21st Century Part 1
21st Century Part 1
21st Century Part 1
A controversial assessment of the Illuminati in 2013 by one of
the worlds most controversial global conspiracy researchers
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The influential families placed the schemes and plans into the hands of Professor Adam Weishaupt. As
a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, Weishaupt was of Jewish ancestry, and his family had
been converted to Catholicism. There is an on-going debate as to whether he had been influenced by
the Jesuits. He had certainly been trained by them during his early years and had developed a strong
dislike for the Jesuit Order which contributed to his strong dislike for Catholicism.
In May 1776 Weishaupt created a secret society called the Order of Perfectibilists which was later
changed to the Order of Illuminati. The aim of the order was to gradually seize control of all the worlds
resources and though control and manipulation of international banking, place most of the worlds wealth
under the control of the most influential family network dynasties within the Order of the Illuminati. The
movement was made up of influential freethinkers, as an offshoot of the Enlightenment
Up until this time freemasonry also had their own separate agenda. The masonic lodges had existed
hundreds of years prior to the Illuminati and had themselves descended from the Knights of the
Templar's of Solomon who had helped Catholic Europe to resist the might of Islam and reclaim the Holy
Sites in Jerusalem during the crusades in the Middle East.
When the Crusades succeeded in capturing Jerusalem, in 1099 AD, Godfroi de Buillon was offered the
crown as King of Jerusalem. He refused, and it was instead accepted by his brother, Baldwin. Then, in
1118 AD, the order of the Templars was founded in the conquered city. The Templars, one of two of the
principal order of crusading knight, along with the Knights Hospitallers of St. John, are well recognized
as the typical image of the crusaders, with long white mantles, emblazoned with the equal armed red
cross pattee.
Originally concerned with ensuring safe passage of Christian pilgrims between the port of Jaffa and the
city of Jerusalem, the order was founded by a French nobleman, Hughes de Payens, and eight other
soldiers, who took the name, Poor Knights of the Temple, from the Temple of Solomon, from where they
were first stationed. It was recounted in occult circles is that the Templars learned from certain initiates
of the East, a Jewish doctrine which was attributed to St. John the Apostle.
These Christians of St. John, known as Johannites, and reputed to inhabit the banks of the Euphrates,
are identified with the Mandeans or the Sabians. The Templars were also reputed to have acquired such
teachings from the Assassins. The Hermeticism of the Sabians, also preserved by the Ismailis of the
Grand Lodge in Cairo, was thought to represent the preserved Gnostic teachings of Hellenistic
Because the Mandeans revered John the Baptist as the prophet of the ancient religion of Moses, Kurt
Rudolph, noted scholar of Gnosticism, has pointed out,
the attempt has been made to deduce from this that we have here historical traditions of the disciples of
the Baptist, but this cannot be proved up to now. It is more likely that the Mandeans took over legends
of this kind from heretical Christians, possible Gnostics, circles and shaped them according to their
The Johannite doctrine, derived originally from Talmudic or Cabalistic sources, taught that Jesus was
the illegitimate son of Mary, who as a boy, was taken to Egypt, where he was initiated into the secret
doctrines of the priests of the Essenes, and returned to Palestine to deceive the people with his magic.
It was from the Mandeans that the Templars appropriated the teaching that Jesus was a false Messiah
sent by the devil, for they had, as occultist Eliphas Levi described,
two doctrines; one was concealed and reserved to the leaders, being that of Johannism; the other was
public, being Roman Catholic doctrine.
The Templars had long been rumored to have discovered a treasure, while stationed in Jerusalem, that
made them phenomenally wealthy and powerful. And, in 1867, Captain Wilson, Lieutenant Warren and a
team of Royal Engineers found strong support for these rumours. They had re-excavated the area and
uncovered tunnels extending vertically, for some 25 meters, before fanning out under the Dome of the
Rock, which is generally thought to be the site of King Solomons temple.
Crusader artifacts found in these tunnels attest to Templar involvement. More recently, a team of Israeli
archaeologists, intrigued by the Warren and Wilson discovery, reinvestigated the passage and
concluded that the Templars did in fact excavate beneath the Temple. The Templars may have
discovered texts that had been hidden beneath the site prior to its destruction by the Roman invasion in
70 AD, thus accounting for the mysterious appearance of the Bahir, as it was described by the Cabalists
as having reached them from Palestine, in extremely mutilated form, as remnants of scrolls, booklets
and traditions.
Once in southern France, this new mystical approach touched off not only a revolution in Jewish
thinking, producing what is now known as the Medieval Cabala, but contributed to the Christian heresy of
the Cathars, and from them the Templars. To deal with the Cathar heresy, at first, the Church tried
conversion, by sending a number of legates into the region of Toulouse. But the local nobles protected
the Cathars, and the Bishops of the district rejected the authority of the Popes legates. Papal legate
Peter of Castelnau, known for excommunicating the noblemen who protected the Cathars,
excommunicated Raymond VI, the Count of Toulouse. Raymond VI was the great-grandson of Raymond
I, who led the First Crusade. Raymond Is wife was Elvira of Castile and Leon, the daughter of Zaida of
Denia, an Ismaili of the Fatimids, who had married Alfonso VI the Brave of Leon.Elvira had first married
Roger II Guiscard. Raymond VIs mother was Constance Capet of Toulouse, the great-greatgranddaughter of Constance of Arles and Vienna. Raymond VI was himself married to Joan Plantagenet,
daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II King of England.
Peter of Castelnau was then murdered near Saint Gilles Abbey in 1208, on his way back to Rome. As a
response, the Pope, in what is known as the Albigensian Crusade, in reference to the Languedoc center
at Albi, moved in to extirpate the heresy. Finally, in 1229, the Pope established the Inquisition to root out
the Cathars, and in 1244, final defeat came upon the Cathars at their famous stronghold of Montsegur,
when more than 200 Cathar priests were massacred by the Crusaders.
