1998 Nature Solid State DSSC

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Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Mesoporous TiO2

Solar Cells with High Photon-to-Electron
Conversion Efficiencies
Impact Factor: 41.46 DOI: 10.1038/26936 Source: OAI





Udo Bach

Donald Lupo

Monash University (Australia)

Tampere University of Technology





Jacques-E. Moser
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne

Available from: Jacques-E. Moser

Retrieved on: 01 October 2015

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Solid-state dye-sensitized
mesoporous TiO2 solar cells
with high photon-to-electron
conversion efficiencies
U. Bach*, D. Lupo, P. Comte*, J. E. Moser*, F. Weissortel,
J. Salbeck, H. Spreitzer & M. Gratzel*
* Institute of Photonics and Interfaces, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Hoechst Research & Technology Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Industriepark
Hochst, D-65926 Frankfurt, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut fur Polymerforschung, D-55128 Mainz, Germany

Solar cells based on dye-sensitized mesoporous films of TiO2

are low-cost alternatives to conventional solid-state devices1.
Impressive solar-to-electrical energy conversion efficiencies have
been achieved with such films when used in conjunction with
liquid electrolytes2. Practical advantages may be gained by the
replacement of the liquid electrolyte with a solid charge-transport
material. Inorganic p-type semiconductors3,4 and organic materials59
have been tested in this regard, but in all cases the incident monochromatic photon-to-electron conversion efficiency remained low.
Here we describe a dye-sensitized heterojunction of TiO2 with the
amorphous organic hole-transport material 2,29,7,79-tetrakis(N,Ndi-p-methoxyphenyl-amine)9,99-spirobifluorene (OMeTAD; refs.
10 and 11). Photoinduced charge-carrier generation at the heterojunction is very efficient. A solar cell based on OMeTAD converts
photons to electric current with a high yield of 33%.
The hole conductor contains a spiro-centre (a tetrahedral carbon
linking two aromatic moieties) which is introduced in order to
improve the glass-forming properties and prevent crystallization of







The process shown in equation (2) was too fast to be monitored
with the laser equipment employed, setting an upper limit of 40 ns
for the hole-transfer time.
A blank experiment was performed using mesoporous Al2O3
films instead of TiO2 as a support for the Ru(II)L2(SCN)2 sensitizer;
the results showed that hole transfer from the excited state of the dye


inj. (D+/D*)




Abs. (10-3)




the organic material. Its glass transition temperature of

T g 120 8C, measured by differential scanning calorimetry, is
much higher then that of the widely used hole conductor TPD
(N,N9-diphenyl-N,N9-bis(3-methylphenyl)4,49-diamine; T g 62 8C).
Crystallization is undesirable as it would impair the formation of a
good contact between the mesoporous surface of the TiO2 and the
hole conductor. The methoxy groups are introduced in order to
match the oxidation potential of the hole-transport medium
(HTM) to that of the sensitizer Ru(II)L2(SCN)2 (where L is 4,49dicarboxy-2,29-bipyridyl), used in this study.
Figure 1 shows a scheme for the electron-transfer processes
occurring at the dye-sensitized heterojunction. Visible-light absorption by the sensitizer is followed by electron transfer to the
conduction band of TiO2. The dye is regenerated by hole injection
into the HTM. The TiO2 conduction-band electrons, as well as the
holes in the HTM, are subsequently transported by electronic
conduction to the contact electrodes. Pulsed nanosecond laser
photolysis was used in conjunction with time-resolved absorption
spectroscopy to scrutinize the dynamics of the photoinduced charge
separation process. Figure 2 shows the transient absorption spectrum of a dye-sensitized mesoporous TiO2 film in the absence and
presence of OMeTAD, measured 50 ns after laser excitation. In the
absence of OMeTAD, dye bleaching at ,500 nm is observed and a
broad positive transient absorption appears above 600 nm due to
the absorption of the oxidized dye Ru(III)L2(SCN)+2 and of the TiO2
conduction-band electrons. Electron injection proceeds in the
femtosecond domain12, while the subsequent recapture of injected
electrons by the oxidized dye takes several microseconds. In the
presence of OMeTAD, the bleaching signal disappears. Instead, the
transient absorption rises vertically within the laser pulse. Comparison of the transient spectra obtained in the presence of OMeTAD
with the absorption band of chemically oxidized OMeTAD confirms that the species giving rise to the new spectral feature is the
radical cation OMeTAD+. Apparently, electron injection from the
excited sensitizer into TiO2 is immediately followed by regeneration
of the dye via hole transfer to OMeTAD, as shown below:
RuIIL2 SCNp2 RuIIIL2 SCN2 e 2 TiO2










