Masticatory Efficiency
Masticatory Efficiency
Masticatory Efficiency
001. Kapur, K. K., Soman, S. and Stone, K. The effect of denture factors on masticatory
a. Part I: Influence of denture base extension. J Prosthet Dent 15:54-64, 1965.
b. Part II: Influence of polished surface contour of denture base. J Prosthet Dent
15:231-240, 1965.
c. Part III: The location of food platforms. J Prosthet Dent 15:451-462, 1965.
d. Part IV: Influence of occlusal patterns. J Prosthet Dent 15:662-670, 1965.
e. Part V: Food platform area and metal inserts. J Prosthet Dent 15:857-866, 1965.
002. Yurkstas, M. J. The masticatory act: A review. J Prosthet Dent 15:248-260, 1965.
006. Rissin, L., House, J. E., Manly, R. S. and Kapur, K. K. Clinical comparison of
masticatory performance and electromyographic activity of patients with complete
dentures, overdentures, and natural teeth. J Prosthet Dent 39:508-511, 1978.
007. Gibbs, C. H., et al. Occlusal forces during chewing influences of biting strength
and food consistency. J Prosthet Dent 46:561-567, 1981.
008. Kapur, K. K. and Garrett, N. R. Studies of biologic parameters for denture design.
Part II: Comparison of masseter muscle activity, masticatory performance, and salivary
secretion rates between denture and natural dentition groups. J Prosthet Dent 52:408-
413, 1984.
009. Gunne, H. J. Masticatory efficiency and dental state. Acta Odontol Scand 43:139-
146, 1985.
010. Gunne, H. J. and Wall, A. K. The effect of new complete dentures on mastication
and dietary intake. Acta Odontol Scand 43:257-268, 1985.
011. Sandstrom, B. and Linquist, L. W. The effect of different prosthetic restorations on
the dietary selection in edentulous patients. Acta Odontol Scand 45:423-428, 1987.
012. Michael, C.G. et al. Biting strength and chewing forces in complete denture
wearers. J Prosthet Dent 63:549-553, 1990.
014. Gunne, H. J. The effect of removable partial dentures on mastication and dietary
intake. Acta Odontol Scand 43:269-278, 1985.
I. Definitions:
GPT-7: Masticatory Apparatus: see Masticatory system: The organs and structures
primarily functioning in mastication. These include the teeth with their supporting
structures, craniomandibular articulations, mandible, positioning and accessory
musculature, tongue, lips, cheeks, oral mucosa, and the associated neurologic complex.
Gunne H-SJ: Masticatory efficiency has been defined as the capacity to grind food or a
test material and is consequently only one component of mastication.
These consist of the masseter, temporalis, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid
Masseter Muscle
Action: Raises the mandible to occlude the teeth in mastication. Elevates the mandible,
protracts the mandible with its superficial section and retracts the mandible with its
deep section.
Nerve supply: Masseteric nerve of the mandibular division of the trigeminal (CN5)
Action: The anterior fibers elevate the mandible; the posterior fibers retract (retrude)
the mandible.
Nerve supply: Posterior deep temporal branches of the mandibular division of the
trigeminal nerve.
Lateral Pterygoid
Action: The Lateral pterygoid when assisted by the hyoid muscles contributes to jaw
opening. All motion is by contraction of muscles: Bilateral contraction, the jaw is
protracted and with unilateral contraction, the chin moves toward the opposite side. The
left lateral pterygoid muscle moves the chin to the right as it pulls the left condyle
Nerve supply: From anterior branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal
Medial Pterygoid
Nerve supply: Motor branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.
Was there a significant difference b/t the satisfactory denture group Vs the
unsatisfactory group when carrots were chewed? No. Both were in the 51% range.
Does age or wearing dentures reduce salivary flow rate? No. Discuss
Yurkstas: The function of mastication is to prepare food for swallowing and the
chewing ability to particle size a person was willing to swallow was called the
"swallowing threshold." Do patients with diminished masticatory function chew their
food longer to compensate for their handicap or perhaps on a preferred side?
First molars provided 36.7% of total effective masticatory area in complete dentures,
28% for the 2nd molars, 1st and 2nd premolars were 8% each of the total area. If one
knows the occlusal contact area, is it possible to predict the masticatory performance
with relative degree of certainty?
Kapur Part I: Denture retention ultimately lies in the degree to which it helps to restore
functions. Two schools of thought:
(1) The denture should be extended as far as the physiologic tissue movements will
allow. What was this concept based upon? Greater retention can be achieved through
covering a larger area and creating a border seal. Stress is distributed over a larger area.