A half-century later, the Templars would come under similar suspicions. Though the Templars had
grown very powerful, by 1291, Jerusalem was recaptured by the Muslims under the leadership of
Saladin, and nearly all of the Crusader holdings in Palestine came into Arab control. The Templars
established their new headquarters in Cyprus, but with the loss of the Holy Land, the purpose of their
existence was lost. Suspicion about the order began to mount. The true allegiances of the order were in
doubt, as it became generally believed that the Templars were engaged in forming secret pacts with the
Muslims. This rumor seems to have been confirmed when the Order entered into an alliance with the
Amir of Damascus against the Hospitallers of Knights of St. John. It is known that there were frequent
examples of the Templars forging alliances with the Muslims, and that they had established contacts with
the Ismaili Assassins in a plot to gain control of Tyre.
Jacques de Molay, nineteenth-century color lithograph by Chevauchet Pope Clement V came under
strong pressure from Philip IV the Fair of France at this time, and in response, in November 1307,
ordered the arrest of the Templars in every country a month after King Philip had every Templar in
France arrested. Pope Clement V made an official announcement that the Templar's were to be branded
as heretics ordering all their properties and finances to be seized and their leader was burned at the
stake. On March 22, 1312, the Templars property throughout Europe was transferred to the Hospitalers,
or confiscated by the state. Many Templars were executed or imprisoned, and in 1314 the orders last
grand master, Jacques de Molay and his two subordinates were burned at the stake.
The Templars were charged with practicing witchcraft, of denying the tenets of the Christian faith, spitting
or urinating on the cross during secret rites of initiation, worshipping a skull or head called Baphomet in a
dark cave, anointing it with blood or the fat of anabaptized babies, worshipping the devil in the shape of a
black cat, and committing acts of sodomy and bestiality. Despite the fact that a great number of the
knights, including the Grand Master himself, Jacques du Molay, confessed to most of these accusations,
modern historians continue to apologize for the Templars, instead accusing Phillip of political ambition or
greed in seizing the orders property.
Since many of the Templars were informed on forehand of the betrayal by the French king, they fled to
the port of La Rochelle from where their ships set sail to Scotland. The Templars had apparently chosen
Scotland because they knew they would be immune from attack from the Catholic Church there,
because King Robert the Bruce, and the whole Scottish nation, had been excommunicated for taking up
arms against King Edward II of England.
At this time the Scots were fighting for their own independence against the English and Robert the Bruce
of Scotland more then welcomed the Templars whose art in military warfare helped the Scots to
overcome the English and maintain their independence. The Templars received protection from Robert
the Bruce after the battle of Bannockburn, which took place on St. John the Baptist's day.
The Templar force at the Battle of Bannockburn was led by Sir William Sinclair, of a family of secret
Jews, whom were among the many Sephardic Jews from Spain and southern France that entered
Scotland from around 1100 AD onward. The first group would have accompanied William the Conqueror
and assisted in setting up the civil administration in England. Some then made their way to Scotland,
around 1150, at the invitation of Malcolm III and his son David I.
The man who reportedly founded Knights Templar Freemasonry was one of James III's loyal supporters,
Michael Ramsey. Ramsey was a Scottish mystic who had been hired by James III to tutor James' two
sons in France.
Ramsey's goal was to re-establish the disgraced Templar Knights in Europe. To accomplish this,
Ramsey adopted the same approach used by the Mother Grand Lodge system of London: the
resurrected Knights Templar were to be a secret mystical/fraternal society open to men of varied
occupations. The old knightly titles, uniforms, and "tools of the trade" were to be used for symbolic,
fraternal and ritual purposes within a Masonic context. In keeping with these aims, Ramsey dubbed
himself the Chevalier [Knight] Ramsey.
Ramsey's Scottish Masonry attracted many members by claiming that the Templar Knights had actually
secretly created the Mother Grand Lodge system. According to Ramsey, the Knights Templar had
rediscovered the "lost" teachings of Freemasonry centuries earlier in the Holy Land during the Crusades.
They brought the teachings back to Europe and, after their disgrace and banishment, secretly kept the
teachings alive for hundreds of years in France, England, and Scotland. After centuries of living in the
shadows, the Templars cautiously re-emerged by releasing only the Blue Degrees through the vehicle of
the Mother Grand Lodge.
Ramsey claimed that the three Blue Degrees were issued only to test the loyalty of Freemasons. Once a
Freemason proved his loyalty by reaching the third degree, he was entitled to advance to the "true"
degrees: the fourth, fifth, and higher degrees released by Ramsey. Ramsey stated that he was
authorized to release the higher degrees by a secret Templar headquarters in Scotland.
Over time the Templars rebranded themselves as the masons because of the negativity associated with
the Templars because of their excommunication by papal Rome and they eventually infiltrated the British
monarchy after the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, who had no heir leading to King James V of
Scotland becoming King of England as a distant relative. This allowed freemasonry a vehicle to use
England as a launch pad for expanding into Europe and capturing the interest of many of the wealthy
nobilities which gave freemasonry significant credibility.
There were several strands of freemasonry that were expanding in continental Europe in the 1700s. The
most notable were the social club Anglo-Saxon Masons; the mystical Rosicrucian-style Masons who
were attempting to make their brand more mysterious; and the Enlightenment social reformers of the
Grand Orient of France who were involved in political movements. One style of Masonry was not the
same as the next, and each had very different goals.
After founding the Order of the Illuminati, Weishaupt seized upon a strategic move. In order to spread
the Order of the Illuminati and to give them more influence in the world, and because Freemasonry was
akin to the Order of the Illuminati, he gradually began to infiltrate the Freemasons. In May of 1777,
Weishaupt was initiated into Freemasonry, in a Lodge at Munich, Germany. Weishaupt wanted to use
this Mason's Lodge to promote his world revolutionary ideas.
Up until this time the world had accepted Freemasonry as a "great benevolent society" because it
appeared, on the surface to teach high morality and to do charity work. Only a few top men in
Freemasonry knew the sinister motives of the Masonic doctrine and understand what the organization
was really all about.
In 1780, a man named Baron Von Knigge (code name "Philo") joined Weishaupt's Order, and soon he
became a leader dividing the control of the Order with Weishaupt. Weishaupt and Knigge rapidly spread
the "gospel" of the World Revolution throughout Germany. However their gospel needed protection as
there was fear that if the authorities were to discover the existence of their society and found out what
their real plan was they would then take steps to suppress it. With this in view, they had conceived of the
idea of grafting it on to Freemasonry, which they thought would provide the cover and credibility needed
to expand the concept aggressively.
