goodness of fit indices that are more
suitable for assessing the Agropolitan model. The goodness of fit indices (GFI) and the
adjusted goodness of fit indices (AGFI) are also commonly used fitness indices. The GFI
measures the precision of the model in producing the observed covariance or correlation
matrix. The GFI ranges between 0 and 1 and according to Diamantopaulus and Siguaw
(2000), a GFI value more than 0.9 shows a good fit. The AGFI is similar to GFI, but is
adjusted for the influence of the degrees of freedom in the model. Similar to GFI, AGFI
close to 1 shows a good fit. According to Werner (2006), the cutoff value for an
acceptable fit is an AGFI of at least 0.85, and a good fit requires an AGFI of at least 0.9.
According to Newsom (2006), the root mean square residual (RMR) does not face
the same problems as chi-square. Garson (1998) defined RMR as a coefficient which
results from taking the square root of the mean of the squared residuals. These are the
amounts by which the sample variances and covariances differ from the corresponding
estimated variances and covariances. The standardized RMR is more often used because
it considers the standardized residuals in showing the average difference between the
predicted and the observed variances of the model. Hu and Bentler (1999) suggested that
in a combination of goodness of fit indices, one should include either SRMR or root
mean square error of approximation. According to Hu and Bentler, the cutoff for a good
fit is an SRMR of less or equal to 0.08.
Another fit index is the Akaike information criterion (AIC) that is used to assess
the parsimony problem in assessing a models fitness, although this value is not sensitive
to the complexity of model. However, since AIC is sensitive to the number of samples, it
is better to use the consistent AIC (CAIC) that is not sensitive to the number of samples
(Bandalos, 1993). The criteria of a good fit is a model CAIC score that is less than the
saturated CAIC score.
This research looks at four indices in assessing the models fitness. They are
goodness of fit indices (GFI), adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), standardized root
mean square residual (SRMR) and consistent Akaike information criterion (CAIC).
Table 5.1. Criterions for Goodness of Fit Indices
> 0.9
> 0.85
< 0.8
Model CAIC < Saturated CAIC
In this SEM analysis, most of the data were obtained by distributing questionnaires. The
questionnaire distribution was done with purposive sampling. In order to ensure that there
are sufficient variations in the data, questionnaires were distributed by taking into
consideration the area characteristics as these characteristics can be good proxies of some
variables in the analysis. The questionnaires were distributed in 8 different types of areas.
These included:
1. Areas with high relative accessibility and high rural village amenities,
2. Areas with high relative accessibility and moderate rural village amenities,
3. Areas with high relative accessibility and low rural village amenities,
4. Areas with moderate relative accessibility and high rural village amenities,
5. Areas with moderate relative accessibility and moderate village amenities,
6. Areas with low relative accessibility and high rural village amenities,
7. Areas with low relative accessibility and moderate rural village amenities,
8. Areas with low relative accessibility and low rural village amenities.
In distributing the questionnaire attention was also paid to the balance between
frequent, non-frequent and average users of the small urban center. This was achieved by
looking at the location of employment and timing of the questionnaire distribution. A
survey conducted on the small urban center during weekends has greater probability of
getting frequent users of small urban center. On the other hand, a survey conducted in
rural village during weekends may have greater probability of getting infrequent users of
the small urban center.
The literature review in Chapters 2 and 3 as well as the conceptual framework for
Agropolitan Development in Chapter 4 are used as the basis for selection of research area.
The conformance of the candidate research areas with the criteria set in Chapter 4 was
assessed through first hand observations from field trips, interviews with local officials
and the analysis of secondary data from previous studies and official publications.
The fieldtrips to the candidate research areas were conducted from May to
November 2005, following the completion of the literature review. There were four
candidates for the research area. These candidates were recommended by the Indonesian
Agropolitan Development Committee based on their respective progress in small urban
center development 12 . The recommendation used as the basis for the shortlist is in line
with the research objective of the study. The emphasis is on the presence of an
agricultural-based small urban center, and how this town interacts with its hinterland.
Ideally, the small urban center should function as a center for collection for rural produce
and for distribution of urban goods and services. The four research areas included in the
shortlist are Pacet sub-district in West Javas Cianjur district, Batu municipality in East
Java, IV Angkat Candung sub-district in West Sumatras Agam district and Ampel subdistrict in Central Javas Boyolali district.
The Agropolitan Development Commitee is an Inter-Ministerial Commitee, which includes among others,
the Spatial Planning Division of the Ministry of Public Works and the Center for Regional Studies of Bogor
Agricultural University (IPB). The author of this thesis worked closely with the commitee members and
obtained recommendations on the best candidates for a research area.
IV Angkat Candung sub-district was visited in July 2005. This sub-district has a
market center equipped with a cold storage facility that was installed only a week prior to
the fieldtrip. There were collection activities in the market center, and the cold storage
was used to store, sort and pack vegetables for shipping to Singapore. However, the new
market center still has empty store lots. These lots were previously used for the provision
of consumer goods and commercial services. The vacant lots show that IV Angkat
Candung has not played the role of a provider of urban goods and services.
The fieldtrip to Pacet sub-district was conducted during August 2005. The area
has a considerably steep elevation. The new roads have allowed access to the farms for
mini trucks. However, the bulking facilities installed in the designated market center are
not used by the vegetable growers. Instead of utilizing the market center for distribution,
the harvests are directly transported to the nearby Cipanas market or to Jakarta and Bogor
cities. In chapter 3, it was shown that Pacet falls under the influence of the nearby large
cities. This explains why the development of new urban function centers in Pacet have
The local residents work as landless peasants, since the lands are owned by
people from Jakarta. Thus, the benefits of the new developments are enjoyed by the
wealthy urban residents instead of the local residents in Pacet.
The fieldtrip to Batu municipality was conducted in November 2005. This
municipality was initially a part of Malang sub-district, but was split into a separate
municipality due to the growth of economic activities. The areas development is
contributed largely by the growth of apple farms. The apple farms forward linkages are
to a certain degree concentrated in the core area of the municipality. The apples are sent
to the core area for bulking, and they are either sorted for packaging or further processed
into juice, concentrates, cakes and other derivative products. There are also financial
services and consumer goods shops in the core area. However, most of the apple farms
have been converted into villas. A large number of residents in Surabaya, the nearby
metropolitan area, visit Batu during weekends. This trend has shifted Batus main
economic activity from apple cultivation to agro-tourism. The only remaining apple
farms are the large farms. These farms produce derivative products of apples mainly for
the purpose of attracting tourists. Domestic tourists can visit the apple farm, pick the
apples and see the processing of apple into various derivative products. Most of Batus
residents now work in the tourism sector. One of the most common occupations is the
housekeeping of the villas.
Batu is therefore a declining Agropolitan that has lost its focus on agriculture. The
area may require significant government-driven development projects to revive the
agricultural sector. From the field observations, it can also be seen that the decline in
apple cultivation is related to land degradation. The practice of over-intensive cropping
that was not accompanied by proper land management has led to soil degradation that has
reduced the quality and quantity of the harvests. Thus, there are two forces that pressurize
the land owners to sell their land. First is the high demand for villas, and second is the
degrading quality and quantity of harvests due to soil degradation.
Ampel sub-district was visited in November 2005. Ampel sub-district has a welldeveloped market center that has two main roles. First, the market center provides
financial services and farming equipment. Second, the market center is a center for
collection for rural produce and has off-farm food processing activities. The majority of
the residents are working in the cattle-related industries. The market center is located in
the central part of the area, and the hinterland villages surround the market center.
Interviews were conducted with local officials. Ampel is a good example of an
Agropolitan region, based on the functions of the small urban center. The area meets the
criterion of having an effectively-functioning agricultural based small urban center. Thus,
it was decided to use the Ampel sub-district as the research area.
Ampel Sub-District
The Ampel sub-district is located in the district of Boyolali, which falls under the
administrative boundary of Central Java province. It has an elevation of 520-1,840 meter
above the sea level. The neighboring area in the north and east of Ampel is Semarang
district. The neighboring area in the south of Ampel is the Cepogo sub-district of
Boyolali. The neighboring area in the west of Ampel is the Selo sub-district of Boyolali.
The distance from Ampels administrative center to the District administrative center is
11kms and the distance to the Province administrative center is 42kms. The only mode of
transport in Ampel is road transport.
The Ampel sub-district comprises of 20 villages, in which five of them are
grouped together as the Ampel city. Ampel citys villages are Urutsewu, Gladagsari,
Candi, Tanduk and Kaligentong. The total population is 68,817 with 18,572 households.
Out of the total population, 10,915 are between the ages of 20 and 30, which is a highly
productive working age group. Thus, Ampel has a strong economic potential as far as
labor supply is concerned. Out of the 18,572 households, the number of poor households
has fallen consistently over the past years. This indicates stronger market potential and
the creation of employment opportunities in Ampel.
Ampel has an average population density of 761 people/ km2. The densest village
is Urutsewu with 1,726 people/ km2. The least dense village is Ngagrong with 367
people/ km2. Ngagrong is not among the five Ampel city villages. Sampetan village has
the largest population with 5,489 people and Ngampon has the lowest population with
1,422 people. Both these villages are not among the five Ampel city villages. Table 6.1
shows the population data in Ampel.
Table 6.1.
Total Population and Population Density in Ampel Sub-District
Urut Sewu
For its geographical condition, Ampel is conducive for agricultural activities. Out
of the total land area of 8,468 hectares, around 3,200 hectares are used for purposes other
than forestry and farming. However these non-farming land uses still include farming
activities carried out in the backyard of the residents houses. With an annual rainfall of
1,156mms and the large amount of fertile land area dedicated for farming, Ampel has a
strong potential to become a major producer of agricultural commodities that are in high
demand in the market.
Apart from favorable natural conditions, Ampel also has the support of physical
facilities and infrastructure for agro-business. Ampel has a market center that also serves
a center for collection of rural produce. This market center has financial institutions, both
banks and non-banks, which are effective in supporting the business transactions. There
are also established farmer organizations, including farm groups, cooperatives and nongovernment organizations. The farming assistance body is effective in functioning as a
center for information, training, community empowerment and the test of applied
technologies. There are adequate road and irrigation infrastructure to support farming
activities. Other physical infrastructure facilities available are transport, electricity,
telecommunication and clean water.
The major agricultural commodity produced in Ampel is cattle, both meat and
milk cattle. The livestock are reared in the villages, and are fed with grasses and
concentrates that are locally produced in Ampel. In the industrial sector, there are 12
companies that produce floss and dried meat. These companies are located in Ampel city.
These processed food use meat as the raw materials. The meat is obtained from the cattlerearing households in the hinterland villages of Ampel city. There is also one cooperative
in Ampel city that specializes in collecting all the milk from the milk cattle rearing
households in Ampel. Apart from these downstream industries, Ampel city also has an
established market center. In response to the development of economic activities in
Ampel city, the government has constructed a new market center that started operating at
the end of 2005.
Thus, Ampel has strengths in farming, plantation and animal farming. This is
supported by adequate labor force, market size, industry and institutional arrangements.
With these assets, the local government expects Ampel to continue growing, and be the
leading Agropolitan in Indonesia. Ampel has fulfilled the criteria of an Agropolitan,
which include the favorable natural conditions as well as the physical facilities and
The capital of Ampel sub-district, Ampel City, comprises of five villages. The villages
are Kaligentong with a size of 280 hectares, Urutsewu with a size of 267 hectares, Candi
with a size of 197 hectares, Gladagsari with a size of 123 hectares and Tanduk with a size
of 169 hectares. Ampel city supports its hinterland by playing the role of a center for
economic activities, in particular, through the collection and distribution services. The
link that Ampel city has with the regional transport path has placed it as an active node in
the hierarchy of urban areas.
In the strategic development plan, the development of Ampel is planned to cover
1,037.56 hectares of land, out of which, 36% or 373.52 hectares are dedicated for housing.
Apart from housing, 4% will be used for social facilities, 2.5% for sporting facilities,
25% for road network and utilities, 10% for external-related activities such as office,
education, trade and industries and 20% for open green spaces.
As far as education is concerned, Ampel has shown a consistent improvement over the
years. There are 33 kindergartens and 44 primary schools. Overall, the educational
facilities in Ampel are sufficient in meeting the local needs. This shows that the residents
of Ampel can accept new values, despite the fact that there are still strong traditional
elements in the communitys social interactions. However, the number of residents
pursuing higher education, such as diploma programs, has not improved for the past few
years. Figure 6.1 and table 6.2 show the educational attainment and available education
facilities in Ampel, respectively.
Figure 6.1.
The Level of Education Attainment in Ampel
Penduduk (jiwa)
AcademyD I / Diplo
ma 1/2
Jenjang Pendidikan
Primary TDB
K elow
SD ary
Source: Ampel Sub-District Local Statistical Yearbook 2004
The occupational groups in Ampel are dominated by farmers with a total of 15,039
people. The smallest occupational groups are transport and plantation with 53 and 130
people respectively. The villages with the largest working population are Sampetan with
4,536 people and Tanduk with 4,454 people. The villages with the least number of
working population are Ngampon with 1,175 people and Ngargoloko with 1,234 people.
17,841 people or 31.38% of the total working population, work in the agricultural sector.
Among this group, the majority are vegetable growers.
Table 6.2.
Educational Facilities in Ampel
Gondang Slamet
Urut Sewu
The second largest farming occupational sub-group is cattle rearing. Cattle rearing
involves backward and forward linkages such as forage crops and meat processing. If the
other cattle-related sectors are included under cattle-rearing, this sector may dominate the
occupational groups in Ampel. The domination of cattle-related occupational groups
shows the strong role of this sector in the economic development of Ampel. Figure 6.2
shows the occupations of Ampels residents.
Figure 6.2.
Agriculture-Related Occupations in Ampel
an du
yu k
Si nya
ga lyo
Se a r i
ge o
on ga
da mp
tS i
da g
em r i
ga sar
Sa oko
Table 6.3.
Banking Facilities in Ampel
10 Gondang Slamet
11 Candi
12 Urut Sewu
13 Kaligentong
14 Gladagsari
15 Kembang
16 Candisari
17 Ngargoloko
18 Sampetan
19 Ngadirojo
20 Jlarem
Table 6.4.
Commercial Facilities in Ampel
Shopping Market
Shops Restaurant
10 Gondang Slamet
11 Candi
12 Urut Sewu
13 Kaligentong
14 Gladagsari
15 Kembang
16 Candisari
17 Ngargoloko
18 Sampetan
19 Ngadirojo
20 Jlarem
The road transport is well developed in Ampel. The total road network in Ampel
is 24.65kms. These roads are well paved and during the past four years, most of the
damaged roads have been repaired. This shows the continuous improvements in
infrastructure management. The adequate transport infrastructure has given the residents
the incentives to own their own transport. In 2004, there were 316 bicycles, 774
motorbikes and 107 cars owned by the residents of Ampel.
In observing the agricultural sector in Ampel, we look at the balance between the local
production and demand. The surplus is exported. The pattern for food consumption varies
according to income. The production of staple food remains the main source for
household food supply. The main source of carbohydrate is rice, although the residents
also consume corn and cassava. The main sources of protein are poultry, milk and egg.
The main sources for vitamin including minerals and fiber are vegetable and fruits. With
the increase in income, the percentage of income spent on staple food will decrease. The
percentage of income spent on carbohydrate will decrease and that on protein food will
Table 6.5.
Average Weekly Per Capita Consumption
of some Main Food in Ampel in 2003
Type of Food
Sweet Cassava
Total Consumption
With the assumption on weekly per capita consumption in Table 6.6, the consumption of
main food crop commodities in Ampel can be estimated as shown in Table 6.6 and Figure
Table 6.6
Estimated Consumption of Main Food Items in 2005
Figure 6.3.
Graph of Staple Food Consumption in Selected Sub-Districts, 2005
Ton 7,000.00
Ampel Cepogo
S. Cassava
The above table includes the figures from neighboring sub-districts, which are
used as a comparison for Ampels data. The production of staple food crops in Ampel can
be outlined as as shown in table 6.7 and figure 6.4.
Table 6.7.
Total Staple Food Production, 2005
Figure 6.4.
Production of Main Food Items in 2005
Ton 20,000.00
S. Cassava
Ampel Cepogo
Tabel 6.8.
Balance of Staple Food Production and Demand, 2005
Ampel has a deficit in rice and roots, but has a surplus in corn and cassava. Corn
is one of the most common food crops in Ampel. Paddy, both wet and dry paddy, cannot
be found in all the villages of Ampel. Corn is cultivated in all the villages of Ampel, and
is produced both for household consumption and cattle feed. The production in 2004 was
15,236 tons with a total land area of 3,511 hectares.
The largest corn producer was Kembang with a total production of 1,386 tons.
