Crystal Skull Guide
Crystal Skull Guide
Crystal Skull Guide
2) Ancient vs. Modern Crystal Skulls - Who made them, and what is their purpose?
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the ancient crystal skulls, with questions regarding
who made them and why. There are those who say that they have cosmic origins, or that
they are connected to Atlantis and Lemuria. Crystals cannot be carbon dated, so there is
no way to date the age of the crystal itself, therefore scientists seek to examine the skulls
microscopically to see what kinds of tools were used to carve them. If there is evidence
of primitive carving tools, then the crystal skull is deemed to be ancient.
Quartz is an extremely hard crystal, which is very difficult to carve by hand, and would
have taken years, decades and even generations for the ancients to carve and polish them
some say that the shamans would polish the crystal skulls with their hair in order to
infuse their wisdom and knowledge into the skull. Some shamans used a crystal skull as a
vessel to hold their consciousness at the moment of death, so they could pass their
knowing on to their successors.
When examining crystal skulls, if scientists see evidence of tool marks from modern
carving tools, such as a jewelers wheel, then these crystal skulls are deemed to have been
carved in the modern era, within the last two centuries. Today, there are many modern
carvers who carve crystal skulls in a huge variety of stones, mostly in China and Brazil.
The finest crystals and carvings tend to come from Brazil, and we get our highest quality
crystal skulls directly from the master Brazilian carvers. When it comes to crystal skulls,
quality is very important a crystal skull is a powerful spiritual tool of consciousness, so
the quality of the stone and the quality of the energy make a huge difference. This is why
we offer the highest quality crystal skulls available in the world.
Crystals and crystal skulls are amplifiers of thought, energy and intention. They can calm
and clear the mind for more profound meditation, and for improved clarity and decisionmaking. With a crystal skull you can enhance intuition and psychic abilities, facilitate
spiritual experiences and guidance, improve grounding and concentration, support the
laws of attraction and manifestation, promote peace and calm in any environment, and
generally experience whatever you set your mind to.
(PLEASE NOTE: Old and ancient crystal skulls are very rare beware of fakes. Some people talk about
crystal skulls that have no tool marks at all, which are generally modern skulls that come from a mold and
are not carved from natural crystal or stones.)
SHA NA RA, MAX, and ET are some of the few crystal skulls examined to be truly ancient
3) Activated crystal skulls, and what makes our crystal skulls different from others?
When crystals are removed from the earth, their energy is dormant, like rocks they need
to be activated with intention and with human interaction in order to have their potential
energy awakened. The more you work with a crystal skull, the more it becomes activated
and energized.
When carvers create crystal skulls, they say that they usually carve the eyes last, because
as soon as the eyes are carved, the crystal skull becomes a being with consciousness
they essentially come alive. Each and every crystal skull, from the smallest to the largest,
is completely unique, and has it own personality. This is a phenomenon that does not
exist with other crystal carvings, only with the crystal skulls. This is why people feel
drawn to name their crystal skulls.
Crystals and crystal skulls absorb and record energies from everything that they
experience. They absorb energies from the carver, and from each person who handles
them. When we receive new crystal skulls, we clear their energy with sound and light
activations, then we energize them on a special table that is inlaid with semi-precious
stones. All of our crystal skulls are energized with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR, and
with the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM this infuses the crystal skulls with
powerful healing energies. These energized crystal skulls are then kept together with
AMAR in a special Crystal Skull Sanctuary, which is like a perpetual crystal skull
gathering where the crystal skulls all activate and energize each other on a constant basis
while they await their new guardian. (We handle each and every crystal skull personally,
large and small, with tender loving care, recognizing each one as a powerful energetic
being of consciousness.)
When we receive an order, each crystal skull is specifically selected intuitively for you,
as the crystal skull chooses its guardian this is true even for the smallest crystal skulls.
Your crystal skull is again placed on the large marble table inlaid with semi-precious
stones overlooking a mystical lake. AMAR and CANA IXIM are placed in the center of
this table to fully energize and optimally activate your crystal skull for you. We often
perform special ceremonies and activations with the cycles of the moon, and on other
special, sacred and auspicious dates. We set the highest universal intentions that each and
every crystal skull will bring love, light, joy, peace, prosperity, protection, wisdom,
guidance, healing, inspiration, fulfillment and wellbeing to all whom they encounter.
People can feel these powerful energies emanating from our crystal skulls, sometimes
right through the box that they arrive in!
6) What are the benefits to having a crystal skull? Which crystal skull is best for you?
