Fuzzy Intro 4
Fuzzy Intro 4
Fuzzy Intro 4
Fuzzy Logic was initiated in 1965 [1], [2], [3], by Lotfi A. Zadeh , professor for
computer science at the University of California in Berkeley.
Basically, Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a multivalued logic, that allows intermediate
values to be defined between conventional evaluations like true/false,
yes/no, high/low, etc. Notions like rather tall or very fast can be formulated
mathematically and processed by computers, in order to apply a more
humanlike way of thinking in the programming of computers[4].
Fuzzy systems is an alternative to traditional notions of set membership and
logic that has its origins in ancient Greek philosophy. The precision of
mathematics owes its success in large part to the efforts of Aristotle and the
philosophers who preceded him. In their efforts to devise a concise theory of
logic, and later mathematics, the socalled "Laws of Thought" were posited
[5]. One of these, the "Law of the Excluded Middle," states that every
proposition must either be True or False. Even when Parminedes proposed the
first version of this law (around 400 B.C.) there were strong and immediate
objections: for example, Heraclitus proposed that things could be
simultaneously True and not True. It was Plato who laid the foundation for
what would become fuzzy logic, indicating that there was a third region
(beyond True and False) where these opposites "tumbled about." Other,
more modern philosophers echoed his sentiments, notably Hegel, Marx, and
Engels. But it was Lukasiewicz who first proposed a systematic alternative to
the bivalued logic of Aristotle [6]. Even in the present time some Greeks are
still outstanding examples for fussiness and fuzziness, (note the connection to
logic got lost somewhere during the last 2 mileniums [7]).
Fuzzy Logic has emerged as a a profitable tool for the controlling and
steering of of systems and complex industrial processes, as well as for
household and entertainment electronics, as well as for other expert systems
and applications like the classification of SAR data.
Figure 5. Fuzzy OR
the NEGATION of the fuzzy set A is shown below
5. Fuzzy Classification
Fuzzy classifiers are one application of fuzzy theory. Expert knowledge is used
and can be expressed in a very natural way using linguistic variables , which
are described by fuzzy sets . E.g., the polarimetric variables Entropy H and
very low
class 1
class 2
class 3
class 4
Figure 7. lnterference for rule IF H very low AND low THEN Class = class 1
The fuzzy outputs for all rules are finally aggregated to one fuzzy set.To obtain
a crisp decision from this fuzzy output, we have to defuzzify the fuzzy set, or
the set of singletons. Therefore, we have to choose one representative value
as the final output. There are several heuristic methods (defuzzification
methods), one of them is e.g. to take the center of gravity of the fuzzy set as
shown in figure 7., which is widely used for fuzzy sets. For the discrete case
with singletons usually the the maximum methodis used where the point with
the maximum singleton is chosen.
5. Conclusions
Fuzzy Logic provides a different way to approach a control or classification
problem. This method focuses on what the system should do rather than
trying to modell how it works. One can concentrate on solving the problem
rather than trying to model the system mathematically, if that is even
possible. On the other hand the fuzzy approach requires a sufficient expert
knowledge for the formulation of the rule base, the combination of the sets
and the defuzzification. In General, the employment of fuzzy logic might be
helpful, for very complex processes, when there is no simple mathematical
model (e.g. Inversion problems), for highly nonlinear processes or if the
processing of (linguistically formulated) expert knowledge is
to be
performed. According to literature the employment of fuzzy logic is not
recommendable, if the conventional approach yields a satisfying result, an
easily solvable and adequate mathematical model already exists , or the
[1]L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control, 1965
[2]L.A. Zadeh, Outline of A New Approach to the Analysis of of Complex
Systems and Decision Processes, 1973
[3] L.A. Zadeh, "Fuzzy algorithms," Info. & Ctl., Vol. 12, 1968, pp. 94 102.
[4] L.A. Zadeh, "Making computers think like people," IEEE. Spectrum, 8/1984,
pp. 26 32.
[5] S. Korner, "Laws of thought," Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 4, MacMillan,
NY: 1967, pp. 414 417.
[6] C. Lejewski, "Jan Lukasiewicz," Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 5,
MacMillan, NY: 1967, pp. 104 107.
[7] A. Reigber, "My life with Kostas", unpublished report, Neverending Story
Press , 1999
[8] J.F. Baldwin, "Fuzzy logic and fuzzy reasoning," in Fuzzy Reasoning and Its
Applications, E.H. Mamdani and B.R. Gaines (eds.), London: Academic Press,
[9] W. Bandler and L.J. Kohout, "Semantics of implication operators and fuzzy
relational products," in Fuzzy Reasoning and Its Applications, E.H. Mamdani
and B.R. Gaines (eds.), London: Academic Press, 1981.
[10] M. Eschbach and J. Cunnyngham, "The logic of fuzzy Bayesian influence,"
paper presented at the International Fuzzy Systems Association Symposium of
Fuzzy information Processing in Artificial Intelligence and Operational
Research, Cambridge, England: 1984.
[11] F. Esragh and E.H. Mamdani, "A general approach to linguistic
approximation," in Fuzzy Reasoning and Its Applications, E.H. Mamdani and
B.R. Gaines (eds.), London: Academic Press, 1981.
[12] J. Fox, "Towards a reconciliation of fuzzy logic and standard logic," Int.
Jrnl. of Man Mach. Stud., Vol. 15, 1981, pp. 213 220.
[13] S. Haack, "Do we need fuzzy logic?" Int. Jrnl. of Man Mach. Stud., Vol. 11,
1979, pp.437 445.
[14] T. Radecki, "An evaluation of the fuzzy set theory approach to
information retrieval," in R. Trappl, N.V. Findler, and W. Horn, Progress in
Cybernetics and System Research, Vol. 11: Proceedings of a Symposium
Organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Hemisphere Publ.
Co., NY: 1982.
[15] R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawon, "Foundations of Fuzzy Systems", Wiley,
Chichester 1994