There are also other villages that produce more than 1,000 tons of corn. These are
Ngargosari, Ngargoloko, Sampetan, Ngadirejo and Jlarem. The surplus corn can be
processed into concentrates for cattle feed. Other alternatives include producing corn oil,
corn snacks and corn flakes. The surplus cassava can be processed into dried chips,
cassava flour, tapioca flour, cassava fried chips and high fructose syrup.
Table 6.9.
Harvest Area, Average Production and
Production of Corn in Ampel
Gondang Slamet
Urut Sewu
ON (Kw/Ha)
ION (Ton)
The consumption of animal farm products also depends on the size of the
population and the level of income. Based on the weekly per capita consumption, the
consumption pattern for meat can be estimated as shown in table 6.10.
Table 6.10.
Estimated Consumption of Animal Farm Products in 2005
Consumption (ton/year)
Since the level of income is still relatively low, most residents consume egg and
poultry, which are relatively cheaper than beef. Overall, the residents still spend a large
proportion of their income on carbohydrate consumption The national average monthly
per capita spending on food for 2003 was Rp 127,950. Only Rp6,524 was spent on beef
and Rp6,828 on milk (Ampel Sub-District Statistical Yearbook 2003). Nevertheless, the
improvements in education and the increasing awareness of proper nutrition along with
the increase in income are expected to bring about changes in the consumption pattern.
The residents are expected to shift from a carbohydrate- dominated consumption to a
consumption with larger protein intake. This shift in consumption pattern will
consequently lead to a higher ratio of animal farm products consumption compared to the
consumption of food crops. The animal farm production is outlined in table 6.11.
Table 6.11.
Total Production of Animal Farms in 2005
Consumption (ton/year)
Ampels main product is beef, because the main livestock is cattle. This includes
both meat and milk cattle. This explains why Ampel has a surplus in beef production.
Initially, animals are used for cultivation, mostly as ploughs. However, the development
of plough machines has made animal farming more profit-oriented. Animal farming has
become a source of income as well as nutrition intake. The population of livestock in
Ampel is listed in table 6.12.
Table 6.12.
Population of Livestock, 2004
Meat cattle
Milk Cattle
The products of animal farming include both edible and non-edible items. The
edible products include meat, milk and fats. The non-edible products are dung, skin and
bones. The estimated edible production from animal farming is as shown in table 6.13.
Table 6.13.
Estimated Edible Animal Farm Production, 2005
Table 6.14 shows the balance between the supply and the demand for edible
animal farm products.
Table 6.14.
Balance of Animal Farm Production and Demand in 2005
Balance (ton/year)
With the domination of cattle-rearing activities, Ampels main edible products are
milk and meat. However, the edible products of Ampels animal farms also include
processed food. The abundance of beef in Ampel has encouraged the growth of cattleproducts processing activities including the production of floss and dried meat, as well as
the collection of milk. However, there is no milk processing facility currently available in
Ampel. The large supply of milk shows the feasibility of developing a milk processing
facility, which can process milk into pasteurized milk, milk chips, milk candy and
fermented milk.
The floss and dried meat agro-industry is well established in Ampel. This is due
to the abundance of beef. The product is graded into different quality grades, whereby the
highest quality purely contains meat while the lower quality is a mixture of meat and
other ingredients such as onion or peanuts. The industry is located in Candi, Tanduk and
Kaligentong villages.
As we have mentioned earlier, animal farms also produce non-edible products.
The production of non edible commodities from animal farming in Ampel can be
estimated as follows(Table 6.15):
Table 6.15.
Estimated Non-Edible Animal Farm Products, 2005
Unfortunately, many potential non-edible products have not yet been optimally
utilized. This is ironic, considering the abundance of the raw materials and the strong
economic prospects. For example, cow dung can be processed to produce fertilizer,
biogas and bio-charcoal. The bones can be processed into handcrafts, button, bone flour,
gelatine and glue. The animal fats can be processed into oil and butter. The skins can be
processed into leather products, handicrafts and chips. There is also enormous potential
for biogas from the processing of dung using biogas digester units, which can be used as
the source of power for cooking and lighting. Blood is also abundant and can be
processed into blood flour that is useful as animal feed.
It is important to note the density of livestock and the land carrying capacity,
especially in looking at the growth potential of this sector. Currently, the livestock
density in Ampel is 2.52 animals per hectare. With the current livestock density, the
government is still optimistic of setting a target for livestock growth. For Ampel, the
actual growth rate of livestock exceeds the target rate of growth (Table 6.16).
Table 6.16.
Livestock Production
Production as a
percentage of the
target (%)
Meat Products
Target (kg)
Production (kg)
Production as a
percentage of
the target (%)
Consistent with the achievement in livestock, Ampel manages to exceed the target
for meat production of 1,127 tons by 1 percent. The government also targeted growth in
milk production, in which the balance between the targeted and actual milk production is
as shown in table 6.18.
Table 6.18.
Milk Production, 2004
Target (kg)
Milk Product
Actual (kg)
Achievement (%)
Consistent with the growth of livestock, Ampel manages to produce abundant milk and
achieves its target of milk production successfully.
Forage is one of the most important inputs in cattle rearing. Spending on forage
may constitute 60-70 percent of the total costs. The availability of forage at a low price is
a key factor in cattle rearing. The availability of forage is crucial in ensuring productivity.
The main forages for cattle are grass and concentrates made from corn. Grass is obtained
either from growing it in the backyard or by purchasing from the forage market. Ampel
has the highest production of forage compared to its neighboring sub-districts. Corn is the
main contributor, followed by grass. There are indeed business opportunities in the
cultivation of grasses including natural and king grasses by creating pastures. The forage
market is functioning effectively to channel the surplus to the deficit areas.
Overall, the strengths of Ampels cattle-related industries include the strategic
location, large-scale cattle production, the established upstream and downstream
industries, the available commercial infrastructure, the willingness of the residents to
pursue developments and the organizational arrangements for both public and private
sectors. However, the low capacity to utilize technology remains a challenge. In addition,
the residents still face problems related to weeds and animal diseases that still require
support from the government. There are some villages with low accessibility, due to the
mountainous terrain, which may affect the supply of farm inputs and the distribution of
farm outputs.
The analysis of land carrying capacity shows the relationship between population, land
use and environment. This analysis is used to find the carrying capacity to support
agricultural activities. Table 6.19 shows the detail of the analysis, where A is the total
area that can be used for farming and r is the frequency of harvests per hectare per year.
Where F is the land size, h is the percentage of population residing, H is the total farmer
households and CCR is the carrying capacity. For Ampel with 68,783 people, assuming
the average household comprises of five members, the result of this analysis shows that
the average households in Ampel has 0.80 hectare of land. This is smaller than the ideal
threshold of 1 hectare, as determined by the carrying capacity. However, the development
of an Agropolitan can solve this problem by increasing efficiency through pooling of
In defining the economic activities that support the functioning of an Agropolitan
region, the agricultural economic activities can be grouped into upstream, cultivation,
downstream and supporting activities. The agricultural system has a cycle that starts with
pre-harvest followed by harvest post-harvest and finally the marketing of products. A
participative meeting was held during 28-29 September and 1 October 2005. It discussed
the preparation for the Ampel Agropolitan Masterplan. According to this meeting, the
facilities that should be available in an Agropolitan region are as follows:
In the Ampel Agropolitan region, the Ampel city acts as a market center. The
target hinterland population is between 100,000 and 500,000 and the center population is
between 5,000 and 10,000. The size of the center has been achieved, but the next target is
to increase the total hinterland population to the threshold. Table 6.20 shows the types of
growth centers and the ideal population size.
Table 6.20.
Types of Growth Centers
Population in
Population in
1. Market Centre
5.000 10.000
100.000 500.000
2. Growth Centre
10.000 30.000
500.000 600.000
3. Growth Pole
30.000 100.000
2 3 million
4. Growth Cluster
> 100.000
12 15 million
Source: Ampel Agropolitan Masterplan Final Report, 2006
The facilities needed in the market center include the collection center and the
market, primary cooperative, farm tutors and farmers associations. The infrastructure
needed include road, electricity, telephone, clean water and solid waste system.
Table 6.21.
Selection of the Growth Center for Agropolitan
Area (ha)
Growth Growth
1 Ampel
2 Selo
3 Cepogo
4 Boyolali
The growth centers in Boyolali have a radius of 2.5 kms that is accessible by
bicycle. The hinterland is within the radius of 5 kms from the outer radius of the core.
This gives a total of 7.5 kms ideal radius for the hinterland (Christaller, 1933 and
Friedman and Weber, 1979). As shown in Table 6.21, Ampel has been selected as one of
the agro-cities in Boyolali, besides from Selo and Cepogo. However, Ampel has the
potential to become the main agro-city in the district. The ideal capacity of an
Agropolitan Region is between 50-400 hectare with a population size between 50,000-
100,000. The capacity for the agro-city is 10,000-25,000. As the main agro-city, Ampel
must have groceries, large industries, microfinancing, information centers, warehouses,
research centers and cooperatives. The infrastructure includes terminal, bus and rural
transport, electricity, clean water, solid waste final disposal site and road access.
Thus, Ampel qualifies as a research area for an Agropolitan Region. The criteria
described in Chapter 4 are fully met by Ampel. Ampel acts as a marketing center, sales
center, information center, animal market, outlet for small-middle scale industries,
slaughter house and vegetable market. The larger industries are in the capital of the
district, which is Boyolali city. The data from Ampel can thus be used to conduct
empirical analysis on the characteristics of an Agropolitan region.
This chapter discusses the results of the empirical tests based on the methodologies
described in chapter 5. The findings from the empirical tests will be used as inputs to
construct a working model for Agropolitan development. The hypotheses discussed in
Chapter 5 are tested and the results will determine the characteristics of the research area.
Since the research area fulfills the criteria listed in Chapter 4, the findings from the
empirical tests will show the actual pre-requisites that should be met by Agropolitan
This research analyzes the pattern of urban growth for an agriculture-based city. The
Agropolitan concept was proposed by Friedmann and Douglass (1975) based on the
creation of agriculture-based cities as an engine of growth for the rural population. The
city serves as the growth center and should be accessible from its hinterland villages.
Therefore, this research uses the Agropolitan concept as the criterion for selecting the
research object observation. The criteria for being considered as an Agropolitan region
are mainly the economic base of the area and the level of rural-urban interaction. In
Indonesia, despite the fact that agriculture is one of the nations main sources of living, it
is rare to find an urban area that relies on agriculture-related activities. Ampel sub-district
of Boyolali district in Central Java is one rare example. Ampel sub-district fulfills the
criteria of an Agropolitan region since its urban area development relies on value added
activities within the agricultural-industry linkages. Ampels main commodity is cattle,
and the villagers mainly raise cattle for milking or meat. Activities such as pooling of
milk, meat, food processing, take place in the urban part, making Ampel suitable to be an
example of an Agropolitan region.
Ampel comprises of 20 villages, five of which are grouped as the urban center or
capital city of the sub-district. These five villages have highest level of services and
industrial activities based on the data obtained from the Statistical Yearbook of Ampel
Sub-district in 2003. Table 7.1 shows some data obtained from the annual statistics
publication for the Ampel sub-district (2003). In Table 7.1, the highest occupation in
services can be found in the bottom five villages in the list, which are the five villages
that constitute the urban area of the Ampel sub-district.
Table 7.1.
The five villages also have more amenities such as small shops and restaurants,
which indicate the level of economic development. However, it is noticeable that other
villages have a fair share of citizens employed in the services sector.
Assuming that service activities are concentrated only in these five urban villages,
these service-sector occupants are most likely to travel to the urban area to work and thus
constitute people who commute from the hinterland villages to the urban area of Ampel
There are 15 villages outside the urban area of Ampel and within the Ampel subdistrict. Eight of them are located in the west of Ampel city. Four villages are located in
the east of Ampel city and four villages are located in the south of the city. There are no
villages located in the north of Ampel city within the same sub-district, thus indicating
that a potential hinterland extends beyond the Ampel sub-district administrative line.
Figure 7.1 shows the map of Ampel and the points representing each village outside the
Ampel city and the nodal point of Ampel city where five villages are merged into one
7.2.1. Geographic and Potential Accessibility Measures
The location of Ampel city is rather central, but from Figure 7.1, we can see that Seboto
and Kembang villages are also located in the central area and should be included in the
Ampel city. Nevertheless, a geographic accessibility matrix must be constructed to justify
whether the current five villages in the Ampel city are the most accessible villages within
the Ampel sub-district. In constructing the geographic accessibility matrix, the distance is
not represented by just geographic distance. Table 7.2 shows the valued graph matrix 13
that contains the distance between villages that is measured by the shortest route. The
measure has taken into consideration the available road network.
Figure 7.1. Ampel Sub-district Map and Nodal Points
A valued graph matrix is a matrix of distance (shortest route) between the nodes in the network
(Rodrigue, 2004)
view are Kembang and Seboto. These have accessibility of 141km and 196km
respectively. This justifies why they are not included in the Ampel city.
Table 7.2. Distance between Villages in Ampel Sub-District
The village with the least accessibility is Jlarem, which is located in the northwest
of Ampel city. Jlarem has accessibility of 405 kms, which is followed by Ngagrong with
accessibility of 221 kms, followed by Sampetan and Ngargosari, both with accessibility
of 217 kms. Other villages have accessibility between 140 kms to 197 kms. Thus, by
looking at the geographic accessibility, the five villages constituting Ampel city are the
most accessible villages within the Ampel sub-district area.
However, it is necessary that other aspects, apart from mere distance, be
considered in measuring the accessibility. This is particularly important as one village
may be more important than another one in terms of economic potential. Therefore,
potential accessibility needs to be measured. In the case of Ampel, the potential
accessibility is measured by two indicators. The first indicator is the working age
population in each village and the second indicator is the number of meat and milk cattle
in each village.
The use of working age population as the indicator of potential accessibility is
justified because working age population can serve as a measure of the potential labor
force and the potential consumers of Ampels products and services. Under the
assumption that only working age populations are earning, the purchasing power of the
village will be determined by the number of working age population. This assumption
would ignore the fact that more population means more demand for goods and services.
However, potential purchasing power is more important, because in the absence of
purchasing power, residents are most likely to satisfy their needs through local resources
not traded in the market.
In Table 7.1, the sum of the female and male working age population is the total
working age population for each village within the Ampel sub-district. A good example
of a village with low accessibility but large population is Sampetan with 1,545 working
age males and 1,600 working age females. Sampetan village has the highest number of
working age people. A contrasting example is Banyuanyar, a village with relatively high
accessibility but small population. Banyuanyar village has 687 working age male and 770
working age female. Figure 7.4 shows the potential accessibility matrix that is
constructed with working age population as the indicator. Unlike the geographic
accessibility that is measured in a way that the lower the total distance the more
accessible the node, the potential accessibility measure shows higher accessibility along
with higher total value. The vertical summation in the Table 7.4 shows the potential
accessibility measure.
From table 7.4, we can see that Kembang village has the highest potential
accessibility with respect to the working age population. The village with the second
highest potential accessibility is Gladagsari, followed by Candi, Candisari, Sampetan,
Kaligentong and Urutsewu. Despite the high potential accessibility, the inclusion of
Kembang village into Ampel city still depends on whether it is located adjacent to other
accessible villages.
Table 7.4. Potential Accessibility Matrix based on Working Age Population
From Figure 7.1, we can see that Kembang is located adjacent to the villages in
Ampel city. Thus, it can be included in Ampel city based on its potential accessibility. In
contrast, Tanduk village, which is located at the southern-most part of Ampel city and has
very low potential accessibility, may be excluded from Ampel city.
This shows the possibility of altering the structure of Ampel city, if potential
accessibility with respect to working age population is taken into consideration. However,
it is important to look at other factors in measuring the potential accessibility. The most
important one is the number of livestock, which is the main produce of Ampel subdistrict.
Table 7.1 shows the livestock of each village. The number of meat and milk cattle
are summed up for each village to arrive at the total livestock. The total livestock is used
to calculate the potential accessibility matrix. Table 7.5 shows the potential accessibility
matrix based on the livestock in each village. From Table 7.5 we can see that Kembang,
Sidomulnya and Seboto are the villages with the highest livestock, in particular meat
cattle. The least livestock is found in Gondang Slamet and Ngampon villages.
Thus, the need to be accessible to Gondang Slamet and Ngampon villages is less
important compared to being accessible to Kembang, Sidomulnya and Seboto.
