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The document discusses different types of connectors used in fixed partial dentures including rigid, non-rigid, internal, sub-occlusal connectors. It also covers principles of connector design such as type, size, shape and classifications of various connectors.

The document discusses rigid connectors like cast, soldered, welded and loop connectors. It also discusses non-rigid connectors like key and keyway, split pontic, cross pin and wing connectors.

The document mentions that the type of connector, size, shape and factors like maintaining periodontal health, preventing distortion and not interfering with plaque control should be considered while designing connectors.


Connectors basically link different parts of fixed partial dentures (i.e. pontic and
retainers). Thus constitute and important part of F.P.D. Their designing determines in fate of
periodontal ligament under F.P.D. They may be either rigid / non-rigid type of connectors.
1. Connector the portion of fixed partial denture that unites the retainers and pontics.
2. Rigid connector:- a cast, soldered / fused union between the retainers and pontic.
3. Non-rigid connector:- a connector that permits limited movement between otherwise
independent members of a fixed partial denture.
4. Internal connector:- a non-rigid connector of varying geometric designs using a
matrix to unite the members of a F.P.D.
5. Sub occlusal connectors:- an interproximal non-rigid connector positioned apical to
and not in communication with the occlusal plane.

6. Soldering:- to unite, bring into / restore to a firm union, the act of uniting two pieces
of metal by the proper alloy of metals.
The connector design determines the success of F.P.D to a certain extent. The factors
to be observed while fabricating a connector are: Type of connector
Rigid connector
Non-rigid connector.
Size of connector
Shape of connector
Type of connectors :
Rigid connector they are the ideal choice of connectors for F.P.Ds. they
provide maximum rigidity and accurately transfer occlusal forces to abutment
Non-rigid connector- they are usually used for pier abutments due to
differences in physiologic tooth movement and difference in arch position of
abutment. It provides a scope for flexing of mandible during opening and
closing movements but it is technically sensitive.
Size of connector :
The size of connector is important in maintaining the periodontal health of the
abutment teeth. The recommended occusogingival height of connector is, ideally 3-4 mm. it
should be sufficiently large to prevent distortion / fracture during function. It should not be
too large which interfere with effective plaque control. Pulp size and crown height (young
teeth) may be a problem in designing non-rigid connector.
Shape of connector :
Connectors should have a concave shape mesiodistally (appear as meniscus) and
Convex buccolingually4. In cross section it appears as ellipse. For effective
functioning the long axis of ellipse should be parallel to direction of force, this leads to
encroachment of gingival embrasure, so usually the long axis of ellipse is placed
perpendicular to long axis of force. It should be highly polished.
For anterior teeth connector should be placed lingual and use of large
connector/inappropriately shaped connector result in display of metal leading to esthetic
failure of F.P.D.
Connectors are basically classified as :1. Rigid connectors.
Cast connectors
Soldered connectors
Welded connectors
Loop connectors

2. Non- rigid connectors

Key and keyway (dovetail)
Split pontic
Cross pin and wing
Rigid connectors :
Cast connectors :
They are commonly used type of connector, simple in processing. They are usually
indicated for 3-unit F.P.D, full veneer preparations.
1. F.P.Ds more than e units.
2. Partial veneer F.P.Ds
Preparation :
Cast connectors are prepared by waxing the interproximal area before reflowing the
margins and investing the pattern. There should be 1 mm of gap between connector and
Disadvantages :
1. Difficulty in reflowing proximal margins.
2. Access for proximal margins impeded so removal of patterns from die is difficult.
3. Simple in fabrication but difficult in seating.
4. No opportunity to verify fit of individual retainers in mouth.
Precautions in processing of cast connectors :
1. Any F.P.D greater than 3 units should be cast in 2 piece and soldered.
2. Use of bench set with thermal expansion is better than hygroscopic expansion.
3. It is advisable to use large casting ring (60 mm), which produces more uniform
4. Investment expansion and pattern distortion can affect fit to castings.
5. If F.P.D do not seat properly after routine adjustments then:
IT is better to cit the connector and resolder.
Cut the pontic and recast the cut parts21
(J. Prosthet. Dent 55 (2), 195-197, 1986)
Loop connectors :
They are rarely used and indicated when existing diastema is to be retained. It
contains a lingual loop and designing should include adequate plaque control. Loop is cast
using sprue wax/shaped from platinum-gold-palladium alloy.
Soldered connectors :
1. Soldering is joining of 2 metal parts using a filler metal with melting point <4500c.
2. Brazing is joining of 2 metal parts using a filler metal with melting point >4500c.
But for theoretical purposes brazing is regarded as soldering. The most common
connector after cast connectors are soldered connectors. They are commonly indicated for
F.P.Ds more than 3 units; when F.P.Ds with cast connectors are exhibiting high marginal
discrepancy, repair of fractured connectors.

Hong So Yang et al (1999):- studied the stress levels in the teeth and supporting
structures of F.P.D. and alteration stress with addition of multiple abutments (finite element
analysis study)
They found that
1. Increased number of abutments did not solve the mechanical problems of long span
2. High stress concentration was found at connector (215.8-298.9 kg/cm2).
3. The connector material should nave high yield strength and rigidity.
4. Connectors in long span F.P.D.s should be of greater dimensions.
Dental solders :
They are intermediate filler alloy used to join parent metal parts.
Requirements of dental solders :
1. Corrosion resistance (minimum 580 fineness)
2. Lower fusion temperature than alloy (600 less).
3. Non-pitting (pitting occur due to over heating which cause vaporization of
4. Strength should be similar to parent metal.
5. It should have free flow.
Silver increases flow
Copper decreases flow
High fusion solder show high flow
Low fusing solder sho0w decreased flow
6. It should have same color as parent metal.
Commonly used dental solders are :
1. Gold solders :
Composition : Gold 49-73% corrosion resistance
Silver 17.5-9% flow
Copper 23-12.5%
Tin 4.5-2.5%
Zinc 6.0-3.0%
Fineness 490,585,615,650, 730.
If solder is indicated as
585 fine fineness of solder
180 carat to be used with 18 carat parent metal
Pre-ceramic soldering.
Fusion temperature of gold solders 780-8300c
They are commonly used with gold alloys.
2. Silver solder :
Composition Silver
Zinc and cadmium decreased the fusion temperature.

