Toolbox Talks
Toolbox Talks
Toolbox Talks
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The Toolbox Talk topics presented in this document cover a broad area of the
EHS discipline. Most issues are addressed, including those related to the
Oando 14 Life Saving Rules. Supervisors are to select topics from this
document for discussion during the daily toolbox talk sessions. However,
topics for discussion should not be limited to the contents of this document.
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"For few more dollars, I could have bought safety shoes." (That deep cut
in the toe section ruined my new work boots, and this broken toe still hurts.)
"My safety glasses were in the tool box, but I was just going to grind of
this one little piece." (I wonder if they'll still let me drive with only one
"We were only going to use the scafold for one day. I never thought a
hammer would fall of the plank and strike someone." (I had a hunch I should
have taken the time to install the toe boards.)
"They always insisted that the tool rest should be no more than oneeighth inch from the grinding wheel. What diference does another quarter
inch make?" (I was lucky not to go blind when the chisel got wedged and the
wheel exploded into a thousand pieces.)
Any of this sounds familiar?? They say hindsight is the only perfect sciencebut foresight could have avoided these incidents, misfortunes and regrets.
Learn from others' mistakes and you'll have no regrets!
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6. Regularly inspect the gauges to make sure they are in proper working
order to prevent possible malfunctions, and ensure accurate gauge
settings. Any damaged or inoperable gauges should be repaired or
replaced before use.
7. DO NOT use oxygen to ventilate a confined or enclosed space. An
oxygen enriched confined environment creates a serious fire and
explosion hazard.
These are just a few of the hazards associated with welding operations.
There are others that all torch users should know. Know all the hazards.
Follow all safety procedures for your work.
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Don't allow the situation to continue. Stop covering for the drinker.
o Talk to your supervisor. It is your responsibility to talk to your
supervisor whenever any performance or safety issue afects
your job. A drinking worker could be just as dangerous as a
defective saw. You wouldn't hesitate to bring the saw to your
supervisor's attention, would you?
o If you are uncomfortable, suggest to your supervisor that there
may be a problem. A good supervisor will take the initiative and
pick up the issue from there.
Whatever you do, make sure you do something. Watch out for your coworker as they may need help. If you don't, you may pay dearly for someone
else's mistake.
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Placing an insulator between the energy and the point of physical contact is
one method of protection. Porcelain, rubber, pottery and dry wood ofer
substantial resistance to the flow of electricity, and are therefore good
insulators. These materials can often protect a person from electrical shock.
Precautions for avoiding electrical shocks include, but are not limited to, the
Use heavy duty grounded extension cords. These cords have two
layers of insulation, with reinforcement between the layers. They are
less susceptible to damage than house-hold type cords. To check if the
cord is heavy duty, check its shape. Most flat cords are not heavy duty.
Heavy duty cords will have a marking on the insulation such as: "S",
Avoid mixing water and electricity! Not only keep cords, tools and
working/walking surfaces dry, keep your hands and feet dry as well.
The electrical resistance of wet skin is at least 100 times less than dry
skin. Wet skin greatly increases the likelihood of severe shock if a
person comes in contact with a live circuit. If you must work around
water, connect to a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) to
automatically shut of the current if there is an abnormal current flow.
Never work on or around a live electrical circuit. Lock Out the power so
that only you have control over energizing the machine or equipment.
Don't take chances.
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The cause of most back problems is poor posture, loss of flexibility, stressful
living/working habits and above all, a general decline in physical fitness.
Surprised? You shouldn't be. When you "let yourself go," (and most of us do
with age) the first thing to go can be back strength. Along with correct lifting
techniques, we should also work on our overall physical condition.
Nutrition--is an important key to staying physically fit! As we grow older, our
metabolism slows down. To counteract this natural event, we have to eat the
right types of food-and not too much of it-or the pounds come on quickly!
Now, what does nutrition have to do with a healthy back? For one thing, a
healthy back is correctly balanced on your spine. With a "sway" back, that
balance is lost-and those darned potbellies cause sway backs. Carrying
around excess weight puts tremendous strain on back tissues, so lifting even
a small extra load may cause an injury.
Exercise--plays an important role as well. A form of exercise as simple as
walking 30 minutes a day can raise your heart rate and burn enough calories
to help keep you lean. Flexibility is another condition that changes as we
grow older, if we don't work to retain it. It's true, as they say-"Use it or lose
it!" Without flexibility, we lose our body's full range of motion. Then, when a
sudden, physical demand takes a muscle or joint further than it's used to, the
risk of injury is high. You can do stretching exercises every morning to keep
yourself flexible and ready for the physical demands of work. After all, don't
athletes warm up before a game to prevent injury?
Fixed positions--not moving enough--can also cause back problems. Staying
in a fixed position for too long can lead to muscle spasms. We feel it as
stifness, but by the time discomfort from "static" muscle contractions is
experienced, low level tissue damage has begun. Take stretch breaks
between long standing or sitting periods to improve circulation and prevent
back strain.
Poor body mechanics and bad lifting habits usually "trigger" a back injuryand are more likely to do so if overall physical condition is poor. Remember
these techniques to help escape injury:
Avoid handling a load too far away! Keep the load close to your body.
Teamwork! If the load is too heavy, two persons should carry the load.
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Emotional Stress leads to mental distraction, so that things other than proper
body mechanics are on your mind. Stress and back pain seem to go together.
Low back pain has been called "a tension headache that slipped." Solving our
personal problems isn't always easy to do, but it often takes away back pain
and helps prevent repeated injuries.
In Conclusion: Improper lifting isn't the only thing that causes back injuries.
People who do not also stay in good physical and mental condition are at
high risk for back problems.
It's Up To You--Take Good Care Of Your Body and Save Your Back!
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Most of you have probably heard that in order to lift safely, you must lift
properly. You're told to "bend your knees not your back," and "don't twist as
you lift." This is good advice but sometimes seems to go against human
nature. Yet, there are actions you can take to help you lift properly.
1. Get as close to the load as possible. The further the load is from the
center line of your body, the greater the strain imposed on your back. If need
be, squat down to lift the load and pull it between your legs. This gets it
closer to the center of your body and helps prevent the need to bend at the
waist. However, since your leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body,
they are the biggest energy consumers. Repeated squatting can be very
fatiguing, and reduces a person's ability to lift in this manner for any length
of time. In addition to lifting the load, you are also hoisting the majority of
your body weight. For repeated lifting, other strategies must be used.
2. Avoid picking up heavy objects placed below your knees. Try to see
that heavy objects are placed and stored above knee level and below
shoulder level. If you suspect the load is too heavy to be lifted comfortably,
do not chance it. Use a mechanical aid, break the load down into its
component parts, or get help. The most common cause of back injury is
3. Keep your back straight. This means don't bend at the waist when
reaching to lift an object. Keep the natural arch in your lower back, which
distributes the load evenly over the surface of spinal disks, and is less
stressful than if the disk is pinched between vertebras. Bending principally
from the hips is acceptable if you maintain the arch in your back, rather than
bending at the waist.
4. Glue your hand to your thigh. If you carry a load in one hand, such as
when carrying a tool box, place your free hand on the outside of your thigh
and mentally "glue" it into position. This will help you maintain correct back
alignment rather than lifting and tilting to one side. When carrying a heavy
load, side bending can be just as stressful to the spine as bending forward.
5. Tighten your stomach muscles. This technique helps prevent your
spine from twisting. If you lift a load and need to place it of to one side, turn
by moving your feet. After repeated lifts you might find yourself getting a bit
sloppy and forgetting to move your feet. You can overcome this tendency if
the place you set the load down is at least one step away from where it is
lifted. If you wear a back support belt, wear it low on your trunk and loosen it
when you are not lifting.
6. Stay in good physical condition. A protruding stomach is an extra load
carried away from the center line of the body, and prevents you from
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keeping a lifted object close-the number one rule for back care. When you
bend at the waist to lift, due to the leverage principal, the load is up to 10
times heavier than its actual weight. A "pot belly" puts extra, stressful weight
on the spine.
7. Stretch and loosen up before work. Research has shown that trunk
flexibility and mobility is significantly lower in the morning than later in the
day, increasing the number and severity of back strains at this time. A few
minutes of stretching can warm up cold stif muscles and tendons and help
you avoid an injury. All professional athletes know this-"industrial athletes"
should too!
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forward direction. Avoid moving backwards whenever you can. If you must
move in a backward direction, check your path before you move and as often
as possible while moving.
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First Aid - Rapid treatment is very important. You must wash the acid of the
body quickly. Get the victim to the emergency shower or to a hose as quickly
as possible. Start washing and as you do so, remove all acid-wet clothing.
Keep the water flowing. In cases where there are severe burns, shock may
set in. If this occurs, treat for shock by placing victims on their back and
keeping them warm. Call immediately for medical help. Do not apply any
ointments, oils or other treatments to the burned area.
If acid is swallowed, it burns tissues all the way down to the stomach. Do not
induce vomiting, which will cause additional burns as it comes up as well.
Never give anything to an unconscious person but, if the victim is conscious,
the acid should be immediately diluted. Provide milk, preferably mixed with
egg whites. If this isn't available, give as much water to drink as possible.
Prevent contact with sulfuric acid! Pre-determine hazards in your operation
and implement a prevention and treatment plan with professional assistance.
An essential part of a safe working environment when loading or unloading
trucks and trailers is the proper use of equipment, which includes chocks and
blocks. Every year, workers are severely or fatally injured because the
wheels of a truck or trailer were not chocked. Vehicle drivers are also injured
when trailers overturn because unblocked freight shifted during travel.
When wheels aren't meant to roll. Accidents are caused each year when a
truck or trailer rolls away from the dock because no one took time to chock
the wheels. In some cases, drivers who got out of the cab were crushed by
their own rig. In other cases, lift truck drivers were injured when the forklift
fell between dock edge and a trailer that moved away. The wheels of trucks
or trailers at a dock should always be chocked prior to the start of any
operation, to prevent this from happening. Lift truck drivers should never
enter a trailer without first verifying that the wheels have been chocked, and
that the floor of the trailer is in good condition and capable of supporting the
weight of the forklift and it's load. In most states, OSHA requires that vehicle
wheels be chocked prior to permitting forklifts to enter trailers.
Positioning of chocks is important. The purpose of the chock is to pin the
wheels and hold them stationary so that the tractor or trailer can't move.
However, if they aren't placed in the right location they don't always prevent
movement of the wheels. The safest procedure is to always chock the wheels
closest to the dock--especially on a tandem-axle trailer. The reason is, the lift
truck entering the trailer can exert a downward force which helps pin the
wheels more efectively against the chock. When the front axle is chocked,
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the forward motion of a forklift entering the trailer may loosen the chock,
allowing the trailer to move forward, or even jump the chock.
Shifting loads are hazardous. Freight inside the trailer must also be blocked
or secured to keep the load from shifting, which can damage other cargo or
cause a trailer to overturn in transit. Cargo needn't be round, such as reels or
machinery on wheels, to shift position. Blocking of heavier freight is used to
prevent movement during transit. To accomplish this, it may be necessary to
block each item separately, on all four sides. The type of blocking material
used is also important. Make certain that nails are long enough to hold the
block and that lumber is thick enough to prevent the cargo from shifting
without breaking. Never use other freight as blocking. If it looks like the
cargo can move around, it probably will. Take time to secure it.
Be sure the correct equipment is always available. Every loading dock should
be equipped with chocks, which if properly used, will keep vehicles from
moving while being loaded or unloaded, especially when forklift trucks are
used. Chocks will more likely be available at all times if they are fastened to
the dock with a chain or rope to prevent their "disappearance," and stored
out of the traffic areas when not in use.
Chocks and blocks help avoid accidents. Use them, and require others to use
Hand operated hoists have many applications in rigging work. Typical
applications include hoisting pipe or plate into position for welding or bolting,
moving machinery, fence stretching and lifting engines or equipment during
repairs. These devices are simple to operate but misuse can result in sudden
failure, property damage, and serious injury. Some things to keep in mind
* Inspect the hoist to be sure it is in good condition. Do not use any hoist that
appears to have been overloaded. Some things to look for include a bent
handle, stretched chain links, broken ratchet teeth, stif operation or bent
hooks. Anything that is cracked, bent, distorted, deformed or broken
probably indicates overloading. Don't use it.
* You must know the weight of the load you plan to lift. Never attach a load
greater than the capacity of the hoist. Never use two hoists to lift a load that
is heavier than the rated capacity of either. A shifting load may place the
entire load on one hoist, causing failure. Also keep in mind that capacity
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ratings are based on a new hoist. Age, dirt, wear, and improper maintenance
will reduce the lifting capacity.
* Never put a "cheater bar" on the operating lever or use more than one
person to pull the lever. It is a sure sign that the hoist is overloaded if the
load can't be moved by one person using a normal pull.
* Make sure that the structure your hoist is hanging from is strong enough to
support the load you are lifting as well as any possible shock load.
* Use these devices only in locations that will not expose you to a hazard if
you lose your grip or slip; the site of use must also permit you to stand clear
of the load at all times.
* Never operate a hoist in a manner that causes the load chain to bend or
slide around objects, such as corners or sharp edges. Do not use load chains
or cables as a substitute for a sling.
* Apply the load evenly. Do not jerk, bounce, or allow the load to swing. Any
violent motion or shock loads could easily exceed the capacity of your hoist.
* Always be sure the load is centered on the hoist before lifting, to avoid a
swinging load.
* Never leave a suspended load unattended, and never work or walk under a
suspended load or allow anyone else to do so. By keeping these things in
mind, hoists can be used safelythink about it.
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them up. Your pulse is beating and you are breathing hard from excitement.
You're yelling at the workers, trying to arouse them. Something has to be
done . . . so . . . you jump down into the hole.
The rescue team arrives in time to pull your lifeless body out with the rest.
The record will show that you attempted to rescue your friends and gave
your life doing so. Some would say you were a hero. Yes, but a dead one!
The moral of this scenario is that when you are an attendant watching over a
confined space, your duty is to observe and assist from above. If you have a
tag line on the person inside and can pull them out without entry, go ahead
(but how much dead weight can you lift from below your feet). If you have
the proper rescue tripod, you can winch the victim to the surface. At no time
do you enter the space to attempt rescue. You can wait until a new attendant
arrives, and after you put on the proper rescue equipment and enter
(providing of course you have been trained in rescue procedures). But you
must never .. never .. never abandon your duties as the attendant and
attempt rescue on your own.
You have no idea what the hazards are that overcame your co-workers. And
like the scenario described above, you might wind up as a DEAD HERO.
Confined spaces can be killers. Know what the risks are and take appropriate
measures to control them. Be sure that air samples are taken before entry,
and as frequently as required by the activities being conducted. Provide
ventilation into the space if required. Use all personal protective equipment
in accordance with the manufacturers directions. Use your entry permit to
log the sample results and the time of test. Have a rescue plan established
before it is needed.
We want you to walk away from all confined space entry situations. We don't
want to carry you away in a body bag. Think SAFETY and stay ALIVE.
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My dictionary defines complacency this way, self-satisfaction
accompanied by unawareness of actual danger or deficiencies.
I am not sure of the statistics; however, there is no doubt in my mind that
numerous accidents have occurred due to allowing ourselves to become
complacent in our everyday activity. (On and of the job)
I have often said that working safely is not easy, nor is it automatic. We have
to work at it with the highest degree of awareness.
If we just stop for a moments and think we all can come up with instances
that we did become complacent. It happens to us because we perform many
functions on an almost continuous basis. Many of our jobs are repetitive in
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nature, and the more we repeat what we are doing, the better the chance
that we are becoming complacent without even realizing it. Therein lies the
potential danger, the danger of complacency.
We must remember that life is what happens, when we are making other
plans. We become complacent about our personal safety by repeated
exposure to situations without consequence.
We take shortcuts and with the absence of consequents, cause us to become
more lax about our personal safety, in other words we are becoming
Personal safety is not like a light switch that you can turn on or of. The
personal safety switch must continuously be in the on position.
Just because we feel safe, does not mean we are safe. On the contrary,
feeling safe all the time, could be the biggest threat to our well being,
because we are drifting into that complacent mode.
One key to avoid the complacency trap is to form safety habits. Habits that
you do over and over until they override your former unsafe behaviour and
become automated.
Habits such as, wearing gloves, glasses, proper foot wear, safety harness on
and ready to tie of, face shield when grinding, removing tripping hazards,
attending safety meetings and paying attention, using seat belts, tying of a
ladder etc etc.
Is it not better to form these types of automatic habits, and let them become
the norm?
There is an old saying that familiarity breeds contempt. To paraphrase, I
would say that, familiarity breeds complacency. Lets work in a manner that
we ensure we do not fall into the complacency trap.
Working on or near streets and highways requires your constant awareness
for the safety of motorists, pedestrians and workers. Our full attention and
all of our physical capabilities should be focused on what we are doing if we
expect to perform our job in a safe manner. An injury or loss of life is a high
price to pay because we didn't want to miss a phone call.
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For this reason, personal cell phones are not allowed on the jobsite without
permission from your supervisor or foreman. They are to be kept with your
other belongings, i.e., locked in a vehicle or left back at the motel or in your
home. You are never supposed to be making or receiving calls on personal
(unauthorized) cell phones while you are working.
Because cell phones have been listed as a contributing factor in vehicle
accidents, all drivers (even if authorized to use a cell phone on the job) are
not allowed to talk on the phone while driving. If you receive a call or it is
necessary to make a call, pull of the road to a safe spot and park your
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from hand to hand, from doorknob to hand, from hand to mouththan in any
other way. The best cold and flu solution is prevention!
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all factors in good common sense. Contrary to popular opinion, all workers
can prevent themselves from getting hurt. The easy way to avoid pain is to
observe how others have taken risks and been injured, rather than learning
the hard way--from your own injury. That's common sense!
The experts say at least 80% of industrial accidents are caused by unsafe
acts on the part of employees--and not by unsafe conditions. Although
employers are required by law to provide a safe and healthful workplace, it is
up to you to be aware of your work environment and follow safe work
practices. By avoiding unsafe acts and practicing common sense, your work
will go smoother, with less chance for accidents.