Table 7.5. Potential Accessibility Matrix based on Livestock
From Table 7.5, we see that Candisari has the highest potential accessibility,
followed by Gladagsari, Candi, Kembang, Sampetan, Urutsewu and Kaligentong. It is
important to note that Kembang, the top scorer for working age population based
potential accessibility, is only ranked fourth, and Candisari, ranked fourth for working
age population based potential accessibility, is ranked first. Gladagsari and Candi have
second and third ranks, respectively, for both working age population based potential
accessibility as well as livestock-based potential accessibility. Kembang, Sampetan and
Candisari are consistently in the top five in the working age and livestock-based potential
accessibilities but are not included in the current Ampel city. This is most likely due to
the fact that these villages are not in the top five villages in terms of geographic
accessibility. However, Tanduk village is out of the top five for both categories of
potential accessibilities. Thus, its inclusion in the Ampel city is not justifiable when these
two categories are taken into consideration.
All the five villages within Ampel city are also ranked the highest five in terms of
geographic accessibility. However, only Candi and Gladagsari villages are also among
the top five villages in the rankings of potential accessibility for both the working-age
population-based score as well as livestock-based score. Candisari tops the score for
potential accessibility based on livestock by a significant margin. Gladagsari is the
second highest scorer. Kembang village, with a score of 18.4, is the top scorer for
potential accessibility based on working age population. Unlike Candisari, which leads
by a significant margin, Kembang village is closely followed by Gladagsari, with a score
of 18.038.
In terms of consistency, Candisari as the top scorer for livestock based potential
accessibility is only ranked fourth in working age based potential accessibility score and
seventh in the geographical accessibility score. Kembang is only ranked fourth in the
livestock-based potential accessibility score and sixth in terms of geographical
accessibility. Sampetan, a village included in the top five for both measures of potential
accessibility, is ranked in the bottom five for geographical accessibility. In contrast, both
Gladagsari and Candi villages have displayed consistency by being ranked first and
second respectively for geographical accessibility, second and third respectively for both
measures of potential accessibility. These two villages are also among the five villages
constituting the Ampel city.
The remaining three villages in the Ampel city, which are Tanduk, Urutsewu and
Kaligentong villages, are not among the top five scorers for both measures of potential
accessibility. However, both Urutsewu and Kaligentong are ranked among the top seven
for both measures of potential accessibility, which may indicate a relatively high level of
potential accessibility for both categories. On the contrary, Tanduk village is ranked low
for both measures of potential accessibility, despite being ranked third in terms of
geographical accessibility.
This leads us to the question of why Tanduk village is included in Ampel city
instead of Kembang or Candisari village. Sampetan may be excluded from consideration
since it has a very low score for geographic accessibility. In answering this question, it is
important to go back to the basic nature of this research, which is to study the relationship
between accessibility and urban growth. Although villages in Ampel city show a
significant level of economic development, the current level of economic activities
among these villages varies. There is also a possibility that such variations can be
explained by the differences in accessibility.
7.2.2. Investigating the Indicators of Economic Activities for the Most Accessible
In analyzing the relationship between accessibility and the villages level of economic
development, in particular, the factors that have contributed to the growth of Ampel
citys villages, this paper breaks down Ampel citys villages into the original five villages
and looks at these villages on an individual basis to measure their respective level of
development. In addition, a comparison is made with three other Ampel villages outside
Ampel city that have scores among the highest five in terms of potential accessibility.
These include Kembang, Candisari and Sampetan villages. However, all villages will be
included in this analysis.
Based on the Ampel Sub-District Statistical Yearbook (2003), the available
information that can be used as indicators of the level of economic activities and
development in each village are as follows: telecommunication infrastructure, educational
institutions (secondary school, senior school, and higher education institution), access to
basic infrastructure (electricity and clean water), commercial activities (shops, market,
small shop, restaurant, financial institutions) and tax revenue. These data are available for
the fiscal year 2003 in the Statistical Yearbook of Ampel Sub-District (2003). Table 7.6
shows the data for access to telecommunication infrastructure and educational institutions.
There are seven secondary schools in Ampel. These are one in Kembang village,
two in Kaligentong village and four in Candi village. In the sub-district, there are a total
of 2,464 students who are enrolled in the secondary schools. The highest number of
students and teachers are in Candi village and the least number are by Kembang village.
In addition, the same level of secondary study is also provided through two Islamic junior
high schools or Madrasah Tsanawiyah, one located in Sampetan village with 80 students
and another one in Kembang village with 94 students. At senior secondary level, there are
six schools, which include one in Gladagsari village, two in Kaligentong village, two in
Candi village and another one in Urutsewu village. At the senior school level, the highest
number of students and teachers are in Gladagsari and Candi villages. Urutsewu village
has the least number. There is only one higher educational institution that is located in
Kaligentong village with 116 students and 15 lecturers.
Table 7.7 shows the data for access to basic infrastructure and level of
commercial activities including tax revenue. For access to basic infrastructure, there are
two important measures, which are access to electricity and access to clean water.
However, since all villages have their sub-villages or dusun connected to electricity, the
comparison can only be made with respect to clean water access coverage. In comparing
the access to clean water, we look at the percentage of coverage that is obtained by
calculating the ratio of sub-villages with access to clean water to the total number of subvillages in each respective village.
Out of the 20 villages, 11 villages have absolutely no access to clean water. There
are seven villages with 100 percent coverage. These are Seboto, Ngargosari, Sidomulnya,
Banyuanyar, Gladagsari, Kaligentong and Tanduk villages. Two other villages, Candi
and Urut Sewu have 50 percent and 40 percent coverages, respectively.
Table 7.7. Data on Access to Basic Infrastructure & Level of Commercial Activities
For the commercial activities, there are various indicators that are available in the
statistical yearbook. These include shops, markets, small shops, restaurants as well as
banks and registered cooperatives. The difference between shops and small shops is only
the size. Shops are relatively larger in size with wider assortment of goods and occupy
larger space. An example is the supermarket. Shops are only present in three villages,
which are Kaligentong, Candi and Urutsewu villages. Small shops can be found almost
everywhere, although the number of small shops in each village varies a lot. The most
number of small shops is found in Tanduk village, which has 114 small shops and the
least in Seboto village with only three shops. There is only one market in Ampel, which
is located in Urutsewu village. A market is different from a shop, as a market may have
many small and medium-size shops and it occupies a very large space.
The number of restaurants shows the level of economic activities at the tertiary
sector. Restaurants can be found in nine villages. There are 80 restaurants in Ampel.
Most restaurants can be found in the Ampel citys villages. Gladagsari has nine
restaurants. Kaligentong village has 11 restaurants. Candi village has 16 restaurants and
Urutsewu has 22 restaurants. Ngargosari and Tanduk villages with 3 restaurants each,
have the lowest number.
Financial institutions also show the degree of economic activities. They can only
operate if there is sufficient economic base. There are various types of banks, which
include the government bank, the private local credit banks and a commercial bank. In
addition, registered cooperatives also serve as both depository and lending financial
institutions in Ampel.
The government bank, BRI or Indonesian Peoples Bank, is located in Candi
village. There are three private local credit banks, one each in Gladagsari, Kaligentong
and Candi villages. A commercial bank also operates in Gladagsari village. Registered
cooperative is a popular form of financial institutions in Ampel, where there are five
cooperatives. There are one cooperative each in Kaligentong village, Urutsewu village
and Tanduk village and there are two cooperatives in Candi village. Candi village seems
to be the center for financial institutions in Ampel with the presence of a government
bank, a private local credit bank and two registered cooperatives.
Another important measure are taxes on lands and buildings. This shows
development in terms of the level of physical facilities. The tax collection varies among
villages from the lowest Rp7.664 millions to the highest Rp27.415 millions. Villages
with the highest tax revenue are Candi, Kembang, Tanduk, Ngampon and Ngargosari
villages. Gladagsari and Candisari villages are both ranked low in terms of tax collection.
There is a large variation among villages in terms of economic and development
indicators. For telecommunication infrastructure, the Ampel citys villages perform well
except Gladagsari. Both Kembang and Candisari have no access to telecommunication
infrastructure. For the education sector, Kembang, Candi, Gladagsari, Urutsewu and
Kaligentong have relatively more teachers and students for post-primary education.
Candisari and Tanduk are relatively behind these leading villages in terms of postprimary education. For access to basic infrastructure, the leading villages are Seboto,
Ngargosari, Sidomulnya, Banyuanyar, Gladagsari, Kaligentong and Tanduk. Both Candi
and Urutsewu also have decent coverage while Kembang and Candisari do not have any
coverage. For commercial activities, Urutsewu, Kaligentong, Candi and Tanduk are the
most active villages. Gladagsari village has two financial institutions, but both Kembang
and Candisari do not have any significant commercial activities apart from small shops.
For tax revenue, out of the seven villages with high accessibility, only Candi, Kembang
and Tanduk are among the top, while both Candisari and Gladagsari are ranked relatively
low. Both Urutsewu and Kaligentong are ranked in the middle for tax collection.
Table 7.8 shows a summary of this analysis. Seven villages with the highest
accessibility are Candi, Candisari, Kembang, Gladagsari, Urutsewu, Tanduk and
Kaligentong. Some of these villages show a low level of development in some aspects.
Candi, Urutsewu and Kaligentong villages perform well in terms of all indicators.
On the other hand, no villages outside the seven most accessible villages score high in
terms of all the indicators. Only in terms of tax revenue some less accessible villages
perform better than the others. This can be explained by the fact that the residents might
earn their income from working in Ampel city and use their earnings to build houses as
well as purchase vehicles, which are subject to taxes in their respective villages.
Therefore, Candi, Urutsewu and Kaligentong are the more accessible villages, and are
among the villages inside the Ampel city, which generally are also among the most
developed villages in Ampel. In summary, Ampel citys villages are both developed and
As the most accessible village in almost all the types of accessibility measures, why does
Gladagsari lag behind other accessible villages in terms of tax revenue and telephone
service. Another interesting case is Tanduk, which displays low accessibility apart from
geographical accessibility, but has the highest number of small shops in Ampel. The
cases of Kembang and Candisari are also interesting because both villages demonstrate
high accessibility but are relatively less developed and not included in Ampel city.
Figure 7.2 shows the map of Ampel with information on the elevation measured
from above sea level. It shows that Kembang and Candisari are adjacent to each other and
Kembang is adjacent to Kaligentong and Gladagsari. However, we can see that the most
developed villages, Candi, Urutsewu and Kaligentong are located to the east while
Candisari and Kembang are to the west of Ampel. As we mentioned earlier, the location
of Ampel city is rather central to the other villages in Ampel. The central location shows
their relatively higher geographical accessibility. The reason why Candisari is not
preferred for development activities is most likely due to the nature of its location being
at the western-most part of Ampel. In addition, other considerations are important in
deciding the location for economic activities and administrative functions.
Figure 7.2 has more information on the actual geographical condition in Ampel. It
is clearly shown that towards the west, the elevation is higher where steep elevation is
found in Ngagrong, Candisari, Sampetan, Ngargoloko and Ngadirejo villages. These
villages have elevation from 700-1,000 meters to more than 1,500 meters. This may
create difficulties in transport and explain why Candisari is excluded from administrative
and economic activities. Even though the map shows that Kembang village has an even
slope of 700-1,000 meters, our field trip shows that the slope is uneven. This make
transport difficult and explains why Kembang is not included in the Ampel city.
In contrast, the five villages within the Ampel city are located in a relatively plain
land with elevation of 400-700 meter (see figure 7.2 and figure 7.1). The economic
activities take place at the meeting point between Kaligentong, Urutsewu and Candi
villages, which have the largest plain land with low elevation. The reason why Gladagsari
is relatively less developed still remains unclear as it also has a significant portion of low
and plain land. The reason for Tanduk lagging behind in some aspects of development
may be due to its location being at the southern most part of Ampel city.
Figure 7.2. Map of Ampel with Elevation Information
Elevation >1500m
Figure 7.3 shows the map of road network in Ampel. We can see that a regional
road going across Ampel actually passes through Ngargosari, Sidomulyo, Candi,
Urutsewu and Kaligentong villages. This may explain why Gladagsari village relatively
lags behind. It is due to its distance from the regional road. It is important to note that
Regional Road
This shows that the most developed villages in Ampel also have the highest
accessibility both in terms of accessibility with the hinterland villages as well as
accessibility with the growth center, which in this case is represented by the regional road.
The three villages with the highest development are also connected by the regional road.
These are Candi, Urutsewu and Kaligentong. They are also those with the best
accessibility within Ampel.
7.2.4 Analyzing the Relationship between Distance from Growth Center and Village
Level Growth
The analysis of accessibility has shown that three of the most accessible villages in four
aspects, which are geographical accessibility, working-age population-based accessibility,
cattle-population based accessibility and accessibility to regional growth center, are the
most developed villages within Ampel. Candi village is the center-point of Ampel city,
and can be considered as the growth center of Ampel.
Next, we examine whether the current development in other Ampels villages are
determined by the distance from Ampels growth center. To perform this analysis, a nonparametric Spearman rank correlation is used to investigate the relationship between the
distance from Candi village as the growth center, and the villages respective
development. Although, in theory, distance from the growth center has a significant
impact on the level of development, the very concept of Agropolitan development is to
promote equitable growth in the hinterland by locating the most accessible node as the
growth center. Thus, from any point within the Agropolitan region, the transport cost is
lower compared with outside.
The analysis is done using various indices and measured separately and not using
any composite index. The indices include: transport facility ownership (bicycle,
motorcycle, and motorcycle ownership per household), communication facility
ownership (radio, television), cattle ownership (milk cattle, milk cattle per household,
meat cattle, meat cattle per household), education record (senior high graduates, junior
high graduates, post-primary education graduates per household), employment
(manufacturing, trade, services, secondary/tertiary sector, percentage of population
working in the secondary/tertiary sector) and commercial activities (small shops
ownership, tax actual and target collection). Table 7.9 shows the rankings in terms of
these indices.
The above mentioned indices are analyzed against the distance of each village to
Candi village as the growth center. Table 7.10 shows the Spearman rank correlation test
results. Results show that out of the 20 indices measured for correlation, only postprimary education graduates per household index has a rank correlation more than 0.5 at
0.5571. This is followed by employment in services sector (0.393), percentage of
population working in secondary/tertiary sector (-0.346), meat cattle per no of household
(0.336), meat cattle (0.336) and radio ownership (-0.336).
Table 7.9. Development Indices and Distance from the Growth Center Village
Source: Authors Calculation based on data from Ampel Sub-District Statistical Yearbook 2003
The remaining indices have rank correlations of less than 0.3 or -0.3. With a
sample size of 15, even at 10% significance level, the remaining nineteen indices do not
exceed the critical value of around 0.4 or -0.4. Thus, only one index is statistically
significant. The low rank correlation results show a relatively even distribution of
development benefits among the villages within the Ampel sub-district, which is in
compliance with the concept of Agropolitan development. This is because the differences
in transport cost are not substantial and all villages within the sphere of influence of the
growth center can benefit from the growth centers development. In addition, despite the
lack of significance for correlations, it is worth noting that some of the indices are
negative. This indicates that distance does not correlate positively with development.
However, this does not necessarily imply that the hypothesis of longer distance
correlating negatively with development is rejected. Instead, we find that there is a
condition where within a certain sphere of influence of the growth center, any points are
equally accessible.
7.2.5 Summary
This analysis focuses on the role of accessibility in the growth of Ampels villages,
particularly in explaining the growth of Ampel city. As an ideal example of Agropolitan,
Ampel sub-district of Boyolali shows strong conformance to the concept of Agropolitan.
Based on the analysis of geographical accessibility, the five villages within Ampel city
are the most accessible. We find that there is no village, that has the best accessibility in
terms of all the indicators. However, the growth center does not need to be at the top in
terms of all indicators of accessibility. In the case of Ampel, Candi village is the point of
intersection, and the villages possessing similar traits are Kaligentong and Urutsewu.
The possible reason for the inclusion of Gladagsari and Tanduk villages can be
the centrality of their location and the high geographical accessibility. Although
Kembang and Candisari seem to qualify in terms of potential accessibility, both villages
have relatively low level of development and are disadvantaged with respect to the
topography. Thus, the topographical conditions, road network and weighted potential
accessibility measures determine the accessibility of a location in this case.
The rank correlation also conforms to the concept that every point within the
Agropolitan should be as accessible as the others. There appears to be no relationship
between a villages development and its distance from Candi. This reaffirms the
importance of accessibility in locating a growth center and in ensuring that a functional
region developed on the basis of a planned program can function effectively.
There are four indices to measure the spatial patterns of industrial linkages. Each of these
four indices measures different aspects of the spatial patterns. The complexity of the
linkage is measured using the index. The magnitude or density of flows relative to the
total linkage is measured using index. The degree of concentration or dispersion is
measured using the index. The length of flow is measured by the index.