Crystals are key components used in computers, watches and electronics because of their
energetic properties. Just as radios can be made from crystals, Crystal Skulls are like a
cosmic radio that receives, stores and transmits energy and information. Crystal skulls
can help raise your consciousness and attune you to higher frequencies, and are a conduit
for you to receive wisdom, guidance and awareness. They amplify and heighten intuitive
abilities to gain greater insights and understanding.
Crystal Skulls can help to calm and focus the mind in order to achieve greater levels of
concentration, inspiration and creativity, and deeper meditative states. They can bring
peace and calm to any environment, and provide protection from negative energies.
Crystal Skulls can be healing and uplifting mentally, emotionally, spiritually and
physically, particularly for children.
Crystal skulls can help you attract, create and manifest whatever you put your mind to,
especially when working with the laws of attraction. Crystal Skulls are like a computer
that can be programmed with your intentions, helping you to stay clearly focused on what
you want to create, and holding the energetic frequencies to attract the vibration of what
you desire, like a magnet.
Tools like the Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum use proven centuries-old techniques for
gaining clear and accurate responses to any question instantly. This powerful tool uses a
system called divining or dowsing, which is an external tool for communicating with
your higher guidance and intuition in a way that you can clearly see and feel
Crystal Skulls can also be used as psychic tools for the art of scrying or crystal gazing.
The best Crystal Skulls for scrying are clear quartz, or obsidian.
- The best all-purpose crystal skull is clear quartz, which is a master healer. Clear quartz
enhances intuition and guidance, amplifies thought and intention, raises vibration and
consciousness, and increases energy and vitality.
- The best crystal skulls to heighten psychic abilities and intuition are amethyst, ametrine,
clear quartz, charoite, labradorite, rainbow obsidian, and lapis lazuli.
- The best crystal skulls for grounding and protection are black obsidian, hematite,
hypersthene, jet, tiger eye, tiger iron, and silver sheen obsidian.
- The best crystal skulls for attracting prosperity and abundance are ametrine, citrine, jet,
smoky quartz, tiger eye, and nuummite.
- The best crystal skulls for love are rose quartz, star rose quartz, rhodochrosite, rubellite
tourmaline, lepidolite, and garnet (for passion).
- The best crystal skulls for healing are quartz, turquoise, jade, and aventurine.
Click here to see a full list of stones and their properties, along with crystal skull
recommendations to assist you with specific emotional issues, physical issues, and
spiritual issues.
10) How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?
Crystal skulls are emerging at this time to help raise the consciousness of humanity. They
are spreading around the world to assist and support the Earth itself as this planet is
undergoing its own evolution and transformation. Crystal skulls can help raise the
energetic vibration and frequency around them, and can raise the vibration of the Earth.
The Earth is crystalline in nature, as is the human body. Quartz is one of the most
abundant minerals on Earth, making up 12% of the Earths crust. Crystals conduct
electromagnetic energy, and this energy can energize and restore balance to the human
body as well as to the planet itself. Your mind and your conscious intent can activate the
crystal skulls and direct their energy with precision for healing and manifesting your will
and intention, for yourself and for the Earth.
Crystal skulls serve several purposes around the world. They anchor a higher vibration to
allow a new level of consciousness to raise the vibration of humanity. Crystal skulls are
connected to each other and form a crystalline grid much like a cosmic Internet they
communicate with each other "wirelessly" and share energy and information. Crystals are
like computers that store information, and are also receivers and transmitters of energy
and information.
The crystal skull grid not only connects crystal skulls to one another, it also creates an
energy field that surrounds the planet and helps to keep the Earths energy intact as it
undergoes massive change and evolution. Crystal skulls are assisting the planet to raise
its vibration and to become more light.
Crystal skulls can also serve to relieve pressure in the Earth, much like an acupuncture
needle, removing energy blockages and allowing the flow of balance and wellbeing to be
restored. Crystal skulls can bring peace to all people, places and things that surround
them. This is why people all over the world are guided to work with as many crystal
skulls as possible, and to share them with others.
How are crystal skulls energized by AMAR, CANA IXIM, ET and SHA NA RA?
Each crystal skull has its own unique energy signature and vibration. Old and ancient
crystal skulls contain powerful energies of healing, wisdom and higher frequencies that
can be imprinted or "downloaded" into newer crystal skulls because crystal skulls absorb,
share and transfer energy and information. Those who are highly sensitive can actually
see and/or feel this energy transmission that occurs between the crystal skulls.
