Anoe Arathon: Ompetition Ules
Anoe Arathon: Ompetition Ules
Anoe Arathon: Ompetition Ules
The English written language is the only acceptable
language for all official communications relating to
these Competition Rules and the conduct of all Canoe
Marathon ICF competitions.
For the sake of consistency, British spelling,
punctuation and grammatical conventions have been
used throughout.
These rules may be photocopied. Great care has been
taken in typing and checking the rules and the original
text is available on the ICF website
Please do not re-set in type without consultation.
K1 K2 K4 C1 C2
520cm 650cm 1100cm 520cm 650cm
8kg 12kg 30kg 10kg 14kg
Trademarks [GR]
The guidelines for any advertising material carried on the
clothing and equipment of paddlers should be as follows:
a) Kayaks
All kinds of building materials are permitted.
Sections and longitudinal lines of the hull shall not
be concave (only horizontally and vertically).
Steering rudders are allowed. The maximum
thickness of the rudder blade must not exceed 10
ICF Canoe Marathon Competition Rules 2009
mm in the case of K-1 and K-2 if the rudder blade
forms an extension to the length of the kayak.
b) Canoes
All kind of building materials are permitted.
Sections and longitudinal lines of the hull shall not
be concave (only horizontally and vertically). The
canoe must be built symmetrically upon the axis of
its length.
Steering rudders or any guiding apparatus directing
the course of the canoe are not allowed. A keel, if
any, must be straight, shall extend over the whole
length of the canoe and shall not project more than
30 mm, below the hull.
The C1 and C2 may be entirely open. The minimum
length of the opening shall be 280cm and the edge
of the side of the craft (gunwale) can extend
maximum 5cm into the craft along the whole
defined opening. The boat can have maximum three
strengthening bars with a width of maximum 7 cm
each. Removable spray decks may be used.
c) Bailers
Manually operated pumps may be fitted in both
canoes and kayaks. Bailers which interrupt the line
of the hull are not permitted. Electrically operated
pumps may only be used when the race organisers
require it on safety grounds. Automatic or pump
bailers may be fitted in both kayaks and canoes.
Chief Official
Technical Director
Competition Secretary
Course Umpire
Finishing Line Judge(s)
Boat Scrutineer
Raft Marshall
Safety Officer
Press Official
Chief Official
Technical Director
Safety Officer
11.1 Examination:
1. Examination Organization
- Officials Examination is organised at every World
Championships if there is sufficient interest.
- In case out-of-World Championships examinations, only
Continental Associations or National Federations are
entitled to apply to hold an examination. This is done
together with the application for the Competition
Calendar using a form established by the ICF and
published on the ICF website.
Application deadlines are the same as for the
International Competition Calendar. The Examination
Calendar is published on the same date as the
International Competition Calendar.
2. Examination Candidates
Only National Federations are entitled to nominate
candidates for examination at least 30 days before the
The applications must be sent to the ICF Headquarters on
the special form designed by the ICF and published on
the ICF website. ICF Headquarters is forming a database
and forwarding the list of names to the Respectful
Committee Chair.
3. Examination Procedure
A sub-committee consisting of two members, appointed
by the ICF Technical Committee Chair, will hold this
The examination will be carried out in English language
for officials who wish to be considered as officials for ICF
Competitions and will be based on the knowledge of the
ICF Statutes, the ICF Competition Rules and practical
If people take the examination in one of the other
official languages, they may not be considered to
officiate at ICF Competitions.
4. Officials' Cards
After completion of the examination the Respective
Chair completes the ICF Official Examination Report and
sends it to the ICF Headquarters, where the Official's
cards for those who passed the exam are issued and sent
to the National Federations.
ICF Canoe Marathon Competition Rules 2009
5. Validity and Renewals
Validity and renewals are subject to the Technical Chairs’
a) Stationary Start
The position of the boats at the start is such that
the bows of the competing boats are on the
starting line(s). The boats must be stationary.
The craft may be held at the stern.