In order to gain control over the Order of the Freemasons, Weishaupt and Von Knigge needed to join
forces. Weishaupt hadn't made much progress with the Order of the Illuminati until he had met the highranking Mason, Baron Von Knigge. Von Knigge was not only a first class organizer, but he had also
been admitted as a Master of most of the secret societies of his day. Von Knigge was, like Weishaupt
and all the Masters or "expert occultists" of these secret societies, an expert occultist himself.
The "Plan" was to penetrate into the high levels of Freemasonry, and then to take control in directing the
affairs of the Nations into an eventual One World Government. Then, the Illuminati would be a secret
society within the secret society of the Freemasons. Weishaupt would then influence the decisions of
Europe's Leaders from within through these concealed advisory positions. The Illuminati plan also
involved getting their members into key governmental positions, so that they could control all of mankind.
The Order of the Illuminati was given a huge boost at the Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad held at
Meyer Amschel Rothschild's castle on the 16th of July in 1782. This meeting included representatives of
all of the secret societies such as the Martinists, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati which now
numbered no less than three million members all over the World. This enabled the Illuminati to solidify
their control over the Freemasonry Lodges of Europe and to be viewed as the undisputed Leaders of the
occult One World Movement.
Historian Nesta Webster tells us:
"What passed at this terrible Congress will never be known to the outside world, for even those men who
had been drawn unwittingly into the movement, and now heard for the first time the real designs of the
leaders, were under oath to reveal nothing.
One such honest Freemason, the Comte de Virieu, a member of a Martiniste Lodge at Lyons, returning
from the Congress de Wilhelmsbad could not conceal his alarm, and when questioned on the "tragic
secrets' he had brought back with him, replied:
I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think.
The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the
Monarchy and the Church to escape from it.
From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, 'the Comte de Virieu could only
speak of Freemasonry with horror.
Around this same time, Adam Weishaupt also succeeded at forging an alliance between "Illuminized"
Freemasonry and the growing Rothschild banking network. This gave the Order of the Illuminati the
financial means to carry out its plans, and to multiply its influence. As a result of this alliance with the
Rothschilds, It took root, it grew, it flourished, it gathered to itself more men of royal and noble titles
including even the Jesuits. A number of the most prominent representatives of Freemasonry and
enlightenment became Illuminati, including, in 1783, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, the foremost leader
of European Freemasonry. Ferdinand was the great-grandson of George I of England, and married
Augusta, a sister of George III. Other famous members were Goethe, Herder and Nicolai.
Within a short time the Illuminati had lodges all over Germany and Austria, while branches were founded
in Italy, Hungary, France, and Switzerland.
However, it was the Illuminati plot to overthrow the Hapsburgs in 1784, exposed by police spies who had
infiltrated the order, which led to the Bavarian government banning all secret societies, and driving the
followers of Weishaupt underground. Public attention was first drawn to the existence of the illuminati
and their diabolical plan for power as the result of a bizarre incident in 1785. Historical records show that
a courier for the illuminati named Lanze was riding on a horse from Frankfurt Germany to Paris
carrying secret documents relating to illuminati strategies for influencing the course of European politics.
These documents had originated with the Jewish members of the illuminati in Germany and were
addresses to the Grand Master of the Grand Orient Masons in Paris. The rider was struck by lightning
and killed en route and all of the documents he was carrying were taken by the local police and handed
over to the Bavarian government. The authorities then ordered the police to raid the headquarters of the
illuminati resulting in the seizure of additional documents. The documents were brought to the attention
of the governments of Britain, Germany, Austria, France Poland and Russia.
Weishaupt's conspiracy was exposed to the Bavarian authorities by an informant, and on June 22, 1784,
the Elector of Bavaria issued an edict for the suppression of the Illuminati. This has led some
researchers to conclude that the Order had been broken up; that its history was therefore short-lived and
meteoric, though other evidence indicates that the Illuminati merely went underground, disguised as a
network of esoteric "reading societies". Nevertheless, suspicion remained that its members might still be
working in secret, spreading subversive ideas, and scheming behind the scenes.
The Illuminati understanding the threat posed by Christianity also set on course a strategy to seduce
many of the notable Christian leaders through an apostate theology. This apostate teaching, which was
presented to Christian initiates, was explained by Von Knigge:
"Jesus Christ established no new Religion; he would only set Religion and Reason in their ancient rights.
For this purpose he would unite men in a common bond. He would fit them for this by spreading a just
morality, by enlightening the understanding, and by assisting the mind to shake off all prejudices. He
would teach all men, in the first place, to govern themselves. Rulers would then be needless, and
equality and liberty would take place without any revolution, by the natural and gentle operation of
reason and expediency. This great Teacher allows himself to explain every part of the Bible in conformity
to these purposes; and he forbids all wrangling among his scholars, because every man may there find a
reasonable application to his peculiar doctrines. Let this be true or false, it does not signify. This was a
simple Religion and it was so far inspired; but the minds of his hearers were not fitted for receiving
doctrines. I told you, said he, but you could not bear it. Many therefore were called, but few were chosen.
To these elect were entrusted the most important secrets; and even among them there were degrees of
information. There was a seventy, and a twelve. All this was in the natural order of things, and according
to the habits of the Jews, and indeed of all antiquity. The Jewish Theosophy was a mystery; like the
Eleusinian, or the Pythagorean, unfit for the vulgar, and thus the doctrines of Christianity were these they
were maintained, like the Vestal Fire. They were kept up, only in hidden societies, who handed them
down to posterity, and they are now possessed by the genuine Free Masons.
Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to
Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in
the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be
pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next
day at the White House.
On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 32nd Freemasonry degrees,
and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple. Pike was said to be a genius, able to read
and write in 16 different languages. At various stages of his life we was a poet, philosopher,
frontiersman, soldier, humanitarian and philanthropist. A 33rd degree Mason, he was one of the founding
fathers, and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander
of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891.
