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These crystals are characterized by ladder-like grooves crossing the bodies of the
crystals, and the unusually clear interiors. And as the name implies they are coded,
programmed with the Lemurian consciousness vibrations. When one works with them in
meditation, self-healing practices or other modalities, the crystals can infuse one with the
pure emotional/intuitive/spiritual awareness of the Lemurians. With these stones there
can be a wonderful heart opening and the healing of the emotional body.
It is a stone for acquiring wisdom and esoteric knowledge. Connection between the
physical and celestial. Awareness, attunement, intuition and psychic ability. Stone of
Geologically speaking, Lemurian seed crystals are an anomaly of nature. They are found
loose in sand banks not in clusters as quartz is customarily found. These were collected
at a mountain top location in Brazil. Metaphysically speaking, these unique crystals are
excellent to use for channelling work. They are said to have been left by an advanced
ancient civilization known as the Lemurians. They were imbued with a message of
equality and unconditional love. Unlike mentally based modern societies, Lemuria is
said to have been a civilization whose consciousness was centred upon spiritual and
emotional dimensions. The etched edges of these crystals are said to hold the Lemurian
knowledge left for future generations to contemplate. Hold one in your hand and gently
rub the grooved surface while meditating. They are excellent for chakra clearing &
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its presence (being in the space where healing takes place) was more than enough while at other
times it would be used in the actual process of healing.
It is generally believed that about 12 million years ago there existed an advanced civilization
somewhere between the American continent and Australia. Some believe Lemuria preceded
Atlantis; others believe they co-existed and that perhaps the Atlanteans conquered the Lemurians.
Whereas Atlantis was technologically advanced and warlike in nature, Lemuria was peaceful and
highly developed spiritually.
Katrina Raphaell (author of the Crystal Trilogy and one of the most widely respected crystal
teachers and healers) gathered with several others on Kauai to attune with six Lemurian seed
crystals. While doing so, they connected with a group of powerful non-physical beings who
communicated the meaning of these crystals.
During the last days of Lemuria, it was decided to plant seed crystals programmed to transmit a
message of oneness. Having seeded the crystals, the Lemurians, it is believed, left this planet for
other star systems. Others went into inner earth (while maintaining telepathic connection with those
in other parts of the galaxy), where they continue to care for the earth and the seed crystals now
The crystals are thus connected to inner earth, the earth's surface, and the stars, and serve as links to
these various magnetic fields. On the individual level, each seed crystal is energetically connected
to all other seed crystals.
This connection is a living example of the message of the Lemurian seed crystals. They teach us
how to be both individuals and integral parts of the cosmic design, that all beings are equal. They
also help us how, as physical beings, to maintain our connection with our spiritual source.
Metaphysical Properties:
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"The following information on the Lemurian Seed Crystals was gathered in February of 2000
when the Crystal Academys teachers met on Kauai for a reunion. Seven of us settled into an
afternoon attunement with six Lemurian Seed Crystals and with little extra added research and
compilation, I am very happy to present this information.
The Lemurian Seed Crystals are mined in Brazil. Apparently they were found at the top of a hill
that was being strip-mined for Quartz. These naturally formed generators were found separately
in sand and were not attached to clusters. They immediately got attention because they were not
like the rest of the Quartz found in clusters in that area. Some, but not all of them, carry a pink to
reddish glow. These unique crystals are Clear Quartz but instead of shiny, they appear frosted or
dull, like they have a matte finish. Their most unique characteristic is a series of horizontal
striations that run up one or more of the sides of the crystal. Generally (but not always) these
distinct horizontal striations end in a triangular face forming the apex of the crystal. I knew when
I saw these markings that there was something special about these crystals since I had rarely seen
more that one or two horizontal markings on Quartz and these crystals can have up to dozens.
When we sat down to meditate with the Lemurian Seed Crystals my first sense was that of a
powerful group of beings that were ready and waiting to align with the human mind. There was a
sense of urgency and I felt that this was the first time a group of humans had consciously aligned
with them to receive information. Through the insight of others in the group, we came to
understand that these beings existed on the earth plane before the time of Lemuria and were part
of the natural seeding of star systems. It was during the last days of Lemuria that these crystals
were planted within the earth with their specialized purpose.
Upon receiving this information I immediately thought of the Record Keeper Crystals (see Crystal
The ancient Atlanteans had programmed the Record Keepers before the
fall of that great civilization, in order to record and safeguard their knowledge. But The Lemurian
Seed Crystals were different somehow. We came to understand that these "seed" crystals were not
programmed with specific information (as were the Record Keepers) but were rather placed in the
rich earth where crystalline growth was expected to form in the coming millennia. These crystals
were programmed to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were being created throughout
Enlightenment, Vol. I, pages 65-68).
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time. A big part of what they relay is the sense of oneness, of unity, of every individual part being
equal and no better than any other part and the necessity for love in order to evolve.
