Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
1.1. What is Industry 4.0?
Smart industry or INDUSTRY 4.0 refers to the technological evolution from
embedded systems to cyber-physical systems. Put simply, Industry 4.0
represents the coming fourth industrial revolution on the way to an Internet
of Things, Data and Services. Decentralized intelligence helps create
intelligent object networking and independent process management, with the
interaction of the real and virtual worlds representing a crucial new aspect of
the manufacturing and production process. Industry 4.0 represents a
paradigm shift from centralized to decentralized production - made
possible by technological advances which constitute a reversal of
conventional production process logic. Simply put, this means that industrial
production machinery no longer simply processes the product, but that the
product communicates with the machinery to tell it exactly what to do.
Figure 2. ICT as innovation motor for all fields of demand-relevance of the internet of the
(Source: Germany Trade & Invest 2013 (based on IKT als Innovationsmotor fr alle
Bedarfsfelder die Relevanz des Internets der Zukunft in BERICHT DER
In essence, Industry 4.0 will involve the technical integration of CPS into
manufacturing and logistics and the use of the Internet of Things and
Services in industrial processes. This will have implications for value creation,
business models, downstream services and work organization.
Figure 4. Industry 4.0 environment: Smart factories as part of the Internet of things and
INDUSTRIE 4.0 will give rise to novel CPS platforms geared towards
supporting collaborative industrial business processes and the associated
business networks for all aspects of smart factories and smart product life
The services and applications provided by these platforms will connect
people, objects and systems to each other (see Figure 5) and will possess the
following features:
Flexibility provided by rapid and simple orchestration of services and
applications, including CPS based software
Simple allocation and deployment of business processes along the lines of
the App Stores model
Comprehensive, secure and reliable backup of the entire business process
Safety, security and reliability for everything from sensors to user
Support for mobile end devices
Support for collaborative manufacturing, service, analysis and forecasting
processes in business networks.
Figure 5. The Internet of Things, Services and People Networking people, objects and
This will result in the transformation of conventional value chains and the
emergence of new business models. INDUSTRIE 4.0 should therefore not be
approached in isolation but should be seen as one of a number of key areas
where action is needed. Consequently, INDUSTRIE 4.0 should be
implemented in an interdisciplinary manner and in close cooperation with the
other key areas.
1.6. What will the future look like under Industry 4.0?
INDUSTRIE 4.0 will deliver greater flexibility and robustness together with the
highest quality standards in engineering, planning, manufacturing, and
operational and logistics processes. It will lead to the emergence of dynamic,
real-time optimized, and self-organizing value chains that can be optimized
based on a variety of criteria such as cost, availability and resource
consumption. This will require an appropriate regulatory framework as well as
standardized interfaces and harmonized business processes.
The following aspects illustrate the vision for Industry 4.0:
The following four main characteristic of industry 4.0 demonstrate the huge
capacity that industry and traditional manufacturing have for change: vertical
networking of smart production system, horizontal integration via a new
generation of global value chain networks, through-engineering across the
entire value chain and the impact of exponential technology
This vertical networking uses CPS to enable plants to react rapidly to changes
in demand or stock levels and to faults. Smart factories organize themselves
and enable production that is customer-specific and individualizes. This
requires data to be extensively integrated. Smart sensor technology is also
needed to help with monitoring and autonomous organization.
CPS enable not only autonomous organization of production management but
also maintenance management. Resource and products are networked, and
materials and parts can be located anywhere and at any time. All processing
stages in the production process are logged, with discrepancies registered
automatically. Amendments to orders, fluctuations in quality or machinery
breakdowns can be dealt with more rapidly. Such process also enable wear
and tear materials to be monitored more effectively or pre-empted. All in all,
waste reduced.
Significant emphasis is attached to resource efficiency and in particular, the
efficient use of materials, energy and human resource. The demands on
workers engaged in operational tasks such as production, warehousing,
logistics and maintenance are also changing, meaning that new skills in
efficient working with CPS are required. Table 1 shows the examples of how
companies adapt to industry 4.0 in term of vertical networking.
Table 1. Vertical networking solutions - examples
IT Integration
The vertical networking of industry 4.0
requires new IT solutions. In many casesexisting
Cloud-based applications
Operational efficiency
IT security management
New IP managements
printing already exist for all materials (metal, plastic, ceramic, living cell etc.),
not all materials fulfill industrial requirements with regards to porosity and
other characteristic.
3.1. Standardization
Figure 11. Reference architecture for connecting the Internet of Things with the Internet of
Prof. Dr rer. nat. Dr h. c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster. CEO of the German Research Center for
ArtificialIntelligence (DFKI GmbH). Member of the Communication Promoters Group of the Industry-Science
Research Alliance
The digital world thus exerts a significant influence over real-world design via
planning models, whilst the real world also influences the models used in the
digital world via explanatory models.
The fact that models usually contain formal descriptions means that they can
be processed by computers, allowing the computer to take over routine
engineering tasks such as performing calculations or other repetitive jobs.
One of the benefits of models is therefore that they allow manual activities to
be automated and enable actions to be performed in the digital world that
previously had to be performed in the real world.
Models offer huge potential and not only in the context of Industry 4.0. For
example, they allow the risks involved in a project to be reduced through
early detection of errors or early verification of the demands placed on the
system and the ability of proposed solutions to meet these demands. Or they
can provide a transparent information flow that enables more efficient
engineering by improving interdisciplinary cooperation and facilitating more
consistent engineering data. Explanatory models that describe interactions
and behaviors in the real world are not only useful for validation purposes
during the development and design stages. In the future, they will be
primarily deployed during the production stage in order to check that
production is running smoothly, detect wear and tear without needing to halt
production or predict component failure and other disruptions.
(fixed/guaranteed broadband)
SMS delivery status notification across all mobile network operators
provisioning covering all providers (SIM card activation/deactivation)
Tariff management
Cost control of mobile service contracts
Quality of service (fixed bandwidth)
Affordable global roaming
Widely available embedded SIM cards
Satellite-based solutions for areas with no reception (N.B. in sparsely
populated areas).
The implementation of Industry 4.0 should result in a labor-oriented sociotechnical factory and labor system. This will in turn pose new challenges for
vocational and academic training and continuing professional development
(CPD). These challenges include the need to expand provision for the
developers of manufacturing engineering components and their users. It is
likely that Industry 4.0 will significantly transform job and skills profiles as a
result of two trends.
comply with the law and development of the regulatory framework in a way
that facilitates innovation. In the context of Industry 4.0, it will often be
possible to achieve this through common law contracts. Both factors require
the regulatory analysis of new technologies to begin as early as possible
during the R&D phase rather than being left until they are already in use.
Some challenges are e.g. protecting corporate data, liability, handling
personal data, and trade restrictions.
1. Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster, Dr. Johannes
Helbig. Securing the future of German manufacturing industry
Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE
4.0 Final report of the Industry 4.0 Working Group. Acatech National
Academy of Science and Engineering. Germany. April 2013.
2. Dr. Ralf C. Schaepfer, Markus Koch, Dr. Phillip Merkofer. Industry 4.0:
Challenges and solutions for the digital transformation and use of
exponential technologies. Deloitte AG. Zurich. 2014.
3. William MacDougall, INDUSTRIE 4.0 Smart Manufacturing for the
Future. Germany Trade & Invest, July 2014.