Fusion temperature is 600-7500c

They are commonly used for base metal alloys.
Soldering flux (flow) :
They are used to provide a clean surface for soldering and increase wetting of solder.
They are available as powder, liquid and pastes.
Fluxes provide :
1. Surface protective cover metal surface and prevent access to oxygen.
2. Reducing agent reduces any oxides present.
3. Solvent dissolves and carry away any surface oxides present.
Commonly used soldering fluxes are :
Borax flux : (NA2B407)
It is commonly used for pre soldering, as they are too fluid in nature. They have type
I and II function. They are used with noble metal alloys due to high affinity for copper.
Composition:- Borax glass 55%
Boric acid 35%
Silica 10%
Fluoride flax :
They are used with base metal alloys. They are available as powder, liquid and
pastes. They dissolve Co, Cr, Ni oxides
Composition : Borate, Fluoride.
Soldering antiflux :
They limit spread of solder to unwanted areas. Commonly used antifluxes are:
1. Graphite economical and evaporates at high temperature.
2. Iron oxide (rouge) + turpentine it is painted on casting with small bristle brush.
Soldering investment :
Composition of soldering investment is similar to routinely used gypsum and
phosphate bonded investment. But the refractory component used is fused quartz (it shows
least thermal expansion. <0.1% at temp >7000c.)
Heat source :
It is needed to melt the filler metal. Different type of heat source used are :
1. Flame
2. Oven
3. Infrared light.
Flame :
It is commonly used flame is gas air / gas oxygen torch.
Type of fuel used with
Flame temperature
Heat content
Hydrogen gas
Natural gas

Flame temperature indicates the temperature.

Heat content amount of heat/cubic feet of flame (calories / cubic foot).
Lower heat content indicates need of long time to melt the alloy.
Different types of flame torches :
1. Gas air
2. Gas air
3. Multi orifice.
Always melting is to be done with reducing zone. When gas air rich is used melt
solder; metal ceramic restorations are preheated to avoid porcelain cracking. To prevent
uneven heat distribution flame should never be concentrated in one area.
Oven :
Furnace/oven soldering is done under vacuum / air. The soldering assembly is placed
in horizontal muffle with affixed floor, temperature is raised above fusion point of solder.
Then muffle is opened and solder is fed unto joint space.
Infrared soldering :
It is used with low fusing connectors, preceramic soldered joints. It needs specially
designed apparatus and requires more processing time. Connector area of soldering
assembly must be positioned precisely relative to the focal point of the reflector that
concentrates the heat, infrared energy from tungsten iodide lamp - 34000c. the operator
observes soldering procedure through protective dark screen the stops electric supply once
solder flows. The joints produced have similar strength as conventional soldering.
Gerard.b. et al (1992) : compared accuracy of fit castings (F.P.Ds) with as cast connectors
and infrared soldering. They found that mean marginal gap was :
65.2 (for cast connectors)
18.9 (infrared soldered connector)
it was also observed the F.P.Ds with infrared soldered connectors showed better fit than as
cast connectors and to similar to single retainer.
Soldering :
Basic steps of soldering involve :
1. Cleaning and preparing the surface (smoothening done using abrasive discs) to be
2. Assembling the parts to be joined (gap width).
3. Preparation and fluxing the gap surfaces between the parts.
4. Maintain proper position of parts.
5. Control of time to ensure adequate flow of solder.
Factors affecting soldering :
1. Gap width an average of 0.2 mm wide gap should be present between adjacent
parts with surfaces parallel to each other. With increase gap width there is decreased
capillary action, decreased strength due to increased amount of solder. With
decreased gap width.

2. Flame reducing zone is to be used for soldering.

3. Temperature 50-600c less than melting point of parent metal. If flow temperature is
very near/higher than solidus temperature of parent metal it causes alloying and
decreased strength. If flow temp is very low it shows low wetting.
4. Time flame should be used till the solder flows and little time more to remove flux
on parent metal. If soldered for longer duration it causes alloying. If done for less
time it causes incomplete flow.]
Selection of soldering technique :
Selection of appropriate soldering technique needs a through understanding of fusion
ranges of all materials involved in F.P.D.
Soldering all-metallic F.P.Ds :
Base metal alloys are difficult to solder due to easy oxidation of its elements (silver
solders). Mid pontic soldering, recasting of cut parts may be used to increase strength of
joint in base metals. Type III and IV gold retainers are soldered using solders (615-650
fine) and gas air torch/furnance.
Metal ceramic F.P.Ds :
Soldering of metal ceramic restorations involves two techniques :
1. Pre ceramic soldering gas-oxygen torch.
2. Post ceramic soldering.- gas air torch.
Pre ceramic soldering :
The procedure of soldering before application f porcelain. It mainly needs gasoxygen torch. The main advantages are metal try-in can be done in unglazed state; proximal
embrasure in porcelain can be adjusted. Its main disadvantage is when porcelain is applied
to long structure; the frame work should have high sag resistance. High palladium alloy and
base metals have high sag resistance. But gold alloys have a low sag resistance.
Post ceramic soldering :
It involves soldering done after porcelain application and glazing. It is done using
gas-air torch. Its main disadvantages is, if contour correction of porcelain is needed the joint
has to separated.
Soldering all metallic F.P.Ds :
Indexing maintains the relationship between parts of F.P.D till soldering investment
is done. Various materials use4d are plaster, sticky wax, auto polymerizing acrylic resin
(cause polymerization shrinkage), 4-meta, ZnO-eugenol, polyether, polyvinyl siloxane
polymer (putty).
Harper R J et al (1979)25 : determined the accuaracy of different indexing materials. They
reported that ZnO Eugenol indexing system produced a narrow range and significantly
smallest mean distortion than other indexing system. Mean distortion than other indexing
system (in mm) :
1. ZOE 0.033
2. Polyether 0.052
3. Plaster 0.061