It is believed that the race of Lemurians, having seeded our world, left the earth plane for other
star systems when life on the surface of the planet could no longer be sustained. However, many
of the Lemurians also went into the dimension of inner earth. It is from within that domain that
they still care for the earth and are responsible for these crystals surfacing now. Maintaining a
clear conscious telepathy with the ones who travelled on to other star systems, this highly evolved
breed of beings preserves their own unity.
The recently surfaced Lemurian Seed Crystals assist in creating a holographic connection
between the inner earth, the surface of the earth, as well as with the stellar regions. This
holographic connection links the Lemurian Seed Crystals with other crystals in and on the surface
of the earth, integrating the crystals with the human magnetic field. The human magnetic field
links with the earths magnetic field, and the earths aura connects with the outer multidimensional universe. One of the main purposes of these seed crystals is to create complete
holographic unity. Only one Lemurian Seed Crystal is required to holographically connect to all
of the seed crystals. This energetic connection forms a magnetic grid around the earth that links
us to both the inner and outer worlds.
The horizontal striations actually appear to be lazered into these crystals. It is as if they carry the
knowledge of how to maintain unity while being individualized and living on the physical plane.
How do we stay consciously connected when we become linear and worldly? How can we love
ourselves and everyone else more? How can we care for our environment as if it were our own
body? The Lemurian Seed crystals stimulate the limbic part of the brain, which is our most
instinctual animalistic part, controlling emotion and motivation. Through the physical nervous
system the more subtle cerebral spinal fluid is activated and the etheric bodies are infused with a
higher frequency. In doing so it is as if a holographic transmission is received which will help us
to evolve our consciousness to include the linear and mundane equally with the divine and the
Lemurian Seed Crystals can be worked with by meditating with one while stroking the striations
with the index finger of the left hand. If you hold a Lemurian Seed crystal in your right hand
while you walk around and encircle something (a person, an object, your house, etc.) that it will
create a circle of light protection. They are also extremely powerful to use in grids. Following our
meditation session with the Lemurian Seed Crystals we created a grid for the earth using the
information that we received. First we placed a globe of the earth in the centre of our circle. We
were guided to place four Lemurian Seed Crystals in a cross formation, with the terminations
pointing towards the globe. (This four pointed cross can be done to enclose a grid, around a
crystal healing recipient, or around a defined space to set up the holographic connection). On top
of each of the crystals beautiful pieces of green Selenite were placed to project spiritual healing
around the planet. Within this space, hundreds of shiny tumbled Hematite encircled the globe for
protection and to assist in the grounding of the collective light body. A Blue Obsidian pyramid
was placed on top of the globe, with four Blue Obsidian spheres in between the Lemurian Seed
crystals to bring in peace and hope. (A photo of this grid can be seen in the Crystal Buzz Newsletter #12).
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When we all stood holding hands around the grid to activate it, the energy was so strong that
everyone had to breathe very deeply. We sent the unity and love that we felt into every prison,
hospital, war zone, orphanage, military establishment, school, home and heart of everyone on the
planet. The presence of the guardian beings was very strong. Again, I felt a sense of urgency and
felt how important it is to keep my own holographic connection and learn to pray on that
all-inclusive level. We left the grid set up for over a week and everyone that saw it felt the energy
and were uplifted by it.
The Lemurian Seed Crystals will be attracted to people who can actively assist in anchoring the
energies that will aid the planet in these times. They have not yet been fully activated but are
helping to set a strong foundation for the original blueprint of love flourishing throughout
creation. As we grow in awareness of the primal unity of all things and open our hearts more the
Lemurian Seed Crystal transmission will permeate. Stay tuned."
Throughout history and legend, people from all cultures and continents have used the spiritual
and healing powers of gems and crystals. Utilized for purely religious purposes as well as
communion, physical and spiritual healing, the power of gems and crystals is intertwined with the
history of mankind.
It is widely believed that gems & crystals act as amplifiers when brought into contact with the
human bodys seven-chakra points. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for "wheel", and like all other
wheels they spin, distributing life-force energy to all areas of the body.
While your chakras can become congested or unbalanced from stress, anxiety, environmental or
many other unknown conditions, using gems or crystals in accordance with meditation or
bodywork is known to help remove blockages and balance these energy points, promoting health,
happiness and well being.
The seven-chakra points within our bodies rotate at different speeds that closely correspond to the
vibrational frequencies of different crystals and gemstones. By utilizing the appropriate crystals
and gemstones that correspond to each chakra, it is believed we can unlock the door to the world
of crystal healing and tap its powerful, health imbibing powers.
The benefits of long-term crystal exposure to the chakras is said to be one of the most effective
forms of alternative healing available. Healing crystals and gemstones come in highly attractive
and functional forms; wearing crystal jewellery or gemstone crystal wraps is both a practical and
fashionable way of reaching your health goals. Also available for use with meditation or simply
carrying around in a pocket or crystal pouch are tumbled gemstones, cut crystals, rough and
faceted gemstones, pendulums and sacred geometry shaped crystals.
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