In addition to these four basic indices, two modified indices will are used in
analyzing the pattern of industrial linkages. The reciprocal index (1/ ), is used to
provide information on the average purchases or sales per distance unit of the links. The
modified index ( ) is used to provide a composite measure of the geographical market
size and volume of sales. Thus, there are a total of six indices that will be calculated to
study the spatial industrial linkages in Ampel sub-districts cattle industry.
and meat cow raising sectors. The reason for this separation is that milk cattle raising
activities have their own industrial linkages and so do the meat cow raising activities.
Thus, each village has two cattle raising economic units, which are the meat cattle
economic unit and milk cattle economic unit.
Figure 7.4. The Industrial Linkage Network in Ampel Sub-District
For Ampel city, despite the fact that all the five villages have both meat and milk
cattle raising activities, these will be grouped into only two economic units. They are the
Ampel city meat cattle raising economic unit and the milk cattle raising economic unit.
In total, Ampel sub-district has 15 milk cattle raising economic units outside
Ampel city and one milk cattle raising economic unit in Ampel city. According to the
Agropolitan Masterplan Preliminary Report (2005), the leading villages in terms of milk
production are Seboto, Tanduk, Banyuanyar, Sidomulnyo, Ngargosari, Ngendem,
Kaligentong, Gladagsari, Kembang, Candisari, Ngadirejo and Jlarem. Most of the milk
cattle are raised by households in the villages and not by farm companies. The cattle are
raised in the large backyards of the villagers houses.
Ampel sub-district also has 15 meat cattle growing economic units outside Ampel
city and one meat cattle growing economic unit in Ampel. According to the Agropolitan
Masterplan Preliminary Report (2005), the leading villages in terms of meat production
are Tanduk, Ngargosari, Selodoko, Ngendem, Ngampon and Gondangslamet.
The locations for raising meat cattle and milk cattle are the same, since most of
the meat cattle are raised by villagers who put their cattle in their large backyards. The
main feed for both meat and milk cattle are forage grasses and concentrates. The forage
grasses can be divided into two kinds, which are the special grass (i.e. king grass) and the
natural grass. Concentrates are mixtures of various foods containing high nutrients.
According to Syukur (2006), the ideal composition of daily food intake for one cattle is
45% of cattle dry mass for natural grass, 15% of cattle dry mass for special grass and
40% of cattle dry mass for corn or other types of concentrates. Therefore, with cattle
commonly weighing 450 kgs, the ideal daily consumption includes 21 kgs of natural
grass, 7.5 kgs of king grass and 6 kgs of corn or other concentrates.
These forages are usually grown in areas around the villagers houses, which
explain why this activity is included among the cattle-related economic sectors. However,
precisely identifying the physical flow of forages is not easy since many cattle-growers
plant forages as a side-income activity. Based on field observations, forage growing
activities can be found in all villages. In addition, field observations show that some of
these forages are actually sold to the forage market located in the Ampel city. It appears
that most of these forages sold to the forage market are surpluses that have not been used
up for cattle feed. The buyers are mainly cattle growers who have insufficient supply of
forages from their own areas. As it is difficult to identify the exact flow of forages and
the sellers and buyers, the information from the Ampel Sub-District Statistical Yearbook
2003 is used as the benchmark.
Since forage grasses are grown on dry land, the total area of dry land in the
village serves as a reliable indicator for the potential grass yield in the respective villages.
However, the land use for dry land also includes corn cultivation and housing. Natural
grasses are not specially cultivated and can be collected freely from the idle dry lands.
The average yield per square meter is 266.6 grams for every 45 days of harvesting.
The king grasses are specially cultivated and are usually planted in the backyard
of the cattle growers. The size of the area dedicated for the cultivation range from 2501,000 square meters of land. However, at the average size of land per household of 1,000
square meters, the ideal usage of land for cultivating special grass or king grass is around
250 square meters (Ampel Sub-District Statistical Yearbook 2003). The average yield per
square meter is 4,297.64 grams for every 45 days of harvesting (Paat et al, 2003).
The total land with the potential to grow natural grass is obtained by subtracting
the area dedicated solely for corn cultivation and area for housing, from the total dry land
in the village. There are two kinds of economic units related to forage grass growing,
which are natural grass and king grass growing. Since all villages have grass growing
activities, there are a total of 16 natural grass growing economic units and 16 king grass
growing economic units. There is also a forage grass market economic unit in Ampel city.
Corn is not directly used for cattle feed. Some villagers also consume corn since
corn is one of the staple foods in Java. When it is used to feed cattle, corn is processed
and mixed with other ingredients to become concentrates. Therefore, corn is sent to
Ampel city for further processing into concentrates. Corn contributes around 45% of the
concentrates ingredients (Hanafi, 2004). Thus, many villagers cultivate corn for this
purpose. Concentrates also contain other ingredients such as coconuts, beans and byproducts of rice. The unconsumed corn is sold in the Ampel city for further processing.
This corn is then bought by the cattle growers in the form of concentrates. The corn
processing activities in the Ampel city are identified as an economic unit. There are a
total of 16 corn growing economic units in Ampel sub-district, including 15 units outside
Ampel city.
There are two alternatives for meat cattle after these cattle have been raised. The
first is to slaughter them for meat. The villagers do not usually slaughter the cattle for
their own consumption. Instead, if they decide to consume meat, they would do so by
buying small amounts of meat from the market or by eating out in the restaurants. The
common practice is to send the cattle to the slaughter house. The advantage of using the
slaughter house is the certification of disease-free issued by the agencies for farming and
the veterinarians. The female non-lactating milk cows are also usually slaughtered at the
slaughter house. It is quite rare to find female meat cows as farmers usually prefer to buy
male meat cows and only farmers focusing on breeding meat cattle would have female
cows and these female cows cannot be slaughtered unless they are no longer productive.
There is only one slaughter house in Ampel, which is located in the Gladagsari
village. Since Gladagsari is a part of Ampel city, there is only one economic unit for
slaughter house in the Ampel sub-district. Most of the meat slaughtered is exported to
other areas as shown from the balance in meat consumption and production. The balance
shows a surplus of 1,014.89 tons in 2005 (Agropolitan Masterplan Final Report, 2006).
The second alternative is to sell the cattle to the animal market. The animal
market is located in Candi village of Ampel city. This market serves as the outlet for
people to buy livestock. The consumers usually come from other areas outside Ampel.
The market has developed so much that its capacity can no longer accommodate the level
of activities. This market has become a provincial center for trading of livestock.
However, it is unlikely that meat cattle growers will sell their livestock to the animal
market. Instead they usually buy livestock from the animal market. Cattle growers prefer
to buy young breeds weighing around 250 kgs, and focus on feeding the cattle to reach
the ideal weight for slaughtering.
Since there is only one breeding center in Central Java, which is the village
breeding center in Kebumen district, villages in Ampel instead buy young breeds from
the animal market. However, milk cattle growers will also have calves from artifical or
natural insemination. If the calf is a male, these cattle growers usually sell it to the market.
If the calf is a female, they would raise the calf and inseminate it through artificial or
natural means so that it can be ready for milking.
The slaughtered cattle are sold to the Ampel market. The Ampel market is located
at Gladagsari, which is a part of Ampel city. Villagers purchase food including meats
from this market. However, meat processing industries usually purchase meat directly
from the slaughter house since they buy in bulk as they look for lower price. There is one
economic unit to represent Ampel market, the Ampel City market economic unit.
The meat processing industries process local meats into dried meats or dendeng
and floss. According to the Agropolitan Masterplan Final Report (2006), the production
facilities for dendeng and floss in Ampel can only be found in Candi, Urutsewu, Tanduk
and Kaligentong villages. Both dendeng and floss are the leading commodities in Ampel
sub-district. Candi, Urutsewu, Tanduk and Kaligentong villages are part of the Ampel
city. Therefore, there is only one economic unit for dendeng and floss production, which
is the Ampel city dendeng and floss production economic unit. The marketing outlets for
dendeng and floss can be found along the regional road linking Semarang and Solo in
Candi, Urutsewu and Kaligentong villages. Since Candi, Urutsewu and Kaligentong are
part of the Ampel city, the marketing outlets are also grouped as one economic unit
named Ampel city dendeng and floss marketing outlet economic unit. Consumers from
other areas usually buy Ampel citys dendeng and floss in these marketing outlets. The
export of dendeng and floss is also done through these marketing outlets.
For milk cattle, the daily milk produce is pooled by traveling milk collectors who
work for the local milk cooperative. The cooperative is named Ganesha milk village unit
cooperative. The cooperative is located in Tanduk, which is a village inside the Ampel
city. All milk produce is pooled to this cooperative, processed at the milk processing
center outside Ampel and then exported to consumers outside Ampel or sold in the
Ampel market in the form of powdered milk or fresh pasteurized milk.
Table 7.11 gives a summary of all the economic units to be included in this
analysis. Since the main focus of this analysis is the internal industrial linkage, any export
of commodities that originate from Ampel city will not be discussed in detail. However,
if there are exports of commodities originating directly from the villages and not through
Ampel city, these exports will be discussed.
So far, there is no information showing that direct exports take place from the
villages. There are many important reasons for this. First, the level of development in
Ampel city and the commercial infrastructure encourages the export activities to utilize
Ampel city as the hub. Second, the location of Ampel city as the gateway for Ampels
villages to other areas makes it inevitable for all activities in relation to other cities to
make their transit at Ampel city.
Figure 7.5 shows the industrial linkages for cattle-related sectors in the Ampel
sub-district. It is important to note that sectors outside Ampel are not included in the
index calculation, but is included in the figure to provide reference for the outward flows.
With the exception of meat cattle, most of the economic sectors have more than one
forward linkage. The sectors that deal directly with areas or consumers from outside
Ampel in terms of forward linkage are the processed meat marketing and the milk
cooperative. The main supply from outside Ampel within this linkage is the processed
milk sold to the market.
Corn Growing
Meat Processing
Processed Meat
Ampel Market
Natural Grass
Forage Grass Market
Animal Market
King Grass
Outside Ampel
Milk Coop
Milk Cattle Raising
7.3.2. The Forage Grass Growing Industry and the Forage Grass Market
As mentioned earlier, there are two types of forage grass growing activities, which are the
natural grass growing and king grass growing. Natural grass is much easier to grow and
usually involves leaving the dry land idle. King grass requires some treatments, including
planting of seeds. Therefore, usually only cattle growers plant king grass in their private
lands. The size of land planted for king grass is, on average, around 250 square meters
(Ampel Sub-District Statistical Yearbook 2003). The information on land size is
discussed in the previous section. By multiplying the total number of cattle owners with
the land size for king grass cultivation, we find the total area size used for king grass
cultivation. The previous section has also explained the calculation of dry land area for
natural grass growing.
By comparing the total potential yield for both types of grasses with the total
number cattle in the respective villages, we find some villages have surpluses and some
villages have deficits. These surpluses are sold to the forage grass market, and some of
the consumers are cattle growers from the deficit villages. The surplus villages for natural
grass are Ngagrong, Ngargosari, Candisari, Ngargoloko, Sampetan, Ngadirejo, Candi and
Jlaren. The remaining villages are the deficit villages. The surplus villages for king grass
are Seboto, Ngargosari, Selodoko, Ngendem, Ngampon, Gondang Slamet, Candi,
Kaligentong, Gladagsari, Kembang, Candisari, Ngargoloko, Sampetan and Jlaren. This
calculation is done by initially finding the total need for grass obtained by multiplying the
total number of cattle with the daily intake for natural grass and king grass. This total
intake is then compared with the daily yield for both types of grasses and the number of
cattle this yield can sustain.
The price of king grass is Rp100/kg and the price of natural grass is Rp3,500 per
45kg or Rp.77.78/kg. There are costs of transporting the grasses, but the transport cost is
not included in the analysis since the focus is on the gross value of the goods transported.
Table 7.12 shows the total deficit and surplus in terms of cattle numbers and monetary
value. After subtracting the deficit from the surplus, Ampel sub-district is found to be a
major surplus king grass producer with 2,906 cattle that can be fed from the surplus. In
the case of natural grass, the surplus can feed another 295 cattle. This explains why the
forage grass market in Ampel city is well developed.
Table 7.12. Deficit and Surplus for Grass Intake
Source:Authors calculation
In calculating the indices, the information required are the flow of grasses from
each village to the forage market and the flow of grasses from the forage market to each
village, which are expressed in the monetary value of the flow.
Since only surplus villages can sell grasses to the forage market and only deficit
villages buy the grasses from the forage market, we can clearly identify the flow based on
table 7.12. Table 7.13 shows the value of flow for each village.
Table 7.13. Value of Flow of Forage Grasses for Each Village to the Forage Market
There are a total of 33 economic units in the forward linkages for both natural
grass and forage grass. For natural grass, the other economic units as possible links for
natural grass economic units are the other 15 natural grass growing units from other
villages, 16 household economic units in Ampel and one forage grass market economic
unit. All villages will have at least one linkage for local household consumption.
However, since the distance is 0, the , and indices cannot be calculated. Villages
trading in the forage grass market in the forward linkage can have the , and indices
calculated. Table 7.14 shows the indices for the natural grass growing economic units and
table 7.15 shows the indices for the king grass growing economic units.
From Table 7.14, we can see that for natural grass, with a index of 0.0625, there
is a high concentration of forward linkages, because out of the 32 possible links, only 2
links are used. For villages with positive indices, the 1/ shows that Sampetan,
Ngadirejo, Candisari and Ngagrong villages have average value per distance flow of
more than Rp100 million/km. The other villages have around Rp50 million/km. Villages
with higher 1/ index have greater magnitude of flows. The index shows that there is an
absolute domination of flow by one link that is longest in length, which is due to the fact
that the other link out of the two links is just transporting the product within the same
village, thus having a zero length. In terms of index, most villages have around
4km/link with only one village scoring 9. This shows that on an average, the villages
have around 4km length of links except for Jlaren which has a much longer length. The
varies widely among villages, with some above 5,000 and some less than 3,000.
Higher index shows a higher average volume and length of flow. So for villages with
higher index, the geographical market size in terms of length and value are large.
For king grass, the index for all villages is 0.0625. This shows a high degree of
spatial concentration. The indices vary, but most of them are around 0.01. The 1/
indices are mostly lower than Rp100 million. This shows that the flows for king grass
have less value per km than they are for natural grass. The indices are the same as that
of natural grass. The indices for the villages vary but are mostly below 4. There is one
village scoring 9. This shows that most villages have shorter length of link compared to
the natural grass. The indices show a rather uniform low score of less than 3,000. This
shows that the geographical market sizes for king grass economic units in most villages
are smaller than those for natural grass.
Table 7.16 shows the indices for the forage market. The forage market has 32
possible links, consisting of 16 meat cattle growing units and 16 milk cattle growing units.
The forage market supplies both natural grass and king grass to the cattle growers. Not all
cattle growing units need supplies from the forage market, because surplus villages can
fully rely on the local availability of the grasses. Thus, only villages with deficits in king
grass will buy king grass from the forage market and the same applies for the case of
natural grass.
Table 7.16. Indices for the Forage Market
Table 7.16 shows that the total forage purchase has reached Rp1.778 billion. The
index of 0.6875 shows a concentrated pattern of forward linkages since the forage
market supplies to 22 out of the 32 possible links. Therefore, there are a total of 22
economic units requiring supply of forage grass, which come from meat and milk cattle
The index of 0.127 means that to transport Rp1 million worth of goods, it takes
0.127 kms. The 1/ index shows a low value of Rp7 million per km. This can be
explained by the fact that Ampel is a surplus producer of grasses due to the large
availability of dry land. Hence, the forage grass market can be used by cattle growers
from other areas who want to buy Ampels grasses. The index of 12.556 shows that
there is no single linkage which dominates the total length. The index of 10.723
indicates that the average length per link is considerably long. The index of 384
shows a small geographical market size. The forage market has a smaller market size
compared to the grass growers probably due to the fact that only deficit villages are
purchasing grasses. In addition, the amount of deficit is not significant as compared to the
total surplus of grasses in the region.
The previous section discusses the intake for corn, which is consumed in the form of
concentrates. Since one cattle beast consumes 6
corn is needed for each one on a daily basis (Syukur, 2006). From field observations, the
price of concentrate is around Rp650/kg. With 45% of its content coming from corn we
can estimate that the price the cattle growers are paying for the corn per beast is Rp1,755
per day.
All these villages purchase corn in the form of concentrates. In total, Ampel has
enough supply of corn for concentrates. It has a surplus that can feed another 2,036 cattle.
Thus, concentrate production is also one of the main commodities for Ampel to develop.
The price of corn used for concentrate production ranges from Rp600-1,000 per kg. Thus,
the average of Rp800 is used as a benchmark. However, since corn is also consumed
locally as staple food, there are also flows to the households. According to the Ampel
Agropolitan Masterplan Final Report (2006), the total consumption of corn in the subdistrict is 145.27 tons per annum. Thus, to obtain the local consumption of corn, the
number of households in the village must be used, assuming that each household will
have the same level of corn consumption.