Wavelength (nm)


Figure 1 Scheme for the electron-transfer processes (inj., injection; reg.,

regeneration; rec., recapture; hopping) occurring in the dye-sensitized hetero-

Figure 2 Absorption spectra from time-resolved laser photolysis experiments.

junction. Also shown are the approximate redox potentials and band energies of

Shown are the transient absorption spectra of a dye-sensitized mesoporous TiO2

the different components.

film in the absence (squares, contact medium propylene carbonate) and in the
presence (circles) of solid OMeTAD, 50 ns after excitation at 532 nm. For

Present address: Materials Science Laboratories, Sony International (Europe) GmbH, Stuttgarter Strasse
106, 70736 Fellbach, Germany.

NATURE | VOL 395 | 8 OCTOBER 1998 | www.nature.com

comparison, the absorption spectrum of chemically oxidized OMeTAD in

chlorobenzene : acetonitrile 90 : 10 is also shown (dashed line, arbitrary units).

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letters to nature
to the OMeTAD does not contribute significantly to the photoinduced charge-separation phenomena observed.
The photovoltaic performance of the dye-sensitized heterojunction was studied by means of sandwich-type cells, shown schematically in Fig. 3a. The working electrode consisted of conducting
glass (F-doped SnO2, sheet resistance 10 Q per square) onto which a
compact TiO2 layer was deposited by spray pyrolysis13. This avoids
direct contact between the HTM layer and the SnO2 which would
short-circuit the cell. A 4.2-mm-thick mesoporous film of TiO2 was
deposited by screen printing onto the compact layer14, and derivatized with Ru(II)L2(SCN)2 by adsorption from acetonitrile. The
HTM was introduced into the mesopores by spin-coating a solution
of OMeTAD in chlorobenzene onto the TiO2 film, and subsequent
evaporation of the solvent. A semi-transparent gold back contact
was evaporated on top of the hole conductor under vacuum.
Figure 3b shows the photocurrent action spectrum of a typical
cell under short-circuit conditions. The given values are not
corrected for reflection and absorption losses of the conducting
glass, which are estimated to be at least 15% in the visible region of
the spectrum. The spectrum closely matches the absorption spectrum
of the dye, confirming that the observed photocurrent arises from
electron injection by the sensitizer. The maximum value of the incident
photo-to-electron conversion efficiency (IPCE) is 33%, which is
more than two orders of magnitude larger than the previously
reported value for a similar dye-sensitized solid heterojunction9 and
only a factor of ,2 lower than with liquid electrolytes2.
The coating solution used for the device in Fig. 3b contained
0.33 mM N(PhBr)3SbCl6 and 15 mM Li[(CF3SO2)2N] in addition to
0.17 M OMeTAD. In the absence of these additives, the maximum
IPCE was only 5%. N(PhBr)3SbCl6 acts as a dopant, introducing free
charge carriers in the HTM by oxidation, as confirmed by spectroelectrochemical measurements. Partial oxidation of OMeTAD by
N(PhBr)3SbCl6 is a convenient way to control the dopant level15. On
adding N(PhBr)3SbCl6 to a solution of OMeTAD in chlorobenzene,
the radical cation OMeTAD+ is instantly formed. The spectral
features of OMeTAD+ remained unchanged during solvent evaporation and glass formation, except for a small hypochromic shift.
No subsequent absorption changes were detectable over several
weeks, confirming the temporal stability of OMeTAD+ in the HTM.