(2) That the denture border should be thin and sharp. Border seal and maximum
extension is not necessary and maximum retention is not essential. What was essential?
A point of optimum retention, which they say, can be reached through proper denture
What did Kapur find? Reduction in the extension of the upper and lower denture bases
failed to affect the chewing ability. Performance was reduced when extensive
reductions were made on the lower denture base Vs both. Optimal retention can be
achieved without an extreme peripheral extension of the denture bases for the border
seal. However, additional retention seemed to provide greater confidence and security.
Previous denture wearers showed a better ability to chew.
Kapur part II: Flat, concave and convex denture base contour modifications were made.
Was there a significant difference found between them? No. All subjects chewed with a
similar degree of effectiveness, regardless of the contour of the polished surface.
Subjects with good ridges appeared to chew the food to a finer particle size for
swallowing than subjects with poor ridges.
Kapur part III: There is a widespread controversy in the location of food platforms.
Masticatory efficiency when chewing peanuts was reduced from 69 to 42% when upper
and lower platforms were moved 4-mm. bucally to their original position on the crest of
the ridge in patients with good ridges Vs patients with flat ridges. How do we explain
this? In patients with good ridges, the dentures with a buccal location of posterior teeth
exert masticatory forces outside the crest of the ridge which becomes used as a fulcrum
with a longer leverage arm, this tends to unseat the denture on the side opposite to that
of the chewing side. The dentures become unstable and patients feel like the denture
lifts on the opposite side or that food slips underneath the denture base on the opposite
side during chewing.
Kapur part IV: Kapur investigated the performance of 12 different occlusal patterns.
What did determine?
Posterior teeth with occlusal markings were more effective in pulverizing the test foods
than those with no occlusal markings. The presence of a longitudinal groove on the
occlusal surfaces of the lower teeth opposed by teeth with transverse or oblique grooves
significantly improved the patients ability to pulverize raw carrots. Peanuts showed no
masticatory differences whereas carrots distinguished from the occlusal markings that
resulted in improved performance. Performance ratios were higher in the experienced
denture wearer and in the good ridge group Vs poor ridge group. That the occlusal
design of natural teeth may secure three important functions: (1) Buccal lingual cusp
inclines confine food, (2) the same cusp inclines provide resistance against
displacement of food during mastication and, (3) the mesial and distal cusp inclines
seem to provide stability for the mandible when pressure is exerted during closure.
Kapur part V: Food platform area and metal inserts. Improved cutting efficiency of non-
anatomic teeth with metal inserts (Hardy advocated) were investigated. What did Kapur
confirm from his findings? Masticatory efficiency improved when the metal inserts
were exposed.
Gibbs: Force changes throughout the chewing series from the time the food entered the
mouth until it is swallowed. Foods of different consistencies were compared separately
to give additional insight into the masticatory systems adaptation to variations in the
consistency of the bolus.
What did Gibb find in the three phases (closing, occlusal IP, and opening phases)
Comparison of biting strength with lowest occlusal force (55-120 lb.) to subjects with
greatest occlusal force (210-280) showed that the strong group used more force in the
occlusal phase 92.1 Vs 43 lbs. But forces in the closing and opening phases showed no
significant differences. Forces were greater for hard foods than for soft foods, but
decreased throughout the chewing series. Haraldson reported that chewing forces in
complete dentures were 1/5 of that produced by natural dentition.
Michael: Maximum bite strength of denture wearers averaged 35lb, with a range of 22-
47lb and states that denture wearers have only about 1/5th the bite strength as compared
to natural dentition. Was there any significant difference in the chewing forces between
the 0 and 30 degree posterior tooth forms? No.
What did he find during closure on the working side force? Chewing forces were 8
times greater on the working side than the non-working side for both hard and soft
foods. Forces were greater for hard food peanuts and carrots than for soft foods
Carsson, Rissin, Gunne,: How does mastication forces of natural teeth compare to ,
V. Chewing efficiency:
Thompson: Tooth selection may effect the quality of the patients ability to effectively
masticate food, what did Thompson believe to be important? In the selection of
artificial teeth we should never select tooth form on what we are comfortable with or
what may be easier to fabricate. It is necessary to understand the fundamentals of
posterior tooth selection based on efficiency both from the tooth selected and the
patient capabilities. Teeth with poorly carved occlusal surfaces will not give the patient
satisfaction and ease of mastication. Many believe that the non-anatomic teeth produce
less lateral pressure upon the ridges and thus the alveolar rides are preserved for longer
periods of time. Has this been proven? No. Controversy
What did they like about the Halls posterior teeth? They felt better/smoothness of the
occluding surfaces, but they were not the patients final choice in denture selection.