An Italian revolutionary leader, Giusseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), a
33rd degree Mason, was selected by the Illuminati to head their
worldwide operations in 1834. (Mazzini also founded the Mafia in
1860). Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the
Bavarian government cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret
societies for allegedly plotting a massive overthrow of Europe's
monarchies. As the secrets of the Illuminati were revealed, they were
persecuted and eventually disbanded, only to re-establish themselves
in the depths of other organizations, of which Freemasonry was the
main vehicle.
During his leadership, Mazzini enticed Albert Pike into the (now formally disbanded, but still operating)
Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world government, and when asked by Mazzini,
readily agreed to write a ritual tome that guided the transition from average high-ranking mason into a
top-ranking Illuminati mason (33rd degree). Since Mazzini also wanted Pike to head the Illuminati's
American chapter, he clearly felt Pike was worthy of such a task. Mazzini's intention was that once a
mason had made his way up the Freemason ladder and proven himself worthy, the highest ranking
members would offer membership to the secret 'society within a society'.
As do most occultists, Albert Pike had a "spirit guide," who dispensed "Divine Wisdom" and enlightened
him regarding how to achieve the New World Order. One message that Albert Pike received from his
"spirit guide," and which in reality we know to be a demonic vision, he described in a letter that he wrote
to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were
seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has
predicted events that have already taken place. This is not because the devil has powers of prophecy,
but because his agents have undertaken to manipulate political events to closely follow his designs. For
a short time, this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London, and it was copied by
William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy.
In 1871, Pike published the 861 page Masonic handbook known as the Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world
wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to
its final stage in the 21st Century.
"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of
the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences
caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used
to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other
governments and in order to weaken the religions."
Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the
other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were
instrumental in bringing about the First World War.
The First World War was designed to enable the Czarist Government in Russia to be finally and
completely overthrown. The new Russian government was foreseen to be atheistic and militaristic.
Further, Pike specified that this new Russian Government was to be Communistic. Karl Marx had
published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, exactly 22 years before this occultic prophecy through
Albert Pike. Isn't it interesting that the occultic number 22 keeps popping up? The multiplier numbers, 44
and 66 also keep appearing, as you will see in a few moments. History records that this First World War
did, indeed, occur just as listed, above. The Western powers in Europe, in conjunction with the United
States, financed Lenin's expedition into Russia, they financed his government consistently, and we have
financed Russian Communism at least once per decade since then.
Central to the Illuminati plan was the creation of a Jewish homeland, to gather Jews for the reception of
the Messiah, and their ultimate rulership of the world. Palestine was in Ottoman land, so The First World
War disintegrated this major obstacle, the Ottoman Caliphate, which was finally dismantled in 1924,
ending 1300 years of consolidated Islamic power.
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists
and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the
political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second
World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom,
which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social
After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker
governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large
portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of
the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.
History again records that the Second World War did, indeed, accomplish this objective. The war started
when Germany invaded Poland, causing Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Certainly, the Pike
vision of the Second World War building Russian Communism into a super power was fulfilled to a
startling degree. Historians have always been mystified as to how Churchill and Roosevelt could have
given away all of Eastern Europe to the Soviets, when the preponderance of power was clearly against
the Soviets. Clearly, when Roosevelt and Churchill ceded all of Eastern Europe to Russia, the
Communist Government of Russia, now known as the U.S.S.R. {Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
completed its transition to a super power, exactly as Pike's vision had foretold.
Additionally with the Second World War, the role of the United Nations was secured, and with the socalled Holocaust, propaganda about persecution of the Jews was created to argue for the creation of the
State of Israel. By it, they convinced their own people into migrating from the various countries around
the world to Israel, in order to escape persecution and possible annihilation. They convinced the world,
under the guise of the United Nations, to approve the establishment of the State of Israel which led to the
rise of Zionism as a major political force.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur"
of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be
conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel)
mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be
constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe
shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in
all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the
most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world
minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or
direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true
light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public
view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the
destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
At the time Pike wrote this remarkable leaflet there were five different ideologies extant on the world
scene and involved in a "struggle for space and power." These were:
1. The secret ideology of the international bankers or the Illuminati as laid out in Fourth Reich Of The
Rich. Their aim was the creation of a One World Government to be ruled over by the "Illuminated ones"
at the top.
2. The Russian "Pan-Slavic" ideology which was originally conceived by Peter the Great and expounded
in his will. This ideology called for the elimination of Austria and Germany, then the conquest of India and
Persia and ends with the words: "...which will ensure the subjugation of Europe."
3. The ideology of "Asia for the Asiatics" as expounded by the Japanese. This called for a confederation
of Asian nations dominated by Japan.
4. The ideology of Pan Germanism which called for German political control over the European
continent, freedom from the Crown's restrictions on the high seas and the adoption of an "open door"
policy in trade and commerce with the rest of the world.
5. Pan-American or the ideology of "America for the Americans." This called for "trade and friendship
with all, alliances with none." Secretary of State Root stated in 1906 that, under this ideology which was
given expression in the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, we are "debarred from sharing in the political aims,
interests, or responsibilities of Europe, just as by the equally potential doctrine, now nearly a century old,
the European powers are excluded from sharing or interfering in the political concerns of the sovereign
states of the Western Hemisphere."
However the llluminati plan for world conquest, referred to by Albert Pike, was a diabolical masterpiece
of Luciferian ingenuity that would take the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings and cost
hundred of billions of dollars in its accomplishment.
Glinka gave a copy to Alexis Sukhotin, who showed the document to two friends, Stepanov and
Professor Sergius A. Nilus; the former had it printed and circulated privately in 1897; the second, Nilus,
published it for the first time in Russia in 1901, in a book entitled The Great Within the Small. At about
the same time, a friend of Nilus, G. Butmi, brought a copy to England, where it was apparently deposited
in the British Museum on August 10, 1906., although denied by the British Museum.
Meantime, through Jewish members of the Russian police, minutes of the proceedings of the Basle
congress in 1897 had been obtained and these were found to correspond with the Protocols.