Statistically, most accidents are caused by unsafe acts, including:
Being In A Hurry - Sometimes there is more concern for completing a job
quickly instead of safely. Take time to do a good job and a safe job.
Taking Chances - Daring behavior or blatant disregard for safe work practices
can put the whole work team at risk. Follow all company safety rules and
watch out for your fellow employees. Horseplay is never appropriate on the
job and can lead to disciplinary action.
Being Preoccupied - Daydreaming, drifting of at work, thinking about the
weekend and not paying attention to your work can get you seriously hurt or
even killed. Focus on the work you are paid to do. If your mind is troubled or
distracted, you're at risk for an accident.
Having A Negative Attitude - Being angry or in a bad mood can lead to
severe accidents because anger nearly always rules over caution. Flying of
the handle at work is potentially dangerous. Keep your bad moods in check,
or more than one person may be hurt. Remember to stay cool and in charge
of your emotions.
Failing To Look For Hidden Hazards - At many jobsites, work conditions are
constantly changing. Sometimes new, unexpected hazards develop. Always
be alert for changes in the environment. Hidden hazards include spilled
liquids that could cause slips and falls; out-of-place objects that can be
tripped over; unmarked floor openings one could step into; low overhead
pipes that could mean a head injury; and other workers who don't see you
enter their hazardous work area.
Remember to stay alert for hazards, so you won't become one more accident
statistic: You can do a quality job without rushing. Maintain a positive
attitude and keep your mind on your work. This is just common sense-something smart workers use!
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A common element in all of the above incidents was the failure to keep the
swing area of the crane's counterweight clear of workers and materials or
equipment that must be retrieved. Several solutions to this problem are:
1. Eliminate the problem -- Locate the crane in a position where there will
be no pinch points created between the counterweights and nearby
objects. The operator should only operate the equipment when the
crane's swing area is clear.
2. Guard or warn of the hazard -- The counterweight's swing area can be
barricaded to keep workers out of the hazard zone. When appropriate,
warning tape can be used to identify the swing area. Painting a portion
of the counterweight a bright color helps to warn of the hazard by
making it more highly visible.
3. Eye to eye contact -- All workers in the area should be told to keep
clear of the swing area. If material or equipment must be retrieved
from within the counterweight swing area, the worker should make
positive visual contact with the operator prior to entering the hazard
zone. Once the worker is done, the operator and worker should once
again make positive visual contact so that the operator knows it is now
safe to continue full operation.
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Lastly, be sure if you are guiding a load with a tag line that your travel path
is clear and safe before the load is suspended. You will be spending a lot of
time watching the load, rather than where you are going. It would be a
shame to take all of the precautions to avoid being caught by the load, only
to be injured in a fall.
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Rotate your work position, to change how muscles are used during
your work shift.
Use the proper tool for the job to avoid awkward movements and the
need for overexertion.
Take a rest break when fatigue sets in. Just a few minutes can make a
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Always use proper lifting techniques. Back strain is one of the most
common CTD's.
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Industrial dermatitis is an umbrella term that covers a whole variety of skin
disorders. If your skin is itchy, or feels bumpy and looks red with a rash, you
may have industrial dermatitis.
Dermatitis is caused by chemical residues on the skin, friction, pressure or
the secondary efects of abrasions, wounds, bruises, the introduction of
foreign bodies into the skin; heat, cold, water, sunlight, non-iodizing radiation
and electricity; plants (poison ivy) and bacterial hazards, all can cause
To avoid industrial dermatitis, observe these simple do's and don'ts.
DO wash thoroughly before and after possible contact with irritants. Include all
exposed skin not just the hands.
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When driving on hills, special precautions should be taken. When going over
the top of a blind hill, go at a speed that will enable you to bring your vehicle
to a stop in case the highway ahead is not clear. Remember that when going
downgrade, both loss of traction and gravity are working against you. Wet, icy or
snow covered pavement on downgrades are significant hazards and may
cause your vehicle to slide or skid.
Do not try to drive around or through a scene where other vehicles have had
trouble with the road conditions. The cause of the road conditions may still
be there when you arrive.
You should always allow plenty of clearance between your vehicle and other
vehicles, or fixed objects when maneuvering on bad road surfaces. Avoid
driving on the shoulder of any road, particularly in wet conditions.
Undermining caused by water and mud may cause you to lose control of
your vehicle.
Brake line freeze can be very annoying and dangerous. Drivers should take
care to protect the air supply from freezing up. Newer vehicles are often
equipped with synthetic air lines, so the old solution of melting the ice with a
torch is not a quick solution anymore. If a vehicle is not equipped with an air
dryer or other ways to automatically expel water and other contaminants
from air tanks, you should take the time to manually drain the air tanks every
During the winter months, the lighting system of a vehicle becomes very
important. Nights are longer and the visibility is usually worse because of the
weather. It is a good idea to inspect brake lights, turn signals, and tail lights
on a vehicle more often during the winter months and to clean them when
necessary so they can be easily seen by others around you on the highways.
Even though all precautions and good practices are followed, watch out!
There will still be occasions when conditions become too hazardous to
proceed. When conditions are bad, pull of the road to a safe place and notify
your company the reason for the delay. A brief delay in your trip will be far
less costly than a serious accident caused by bad weather.
All most all of the vehicle accidents that occur on public roads are caused by
a few common driving errors. Unfortunately we all develop some bad habits
and when it comes to driving, these habits can be dangerous.
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We wear clothing that can either protect us from an accident or pull us into
one. It all depends on whether we wear the proper clothing at the proper
time. For example, gloves should be worn when handling rough material but
a worker sufered a seriously disabled hand when the glove on his hand caught
and wound around a power drill he was using.
Pants that are too long may cause you to trip coming down a ladder or
stepping backward. Your heel can catch and down you go. Cufs can catch on
the equipment and cause a fall.
Work shoes need thick soles and ankle support. Don't use your worn out
dress shoes on the job.
Keep your clothes clean. Dusty or oil soaked clothing can cause skin
irritations. Also clothes soaked with oil and grease can result in fatal burns
should their wearer come in contact with a spark or flame.
Wear enough clothing in cold weather. Wool is warmer than cotton and two
light layers are better than one real heavy one.
Leave of the decorations. One man lost a finger when his ring caught as he
fell climbing down from a truck. Loose watch chains, keys on belts, or any
item that might hook on something should be avoided.
Remember that hard hats and safety glasses protect our brains and our
We would think a football player crazy to come out on the field to play in a
baseball uniform. Let's dress right for our jobs, too.
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The best ideas for improving the work environment often come from the
people who are most afected by what happens in that environment-the
workers. But how can employees efectively create solutions to their
workplace safety problems, communicate their ideas for improvement to
management, and have those ideas be seriously considered? Two tools are
needed-a structured approach to solving problems and a way to submit
formal suggestions.
A Five Step Approach to Solving Problems:
1. Identify the Problem. Perhaps you already have a specific, perplexing
safety problem in mind. It may be a piece of equipment or a process within
your department that needs improvement. Define the problem as it now
exists-the more specific the better. If excess costs are associated with this
problem, knowing what these are will make it easier to explain the problem
to management. This will also help you develop clear solutions.
2. Make a list of options. What possibilities exist to fix the problem? What are
the results you are looking for? Brainstorm a multitude of ideas which could
efectively and efficiently eliminate the problematic situation.
3. List the consequences. You can rarely do one thing without having it afect
someone or something else. All ideas have pros and cons associated with
them. Consider all sides of the issue and the efect each option may have on
other departments or workers.
4. Compare the options. How much efort will be required? How much time
and money will it take? You may need some help from your supervisor in
calculating time and costs.
5. Choose the best option. Step 4 should help identify the proper choices.
Again, discussing this with your supervisor or someone else higher up may
help you see the bigger picture and aid you in making the best choice.
Submitting the Formal Suggestion
1. Describe the current safety problem in a brief, clear, and objective
statement to decision makers. Explain the disadvantages of the present
2. Outline your idea. Briefly detail your suggestion for improvement, avoiding
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3. Show how much it will cost to execute your plan. Include the anticipated
efect your idea will have on other workers or departments in your
4. Estimate the cost savings. There must be some monetary benefit to what
you are suggesting. If your plan improves safety, what are the expected cost
savings associated with preventing an injury that old methods caused? Are
there other benefits? Is it more efficient? Will it take less time? Try to state
these benefits in terms of hard dollars which can be saved.
5. Finish with a more in-depth description of your idea. Break your idea down
into its component parts. Use drawings and all other pertinent information to
emphasize the importance of your idea. Get your plan across to the decision
makers persuasively.
If you use this twofold method to address safety concerns in your workplace,
you'll be giving your management team all the information and tools they
need to make an intelligent decision. By submitting your ideas in this format,
you may also demonstrate to your organization that you are the person to be
considered for that next promotion.
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People on the phone are more likely to have intense conversations that
involve problem-solving-which is more distracting than shooting the
breeze with a passenger.
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Not only the driver on the phone, but other drivers on the roadway are
at increased risk if a cell phone user is the ultimate cause of an
Keep conversations short and sweet. Develop ways to get free of longwinded friends and associates while on the road. Don't use the cell
phone for social visiting.
Keep even more distance between you and the car ahead of you than
normally recommended.
All drivers are at risk of having a vehicle accident before, during or after
work, and the use of a cell phone may increase this risk. Concentrate on the
above reminders! Don't become a statistic!
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Improper handling of drums and barrels can result in severe injuries. These
include painful back sprains, smashed toes and fingers, or exposure to
hazardous chemicals if the contents are leaking. Proper work practices can
minimize your risk of injury, so consider the following tips.
Prior to handling the drum, read the label on the drum and look for
symbols, words or other marks which indicate if its contents are
hazardous, corrosive, toxic or flammable. If the drum isn't labeled,
consider the contents hazardous until they are positively identified.
Before moving the drum or barrel, replace missing bungs and/or lids
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If the drum can be rolled, stand in front of it and place both hands on
the far side of the chime. Pull the drum forward until it balances on the
bottom chime. You can now roll the drum on its chime, being careful to
keep your hands from crossing over one another. You can also lower
the drum to the ground for rolling by shifting your hands to the bottom
side of the chime (not where they will be crushed). Then slowly lower
the drum to the floor. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees.
Then roll the drum with both hands. Don't use your feet or grasp the
Protect your hands, feet, back and face during this work. Safety shoes
should be required when moving heavy drums. Gloves, eye protection,
aprons, and other personal protective equipment may be needed,
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-Turn of the power and take the key with you, but not to your home.
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4. No clearance from the Utility to work on energized primary, the day of the
5. Workers did not place the oil circuit reclosure into the non-reclose position.
6. The wire was not held in place with hot sticks while making hot tie.
7. The foreman did not wait for the apprentice to get back on wire after
changing his
Position on the pole.
Safety Committee Recommendations:
1. Obtain clearance from Utility prior to commencement of hot work.
2. Place circuit reclosures on "non-reclose" prior to commencing work.
3. Leave grounds and neutrals out of the work area. If not possible, cover
4. Maintain positive control of energized conductors at all times, with
appropriate tools.
5. Plan ahead and discuss all moves with your pole partner before
commencing work.
6. Maintain good communication with the utility and the employer.
7. Keep current on pole-top rescue and all safe practices.
If you work with electricity, no matter how experienced you are, what must
you remember?
What other hazards do you work with? Could you become casual and
careless about these?
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Class "C" fires involve burning electrical motors or transformer. This type of
fire changes from "C" to Class "A" or "B" as soon as the power is cut of (or
shorts out). Dry chemical can be used here also because it will not conduct
electricity and will put out "A" or "B" type fires.
A dry chemical extinguisher works like most spray paint, hair spray, or
shaving cream cans - it does not need to be turned upside down to use it.
When a fire emergency calls for its use, remember to sweep the
extinguisher's nozzle back-and-forth at what is burning--not at the flames or
smoke. The goal is to put a "barrier" between the fuel and the surrounding
oxygen. Don't empty the extinguisher onto the burned item after the flames
are gone. The fire might flare back up and you would be left without any
extinguishing powder if it should "re-kindle" or "re-ignite."
Prior to starting to battle the fire, designate someone to call the fire
department. Fire fighters are paid to put the fire out; they know what to do
and what to look for--even after you think you have doused it. There have
been deaths from fires that were supposedly extinguished, but came back to
life hours later.
Know where the general use fire extinguishers are throughout your facility or
work area. Don't hang your coat over them, or stack material in front of
them. Extinguishers are never needed until they are needed NOW. Keeping
them easily visible and easily accessible at all times helps ensure that when
a fire emergency occurs, a fire extinguisher can be easily and quickly
And remember-extinguishers are made for relatively small fires. If the fire is
too big or moving too fast to control, hold others away and wait for the Fire
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Slings used in a basket hitch shall have the load balanced to prevent
Slings shall be padded or protected from all sharp edges of their loads.
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Hands or fingers shall not be placed between the sling and its load
while the sling is being tightened around the load.
A sling shall not be pulled from under a load when the load is resting
on the sling.
Synthetic web slings shall be removed from service if one or more of the
following conditions are present:
Distortion of fittings.
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which red blood cells are destroyed and the kidneys fail. The majority of
people contracting HUS recover completely, however it can be fatal.
The most common source of E. coli infection is red meat, especially ground
beef which is rare or undercooked. However, E. coli 0157:H7 has been found
in other food items such as mayonnaise, unpasteurized milk, some
transmission of this bacteria is also on the rise. This manner of transmission
is typically from an infected child or adult who does not wash their hands
thoroughly after using the restroom.
What are the Symptoms? Symptoms of an E. coli infection appear about 3
days after exposure, although it can range between 1 to 9 days. The
symptoms of E. coli can be bloody or non-bloody diarrhea or abdominal
cramps. Some amount of blood is usually found in the stool as well. This
infection usually causes little or no fever. Most infected people will recover
without medication in 5 to 10 days. Fluid and electrolyte replacement is
important when diarrhea is present or there are signs of dehydration. The
use of antibiotics in fighting the disease is unproven to date. Anti-diarrheal
medication should be avoided.
There are several simple and straight forward ways to prevent being infected
by E. coli 0157:H7:
Wash hands with hot, soapy water after using the restroom and before
preparing food.
Wash hands, utensils and surfaces with hot, soapy water after contact
with raw meats and /or meat juice.
Wash all fruits before eating. Low-acid, unpasteurized fruit juice is also
considered a risk.
When eating out, check hamburgers and ground beef for doneness.
Return any food to the kitchen which is not thoroughly cooked.
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Our bodies store glucose in the liver and muscles as glycogen which is vital
to our daily physical activities. During work periods the liver releases its
glucose into the bloodstream, which muscle tissue picks up and uses in
addition to its own stored glycogen. The glycogen which the body store
determines how much physical activity a person will be able to do before
reaching total exhaustion. Once the point of exhaustion is reached, accidents
are more likely to occur. How do we increase stored glycogen and avoid
exhaustion? By eating a balanced diet high in complex carbohydrates.
What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are the prime source of energy
during exhaustive work. Carbohydrates require less oxygen than fat to
provide the same amount of energy, and are therefore more efficient,
energy-producing foods. A study on food and energy was carried out with
three groups of people who were given diferent types of diet. Group one
consumed high fat & protein; Group two was given a normal diet; and Group
three was placed on a high-carbohydrate diet. Each group then rode
stationary bicycles to exhaustion. The resulting times it took them to reach
exhaustion were as follows:
Group 1 (high fat & protein) - 57 minutes
Group 2 (normal diet) - 114 minutes
Group 3 (high carbohydrate diet) - 167 minutes.
As you can see, the high carbohydrate diet of group three increased energy
levels and endurance. So how do we achieve this goal? Ofshore catering
companies ofer many choices or alternatives to high fat foods at most
locations. All it takes is for you to choose the right foods.
Use Low-fat or Fat Free dairy products
Choose high fiber cereal and whole grain bread
Use "light" or fat free dressings
Request skinless chicken, lean meats and ham instead of bacon or
Drink Low-fat milk or juices, while avoiding caffeine
The complex carbohydrates you need for energy include whole grain bread
and pasta, beans, fruits and vegetables-rather than sweet rolls, donuts or
cookies which provide energy that is short-lived. Spaghetti with meat sauce
will be better than fried foods or steaks. Between meals, stay away from
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candy and sodas-eat fruit or fat free desserts instead. Lunch is an important
meal for restoring your energy after the morning's work has been done.
Remember, what you eat before going to work will provide fuel to your
muscles for several hours. Eating right helps reduce the tired or lazy feeling
that comes after a high fat meal and lessens the chance for accidents. If you
feel you can't "live" without them, save high fat calories for the last meal of
the day when activities are less physically demanding.
Following these simple rules of thumb can make you a healthier and safer
employee. A safe worker creates a safer work environment, which will
increase morale, productivity and reduce accident costs. Take time to choose
the right foods to eat. Remember, "We are what we eat."
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There is one last thing you should remember. If you do get into an altercation
with a lift truck, the lift truck will most likely win.
Unobstructed access
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Immediately after the accident, flood the eye with water or eyewash
solution, using fingers to keep the eye open as wide as possible. Water
may be colder than body temperature, which can be uncomfortable,
but it is imperative to irrigate for the recommended period of time.
The eyes should be irrigated for at least 15 minutes, and the victim
transported to a medical facility immediately. Continue irrigation of
eyes during transport. The best way to accomplish this may be to have
a portable eye-wash system ready that can be carried along.
It's easy to forget about eye-wash stations or showers until they are needed
in an emergency.
Don't let yours become buried or covered with dust. It could save your sight!
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Setting the crane up level and on solid ground is an absolute must! You can
throw the load charts out the window if the crane is not set up level, because
you have changed the tipping moment. Setting cranes up on loose or
unstable soil is just as bad. If the crane settles on one side, you have
changed the tipping moment again.
Increasing counterweight or securing crane with cables to avoid tipping
situations is never an acceptable practice. When you increase
counterweights to avoid a tipping situation, you risk the possibility of
structural failure. If these operations continue for long enough, the repeated
stress placed on the boom is certain to result in a boom failure.
Inspect your rigging daily or more frequently under demanding conditions.
Ensure all hooks have safety latches. Lifting beams and spreader bars must
have their rated capacities marked on them.