It was significant that all the patients who showed preference for the 20-degree teeth
had ridges that were unfavorable. Preference for the 20-degree teeth may be attributed
to the greater ease of mastication because of the relative sharpness of the teeth to grind
and ultimately produce fewer forces to the alveolar ridges.
Sandstrom: Observation of dietary intake before treatment and new CD/CD showed no
significant differences in dietary intake. After treatment of TIPs there was a slight
increase in the consumption of fresh fruit and crisp bread. Did the treatment received
influence the diet to any considerable extent? No.
Improved masticatory ability did not motivate patients to change their dietary intake
and low masticatory efficiency was not an indicator that dietary intake was below the
recommended values.
Old proverb say: If there is a will there is a way, to chew even the most difficult foods,
when the patient wants to eat it badly enough!
- Abstracts
34-001a. Kapur, K.K., Soman, S. and Stone, K. The effect of denture factors on
masticatory performance. Part I: Influence of denture base extension. J Prosthet
Dent 15:54-64, 1965.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of reducing the denture extension (ultimately the
retention) on masticatory performance.
Method and Materials: 12 edentulous patients had CD/CD fabricated with non-
anatomic acrylic resin teeth on a flat plane. After all the dentures had been adjusted and
no problems were noted, the variables for the test began. Autopolymerized denture
acrylic was used to modify the denture base forms in 16 different ways. The test
subjects were seen once a week and masticatory tests were done on the form the patient
wore that week, denture restored to original form, and the denture form to be worn the
following week. These tests were conducted 13 times.
Results: The masticatory performance did not show significant differences with control
denture form over the different settings. One weeks use of a denture base form did not
affect the masticatory performance. The change in denture form did not influence the
chewing ability or the size of the food particles swallowed. Subjects did chew better on
their preferred side than the right side, but was not statistically significant. Subjects did
not chew more strokes to compensate for poor masticatory efficiency, personality and
habitual patterns may have been the influence. Poor ridge formation did not
significantly effect the results. Previous denture wearing experience did have an effect
on performance. Extensive reduction in the denture base failed to effect the chewing
Conclusions: Significant reductions in performance occurred only when the lower
denture base extension was severely modified with no modification done to the upper
denture. Previous denture wearing experience did have an effect on masticatory
Purpose: To determine what influence the configuration of the polished surface of the
denture has on the denture efficiency.
Materials and Methods: Ten (5 men, 5 women) edentulous subjects were selected from
the Tufts University dental clinics. 5 patients had prior denture experience and 5 did
not. Hardy technique with a final wax-up modification was used for denture fabrication.
Each patient was seen for a period of 2-3 weeks after delivery of dentures, and after
dentures were comfortable the occlusion was rechecked with an intraoral central
bearing point. Casts were poured in the upper and lower dentures, and the borders of
dentures were carefully registered. Flat and convex acrylic resin forms with steel pins
which could be overlayed on the original denture surface, p were constructed in
segments for the buccal, labial, and lingual surfaces of the dentures. Grooves were
made in a segment of denture base and steels pins were inserted. Sprinkled resin was
placed on top and denture was refined with acrylic finishing points. Two sets of 9
acrylic resin forms (1 set with a flat contour, and 1 set with a convex contour ) were
made for each subject. The upper denture could be completed altered with 5 overlays,
and the lower with 4 overlays. A protocol was used for testing where 840 masticatory
performance tests were conducted for these 10 patients.
Conclusions: No significant variations appeared in the ability of subjects to chew with
different denture forms. However, evidence of marked improvement in masticatory
performance appeared among individual subjects with different denture forms. This
suggested that polished surface denture contour may be an important factor influencing
the efficacy of the food transporting mechanism and thereby affecting masticatory
function. Subjects with good ridges performed better than subjects with poor ridges.
34-001c. Kapur, KK, Soman, S, and Stone, K. The effect of denture factors on
masticatory performance. Part III: The location of food platforms. J Prosthet Dent
15:451-462, 1965.
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the location of the food platform on the
masticatory performance of dentures.
Methods & Materials: 1480 masticatory performance tests were performed on 12
denture wearers to determine the effect of 9 positions of food platforms in the dentures
on their chewing efficiency. Positions of the food platforms varied in three positions:
buccal-lingual, superior-inferior, and anterior-posterior inclinations. All possible
combinations were tested. Carrots and peanuts were used as the food source.
Results: The most effective location was on the crest of the ridge, at the height of the
lower canine, and parallel to the flat portion of the mandibular ridge. The least efficient
position was buccal to the crest of the ridge and this was found to be more detrimental
to the patients with good ridges.