In January 1917, Nilus prepared a second edition, revised and documented, for publication. But before it
could be put on the market, the revolution of March 1917 had taken place, and Kerenskii, who had
succeeded to power, ordered the whole edition of Nilus' book to be destroyed. In 1924, Prof. Nilus was
arrested by the Cheka in Kiev, imprisoned, and tortured; he was told by the Jewish president of the
court, that this treatment was meted out to him for "having done them incalculable harm in publishing the
Protocols". Released for a few months, he was again led before the GPU (Cheka), this time in Moscow
and confined. Set at liberty in February 1926, he died in exile in the district of Vladimir on January 13,
A few copies of Nilus's second edition were saved and sent to other countries where they were
published: in Germany, by Gottfreid zum Beek (1919); in England, by The Britons (1920); in France, by
Mgr. Jouin in La Revue Internationale des Societes Secretes, and by Urbain Gohier in La Vieille France;
in the United States, by Small, Maynard & Co. (Boston 1920), and by The Beckwith Co. (New York
1921). Later, editions appeared in Italian, Russian, Arabic, and even in Japanese.
The Protocols gained widespread recognition upon their translation into English, in 1920. They soon
became notorious. Esteemed newspapers such as The Times and The Morning Post (whose Moscow
correspondent Victor E. Marsden was responsible in 1921 for the translation used in this document)
covered the story in numerous articles, much to the chagrin of world Jewry, who immediately began the
propaganda bandwagon rolling. They not only denied that the Protocols were a Jewish plot, but also that
there was any plot whatsoever.
Since the publication of the protocols there have been many attempts to discount The Protocols as a
fraud and that it is a racist document that was created to stir up anti-semitism feeling across Europe. We
are also told that The Protocols of Zion is a hoax, a "proven forgery" concocted by the Tsarist Political
Police (the Okhrana) to incite anti-semitism and discredit revolutionaries. However what was meant by
forgery because this is the crux of whether the content of the document could be taken seriously.
The first and official attempt to discredit the protocols consisted of three articles
published in The London Times (August 16-18, 1921) by Philip Graves. According
to Graves, the protocols were a crude, chapter-by-chapter plagiarism of Maurice
Joly's Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864). Graves
"expose" of Protocols appeared in August 1921 when Zionists were pressing the
League of Nations to turn Palestine into a Jewish homeland under British
The author of Protocols does select a few passages or references from Dialogues that appear unaltered
or in different form.
For example, the Dialogues' say: "Everywhere might precedes right. Political liberty is merely a relative idea.
The need to live is what dominates states as it does individuals."
In Protocols this becomes, "From the law of nature right lies in might. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact,
and one must know how to use it [political freedom] as a bait whenever it appears necessary to attract the masses
... to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority." (Protocols 1)
Graves leaves out the last part to make the resemblance seem greater than it is.
Dialogues (7) say, "Revolutionary ferment which is suppressed in one's own country should be incited throughout
In Protocols (7) "Throughout all Europe ... we must create ferments, discords, hostilities." There is no reference
to suppressing these in one's own country.
There are several more examples and what this proves is the author of the Protocols is not a forger
creating a hoax, but a conspirator forging an original work to create the basis of a strategy which would
then underpin the development of how societies would be transformed during the twentieth and twenty
first century.
Both Dialogues and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion belong to the "immoral school" of
political theory. Machiavelli pays homage to a long list of rulers "who are progenitors of my doctrine."
Both preach might makes right, "good" comes from evil, and the end justifies the means.
But the similarity ends there. The tone of the Dialogues is dry and theoretical. It is a debate between
fictional political theorists: Montesquieu a champion of democracy and Machiavelli, a champion of
tyranny. Dialogues is considered a critique of the reign of Napolean III. Montesquieu asks how to quell
the spirit of anarchy in society. Machiavelli prescribes a "monster called the state" which maintains a
democratic artifice but is actually controlled by the "Prince." On the other hand, the tone of Protocols is
frankly conspiratorial and subversive and pays homage to Lucifer. Protocols is a "strategic plan from which
we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing the labour of many centuries come to naught." (Protocol 1)
The fact also remains that since the apparent publication, world events have unfolded exactly according
to their description - surely this should be proof enough that a plan such as the Protocols exists. Even if
one wants to believe that the Protocols are simply a rework of an existing work, the truth remains that the
strategy of the Protocol is being followed.
The protocols systematically lists all the steps that are necessary to establish the New World Order and
its ultimate leader. Jean Baptiste Hogan in the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail says on page 193,
The Protocols are organized as follows:
"In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments ... in check, we shall show our strength to one of
them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with
the guns of America, or China ..." [Protocol 7, World Wide Wars , Paragraph 6]
"... the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring humanity
together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." ["Behold A Pale Horse", p. 27]
Global Terrorism is obviously the "threat" created to achieve the New World Order. It is through terrorism
that governments have justified the use for increased electronic surveillance and monitoring of electronic
communications. It is because of terrorism that global intelligence agencies such as the Defense
Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) are now heavily involved in collaborating with Google,
Facebook and other social media technology providers as a means to have access to and monitor the
profiles of billions of people across the planet.
"... The gentiles are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get
hold of the flock? ..... There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them
to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all
parties ..... It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their
liberties ....." [Protocol #11 -- The Totalitarian State]
"... we must create ferments, discords and hostility ... by our intrigues we shall tangle up all the threads which we
have stretched into the cabinets of all States by means of the political, by economic treaties, or loan obligations. In
order to succeed in this we must use great cunning and penetration during negotiations and agreements, but, as
regards what is called the official language, we shall keep to the opposite tactics and assume the mask of honesty
and complacency. In this way the peoples and governments of the gentiles, whom we have taught to look only at
the outside whatever we present to their notice, will still continue to accept us as the benefactors and saviours of
the human race." [Ibid., Emphasis added]
"These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted ... and our
kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every
place in a position to wipe out any ... who oppose us by deed or word." [Protocol 5 Despotism and Modern
On the morning of March 1 1990, without warning, a force of armed Secret Service agents
accompanied by Austin police and at least one civilian "expert" from the phone company occupied the
offices of Steve Jackson Games and began to search for computer equipment. The home of Loyd
Blankenship, the writer of GURPS Cyberpunk, was also raided. A large amount of equipment was
seized, including four computers, two laser printers, some loose hard disks and a great deal of assorted
hardware. One of the computers was the one running the Illuminati BBS.