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Theres a sign over a bench grinder which reads, "DO NOT REMOVE SHIELDS
Amusing, but true! An injury to any part of the eye can result in a permanent
loss of vision.
Those who have had close calls and nearly lost their eyesight are usually very
conscious of wearing eye protection. They look for and recognize the unsafe
conditions that may afect their eyes. A lot of us, however, take these hazards
to the eyes far too lightly. Perhaps it would benefit us all to reflect on the
things that we can and should do to safeguard our eyesight.
For your safety, follow these eye safety tips:
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- Wear your goggles or face shield when doing any work that presents an eye
injury hazard.
- Don't wear dirty, greasy, scratched or badly worn safety goggles they can
distort your vision. It's better to take the time to clean them, or if necessary,
replace them.
- Be especially careful of splashes or spills when opening containers of acids,
caustics or other harmful liquids that could cause injury to the eyes or face.
- Don't wear contact lenses in production plants where chemicals spray mists or
flying particles could cause injury. Contact lenses should never be used as a
substitute for proper eye protection.
- When working with grinders or power tools, be especially careful by keeping
your face a safe distance from the tool and away from the line of work just in
case a tool breaks or particles fly up.
- Keep your mind on your work, particularly when eye hazards are involved.
Remember, it only takes a fraction of a second for a fragment or particle to
damage an eye.
- If you do get a particle in your eye, do not rub the eye to dislodge it. Rubbing
the eye could cause an abrasion. Use clean, warm water to wash the particle
- Always be alert to tool hazards such as mushroomed heads on chisels,
cracked hammers and badly worn screwdrivers. These tools have caused
serious eye injuries far too often.
Remember that you are the one who can do the most when it comes to
protecting your eyesight. Your eyes can't be replaced.
Electricity kills and injures thousands of workers each year. Most of these
accidents happen because people don't look, don't think or just don't
understand the shocking power of electricity.
Voltage, current and resistance are the basic terms used when talking about
electricity. Voltage is the force that causes the current to flow. Current
(amperage) refers to the amount of electricity that is flowing. Resistance
denotes the restrictions that try to slow down or stop the flow.
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Electrical shock can only occur when a part of the body completes a circuit
between a conductor and another conductor or a grounding source.
Death or injury is not caused by the voltage; the damage is done by the
amount of current that flows through the body when the contact is made. Of
course, the higher the voltage, the greater the amount of current. Some
people have survived shocks of several thousand volts, while others have
been killed by voltages as low as 12.
The dry outer skin of the human body ofers extremely high resistance to
electrical flow. However, this resistance is reduced to almost zero when the
skin is wet, especially if the skin is wet because of perspiration.
Electricity and proper grounding work together for safety. A ground is a
conducting connection between an electrical circuit or equipment and the
earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
If your body is sweaty or damp, an oversensitive ground within it is created,
which easily causes electrical shock. One way to keep the body's resistance
high is to keep it dry, particularly the hands and feet, which might make the
contacts and be instrumental in completing the circuit. This can be
accomplished by wearing rubber gloves, boots and rubbers.
Efects of electrical shock depend mainly on the total amount of current flow
and the path of the current through the victim's body. To prevent electrical
shock, which can cause several types of injuries, make sure that your body
cannot become part of the electrical flow and the path of the current.
An important phase of electrical safety is knowing how to help an electrical
shock victim. First, stop the current flowing from the circuit through the
victim's body, if it hasn't already been done. Often, particularly in cases of
low voltage shock, victims are unable to pull away from the source of
current. If the victim is still in contact with the current, disconnect or deenergize the circuit, if possible. If this cannot be accomplished, obtain a
nonconductive item, such as dry clothing, dry rope or a dry stick, and
remove the victim from the source of the current.
Then call or send for help. Next, check to see if the victim's heart or
breathing has stopped. Give the required first aid until professional help
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Shocking Fatality
A laborer recently died because of an electrical shock he received while
using an ungrounded drill. In this case, the shock didn't kill him, but it did
cause him to lose his balance and he fell from a 20 foot scafold and hit his
head on a slab of concrete.
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Shock Injuries
Every year people die or are injured from electrical shocks. You can receive
an electrical shock anytime part of your body comes into contact with an
electrical source. If it does, you can get hurt in three ways:
- From nerve shock which could cause your lungs or heart to stop.
- From the heating efect of the current which can cause severe burns.
- From secondary injury caused from normal body reaction to the shock. If
you touch something that is hot or gives you a jolt, your body may move
back involuntarily. This could hurt if you are on a ladder.
If you are standing on a dry, clean, nonmetallic floor, chances are that you
will have enough resistance and shouldn't get a severe shock. But you can
never tell whether the work area or floor is sufficiently clean and free of
conductive objects, like nails or metal scrap.
If your work surface is wet or covered with metallic objects, and if you are
sweaty, your body resistance may be so low that a shock as low as 30 volts
could kill you. The only efective way to minimize shocks is to keep electrical
equipment in good condition so that live current is fully contained:
Some points to remember:
- Make sure, not only that the electrical equipment is grounded, but also that
the electrical service is grounded.
- Don't use electrical tools that do not have a grounded plug unless they are
double insulated and were not manufactured with a ground pin. .
- Don't use electrical tools while standing on or in contact with metal ladders
or work platforms.
- Inspect flexible electrical cords and connections for damage before you use
the equipment.
- Don't perform work on or close to energized electrical equipment unless the
power is locked out and you are qualified to do this type of work.
- If you see defective electrical tools or service cords, take them out of
service and report them at once.
- Be alert for the electrical hazards that others may create for themselves
and you. If you see hazards, let me know about them.
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cords are used for outdoor appliances and electric power tools. The third wire
on this cord is a ground and this type of cord should never be plugged into
any ungrounded electrical outlet. Only grounded extension cords are to be
used with power tools unless the tool is double insulated.
Construction sites require extension cords which are specified by the
National Electric Code for hard usage or extra hard usage. Approved cords
may be identified by the word "outdoor" or the letters "WA" on the jacket.
Care and inspection of extension cords
Extension cords must be treated with care and checked regularly for damage
or deterioration. The cord itself should never be pulled to disconnect it from
an electrical source; remove it by the plug. They should not be placed under
rugs or furniture and should never be strung through doorways, windows,
walls, ceilings, or floors. Damaged cords present a potential fire or shock
hazard and should be destroyed and replaced immediately.
An extension cord should never be used as a substitute for permanent
wiring. They should not be fastened to a building or structure, even though
staples are sold for this purpose at many hardware stores. Avoid plugging
two cords together to make a longer one. It's best to use one cord in a
continuous length from the receptacle to the appliance or tool. Extension
cords which are either connected together or are too long will reduce
operating voltage and operating efficiency of tools or appliances and may
cause motor damage.
Extension cords are convenient devices which we often take for granted in
our everyday activities, but which need proper care and attention. Use good
housekeeping practices at home and at work, to keep extension cords from
being a tripping hazards or becoming damaged. Inspect them regularly for
wear and replace defective units.
Prevent potential electrical hazards that may lead to someone's injury!
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As you leave the workplace today, look up, down and all around, observing
the beauty around you. See the blue sky, the many shades of leaves in the
trees, and the diferent birds that occupy them. When you get home, watch
your children playing in the yard and pay attention to how their eyes light up
when Daddy or Mommy gets home. Have you ever stopped to think how
wonderful your eyesight really is? Well, think about it. For about two minutes,
close your eyes completely and contemplate how life would be if you lost
your eyesight! That's it-your homework is complete! Did you come up with
visions about how your life would change if you couldn't see? Did they
include any of the following?
When you and your family are on vacation, they will have to describe the
scenery to you.
You would have to be led wherever you want to go.
Your spouse would have to describe the way your children's eyes light up
when they open their presents at Christmas.
No more leisurely activities such as hunting or fishing, watching movies
or TV.
No more driving the new truck you just bought.
Does this sound like something you want to go through? I didn't think so! Is
there a way to prevent this from happening? You bet-wear your eye
protection! A recent article in Safety & Health states that every day
approximately 1,000 eye injuries occur in the U.S. OSHA estimates that 90%
of eye injuries are preventable through the proper use of safety eye wear.
What does this tell us? Many people are not wearing proper eye protection!
Let's examine a few operations that present eye hazards:
Grinding, hammering, chiseling, wood working or any other activity that
might cause large fragments or small particles to fly through the air and into
the eyes;
Painting, spraying, sanding, metal working, spot welding or any process
that may cause dust, fumes or tiny particulate to become airborne;
Work tasks such as electric welding and cutting with a torch, furnace
tending or operations around radiant energy or intense heat;
Operations such as handling acids and caustics, and hot metal casting
and babbitting where gases, vapors, liquids or splashing metals are
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Your eyesight is a precious gift. Please do not wait until it's too late to come
to your senses. If your work presents an exposure to eye hazards, wear your
eye protection.
Don't take chances. Open your eyes and protect your vision!
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Gasoline as a liquid does not burn. It is the vapors that the liquid gives
of that burns.
Gasoline vapors are heavier than air. Vapors will settle to the ground
and flow similar to a liquid. This is why gasoline vapors tend to find
their way into drains, sewer lines, basements and other low spots.
Gasoline must be mixed with air before it can burn. It does not take
much gasoline to make an ignitable mixture. If the gas-to-air mixture
contains as little as 1.4% gasoline by volume, it can be ignited with
explosive force.
It has been said that the potential energy in a one gallon can of
gasoline is equal to numerous sticks of dynamite.
Practice good hygiene after handling gasoline. Wash hands and other
areas that may have come in contact with gasoline. Avoid prolonged
inhalation of vapors as gasoline contains benzene, a known
What can you do to avoid a gasoline disaster? The following tips are good
advice when handling or using gasoline.
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Never use gasoline for anything other than it's intended purpose, as a
fuel. Never use it as a cleaning solvent!
Gasoline was chosen as a fuel for the same reasons that make it so
dangerous. It is easily vaporized, easy to ignite and explodes powerfully
when ignited. Never let yourself become complacent around this volatile
liquid that we use every day.
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OSHA estimates forklifts cause about 85 fatal accidents per year; 34,900
accidents result in serious injury; and 61,800 are classified as non-serious.
According to the Industrial Truck Association, there are about 855,900
forklifts in the U.S. Therefore, over 11% of all forklifts will be involved in
some type of accident each year (assuming only one accident per forklift).
The ITA also reports that the useful life of a lift truck is about 8 years. This
means that about 90% of all forklifts will be involved in some type of
accident during their useful life--again assuming only one accident per
forklift. If you operate this equipment, there is a possibility that you may
have an accident at some point during your career. To help reduce the
possibility of being injured, it's important to understand where and how these
accidents occur.
Fatal forklift accident causes and where they occur:
Fatal Accident Type
Wholesale trades
Retail trade
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Operating a forklift is not unlike operating a car or other vehicle. Rules of the
road must be followed, and all drivers must be trained and licensed to
operate these vehicles.
The following do's and don'ts should be observed by all forklift truck
- Before operating the truck each day, check the tires, fluid levels, radiator,
battery, fire extinguisher, and brake, dead man control, warning lights, horn
and reverse indicators.
- Travel in reverse when carrying a bulky load which blocks vision in front.
- Face a load uphill when driving on an incline and downhill when the truck is
- Travel at a safe speed and use extra caution on hills, corners and ramps.
- Check the stability of a load before moving it.
- Never lift loads which exceed the rated load capacity on the nameplate.
- Follow all in-plant traffic rules and take extra care in areas where
pedestrians are present.
- Drive with hands and feet inside the truck, and do not smoke, drink or eat
while operating the truck.
- Lower the fork and remove the key before leaving the truck.
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When a fire starts, fire doors are involved in preventing the spread of smoke
and flame. But they're only efective if they can close the way they're meant
to. Unfortunately, though, they often can't work because of people's
carelessness or lack of knowledge. The following tips are very important for
everyone to remember and to follow when it comes to fire safety.
- Never wedge or block a fire door to keep it open.
- Never adjust a fire door to make it easier to open. Your adjustment may
render the door useless.
- If you have sliding fire doors, keep the slide track free of debris. Never store
materials in the doorway.
- Don't leave boxes and equipment in front of automatic doors or at the edge
of the door frame. The door won't be able to close and catch.
- Place combustibles well away from fire doors. The intense heat of a fire can
radiate through closed doors and ignite combustibles on the other side.
- If you drive a forklift, be extra careful around fire doors. If you bump a
sliding door, you could knock it of its track. If you have overhead rolling doors,
your forklift could bend the guides, causing the door to jam.
Properly functioning fire doors save lives. So make sure you and your
employees give them the care they deserve.
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They are not written to make your work life more uncomfortable or
inconvenient. After all, safety equipment and training costs your employer
additional up front money.
If you cooperate in safety matters, not only is there a lesser likelihood of you
getting hurt, you will not be doing battle with the boss who is just trying to
do his job by enforcing the safety rules. In addition, you should feel more
confident on the job knowing you have a better chance of making it thorough
the day without injury. Less fear of injury and the boss no longer on your
back has to brighten your day!
We are not perfect. Even the best of us can forget or make errors in
judgment. To maximize our safety eforts, we must look out for one another.
If someone tells you that you are not working in a safe manner, do not
become angry or defensive. They are just looking out for your well-being. If
you did not know you were doing something wrong, be thankful your errors
were noted before someone got hurt. If you simply forgot or got a little
careless, be grateful that someone cares enough to get you back on track. If
you see someone doing something unsafe, speak up, but do so
diplomatically. Treat others just as you would like to be treated in the same
Remember, attitude afects behavior. If you have a positive attitude, odds
are you will exhibit safe behavior. A negative attitude toward safety will only
cause conflict, stress and, ultimately, an accident.
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Ask for assistance if the training or instruction is not clear or you don't
feel comfortable in performing the task correctly and safely.
Address problems with the supervisor ASAP. BUT always try to give
solutions to every problem. (You may understand more than the
supervisor about the problem and how to fix it.)
These are just a few areas employees should be responsible for. The list is
endless. Try to develop other areas to assist in safety and production. Bring
these areas to the supervisor's attention and expect an answer. This input
should be appreciated.
The name of this game is clear and open communication between
management, supervisors and employees. The lack of communication is also
one of the largest problems faced today in any workplace. Don't let this
happen to you and your company. Be responsible to see that it doesn't.
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Establish a bedtime routine. You will need your family's help in keeping
the noise down and the darkness needed to fall asleep. Ear plugs or
droning fans will help block the noise. Good heavy curtains, shades or
eye patches can help provide the darkness. On days of, get 3 to 4
hours of sleep that overlaps the time you sleep during the work days.
Do not rely on afternoon naps. You need a good seven hours of
uninterrupted sleep. Do not rely on pills. They can cause dependence.
Avoid cafeine within five hours of bedtime. Also, avoid alcohol. Alcohol
can make you sleep lighter and less restful. Shift workers tend to sleep
2 to 3 hours less than others as it is. A word of caution: Minimal
amounts of alcohol and minimal amounts of sleep add up to a major
deterioration in performance. Someone sleeping 5 hours a night and
drinking only one can of beer is as impaired as someone who drinks 6
cans after a full night's sleep.
Eat nutritious foods. Avoid fried food and those that are hard to digest.
Take a regular lunch period and avoid sugary snacks. One study has
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found that shift workers have higher blood cholesterol levels even if
they eat the same as day workers. If this is the case, you may have to
work harder to maintain health and fitness.
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thoughts, feelings and expectations. Look at the list below. Which cause you
stress? Can you think of other stressors?
Unexpected change
Family problems
Extra responsibility
Personality clashes
Money difficulties
Everyone has to deal with life's problems. A key to dealing with the big and
little everyday stressors is coping with stress in a positive way.
1. Acceptance- Many of us worry about things we have no control over. For
example, a family illness, great deal of change at work, or finding out that
your basketball team lost. One way to manage stress is to accept when
things are beyond your control. It may be helpful to think positive thoughts
such as, "Someday I'll laugh about this," or "It's a learning experience."
2. Attitude- Try to focus on the positive side of situations. Ask yourself, "What
good can come out of this?" "What can I learn from this situation?" and "How
can I handle this better when it comes up again?" Solutions come easier
when you focus on the positive and your stress level will be reduced.
3. Perspective- We often worry about things that never happen. Keep things
in perspective by asking yourself, "How important is this situation? Can I do
anything about it? In five years, will I even remember it happened?"
Think about the situations in your life that cause you stress. Are they
important or unimportant? Are they controllable or uncontrollable? If they are
controllable events, you can take action to change the situation; if they are
uncontrollable, you can use your skills in acceptance, attitude and
perspective to reduce the stress.
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Never leave file cabinets open and unattended; never, not even for a
minute. How long does it really take to open a file cabinet?
Never run in the office. Nothing is so important that you must risk
running into a co-worker.
Leave your shoes on. If your shoes are too uncomfortable to wear all
day, then wear diferent shoes. Running around the office barefoot is a
sure way to stub a toe or pick up a staple.
When you must carry files, don't carry more than you are capable of. If
you're grunting or your muscles get tired, you're carrying too much.
Use a cart or make more trips.
Avoid placing extension cords on the floor. These are tripping hazards
and can also become fire hazards.
Always keep aisle ways clear. Never stack boxes or supplies in aisle
ways or in front of egress paths. Never arrange offices with desks in
front of exits.
Avoid bending at the waist when accessing low files. If you must access
low files, either stoop down or get on your knees.
Avoid twisting and reaching for files or other materials in your work
station. Move your whole body to prevent back strain.
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Hopefully you have received first aid and CPR training. If you haven't, check
into it. Being able to assist someone who needs help is better than standing
around feeling helpless.
Next, assess the situation. Look for hazards that may have caused this
incident. Don't rush to someone until you look around and make sure you
won't have the same fate. When all is clear, go to the patient. Don't move
the person unless they are in grave danger. If unconscious, check the A-BC's. Airway, breathing and circulation. If the person is not breathing, you
have to begin CPR until the paramedics arrive. Seconds count and it is up to
you to give the breath of life.