4. Stone 0.055
5. Sticky wax 0.088
6. Acrylic resin 0.052
After wax pattern is prepared and casted, they are finished properly, the temporary
restoration is removed and the parts of F.P.D. are checked in mouth for individual fit and
occlusion is corrected. Then using pop as index material index is prepared.
Indexing :
A two piece casting can be used to fabricate a fixed partial denture with a solid
pontic; such as a hygienic. The technique described is used for soldering three unit posterior
fixed partial dentures. The pontic is cast with the smaller retainer. Then the retainer pontic
unit is soldered to the large retainer, utilizing an index of the relationship of the fixed partial
denture components in the patients mouth. This provides for the most accurate relationship
between the retainers and between each retainer and its abutment tooth. The index must
accurately maintain that relationship until the parts of the fixed partial denture have been
embedded in soldering investment. Numerous materials have been described for transferring
the relationship of the fixed partial denture components from mouth to laboratory bench;
plaster, sticky wax, auto polymerizing acrylic resin (duralay); 4-META adhesive resin and
zinc oxide-Eugenol, which has been shown to be a highly accurate material for indexing. If
plaster is used, the most accurate and consistent results will be obtained if the castings are
not removed form the index prior to investing. Resin indices are as accurate as those made
of plaster if the components are separated from and reseated in the plaster. However excess
bulk of a resin index will diminish accuracy because of additional polymerization shrinkage.
Procedure :
Remove the provisional restoration from the patients mouth and make certain that
there are no traces of temporary cement left on the tooth preparations. Try in the single
retainer first and then the retainer pontic combination. On the first try in for each, do not
leave the other unit in place. Verify the marginal fit of each retainer first. Make sure that
there is a small gap between the pontic and the retainer to which it has not yet been soldered.
Adjust the occlusion with green stones or other appropriate abrasives. Perform preliminary
finishing procedures on the retainer margins, if they are accessible. Smooth off the occlusal
surface with a rubber sulci disc. The rough surface left on the casting by greenstone index.
Into polish the castings at this pint, since polishing rouge is iron oxide a specific anti-flux for
soldering. Mix a small amount of fast setting impression plaster. Place it on a plastic index
tray or a thoroughly wet tongue depressor. Arrange the index material on the carrier so that
sharp ridge of material runs the length of the depressor or tray. This ridge facilities getting
index material into the central grooves of the casting. Carefully position the index on the
occlusal surface of the castings, vibrating gently as you seat it. When the material has set
remove the index. If the casings come out with it so much the better. A plaster index is most
accurate when the crowns stay in it. Carefully trim it with a laboratory knife with a no. 25
blade so that all margins are exposed by at least 1.0 mm. the index should extend at least 3
mm easily and distally past the crowns being soldered. This guarantees a symmetric

Uniform bulk of investment surrounding the units to be soldered and should minimize
distortion. The plaster index should be approximately 6mm thick.
If the crowns separate from the index when it is removed from the cast, trim off
excess that might prevent the casting from seating completely back into the imprints. Trim
the area around the imprints enough so that a substantial part of the axial walls will be
covered by investment. Then clean the index thoroughly with compressed air. The slightest
bit of debris between thoroughly with compressed air. The slightest bit of debris between the
index and crown will keep the crown from seating in the index and will make the
relationship inaccurate. Scrub the occlusal surface of the crowns and clean them in the
ultrasonic cleaner before repositioning them in the index. Place the index on the bench and
carefully try the castings in their respective imprints. If the castings touch there is a
likelihood of increased distortion. For this reason, it has been suggested that there be a gap
of at least .005 inch between the pontic and the retainer. A conflict arises in determining the
proper gap dimension for a solder joint. The wider the solder joint gap, the stronger the joint
apparently because there is less porosity in the joint. Therefore a gap width of .012 inch is
recommended for strength.
In another study, however it was determined that increased gap width produced an
increase in distortion. A gap width .006 inch is recommended for some greatest accuracy.
Obviously there is a need for some compromise. A gap width of .008 inch would appear to
be optimum since it is intermediate between the narrow in distorted joint and the wide string
joint. Indeed some investigators have used this distance as a standard. Furthermore, it can be
determined easily by inserting a business card into the gap, since the average business card
is 0.008 inch thick.
The opposing surfaces of the retainer and pontic on either side of the solder joint
should parallel and each other. If these surfaces diverge; the resulting wedge shape of the
solder joint may produce distortion. In addition wherever there is contact, there will be
harder to solder will be more likely to stick to one surface or the other, instead of filing the
gap and adhering to both surfaces.
Investing :
Pontics and retainers that have come off the index should be luted back on the index
with sticky wax. It is often necessary to use a no.8 bur to cut small well on the facial and
lingual edges of each imprint in the index. This permits space for a bulk of sticky wax
without forcing it over the margins. Separate the tongue depressor from the index if they
have not already come apart. Use a cast trimmer to remove excess from the edge of the
index, leaving approximately 3.0mm all around the perimeter. Allow the index to dry, and
apply sticky wax to cover occlusal margins (if any) on the facial surfaces. Flow utility wax
into the joint with a PKT no.2 instrument to prevent the joint area from being filled with
investment. The waxed area should be slightly larger than the solder joint will be. Any
margin covered by wax at this point will not be covered by soldering investment. This could
cause the margin to melt when heated by the bow pipe during soldering. Run a triangularshaped extension of utility wax from the lingual side of the solder joint are a of the index.

There should be a slightly smaller one on the facial. These wax wedges will be narrow in the
solder joint area than at the edge of the index. Check again to make sure that the castings are
completely seated.
A separating medium (Super-sep, err dental manufacturing co, Romulus, MI) may be
painted over the index outside the castings to insure easy separation late. Place boxing wax
around the index. There should be 3.0mm of space between the castings and the boxing wax.
Mix a small amount of soldering investment. Paint into the castings and carefully vibrate it
into the castings and carefully vibrate it into the boxed are. Hold the index so that there is a
finger between it and the vibrator. Overzealous vibrating could jar one of the castings loose.
Allow the investment to set for 1 hr and then remove the boxing wax. Run hot water
over the investment and index to soften the sticky wax. Separate the index and the
investment with a heavy laboratory knife. Inspect the block of investment containing the
fixed partial denture castings. The investment should measure 2.5 cm top to bottom. If it is
more, trim off the excess from the bottom on a cast trimmer. Use of laboratory knife with
ano .25 blade to cut a v-shaped notch buccal and lingual to the solder joint.
The wax extension placed on the lingual earlier will facilitate this step. The lingual
notch is larger than the facial, because the solder will be fed into the joint area from the
lingual. The facial notch is necessary to gain access for heating the casting during soldering.
If either of these notches is not placed, an incomplete solder joint is likely to result. Flush
out the remaining wax with boiling water from a boil-out tank. Use a nop.2 pencil to draw
heavy line across the marginal ridges adjacent to the solder joint area. This will act as an
antiflux and will prevent solder form flowing onto the occlusal surface. While the castings
are still warm, add flux paste with an explorer. It will melt, and capillary action will draw it
through the entire solder joint. If flux is applied alter when the castings are hot, it will
bubble up and stick where it is applied rather than flowing into the joint where it is needed.
Also, surface oxidation may occur before the protective flux is applied.
Soldering :
The invested castings should be preheated to insure even heating. If the castings are
not preheated, the uneven heat distribution that will occur when the blowpipe is applied to a
cold block may produce distortion of the finished joint. The investment block can be placed
in an oven and brought from room temperature to 8150c. In an alternative method of
preheating the invested castings, they are set on a tripod and screen over a fisher burner.
Continue to preheat the castings for 10-15 min.
Begin heating with the blowpipe, and brush the flame over the entire investment
block repeatedly until it is so hot that the castings glow red when the flame is held on
throughout this process. Wedge two or three pieces of solder 2*3 mm, covered with flux,
into the lingual embrasure of the joint area. They will be milted by the heat of the castings,
and not by the blowpipe. If too much solder is used, it may run onto the occlusal surface,
and a larger bulk of solder is more likely to produce distortion.