Wherever possible all boats in a class shall line
up at the starting line and use the stationary
start. Where this is impossible or impracticable
owing to lack of space, or water or weather
conditions, the following alternative
simultaneous starting procedures may be
b) Grid Start
National teams equally represented in each rank
of the grid with the positions being determined
by the draw. National teams to take precedence
over club teams.
c) Le Mans Start
The boats are lined up on the shore in an order
determined by the draw.
d) Rolling Start
Where strong currents render a stationary start
ICF Canoe Marathon Competition Rules 2009
difficult, a rolling start may be used, the boats
being allowed to drift towards the line with a
view to crossing on the signal.
e) Interval Start
Where a simultaneous start is impracticable or
undesirable, an interval start may be used, the
order being determined by a draw. A list of
competitors with their starting times shall be
issued to the team leaders and pinned to a
notice board at the start least three (3) hours
before the start of competition. It is also
possible to have an interval start in groups.
5) In all cases paddlers shall be called to the water at
least ten minutes before the scheduled start, or in the
case of a Le Mans Start given a ten minute warning.
6) The following procedures will then apply for the
respective starts:
a) Stationary start and
b) Grid start
The starter shall ensure all craft are stationary
on the starting line or grid line as appropriate.
When the starter is satisfied the line(s) are
stationary he or she shall give the signal or
"Ready" followed by a shot, starting horn, or the
word "Go".
If a competitor commences paddling after the
word "Ready" and before the shot has been fired,
he or she has made a false start.
A competitor who attempts to start before any
instruction is deemed to have made an unfair
A competitor who attempts a false or unfair
start will be warned.
A second warning will result in the imposition of
two minute penalty.
A third warning will result in the competitor's
disqualification from the event.
A disqualified competitor must leave the water
c) Le Mans start
Competitors shall stand stationary on a starting
line. The starter, when satisfied the competitors
are stationary, shall say "Ready" followed by a
shot or the word "Go".
If a competitor or competitors commence
running before the shot has been fired, the
starter shall declare a false start and warn the
offending competitors.
ICF Canoe Marathon Competition Rules 2009
A competitor who attempts to start before any
instruction is deemed to have made an unfair
A competitor who attempts an unfair start will
be warned.
A second warning will result in the imposition of
a two minute time penalty.
A third warning will result in the competitor's
disqualification from the event.
In a Le Mans Start, no competitor shall tackle,
block, hinder or obstruct another competitor
running to his or her boat.
d) Rolling Start
The canoes shall form up well before the start
line and drift towards the starter.
The starter shall ensure the line is as straight as
possible and that no competitor will obtain any
undue advantage as a result of the start.
When the starter is satisfied, he or she shall let
the line drift to within 10 meters of the start
line and give the signal "Ready" followed by a
shot, a starting horn or the word "GO".
If a competitor commences paddling after the
word "Ready" and before the shot is fired, he or
she has made a false start.
An immediate time penalty of two minutes shall
be imposed upon the competitor making a false
e) Interval Start
Competitors shall be called into their starting
position in the predetermined order.
Competitors must be advised five minutes, two
minutes and one minute prior to their
designated start time.
The starter shall ensure that each competitor or
group of competitors is stationary and level.
A competitor crossing the start line prior to the
ten-second warning shall be recalled with the
elapsed time taken from the designated starting
time; a competitor commencing paddling
between the ten-second warning and the shot or
starting command shall incur an immediate two-
minute time penalty.
7) Any penalty imposed under this rule shall be notified
to the team manger of the offending competitor by
the Technical Director. Whenever possible, advice of
any time penalty shall also be given to the offending
competitor(s) at the first available checkpoint.
38.1 Invitations
Invitations to World Championships shall be issued by the
organising National Federation and shall be in accordance
with the ICF Rules and regulations. Invitations shall be
sent out at least (3) three months before the date of the
38.2 Entries
38.3 Programme
At least 1 month before the competition, the federations
shall receive a provisional programme with starting times
and the number of entries from each participating
federation in each class. The final programme shall be
available 3 days before the competition and shall
a) Starting time of each race.
b) Names and citizenship of all competitors in each class.
c) Full instruction on the course and training
ICF Canoe Marathon Competition Rules 2009