2 1

Current density (mA cm 2)


IPCE (%)




The second additive, Li[(CF3SO2)2N], is a source of Li+ ions,

which are known to be potential-determining for TiO2 (ref. 16).
Along with the protons from the carboxylic acid groups of
Ru(II)L2(SCN)2, they confer a positive charge on the surface of the
oxide. As the sensitizer is negatively charged a local electrostatic field
is produced, assisting electron injection into the TiO2 while retarding recapture of the electron by the oxidized dye. The lithium salt
may also compensate for space-charge effects. Under light illumination of the heterojunction, a net positive space charge is expected to
be formed in the HTM, inducing a local field that impairs current
flow. The lithium salt could screen this field, thereby eliminating the
space-charge control of the photocurrent. Improvement of
the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized heterojunctions
by immersion in LiClO4 solutions was also reported by Murakoshi
et al.5.
Figure 4 shows current-density/voltage curves employing the
device structure shown in Fig. 3a. Curves I and II were obtained
with hole conductor containing both the N(PhBr)3SbCl6 dopant
and the Li[(CF3SO3)2N] salt, whereas these additives were absent for
curve III. Curve I was measured in the dark, whereas II and III were
obtained under light illumination. The device that contains the hole
conductor without additives performs poorly, the conversion yield
being only 0.04% at a white-light illumination of 9.4 mW cm2.
Addition of the dopant and Li+ salt increases the overall conversion
efficiency to 0.74%. Under full sunlight (100 mW cm2, air mass
1.5), the short-circuit photocurrent density reached 3.18 mA cm2, a
value which is unprecedented for solar cells based on organic solids.
Further improvement of the photovoltaic performance is expected,
as many parameters of the cell assembly have not yet been optimized. Preliminary stability tests performed over 80 h using the
visible output of a 400 W Xe lamp showed that the photocurrent was
stable within 620%, while the open-circuit voltage and the fill
factor (see Methods) increased. The total charge passed through the
cell during illumination was 300 C cm2; corresponding to turnover
numbers of about 8,400 and 60,000 for the OMeTAD and the dye,
respectively. This shows that the hole conductor can sustain photovoltaic operation without significance degradation.
From the present findings, the concept of dye-sensitized heterojunctions emerges as a very interesting and viable option for future




Wavelength (nm)





Voltage (V)

Figure 3 Structure and spectral response of the photovoltaic devices. a, Structure

Figure 4 Current-density/voltage characteristics. Shown are characteristics of

1, conducting F-doped SnO2-coated glass; 2, compact TiO2 layer; 3, dye-

the same device as in Fig. 3, obtained in the dark (I) and under white-light

sensitized heterojunction; 4, gold electrode. b, Photocurrent action spectrum

illumination at 9.4 mW cm2 (II). The spectral distribution corresponded to global

for a dye-sensitized heterojunction, the structure of which is shown above. The

air mass 1.5 corrected for spectral mismatch. The short-circuit current density

IPCE value corresponds to the number of electrons generated by monochromatic

was 0.32 mA cm2, the open-circuit voltage 342 mV and the fill factor 62%

light in the external circuit, divided by the number of incident photons. The 4.2-mm-

corresponding to an overall conversion efficiency of 0.74%. For comparison,

thick mesoporous TiO2 film was sensitized with Ru(II)L2(SCN)2, spin-coated with a

the photocurrent-density/voltage characteristic of a cell containing no

solution of 0.17 M OMeTAD, 0.33 mM N(PhBr)3SbCl6 and 15 mM Li[(CF3SO2)2N in

N(PhBr)3SbCl6 or Li[(CF3SO2)2N is also shown (III).

chlorobenzene with 5% acetonitrile added.


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NATURE | VOL 395 | 8 OCTOBER 1998 | www.nature.com

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low-cost solid-state solar cells. Photodiodes based on interpenetrating polymer networks of poly(phenylenevinylene) derivatives17,18
present a related approach. The main difference to our system is
that at least one component of the polymer network needs to
function simultaneously as an efficient light absorber and a good
charge-transport material. The dye-sensitized heterojunction cell
offers a greater flexibility, as the light absorber and charge-transport
material can be selected independently to obtain optimum solarM
energy harvesting and high photovoltaic output.

Compounds. OMeTAD was pure according to H-NMR and HPLC analysis.
The synthesis will be reported elsewhere. Ru(II)L2(SCN)2 was prepared as
previously described2.
Transient absorption spectroscopy. This was carried out with a Nd-YAG
laser as excitation light source, producing a 6-ns pulse at 532 nm of typically
1 mJ cm2, with a repetition frequency of 30 Hz. The probe light was provided
by a Xe lamp, which was spectrally narrowed by cut-off and interference filters
before passing the device. A monochromator combined with a photomultiplier
was used as detection system. A Tektronix 524 TDS oscilloscope was used to
record and store the data. For the laser experiments, dye-sensitized mesoporous
semiconductor films were deposited on ordinary glass.
Photocurrent-voltage characteristics. These were measured with a Keithley
2400 Source Meter and a 400 W Xe lamp. A Schott KG3 filter was used in order
to approach the spectral distribution of the lamp to air mass 1.5 G. The light
intensity was regulated to the desired energy output by using a silicon solar cell,
calibrated at the ISE-Fraunhofer Institut in Freiburg Germany. Efficiencies were
corrected for the spectral mismatch. The fill factor (FF) is defined as
FF V opt I opt =I sc V oc , where Vopt and Iopt are respectively current and voltage for
maximum power output, and Isc and Uoc are the short-circuit current and
open-circuit voltage, respectively.