If bleeding, direct pressure must be applied to the area to reduce the blood
loss. Utilize latex gloves to protect yourself. If the person is conscious, keep
calm. Talk in normal tones and by all means, don't say anything that will
alarm the person. If possible, cover the injured area so the person afected
won't see the injury.
Shock is a possibility, so have blankets available to keep the person warm
and comfortable. Also, don't give the person anything to drink.
An emergency can strike at any time and being prepared can be the key to
saving a life. Maybe even your life.
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This energy-saving attitude can also be bad if we make a wrong decision and
take dangerous shortcuts. All of us at some time or another have exposed
ourselves to possible injury by taking a shortcut when, with a little extra
efort, we could have done it the safe way. When we were kids, we took
shortcuts by jumping the fence instead of using the gate. Now that we are
adults we do it by crossing the street between the intersections. Why?
Because we want to get there as quickly as possible, and use the least
amount of energy we can while doing it.
There is no doubt about it; the safe way is not always the shortest or
quickest way. The safe way usually takes some extra efort while the unsafe
way often appears to be more efficient at the time. When we are faced with
these situations, each one of us will make a conscious decision about what
actions we will take next.
Sometimes we talk ourselves into taking an unsafe shortcut by flawed
reasoning. We convince ourselves that it is worth taking the risk because
we're in a hurry and can probably get away with it this time without being
injured. After all, we have done it before and were not injured then.
Take the electrician I saw the other day who was working on a ladder. He was
almost finished with the job except for a little work that he could do only by
reaching a little farther than he knew was safe. He knows he will be taking a
chance, so he has to make a decision whether to get down and move the
ladder or to take a shortcut.
Suppose he takes the shortcut. He may get away without having an accident,
or he may fall and sufer an injury that will change his whole life - or even
end it. Whatever the result, his decision to take a chance is not a good one.
Whether he wins or loses this time; risking his neck to save a few minutes'
time is rolling the dice - a gamble that he will, eventually, lose.
When you get right down to it though, I don't really think most of us take
shortcuts to save time as much as we do it because the safe way is just too
much trouble. Like using the wrong tool because it's too much trouble to get
the right one. Like climbing the rebar because it's too much troubles to get a
ladder. Or maybe like lifting more than you know is safe because it's too
much trouble to get someone to help you.
Or maybe it's like the guy I saw the other day swinging around like a monkey
on the side of some forms, holding on with one hand while trying to strip
forms with the other, all because it's too much trouble to go get a safety belt
and tie of like he knows he should. Or how about another guy that was
chipping concrete without safety goggles because it was too much trouble to
go hunt up a pair.
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Remember, you always have a choice, but only you can decide to do it the
safe way. The safe way is usually not the shortest or quickest way, but it's
your decision.
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lifetime. Whatever you are doing, if you are not doing it safely, you are not
doing it right!!
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Let us use common sense when dealing with pressurized cylinders to: (1)
protect the cylinder itself, (2) protect the property surrounding the cylinders,
and (3) protect the people handling the cylinders. It is important to know the
rules for safe use, storage, and movement of pressurized cylinders just as it is
important to know why cylinders must be protected.
If a neck of a pressurized cylinder should be accidentally broken of, the energy
released would be sufficient to propel the cylinder to over three-quarters of a
mile in height. A standard 250 cubic foot cylinder pressurized to 2,500 PSIG can
become a rocket attaining a speed of 34 miles per hour in one-tenth of a
second after venting from the broken cylinder connection.
The following practices should be followed in a safe storage, moving and use
to prevent accidents with cylinders.
1. Secure empty and full cylinders to a wall or vertical support by use of
chains, etc., in an upright position.
2. Keep valve protective caps in place when the cylinder is not in use.
3. Mark empty cylinders "EMPTY" or "MT".
4. Keep valves closed on empty cylinders.
5. Keep empty and full cylinders segregated.
6. Keep oxygen cylinders a minimum distance of 20 feet from flammable gas
cylinders or combustible materials. If this cannot be done, separation by a
noncombustible barrier at least 5 feet high having a fire-rating of at least one
hour would suffice.
7. Leaking cylinders should be taken outdoors away from sources of ignition.
Such cylinders should be plainly tagged, and the supplier should be promptly
8. Cylinders shall be kept away from sources of heat.
9. Cylinders shall be kept away from electrical wiring where they may
become part of the circuit.
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Resist any temptation to complain about aspects of your job that you
don't like-get the new person started out on a positive note by passing on
what's good about the company.
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Internal Pressure -- There is just so much to do and not enough time!" Are
you self-motivated and self-directed? Most employers love this type of
individual, but your single-minded determination to get the job done may
cause you to lose sight of the dangers around you. Think of it this way, you
will not finish the job if you get hurt. You may finish the job if you don't get
hurt. Therefore, first, prevent injury. Second, work to complete the job. Make
Attitude -- "This safety stuf doesn't apply to me!" So what makes you so
special? A study of mine accidents involving foremen showed that the
foremen were injured when they personally failed to apply the safety
standards they were to enforce. Did the fact that they were foremen protect
them from injury? No. Humans are humans. Rich or poor. Black or white. Men
or women. Strong or weak. There is nothing in your status that will protect
you from injury except following the safe procedure.
A hazard is defined as a condition or changing set of circumstances that
present a potential for injury, illness, or property damage. The potential or
inherent characteristics of an activity, condition, or circumstance which can
produce adverse or harmful consequences.
An accident is defined as an unfortunate event often the result of
carelessness or ignorance. An unforeseen and unplanned event or
circumstance usually resulting in an unfavorable outcome.
There are some key words in these definitions: Unplanned; Unforeseen;
Unfortunate; Unfavorable and most importantly POTENTIAL!
I met a person the other day who had fallen from a height of 25 feet. He was
fortunate to have escaped this accident with only a badly broken leg. A few
weeks ago a worker fell just a couple of feet of a ladder and he passed away.
Both of these situations have been discussed to the limit and on several
occasions I heard people refer to luck, good and bad! Well, the last time I
looked, luck was not an efective accident prevention or loss control
For an unplanned or unforeseen event to take place, there has to be
potential!. Complacency and taking things for granted are causes of a
tremendous number of injuries each year. Recognizing hazards and doing
something about them is everyone's responsibility!
So as you begin work, ask yourself:
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Cuts more than one half inch long and one quarter inch deep, which
will require stitches.
To treat any cuts, first stop the bleeding and then treat to prevent infection.
Place a sterile gauze (or if you do not have any gauze, a clean cloth) over the
wound and hold it until the bleeding stops. Apply pressure continuously. If
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the gauze or cloth soaks through, simply place another cloth over the first
and resume the pressure. When the bleeding has stopped, wash the cut with
soap and water, followed by a disinfectant. If the bleeding does not stop, get
professional treatment. After the cut is clean, look for any foreign object(s) in
the cut and remove them. If you do not, a threatening infection may set in.
To aid in keeping the wound clean while it heals, you can cover it with a
bandage. However, if you use a bandage, remember it will need attention
too. Change it twice daily and use an antibiotic cream to prevent further
infection. Keep in mind that wounds exposed to air heal faster. But it is also
very important to keep a wound clean and dry to prevent infection.
Treatment for a scrape is the same, except you do not have to worry about
stopping blood flow as there is very little.
Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree. A first degree burn
causes redness. Blistering is caused by a second degree burn. Charred,
blackened or blanched skin are signs of a third degree burn. Furthermore,
burns can be caused by heat (thermal burns) or by contact with chemicals.
Seek professional, medical treatment for:
Second degree burns involving more than one fifth of the body or if the
burn has afected the face, hands, feet, or genitalia.
First aid treatment for a burn involves relief of pain, infection prevention and
treatment or prevention of shock. If a burn begins to blister, cool it by placing
your hand or foot in cold, still (not running) water. You will need to use an ice
pack on any other part of the body. Gently clean the burn and cover the area
with sterile, non-stick gauze. Change the dressing twice a day. Never
puncture a blister. This just opens the door for infection. Never use butter,
oils, or petroleum jelly on burns.
If the burn is due to a chemical exposure, flush the burned area with running
water for at least 15 minutes. While you flush, remove any contaminated
clothing, especially clothing in the area of the burn. Check the first aid
instructions for the chemical. These are found on the container and/or
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Treat as specified. Cover the burn with a
clean dressing and call a doctor.
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is too heavy and you feel a sudden pain in your back. As a result, you strain
your back muscle -- an injury that may keep you of the job for several days.
In this next scenario, you are a production-line worker who packs boxes as
they pass by on a conveyor. Throughout the day, you perform the same set
of lifting and twisting motions with your arms. You begin to experience pain
in your forearms and sometimes it aches so much that you can't sleep. The
repetitive nature of your work has stressed your arm tendons, muscles and
What could have been done to avoid the motion injuries mentioned above?
You could have thought about the task at hand and applied the Take Two
principle (Talk, Actions, Knowledge, Equipment) checklist: Talk to your
supervisor about how to perform the job safely. Think about how your actions
will afect safety. Know the right rules and procedures for the job. Use the
proper equipment and keep it in good condition.
Keeping the above scenarios in mind, ask yourselves and your co-workers
these questions:
1) Do we always think carefully about posture and proper techniques when
2) Why do we sometimes ignore our body and safety?
- Busy work schedule
- Think that "it won't happen to me."
- Lack of knowledge
- Under stress
3) What is the procedure for lifting safely?
- Make sure you are close to the object and are not bending over to lift
- Keep back straight and use leg muscles to lift
- Don't twist or stretch excessively.
4) How can we help prevent repetitive motion injuries?
- Take breaks to stretch and relax
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equipment in the world cannot ensure safety without the proper safety
attitude also being present. Is your attitude toward safety positive, or
negative? Is safety part of your job or is it an obstacle someone has
put in your way to make your job more difficult?
Hopefully, you will accept the fact that safety is part of your job. If you
can accept that fact, not only will you increase your chances of going
home uninjured at the end of the day, you may also find that your life
at work becomes a bit more pleasant. How so?
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and avoidance of pain is a basic instinct for all. You may say that safety isn't
important to you, but just wait until you get hurt. At that time, I'll bet you will
think diferently.
Safety does not just happen. Remember the old adage, if something can go
wrong, it will. We must work to make things happen right; that is, in a safe
manner. But one person cannot do this alone. It takes the cooperation of
everyone. You cannot overlook a safety problem. If you do, the results could
be disastrous.
Your company has a moral, legal, and financial interest in your well being.
Supervisors should be receptive to your safety concerns. Have you ever
brought a problem to your supervisor only to have it dismissed? It happens.
This does not mean he or she isn't interested and you should drop the
subject. You can't aford to. You may be the one getting hurt. Let us look at
ways you can use to make your supervisor share your safety concerns.
Don't wait until the problem becomes critical. As soon as you see the
adjustment slipping, guard loosening, or scheduling problems, speak
up. This will give your supervisor the opportunity to deal with the
problem in a planned manner. Planning is part of a supervisor's job.
Help him do it right.
Again, supervisor is human. They can get buried in things that may need
more immediate attention and/or they could just forget. Supervisors,
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remember the employee who brings safety problems to your attention is just
trying to do his job and help you with yours. Their concerns should never be
dismissed without a review.
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people are driven from the area before injury can occur. However, if the
exposure is extensive or prolonged, severe irritation to the respiratory tract
can result in respiratory arrest and death. If the odor of ammonia is strong, it
is a sign that a leak exists, and must have attention before the space is
Welding gases - Acetylene, oxygen, argon, and helium are all gases used in
welding that might find their way into a confined space and threaten your
life. These all have diferent properties and dangers but they most often
enter a confined space due to a simple error, such as leaving an unused
welding hose in the space. Never leave a welding gas hose in a confined
space--even if it's turned of. It is too easy for someone to turn a wrong valve
by mistake, and release gas that becomes a killer.
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At least one blower must be located on the rig floor; but blowers are
also highly recommended at the shale shaker, mud tank and cellar
H2S warning signs must be located no more than mile from the well.
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At least two designated safe briefing areas with at least two sets of
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA's) must be located in each
Extra caution must be used around low places such as cellars, ditches,
etc., since H2S is heavier than air and tends to collect in these areas-especially if there are no blowers in place.
All personnel must avoid entering any confined space, such as a tank,
vessel, or other enclosed area unless (1) they have received confined
space entry training, (2) they have a permit for entry when required,
and (3) the space has been tested and found safe for entry.
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Always keep your tools in top condition. A dull blade or blunt
point can lead to injury.
By following these precautions, you can help prevent injuries and provide a
better workplace for everyone. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure!
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The term HAZMAT is often used when discussing the transport or clean
up of hazardous materials, but it actually can mean any aspect of
hazardous materials production, transport, use, disposal, cleanup, or
emergency response. OSHA and the EPA are major agencies of
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FLASH POINT= if a material has a flash point less than 100 it is flammable;
if its flash point is between 100-200 it is considered to be combustible and
they both have special handling and storage precautions.
SECTION 5 Reactivity Data
This describes the reaction of chemicals when they are mixed together with
other chemicals, or when stored or handled improperly.
SECTION 6 Health Hazard Data
This section describes the health efects of the product, including signs and
symptoms of exposure and medical conditions mad worse by exposure.
Acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) efects of the exposure as well as
routes of entry (inhalation, skin contact, swallowing) are also included.
SECTION 7 Precautions for Safe Handling and Use (Spill or Leak Procedures)
This section contains information on proper equipment to use and what
precaution to follow if a spill or leak occurs. It also describes safe waste
disposal methods and precautions to be taken in handling and storing.
SECTION 8 Control Measures
Lists control measures that can reduce or eliminate the hazard, including
ventilation and other engineering controls, safe work practices, and personal
protective equipment. Also contains information on the appropriate filter
cartridge for respirators and the correct type of glove to be used if necessary.
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Most of us have probably heard the old saying, "It's the little things that
There are many small things that influence our lives, and ignoring them can
sometimes have serious consequences -- particularly when it comes to
safety. We have all been trained to watch out for the big hazards that could
harm us, but the little ones can sometimes cause serious injuries too.
One company became very concerned when its accident frequency showed a
large increase over a three-month period. Management began an in-depth
check of systems, equipment, and material that are considered to be highhazard: heavy machinery, ventilation, toxic substances, machine guarding,
To everyone's surprise, none of these things were the cause of their
accidents. Chemicals were properly labeled and stored; machines were in
good repair and properly guarded; the exhaust fans, sprinkler systems,
respirators, etc., were all in good working order. Instead, accidents stemmed
from a variety of "little things" that had been ignored until an injury occurred.
For example, they found that serious falls had been caused by:
A puddle of oil on the floor from a leaking forklift. No one had poured
absorbent on the spill because it was "too small to worry about." It
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wasn't too small, however, to make a passing employee slip and fall
when he didn't notice it. (Furthermore, the leaking forklift needs to be
repaired so this accident won't happen again.)
A box of supplies that had been left on the floor in front of a shelf,
instead of properly stored. It had been walked around dozens of times
before someone finally tripped over it.
All these "accidents waiting to happen" had been ignored because they
didn't really seem that dangerous to the workers involved. Employees all
knew about, and carefully avoided, the major hazards found when repairing
energized electrical equipment or bypassing machine guards.
We often intend to report a defective tool, extension cord, or stepladder to
the maintenance department but don't take the time, or forget about. It is
important to follow through on our good intentions, since these are just the
sort of "little things" that can result in a serious injury to ourselves or to
other workers.
Minor injuries left untreated are also "little things" that can cause big trouble
if ignored. "Just a scratch" can become infected; a speck of dust in the eye
can scratch the cornea and cause severe eye damage if not attended to. So,
be sure to report even seemingly minor injuries and get appropriate first aid
Little things do count and if we take a few minutes to pay attention to all the
potential hazards around us we can prevent serious injuries from happening
to ourselves and other employees.
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I've never met a worker who intentionally injured himself or herself. This
should go without saying. Unfortunately, many workers are seriously injured
each year and many people still believe that accidents "just happen." But,
accidents do not just happen!
What Goes Wrong? Usually, an error that is within the control of one or more
people is at the bottom of things. Often, several errors take place, at the
same time, for an accident to occur. So when we analyze accidents, we
should focus on which aspects of a task were controlled and which were not.
Assuming that workers have been properly trained and all the proper
materials and tools were available, what else can go wrong? A lot! Accidents
are most frequently due to haste and poor planning.
Don't Take Safety Shortcuts: When workers get out on the job with a
supervisor monitoring their output, they are expected to achieve production
goals. If they feel their job is on the line, they may take pay less attention to
safety than to production, in order to look better in the eyes of the boss. This
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often means poor choices are made that put them and co-workers at risk.
Many accidents happen in just this manner. And these incidents have a
negative impact on production, because dealing with them requires valuable
time and money.
Plan Ahead! It is an employee's responsibility to work safely, and that means
taking time to review what is to be done--and what could go wrong. All
employees should make it a habit to check out the site and assure the work
can be done without mishaps. It helps to remember the Five Ps: Prior
Planning Prevents Poor Performance!
Identify Hazards! The following questions should be asked, to help predict
what could go wrong and how risks might be controlled:
Is the site and the job the same as depicted on the prints?
Are the necessary materials available to perform the work?
Does everyone have the proper tools to perform the tasks at hand?
Are there enough workers to handle the job? Have they all had safety
Are environmental conditions such as light, noise and weather a factor?
Are there too many people in the area to work safely?
Have other sub's on the job been notified about hazardous tasks or
Don't wait for accidents to occur! Think and plan ahead!
Anticipate, Evaluate and Control Hazards!
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We use solvents practically every day in our lives. At work, we may use or be
exposed to solvents when we come in contact with paints, coatings, while
using dip tanks, thinners, degreasers, cleaners, glues or mastics. As a result
of this widespread usage, it is important to know some of the hazards that
are associated with the group of chemicals, generally called "solvents."
For practical purposes a solvent is simply a liquid capable of dissolving
specific solids or liquids. As you know, there are solvents that we use daily
that are hazardous. Petroleum based solvents are the most common type
used in industry. Therefore, as part of your job, it's important for you to
understand the hazards of working with or around solvents.
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Distance of the fall - momentum and velocity affect the impact on your
The angle of the body at impact - we're not like cats landing on all
The obstacles the body strikes - what if you fall on railings, steps, or
Help remind your co-workers to play it safe and avoid taking risks.