If the blowpipe is used melt the solder directly the following difficulties can be
expected; the solder will ball up and not flow at all, or it will not flow through the entire
Aim the blowpipe obliquely at the investment, since an obliquely directed flame
results in more even heating and less distortion. Concentrate the tip of the blue cone on the
buccal side of the block near the open space between retainer and pontic. The solder on the
lingual side of the casting will flow toward the source of heat on the facial. When the solder
starts to flow, direct the torch into the buccal notch and keep it there while the solder flows
through the joint. Leave the flame there a few seconds longer while the solder shimmers and
appears to roll in the joint. Turn off the flame.
Remove the investment block from the tripod with casting tongs and place it
someplace where there is no chance or someone picking it up and getting burned. The
bottom of a casting will is good for this purpose. If you must place it on a bench top, select
an area where there is little traffic and be sure the surface is heat resistant. Leave a
conspicuous sign to earn off lab lizards who wander around picking up other peoples
work. Do not quench immediately. Quenching shortly after soldering will produce thermal
stresses that will result in distortion.
On the other hand, allowing the investment block to cool slowly to room temperature
may produce excessively recrystallization and grain growth. The resulting solder joint will
be weaker. If the invested fixed partial denture is allowed to bench cool for 5 minutes and is
then quenched, distortion should be minimized. This allows time for the gold and solder to
respond to an ordering heat treatment, which will increase hardness and strength while
reducing elongation. Place the invested block in water and remove the investment. That
which does not flake off should be picked off with a sharp instrument and an old toothbrush.
Examine the solder joint to make sure that it is pit free. Evaluate the size. If it is too bulky, it
can be trimmed down with a carborundum disc. Inadequate bulk or the presence of pits
requires reinvestment and resoldering. Air abrade the castings with 50m aluminum oxide.
The fixed partial denture is ready to be finished and tried in the patients mouth.
Soldering metal ceramic alloys :
Although an effort is made to fabricate metal ceramic fixed partial dentures as a
single unit. It is sometimes necessary to solder the units together. This may occur is: 1) there
is distortion in a single piece fixed partial denture castings: 2) one retainer has inadequate
margins and must be redone: 3) the fixed partial denture length is too great for an accurate
single piece casting: or 4) type III partial veneer retainers are used in an other wise metal
ceramic fixed partial denture.
If all units of the fixed partial denture requiring soldering are of a metal- ceramic
alloy, the fixed partial denture may be assembled in one of two ways. Pre-veneer soldering
uses a high-fusing solder that is melted by torch before porcelain is added. Pre-ceramic
pontic soldering allows a diagonal joint through the middle of a pontic, which produces
stronger joints than soldering in the interproximal connector area, and it is technically easier.

In post-veneer soldering, a low fusing solder is molted in the oven after porcelain has been
baked on the fixed partial denture. Post ceramic soldering compensates for any tooth
movement in the mouth between final impression and restoration and it eliminates the
significance of any distortion that might occur during porcelain firing.
If the fixed partial denture includes a type III gold alloy retainer, it can be assembled
only by post veneer soldering. The high temperatures reached during the porcelain firing
cycle would melt the type III gold alloy if it were soldered to the fixed partial denture before
the porcelain and been added.
For many years, soldering was done with a gas- air blowpipe. With the development
metal ceramic restorations, a need for oven soldering developed. Oven soldered postveneer solder joints are at least as strong as torch soldered pre-veneer solder joints, and
several investigators found that post-veneer joints to be stronger. Certainly, post veneer
soldering does present special problems. Soldering investment, flux, and solder just be kept
from contacting the porcelain to prevent discoloration or fracture of the porcelain.
In recent years a third method of soldering has been developed that utilized as
infrared soldering machine. The device focuses a concentrated beam of infrared energy from
a tungsten iodine lamp that operates at 3,4000c in a closed chamber in porosity and strength
have been found between torch-soldered and infrared-soldered joints1although infrared
soldering has been found to require more time than torch soldering.
Pre-veneer metal-ceramic alloy soldering :
Although some investigators have found post-veneer to be stronger than pre-veneer
solder joints. Pre-veneer soldering remains more popular with ceramists. This is because
post-veneer soldering takes more time, skill and attention to detail to keep the investment,
flux and so9lder from touching porcelain, which in turn can require the reapplication of
porcelain and resoldering. The apparent superiority of the post-veneer solder joints also may
be offset by the fact that unlike the standardized joint size in the laboratory studies clinical
post-veneer joints frequently are smaller because of the ceramists fear of causing damage to
the ceramic by contacting it with solder.
The example demonstrated her is of a six-unit metal ceramic fixed partial denture
with two retainers at one end, fabricated as a five-unit FPDs (canine to lateral incisor) with
the second retainer, a canine, made separately to facilitate margination of the proximal
surfaces of the contiguous retainers. These restorations should be fabricated so that there
will be parallel surface in the solder joint area, with adequate separation for a solder joint
with optimum strength and minimum distortion.
To accurately transfer the segments to be jointed to the laboratory bench, tack them
together with an auto polymerizing acrylic resin index. Place monomer and polymer in
separate dappen dishes or medicine cups. Make sure that the segments of the fpd are
completely seated and stable in the mouth, if one is not stable; hold it down with a finger.
Dry the area with compressed air and isolate it with cotton rolls. Use a disposable brush to
apply a few drops of monomer between the two retainers. The dip the brush in polymer and
apply a small amount of powder to the joint. Continue alternating small quantities of liquid