Conclusion: The most effective position is the one recommended by Sears and Hardy
who position the teeth on the crest of the lower ridge, parallel to the ridge, and at the
height of the lower canine.
34-001e. Kapur KK, Soman S., Stone K. The effect of denture factors on
masticatory performance. Part V: Food platform area and metal inserts. J
Prosthet Dent 15: 857-866, 1965.
Purpose: to study the effect of masticatory performance of denture factors such as food
platform area, contour of buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth and the use of occlusal
metal inserts
Materials and Methods: Sixteen denture wearers who took part in the previous study
also participated in this study, and they wore their complete dentures for 14 or more
weeks. These dentures had as their posterior teeth , designed resin blocks with flat
occlusal surfaces. Two sets of variables were tested, the first dealt with the food
platform area and contour of the buccal and lingual surfaces, and the second involved
the occlusal metal inserts. All changes involved both sides of the upper and lower
Results and Discussion: Contrary to natural teeth, changes in the anteroposterior
position of the food platform area did not affect the average masticatory performances
of dentures wearers. The denture wearers were able to masticate their food with equal
effectiveness, regardless of food platform areas of 2, 3, or 4 posterior teeth. It seems
that denture wearer can masticate their food more effectively when the food platform
area is limited. The contouring of buccal and lingual surfaces in monoplane teeth, did
not improve the masticatory effectiveness, The presence of occlusal markings (in the
form of grooves or inserts) on posterior teeth significantly increased their ability to
chew raw carrots. When the subocclusal surface of the metal inserts was reduced, there
was a significant reduction of masticatory performance with peanuts.
The findings in this study seem to indicate that the ability of the denture wearer to
place the food on the food platform during chewing is more important than the
mechanical cutting ability of the chewing element. It seems that the limitations in
chewing ability of denture wearers is not due to substitution of artificial teeth but
because the dentures make the food transporting system of the oral cavity less effective.
34-002. Yurkstats, M.J. The Masticatory Act: A Review. J Prosthet Dent 15:248-
260, 1965.
Purpose: Most denture tooth tests looked at the function in relation to the cuspal form.
This study concentrated on the efficiency with which various cusp forms masticate.
Most denture tooth tests looked at the function in relation to the cuspal form. This
study concentrated on the efficiency with which various cusp forms masticate.
Methods and materials: Two patients were made four dentures. The first denture had
anatomic teeth and was first made to fit poorly. The first denture was then rebased to fit
the ridges fairly accurately and re-tested. Finally, the first denture was modified to
exhibit proper balance and coordination and tested once again. The second denture had
20 degree teeth, the third, cusp-less teeth and the fourth, Sears channel teeth. Five tests
with six different foods (carrots, lettuce, cabbage, ham, celery, and apples) were run
with each denture. The patient was allowed to chew ten times and the food particles
were expectorated into a series of sieves. The sieves had varying degrees of fineness to
the mesh. Efficiency was measured by the ability of the food particles to pass through
successively smaller meshes.
Results: The first denture, unbalanced and in an incorrect CR, was very uncomfortable
and thus inefficient for the patients. Efficiency improved 77% as the balance and base
stability increased. The 20 degree teeth were only slightly less efficient than the 33
degree. The Sears channel teeth were frustrating to the patients as they felt they
couldnt grasp the food with them. The cusp-less teeth were very favorable besides
being less esthetic and having some food collect in the occlusal surfaces.
Conclusion: Maximum chewing efficiency was attained when pressure was equally
distributed over the ridges and the cutting edges of the cusps were coordinated with the
opposing cusps. 33 degree, 20 degree and rational teeth all had favorable efficiency.
Natural teeth have five times the crushing power but artificial teeth can provide nearly
75% of the efficiency of natural teeth. Denture tooth designs should concentrate on
efficiency as well as function.
34-004. Trapozzano, V.R. Testing of Occlusal Patterns on the same Denture Base. J
Prosthet Dent 9: 53-69,1959.
Purpose: To test patient reaction to and the relative efficiency of two types of posterior
occlusal patterns: (1) the 20 degree posterior tooth and (2) the Halls posterior tooth.
This investigation was setup to make a controlled study of he tooth forms.
Materials & Methods: Test denture bases with interchangeable inserts with two types of
posterior teeth were made. Subjective observations of the 8 patients were recorded
along with objective observations, chewing efficiency tests, and a correlation with the
ridge conditions.
1. The subjective responses of the patients indicated that there was a greater preference
for the 20-degree than the Halls teeth.