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Know how to use fall protection and fall restraint equipment. Never
say, "I don't need to fool around with that stuf-I'll only be up there a
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of alcohol the evening before the work shift, can lead to dehydration even
before heat exposure.
If an employee appears to be sufering from heat stress disorder, remove him
or her from the heat and provide a cool, shaded place to rest. If the
employee is disoriented or non-responsive, call for medical attention
The goal is to recognize the hazards and symptoms of heat stress disorders
and stop them before they occur. Remember, there is no better cure than
prevention, and heat stress disorders can occur in winter as well as summer.
Noise is unwanted sound that can efect job performance, safety, and your
health. Psychological efects of noise include annoyance and disruption of
concentration. Physical efects include loss of hearing, pain, nausea, and
interference with communications when the exposure is severe.
Hearing protection is essential when noise exposures can't be controlled at
their source. Both earplugs and earmufs provide a physical barrier that
reduces inner ear noise levels inner ear and prevent hearing loss from
occurring. However, people often resist wearing these or use them
Employees resist wearing hearing protection more than any other type of
personal protective equipment. One reason is, they don't think they really
need it. But hearing loss occurs so gradually (even in intense exposures) that
by the time you notice it, irreversible damage has already occurred. Another
reason for not wearing hearing protection is that it can feel uncomfortable.
Sometimes workers "spring" the mufs so they don't seal properly against the
head, or snip of the inner portion of ear plugs leaving only the outer end to
fool their supervisor. If you feel the need to do this, see your supervisor
about obtaining a diferent type or style that fits you correctly and
Slight initial discomfort may be expected when a good seal between the
surface of the skin and the surface of the ear protector is made. The amount
of protection you obtain depends on obtaining a good seal and even a small
leak can substantially reduce the efectiveness of the protector. Remember
to check the seal several times each day. Protectors - especially ear plugs have a tendency to work loose as a result of talking or chewing, and must be
resealed occasionally.
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Properly designed, fitted, and clean ear protectors will cause no more
discomfort to most workers than wearing a pair of safety glasses. Earplugs
are made of soft material such a neoprene to prevent injury to the ear canal.
Skin irritations, injured eardrums, or other adverse reactions from using ear
plugs are very rare if they are kept reasonably clean.
There are many diferent styles, types, and brands of ear protectors
available, but when correctly fitted, they all provide similar levels of
protection. The best hearing protector for you is one that fits correctly so that
you can wear it properly.
Some signs that you should be wearing hearing protection include:
1. If it is necessary for you to speak in a very loud voice, or shout directly
into the ear of a person to be understood, it is likely that the noise level is
high enough to require hearing protection.
2. If you have roaring or ringing noises in your ears at the end of the
workday, you are probably being exposed to too much noise.
3. If speech or music sounds muffled to you after you leave work, but it
sounds fairly clear in the morning when you return to work, you are being
exposed to noise levels that are causing a temporary hearing loss. In time,
this can become permanent if you do not take care.
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and down the slope face if possible. Use extreme caution when operating
near open excavations.
3) Wear hearing protection when required. If it has been determined that
noise levels around the equipment could potentially cause hearing loss,
always use protective plugs or mufs when working on or around the
4) Never jump onto or off the equipment. Operators should always use the
three-point contact rule when climbing onto or of heavy equipment. The
three-point rule means having both feet and one hand, or one foot and both
hands in contact with the ladder access at all times.
5) Inspect and service the equipment regularly. Complete equipment service
in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Periodic safety
inspections on all components of the equipment should be done regularly by
qualified personnel. Inspect the steering system and brake systems carefully.
A pre-shift walk around inspection by the operator is highly recommended.
Injury accidents involving heavy equipment on construction sites have a
higher probability of resulting in a fatality than many other types of
accidents. It is critical to follow all of your company's safety rules and
procedures when operating or working around heavy equipment.
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Plan the job. Make a list of the needed tools/materials. This will help to
minimize unnecessary clutter around your work area.
Do not allow employees to eat, drink or smoke in the work area, not
only because of litter problems, but also because of hygiene concerns.
This is not, by all means, all inclusive. The point I am trying to make is
to take responsibility for yourself and your work area! Remember, a
clean work area is a productive work area and also enhances safety!
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If you should sufer back pain, it is important to determine what the cause of
the pain is. The problem may or may not be job related. A diagnosis and
evaluation by a doctor can help you understand your particular condition.
We must remember, before we lift - We only have one back and we must take
care of it.
The factors that determine if objects can be lifted and carried safely are:
Approach the load and size it up (weight, size and shape). Consider
your physical ability to handle the load. Get help if there is any doubt.
Place your feet close to the object to be lifted and 8-10 inches apart one along side, one behind the object.
Bend your knees to the degree that it is comfortable and get a good
handhold. Then, using both leg and back muscles....Lift the load straight up smoothly and evenly. Pushing with your legs, keep the load close to your body.
Lift the object into carrying position, making no turning or twisting
movements until the lift is completed.
Turn your body with changes of foot position, after looking over your
path of travel to make sure it is clear.
Setting the load down is just as important as picking it up. Using leg and
back muscles comfortably lower load by bending your knees. When load is
securely positioned, release your grip.
Over-reaching and stretching to reach overhead objects may result in strains
or falls. Use a ladder instead of pallets, chairs, boxes carts or flat tops.
Avoid awkward positions or twisting movements while lifting.
Get help if the weight, shape or size factor indicates that the object cannot be
lifted or carried safely.
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People who work with any type of fluid piping system know it takes clean,
careful workmanship to prevent dangerous leaks. If you see a leak, report it.
If your job requires you to fix leaks, do it properly and safely.
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Most of us take our sense of hearing for granted-we assume that we hear
what everyone else hears. Loss of hearing may not be realized until a friend
or spouse screams in frustration, "Why don't you ever listen to me!!" This is
because hearing loss is usually gradual. Normally, it doesn't hurt, so we don't
know it's happening. It doesn't annoy us like losing our eyesight. In fact, it is
sometimes a blessing to tune out all the clatter and noise of the city and
Yet our ability to hear when we want to is precious and must be protected.
Employers often reduce the amount of noise in the workplace by enclosing or
muffling loud machinery, but they usually can't eliminate it entirely.
Employers may also rotate workers out of an area so they needn't
experience a full work day of excessive noise exposure. Whatever the length
of time you work in an area with high noise levels, you are probably required
to wear a type of hearing protection. Some people consider this a nuisance.
The more you know about those ears of yours, however, the more likely you
will take responsibility for protecting them.
Do you realize that noise exposure of the job can also damage your hearing?
The critical sound level when hearing protection should be worn is 85
decibels (dBA), established for an 8-hour time weighted average. The louder
and longer your exposure, whether at work, at home, or during recreation,
the more likely your hearing will be damaged. If you want to have a sense of
"how loud is loud," the following examples, along with their decibel rating,
will give you an idea:
a faint whisper
normal conversation
heavy machinery,
disposal, city traffic
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recommend that the true rating is generally about 7 decibels less than
indicated. Hearing protectors of the ear muf type are usually closer to the
actual NRR.
Some degree of hearing loss is part of the normal aging process, but young
people should also be warned about the dangers of a rock concert, boom
box, lawn mower or loud car engine. Of course they may not listen to you-but
if they have permanent hearing loss, they won't be able to listen to anyone,
will they?
Hearing Protection - Use it!
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When we set higher individual standards for ourselves and give our best to
everything we do, it can make a diference. This helps to protect the finest
quality of life this world has to ofer.
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supplied in first aid kits. These plastic devices prevent saliva transfer and
limit the potential for infection from a variety of infectious diseases.
Blood-contaminated gloves, clothing, bandages and absorbent materials
should be properly deposited in leakproof containers that are clearly marked
with the red biohazard symbol.
Wash hands and other exposed skin immediately and thoroughly with
soap and warm water if you've been exposed to blood or body fluids. To be
safe, you should also be tested for pathogens.
When bleeding occurs in the workplace, the area of the spill should be
disinfected. A mild solution of water and household chlorine bleach (10-to-1)
is an accepted method. Someone who touches a blood spill even hours later
could be subject to infection if disinfectant isn't used.
Your workplace may have a "Designated First Responder," who is well trained
in providing first aid and avoiding exposure to infectious diseases. But you
too could be on the spot when a co-worker is injured and needs immediate
help. Follow "universal precautions" and remind others to do so as well. You
may wish to receive bloodborne pathogens training yourself, from the
American Red Cross or another reputable firm. With hard-to-combat
infectious diseases on the rise, take no chances!
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Most of you have heard the general rules of safe lifting. Remember to "Get a
firm grip on the load, keep it close, bend at the knees, use your legs to lift
the load, and keep your spine in the natural position (with an arch in your
lower back)." These principles always apply and should be incorporated into
every lift--if possible! Given the enormous number of "risky" lifting situations
that you are faced with at your place of work, you may not be able to apply
these principles every time. This is why you must always remember to LIFT
IT TWICE! What?!
The act of lifting is the same as any other movement that you can learn to do
better with practice. As you know, the more you practice a skill the better
you become at doing it. But preparing to master a skill normally involves
mental as well as physical training. Consider bowling, golf, skiing or
sharpshooting. You think carefully about the movements you're going to
make before you do them. This is the only way to get them right--at least
until they become second nature.
Most of you know the proper way to physically lift an item, but how many of
you are aware that you need to lift the item TWICE.
1. Your first lift is a mental lift. Think about the lift prior to actually doing it:
How am I going to lift the item? Can I do it myself or should I get some
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What hazards may hamper the lift or obstruct the travel path?
2. The second lift is the actual physical lift. Here is where you carry out
your plan.
Use proper body mechanics and techniques while going through the
Next time someone tells you to lift twice remember: Two lifts means less risk
Season's Greetings. It's that time of the year again, for friends, family, and
the eagerly awaited company Christmas party. Yes, you know, the party
where Bob has one eggnog too many and hits on someone else's wife. All
kidding aside, this is the worst time of year for drinking and driving
accidents. In fact, people who drink and drive are responsible for about
23,000 deaths a year.
In recent years a great deal of attention has been devoted to solving the
drinking and driving problem that plagues this country. More police patrols
and roadblocks are out to find drunk drivers. Consequences for drunk driving
vary according to local laws. In some areas drunk drivers can lose their
license, pay a fine, have the cost of their insurance doubled or tripled, and
even serve time in jail for a first ofense. To understand why it's so important
to solve the drunk driving problem, it's necessary to understand why drinking
and driving is so dangerous.
When we drink, alcohol goes to the stomach where it is absorbed by the
blood stream. The alcohol is then carried to our brain. When it reaches the
brain, alcohol afects our driving in three ways. It impairs our judgment and
our decision making ability. It afects our coordination, and our ability to
handle a vehicle. And it afects our vision--our ability to see things clearly.
Our judgment is the first thing to go. When that happens, we lose our
appreciation for the dangers of the road. We tend to drive too fast for
conditions; we are less alert to other drivers than normally. All of that is bad
enough, but the worst is, we lack the judgment to realize what's happening
to us. So, if alcohol is readily available, people often continue drinking far
beyond their limit. By the time their coordination is shot, they've lost their
ability to judge their condition. They think they're doing just fine. If drinking
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Make it very clear that if they drink, they are not going to drive (collect
their keys if they plan to drink, have a designated driver available,
If you're going to tend bar, don't push drinks on people. Let them come
to you.
If you're going to push anything, push food (crackers and cheese, chips
and dip, or hors d'oeuvres).
Serve cofee. It won't sober up a guest, but at least it takes the place of
another alcoholic drink.
`Tis the season for giving and caring, not for attending a funeral. Please!
Remember, friends don't let friends drive drunk. Merry Christmas and have a
Happy New Year.
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Take a look around at your co-workers. Some are your friends during work
hours, and even after work. You know about their families, what they like and
don't like, and what they do for fun. So, be on the lookout for unsafe
conditions and correct them, or report them to your supervisors as soon as
possible. Help your fellow workers get through the shift without an accident:
I'll help you lift those heavy items, so you don't have to do it by
yourself. I know a back injury can mess up your home life, as well as
your ability to work.
I'll be sure to inspect those slings before you lift a load. I know that you
are depending upon them to hold the weight of the load until it is set
I'll inspect that ladder and make sure it is in good condition before I set
it up for you to use. I will set it at a good 4:1 angle so it won't slip while
you're on it.
I'll be certain that the guardrails, mid rails and toe boards are in place
before you get up on that scafolding, because I know a fall could lead
to your serious injury or death.
I'll make sure that all passageways and walkways are clear so you
won't slip, trip or fall.
I'll label all containers in the workplace, so you don't use the wrong
product for a job by mistake.
I'll check the backup alarms on our heavy equipment, because I can't
always see you, and I want to make sure you can hear me.
When I'm welding, I will always set up the welding shields so the flash
won't burn your eyes.
I'll tag and report all tools that aren't working properly so you won't be
injured by plugging in a tool that has a faulty wire.
Finally, I want to see you leave work exactly the way you arrived. So, if I see
you doing something the wrong way, I'll show you the right way to do it. Of
course, I expect you will do the same for me-after all, shouldn't everyone on
the crew watch out for each other?
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Never work in toxic vapors for which the respirator cartridge was not
intended. There are many diferent types and combinations of
cartridges--each for a specific type of hazard that is described on the
band surrounding the cartridge. Also be sure the cartridges are the
type the manufacturer specifies for your respirator. In general, they are
not interchangeable from one manufacture to another. Ask your
supervisor if you have doubts about these factors.
Cartridge respirators are safe to use if you understand their limitations and
how to use them properly.
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We have all worked with ladders at some time in our lives, either at work or
at home. The following are some tips that may make your interaction with
ladders less hazardous:
When setting up a ladder, make sure the ground it is set upon is level
and stable. Do not set the ladder up on a muddy surface or you may
find yourself falling over. Do not use bricks or other material to raise
the height of the ladder. If it is not tall enough, you are using the wrong
The ladder should reach a minimum of three feet above the "point of
support" and should be secured at this point.
When using extension ladders, abide by the 1:4 rule. This means if you
are using a 12 foot ladder, the base should be three feet from the
structure. Some ladders provide a picture guide on the ladder itself to
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assist you in this. When using a stepladder, make sure the folding cross
braces are locked in the proper position before you step onto it.
Always face the ladder when ascending or descending, and have both
hands free to grasp it securely. If you need tools, they should be
carried in a tool belt or pulled up with a rope once you have reached
your destination.
Remember the "3-Point Rule": At least two hands and one foot, or two
feet and one hand, should be in contact with the ladder at all times.
Keep your body between the side rails of the ladder. This reduces the
chance of tipping it over and/or falling of.
Do not climb higher than the third rung from the top on straight or
extension ladders or the second tread from the top on stepladders.
By following the above rules, you greatly reduce your chances of being
injured while working on ladders. Remember, the life you save will be your
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Capabilities of the lift truck. (Weights, fork shifting, etc.) This can be
found on the placard in the cab and/or in the operations manual.
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Machines don't know what they're doing. A power saw or lathe can injure you
without a second "thought." When using power tools or machinery,
remember that you are the only one with the brain. Machines turn on and
they turn of. Beyond that, it is you, the operator, that controls their safe use.
That means you need to apply your training and skills to use machines in a
safe manner. You need to be alert and think ahead at all times, because the
machine will not think for you. It doesn't know when you or someone else
next to you is in danger. A saw or lathe can't tell your finger or wrist from
wood or bar stock.
A recent loss makes this example clear. A shipwright was in the process of
making rabbit joints on hardwood, using a dado blade. To keep the wood
from splintering at the end of the cut, the operator first moved the stock to
the back side of the blade, in order to make a small notch. Does anyone out
there doubt this was extremely unsafe? Understand, the saw blade was
rotating toward the operator, and his hands and wrists were actually beside
and behind the saw blade itself. His body was stretched forward. What
happened next is predictable. The wood kicked forward abruptly toward the
operator, and one of the operator's hands was thrown into the dado blade,
resulting in a serious, painful amputation.
This only took a fraction of a second, but the shipwright will spend the rest of
his life bearing the handicap of his amputation and deformity. Statistics show
that one serious disabling injury will happen every 300 times an unsafe act
In the course of investigating the accident, the supervisor said he had never
seen this employee do this act previously. If he had noted it, he would have
cautioned the employee, he said. We can't doubt the supervisor's honesty,
however the employee indicated that in this yard, they always had done it
that way. One must wonder if the supervisor had ever watched his people's
work practices from a safety standpoint. Or did he not check HOW the work
was being done, and instead only checked the end result?
Of course, you don't need to wait for a supervisor to analyze your actions for
safety. You should do this all the time. Take responsibility for your own safety
at work and continually ask the question, "WHAT IF . . ." Who will get injured
if things go wrong? Who pays the price if there is an accident? Who endures
the pain if something happens? Whose life might be lost if this short-cut
doesn't work?
Guard against taking safety short-cuts. Pre-plan the job and set it up
properly. Take the time to do your work safely. If unsure how to do the job
correctly or safety, ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help. And, if you
see someone doing something that doesn't meet the "WHAT IF. . ." standard,
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talk to them about it. Volunteer to help your co-workers, whenever they need
Morning Wake Up
I got up this morning turned of the clock and spilled the water as I was doing
so. Was I safe?
I cleaned up the water and got ready for work and as I was doing this I
stubbed my toe on the end table. Was I being safe?
I was running late so I hurried out to start my truck, I missed a step on the
porch and fell. Was I being safe?
I was speeding to work because was really late now. Am I being safe?
I got to work rushed around to get the job done because I was behind. Am I
being safe?
All of this could have been prevented if I eliminated any possible hazard that
might occur. Like slowing down to pay attention to what is going on in my
surroundings. An SPSA1 is a mental tool to make me aware of my
surrounding. (Like not having the water to where I could knock it over. That
would have been a start, and I would not have been late.)
Every day basic common sense is the key factor of getting a job done, and
done safely.
Being aware of the hazards an eliminating as many hazards as possible, will
ensure a safe work environment. Good housekeeping eliminates most slips
trips and falls. Using our equipment properly, following the rules of the job,
and looking out for each other is just daily common sense.