Tables 7.17 and 7.18 show the summary information and the calculation of
indices for the corn growing sectors in all villages and the concentrate processing sector
located in the Ampel sub-district. There are a total of 32 possible linkages for each corn
growing unit, which consists of 15 other corn growing units, 16 households and one
concentrate processing. For concentrate processing, there are a total of 32 possible
forward linkages consisting of 16 meat cattle raising units and 16 milk cattle raising units.
Table 7.17 shows that the corn growing units have a value of 0.0625, indicating strong
concentration of activities. This can be explained by the fact that these units supply their
produce mainly to the concentrate producers in Ampel and to the local households in the
respective villages. There is enough surplus of corn to feed the population. Thus, there is
no need for inter-village trade of corn for households. All indices are more than 0.005
with the majority having more than 0.008. This shows that the distance traveled to
transport Rp1 million worth of goods is 0.008km. The 1/ indices are mostly above
Rp100 million, which shows that for most villages, there is a high magnitude of flow at
more than Rp100 million/km. Only Seboto and Jlaren villages have lower magnitudes of
flow at less than Rp100 million/km, which may be due to Jlarens distance from the
concentrate processing. In Ampel city and in the case of Seboto, due to the relatively low
value of flow of goods. The indices show a domination of one link in the total length,
which is also due to the fact that the supply to Ampel city is the only link apart from the
supply to the local households which involves no traveling. The indices vary widely
with the majority of villages scoring less than 3,000 and only Ngargosari, Sampetan and
Ngadirejo scoring around 5,000. However, Jlaren has a very high modified index of
more than 10,000. This shows that most villages have small geographical market size.
The exceptions are Ngargosari, Sampetan and Ngadirejo.
The total sale of concentrate for processing to the whole of Ampel is Rp23 billion.
The index is one, showing a highly dispersed linkage. This is especially because the
concentrate processing supplies to all the possible linkages available. The index is 0.005
and the 1/ index is 205.2, showing a large magnitude of Rp205.2 million per km of flow.
The index is 12.556, which shows that there is no link that dominates the total linkage
length for concentrate processing.
The index is 7.0625, which shows that the average length of the link is around
7.0625km. The index is 4,428, which is considerably large, but is still lower than that
of Jlaren. Some corn growing villages also score around 5,000. This is due to the fact that
Ampel is a large corn producer and there is a large surplus of corn.
7.3.3. Milk Cattle and Milk Cooperative Forward Linkages
There are 18 possible links for a milk cattle economic unit. These include 15 other milk
cattle economic units, the animal market, the slaughter house and the Ganesha milk
cooperative. Milk cattle units sell male milk calves to the market at the price between
Rp2 and 3 million (Werdiono and Setyahadi, 2006). Milk cattle units also supply milk to
the Ganesha milk cooperative everyday. According to the Ampel Agropolitan Masterplan
Preliminary Report (2005), on an average, each cattle can produce 10 liters of milk per
day. The price is obtained by field observation.The price of milk is currently around
Rp1,300 per liter, which is still quite low. Milk cattle units also send their cattle for
slaughtering if the female milk cattle no longer lactate.
Since sales of male milk calves and non-lactating milk cattle only contribute 3%
to the total revenue of milk cattle growers, the estimated value for the sale of male calves
and non-lactating milk cattle can be obtained (Bantul Information and Technology Center,
2006). The rate of birth for milk cattle in Ampel is 20% (Suara Merdeka, 2001).
Assuming that only 25 percent of the calves are sold to the animal market, the revenue
obtained from sale of male milk calves to the animal market can be estimated.
Table 7.19 shows the information on milk cattle forward linkages and the
calculation of industrial linkage pattern indices. The milk male calves sold to the animal
market are usually already 1 year of age. At that age, they are usually already
independent from the parents. The largest supplier of male milk calves is the Ampel city,
since it consists of five villages. The index is 0.17647 for all villages, which indicates
the highly concentrated pattern of forward linkages, since all villages supply to three
centers in Ampel city, which are the slaughter house, the milk cooperative and the animal
The indices vary with one village, Gondang Slamet, scoring very high at 0.129.
Selodoko, Ngendem, Ngampon, Ngargoloko, Sampetan, Ngadirejo and Jlaren villages
have a index above 0.01. Thus, these villages have longer distance traveled per million
Rp worth of goods transported. The 1/ indices show that these villages have lower
magnitudes since the indices are less than Rp100 million per km. The other villages score
high in this index with more than Rp100 million per km, indicating greater magnitude of
The indices are uniform at 3, which indicate a possible domination of one link
in the total linkage length. The indices vary with the majority having 8 kms and below,
and the others between 9 and 10. This shows that the average length of links is quite short.
The indices are high with the exception of Selodoko, Ngendem, Ngampon and
Gondang Slamet with less than 3,000. The other villages mostly have above 5,000.
Thus, these villages have large geographical market sizes.
The milk cooperative index is not calculated since the milk cooperative supplies
to the milk processing facilities located outside the Ampel sub-district. However, some of
the processed milk are then supplied to Ampel market and retailed to the consumers.
Therefore, the Ampel market analysis section will include a discussion of flow of
processed milk to the households in Ampel.
7.3.4. Meat Cattle and Slaughter House Forward Linkages
There are 16 possible linkages for meat cattle economic units. This includes 15 other
meat cattle economic units and the slaughter house. Since Ampel produced 1,054.51 tons
of meat in 2005 (Ampel Agropolitan Masterplan Final Report, 2006), the number of
cattle sent from each village to the slaughter house was estimated based on the proportion
of meat cattle population in each village to the total cattle population. It is important to
note that the cattle slaughtered will not produce edible meat at the same weight as the
livestock. Since only 46.5 percent of the dry mass will be edible, the total amount of meat
produced, must be divided by 0.465 to arrive at the actual weight of cattle slaughtered
(Bantul Information and Technology Center, 2006b). This assumes a common weight of
450kg for every meat cattle that is slaughtered.
Most villages send more than 70 percent of their livestock to the slaughter house
every year. The slaughtered meat cattle can go either to the Ampel market or to the meat
processors.The price is Rp28,000 per kg, which is around Rp10,000 less compared to the
retail price at the Ampel market. Table 7.20 shows the calculation of indices for the meat
cattle economic units. The price of meat cattle is Rp11,000 per kg. Thus, the price of a
livestock at the slaughter house is Rp4,950,000, assuming a common weight of 450kg.
Since the slaughter house only supplies to Ampel market and meat processors,
both of which are located in Ampel city, most indices such as , and cannot be
calculated. The index will be zero since the distance traveled is zero and the only index
that can be calculated is the index. This is because the index does not include distance
in the formula.
Table 7.20. Indices for Meat Cows
Table 7.20 shows that the index is 0.0625 for all villages and the city. This
indicates a high degree of concentration, since all meat growers send their cattle to the
slaughter house. The indices are mostly less than 0.07, which indicates less distance
traveled per million rupiah value of goods transported. Thus, the 1/ indices for these
villages with less than 0.07 index will be high, indicating greater magnitudes of flow
that are around Rp200 million. Only Banyuanyar village has a lower magnitude of flow
at Rp65.853 million per km.
The index of 1 shows the strong domination of one link, since there is only one
link for each village. There is no local consumption since all cattle are sent to the
slaughter house and household consumption is met by purchasing small amounts of meat
from the Ampel market. The indices vary, but are mostly within the 4-6km, thus
showing relatively short length of links. The indices are all high, mostly above 7,000,
which show the large magnitude of geographical market size for most of the meat cattle
growing economic units.
The biggest meat cattle units are in Jlaren and Ngadirejo villages with scores
above 20,000. The smallest is Banyuanyar village with a score of less than 3,000. This is
still low compared to the other economic sectors.
The slaughter house has a index of 1 since out of the two possible links, it
supplies to both the links, which are the Ampel market and the meat processing
industries. The value of fresh bulk meat supplied to the meat processors is Rp8.925
billion and that to Ampel market is Rp9.369 billion. This is obtained by estimating the
amount of purchase by the meat processors and assuming the remaining available meats
are sold to the Ampel market.
The animal market has 32 possible links, which include 16 meat cattle growing units and
16 milk cattle growing units. The supply of milk cattle to milk cattle growing units is
estimated based on the need to replace the number of non-lactating milk cows sent to the
slaughter house. From field observations, the price of milk cattle ready to be inseminated
is Rp6 million. The meat cattle growers also purchase on the basis of the need for
replacement for the number of meat cattle slaughtered. The price is Rp8,000 per kg and
the usual weight is around 250kg.
Table 7.21. Indices for the Animal Market
Table 7.21 shows the calculation of indices for the animal market. With a index
of 1, the animal market is highly dispersed. This is because, out of the 32 possible links,
the animal market supplies to all of them. The index of 0.0011 is rather low. The
index of 12.556 shows that there is no single link that dominates the total length in the
linkage. The index of 7.0625 shows an average length of link that is not short. The
index of 2,190 shows a small geographical market size.
The total value of dendeng and floss production was Rp20 billion in 2003(Trinugroho,
2003). According to the Ministry of Agriculture (2006), the value added from fresh meat
to dendeng is Rp4000/kg. In the case of fresh meat to dendeng, the value added is
Rp13,000/kg. It is assumed that producers of dendeng and floss purchase meat in bulk at
the price for fresh slaughtered meat. Since the field observations show the price of fresh
meat to be Rp28,000/kg, the same 1kg of meat can produce floss of Rp42,000/kg of meat
and dendeng of Rp32,000/kg of meat. The ingredients for floss come from any parts of
the meat while the ingredient for dendeng is usually the round meat that constitutes 20%
of the total fresh meat from a slaughtered cattle.
This analysis focuses on the distribution of meat and milk to the households in Ampel
through the Ampel market. The Ampel market has 16 possible linkages, which are all
household economic units. The households purchase meat and milk for daily
consumption. The meat is supplied by the slaughter house and the milk is supplied by the
milk processors outside Ampel, in the form of powdered milk and fresh milk. Since most
of the people consume powdered milk due to storage and expiration considerations, this
analysis assumes that all milk consumptions are in the form of powdered milk.
The consumption of milk in Indonesia is very low at the national rate of 7 liter per
capita per annum (Gatra, 2006). The price of a 400 gram powdered milk package is
Rp18,000. Since 100 grams of milk can be used to make 1 liter of milk (Eddleman, 1998),
the value of consumption can be estimated. The consumption of milk is estimated by
considering the number of households and the per capita consumption of milk per annum.
The cost per liter of milk is Rp4,500 and thus, on an average, a household would spend
Rp31,500 per annum on powdered milk.
In estimating the meat consumption, reference is made to the Ampel Agropolitan
Masterplan Final Report (2006), which states that the consumption of meat in Ampel is
39.62 tons per annum. Thus, the estimation is made based on the proportion of the
number of households in the village to the total number of households in the Ampel subdistrict, with reference to the total consumption of 39.62 tons per annum.
Table 7.22 shows the calculation of indices for the Ampel market. The index of
1 indicates a high degree of dispersal. This is because the market supplies to all the
possible links. The index of 0.054 and the 1/ of 18.5 show a low magnitude of flow of
Rp18.5 million per km. The index of 6.2778 shows a low degree of domination by a
single link. The index of 6.6471 indicates a medium average length of link. The
index of 603 shows a small geographical market size.
Table 7.22. Ampel Market Links for Milk and Meat Consumption
We obtain the linkages between the economic sectors by analyzing West Javas socioeconomic input-output matrix in 1999 14 . Since some economic sectors are predominantly
located in rural areas and some others are predominantly in urban areas, the analysis can
be extended to investigate the rural-urban linkage pattern. In West Java, 91% of the labor
income from agriculture is received by the rural households. The labor income from
manufacturing that goes to the rural households is only 3.39%. The labor income from
other sectors such as services and trade is rather balanced with 42.02% going to the rural
households. Rural households receive 34.96% of capital income.
The expenditure pattern for rural households and urban households can be
analyzed by looking at the matrix. Out of the total expenditure of agricultural households,
36.18% is spent on domestic manufactured products, 20.14% on imported manufactured
goods, 20.14% on agricultural goods and 10.63% on services. From this data, it can be
seen that rural households mostly spend on urban products. The households in the urban
areas spend 35.58% on domestic manufactured products,
18.07% on imported
The input-output matrix can be used to calculate the backward and forward
linkages. The backward linkage index of more than one shows a strong backward linkage
and the same applies to the forward linkage index. The predominantly rural agricultural
sector has low backward and forward linkage indexes as both are less than one with the
value of 0.7709 and 0.9134, respectively. However, we can see that agriculture is more of
a forward-linked sector rather than a backward-linked.
The manufacturing sector has high backward and forward linkages with the
indexes of 1.3173 and 2.4890, respectively. Other sectors with strong backward linkages
are utilities, construction, transport and communication.
Kasikoen (2005) calculates the multiplier effect of injecting expenditures in the
economic sectors that are included in the input-output matrix. The multiplier effect is
measured by using the model
Dt = (I-A)-1 dX
= Ma dX
Where Ma = (I-A) -1 = accounting multiplier. This model explains how the changes to the
exogenous account (X) on the matrix will cause changes to the endogenous account (Dt)
in the matrix by (I-A) -1.The exogenous accounts are the capital account, government
account, indirect net tax account and external trade account. From this analysis, Kasikoen
finds that injecting the agricultural production sector will multiply the agricultural
domestic commodities by 1.0378. Manufacturing production sector has a much larger
multiplier effect of 1.7943 to the manufacturing domestic commodities.
million tons respectively. We can see that the regencies which are the immediate suburbs
of the cities in West Java are very active in originating transport of goods, and thus there
seems to be a significant level of economic activities. The regencies which are not the
immediate suburb of the cities, are less active in originating transport of goods, and thus,
there seems to be a small level of economic activities.
The less economically active regencies generally have a surplus in trade with
larger originators of goods. This trend may indicate that these regencies do not have high
purchasing power. The more active regencies despite having surplus in their trade are
also relatively larger in terms of being the destination for goods. This may be due to the
larger population size, as well as their higher purchasing power.
The cities, on the contrary, are much smaller in being the destination of goods.
This is most likely due to the smaller population size and the larger availability of urbanproduced goods rather than the lack of purchasing power. It is important to note that the
cities are small in size geographically and with regard to population.
Therefore, we can reclassify the regions by including the immediate suburbs of
the cities as the urban areas and the other regencies as the rural areas. There is indeed a
strong rural-urban linkage, which is characterized by massive flow of manufactured
goods from within the urban areas and larger flow of primary goods from the rural areas
to the urban areas compared to the flow of goods from the urban areas to the rural areas.
West Java is well recognized for its unhealthy rural-urban linkage patterns. Kasikoen
found the strong domination of urban areas and the poor industrial linkages between the
rural areas and the urban areas.
The large regencies and the cities are considered here as the urban areas, and the
smaller regencies as the rural areas. The districts under Jakarta are not included in the
analysis.The analysis shows that the urban areas including Bandung, Cirebon, Bekasi,
Sukabumi, Tangerang as well as the Bandung regency, are among the bottom ten in terms
of beta value. Most of them have less than 0.5 value, which indicates low spatial
complexity and their ineffective role as centers of distribution. The same case applies to
the indices, as the urban areas are again among the bottom ten with most of them
scoring less than 7. This again shows the ineffective role of urban areas as centers of
distribution in Indonesia and the strong domination of certain links.
However, the urban areas, including Bandung regency and Bandung municipality,
as well as Cirebon municipality, Bekasi regency and Tangerang regency are among the
top ten in terms of value. In terms of 1/ , these urban areas are again among the top
ten. Therefore, we can see that the urban areas have larger geographical markets and
linkage magnitudes compared to the smaller regencies.
Overall, these indices conform to the hypothesis that West Java has an unhealthy
rural-urban linkage pattern. The urban areas dominate the economy but have less spread
effect as shown from the high 1/ and as well as the low and indices. This
confirms the validity of the indices and provides a comparison to the indices calculated
for the Ampel sub-district. In fact, Ampel sub-district possesses a healthier rural-urban
linkage pattern compared to West Java.
Kasikoen (2005) also conducted research for smaller areas, by surveying villages
and their interactions with their respective small urban centers. The six villages studied
were Cibuntu village in the Simpenan sub-district, Girijaya and Hegarmanah villages in
appears that Tambelang village is relatively self-sufficient with most activities conducted
in the village.
In the case of Bungko village in the Kapetakan sub-district, most of the heads of
household and the family members work in the village. However, the small urban center
functions effectively as the provider of goods and services as well as the supplier of farm
inputs. The educational facilities in the small urban center also attract the villagers to
study in the small urban center.