The only computers taken were those with GURPS Cyberpunk files; other systems were left in place. In
their diligent search for evidence, the agents also cut off locks, forced open footlockers, tore up dozens
of boxes in the warehouse, and bent two of the office letter openers attempting to pick the lock on a file
The next day, accompanied by an attorney, Steve Jackson visited the Austin offices of the Secret
Service. He had been promised that he could make copies of the company's files. As it turned out, he
was only allowed to copy a few files, and only from one system. Still missing were all the current text files
and hard copy for this book, as well as the files for the Illuminati BBS with their extensive playtest
In the course of that visit, it became clear that the investigating agents considered GURPS Cyberpunk to
be "a handbook for computer crime." They seemed to make no distinction between a discussion of
futuristic credit fraud, using equipment that doesn't exist, and modern real-life credit card abuse. A
repeated comment by the agents was "This is real."
Over the next few weeks, the Secret Service repeatedly assured the SJ Games attorney that complete
copies of the files would be returned "tomorrow." But these promises weren't kept; the book was
reconstructed from old backups, playtest copies, notes and memories.
On March 26, almost four weeks after the raid, some (but not all) of the files were returned. It was June
21, nearly four months later, when most (but not all) of the hardware was returned. The Secret Service
kept one company hard disk, all Loyd's personal equipment and files, the printouts of GURPS
Cyberpunk, and several other things.
The raid, and especially the confiscation of the game manuscript, caused a catastrophic interruption of
the company's business. SJ Games very nearly closed its doors. It survived only by laying off half its
employees, and it was years before it could be said to have "recovered."
Why was SJ Games raided? That was a mystery until October 21, 1990, when the company finally
received a copy of the Secret Service warrant affidavit at their request, it had been sealed. And the
answer was . . . guilt by remote association.
While reality-checking the book, Loyd Blankenship corresponded with a variety of people, from computer
security experts to self-confessed computer crackers. From his home, he ran a legal BBS which
discussed the "computer underground," and he knew many of its members. That was enough to put him
on a federal List of Dangerous Hoodlums! The affidavit on which SJ Games were raided was
unbelievably flimsy . . . Loyd Blankenship was suspect because he ran a technologically literate and
politically irreverent BBS, because he wrote about hacking, and because he received and re-posted a
copy of the /Phrack newsletter. The company was supposedly raided simply because Loyd worked there
and used its (entirely different) BBS!
As for GURPS Cyberpunk, it had merely been a target of opportunity . . . something "suspicious" that the
agents picked up at the scene. The Secret Service allowed SJ Games (and the public) to believe, for
months, that the book had been the target of the raid.
In early 1993, the case finally came to trial. SJ Games was represented by the Austin firm of George,
Donaldson & Ford. The lead counsel was Pete Kennedy. The judge gave the Secret Service a tonguelashing and ruled for SJ Games on two out of the three counts, and awarded over $50,000 in damages,
plus over $250,000 in attorney's fees. In October 1994, the Fifth Circuit turned down SJ Games' appeal
of the last (interception) count . . . meaning that right now, in the Fifth Circuit, it is not "interception" of
your e-mail messages when law enforcement officials walk out the door with the computer holding them.
What follows is the perspective from Steve Jackson Lawyer, Peter D. Kennedy
On March 12, 1993, a federal judge in Austin, Texas decided that the US Secret Service broke the law when it
searched Steve Jackson Games Inc., and seized its bulletin board system and other computer equipment. The
decision in this case has been long-awaited in the computer world, and most observers have hailed it as a
significant victory for computer user's freedom and privacy.
I had the fortune to be one of the lawyers representing Steve Jackson and his co-plaintiffs. During the course of
the lawsuit, I met many people passionately interested in the issues the case raised. I watched and listened to the
discussions and arguments about the case. I've been impressed by the intelligence of the on-line world, and the
interest that computer enthusiasts show --especially computer communication enthusiasts -- in the law. I've also
been impressed and distressed at how the Net can spontaneously generates misinformation. Steve Jackson has
spent untold hours correcting errors about him, his company, and the case on both the Net and more traditional
news media.
The decision in the Steve Jackson Games case is clearly a significant victory for computer users, especially BBS
operators and subscribers. I hope to give a simple and clear explanation for the intelligent non-lawyer of the legal
issues raised by the case, and the significance and limitations of the court's decision.
The facts. By now, most people interested in the case are familiar with the basic facts: On March 1, 1990, the
Secret Service, in an early-morning raid, searched the offices of Steve Jackson Games. The agents kept the
employees out of the offices until the afternoon, and took the company's BBS -- called "Illuminati" -- along with an
employee's work computer, other computer equipment, and hundreds and hundreds of floppy disks. They took all
the recent versions of a soon-to-be-published game book, "GURPS Cyberpunk," including big parts of the draft
which were publicly available on Illuminati.
On March 2, Steve Jackson tried to get copies of the seized files back from the Secret Service. He was treated
badly, and given only a handful of files from one office computer. He was not allowed to touch the Illuminati
computer, or copy any of its files.
Steve Jackson Games took a nosedive, and barely avoided going out of business. According to Jackson, eight
employees lost their jobs on account of the Secret Service raid, and the company lost many thousands of dollars in
sales. It is again a busy enterprise, no thanks to the Secret Service (although they tried to take credit, pointing to
the supposedly wonderful publicity their raid produced).
After months of pestering, including pressure by lawyers and Senator Lloyd Bentsen (now, as Treasury Secretary,
the Secret Service's boss) the Secret Service returned most of the equipment taken, some of it much the worse for
By then, Steve Jackson had restarted Illuminati on a different computer. When the old Illuminati computer was
finally given back, Jackson turned it on -- and saw that all the electronic mail which had been on the board on
March 1 was gone! Wayne Bell, WWIV developer and guru, was called in. He gave us invaluable (and free) help
evaluating the condition of the files. He concluded, and testified firmly at trial, that during the week of March 20,
1990, when the Secret Service still had Illuminati, the BBS was run, and every piece of e-mail was individually
accessed and deleted.