Pay attention to weather, and Road conditions; Wear gloves, Shovel, steps
and walkways; properly operating equipment and Vehicles. These are part of
our daily processes that can be taken for granted when they become routine.
When the routine is done safely it can eliminate hazards. Remember: SPSA,
Housekeeping, 360, and PPE, these should be just like taking a break, it is
something we need to do. Slips, Trips, falls, Pinch Points, should be
eliminated all together and not even considered.
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CPR Mouth Barrier: (e.g.: Microshield) For use as a mouth barrier in CPR
Eye Wash: The wash bottles in a fist-aid kit are typically small. Use
them to rinse very minor contaminants from the eye. All other eye
injuries should seek medical care.
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Instant Cold Pack: Place the pack on a sprain, fracture, or severe bruise
to reduce swelling.
Tweezers: For removing foreign bodies from minor injuries. Not for use
on eye injuries.
Wound Cleanser Wipes: Use these singlet wipes to clean minor scrapes
or cuts before applying antiseptic and adhesive bandages.
Use first aid kits for minor injuries and during emergencies before medics
arrive to treat serious injuries. So, know what supplies are in your kits--and
make the best use of them.
Be sure to let your supervisor know if your kit needs to be restocked!
New Year's Resolutions
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Follow recommended dosages: Twice the dosage won't make you feel twice
as good but will make you more drowsy and less able to concentrate.
Contrary to popular belief, doubling the dose does not double the relief.
Doubling the dosage markedly increases the potential side efects without
making a big diference in the symptoms you are trying to alleviate. The
dosage on the package is efective and should be followed.
Don't use combination medicines: If you need a decongestant, take a
decongestant. If an antihistamine is needed, take one, but avoid multiingredient products.
Don't mix over-the-counter medications or use along with prescription drugs:
The side efects of mixing diferent medications can be severe and are often
unpredictable. Individuals who are already on prescription medication should
check with their doctor or pharmacist before mixing prescription and overthe-counter medications.
Read the label: Many over-the-counter medicines have warnings about such
things as operating machinery, driving, and drinking alcohol when taking the
medication. Believe the label warnings as they are there for one reason, your
safety. Ignoring these warnings can make the efects of over-the-counter
drugs even more pronounced, and potentially dangerous.
Find something that works and stick with it: Don't change remedies every
few days. Side efects usually diminish after a week or so of use. Try new
medications over the weekend, so if side efects do occur, they won't
jeopardize your safety.
Don't underestimate the dangers that over-the-counter medications can
Consult your physician if you questions or if adverse symptoms persist.
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consistently work with care and caution. Working with caution doesn't mean
slower production, it just means safer production!
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processes, falls from heights and falling objects are just a few of the hazards
drilling crews are continually faced with.
When certain activities become routine, it is necessary to build in controls
that will minimize the likelihood of an accident. Some of the safeguards we
rely on to protect us during the activities we perform each day include:
Training and close supervision of new hires;
Proper footwear, gloves and hard hats;
Snub lines and guardrails;
Safety harnesses and tie-off lanyards
Many serious and even fatal injuries occur as rigs are being broken down,
moved and set up. When these activities are under way, working conditions
can change from moment to moment and you cannot rely on the usual
One of the most common accidents to occur during rig up and rig down
operations is a fall. It is extremely important that you take nothing for
granted. Look where you're stepping. Make certain no floor sections have
been removed or floor openings left uncovered.
If floor openings cannot be covered, an employee must be assigned to stand
watch and caution other hands away. If you uncover a floor opening, never
walk of and leave it unattended.
More than one injury has been sufered when hands noticed an opening in
the rig floor, walked across or around it - and then forgot about it when they
walked back again. Carrying loads in your hands or arms can obstruct your
vision. Look ahead first to make certain your path is clear of trip or fall
Guardrails should be left in place as long as possible when rigging down, and
put in place as soon as possible when rigging up. When guardrails are not in
place, workers must be properly tied of with an approved fall protection
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Don't ever fall into a habit of complacency. Be especially cautious during set
up and breakdown activities. Remember, no one can take care of you like
you can. Watch out for your fellow hands and always watch out for yourself.
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You may think that since you work in an office you don't have to worry about
being injured. However, offices can become dangerous because people don't
anticipate the potential hazards.
Studies show that over one-fourth of office injuries are caused by falls. Onethird of the falls incurred by women are due to wearing high heels, which
make falls more likely. Consider wearing lower, wider heels. Other things that
can cause falls are spills on floors, torn carpets or exposed carpet seams,
electrical cords running across the floor, open desk or file drawers, boxes or
supplies stored in aisles, or waste baskets placed where you could trip over
them. Look around to see if you can spot any of these potential problems. If
you find any, take the time to get them fixed.
If your office has stairs or steps, watch out! Falls on stairs cause more than
33,000 disabling work injuries each year. About 2/3 of the workers falling on
stairs were not using handrails when they fell. Many were carrying objects, or
slipped on something left on the steps. Accidents on stairs are usually
serious - 80% of these falls result in lost work days. Use handrails, pick up
anything you see on the stairs, don't use stairs for storage, and don't try to
carry things when using stairs if you can avoid it.
Use common sense with chairs, and don't use them for anything except
sitting. Straight-back chairs aren't recliners - so don't lean way back, the
chair could flip over. Chairs should never be used as replacements for stools
or ladders.
Most offices seem to have an intersection that needs a traffic light to keep
people from bumping into each other. If there are blind corners, consider
installing convex mirrors so people can see each other coming. Be especially
careful while carrying hot drinks. Don't carry stacks of material so high that
your vision is obstructed. Carrying this much material not only blocks your
vision, but could also strain your back.
Watch out for avalanches if you pile "stuf" on top of filing cabinets. Even a
carefully stacked pile may start sliding due to vibration from opening and
shutting file drawers. Also keep an eye out for overloaded upper file drawers.
This may cause the entire filing cabinet to tip over on top of you when you
open the drawer. Re-distribute some of the weight to the lower drawers to
reduce this chance, and check to make sure the filing cabinet is bolted to the
adjacent cabinet, if it can be done.
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These are just a few tips that can make your office area safer. Look around,
and you no doubt will spot other problems that can be easily fixed. When you
see a hazard, don't assume it is someone else's responsibility. If you don't do
something about it, who will?
What is Ergonomics? Ergonomics is the science of matching tools and tasks
to the work environment. In other words, ergonomics tries to make your job
fit you, rather than making you fit your job. The purpose of ergonomics is to
reduce or eliminate injuries and illnesses that can result from stress on
muscles, nerves, and joints. These types of injuries have been common to
workplaces for a long time, but safety standards concerning them are new. If
OSHA finds that poor ergonomics is a threat to employee well being, it can
cite a company for violating its duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace.
A variety of ergonomically-related injuries take place and a variety of terms
exist to describe them. The most common terms used are musculoskeletal
disorders or cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs). They are also know as
repetitive motion or stress disorders. Whatever they're called, they account
for approximately one-half of all reported workplace illnesses each year.
These are technically called "illnesses" because the problems generally build
up over time, rather than being the result of a single event, as in the case of
an accident.
Physical problems from cumulative trauma: These usually involve pain and
damage to muscles, tendons, and nerves in the back, neck, shoulders,
wrists, hands, and elbows. Discomfort can be mild and periodic, or long
lasting. Typical ailments include: Tendonitis, "Tennis Elbow," Trigger Finger,
lower back pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which causes hands and wrists to
tingle or become numb, and Reynauds Syndrome which causes fingers to
become white.
Disorders can be caused by making the same motion over and over, staying
in one position too long, or working in awkward positions. They also result
from working with tools that don't fit the body, using a great deal of physical
force, and exposure to long periods of heavy vibration.
How To Avoid Discomfort: Ergonomically related disorders occur to all types
of workers, from laborers to office personnel. You can often help yourself by
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learning and practicing basic ergonomic principals. There are many ways to
reduce or eliminate the disorder; here are a few:
Use two hands instead of one for a task --to reduce excess demand on
a single muscle group.
Use tools that are right for the job and proportioned for your body.
For computer use--keep the screen 12 to 18 inches from your face and
just below eye level.
Position the keyboard so that your wrists are straight and your elbows
are close to your body.
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Eye protection
Face protection
Hearing protection
Head protection
Hand protection
Foot protection
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Respiratory protection
Are You Dressed For The Occasion?
Wearing the proper clothing and personal protective equipment in the
working environment is critical. Appropriate clothing is your first and often
only line of defense against many safety and health hazards.
Proper clothing is key. Simple as it may sound, you must dress for the
occasion. Wearing stylish clothing can create a bigger hazard or may not
provide protection from hazards while you work. Proper clothing that protects
is the key. It is not uncommon to hear about tragedies that have taken place
when a worker who was wearing loose clothing got too close to an operating
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machine and was drawn into the machine. Machines are powerful and
unforgiving! Loose clothing is never appropriate in an industrial workplace.
Protect your feet. Standard footwear for most industries should be sturdy
leather footwear. Preferably, boots equipped with safety toes. Tennis shoes,
ofer little or no protection against worksite hazards.
Hand Protection. Gloves are inexpensive and easily available protection
which guards against many hazards. They can protect hands from exposures
ranging from chemical spills and cuts, to heat and cold. Hand protection
comes in huge assortment of styles, materials and sizes. All of them are
made to protect your hands from specific hazards. It is important to select
the proper kind and style of glove to efectively protect hands from the
hazards that may be encountered. How often has a nearby worker cleaned
parts or washed the grease from their hands with gasoline or a solvent of
some kind. Don't take the unnecessary risk! Select and use the proper hand
Jewelry in the workplace can also be a hazard that is often overlooked. Rings,
bracelets, and chains can be the cause of a much more severe hand related
accident. Common sense should be considered when wearing your jewelry.
The best choice is to keep your jewelry at home.
Head Protection and Eye Protection. Hard hats and safety glasses should be
worn at the work site whenever there is an overhead hazard or potential for
an object to enter the eyes. A hard hat can not only protect you from the
rain, it can save your life! The benefits received from eye protection are
significant Safety glasses are a sure way to help save your eyesight!
Dressing for the workplace, by wearing the right kind of clothing helps
protect you from injury. It is your first line of defense against worksite
hazards. Carefully choose your work clothing and the personal protective
equipment which will best protect you for your job. Improper clothing is an
invitation for an accident to occur.
Think Safety by choosing your work clothing with the workplace in mind
Although negative pressure respirators are an accepted way to reduce
exposure to airborne contaminants, engineering controls should always be
your first choice. Sometimes strategies such as adequate ventilation can
reduce contaminants to levels where personal protection is not required.
However, if you do choose this equipment, you must be certain of two things:
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Have you selected the proper respirator with the correct filtering media, and
does it fit properly?
No amount of training or respiratory equipment will provide the protection
you need unless a good seal is made. Prior to entering a contaminated
atmosphere, you must perform a test to guarantee that you have a proper
seal between your face and the face piece of the respirator. A "Fit Check"
provides proof that an adequate seal exists. The fit check consists of both a
negative and a positive pressure seal test.
This test can be conducted by following the manufacturers' instructions or by
using the guidelines listed below. NOTE: These tests are easily performed on
respirators that are equipped with valves but may be difficult to do on "valve
less" respirators and disposable respirators.
Negative Pressure Test:
Don the respirator according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Cover and seal the filter cartridge(s) using the palm of your hand(s).
Gently inhale through the respirator and hold your breath approximately
10 seconds.
The respirator should collapse slightly. Check, feel and listen for leaks
around the face piece.
If there are no leaks, it can be reasonably assumed that there is a good
seal and the respirator is not leaking.
Positive Pressure Test:
Cover the exhalation valve with the palm of your hand.
Gently exhale but do not break the seal around the face piece.
The respirator should expand slightly with a slight positive pressure
increase in the face piece.
If there are no leaks and no loss of pressure, it can be reasonably
assumed that there is a good seal.
The only way to take full advantage of any negative pressure respirator you
use is to be sure that you have a good facial seal. Conducting a fit check
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Three out of five injuries happen because the worker was not wearing
any eye protection at the time of the accident.
About 40% of the injured workers were wearing some type of eye
protection, but it was the wrong kind and failed to protect adequately.
The leading cause in this category is the lack of side shields.
Accident studies reveal flying or falling objects and sparks as the cause
in 70% of eye injuries. Nearly 60% of the objects causing eye injury are
smaller than a pin head.
Nearly 20% of all eye injuries are caused by contact with chemicals.
This includes splashing or chemicals being sprayed directly into the
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- While carrying the load, always look where you are going, watching for anyone
or anything that is approaching you, even from the sides.
- To lower the load, use the same basic lifting steps in reverse.
- When the load is lowered, a pinch point is created. Watch your
fingers, hands, and feet. Remembering and using proper lifting
procedures will help prevent back injuries and hernias.
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2. The company has the right to inspect all personal tools and equipment
to ensure they are in a safe condition with all of the necessary required
safety features to meet recognized safety standards.
3. If your personal tools and equipment are not in compliance with
recognized standards, the company can require you to upgrade them
to be in compliance, or have them removed from the job immediately.
4. The company can also require you to perform necessary maintenance
on tools and equipment according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Everyone is best served when all tools and equipment utilized in the
workplace are industrial use grade and well maintained. Your safety depends
on it!
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Natural rubber, neoprene, nitrile, PVC are among many elastomers used for
Metal mesh and other new fibers known as Kevlar, Spectra, and Vectran
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Fire extinguisher
No Smoking signs
Adequate ventilation
Watch for leaks--and take care of them.
Stoddard Solvents used.
Watch for cleaning tank leaks-and take care of them immediately!
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You can choose work activities which apply to these principles and structure
your safety meeting presentation to address them.
1. Identify a task involving material handling (lifting, pushing, carrying,
setting down, etc.).
2. Break the task down into its most basic steps. What does the worker
do? (Example: lift a case of material from a truck bed, turn and carry it
to a location in the building where it is set on the ground).
3. Apply the lifting principles shown below, as applicable:
Determine Get
as Make
Pull the Bend
the weight close as certain
to r to push,
of the load possible you
are close to knees,
to be lifted to
the standing your
not your certain the whenever
or carried. load.
a body and waist.
is possible.
test it for
you Bend
weight. Set down
able to do your
before you
the the load
it alone? Is knees,
Shift the corner or load down so
or not your the lift.
weight of edge of if
it your legs
mechanical back.
the load the
becomes supply
the to
your object
too heavy the force.
a load to be legs
by closest to or
good grip sure you keeping you first - unstable. Use
the on
the can lift it it close. keeping
size/shape object
and arms
of the load and test
for control
Bring the reaching out from when ever and
weight. object of and
possible. If direction
the shelf lifting at the load unavoidabl of
Keep the or support the same
e, use the load.
you load
carefully, time.
banister or
to close to maintainin
wall or to Keep
turn/chang your
you hands &
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e direction
the load?
body and
lift using
Is the route
your legs.
take clear
g control
Be aware
load, bring
s, slip, trip,
it down to
and what
doing the
the task,
should be
for heavy
your legs.
wearing it
gates, etc.
for you.
inside the
by moving
Watch for
pinch or
points on
dollies or
the same
Never twist
waist while
carrying a
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One serious blow to the head can leave an otherwise strong and health
person permanently brain-damaged or disabled for life. At best, a blow on
the head can give you a whopper of a headache. Therefore, it is crucial to
protect it from the impact of falling objects, painful bumps and in some
cases, from high-voltage electric shock. ANSI approved head protection is
generally required when there is "a potential for head injury from falling or
moving objects" and where employees' heads are exposed to electricity.
Hard Hats: The American National Standards Institute has established
guidelines for helmets, the latest of which is ANSI Z89.1-1986. The standard
indicates that the manufacturer's name must be listed inside the helmet, and
it must have one of the following ANSI designations:
Class A: These protect the head from the impact of falling objects and
from electric shock during contact with exposed low voltage
Class B: These have the same function as class A except that they
prevent electric shock when exposed to high voltage conductors.
Class C: These protect the head from falling objects, but ofer no
electrical protection.
Hard hats primarily protect from impacts to the top of the head, limit
penetration of sharp objects which hit the top of the shell and provide some
lateral protection. To be efective, however, helmets must be properly worn.
Some workers wear their hard hats backwards, which lessens the protection.
If it is worn tilted back on the head, it ofers virtually no protection at all.
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Helmets that exhibit chalking, cracking, or lose all their surface gloss
should be discarded.
Bump Caps: Made of light-weight plastic, bump caps do not protect against
serious blows to the head or falling objects and should never be worn in
place of hard hats. They are useful, however, when working in cramped
spaces where painful bumps, scrapes or cuts to the head are a potential.
Use your head to absorb knowledge--not blows to the head!
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Webster defines a pallet as a "support for freight." As a support, it has the
potential to take a lot of abuse. A lot of old pallets are never discarded when
they should be. They are stacked in a corner and not used except as a last
resort when there are no good ones left. Too many times we hear that a
pallet has broken and the freight has fallen to the floor. This not only causes
freight damage but can also result in equipment damage--or worse yet, in
employee injury or death. Please take a moment to review the following
safety tips for working around palletized loads:
When loading a pallet, make sure the load is centered and not out of
If the pallet is holding several loose items, make sure the entire load is
secured with shrink wrap or banding.
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Exercise caution when stacking several pallets high. Make sure the
stack is not leaning, because of weak or broken segments, which may
cause the whole pile to fall over.
Always know the load limit of the pallet jack or forklift you are using.
Neither the pallets nor mechanical lifting devices should ever be
Load limits should also establish and marked on warehouse floors-balconies, mezzanines, etc. Always comply with these.
Make sure your forklift has an overhead cage or screen to protect the
driver from falling objects when merchandise is being stacked
What happened?
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When these questions are answered for all accidents and near misses,
patterns often emerge and preventable causes are often discovered. But the
patterns may not be true unless information acquired during the
investigation is complete and accurate. The observations of co-workers, as
well as from employees that were directly involved, can be critical. It helps if
everyone will:
The first thing to do when an accident happens, is make sure the worker's
injuries are treated. The next step is to carefully investigate the events
surrounding the accident. The reason for investigations is not to place blame
on anyone, but to learn what happened--so similar incidents can be
prevented in the future. All employees play an important role in this.