Received 8 May; accepted 13 July 1998.

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5. Murakoshi, K., Kogure, R. & Yanagida, S. Solid state dye-sensitized TiO2 solar cell with polypyrrole as
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sensitized solid state solar cells. Abstract Book, Bayreuth Polymer & Materials Research Symposium, P28
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7. Weissortel, F. Amorphous niedermolekulare Ladungstransportmaterialien fur nanokristalline
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13. Kavan, L. & Gratzel, M. Highly efficient semiconducting TiO2 photoelectrodes prepared by aerosol
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14. Barbe, C. J. et al. Nanocrystalline titanium oxide electrodes for photovoltaic applications. J. Am.
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Accumulation of persistent
organochlorine compounds in
mountains of western Canada
Jules M. Blais*, David W. Schindler*, Derek C. G. Muir,
Lynda E. Kimpe, David B. Donaldk & Bruno Rosenberg
* Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2E9
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Freshwater Institute,
501 University Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N6
Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada T6G 2G3
k Environment Canada, Room 300 Park Plaza, 2365 Albert Street, Regina,
Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 4K1
Freshwater Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N6


Persistent, semi-volatile organochlorine compounds, including

toxic industrial pollutants and agricultural pesticides, are found
everywhere on Earth, including in pristine polar and near-polar
locations14. Higher than expected occurrences of these compounds in remote regions are the result of long-range transport
in the atmosphere, precipitation and cold condensationthe
progressive volatilization in relatively warm locations and subsequent condensation in cooler environments3,4 which leads to
enhanced concentrations at high latitudes. The upper reaches of
high mountains are similar to high-latitude regions in that they
too are characterized by relatively low average temperatures, but
the accumulation of organochlorine compounds as a function of
altitude has not yet been documented. Here we report organochlorine deposition in snow from mountain ranges in western
Canada that show a 10- to 100-fold increase between 770 and
3,100 m altitude. In the case of less-volatile compounds, the
observed increase by a factor of 10 is simply due to a 10-fold
increase in snowfall over the altitude range of the sampling sites.
In the case of the more-volatile organochlorines, cold-condensation effects further enhance the concentration of these compounds with increasing altitude. These findings demonstrate
that temperate-zone mountain regions, which tend to receive
Table 1 Correlation between organochlorine concentrations in snow and site

Correlation coefficient

Vapour pressure


p p9 DDT






S DichloroS TrichloroS TetrachloroS PentachloroS HexachloroS Heptachloro-


0.2 (0.0080.60)
0.04 (0.0030.022)
0.006 (0.0030.10)
0.001 (0.00030.009)
0.0002 (7 3 10 2 4 2 0:012)
3 3 10 2 4 (2:7 3 10 2 5 2 0:0015)

Correlation coefficients (r) are shown for organochlorine concentrations (ng l1) in snow and
site elevation (m.a.s.l.) for the equation conc: aeb Elev: , where a and b are fitted constants.
Asterisks show significance at P < 0:05, for 19 degrees of freedom. Sub-cooled liquid
vapour pressures are included for pesticides at 20 8C (ref. 21) and PCBs at 25 8C (ref. 22).
Published vapour pressures vary considerably, so these values represent mean reported
values for all PCBs in that class. Ranges of published vapour pressures for each PCB
category are shown in brackets. Only compounds with mean sample concentrations that
were ten times higher than blanks were considered.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the
European Joule III programme (OFES).
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.G. (e-mail: michael.graetzel@

NATURE | VOL 395 | 8 OCTOBER 1998 | www.nature.com

Present addresses: Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, 30 Marie Curie Street, PO Box 450 Stn.
A, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5 (J.M.B.); Environment Canada, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington,
Ontario, Canada L7R 4A6 (D.C.G.M).

Nature Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998


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