Sample HS Report
Sample HS Report
Sample HS Report
Executive Summary
Having completed the inspection and after discussions with the Acme management team it was
evident that although there were a number of issues in terms of health and safety, some more
significant than others, the issues could all be resolved given time, effort and adequate resource.
Doing this would certainly increase compliance with current legislation and crucially, protect the
workforce from harm in what is a complex and potentially dangerous work environment. It was also
clear that Acme take a conscientious and proactive approach to health and safety matters and are
acutely aware of how exposed they might be if they do not work to continuously improve standards
with regard to site safety and welfare.
Thirdly, the housekeeping in the yard is very poor with waste materials and plant deposited
randomly in the area causing further obstructions and reducing the size of an already small
area making traffic movements and vehicle shunts even more hazardous.
d. And lastly, the fact that plant such as forklift trucks are operating in what is designated a
safe welfare area because materials have been stored there is of great concern.
There are a number of breaches of legislation with regard to the above including:
The Health and Safety at Work etc, Act 1974 Section 2(2) in that:
Required instruction and training has not been provided in respect of the gateman.
A safe place of work including safe access and egress has not been maintained.
A safe work environment with adequate welfare facilities has been compromised by allowing plant
operations in a welfare area.
2. Fire planning & Emergency Procedures
Although there is a fire plan in place it is clearly not being updated in an ever-changing environment.
This is indicative of a lack of supervision on the part of management with respect to weekly checks of
equipment and daily observations. As the structure changes it is essential to re-site signage and
extinguishers, update the fire plan accordingly and ensure safe egress in the event of a fire. The lack
of extinguishers in a number of areas and the use of fire exits for site work could result in serious
harm or death in the event of a fire together with lost production. As well as breaching some of the
acts detailed above it is incumbent upon employers under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
2005 to put in place procedures to ensure the safety of employees should a fire start.
3. Management of Work at Height
There are numerous issues surrounding the carrying out of work at height and these need to be
addressed. It is not enough to simply rely on the local subcontract management to ensure that work at
height is being carried out safely. Risk assessments and method statements are provided by
subcontractors and once evaluated and approved by the principal contractor (PC) it is essential that
adequate supervision by the PC is in place to ensure that only competent, trained personnel are being
used to carry out the task and that the equipment being used is fit for purpose and properly
maintained and that all work is properly planned and organised. Failure to comply is a breach of The
Work at Height Regulations 2005.
As discussed earlier, Acme are clearly a successful business but management of health and safety
appears to have deteriorated. The companys awareness and understanding of their duties and
responsibilities, though commendable, needs to be translated into action. However, the effort required
to rectify matters is minimal when compared to the costs of potential fines, compensation, lost time
and productivity, and the adverse publicity that would come as a result of serious accidents and
The recommendations set out below coupled with robust monitoring systems and a proactive
supervisory approach will address the issues in the report and set a benchmark for future
performance and continuous improvement, hopefully creating a more positive atmosphere and culture
on the site. Although there are costs attached to the recommendations they are relativity small when
one looks at the unlimited fines against the company or significant jail sentences awarded to senior
managers and directors in court cases involving negligence and poor practice.
Recognised, certificated
training to be provided for
site gateman and yard
This is a high
Pedestrian segregation to
be put in place using
physical barriers,
appropriate signage and
floor marking
This action is a
very high priority as
it is required for
compliance and
there is significant
risk if not actioned
This is a high
priority because it
is a way to raise
standards and then
maintain and
further develop
them. Without this
there will be a
continued decline
Remaining actions on
observation sheets to be
Medium priority
Target date