and powder, making sure that the material between the retainers is always wet. Build the
index as that it extends onto adjacent surfaces of the two retainers.
Make a backup plaster index on a tongue depressor. Mix quick setting plaster and
place it on wet depressor, creating a ridge of plaster that extends the length of the tongue
depressor. Apply it to the teeth while plaster is still fluid. If any cracks appear in the plaster,
remove the material, wash the FPD thoroughly, and remake the index. Hold the index until
the plaster is completely set. If left untended, it could shift or slip, necessitating a remake.
Remove the index along the path of insertion of the abutment preparations. Examine it
thoroughly to see if the components are securely embedded.
Carve the surface of the index surrounding the fpd exposing the pontics and
retainers. Very carefully expose each pontic and retainer. Cut around, but do not disturb the
resin. If the components are still firmly embedded in the plaster, they can be left there and
invested from the plaster index using the technique previously described. The resin will
serve as filler in the solder joint.
Those who are more experienced at soldering may prefer to lift the components from
the plaster. If the resin remains intact, mix some investment and gently vibrate it into the
retainers. Use your fingers as a cushion between the vibrator and the fpd components. Place
a quantity of investment large enough to contain the fpd on a ceramic or hard resin tile.
Invert the framework, whose retainers and filled with investment, and place it into
the top of the soft mound of the investment. With light finger pressure, partially submerge
the castings (approximately) should protrude from the investment. Add a little investment
over the units that will not be directly involved in soldering. Allow the investment to set
hard. When it does, trim the periphery to produce a near-even bulk of investment around the
castings. Preheat the invested castings in a burnout furnace at 650-815 0c. When the invested
block has reached the desired temperature, use casting tongs to transfer it to the mesh or
some other area that will not be damaged by flame. Several 2*3 mm pieces of solder in a
hemostat can be fed into the embrasure after it gets hot. The solder used should have melting
range within 1,050-1,1500c. Brush the investment with a gas oxygen flame until the block
glows if the flame is held in one spot for a few seconds. Hold the flame on the lingual
surface of the block of investment. Then direct the torch into the lingual notch, as solder is
red into the facial notch. Heat will draw the solder through joint area.
Remove the soldered FPD from the tripod and place it in a casting well or some
other safe place where someone will not be able to touch it and be burned, when it has
cooled to room temperature, break the investment by pickling it up with casting tongs and
tapping it on the bottom of the casting well or a heat resistant bench top. Retrieve the fpd
from among the bits of soldering investment and clean it up. Air abrade the surface 50 m
aluminum oxide.
When the restoration is tried in all margins should be closed without any special
force needing to be applied anywhere. Check for any encroachment on the interdental

papilla on the facial or especially on the lingual; aspect. If there is any, remove the
restoration from the mouth and relieve the affected area.
Post-veneer Metal-Ceramic Alloy Soldering :
The technique that follows is for the soldering of a gold-palladium alloy. All phases
of the porcelain addition, including glazing, must be completed before the soldering process.
The solder has a melting range of 710-7400c and it is used with flux.
Try the units in the mouth and make whatever adjustments are necessary. This
technique is often employed without prior intent; i.e. a fixed partial denture is carried to
completion in expectation of cementing it without any type of try-in, only to find that it does
not seat. The best joint esthetically, strength wise, or both, is selected for separation, using a
very thin (0.009 in or 0.23 mm) disk.
Remove the fpd from the mouth, cut the joint using the disk on a lathe. This allows
the use of both hands to hold the fpd, and the disks are very easily broken. After separation
of the two parts of the prosthesis, try the retainers in the mouth to see if they fit individually.
If they do, continue with the soldering procedure. A soldering index can be made of quicksetting impression plaster, resin, or zinc oxide-Eugenol bite registration paste as previously
Finish those areas of the crown that are to be soldered with extra-fine sandpaper
discs. Use no rouge or polishing compounds. Outline the area to be soldered with ano.2
pencil, which will serve as an antiflux, reseat the components of the fixed partial denture in
the mouth. With the two parts of the fpd firmly seated, pour monomer and polymer into
separate containers. Dry the area with compressed air and isolate it with cotton rolls. Use a
disposable brush to apply monomer between the retainer and the pontic.
Next dip the brush in polymer and apply a small amount to the joint. Continue
alternating small quantities of liquid and powder, making sure that the material between the
retainer and the pontic is always wet. Build the index so that it extends onto adjacent
surfaces of the two castings.
Fabricate a secondary plaster index on a tongue depressor. Arrange quick-setting
plaster on a wet depressor, making a ridge of plaster that extends the length of the length of
the tongue depressor. Apply it to the teeth while the plaster is fluid. Stabilize the index until
the plaster is completely set. Remove the index along the path of insertion of the abutment
Carve the surface of the index around the fpd components, creating a flat surface
with shallow imprints. Rearrange the parts of the fpd on the plaster index. If the resin index
has come loose, make sure that it is back in place between segments of the fpd, without any
spaces. Squeeze a cyanoacrylate liquid resin in and around the joint while holding the parts
securely. Then spray the zapit accelerator over the joint. Zapit is the material of choice when
indexing on a cast in the laboratory, but it should not be used in oral cavity because its
safety has not been proven. Duralay is the material of choice for use in the mouth.
To prevent investment from contaminating the ceramic veneer covering mush of the
fixed partial denture, place a 1.0mm thick layer of ivory wax over the gingival one half to

two-thirds of the facial surfaces of the retainers and pontic. The wax for this step and those
following should overlap the metal by 1.0mm. Turn the restoration over and apply a coat of
wax to the gingival and lingual aspects of the pontic. Be sure to apply wax to any exposed
ceramic that is part of a porcelain shoulder, add wax to the joint area to insure access for the
solder after the restoration has been invested.
Mix a small amount of soldering investment and carefully vibrate it into the crowns
are filled completely with investment. Since this is the major support for the crowns in the
block, avoid vibrating the castings directly to prevent the crown from being loosened. Build
a mound of investment on a flat surface and set the inverted margins first, into the
investment. Push up a ridge of investment with a spatula to cover most of the lingual
surfaces of the retainers and pontic.
When the investment has set, trim it to within of the castings. Create a wide
bevel around the entire periphery of the invested block with a laboratory knife equipped
with a no.25 blade. Then carve a shaped notch on the lingual aspect to insure adequate
access to the solder joint. Flush out the wax with boiling water. When the fps was embedded
in investment, the wax prevented contact between investment and porcelain. After the wax
has been removed, there is a space surrounding the porcelain, including any all-porcelain
Place the invested castings in front of a porcelain oven to warm slowly for 10
minutes. Open the muffle of the oven and warm the castings for 5/ or more minutes.
Add a couple of 2*3mm pieces of fluxed solder to the solder joint, making surface
that they contact only the metal framework of the fixed partial denture. Place the castings in
the oven, turn on the vaccum, and raise the temperature to 8150C at the rate of 420c/min.
check the castings for completion of soldering. If the solder has not yet fused, continue
raising the temperature in the oven until it reaches 8700c. The final temperature used will
vary with different solders. Be sure to use the solder recommended by the manufactures for
the specific ally being used.
Break the vaccum and remove the invested fixed partial denture from the oven.
Allow the casting to cool to room temperature. The castings cannot be quenched, as the
porcelain may fracture. When the fixed partial denture has cooled, remove the investment.
Cover the porcelain with masking tape and air abrade the fpd.
Soldering can be done on abase metal fixed partial denture with gold solder n a
manned similar to that used for gold-palladium metal-ceramic alloys. While restorations of
base metal alloys can be soldered, they tend to be quite technique sensitive, with variable
results. Overheating of the metal substrate and excessive flux have been faults, while others
have blamed surface oxides. Closed vacuum furnaces were suggested as a solution for this
problem and testing by lima verds and stein confirmed that soldering under vacuum resulted
in mean tensile strengths that were as much as 40% greater than those soldered in air. High
and low-temperature solders are capable of producing joints with adequate tensile strength
that will not lose that strength in a corrosive environment. Gold solder use with high
resistance nickel-chromium alloy presents corrosion. While silver solder use on the same