From the above cases, the small urban centers can be allocated to three main
groups. In the first group, the small urban center does not function effectively as the
provider of goods and services and the supplier of farm inputs and the work location. The
village and small urban center that fall under this category is the Cibuntu village and the
Simpenan sub-districts small urban center. In the second group, the small urban center
functions effectively as the work location, but functions less effectively as the provider of
goods and services and supplier of farm inputs. The Hegarmanah and Girijaya villages
with the Warungkiara sub-districts small urban center belong in this category. In the
third group, the small urban center functions effectively as the provider of goods and
services and the supplier of farm input.
However, two villages within the same sub-district may have different
characteristics. In the case of Hegarmanah and Girijaya villages, both part of the
Warungkiara sub-district, Hegarmanahs industries have links with Jakarta and Bogor
while Girijayas industries have links directly with Warungkiara. Thus, there is less
concentration of activities in the small urban center compared to the case of Ampel subdistrict. In the case of Karanganyar and Tambelang villages, both part of the
7.3.9. Summary
From the calculated indices, we find that the economic units located in the villages
outside Ampel city, which include milk cattle growing units, meat cattle growing units,
natural grass growing units, king grass growing units and the corn growing units, have
highly concentrated forward linkages to the Ampel citys economic units. The secondary
and tertiary activities take place in the Ampel city. Ampel city has highly dispersed
forward linkages as it supplies to almost all the villages in Ampel sub-district. However,
the market size as indicated by the index shows that the economic units in the villages
have a greater market size than the Ampel citys economic units. This shows a balanced
rural-urban linkages pattern. Therefore, the hypothesis that the economic units in the
villages outside Ampel city have a concentrated pattern of forward linkages is accepted.
The hypothesis that the secondary and tertiary activities are concentrated in Ampel city is
also accepted.
From the comparison with West Java, it can be seen that Ampel has stronger
conformance to the concept of an Agropolitan region. The spatial complexity and degree
of concentration of forward linkages for the rural sectors are higher in Ampel compared
to West Java. Similarly, the size of the geographical market for the rural sectors relative
to the urban sectors is higher for Ampel than to West Java. This also shows the
applicability of the indices to measure the spatial pattern of rural-urban linkages, since
the results conform to the existing literature that considers the rural-urban linkages in
West Java as unhealthy. With regard to the comparison to village-town linkages in West
Java, Ampel may indeed be a rare case where there is a healthy rural-urban linkage and a
concentration of activities in the town.
The chosen research area is the Ampel sub-district located in Boyolali district, Central
Java province, Indonesia. The sub-district has 20 villages, five of which are grouped
together as the Ampel city or small urban center. Most of the people work as farmers and
cattle growers. The area is chosen because it has a rural-urban linkage pattern that is
characterized by the strong role of Ampel small urban center as the center for rural
produce collection and distribution of urban services.
The main commodity in Ampel is cattle, which includes both meat and milk cattle.
There are value-added activities taking place in the small urban center. These are meat
processing, farm produce collection and supply of production inputs such as the cattle
feed market and animal market.
7.4.2 Analysis and Results
The questionnaires were distributed to the residents who live outside Ampel city. The
distribution of questionnaire was conducted in cooperation with the team from the
National Spatial Planning Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works. 200
questionnaires were distributed and 175 questionnaires were returned. Out of the 175
questionnaires, 150 questionnaires were considered usable based on the completed
answers and included for the analysis.
Table 7.23 shows the distribution of respondents in terms of age groups. Table
7.24 shows the distribution of respondents in terms of occupation, which is divided into
two main groups. 41 percent of the respondents are working in the service or trading
sector and the remaining majority are working in the farming sector.
Table 7.23. Distribution of Respondents by Age Group
Age Group
structural equation modeling does not involve the interacting variables. So the polychoric
correlation matrix does not include the interacting variables. The first stage consists of
two equations. The first equation involves the independent variables of accessibility and
willingness to travel. The second equation involves the independent variables of rural
village amenities and modernity. Prior to generating the polychoric matrix, the data are
transformed into mean-centered values because of the possible multicollinearity caused
by the interaction model. The polychoric correlation matrices are shown in tables 7.26
and 7.27.
Table 7.26. Polychoric Correlation Matrix Stage 1 for Equation 1
Equation 1
Willingness to Travel
Equation 2
Rural Village Amenities
t-values: 1.56
t-values: 1.61
The loadings and error variance from the measurement models in the first stage
analysis are used to calculate the loading and error variance for the interacting variables.
There are two interacting variables. The first interacting variable is for the moderating
effect of the willingness to travel on the relationship between accessibility and the level
of small urban center usage. The second interacting variable is for the moderating effect
of the modernity on the relationship between rural village amenities and the level of
usage. The indicator for interacting variable 1, VARINT1, is obtained as follows:
VARINT 1 and VARINT2 are used as indicators to estimate the latent interacting
variables for interacting variables 1 and 2 respectively. The loading and error variance for
the measurement model of interacting variable 1 (INTER1) with VARINT 1 as the
indicator is as follows:
After obtaining the loadings and error variances for the interacting variables, the next step
is to generate the polychoric correlation matrix that includes the interacting variable. The
correlation matrices are in tables 7.28 and 7.29.
correlation between the interacting variables and the related exogenous variables is set
at 0.
From the second stage analysis, the measurement model generated is as follows:
Equation 1:
Willingness to Travel
Equation 2
Rural Village Amenities
For rural village amenities, the t-values are higher than 1.645 (critical t-value at
10% significance level). Thus, all the indicators have good fits as the proxies to measure
rural village amenities. For accessibility, the t-values are also higher than 1.645. This
shows that the accessibility construct variable can be measured using the hypothesized
manifest variables. For willingness to travel, the t-values are all higher than 1.645. The
same applies to the desire for urban services or modernity with t-values being higher than
1.645. Hence, all the latent variables can be measured using the designated manifest
variables. The significance of the loadings shows that in both stages of analysis, the
hypothesized manifest variables remain good proxies for the respective construct or latent
The structural models for the second stage analysis are as follows 16 :
Equation 1:
Equation 2::
The model was modified according to the suggested modification indices generated in the LISREL
output file, which improved the goodness of fit indices by adding error covariances between variables of
the same type. This, however, did not violate the theoretical background used in constructing the model.
Please refer to appendix 8 for print-outs of the syntax and the path diagrams.
range for acceptable level of fitness. The model CAIC is 107.67, which is lower than the
saturated CAIC at 126.22. The SRMR score is 0.076, which is lower than the cutoff value
of 0.08. Thus, again, these values indicate a good fit for the model.
From equation 1, accessibility has a significant positive relationship with the level
of usage at 10% level of significance. This is shown from the t-value of 1.94 that is
higher than the critical t-value of 1.645. This shows that higher accessibility leads to
higher level of usage of the small urban center. However, the negative interacting
variable means the willingness to travel has a negative moderating effect on the
relationship between accessibility and the level of usage. Higher willingness to travel will
weaken the relationship between accessibility and the level of usage, and vice versa.
This can probably be explained by the fact that residents with higher willingness
to travel will still consider visiting the small urban center to fulfill their needs despite the
low level of amenities. For residents with lower willingness to travel, the accessibility is
an important factor that influences their decision to visit the small urban center.
Nevertheless, the t-value shows a non-significant value at 10% level of significance. The
t-value is -0.53, which has an absolute value that is less than the critical t-value of 1.645.
Therefore, willingness to travel has a weak moderating effect on the relationship between
accessibility and level of usage of the small urban center. Thus, the hypothesis is not
supported. This shows that higher willingness to travel is less likely to offset the
importance of accessibility as a factor that determines the residents decision to use the
small urban center. This shows that despite the high willingness to travel, the importance
of accessibility in influencing the decision to small urban center usage cannot be
From equation 2, rural village amenities have a t-value with an absolute value
greater than the critical t-value of 1.645 at 10% level of significance. The t-value of
-1.73 shows that rural village amenities have a significant negative relationship with the
level of usage. In other words, the availability of amenities has a strong influence on the
decision to use the small urban center. However, the negative interacting variable means
the level of modernity has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between rural
village amenities and the level of usage. A higher level of modernity will weaken the
relationship between rural village amenities and the level of usage, and vice versa. This
can probably be explained by the fact that residents a high level of modernity, despite the
availability of amenities, will be more inclined to visit the small urban center to gain
access to more advanced services and goods. Similarly, residents with a low level of
modernity will be more sensitive to the relative availability of amenities in making
decisions to use the small urban center. The t-value is significant at the 10% level. The tvalue is -1.76, which has an absolute value greater than the critical t-value of 1.645.
Therefore, modernity has a strong moderating effect on the relationship between
rural village amenities and level of usage of the small urban center. Thus, the hypothesis
is supported. The negative moderating effect means that the more modern residents will
not consider their respective villages level of amenities in making decisions on using the
small urban center. In contrast, the less modern residents will be more concerned with
their respective villages level of amenities, and if they find that the provision is adequate,
they are less likely to use the small urban center more often.
Overall, the empirical analysis shows that in the Agropolitan Region, the inherent
characteristics of the small urban center, which include the accessibility and the rural
village amenities, play a very important role in influencing residents level of usage.
However, the personal characteristic of willingness to travel is not an important factor in
the residents decision to use the small urban center. Accessibility is important regardless
the residents willingness to travel. The level of modernity is an important factor that may
affect how residents look at their respective villages level of amenities before deciding
on using the small urban center. What is also important to note from the SEM analysis is
the fact that the measurement models show a good fit for the indicators in approximating
the latent variables. Thus, the measurement of accessibility, rural village amenities,
willingness to travel and modernity latent variables can be based on the indicators used in
this research.
This chapter begins with a summary of findings of the previous chapters and ends with an
overall conclusion. This research explores the theories related to the formation of an
urban area, and streamlines these theories to construct a model for an Agropolitan.
Theoretical Discussion
Early theorists, including Von Thunen (1926) and Weber (1908), considered urban areas
as growth centers that should have high accessibility. Accessibility was measured by the
access to potential markets or dominant industrial inputs which may vary depending on
the nature of the processs product weight-volume impact. It is common to have
agricultural activities in a more accessible location be replaced by higher value added
activities. This occurs under a system where land rent varies according to the level of
In addition to accessibility, urban areas grow from the concentration of activities
in serving their hinterland. Losch (1940) and Christaller (1933) sought to find the
efficient spatial arrangement of an area with multiple cities. The arrangement is
considered efficient because of two aspects. First, the hexagonal shape of an urban areas
market catchments allows for a clear demarcation of market areas between each urban
area without any overlapping market areas. Second, the hierarchy of cities with varying
sizes is constructed using a rule of thumb that determines the ideal spacing between cities
of equal size.
More modern regional scientists, such as Isard (1956) and Alonso (1964), focused
on their works at finding a general equilibrium in a space economy. There are a number
of important findings in Isards study. Isard suggests the important role of transportation
infrastructure in altering the spatial structure of an economy that works through altering
the friction of distance. This finding was based on the previous studies by Zipf (1949).
Zipf found a definite inverse relationship between the tonnage of railway cargo and
distance. Similarly, Stewart (1950) found in his gravity model formulation an inverse
relationship between the volume of trade and spatial distance. Both Zipf and Stewart
suggested that a pair of larger cities have a larger potential attraction compared to a pair
of smaller cities.
Isard (1956) explored the possibility of reducing the number of variables in
constructing a general equilibrium model under a spatial economy. Isard represented
transport costs with labor and land inputs as the proxies. This is underlined by his view
that producers are generally faced with the choice of allocating the land and labor inputs
for either transport or cultivation. Isard suggested a rational solution to Webers (1909)
triangular problem. Since the elasticity of transport cost to distance shows a much higher
value at zero distance, the most efficient location should consequently be at the corner of
the polygon rather than the middle. In other words, the ideal location of an industry
should either be at the location where the main raw material is sourced, or where the
market distribution center is located. Both these locations are where zero transport cost is
incurred for one of the industrys logistics activities.
An important term that is useful for describing the mechanisms of agglomeration
is the point of critical isodapane. This is the point where savings in labor costs obtained
by clustering with other industries are offset by transport costs. Thus, agglomeration
takes place when two or more firms with intersecting critical isodapanes can achieve the
lowest transport cost by combining their production in serving their combined market
area. Nevertheless, Isard warned that firms may be reluctant to move to a new location. In
addition, larger firms with greater bargaining power would have some influence in
dictating the location of the smaller firms. However, the concept of critical isodapane is
still relevant in the case of government-induced localization of economic activities.
Alonso (1956) developed a model of agricultural production under a spatial
economy. This model explained how location of agricultural activities is influenced by
the market forces where different agricultural commodities have different ability to bid a
rent price. The ability to bid a rent price is based on the commodities respective market
price and quantity demanded. Thus, Alonso found that a commodity can be excluded
from a system of spatial economy if the market demand is lower compared to other
commodities. However, when scarcity occurs, the increase in the market price may alter
the structure of bid rent between the commodities, and production is possible for the
previously excluded commodity from being produced in the economy. This model is
useful in explaining the dynamics of spatial arrangements for an agricultural economy.
Most recently, Henderson (1974) explained how city sizes vary due to the
external economies and diseconomies of scale. Cities must specialize in one or a few
particular industries that possess external economies of scale. These industries would
then serve as the cities local economic base. Therefore, it is the nature of market
catchments and efficient operating scale of the local economic base that would determine
the size of cities. Since the local economic base is critical to the effective functioning of a
city, the multiplier effect of the local economic base will determine the extent of a citys
growth. Tiebout (1963) listed several factors that affect the size of this multiplier.
However, the fact is that countries are now trying to end their isolation, focus on products
with comparative advantage and refrain from local protectionist policies, contradicting
some of the factors listed by Tiebout.
Krugman et al (2000) developed the Dixit-Stiglitz (1977) monopolistic
competition model. They found that the balance between the demand of agricultural and
manufactured goods will determine the pattern of spatial activities in the region, and this
can be used as the basis to analyze the interaction between the core and the periphery of a
spatial economy.
The theoretical discussion in Chapter 2 forms an integral foundation in
constructing a conceptual framework for an Agropolitan region. In line with Isards
corner solution, locating agro-industries very near to the villages to reduce the transport
cost to a virtually negligible amount would provide an efficient logistics arrangement. An
Agropolitans growth center should have high accessibility to the source of agro-industry
raw materials and the area should feature higher value added activities. In addition, to
ensure economies of scale from the agglomerated output, the growth center should
ideally be at the location where the critical isodapanes of two or more firms would meet.
The growth center serves as a center of distribution of urban goods and services as
well as a collection center of agricultural produce. The market catchments of the growth
center is ideally of a hexagonal market shape, and the distance between the Agropolitan
growth centers of the same size should be shorter compared to the distance between
larger cities. In line with the gravity model, trade should be higher due to the
concentration of activities in the growth center. This increases its market size and the
centers accessibility to the regions economic center.
In relation to Alonsos bid rent price model, high value added activities will
ideally be at the most accessible point in the area. Nevertheless, under an Agropolitan
arrangement, there should be no variations in land use for the hinterland of the growth
center. This is because at any point within the hinterland, the transportation costs to the
growth center do not vary. Instead, the bid rent price is applied with respect to the
accessibility of an Agropolitan area from the regions economic centers. The better
infrastructure that links the Agropolitan growth center and the regions economic center
would require high value added activities to be present in the growth center. High value
added activities can only take place if there is a concentration of activities in the growth
The local economic base of an Agropolitan region would determine the extent to
which the area can grow. Generally, with basic agricultural industries as the local
economic base,
the area can grow to a size similar to a small city in Indonesia with
This research combines the above theoretical framework with the findings from
applied research specific to the issue of secondary urban area development. The purpose
of this analysis is to draw various real life examples into the conceptualization of an
Agropolitan Region. Research on secondary urban area development is in line with the
arguments that rural and urban areas should be integrated into one functional region.
Rondinelli (1991) highlights the efforts among Asian governments to diffuse urban
growths by investing in secondary cities and towns that allows the integration of urban
and rural markets. Agropolitan development is an example of such efforts directed
towards improving rural urban linkage and strengthening the role of secondary cities.
Parr (1987) provides a conceptual framework to show how rural-urban integration
can provide a platform for a multi-sourced growth. This multi-sourced growth is where
both rural and urban areas play their roles in creating regional economic growth. To
achieve a multi-sourced growth, it is important to have a high degree of leverage. This
leverage arises from the concentration of activities originating from the hinterland and
spreading to the urban growth center. Thus, to achieve higher degree of leverage, the size
of the hinterland accessible from the urban center must be sufficiently large. The size of
the hinterland can be measured by the geographical size or natural resource endowments
or population. It is better to use isochrones instead of linear distance in identifying the
urban areas hinterland. This is useful to take into account variations in terrain and
transport infrastructure conditions. In the case of an Agropolitan region, the selection of
the growth center is particularly important in ensuring that the hinterland meets the
certain size requirement.