Should all accidents be reported and investigated? Ideally, not only
accidents, but also near misses should be reported. The study of near misses
can help prevent more serious incidents, where someone is actually injured.
Such investigations needn't always be extensive, but records of near misses
often indicate trends or hazardous conditions that can be corrected.
Top priority will be given to the most serious events. An accident that results
in hospitalization or death must be immediately followed by a thorough
investigation, once the injured receive care. Multiple injuries and fatalities
are also investigated by OSHA and insurance personnel, so accurate facts
must be gathered carefully. Photographs, samples and measurements are
often necessary.
The actual investigation is generally carried out by supervisors or personnel
who have been trained for this. Nevertheless, all employees play an
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Scafolding is a temporary, field erected structure used for working aloft.
Because it is temporary and field erected, it is subject to wear and abuse,
improper assembly, and unauthorized changes. Construction standards
require that a "competent person" inspect scafolds for defects before every
work shift. Yet, in all industries, every employee who works on or around
scafolding should be aware of safety requirements. The following list
includes things to watch for:
The planking used must be "scafold grade." The wood must be clear,
free of loose knots, splits, or other defects. To create a proper work
surface, generally 2 planks need to be laid side by side to create a 20"
wide work platform. At the ends, the planking must overlap at least 6"
but no more than 18" (limited to 12" for shipyards and construction)
unless the planks are fastened to the supporting members.
Toe boards at least 4" high (3 " for construction) should be installed
along the outer scafold edge, to prevent tools or materials from falling
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Guard rails are usually made of 2x4 lumber or steel pipe. The top rail
should be about 42" above the scafold walking surface, with a "midrail" at about 21 inches. Fiber or wire rope can be used if it is attached
to rigid supports and kept taut. However, a variance may be needed to
do so in some jurisdictions. It should be noted that the railings must be
of adequate strength to restrain someone who has started to fall.
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Open Containers
Elevated Platforms
The same efort that goes into protecting the safety and health of all
employees during the work shift should be taken to discourage possible
intruders after hours. Intruders can and will create a variety of problems,
including theft, vandalism, sabotage, arson and burglary. Such activity can
have direct efects on workers, customers and the public.
All employees should be aware of safety and security issues and do their
best to help secure the premises before leaving for the night or the weekend.
Kids hanging around can be tempted to enter a work area if it is left
uncontrolled, and may hurt themselves or others. Intruders of any kind may
leave the workplace in a dangerous condition. It is your jobsite that you
return to each day. Stay alert and help keep it safe for everyone.
- Safety & Health Attitudes and Actions So, you made it to another year. You are still alive (obviously) and,
presumably, at least somewhat healthy. Will you still be able to say this when
1997 rolls around? While you cannot answer this question yet, you can begin
by taking steps today to increase the likelihood you will be able to greet
1997 in at least as good a shape as you are today. What action should you
Begin with the realization that most premature deaths in this country are not
work related. They are caused by your own personal habits as smoking,
drug/alcohol abuse, or poor eating habits, usually a high fat diet. Cigarettes
coupled with air contaminants can be more harmful to you than just
cigarettes alone. Being overweight can make you more susceptible to a back
injury. Drug and alcohol abuse not only causes health problems, it is a
concern to your employer because of the judgment and coordination
problems it can cause. Evaluate your personal habits and limit your
More disabling injuries occur at home rather than at work. Why is this?
Answer these questions for yourself: Do you apply the same safety
precautions at home as you do at work? Are your home tools in good repair
and properly guarded? Is your ladder of good quality and in good repair? If
you are working with hazardous materials, do you wear personal protective
equipment? When you are at work, you are expected, if not required, to
follow the safety rules. At home, you call the shots. You will be much better
of at home by following the same safety rules and procedures you use at
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So now, hopefully, you have decided to make your life healthier and safer at
home. What can you do this year to make yourself safer at work? It all begins
with attitude. Working the safe way is the only way. Injuries are not a natural
outcome of working. Injuries are the result of something going wrong.
Accidents do not just happen; they are caused. Keeping this in mind is alert
to the dangers of your job. Anticipate hazards and eliminate or control them
before they cause harm to yourself or others. Learn as much as you can
about the dangers of your work and pass that experience onto others.
Cooperate with the safety eforts your company is making.
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boxes. If the product is bagged, be sure the contents are evenly distributed
in the bag as you lay it down. This creates a flat surface for the next tier.
Interlock the units as you build the load. Your supervisor can show you how
this is done.
Some stacks are going to be inherently stable. An example would be a stack
of rectangular, interlocked boxes with the base of the stack wider than the
height. Other stacks are inherently unstable. An example would be square
boxes that cannot be interlocked. Such stacks must be tied or wrapped to
increase stability.
Watch the total weight of objects or containers you stack. If the load is going
to be moved by a forklift or pallet jack, the total weight must not exceed the
capacity of the equipment. Also know the weight bearing capacity of floors
and shelves, and do not exceed these capacities. Spread the load out so the
weight is not concentrated in one area.
Do not contribute to a lift truck mishap. Pay careful attention, and take pride
in having an accident free, injury free record.
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can actually numb the senses, putting a person into a deeper sleep. Luckily,
a small, inexpensive smoke detector, working properly, provides a wake-up
alarm, and can reduce the risk of death by nearly 50%.
Placement of Home Smoke Detectors is Critical: Residences should have a
smoke detector outside each sleeping area and on every level, including the
basement. In new construction, the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency)
now requires a smoke detector in each sleeping room. On floors without
bedrooms, they are to be installed within or near living areas. NFPA suggests
that areas such as dining rooms, furnace rooms, and bonus rooms have
detectors as well. Be aware that if you install these devices in kitchens,
broiler or cooking fumes may cause frequent false alarms.
How Many Detectors are Needed? There are no specific guidelines on this.
The correct number depends upon the configuration of the office or home,
but it's better to have too many than too few. They should be installed high
up on walls or on the ceiling. Since smoke rises, the first place it will be
detected is near the ceiling.
Alarms are Critical for Some Work Facilities: This is particularly true for work
locations that are remote from community fire departments, or in facilities
that do not have fire sprinklers or other permanent fire suppression
equipment. In these cases, smoke detectors provide the main source of
warning to evacuate the building and call for help.
Maintenance, Inspection & Replacement. These devices must be cared for
just as all important tools and equipment must. Only a functioning smoke
detector can provide a life-saving warning. Manufacturers recommend
testing all smoke detectors monthly, using the test button. And don't forget
to replace the batteries at least once a year, unless they are of the hardwired variety. A good time for battery replacement is the day you change
your clocks to daylight savings time, or on January 1. Any smoke detector
over 10 years old should be replaced.
Develop an emergency evacuation plan. It is important to have an
emergency evacuation plan at home, as well as at work. Discuss it with your
entire family, and practice it. Fires catch people of-guard. Don't let one catch
you or your family that way. It could be tragic.
How long has it been since you've tested your home smoke detectors, and
changed batteries?
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curves, puts unbalanced pressure on the discs, and can strain arm, leg or
back tissues if held for any length of time.
What are some work situations that may put you in "awkward" positions?
1. Jobs that require you to bend and reach into bins or containers to
retrieve or place material.
2. Overhead work, installing or servicing equipment, pulling wire, cleaning
ceilings, etc.
3. Floor or ground level jobs such as installing or servicing equipment,
cleaning, etc.
4. Work tasks in confined or small spaces where there is limited range of
motion such as boilers, hatches, pipes, tanks, vaults, crawl spaces, etc.
5. Jobs on ladders, work platforms or scafolding where you may overreach to adjust, clean, install or service.
6. Pulling loads, instead of pushing them, when removing equipment or
other materials.
7. Repetitive tasks that require twisting of the back such as loading or
handling material 90o to 180o from the starting point
How can you avoid injury when working in awkward positions?
Raise bins and containers of the floor and/or tilt them to reduce
bending and over-reaching.
If working on the floor, avoid bending over to work. Squat down using
your leg muscles and wear cushioned knee pads if you have to kneel at
In confined spaces, plan your work, and reduce clutter in the area
which confines you further and increases the need to twist or
overreach. Also arrange for adequate illumination.
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Don't hold an awkward position for too long. Pause often to stretch and
straighten out.
When leaning forward to work, support the weight of your upper body
on your free hand and arm, whenever possible. This greatly relieves
pressure on your lower back.
Never lift heavy loads that are far from your body's center of gravity.
Get help in such cases.
Position your work below the shoulder and above the knees to
minimize over-reaching.
Push, rather than pull, loads to help maintain the spine's natural curve.
Remember that a back support belt may remind you to lift correctly,
but it will not protect your spine if you overreach or twist with a load.
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Taking Shortcuts: Every day we make decisions we hope will make the
job faster and more efficient. But do time savers ever risk your own
safety, or that of other crew members? Short cuts that reduce your
safety on the job are not shortcuts, but an increased chance for injury.
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Mental Distractions from Work: Having a bad day at home and worrying
about it at work is a hazardous combination. Dropping your 'mental'
guard can pull your focus away from safe work procedures. You can
also be distracted when you're busy working and a friend comes by to
talk while you are trying to work. Don't become a statistic because you
took your eyes of the machine "just for a minute."
Failure to Pre-Plan the Work: There is a lot of talk today about Job
Hazard Analysis. JHA's are an efective way to figure out the smartest
ways to work safely and efectively. Being hasty in starting a task, or
not thinking through the process can put you in harms way. Instead,
Plan Your Work and then Work Your Plan!
"It is better to be careful 100 times than to get killed once." (Mark Twain)
An incident is defined as "any observable human activity sufficiently
complete in itself to permit references and predictions to be made about the
persons performing the act." (Whew!) Therefore, it is safe to say that
incidents or accidents do not usually just happen; they happen for a reason
and are usually due to unsafe acts or conditions. The following is a list of
incidents that have typically led to employee accidents. This list focuses
upon shop work, but of course there are many other unsafe acts, conditions,
or work activities that give cause for concern. Which of these conditions have
you perhaps worked under in your shop or maintenance area?
1. Adjusting, or cleaning a machine while it is in operation.
2. Removing a machine guard or tampering with its adjustment.
3. Using compressed air over 30 psi to remove metal chips from work
4. Using compressed air over 30 psi to blow dust or dirt of clothing or out of
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5. Working without safety glasses and/or a face shield in a designated eyehazard area.
6. Failing to use ear plugs in work areas with high noise levels.
7. Wearing gloves, ties, rings, long sleeves, or loose clothing around machine
8. Using a grinder with no tongue guard or properly adjusted work rest (1/8
in. max. clearance).
9. Lifting an object that you know is too heavy for one person to handle.
10. Using an ungrounded or non-insulated portable electric hand tool.
11. Using frayed or poorly patched electrical cords.
12. Smoking in areas where flammables or combustibles are used or stored.
13. Storing spare oxygen and acetylene bottles near each other when not in
14. Using cranes beyond their load limits or with a missing safety latch on
the hook.
Have you ever engaged in any of the above actions and sufered
injuries? Was it worth it?
Have you ever worked under any of the above conditions--and NOT
sufered an injury?
The above actions have caused many serious, sometimes fatal, injuries in
shops and work places--and are just not worth the possible consequences!
Don't be another "typical" incident statistic. Work smarter! Work safely!
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-- SAFETY AT ALL LEVELS -Individuals who are infected with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) or Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may not show symptoms and may not know
they are infectious. For this reason, all human blood and body fluids should
be considered as if infectious, and all precautions should be taken to avoid
contact. This simple rule is known as "universal precautions."
In the workplace, bloodborne pathogens (BBP) may be transmitted when
blood or other infectious body fluids come in contact with mucous
membranes (your eyes, nose, mouth); non-intact skin (due to cuts,
abrasions, burns, rashes, paper cuts); or by handling or touching
contaminated materials or surfaces. Bloodborne pathogens are also
transmitted by "injection" under the skin via an contaminated sharp object
puncturing or cutting the skin causing a wound.
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Hepatitis B Virus is more persistent than HIV and is able to survive for
at least one week in dried blood on environmental surfaces. However,
HIV will not survive for more than a few minutes when exposed to room
temperature air, and will usually die within seconds.
If you administer first aid to an injured person in the workplace and there is a
potential for contacting any body fluids, you should adhere to the following
"universal precaution" guidelines:
Wear a face shield to protect your entire face, and safety goggles to
provide the most complete eye protection.
Use resuscitation
resuscitation (CPR).
Immediately wash your hands and afected areas with soap and warm
Flush your eyes, nose or other mucous membrane areas with water, if
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Many people do not believe it can happen. For no apparent reason fire
erupts, usually during of hours. It does happen. It's called spontaneous
ignition, and preventing it is part of your job.
Spontaneous ignition occurs when a combustible object is heated to its
ignition temperature by a chemical reaction involving the oxygen in the air
around us. This "oxidation" process creates heat that, if not dissipated, will
build up until ignition occurs. Generally, this can happen when the materials
are left in piles and the heat being generated in the pile cannot be released
into the air.
A number of materials are moderately or highly subject to spontaneous
heating and subsequent ignition. Some of those you may find in your work
area include oil based paint in contact with rags, cotton, or other fibrous
combustible material; rags that are damp with any one of a number of
diferent types of oils, including vegetable oils; oily uniforms or work clothes;
and paint scrapping, possibly coming from a paint spray booth cleaning
The possibility of spontaneous ignition is greater if the surrounding air is also
warm and dry. The added heat, say from nearby machinery or a noninsulated steam line, can either pre-heat the material, which in turn sets of
the reaction, or can hasten ignition by adding even more heat to the
It is simple to prevent spontaneous ignition, since oxygen is needed for it to
occur. Materials subject to spontaneous ignition should be stored in covered
metal containers such as a rag safety can or trash can. Admittedly the
container will contain oxygen at first. However, the oxidation process will use
up the reaction and the reaction will stop-fire prevented.
Another strategy is to spread the combustible material out so the resulting
heat can be dissipated rather than allowed to build up-again, fire prevented.
Proper housekeeping is the key to preventing fires. Remove debris from the
building or vessel. Properly store combustibles in covered containers. Be sure
the lids of containers remain in place-they are there for a purpose. Fire not
only damages property, it threatens lives. Furthermore, a business destroyed
by fire does not need employees. By working to prevent fires, you also work
to protect your job.
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Has your place of employment ever been destroyed by fire? Have you
witnessed the smoldering wreckage of someone else's business? It's not a
pretty picture-don't let it happen to you!
Fires usually start small, but can rage out of control quickly. Stopping them
before they start requires that we all work together to detect possible fire
hazards and report them promptly.
Although buildings may be built of steel and concrete, their contents are not.
Most of the materials and equipment we use every day on the job are
flammable or combustible. So even if a building resists a fire for a while, its
contents will not. What is even more important is that the contents add fuel
to the growing blaze. Soon it will be large enough to finally wreck the entire
structure. And think of the costs, not to mention the lives that could be lost.
Before fire strikes, let us look at how each of us can help make our
department's fire protection program work.
1. Housekeeping Neat and clean work areas are not just for show. Good
housekeeping helps to prevent fires. How? When rubbish and other
combustibles are disposed of properly and not piled in corners, fire
doorways, or exits, there is much less fuel for a fire to burn. The same can be
said and is especially true for paint-soaked or oily rags. Store them in
approved covered safety containers or cabinets.
2. Flammable Liquids Be sure all flammable liquids are stored only in
approved safety cans that are kept in a safe storage cabinet or room. Keep
only a one days' supply of a flammable liquid at your work station. Return all
such materials to their proper storage areas at the end of your shift.
3. Smoking Materials Observe the "No Smoking" rule in all designated areas.
Carelessly discarded cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco and matches are ignition
sources and start thousands of fires. Use ashtrays in smoking areas and
always be alert for "stray" matches and cigarettes.
4. Know what to do if a fire breaks out This includes knowing your exits,
how to turn in an alarm, where the fire protection equipment is located, and
how to use it. Here are five points to remember in case of fire:
A. Sound the Alarm Don't underestimate any fire; report it immediately.
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B. Warn People Warn all people in the area immediately so they can get to
places of safety. This is especially important in building fires.
C. Think Fast and Act with Caution When a fire is discovered, size it up
fast. If it is from an energized source of fuel supply, immediately de-energize
by cutting of the source of power or fuel supply. If it is small, if the proper fire
protection equipment is on hand and you've been trained in its use, try to
extinguish the fire.
D. Stand By Stay near the fire. Meet and tell the fire fighters where the fire
is and how to attain access.
E. Fire Fighting You are responsible for preventing fires. In general, never
join in firefighting unless your help is requested by your supervisor or fire
fighters and you have been trained.
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If you see a safety sign, the ones on heavy equipment, machine guards,
electrical control panels and boxes, and combustible/flammable liquid
VOLTAGE; NO SMOKING; FIRE DOOR, DO NOT BLOCK; what is your reaction?
Most people react in one of two ways. A few get angry and feel like doing the
opposite. They don't like to be told what to do or what not to do. The majority
know that safety signs make sense and that there is a reason for each sign
being where it is. They take the sign's message as a visual warning and are
glad its there to remind them.
The second reaction is the right one, of course. The NO RIDERS signs on the
forklift are not there just to make you walk when you could ride. They are
there to remind you that hitching rides on trucks is risky, and someone is
going to get hurt.
A NO SMOKING sign is put where it is to keep you from lighting up and prevent
you from starting an uncontrollable fire.
Some people don't believe a serious fire can start from a cigarette. Consider
the fact that the National Safety Council reported that in one year alone,
95,000 fires were started by smoking and matches. These fires caused
property damage in the tens of millions of dollars, not to mention the people
killed and injured.
The purpose of signs is to visually remind you to stay safe; however, the big
problem is that we all get so used to these signs that we don't notice them
For example, can you remember what pictures are on the walls of your living
room? It's kind of hard to do. You're so used to those pictures, just like the
safety signs here on the job, you don't notice them anymore. And not seeing
safety signs are dangerous business.
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If a sign says DO NOT OPERATE WITHOUT GUARDS, that sign means what it says.
If you don't pay attention to the sign because it's been there a long time, you
are leaving yourself wide open to an accident.