alloy permits corrosion. Sliver solder joints become porous from corrosion along the
interface between the solder and the nickel-chromium substrate. This does not occur with
gold solder.
Welded connector
In 1967 orange memorial hospital was started at Florida, 1970 Gordon 1 st
demonstrated use of laser welding form fpds, using neodymium lasers. They found that the
results were satisfactory.
CPTI:- Forms an o2 layer at higher temperature. So soldering is ineffective. Laser
welding has low thermal influence on parts and is effective. High power neodymium laser
with very high power is used.
Parts:Glove-hax-laser tip
Argon gas source.
Stereomicroscope with lens cross hairs for precise alignment of laser beam.
They have a maximum penetration depth of 2.5mm. They do not cause damaged to
ceramic / polymer material.
There are several situations when rigid connectors are not suitable. Then non-rigid
connectors are to be used. They are mainly indicated when two abutments cannot be
prepared for common path of insertion, for 5-unit fpd with a pier abutment and if one of
designated abutment has good gold cast restoration and key and can be used. But are mainly
contraindicated when the abutment both show significant mobility.
Douglas Clark et al (1989)15 advised the use of non-rigid connectors following
periodontal therapy. The loss of attachment increase crown: root ratio and tooth mobility due
to bone loss. Anterior teeth show increase movement in buccolingual movement than
mesiodistal direction. Maxillary canine have shown good prognosis after periodontal
treatment. And can be use as abutment using non-rigid connectors.
Goodkind r j et al (1973)17: mandibular flexure in opening and closing movements.
Studied the amount of mandibular flexural that occurs during mandibular movement.
It was found that mandible width decreased during wide opening movements. The mean
amount of flexure was 0.0768mm in 2nd molar region and 0.0316 mm in 1st bicuspid region.
This defines the need to use non-rigid connector in FPD connecting anterior and posterior
mandibular segments.
There are different types of non-rigid connectors:1. Key and keyway-precision attachement.
- Semi-precious attachment.
2. Split pontic.
3. Cross pin and wing.
Key and keyway

When a fixed partial denture is fabricated with a non-rigid connector, it is necessary

to align the path of insertion of the keyway with that of the distal abutment. This technique
is best suited for relieving stress at mid span on long pontics.
The wax pattern for the retainer on the pier abutment is fabricated on the working
cast. When a plastic pattern is used for the key and keyway, a deep box form is carved into
the distal surface of the wax pattern to create space for the placement of the plastic keyway
pattern. Adequate depth and a parallel path of insertion are essential when preparing the box
form in the distal of this abutment.
Place the working cast, with the m\wax pattern seated, on the table of a surveyor.
Assemble the key and keyway portions of the connector. And lock the mandrel that extends
from the top of the key portion of the pattern into the vertical spindle of the surveying
instrument. Manipulate the surveying instrument. Manipulate the surveyor table until the
mandrel and attachments are parallel with the path of insertion of the distal preparation.
Then lower the plastic pattern to the middle retainer wax pattern and lute it in place with
sticky was. Remove the key portion and complete the middle retainer wax pattern by
blending the distal surface with the keyway.
The pattern is then invested, burned out, and cast. After the casting has been cleaned
and air abraded, carefully cut off any part of the keyway portion of the attachment that
protrudes above the occlusal surface. Place the casting on the working cast, and place the
prefabricated plastic pattern for the key into the keyway. T this point the pontic wax pattern
is attached to the pontic key. The pontic pattern is completed, removed from the working
cast, invested burned out and cast. After the casting is recovered from the investment, the
mandrel and any excess on the top portion of the key are carefully reduced so the key and
keyway are flush.
For a semiprecious attachment, the wax pattern for the middle retainer is first
completed. Cut a keyway or t-shaped preparation in the distal surface of the wax pattern
with a no-1701 bur. The path of insertion of the keyway can be checked against the path of
insertion of the tooth preparation for the distal retainer by use of a surveyor or by visual
examination. After the prepared wax pattern has been cast in gold, return it to the working
cast. Refine and finish the tapered keyway preparation in the casting with and no. 1691 or
no. 1701 bur. Lubricate the casting and form the key by placing acrylic resin in the keyway.
After the acrylic key has polymerized, attach it to the wax pontic. The pontic wax pattern,
incorporating the resin key, is then removed, invested, burned out, and cast. Because a
precise fit is essential to prevent undue movement and stress in this ling-span fixed partial
denture, the rigid three-unit anterior segment is joined before try-in.
At the time of try-in verify the fir of each individual unit. The trail set all of the units;
the three-unit anterior combination with the distal pontic keyed into it, the pier abutment
retainer, and the distal retainer. Make a soldering index of all the units with zinc oxide
Eugenol bite registration paste or fast-setting impression plaster. Place the distal two units in
their respective imprints and invest for soldering.

Try in the finished soldering components in the mouth again at a subsequent

appointment and make occlusal adjustments of necessary. When the restoration is cemented,
place the mesial three-unit portion immediately afterward. No cement should be placed in
the keyway.
Moulding M.B (1992)10: An alternate orientation of non-rigid connector in FPD.
Conventional orientation: keyway within distal surface in anterior retainer of mesial
segment. Keyway opening on occlusal surface with taper diverging occlusally. The mesial
segment is delivered 1st and then distal segment is seated with the key sliding in the keyway
of the anterior retainer.
The main disadvantage of this system is need of increased tooth reduction on distal
surface of anterior abutment/ leads to over contouring of distal surface of mesial retainer.
The author described an alternative orientation by reversing key and keyway. Key is
attached to distal surface of anterior retainer and is inverted so that it taper converges
occlusaly. The keyway is also invested and incorporated in the mesial surface of the pontic,
with the pontic.; the mesial segment is seated first at delivery followed by distal segment,
with the keyway sliding over the key of the anterior retainer.
Advantages:1) Conservative tooth preparation:- as key is place extracoronally, improves retention,
stability and maintain pulpal integrity.
2) Physiologic axial contour:- prevents over contouring of distalaxial surface of anterior
retain. A flat emergence profile and physiologic contour of gingival 1/3 rd can be
3) Flexibility of angulations:- the problem of paralleling the non-rigid connector to a
mesially inclined posterior abutment can be resulted with the inverted orientation.
The key is cantilevered distally on a structure of metal that becomes the connector
and the keyway is positioned more distally within the pontic. This inverted
orientation allows more flexibility in positioning the angled connector while
maintaining the desired embrasure facially, lingually and gingivally. The principles
of biologic contours are then realized with physiologic emergence angles.
4) Esthetic potential- inverted orientation of non-rigid connection can be more
esthetically pleasing in PEM FPDS. Since the keyway opening is open the tissue
surface of pontic the only visual evidence to the connector is the interface between
the metal guiding planes of the two segments. This surface can be concealed by
placing the guide planes at occlusal embrasure between the retainer and pontic.
However, with porcelain coverage. Caution must be exercised to ensure that no
contact occurs between the porcelain of the 2 segments. The porcelain can fracture as
a result of shear stresses because of the slight unavoidable movement of the nonrigid connector.
Moulding (1998) demonstrated no significant difference exists in stress pattern with
reverse orientation of key and keyway with photoelastic analysis study.