All of the crystal skulls from are energized with the Tibetan Crystal
Skull AMAR, and the Mayan Blue Jade Crystal Skull, CANA IXIM, unless they
specifically state otherwise. Each crystal skull, from the smallest to the largest, is directly
energized with AMAR and CANA IXIM at least twice once when we first receive it,
and then it is energized specially for you when you place your order. While crystal skulls
await their new guardians, they commune with the energies of AMAR and CANA IXIM
on a constant basis in a special sanctuary.
AMAR came from a monastery in Tibet where Tibetan monks used this crystal skull for centuries for
healing and divination (around 2005, AMAR was rescued from the Chinese regime in Tibet by a High
Lama after over 6,000 monasteries have been tragically destroyed, and sacred artifacts confiscated or
desecrated). AMAR holds the energy of healing, love, and compassion, and imbues this powerful energy
into the crystal skulls.
CANA IXIM means Lady of the Corn. To the Mayans, corn is life, and blue jade was more valued than
gold. This Blue Jade skull has rare Mayan glyphs carved in relief on the crown and third eye. This Mayan
Blue Jade Skull was used in ceremonies for abundance and fertility for the crops and for the people. This
Crystal Skull is powerfully healing, and profoundly affects women in particular.
Through an exclusive arrangement with the guardians of the Ancient Crystal Skulls ET and SHA NA RA, also offers a select group of crystal skulls that have been specially energized with the
Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA, or with the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection:
SHA NA RA is one of the few crystal skulls in the world that has been scientifically examined and proven
to be truly ancient. It has the unusual distinction of having been discovered in an actual archeological dig
in Mexico - thereby providing further credibility to its status as a truly ancient crystal skull. The guardian
of SHA NA RA, Michele Nocerino, specially energized a select group of crystal skulls for us in a candlelit
activation ceremony over several hours, during which each crystal skull directly touched SHA NA RA to
receive its energies.
ANCIENT CRYSTAL SKULL "ET" is part of the famous crystal skull collection of Joky Van Dieten,
along with 9 other significant large crystal skulls carved from different minerals. The "youngest" crystal
skull in this collection was carved in 1926, which still makes it one of the oldest known crystal skulls in the
world today. The remarkable crystal skulls in this collection have been exhibited in a museum in Europe,
and in special exhibits in several countries. ET is one of a handful of crystal skulls in the world that has
long been acknowledged as being truly ancient. It was found by a Mayan Family in 1906 while they were
digging in their backyard in Guatemala. Mayan priests recognized ET as the lost Mayan skull that came
from the Pleiades, and confirmed that Joky Van Dieten was its rightful guardian. A select group of crystal
skulls was energized with the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection in a powerful activation ceremony, which
took place overnight in a full size three-story-high pyramid under a rare blue moon.
The energies of AMAR and CANA IXIM (as well as the energies of SHA NA RA or ET)
raise the frequencies of the crystal skulls that they energize; their energies are essentially
woven into the energetic fabric of these energized crystal skulls. You can only erase
these energies if you specifically intend to do so.
I know the crystal skulls have come into my life to assist me on my own spiritual path as
well as in helping others in my healing work. I work as a Reiki Master, Angel Intuitive
and Shamanic Practitioner and have found many, many benefits in using my skulls in
earth healing attunements, healing of clients in body, mind and spirit and connecting to
the world of Spirit. They are wonderful teachers and healers and I feel truly blessed to be
given these tools to work with and share with others in my life.
Although i have skulls from other sites your skulls have the most vibration. They give
me goose bumps and fill me with love.
We have all discovered that each skull that arrives for each of us is indicative of our
personalities. it is quite interesting to see. am ordering another soon. thanks again.
As always your company is the best and only choice for me to purchase my skulls as you
seem to have left no stone unturned (pun intended) in the care and handling of these
darling skulls.
Yes, I received my amazing crystal skull last week and I love it! I wear all the time and
feel that it has surrounded me with good auras and positive energy's. I am very happy
that I got this skull.
When I recieved my "Little Helper" crystal skull it jumpstarted my road back to health.
Ever since then, I keep my miniature crystal skull with me as much as possible and life
for me is improving daily. Thank you,
I recently purchased a crystal skull from u guys and it changed my life around....I
received it last nov. and I felt the bubble surrounding me, im a true believer
More testimonials
Useful Links:
Free Crystal Skull Newsletter:
NEW Crystal Skull VIP Alert for new items/sales:
All About Crystal Skulls:
Legend of the 13 Crystal Skulls:
Crystal Skull Theory:
Ancient Crystal Skulls:
Sha Na Ra Energized Skulls:
ET Energized Crystal Skulls:
AMAR Energized Crystal Skulls:
Crystal Skull Meditations:
Crystal Skull Jewelry:
Crystal Skulls For Sale:
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