The discussion in chapter 3 also covers the benefits, challenges and the important
factors in the development of a small small urban center. Various studies including
Trager (1988), Gaile (1992), Aeroe (1992) and Rondinelli (1988) look at the case of
small towns in Africa. These towns have contributed significantly to regional
development. Their contribution is achieved by becoming the center of collection for
rural produce, a market place for distribution of urban goods and most importantly, a
center for provision of basic services.
Rural town development has also helped to stimulate non-farm employment
opportunities. When such a small urban center is developed in an agricultural area, the
town stimulates growth of enterprises and jobs related to agricultural marketing,
processing and exchange. These towns also provide links or act as a gateway between the
villages and the larger cities.
In China, the development of Town and Village Enterprises (TVEs) has made
significant contributions. They help avoid the excessive concentration of population in
urban centers. Empirical studies also show that rural industrializations is not reducing the
share of growth existing larger urban centers. One example is in Ghana, Owusu (2005)
finds that the growth rate of larger urban centers did not decline, despite the development
of rural industries. Thus, the development of an Agropolitan must be focused on
promoting agro-industries in the growth center.
Some studies have suggested that this system of social economy is ineffective.
Williams and White (2001) and Amin et al (1999) point out that the social economy still
leaves some of the rural households excluded from access to services. They also find the
claims that the social economy is being empowering, sustainable and an informal
alternative to an urban economy to be not true.
However, many of the endeavors to promote a small urban center have failed due
to the challenges faced. Otiso (2005) points out the case of Kenya where the failure was
due to insufficient decentralization of power and fiscal responsibility and the dominance
of the capital city in attracting investment. In relation to the development of agriculturalbased small urban center, the case of USA shows how food manufacturing has low
employment creation. The fastest agricultural-related sectors are instead the food retail
and marketing. Unfortunately, these activities tend to locate in urban areas to gain access
to consumers. Therefore, the development of an Agropolitan region should also
encompass the subsequent channeling of investment towards service industries, which
include transport, communication, public utilities, wholesale and retail trade, finance,
insurance and real estate, personal, business and health services.
It is also important to note the challenges in ensuring equitable development.
Southall (1988) cites an example in South America. The case shows that development of
small urban centers instead benefits urban capital owners and leaves the rural population
impoverished with low earnings from low level jobs. Southall suggested the participation
of and initiatives from the rural population in ensuring successful small urban center
development. Rural people may sacrifice potential employment in rural areas to pursue
an urban life in larger cities. This is particularly true when they perceive urban city
lights as a superior amenity compared to the rural areas social amenities. Such an
outcome is most likely to take place when the infiltration of the urban mindset is not
accompanied by the development of rural economic capacity to accommodate the new
aspirations of the rural population. An Agropolitan region may emulate the best practice
in the Chinese collective system, where rural industrialization is triggered by the
development of skills and entrepreneurship of the rural population.
For a small urban center to function effectively, a number of preconditions must
be fulfilled. These preconditions include both exogenous and endogenous factors. The
exogenous factors include the national economic policy and its relationship with larger
urban centers. The national economic policy mainly relates to the agricultural policies
including import substitution, urban-biased development, interventions in food prices and
expansionary or contractionary development policies. With regard to the relationship
with larger urban centers, the presence of mega-influential urban areas such as Greater
Jakarta may have a negative impact. They may stunt the development potential of small
towns and cities within close proximity to them. Titus (1991) found from the case of four
small towns in Central Java that the town-hinterland relations and the rural development
process are more influenced by higher-order centers and the national policies rather than
the small towns own functions. There have also been cases of bypassing that reduce
these towns potential development. Bypass takes place when the rural people go directly
to the larger cities rather than the small urban center in purchasing goods and services or
in marketing their rural produce. Thus, it is most likely that an Agropolitan region will
not function effectively when it is located near a very large city. For those outside the
influence of a very large city, the Agropolitan growth centers should focus on providing
the links between the local/rural and the national/global economies.
The endogenous factors include rural-urban linkage patterns, migration factors,
services expected and the socio-economic factors. It is best for a small urban center to
opportunities, such as farm management. This will help ensure that local opportunities
are available to cater to the career needs of the rural population.
Accessibility is critical to the effective functioning of a small urban center. The objective
of this thesis was to investigate the role of accessibility in the development of Ampel subdistricts small urban center. Rodrigue (2004) classified accessibility into two main types,
which are topological accessibility and contiguous accessibility. This study places
heavier emphasis on contiguous accessibility. The small urban center is expected to be
the most accessible point in the Ampel sub-district.
This study found that five villages that are part of the small urban center have the
highest geographical accessibility. However, in terms of potential accessibility based on
the working age population, a village outside the small urban center scores the highest.
Only two out of the five small urban center villages are among the highest five and only
four out of five small urban center villages are among the highest seven. For potential
accessibility based on livestock, another village outside the small urban center scores the
highest. Again, only two out of the five small urban center villages are among the highest
five and only four out of five small urban center villages are among the highest seven.
One of the small urban center villages, Tanduk, is consistently out of the highest seven
ranks for both measures of potential accessibility. Three villages outside the small urban
center, Kembang, Candisari and Sampetan, are consistently among the highest seven for
both measures of potential accessibility.
This study also looked at the relationship between accessibility and the level of
development. From this analysis, it is shown that the small urban centers villages are the
most developed. Kembang, Candisari and Sampetan villages have relatively lower level
of economic development.
The adjacent villages to Sampetan have low level of accessibility in terms of
geographical conditions. Thus, Sampetan should not be the small urban center. Both
Kembang and Candisari have high elevations, which make them unsuitable for hosting
economic activities other than farming. In addition, the study found that the most
developed villages among the small urban center are located close to the regional road
linking the regions economic center. However, other villages which have lower scores
for accessibility but are also located close to the regional road have low level of
economic development.
Thus, it is possible to conclude that accessibility plays a very important role in the
development of a small urban center. The most economically developed villages have
high accessibility in terms of geographic accessibility, potential accessibility based on
livestock and working age population, topographical condition as well as the link to the
regional economic center.
A low correlation between distance and the level of economic development was
found for almost all the villages. This shows that under an Agropolitan system, the
difference in transportation cost among villages is not substantial, because all points
within the growth centers hinterland are equally accessible. Hence, all the points within
the hinterland have equal opportunity for benefiting from the development of the growth
center. Thus, Agropolitan development requires that the four forms of accessibility be
fulfilled by the growth center in effectively serving its hinterland and linking the
hinterland with the regional economic center.
Industrial linkages are the key driver of rural-urban linkages for an Agropolitan region.
Only with conducive industrial linkages can the rural-urban linkages be considered
healthy. Based on the theoretical models and finding of recent studies, we hypothesize
that the villages should concentrate on their forward linkage with the small urban center.
The linkage should also be balanced between the villages and the small urban center,
whereby the village should enjoy comparable income from the supply of their produce
with the small urban center.
Schmidts (1975) graph theoretical analysis that has five main indices for
analyzing the spatial pattern of industrial linkages. With slight modification in the
application of these indices, it was possible to investigate the pattern of industrial
linkages in the Ampel sub-districts cattle-related industry. The four indices used measure
the complexity of the spatial structure, the magnitude or density of flows relative to the
total mileage within the linkage system, the spatial dispersal or concentration in the
linkage pattern, the average length of network linkages and the geographical market size.
In this analysis, linkages were identified between each economic node. Thus, a
village can have more than one economic node if it has more than one type of economic
activity present. The economic node is a combination of location and the economic sector.
For example, the economic sectors in the cattle-related industry are classified into 14
economic sectors. Six sectors are present in all the villages while the remaining eight
sectors are urban economic sectors located in the small urban center. In performing this
analysis, we gather the data of distance, the quantity and direction of the flow of goods,
the number of available nodes for each economic sector and the price were used. In
identifying the quantity and direction of the flow of goods, assumptions based on findings
from interviews and research were applied.
Based on theoretical and recent research findings, a low spatial complexity and
high spatial concentration for the economic sectors in the rural village was hypothesized.
The small urban centers economic sectors were hypothesized to have high spatial
complexity and high spatial dispersal. In terms of the balance in the rural-urban linkage,
it was also hypothesized that a balanced rural-urban linkage is characterized by a high
magnitude of flow and the geographical market size of the rural sector.
The findings show that for the rural economic sectors, which include forage grass
growing, cattle growing and corn growing, the level of spatial complexity is low and the
degree of spatial concentration is high. The forage grass growing sectors are forwardlinked with either the respective villages cattle growing sector or the small urban
centers forage market. The meat cattle growing sectors are forward-linked with the
slaughter house and the milk cattle growing sectors are forward-linked with the milk
cooperative. The corn growing sectors are forward-linked with the household or the
concentrate processing industry. Therefore, we can see that apart from local consumption,
the rural produce is mostly supplied to the small urban center sectors.
For the small urban center sectors, high levels of spatial complexity and spatial
dispersal were found as expected. The forage grass market supplies to many of the
villages suffering from a deficit in forage grass production. The Ampel market supplies
milk and meat to all the households in Ampel. The animal market supplies livestock and
the concentrate processing industry supplies concentrates to all the cattle growing
The milk cooperative supplies the milk to the milk factory outside the region, and
it is the milk factory that supplies the Ampel market with powder milk. The slaughter
house supplies to the Ampel market and the meat processors. The meat processors
produce floss and dried meat that are sold in the outlets located in the small urban center.
Nevertheless, all these sectors linkages have no impact on the spatial structure of the
rural sectors.
The analysis also shows that the geographical market size and linkages of the
small urban center sectors are not necessarily higher than the rural sectors. For example,
the geographical market size of the forage grass market is 384, which is much smaller
than the size of the king grass growing sector. Another example is the low linkage index
of Ampel market at 18.05 compared to the higher linkage index of the rural milk cattle
sector with an average of 70. As hypothesized, there is a balanced rural-urban linkage
where the villages enjoy a greater share of income from the economic activities within
the cattle-related industry.
Data from West Java were used for comparison with Ampel. However, it is
difficult to make a comparison on the magnitude and market size between West Java and
Ampel, due to different economic characteristics. Nevertheless, the differences in
magnitude and market size between the rural and the urban areas for West Java and
Ampel can be compared. Data on the origin-destination of goods transport published by
the Ministry of Transport for 1996 were used. There are 31 nodes in the network, all of
which are part of the West Java region.
From the analysis, the largest regency and all the cities except Bogor actually
have low levels of spatial complexity. They are all among the bottom 10 in terms of the
values. All cities also score low in terms of spatial dispersal. The smaller regencies
have high spatial complexity and spatial dispersal. However, the larger regencies and
some of the main cities score among the highest in thew values. Thus, they have a
larger geographical markets size compared to the rural or smaller regencies. These larger
regencies and municipalities are also the top scorers for the 1/index, which shows a
greater magnitude of linkages as compared to the rural or smaller regencies. Thus, in
contrast to the Ampel sub-district, the rural-urban linkage of West Java is characterized
by the weak role of the urban areas as the centers of distribution and the lack of
concentration of rural activities. West Javas urban areas also dominate in terms of
geographical market size and linkage magnitudes. Ampel sub-districts rural-urban
linkage pattern appear therefore to be healthier than that of West Java. West Java is
indeed well recognized to possess the characteristics of an unhealthy rural-urban linkage
pattern as described. Schmidts indices show results that conform to the actual conditions
of West Java. This confirms the validity of these indices as measures of spatial industrial
linkage pattern.
Kasikoen (2005) was also referred to for the analysis of rural-urban linkages
between the village and its respective small urban center for a selected sample of villages
in West Java. From this analysis, three main categories of relationship were identified.
The first category includes small urban centers that are ineffective in providing goods and
services, farm or industry inputs and work opportunities. The second category includes
small urban centers that are effective in providing work opportunities but are not
effective as providers of goods and services and farm or industry inputs. The third
category includes small urban centers that are effective as providers of goods and
services, farm inputs and work opportunities. Nevertheless, when the cases where data
are available for two villages within the same sub-district, there appears to be less
concentration of activities in the small urban center. This is shown from the differences in
the rural-urban characteristics of the villages of the same sub-district. Therefore, by
comparing Ampel to these sub-districts, Ampel is a better candidate for a model
Agropolitan region.
The relationship between the socio-economic factors and the level of use of a small urban
center was also analysed. Four independent variables were considered. These four
independent variables are grouped into two pairs. The variables in the first pair are the
relative accessibility and the willingness to travel. The variables in the second pair are the
rural village amenities and the level of modernity. The dependent variable is the level of
usage of the small urban center. Some of the questions from Powe (2004) were adopted
and the survey was conducted in cooperation with the Directorate of National Spatial
Planning, the Ministry of Public Works Indonesia.
Moderated structural equation modeling was used to test the relationship between
the inherent locational characteristics and the level of usage of the small urban center.
The inherent locational characteristics are the accessibility and the rural village amenities.
The personal factors which include the willingness to travel and the level of modernity
were tested to see if they affect the relationship between the inherent locational
characteristics and the level of usage of the small urban center.
It was hypothesized that the level of accessibility will have a significant positive
relationship with the level of usage of the small urban center. The residents willingness
to travel is hypothesized to have a negative moderating effect on the relationship between
accessibility and the decision to use the small urban center. It was also hypothesized that
the level of rural village amenities relative to the small urban center will have a
significant negative relationship with the level of usage of the small urban center. The
residents level of modernity is hypothesized to have a negative moderating effect on the
relationship between the rural village amenities and the small urban center usage.
The data were obtained through a survey of 200 households in the Ampel subdistrict, in which 150 questionnaires were returned and were usable in the analysis. It was
found that the indicators used in the questionnaire are effective as descriptors and as
proxies for the latent variables used in the moderated SEM. It was also found, as
expected, that there is a significant positive relationship between the accessibility and the
level of usage. But, contrary to our hypothesis, only a very weak moderating effect of the
willingness to travel on the relationship between accessibility and the level of usage was
found. As hypothesized, there is a significant negative relationship between rural village
amenities and the level of small urban center usage. The moderating effect of modernity
on the relationship between rural village amenities and the level of small urban center
usage is also significant.
The results show that the inherent characteristics of the small urban center, which
are the accessibility and the level of amenities are important in influencing the residents
decision to use the small urban center. However, the residents willingness to travel is not
an important determinant of the decision to use the small urban center. The personal
characteristic of modernity is an important determinant that affects how residents
consider the availability in their village before deciding to use the small urban center.
Thus, accessibility is of absolute importance and those with high willingness to travel
will not automatically be less concerned with accessibility in making decisions to use the
small urban center. Rural village amenities are also important, but for residents with
higher modernity. They are less concerned with available level of amenities because of
their desire to consume urban services from the small urban center.
Agropolitan developers should focus on improving accessibility of the small
urban center and ensure that the level of amenities is higher than those of the villages. In
addition, education and information can improve modernity and consequently increase
the level of usage.
This thesis has made a significant contribution in combining the literature and research
findings into a conceptual framework for an agricultural-based small urban center
development. It has also empirically investigated the factors that may determine the
effectiveness of a small urban center using the case of the Ampel sub-district. From the
theoretical discussion and the research findings, it is found that the development of small
urban center relies heavily on its accessibility with regard to the link with the hinterland
and with the regions economic center. The industrial linkage promotes agglomeration
and value-added activities and socio-economic factors may determine a residents
inclination to use the small urban center, and that accessibility is important.
The moderated SEM model also served as a useful tool. The indicators in the
models were useful in describing the latent variables. The fact that willingness to travel
does not offset the importance of accessibility in influencing the decision to use the small
urban center, has strengthened the view that accessibility must be improved to increase
level of usage. As mentioned previously, Agropolitan developers should focus on the
inherent characteristics of the small urban center, which include the accessibility and the
relative availability of amenities compared to the rural village amenities. These factors
will have a strong impact on the residents decision to use the small urban center and
should be incorporated as the main development agenda for Agropolitan regions. In
addition, education and access to information should be included. It is important to
ensure there is an adequate provision of urban amenities in the small urban center.
Therefore, it is possible to propose policy recommendations for the development
of an Agropolitan region. The various accessibility indices, including geographical
accessibility and potential accessibility must be considered. The transport infrastructure
development should focus on improving the linkage of the most accessible point in the
Agropolitan region to the regions economic center. This would enable the hinterland of
this most accessible point to benefit from the infrastructure development equally, due to
the high accessibility to the newly linked node. Since the accessibility of the growth
center from the village is high, the improvement of transport infrastructure linking the
villages to the growth center can be done at a lower cost by constructing low grade small
The development program should focus on promoting agglomeration of activities
in the small urban center by establishing secondary and tertiary agricultural-related
activities such as food processing, cold storage, distribution center and packaging.
