Kidnapping and Abduction
Kidnapping and Abduction
Kidnapping and Abduction
Definition of Kidnapping :-
The offence of kidnapping , according to the section 359 of the Indian Penal Code , is
of two kinds --- 1) kidnapping from India , and 2) kidnapping from lawful guardianship .
1) Kidnapping from India is defined by section 360 of the Indian Penal Code .
According to this section , whoever , conveys any person beyond the limits of India ,
without the consent of that person or of some person legally authorized to consent on
behalf of that person , is said to commit the offence of kidnapping from India .
2) Kidnapping from lawful guardianship is defined by section 361 of the Indian Penal
Code .
According to this section , whoever takes or entices a minor male under 16 years of
age if a male , or under 18 years of age if a female , or any person of unsound mind ,
out of the keeping of the lawful guardianship of such minor or person of unsound mind
, without the consent of such guardian , is said to commit the offence of kidnapping
from lawful guardianship .
The words lawful guardianship in this section includes any person lawfully entrusted
with the care or custody of such minor or other person .
But this section does not extend to the act of any person who in good faith believes
himself to be the father of an illegitimate child , or who in good faith believes himself to
be entitled to the lawful custody of such child , unless such act is committed for an
immoral or unlawful purpose .
The essential elements of the offence of kidnapping from lawful guardianship are as
follows :-
b) Such minor , if male , must be under 16 years of age , and if female must be under 18
years of age ;
c) The act must be one of taking or enticing out of the keeping of the lawful
guardianship of such minor or person of unsound mind ;
d) The act of taking or enticing out must be done without the consent of the lawful
Definition of Abduction :-
The offence of abduction is defined by section 362 of the of the Indian Penal Code .
According to this section , whoever , by force compels , or by any deceitful means
induces , any person to go from any place , is said to commit the offence of abduction.
To constitute the offence of abduction the following ingredients must remain present :i) The offender enticed a person by deceitful means or by forcible compulsion to go
away from any place ;
ii) The offence of abduction was committed for any of the purposes enumerated in
section 366 of the IPC.
1) The offence of abduction can be committed with respect to a person of any age .
Likewise , the offence of kidnapping from India can also be committed with respect to a
person of any age.
On the other hand kidnapping from lawful guardianship can only be committed with
respect to a minor under 16 years of age , if male , and under 18 years of age , if a
female . But the offence of kidnapping from lawful guardianship can be committed
with respect to a person of unsound mind of any age.
2) In case of abduction , the offender must use compulsion , force , or deceitful means .
But in kidnapping , the minor is simply taken away or enticed away .
5) Abduction is an auxiliary act , not punishable by itself , but made criminal only when
it is committed with one or other intents mentioned in section 364 onwards of IPC . But
kidnapping is a substantive offence , either from India or from lawful guardianship.
6) Kidnapping from lawful guardianship can not be abetted , but if there is a conspiracy
, conviction for abetment can be sustained. But abduction or kidnapping from India
can be abetted.