Disregarding a safety sign for any reason means you are taking a big chance
of getting injured and/or hurting someone else. Being responsible for putting
a coworker in the hospital should lay heavy on anyone's' conscience.
Remember, each and every safety sign is posted for a good reason, to keep
you from getting hurt!
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Fortunately, by this time I had regained my presence of mind and was able to
hold tightly to the rope in spite of my pain.
At approximately the same time however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground
and the bottom fell out of the barrel. Devoid of the weight of bricks, the
barrel then weighed approximately 50 lbs.
I refer you again to the information in Block number 2. As you might imagine,
I began a rapid descent down the side of the building.
In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel coming up. This accounts for
the two fractured ankles and the lacerations of my legs and lower body.
The encounter of the barrel slowed me enough to lessen my injuries when I
fell onto the pile of bricks and fortunately, only 3 vertebrae were cracked.
I am sorry to report, however, that as I lay in pain on the bricks, unable to
stand-up, and watching the empty barrel 6 stories above me, I again lost my
presence of mind and let go of the rope. The empty barrel weighed more
than the rope so it came down upon me and broke both of my legs.
I hope I have furnished the additional information you required as to how the
accident occurred.
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delivery truck drivers too as they are frequently reluctant to shut of truck
engines while unloading.
High exposures may occur in forklift or vehicle repair shops. Shipping offices
above loading and shipping docks are also vulnerable as the gas rises,
causing dizziness and nausea for employees working there. In shop areas,
ventilation systems should be checked periodically to prevent poisoning from
this gas. Fans should be on, motors and fan belts functioning properly. Hoses
and duct work should be carefully connected and the systems checked for
dents and holes which could impede the exhaust of gasses. Engines should
be turned of as much as possible when buildings are tightly sealed during
the winter.
Symptoms of CO Exposure: Symptoms to be alert for include red eyes,
weakness, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. If you notice a pattern to these
symptoms when engines are running in the area, carbon monoxide could be
the cause. Forklifts, whether diesel, propane, or gasoline powered are
significant CO producers, especially when left idling. Immediately remove
anyone who is overcome from the CO exposure area. Restore breathing
through CPR. Keep the person warm and resting until paramedics arrive. If a
rescue is required, supplied-air respirators-NOT air-purifying respirators-must
be used.
Possible Dangers At Home Too: Be alert for symptoms of CO exposure that
may be mistaken for the flu. Check for faulty heating systems or chimneys
blocked by birds' nests or soot accumulation. Unvented gas room heaters or
portable kerosene heaters should only be used in well ventilated areas.
Never use a charcoal cooker indoors during a power outage. Keep your car
tuned and check exhaust systems periodically. Do not warm up cars in a
closed garage; an idling car's exhaust in an airtight, two-car garage can
overcome a person in one minute. Finally, to protect your family, consider
purchasing one of the new CO detectors that are now on the market.
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5. Ask Questions. If you are uncertain, ask. Do not accept answers that
contain, "I think, I assume, I guess." Be sure.
6. Use Care and Caution When Lifting. Most muscle and spinal injuries are
from overstraining. Know your limits. Do not attempt to exceed them.
The few minutes it takes to get help will prevent weeks of being of
work and in pain.
7. Practice Good Housekeeping. Disorganized work areas are the
breeding grounds for accidents. You may not be the only victim. Don't
be a cause.
8. Wear Proper and Sensible Work Clothes. Wear sturdy and appropriate
footwear. These should enclose the foot fully. Avoid 1oose clothing,
dangling jewelry, and be sure that long hair is tied back and cannot
become entangled in the machinery.
9. Practice Good Personal Cleanliness. Avoid touching eyes, face, and
mouth with gloves or hands that are dirty. Wash well and use barrier
creams when necessary. Most industrial rashes are the result of poor
hygiene practices.
Be a Positive Part of the Safety Team. Willingly accept and follow
safety rules. Encourage others to do so. Your attitude can play a major
role in the prevention of accidents and injuries.
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container, could ignite the vapors within the drum. The auto-ignition
temperature of many flammable vapors is far below the melting point of
steel. Some auto-ignition points are as low as 450 degrees.
Never attempt to do any hot work on a container unless it has been
thoroughly and properly cleaned.
Steam, followed by a caustic soda wash and fresh water rinse, is the
best method.
Inspect the inside for cleanliness. If it is not clean, the procedure will
need to be repeated.
Use a combustible gas indicator to test the container for the presence
of flammable vapors immediately before beginning the hot work. Never
assume the container is clean enough. Be certain!
Complete these steps only in a well ventilated space. Once all this has been
done, the hot work can be performed with a reasonable degree of safety. The
key is a clean container that has been verified to be free of vapors. There is
no other safe way.
Don't forget, vapors can travel to a source of ignition that is located well
away from the work area. For this reason, always replace the cap on any
container. With the cap of there is a greater likelihood of product vapors
escaping into the air where they could be ignited, or where a source of
ignition could be accidentally introduced into the opening.
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I know someone who always introduced his favorite jokes by saying, "This'll
kill you!" Every time I see some wiseacre going in for practical jokes in a
plant, I think of that saying, "This'll kill you!"
Sure, we all like a gag. We all like a laugh. But there are some situations in
which a gag is no joke, and the laughs get turned into screams of pain.
When we were kids, we thought it was great sport to push a guy down, or
trip him and I've seen stunts like that pulled in factories by adults who
never grew up.
A kid takes a fall wellusually. His bones are flexible and don't break easily.
On a school playground, there's no fast machinery or concrete floors. But you
take a grown person and give him a spill that wouldn't faze a kid and you'll
stand a good chance of causing a crippling injury.
Or scaring somebody another favorite kid-trick. Maybe you never saw one
of those cases where a scare pulled as a gag causes real trouble but it
happens often. Maybe the guy being scared has a bad heart. Maybe he's
carrying something heavy that can crush a foot. Maybe the start that fears
causes puts him into danger at his machine or makes him step of a platform
and fall.
Air hoses seem to bring out the baby in some grown men they just want to
play tricks with them. There have been several people killed by fellow
workers who thought that it was smart to goose somebody with an air hose
sounds funny, but it isn'tit's likely to be plain deadly.
And there have been a lot more people loss eyes when so-called friends
decide to blow some dust in their faces with air hoses.
Just about any kind of a wiseacre practical joke pulled in a busy shop is a
threat to safety.
Sometimes it's even a threat to the safety of the joke puller. I've read several
cases where the victim of a practical joke got sore, lost his head, and let fly
with whatever was handy wrench, hammer, knife, or whatever. And some
of those times,, the guy's aim was good and the practical joker wound up in
the hospital.
So let's behave like grown-up men and women, not like little kids. If you've
got a wisecrack, maybe we'll laugh at it when you tell it.
But let's lay of the horseplay and practical jokes on the job.
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the problem and do not go back until the area has been determined to be
Remember, you can't smell or see Carbon Monoxide, but it can kill you just
the same.
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Close the cylinder valve before shutting of the regulator, to permit gas
to bleed from the regulator.
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own dangers. Acetylene gas is lighter than air so any leaking gas
should rise. However, it is only slightly lighter so certain atmospheric
conditions can prevent this.
Acetylene cylinders are not hollow. They are packed with porous rock
that is saturated with acetone. Cylinders should be used or stored only
in an upright position to avoid the possibility of the acetone leaking
from the cylinder. If this is not possible, it is recommended that the
cylinder be placed upright and left to stand for one-half hour before
using. This is to prevent liquid acetone from running through your
Always use acetylene in a well vented area. Never store cylinders near
open flames or electrical equipment, where in case of a leak, gas can
difuse to a flame or spark from a motor.
Never store acetylene, or any other fuel gas, within 25 feet of oxygen
cylinders. If this separation is not possible, erect a non-combustible
(1/2-hour fire rated) partition, at least five feet high, between the two
gases in storage.
Always cap and secure stored cylinders upright to prevent them from
falling over and damaging the valve or cylinder.
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it fits correctly. Also know when to wear goggles and/or a face shield
especially when doing high hazard work such as grinding, chipping or
working with corrosive compounds.
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personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, this is also for good reason.
PPE prevents or minimizes injury or illness to the user.
Sometimes accidents happen when you least expect them. The following
true stories prove this, along with a reminder that sometimes they do
happen to us.
Lesson #1: Two mechanics were working on a step van and repairing the rear
roll-up door. In order to fix the door, they had to alternately "tension" the
large spring that assists the door's upward movement. As they took turns
tightening the spring by inserting 3/8 inch metal rods into the spring catches,
the front mechanic's rod slipped out from the catch. The rebound motion and
force made the rod, still in his hand, fly back and strike the other mechanic in
the eye. Obviously, the mechanic who was struck in the eye needed
immediate emergency medical attention.
Lesson ? Lack of eye protection + inadequate work procedures = serious
Lesson #2: A construction superintendent was observing project operations
when a piece of heavy equipment ran over a piece of concrete with its' rear
tire. The object became a flying projectile when it "shot out" from under the
tire, missed a small stock pile, sailed past a back-hoe and struck the
superintendent in the head. Fortunately, the superintendent was wearing his
hard hat, or the blow might easily have been fatal.
Lesson? Use of PPE = protection from more serious injury or death.
Lesson #3: An employee was using a bench grinder to polish a piece of
metal on the wire wheel. When he turned to talk to another employee, and
took his eyes of his work, the piece of metal he was holding became caught
between the wheel and the tool rest. His finger was pulled into the wire
wheel which instantly shaved of part of his finger.
Lesson? Lack of concentration + improperly adjusted tool rest = painful
Work should not have to be a death or injury experience. Unfortunately, lack
of caution and attention can make it one. The next time you hear someone
say, "be careful," take a minute to really listen to the message and ask
yourself, "Why should I be careful?" The answer is, "because accidents
happen when you least expect them-and sometimes they happen to you."
Think about yourself, family, friends and co-workers-don't learn a lesson the
hard way!
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find. Is there a box of horrors waiting for us when we reach in? Field shop
boxes, mechanics' chests in shops, the boxes on the backs of our pickup
trucks, or the bucket we carry with saddle bags for our personal
they contain accidents waiting to happen? Might you find something like
Sharp Tool Edges: Yikes--a Box Cutter with the blade open! Could be reaching
in to find something in the bottom--and coming out with a badly cut hand.
Frayed Power Cords: Oops, the drill's power cord pulled loose from the
housing. In too much in a hurry to fix it--but an electrical shock might slow us
Scratched Safety Glasses: Someone just threw them in with all of the other
junk. The lenses are all scratched and dirty. Probably can't see a thing with
them...probably won't wear them. Probably taking a big risk!
Dirty Respirator: Looks like this spare respirator wasn't put in its protective
container. It's covered with some kind of white powdery stuf...stinks, and the
filters are all crushed. I was going to use that today because I left mine at
home. Suppose it'll do?
Misused Tools: I see a couple of screw drivers with the handles and ends all
beat up. Looks like someone has been using them as chisels. Could I remove
screws with these today without busting my knuckles?
Damaged Head Protection: Several of the hard hats here have torn
suspension systems, and one hat is slightly cracked. Who wants to use these
today? Someone with a really hard head?
Ruined Footwear: Yesterday I was in a hurry and I just threw my rubber boots
in the box. Someone else threw a bunch of sharp stuf on top of them and
they are all cut up. Looks like I'll have wet feet when I start working in that
open trench today.
Sharp Wire, Rusty Nails, Cracked Tools....? Any of these in your tool box???
IF YOU CHOOSE to use a broken tool, or piece of safety equipment that
doesn't provide adequate protection - you might not be at work tomorrow.
You might be convalescing at home or in the hospital. Or worse yet, you may
contribute to the injury of one of your fellow workers. Do you want to carry
that burden today?
WHY NOT CLEAN IT UP? If you find that the box is a mess, the tools are in
terrible shape, or "I wouldn't wear that," then take a few moments and get
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things right. Red tag defective tools or turn them in for repair to your
supervisor. Replace broken or unusable safety equipment. Make your tool
box a SAFE one. Let it reflect that Professional Attitude you take pride in.
Take a few minutes at the beginning of work today and look closely at the
tool box where you keep your professional equipment. What condition is it
in? Do you feel SAFE and COMFORTABLE using all of the stuf in there?
Put everything in it's PROPER place.
Each of you look at yourselves as professionals. You take pride in the work
you do.
If you don't take care of the equipment you have to work with on a daily
basis, your efectiveness will be reduced.
Looking for another tool because you didn't take proper care of the one you
need, will cost you work time.
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what should be done to resolve the problem, then take care of it! Accidents
are usually errors on someone's part. They are not an incidental part of the
job. If you accept the mind set that they are, accidents will occur.
This is your challenge: Think about what pitfalls may come up during work
tasks. Recognize the early warning signs of things going wrong. Have the
strength to stand up and say:
"Hold on a minute. Let's think about this!"
Slips and falls are one of the most frequent causes of accidents, both on and
of the job. Each year in the United States, more than 300,000 people sufer
disabling injuries from falls. Slips and falls can be fatal as well; they rank
second only to automobile accidents, causing nearly 12,000 deaths a year. To
avoid getting hurt from falls, avoid rushing and remember the following:
Be aware of where you are walking. Look down continuously for spilled
liquids, materials, equipment, changing surface levels, etc. Make sure the
area is well-lit or use a flashlight if lighting is poor.
Make sure your shoes are in good shape and correct for the job. Discard
worn-out shoes with smooth soles and other defects. If conditions are wet
and slippery, wear non-slip shoes or boots. Avoid footwear with leather soles
which have poor floor traction--especially on smooth surfaces.
Avoid unguarded floor openings. On construction sites, when covers are
placed over floor openings, avoid walking on the cover unless it is absolutely
secure and will not move or collapse. Never jump over pits or other openings.
Do not run when going up or down stairs. Check to see that stair treads are
in good shape, with no obstructions on the steps. Always use the hand
railings that are provided. Avoid carrying large loads when going up or down
stairs and ensure that stairs are well-lit.
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Our eyes and ears should always be open and we'd better be sure that our
minds are always ready to get the dope the eyes and ears pass on.
Otherwise, what we don't know is likely to hurt and hurt plenty.
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Explosives - This product has the ability to quickly and violently release
extraordinary amounts of energy through chemical reaction due to
heat, shock or other source. An example of an explosive is dynamite.
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Health Hazards
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pole. Because a non-injury accident is like a 104 degree fever, it's a positive
sign or symptom that something is wrong.
Sometimes we misdiagnose or completely fail to diagnose the symptoms of
near misses, because luck or blind chance saved us from injury. We may tend
to shrug it of and forget the near miss with a casual kind of ignorance.
Hopefully everyone agrees that it is not a good practice to rely on luck for
efective accident prevention.
One of the best ways to eliminate the likelihood of future close calls is
through efective root cause analysis and efective corrective action taken on
near misses. A list of near misses can be almost endless: lack of proper
machine guarding; improper maintenance or grounding of equipment;
missing handrails or guardrails; poor housekeeping; improperly stored
material; stubbing a toe on a protruding floor object; bumping up against a
sharp object; or tripping over clutter and almost falling down. It's best to
learn the real lessons from these near misses, since they are very likely to
continue to occur repeatedly until an injury occurs.
There was a study done many years ago that found for every serious or
disabling injury reported, there were about 10 injuries of a less serious
nature, 30 property damage incidents, and about 600 incidents (near misses)
with no visible injury or property damage. This study was part of the
foundation for the widely accepted accident prevention theory that
"increased frequency leads to severity."
How can you help? Report each and every near miss incident to your
supervisor immediately in order to help prompt investigation and follow up
actions that will reduce the potential for future near misses. Supervisors
must partially rely upon you and your fellow workers to report these to them
as they just can't see everything.
If you are involved with or witness a near miss incident, remember that you
or your co-worker may not get a second injury free chance to hoist that red
warning flag up the pole. Do your part to help make the workplace safe for
everyone involved.
Report those near misses to your supervisor immediately!
Why do we have safety meetings? Safety meetings are an opportunity for
management and your safety department to communicate to employees
how they can do their jobs safer and better. Topics discussed in safety
meetings may be topics that you are familiar with, or topics that you have
limited knowledge about. If the topic is something that your are familiar with,
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it may be easy to tune-out and not listen to the safety information presented.
Do yourself a big favor and listen to the information as if you have never
heard before. You may just learn something new, about the newest
protective equipment, or a smarter way to do your job. Information passed
on in a safety meeting has a purpose..To stop you or your co-worker from
being injured. Safety meetings also allow employees an opportunity to relay
safety / health concerns or improvement ideas to their supervisors.
Accidents result from unsafe acts or unsafe conditions. For a variety of
reasons, unsafe acts typically account for 90% of all accidents, according to
some experts. Safety meetings serve as a preventative measure against
unsafe acts by educating employees on how they can do their job safely.
If you're still not sold. let's look at the potential cost of accidents. More
specifically, how can accidents directly afect you?!
1. DEATH- The ultimate unwanted result. Where does this leave your
loved ones?
2. FINANCIAL COST- Lost pay or reduction in pay. Who pays the bills? Are
you the sole income producer in your household?
3. PAIN & SUFFERING- An obvious detriment that no one desires.
4. DISABILITY- A life changing experience. Now you're not able to do what
Maybe now you can't cast that fishing rod? Ride that bike, hug your
wife, lift your child, or simply see? Or perhaps you're confined to a
wheelchair. Good bye career.
5. COMPETITIVENESS ON BIDDING JOBS- Other than payroll and benefits,
worker' compensation insurance and accident costs may represent the
bulk of a company's operating expense. When a company's operating
expense increases, they are then less competitive to bid jobs. If your
company is not awarded jobs, where does that leave you?
6. YOUR CO-WORKERS SAFETY- Perhaps you and your co-worker have
been working together for some time now. Chances are you may spend
as much time with your co-workers than possibly your own family.
Thus, you obviously do not want something bad to happen to them.
Watch out for their safety too.
Safety meetings are a perfect opportunity for you to communicate any safety
ideas or concerns that you may have. Participate in your safety meetings. If
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you don't participate then your ideas will not be heard. Who knows, the idea
that you have may very well save your co-worker's life or even your own!
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