However, these industries alone will not be sustainable in the long run because they will
not create enough employment. Despite the fact that the villagers are still expected to
benefit from reduced logistics cost, it is important that the incomes are channeled back to
the local economy by improving the local financial institutions. These investments should
focus on developing the service sectors, including utilities and marketing activities.
In relation to the socio-economic factors, capacity building and provision of urban
amenities are very important. An education program should be directed towards giving
the rural residents the necessary knowledge needed for application in the local
communities. These include knowledge relevant for agricultural management or food
technology. Improved higher education will lead to a higher demand for urban amenities.
Thus, the small urban center should improve its role as provider of urban amenities. This
is particularly important to prevent excessive migration from the rural areas to the
metropolitan areas that may drain the rural human resources.
The national policy must also provide a supportive environment for the
development of Agropolitan regions. Since the relationship between the small urban
center and its hinterland is largely dictated by the larger economic centers, the central
government should pay close attention to the policies related to local government
expenditures for rural infrastructure and education, the food price and food import as well
as the development of research programs that support the improvement in agricultural
Finally, Agropolitan development should adopt a participatory planning approach.
The local residents should be involved in the planning process, in order to ensure the
effectiveness of the program. Unless these residents are able to make good use of the
development program, Agropolitan development would become less effective. In
addition, the long term sustainability of the small urban center depends on the ability of
the people to compete effectively in the market. It is also important for the rural people to
have the ability to innovate products and services that will enhance the value addition in
the local economy.
There are a number of areas that are closely associated with this research which
have not yet been adequately covered in this thesis. They are identified for further
research. It would be valuable to extend the industrial linkage analysis to include all the
economic sectors in the Ampel sub-district. This will provide a clearer picture on the
overall rural-urban linkage pattern in the area. For further research it is also
recommended to collect more detailed data in testing the assumptions used in the analysis
of industrial linkage.
It is desirable to perform a test of the industrial linkage indices used in this
analysis over a larger sample size, to establish an aggregated result or a national average
that can be used as a quick benchmark to investigate the rural-urban linkage pattern in
new research areas.
The home interview survey has collected a number of valuable data that can be
used for various other purposes. This may include the use of LOGIT analysis to
investigate the relationship between the socio-economic factors and the pattern of travel.
It would also be better to extend the home interview survey to other areas to get a larger
sample that is desirable for a more accurate structural equation modeling.
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Appendix 1
Urban Area Development Process Illustration (Combination of Spatial Development Theories)
1st Stratum
3rd Stratum
Primary Villages
2nd Stratum
Secondary activities
began to develop and
location preference is
based on possible
economies of scale
arising from joint
activities between two
or more villages
Creation of Urban
The location where
second stratum
activities take place are
merged into a
concentric ring that is
located outside the
urban nucleus. The
outermost ring contains
the agriculture villages.
3 (3
What happens in
countries are the
absence of small
towns, thus
villages deal
directly with large
Christaller argues
that for every city
of the same size,
for a pair of larger
cities, the distance
will be 3 times
the distance of the
pair of smaller
Losch sees
hexagonal shape
as an effective way
to ensure that all
areas are within
proper coverage by
the respective
urban areas
Appendix 2
Degree of Leverage
Border of
Area of
= Degree of
In calculating the degree of leverage, the growth center area is compared to the
proportion of the hinterland area to determine how optimum the leverage is. The border
of functional region can be determined using isochrones to take into account variations in
sky distance and the actual transport cost and time. The use of area size in calculating
degree of leverage can be substituted with population, fertile farm land area size or
agricultural produce. Changing these indicators for the degree of leverage provides more
suitable information on the economies of scale depending on the cases. However, it is
important to note that the accessibility of the growth center in terms of its potential
coverage of natural resources or populations plays a more important role in determining
the economies of scale.
Appendix 3
Summarized Flowchart of Literature Review of Empirical
Utilization is determined by
personal socio-economic
Appendix 4
Spatial Linkages Analysis for Iron and Steel Firms in the USA
Table 1.
Changes in the Input and Output of the Steel Firms
Table 2.
Measures of Linkage Orientation for Steel Firms
Table 3.
Measures of Spatial Linkage Orientation for Steel Firms
Application of SEM
Excerpts from Ghozali, I and Fuad (2005), Structural Equation Modeling, BP Undip, Semarang
proxies for the latent variables and the structural error that is based on the relationship
between the endogenous and exogenous variables.
Measurement of variable can be done in the form of reflective indicators and
formative indicators. Formative indicator can only be used with Partial Least Square
method. Reflective indicator is affected by latent variable while the formative indicators
affect the latent variable. LISREL estimation method assumes that the manifest variables
are reflective indicators of the latent variable.
The choice of appropriate indicator is highly important in representing variable
latent and since single indicator is usually not sufficient, it is advisable to use many
indicators although the more complex the model, the more the minimum sample to be
met. In addition, problems may occur when parsimony model (structural model
deliberately constructed to produce the best fit) becomes the objective, and thus causing
specification error in the structural model due to the erasure of important latent variables
according to the theory and the low quality of measurements due to the erasure of
important indicators from the latent variable. Thus the listwise method that takes out
variables to arrive at the best fit has this disadvantage. SEM also allows the use of single
indicator on a construct.
The structural model links the confirmatory models in an overall SEM. The
confirmatory factor models show how the latent variables are measured and each
indicator is affected by errors. The LISREL notation serves the purpose of explaining the
relationships between the elements in the model more efficiently. In the LISREL notation,
the exogenous latent variable is named as KSI ( ), and these exogenous variables are
assumed to be inter-correlated that is denoted with PHI ( ). The endogenous latent
variable is denoted by ETA ( ) and the direct relationship between the endogenous
latent variable and exogenous latent variable is denoted by GAMMA ( ). The
relationship between endogenous variables is denoted by BETA ( ). The measurement
error due to the relationship between exogenous variable to endogenous variable is
denoted by ZETA ( ).
For the measurement model, the indicators of exogenous latent variables are
denoted by x while for endogenous, y. The relationship between the latent variables and
their indicators is denoted by LAMBDA ( ). The measurement errors for the indicators
are denoted by DELTA ( ) for exogenous latent variable and EPSILON ( ) for
endogenous latent variable. In terms of the numeric notations accompanying the symbolic
notation, for direct path, the rule is for the first number on the subscribe as representing
the target variable and the second number as the source. This rule does not apply for non
direct relationship including covariance and correlation since the order of the numbering
is not important.
The structural model involving relationship between endogenous variables can be
denoted as follows:
2= 21 1 + 22 2 + 21 1 + 2
The measurement equation for exogenous variable:
Xi = i1 1 + i
= (xi )2 /N
(Population Data)
: population mean
: sample mean
: summation
Covariance shows a linear relationship that takes place between two variables, X
and Y. If a variable has positive linear relationship, it will have positive covariance. If the
relationship between the two is negative, the covariance is negative. If there is no
relationship, the covariance is zero. Covariance has no limitations in value and can be
negative or positive. It is measured as follows:
COV (X, Y)
= (xi s ) (yi y ) /N
(Population Data)
COV (X, Y)
The sample covariance matrix is very important to LISREL as the input in LISREL is
usually in the form of this covariance matrix data. However, if the variable is
standardized (has zero mean and 1 standard deviation), the covariance between X and Y
becomes as follows:
COV (X,Y)/SxSy
Where Sx and Sy are the standard deviations from X and Y and rxy is the correlation
between the variable X and variable Y (correlation ranges from -1 to 1; where a
correlation value of 1 shows a perfect relationship and a zero correlation shows no
relationship at all).
The following gives the simple rule in manipulating variance and covariance. Based on
two variables, X and Y, as well as two constants a and b:
VAR (a+X)
= VAR (X)
VAR (aX)
COV (a, X)
abCOV (X,Y)
The Implied Covariance Matrix gives the prediction performed based on the variance and
covariance of a variable in the model. Taking an example of a simple regression with two
variables X and Y:
Y = a + bX + e
Where a and b are regression coefficients (parameter). a is the intercept and b is the slope
of the regression line while e is the error. Based on the above model, the expectation to
obtain the variance from Y and the covariance between X and Y in the population is as
Where is the vector that contains the models parameter. Thus, ( ) is a covariance
matrix between the variabels in the model that is depicted as the function of the models
parameter. If the model is true and if we know the parameter values, thus the covariance
matrix, will be equal to ( ).
This is the fundamental equation in SEM. However, the population variance and
covariance or the parameter at ( ) are unknown. What is done in this method is to
produce estimation from the unknown parameters, that is derived based on the sample
covariance matrix, S. The estimations from this sampel is then used as a prediction on the
variance and covariance of a population and thus the covariance matrix from the model
^ = ( )^
This is often what is called as implied covariance matrix and the purpose of SEM
analysis is to find the estimation of parameter values that have difference between the
sample covariance matrix and the implied covariance matrix. The difference between the
sample and implied covariance matrices is called the residual matrix. Ideally, the
elements in a residual matrix is zero, which indicates the perfect fit between ^ and S.
However, this is very difficult to achieve and this is where goodness of fit measurements
are used to measure the level of fit for the model.
The indicators include chi-square and p-value, goodness of fit indices, adjusted
goodness of fit index, root mean square error of approximation, expected cross validation
index, Akaikes Information Criterion and CAIC, Normed Fit Index.
There are seven methods that can be used to estimate the parameter of a model,
which are instrumental variables, two stage least square, unweighted least square,
generalized least square, generally weighted least square, diagonally weighted least
square and maximum likelihood. These measures can be grouped into two main
estimation techniques, which are:
a. Limited Information Techniques
Examples from the technique of using limited information are the instrumental
variables (IV) and two stage least squares (TSLS), which are fast estimation
methods that do not use iterations. Both methods estimate the equation
independently and separately where the two methods do not use information from
the other equation on a model. Both methods are commonly used to produce
starting values to be used for other estimation methods for the model. IV is
usually used to produce starting values to be used for ULS estimation method.
TSLS is used to produce starting values for GLS, ML, WLS and DWLS
estimation method
b. Full Information Techniques
Full Information Techniques is a technique to estimate all the equation systems
simultaneously where information is used to estimate a parameter obtained from
the whole equation systems in a model. The drawback of this model is that when a
model has specification error due to the inclusion of irrelevant relationship or the
erasure of a highly relevant relationship, it will affect the whole model.
The following gives more detail on each type of Full Information Techniques and
the assumptions that have to be fulfilled including suggested sample size:
Maximum Likelihood
The most popular method in SEM and is set as the default estimation method in
LISREL. ML will produce valid, efficient and reliable parameter estimation if the
data used demonstrates multivariate normality and will be robust against any
moderate multivariate normality deviations. However, ML estimation will be
biased if the deviation in multivariate normality is significant.
ML has valid result with minimum sample of 50, however it is recommended that
the sample is more than 100 200. Another weakness of ML is its oversensitivity and producing poor goodness of fit index once the data used is too
large (between 400 500).
Generalized Least Square
GLS produces estimate almost similar to ML when the multivariate normality
assumption is met and the sample size is the same. However, GLS is slightly more
robust against any violations of multivariate normality assumption. GLS will
produce poor estimation with small sample size less than 2,000.
Weighted Least Square
WLS or Asymptotical Distribution Free is a method that is not affected by
violations of multivariate normality. The weakness is that the variables cannot be
more than 20 in the model and it requires almost unreasonable sample size of
around 1,000.
This is the most fundamental assumption in multivariate analysis that is a measure of the
form of data distribution. If this assumption is not met and the deviation is large, the
whole statistic test is not valid because the t-values testing and other estimates are based
on the assumption of normal data.
Univariate normality can be tested for ordinal as well as continuous data while
multivariate normality can only be tested for continuous data. If the data demonstrates
multivariate normality it will demonstrate univariate normality but not vice versa To test
the normality, z-statistics for skewness or curtosis can be be used. The z skewness can be
measured as follows:
Z skewness = skewness/ (6/N)
Where N is the sample size. The z-statistics for curtosis can be measured using the
following formula:
Zcurtosis = curtosis/(24/N)
If the z values for both curtosis and skewness are significant (less than 0.05 at 5%) then
the data distribution is not normal. The rules of thumb is:
1. Normal data : skewness score less than 2 and curtosis score less than 7
2. Moderately non-normal : skewness score between 2 and 3 and curtosis score
between 7 and 21
3. Extremely non-normal : skewness score more than 3 and curtosis score more than
When the normality assumption cannot be met, the solution is to add an
asymptotic covariance matrix estimation that allows parameter estimation and goodness
of fit statistics analyzed under the assumption of non-normal data. If the data is
continuous, transformation of data is allowed, but in ordinal data, this is not advisable. If
the sample size is sufficient, generalized least square or weighted least square methods
can be used.
Another important assumption is multicollinearity, whereby there should not be
any perfect correlation between the independent variables. The correlation that is not
permitted is those higher than 0.9.
There are two types of data, which are continuous and ordinal data. Ordinal data
is data that has consecutive categories such as Likert scale (1-5) and dummy. Ordinal
variable is not continuous variable and should not be treated as continuous and since
these variables are not metric measures, thus the mean, variance and covariance becomes
meaningless. Therefore, the analysis with data ordinal should use polychoric correlation
instead as the data input and to use the weighted least square estimation procedure.
However, it is difficult to meet the following assumptions in performing WLS:
1. Sample size more than 1,000
2. Observed variables less than 25
3. Assumption that the latent variables is continuous and fulfills multivariate
normality assumption
An alternative is to treat categorical variables as continuous and correct the statistics test
rather than using WLS< by using the Satorra-Bentler Chi-Square.
Parameter significance in LISREL is not measured directly. Every parameter
estimation in LISREL has three important information, which are regression coefficient,
standard error and t-values. The standard error measures the preciseness of every
parameter estimation. The t-value is obtained by the dividing the estimated value with the
standard error. The t-value has to be higher than the t-value in the t-table based on the
level of significance and sample size.
Model Identification
In structural equation, it is important that the model has unique value so that the model
can be estimated. The parameter estimate will be arbitrary if the model has several
estimates that can fit the model. The structural model can thus be considered good if it
has one unique solution for the parameter estimation. The problem faced in SEM is when
the information in the empirical data (variance and covariance for manifest variable) is
not adequate to produce unique solution to obtain model parameter.
In this case, LISREL will produce several solutions to the equation system that relates the
variance and covariance of the observed variables to the model parameter, thus it can fit
every number in the covariance matrix to a model. When this happens, where there are
several appropriate solutions, the problem is called unidentified or underidentified. Thus,
to solve an equation system in SEM, the minimum equation number has to be equal to the
unknown number of numbers. To determine whether the model contains identification
problem, the following condition must be met:
t < or = to s/2
where t = number of parameters estimated
p = number of y variables
q = number of x variables
s = number of variance and covariance between manifest variable that is
If t is more than 2, the model becomes unidentified and this can be solved by constraining
the model. The constraints can be added by adding manifest indicators to the model, fix
the additional parameter to 0 (most often used) or assume that the particular parameter
with the other parameter has same value. The constraint should be supported by
theoretical explanations. If t is equal to s/2, the model becomes just-identified where
there is a unique solution that can be estimated to estimate the parameter. When the
model is just-identified, the degrees of freedom is 0.
If it is less than 2, the model becomes over-identified where there are more than one
estimate for each parameter that can be obtained because the number of equations
available exceed the parameters to be estimated. Different from just-identified, in the case
of over-identified model, the remaining equation can be used to test the fitness of the
model, whereby if the two estimations yield significantly different results, the model
might be wrong. The number of parameter consists of the number of loading factors and
error variances.
Appendix 6
West Java Origin-Destination Transport Data in 1996 from the Indonesian Ministry of
Distance Matrix for Districts in West Java (table 1 out of 3 tables)
Origin-Destination Data for the Transport of Goods in West Java in 1996 (Table 1 out of 3 tables)
Origin-Destination Data for the Transport of Goods in West Java in 1996 (Table 2 out of 3 tables)
Origin-Destination Data for the Transport of Goods in West Java in 1996 (Table 3 out of 3 tables)
Appendix 7
LISREL Syntax and Output
Stage 1
1. Structural Equation for Accessibility, Willingness to Travel and Level of Usage
Observed Variables racc1 racc2 wtt1 wtt2 lua
Correlation Matrix from file C:\uji10.cor
Stage 2
1. Structural Equation for Accessibility, Willingness to Travel and Level of Usage
Observed Variables racc1 racc2 wtt1 wtt2 lua varint1
Correlation Matrix from file C:\uji11.cor