Disadvantage-the opening of key and key-way, the porcelain metal junction are
positioned on tissue surface of pontic with tissue-containing pontics the sprue between the
key and the keyway is an area for plaque retention and resultant tissue irritation. This can be
avoided b use non tissue-contacting pontic.
Pier abutments:Moulding M.B et al (1988)8:- photo elastic analysis of supporting alveolar bone as
modified by non-rigid connector
The study was done to qualitively compare the stress induced in periodontium of
abutment teeth of 5-unit pier abutment fps with non-rigid connector on stress pattern loading
The rigid fpd distributed stress vertically and evenly. The non-rigid distal on canines
and non-rigid mesial of molar designs distributed stress almost similar to rigid fpd. They
also resisted rotational movements and resultant horizontal stress better than other non-rigid
designed. The non-rigid connector at pier abutment showed greater apical and horizontal
stress especially with 1-point loading on the pier.
The pattern of non-rigid connector orientation at distal aspect of pier abutment has
no effect on stress pattern. The placement of non-rigid connector on least desirable on mesial
aspect of pier abutment.
Split pontic
This is an attachment that in placed entirely within the pontic. It is particularly useful
in tilted abutment cases, where the use of a conventional dovetail would necessitate the
preparation of a very drastic box in the distal aspect of the pier abutment. The wax pattern of
the anterior three-unit segment (mesial retainer-pontic pier retainer) is fabricated first, with
a distal arm attached to the tissue-contacting area of a pontic. A surveyor is used to position
either the key or the keyway segment of fpd pattern, pointing occlusally. This segment must
align with the distal abutment preparation.
Invest, burnout and cast the mesial three-and-a-half- unit segment. After preliminary
finishing, seat the cast segment on the working cast. Place the plastic pattern down into it (if
the keyway is in the casting), or down onto it (if the key way left facing upward on the
pontic base). Wax the distal retainer and the disto-occlusal two-thirds of the pontic pattern.
The pontic can be meta-ceramic, periphery of the ceramic section. Try it on the prepared
teeth I the mouth, making adjustments as necessary. Cement the mesial segment first,
followed immediately by the distal segment. No cement should be placed between the two
segments of the pontic.
Cross-pin and wing
The cross pin and wing are the working elements of a two-piece pontic ksystem that
allows two segments to be rigidly fixed after the retainers nave been cemented on their
respective abutment preparations. The design will find use primarily in accommodating
abutment teeth with disparate long axes. The path of insertion of each tooth preparation is
made to parallel the long axis of that tooth.

Attach a vertical wing, cut out of a piece of base plate wax, to the mesial surface of
the distal retainer wax pattern. The wing should parallel the path of insertion of the mesial
abutment preparation, extend out 3.0mm short of the occlusal surface, and have an
undersurface that follows the intended contour of the underside of the pontic.
Invest, burnout, and cast the distal retainer, with wing. Seat the retainer on the cast,
and drill a 0.7mm diameter pencil lead through the hole and build the wax pattern around the
lead and the wing. Remove the lead, with draw the retainer-pontic wax pattern, and replace
the 0.7mm lead in the pontic pattern to maintain the patency of the hole during investing and
Assemble the two parts of the fixed partial denture on the working cast. Use a
tapered 8/0 machinist reamer to ream a smooth, tapered hole through pontic and wing,
following he pilot hole produced by the 0.7 mm pencil lead. Fabricate a pin of the same
alloy used for the fixed partial denture casting. A mold can be made by drilling a hole in
apiece of aluminum with the machinist reamer and filling the hole with auto polymerizing
resin. An impression of the reamer can be made with polyvinysiloxane impression material
and filled with resin or molten wax. Invest, burnout, and cast it. It must be long enout to
extend all the way through the pontic wing assembly. Try the pin for fit in the components
on the cast. Cement the retainer with the wing first followed by the retainer-pontic segment.
Seat the pin in the hole with a punch and mallet. Remove excess length from the pin both
facially and lingually. If it is ever necessary to remove part of this fixed partial denture, the
pin can be taped out and the parts dealt with separately. This technique requires no special
patterns and does allow for a completely rigid prosthesis when completed.
Connector for provisional restorations:The connector for provisional restorations should be carefully fabricated due to the
low strength of the material usually used. They should be slightly overcontoured for
increasing strengthening. Decrease the sharpness at the junction this relieves the stress
concentration which may lead to fatigue of restoration. Use high strength materials such cast
metals, heat-processed resin fiber reinforced.
Connector for all ceramic fpds:Failure of all ceramic fpds was analyzed on model (1995) 12 it was found that the
fracture commonly occurred at core veneer interface (70-78%). This is mainly due to
Hertzian stress state, which is the propagation of localized contact damage crack system.
Kamposiora P. et al (1996)11 studied the stress concentration of all ceramic posterior
fpds maximum stress found was
Diameter of connector
Maximum stress
3 mm
4 mm
3 mm
4 mm
3 mm
4 mm