The Illuminati files the Secret Service had returned to Steve Jackson left irrefutable
electronic traces of what had been done -- even I could understand how the condition and dates of the e-mail files
showed what had happened, and when.
Suing the federal government and its agents is never a simple thing. The United States can only be sued when it
consents. Lawsuits against individual agents face big legal hurdles erected to protect government officials from
fear of a tidal wave of lawsuits.
Amazing as it may sound, you cannot sue the United States (or any federal agency) for money damages for
violating your constitutional rights. You can sue individual federal agents, though. If you do, you have to get past a
defense called "qualified immunity" which basically means you have to show that the officials violated "clearly
established" constitutional law. For reasons I can't explain briefly, "qualified immunity" often creates a vicious circle
in civil rights litigation, where the substance of constitutional law is never established because the court never has
determine the Constitution's scope, only whether the law was "clearly established" at the time of the violation.
The strongest remedies for federal overstepping are often statutes which allow direct suit against the United States
or federal agencies (although these are less dramatic than the Constitution). Fortunately, these statutes were
available to Steve Jackson and the three Illuminati users who joined him in his suit against the Secret Service.
The Steve Jackson Games case was a lot of things to a lot of people. I saw the case as having two basic goals:
(1) to redress the suppression of the public expression embodied in Steve Jackson's publications (including his
publication via BBS) and thereby compensate the company for the damage unnecessarily done by the raid, and (2)
to redress the violation of the privacy of the BBS users, and the less tangible harm they suffered.
The individual government agents involved in the raid were sued for constitutional violations -- the First and Fourth
Amendments. The Secret Service was sued under two important laws which embody the same principles as the
First and Fourth Amendments -- the Privacy Protection Act of 1980 and provisions of the Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of 1986. There were other claims, but these were the core.
After the case was pending a year and a half and all discovery completed, the government moved to have the
claims against the individual defendants dismissed, claiming qualified immunity. This motion (usually brought early
in a case) guaranteed that the trial would be delayed by over a year, because even if the government lost its
motion, the individuals could immediately appeal. In December, 1992, the tactical decision was made to drop
those claims, rather than suffer the delay, and proceed promptly to trial on the claims against the Secret Service
Two provisions of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (or ECPA) were paramount in the suit. The plaintiffs
claimed the Secret Service violated two provisions -- one prohibiting unjustified "disclosure and use" of e-mail (18
U.S.C. Sec. 2703; the other prohibiting "interception" of e-mail (18 U.S.C. Sec. 2511(1)).
The parties' positions were fairly simple, and laid out well before trial. As for the Privacy Protection Act, Steve
Jackson claimed that his company's publications, both in book form and on Illuminati, were obviously "work
product" protected by the Act, and the government had no right to seize them, and therefore owed him money for
the damage the raid caused his business. The government replied claiming that (1) Steve Jackson Games'
products are not the type of publications protected by the PPA; and anyway, (2) the Secret Service didn't know that
Steve Jackson Games was a publisher when it raided its offices; and even then, (3) the Secret Service didn't mean
to take the books, the books just came along when the computers and disks were taken.
As for the e-mail, Steve Jackson and the other BBS users claimed that the seizure, disclosure, and deletion of the
e-mail was both an unlawful "disclosure and use," and an "interception" of electronic communications in violation of
the ECPA. The Secret Service replied that (1) there was no "interception" because the e-mail was just sitting there
on the hard drive, not moving; and (2) the Secret Service didn't read the mail, but if it did, it was acting in good faith,
because it had a search warrant authorizing it so seize Steve Jackson Games' "computers" and to read their
When the individual defendants were dropped, the case quickly went to trial. The plaintiffs opened their case on
January 29, 1993. The trial took the better part of four days; the witnesses included now-familiar names: Timothy
Foley and Barbara Golden of the Secret Service, William Cook, formerly of the U.S. Attorney's office in Chicago,
Henry Kluepfel of Bellcore, Steve Jackson and the BBS users Elizabeth McCoy, Walter Milliken and Steffan
O'Sullivan, and WWIV master Wayne Bell.
At trial, Judge Sparks was introduced to the labyrinthine E911 investigation. We also set up and ran Illuminati as it
looked on March 1, 1990, and Steve Jackson walked Judge Sparks through his BBS, lingering on discussion areas
such as "GURPS Old West" to give the Judge a taste of the scope and breadth of BBS publication and
communication which the Secret Service had shut down. The judge appeared upset by the callous and suspicious
manner in which the Secret Service had treated Steve Jackson, and with the Service's apparent disregard for the
effects the raid might have on the company.
Judge Sparks decided the case in February,1993, in a long written opinion. The full text of the opinion is available
on the Internet at ftp.eff.org, and on Illuminati itself. I recommend all sysops and BBS users to read it, as it is one of
the very few legal rulings specifically addressing bulletin boards and electronic mail.
First, the bad news: Judge Sparks accepted the government's argument that the seizure of the BBS was not an
"interception" of the e-mail, even mail that had not yet been read. Essentially, he decided that the definition of
"interception" implicitly means "contemporaneous with the transmission"; that is, for there to be an interception, the
government must position itself in the data stream, like a conventional wiretap. Since the e-mail was temporarily
stored on the BBS hard drive, he held there was no contemporaneous interception.
Ruling that there was no interception means two things. First, the plaintiffs did not receive the $10,000 minimum
damages a violation of the "interception" law provides, even though the judge found the Secret Service had not
acted in good faith. More importantly, it lowers the standard for seizing BBS e-mail -- and threatens to lower the
standard for the seizure of all electronic communications which reside long enough in computer memory to be
seized (which is most all computer communications, as far as I understand it). To "intercept" wire communications
you need a court order, not just a routine search warrant. This ruling (which technically only applies in the Western
District of Texas) means law enforcement is not limited in its seizure of BBSs by the higher standards required of
Now, the good news: the plaintiffs won the "disclosure and use" argument under the ECPA, getting back most of
what was lost in the "interception" decision. First, Judge Sparks found the obvious: that while the Secret Service
had Illuminati they or their agents read and deleted all the e-mail on Illuminati, including the plaintiffs' mail -persons the Secret Service admittedly having no reason at all to suspect of any illegal activity.