It was found that stress concentration was found more in region of force applied and
at connector region. And stress levels were higher in 3.0 mm than in at connector.
Higher stress was found in the apical region of connector and least in middle part of
connector. So they advised to increase the height of connector to increase the bulk and have
good stress distribution, and have smooth geometry as compared to angulated geometry in
short connectors. It was recommended to use 4*4mm connector size for ceramic 2*3mm for
Connectors for metal certamic:Berger Robert (1989)16 described the esthetic and physiologic consideration in metal
framework design.
The amount of beam distortion
L2 * D3
There should be no beam distortion to prevent porcelain fracture. So for long span
fpds connectors size should be increased. The interproximal zone should have adequate
span for porcelain and connector placed lingually.
Connector for cantilever bridges:Hong so yand et al (1996)13:- stress analysis of a contilevered fps with normal and
reduced bone support.
Studied the mechanical behavior of a cantilever fpd with normal and reduced bone
support. They found high stress concentrations were found around the connector of fpd.
Design of fpd should be such that occlusal forces are limited to the connectors ability to
accept them. Greatest stress was seen in distal cantilevered prosthesis and stress was seen
distal to the most distal retainer and fracture may occur at this location. Cantilevered fpds
should limit to replacement single tooth only and also use splinting of abutments.
Connectors for tooth implant supported fpds:Mahamoud H. et al (2000)7 performed a 14 yr comparison of connected and nonconnected tooth-implant fpds. the difference in mobility of tooth (50-200m) and implant
(10m). this difference can lead to intrusion of abutment, fracture of abutment teeth, fracture
of implant component, increased marginal bone loss of Osseo integration.
Rangert et al (1997) stated that implant connected to tooth will act as cantilever.
Cohen S R et al (1994) advocate use of non-rigid connection between teeth and
implants. To limit cantilever forces and direct occlusal loads axially to the implant.
Modifications of implant system to combat mobility difference:1) Imz implants- intra-mobile zylender of polyoxymethelene.
2) Complaint keeper systems with silicon o ring.
The study resulted in a finding with no difference between rigid and non-rigid
connection with respect to long-term outcome.
Benefits of connecting teeth to implant:1) Some occlusal support and relief of the tooth load on the teeth.

2) Input of periodontal ligament mechanoreceptors.

3) Reduction of the number of implant abutment needed for restoration.
4) Assistance in splinting of teeth.
James V altieri (1995)14 proposed augmentation of popular tooth numbering system
addressing pontic, implants and restoration connector. He described modification in
nomenclature of tooth numbering system to include, tooth supported connected fpd, pontic
implants, implant supported crown. For implant supported fpd.
endosseous implant
- (hypen) denotes the connector
A connector between an abutment retainer and a pontic or between two pontics can
fracture under occlusal forces, failures of both cast and soldered connections have been
observed and are generally caused by internal porosity that has weakened the metal.
When fracture occurs, pontics are placed in a cantilevered relationship with the
retainer casting, and this can allow excessive forced to be developed on the abutment tooth.
For this reason, the prosthesis should be removed and remade as soon as possible.
Occasionally, an inlay like dovetailed preparation can be develop in the metal to span the
fracture site, and a casting can be cemented to stabilize prosthesis. If this is not possible, and
a remake cannot be removed by cutting through the intact connectors. A temporary
removable partial denture can then be inserted to maintain the existing space and satisfy
esthetic requirements.
Modified sanitary pontic design gives optimum connector design with least gingival
irritation. The main caused of connector failure: Improper design
Weak framework
Incomplete flow / crystallization of the soldered joints.
Porosities can result in either soldered/ cast connectors that may lead to failures.
If abutment castings can be removed, they can be indexed, resoldered and
recemented. Of removal is unsuccessful it may be necessary to be remade some/ all of the
units of the restoration. In special situations / where extensive restorations are involved an
innovative techniques may be used with good results.
David C Appleby (2001)6 :- repair of fractured connectors in provisional fpd.
Fracture connector cause dislodgement of retainer, occlusal disharmony, food
impaction, esthetic embrassement, and violation all the stated goals.
Preventive care of fracture:1) Oncrease dimension of connector (rosensteil)
2) Reinforce connector with metal wire/plate
3) Fabricate connector with heat polymerized acrylic resin
4) Acrylic resin reinforce with cast metal substrate.

5) Auto polymerizing acrylic resin with cast metal

Common methods for repair broken provision fps connector.
1) Brush paint on technique (bead brush technique).
2) Slot technique-remove fractured provisional restoration and traces of provisional
cement. Return then back in mouth, mark the location of adjacent contact on either
side of fracture. Remove the provisional components and prepare a class II
preparation in each tooth adjacent to the fracture in the marked area of contact (done
extra orally). Place the parts of restoration back in mouth and fill both cavities
simultaneously with auto polymerizing resin. Then do the finishing and polishing.
Thaxter K miller, Keith E Thayer (1971)20 :- described the intraoral repair of
complex cast restorations fracture.
A case report was published who had a fracture between 11 and 21 (pontics) of a
complex restoration. The following innovative idea was with the following steps.
A special impression tray was fabricated. The area pontic was prepared for parallel
pin repair. Porcelain and gold was removed from gingival 1 /3 rd of lingual surface of
fractured area. The depression created 4mm wide, concave occluso-gingivally extending two
teeth on either side of fractured joint. Depth of 1.5- 1mm in center of concave area no
pinholes are placed at this time.
Secondary impression was made covering prepared area and fractured joint. Jaw
relation record was made and articulation of master cast was done.
Pin location was determined with 4 pins planned for pontic and on abutment care
was taken to prevent pulp exposure.
A matrix with sleeves / brushings parallel to each other are placed using mandrel to
position than (cold cure matrix) with sticky wax. Drill holes with hand in master cast with
chips of stone dust frequently cleaned. Matrix is removed. Pins are inserted in master cast
holes and resin is poured over all pins and a matrix + pin assembly is recovered and checked
for paralleslism. The margins are refined with inlay wax. The matrix + pin + inlay wax is
sprued, casted and finished.
The matrix containing the paralleling sleeve is placed in-patient. drilling on pontic
and abutment done using Neys parallel pin drive assembly at slow speed. After completely
pinholes are made the casted repair is cemented using zinc phosphate cement.
Every part of the prosthesis has its own role in the long-term success. The connector
also plays a vital role in the success of the prosthesis. The design features of the connector
are to be kept in mind while fabricating the prosthesis. This helps in avoiding long-term
complications and embrassment before the patient.
1) Moulding MB et al Photo elastic analysis of supporting alveolar bone as modified
by non-rigid connectors. J. Prosthet. Dent 263-274,59,1988
2) Moulding MB An alternative orientation of non-rigid connectors in F.P.D. J.
Prosthet. Dent 68,236-8,1992.

3) Kamposiore et al Stress concentration in all-ceramic posterior F.P.D. Qint, int

27(10), 701-706.
4) Hong so Yuand et al Stress analysis of a cantilevered fps with normal and reduced
bone support. J. Prosthet. Dent 76(4) 424 1996.
5) Douglas C The use of non-rigid connectors following periodontal therapy. Gen
dent 37(4) 308-309 1989.
6) Berger R Esthetic and physiologic consideration in metallic framework design.
DCNA 1989 33(2) 293-299.

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