Next, he rejected the Secret Service's argument that its agents were acting in "good faith." While he didn't list all
the reasons, quite a few are supported by the evidence: the Secret Service's investigation was "sloppy", he said,
and there was no attempt to find out what Steve Jackson Games did as a business; the Secret Service was told the
day of the raid that the company was a "publisher," and refused to make copies or return the files for months after
they were done reviewing them; and the Secret Service apparently allowed the private mail of dozens of entirely
innocent and unsuspecting people to be read and trashed.
The judge ruled that Steve Jackson, his company, and the three Illuminati users who joined Jackson in the suit
were each entitled to an $1,000 award from the government, as provided by the ECPA. The Privacy Protection Act
was pretty much a clean sweep. While the judge and Steve Jackson still differ over how much money the raid cost
the company, the court's ruling was squarely in Jackson's favor on the law. Although unconventional, the court
found that Steve Jackson Games' publications were clearly covered by the Act, should not have been seized, and
should have been promptly returned.
At trial, the Secret Service agents had freely admitted they knew nothing about the Act. Former U.S. Attorney
William Cook claimed he knew about it before the raid, but decided (without any investigation) that Steve Jackson
Games wasn't covered. The Privacy Protection Act (unlike the ECPA) allows no "good faith" excuses, anyway, and
since the Secret Service was repeatedly told on March 1 and afterwards that the company was a publishing
business there was no defense for the seizure of "GURPS Cyberpunk" or the other book drafts. Most of the over
$50,000 awarded in damages was due to the violation of the Privacy Protection Act.
Steve Jackson Games publishes traditional books and magazines, with printed paper pages. Is the BBS operator
who publishes only on-line articles protected, too? It's a question Judge Sparks did not need to address directly,
but his opinion can and should be read to include the on-line publisher. The court's opinion includes the BBS files
as material improperly seized, and the Act specifically includes work product in electronic form. Publishing via
BBSs has become just like publishing a "newspaper, book, or other form of publication..." -- the only source of
news many people get.
If the Privacy Protection Act is broadly understood to encompass electronic publishing (as it should) it should
provide meaningful protection to innocent sysops whose boards may be used by some for illegal purposes. It
should prevent the "preventative detention" of BBSs -- where boards are seized in investigations and held
indefinitely -- which seems to be one crude means used to attack suspected criminal activity without bothering to
actually prosecute a case. It should also force law enforcement to consider who the actual suspect is -- for
instance, in the recent spate of seizures of BBSs for suspected copyright violations. The Privacy Protection Act
should prevent law enforcement from seizing a sysop's board who is not suspected in engaging or condoning
illegal activity.
Despite the reasons provided by the authorities for why they took such abrasive action, decades later
debate still rages at why the authorities would seize Steve Jacksons property especially in light of the
fact that Jackson had been the originator and producer of one of the most controversial board games
ever released.
The Illuminati New World Order (INWO) board game is played with a deck of special cards, money chips
(representing millions of dollars in low-denomination unmarked banknotes) and two six-sided dice. The
game itself is based on the concept of Illuminati societies that struggle to take over the world. The
Pocket Box edition depicted six Illuminati groups: The Bavarian Illuminati, The Discordian Society, The
UFOs, The Servants of Cthulhu, The Bermuda Triangle, and The Gnomes of Zrich. The deluxe edition
added the Society of Assassins and The Network, and the Illuminati Y2K expansion added the Church of
The SubGenius and Shangri-La.
The world is represented by group cards such as Secret Masters of Fandom, the CIA, The International
Communist Conspiracy, Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow, California, and many more there are
over 300 official cards available. Every group and Illuminati has some Power, Resistance and Income
values; most of the world groups have an Alignment. The game is written with the usual SJG humor. The
game uses a multitude of conspiracy theory in-jokes, with cards such as the Boy Sprouts (where sinister
youth leaders influence the world leaders of tomorrow), the Orbital Mind Control Lasers, the Mafia, two
headed Anti-Nuclear Activists, or Trekkies.
Special cards represent unexpected phenomena and features, for example increasing Income or
Resistance of a group. The game is played in turns. The primary Illuminati (player) activity is taking
control of groups. During an attack to take control, the attacker must overcome the Resistance of
attacked groups with combined Power of his groups (affected by Alignment of attacker and attacked),
money spent, and influence of special cards. The attacked group can be defended by spending money
and special cards by other players (especially by the controlling Illuminati if the group is already
controlled). After a successful attack to take control, the card is placed (along the special markers) next
to Illuminati, or another already controlled group forming a power structure.
However the most controversial aspect of the game is that Jacksons issued playing cards of his card
game Illuminati New World Order, have correctly predicted future events which have come to pass
years and decades after its release. Others share an undisputable similarity to events spoken of not only
in the Bible but also literature of secret societies regarding coming earth changes needed to bring about
a required one world government.
How did Steve Jackson know the Illuminati Plan so precisely? In fact, was this the reason he got a
surprise visit from the Secret Service, who tried their best to shut him down and prevent him from
publishing his game. Why were they very interested in his files entitled, "Illuminist BBS".
This game was in the beginning stages in 1990 and was finally published in 1995, becoming an award
winning best seller. With these dates in mind, many of the cards incredibly seemed to mirror events that
took place many years later after the game was released.
In 1986 the trilogy won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award,
designed to honor classic libertarian fiction. The books also
received laudatory reviews and comments from Publishers
Weekly, the American Library Association's Booklist magazine,
Philadelphia Daily News, Berkeley Barb, Rolling Stone and
Limit. The Village Voice called it "The ultimate conspiracy book
... the biggest sci-fi-cult novel to come along since Dune ...
hilariously raunchy!" John White of the New Age Journal
described it as:
An epic fantasy...a devilishly funny work ... shimmers with
illusion and paradox that provides delight after magical delight ...
a farcical black tragicomedy that turns out to have been written
by you and me ... it strips away illusion.
The Fortean Times was also enthusiastic, whilst acknowledging
the difficulties many readers would have attempting to follow the
convoluted plot threads.
The most dangerous revolutions are not those which tear everything down, and cause
the streets to run with blood, but those which leave everything standing, while
cunningly emptying it of any significance.