2. A substantial number of the patients liked the feel of he Halls teeth even though their
final choice was the 20-degree teeth.
3. The Halls teeth produced more soreness during the adjustment period than did the
20-degree teeth.
4. The 20-degree teeth showed a definite indication of greater efficiency when chewing
peanuts. When the overall diet was considered, the 20 degree teeth dad the greater
1. The relatively greater efficiency of the 20 degree posterior teeth during mastication
indicates that sharpness of the occluding or masticating surfaces was the determining
factor, and probable the reason for the greater number of patients who preferred this
type of tooth.
2. The fact that the Halls posterior teeth felt better to a significant number of patients at
times other than when they were engaged in the mastication of food, and even though
the Halls teeth were not their final choice, it indicates that the relative smoothness in
the occluding surface was probably the responsible factor.
34-005. Wayler, A.H., and Chauncey, H.H., Impact of complete dentures and
impaired natural dentition on masticatory performance and food choice in healthy
aging men. J Prosthet Dent 49:427-433, 1983.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of aging, missing teeth and prosthodontic replacements
on masticatory efficiency and food selection.
Methods and materials: 814 men were divided into four categories based on dentition
and then divided into three age groups as follows: Dentition: 1) intact, 2) partially
compromised 3) compromised 4) complete dentures; Age: 1) Under 40 2) 40-49 3) 50+
Masticatory performance was measured using raw carrots chewed to the point of
swallowing and the number of chewing strokes required to reach that point. Also,
subjective food acceptability was determined by survey using 13 different foods, based
on perceived ease of chewing and frequency of ingestion, rated numerically on a scale
of 1-4.
Results: The data reveals that age had no effect on masticatory performance and that
complete denture patients performed at the lowest level. Partially compromised and
compromised patients chew preferentially to compensate for a unilateral decline in
masticatory function. The number of chewing strokes increased with the increased
number of missing teeth. Subjects with complete dentures had a very low perceived
chewing ease response regardless of age or the number of chewing strokes. It appears
that a generalized decline in oral sensory perception occurs in the presence of complete
dentures ant estimates of food acceptability may be dependent on the textural and
tactile characteristics of the food.
Conclusion: There is a decrease in masticatory performance in complete denture
subjects as compared to intact and partially dentate subjects. The complete denture
subjects' food selection patterns shift to softer and easier to chew foods.
34-006. Rissin, L., House, J. E., Manly, R. S. and Kapur, K. K. Clinical comparison
of masticatory performance and electromyographic activity of patients with
complete dentures, overdentures, and natural teeth. J Prosthet Dent 39:508-511,
Purpose: To compare chewing force characteristics in subjects with low and high biting
strength values.
Materials and Methods: Occlusal forces during chewing were measured with a sound
transmission system. Twenty subjects with good occlusion were given cheese, raisins,
bread, beef, carrots, and gum to chew unilaterally then shallow. The data was
partitioned into three biting strength groups, 1) low, 2)intermediate, and 3) high; the
occlusal force and duration characteristics of chewing were tested statistically between
the low and high groups only. The chewing cycle was divided into three phases; 1)
closing 2)occlusal contact (IP), and 3)opening.
Results/ Conclusions:
- Forces were greatest during the IP phase of chewing and least during opening.
- Forces during closing and IP were greater for hard foods than for soft foods
- As the chewing series progresses to swallowing, the closing force decreases and the IP
force and duration increases.
- The high biting strength subjects demonstrated a higher force in the IP phase and a
decreased time duration from closing to IP high force when compared to the low biting
strength subjects.
34-008. Kapur, K.K., and Garrett, N. R. Studies of biologic parameters for denture
design. Part II: Comparison of masseter muscle activity, masticatory performance,
and salivary secretion rates between denture and natural dentition groups. J
Prosthet Dent 52:408-413, 1984.
34-009. Gunne, H.J. Masticatory Efficiency and Dental State. Acta Odontol Scand
43: 139-146, 1985.
Purpose: To investigate how transition from old to new complete dentures affects
masticatory efficiency, the subjective experience of masticatory performance, and the
dietary intake and to analyze the relationships between these variables.
Materials and Methods: 43 subjects, who were provided with new complete dentures,
were tested on three occasions: with the old complete dentures, with the new complete
dentures when free from symptoms, and with new complete dentures approximately 4
months after insertion. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated using two different types
of test materials:
1. gelatin hardened with Formalin
2. almonds.
A 4-day dietary record was kept by the subjects, who were carefully instructed to note
all intake of food.
Purpose: To compare the diet of the complete denture patient with the diet of the same
patient treated with a tissue integrated prosthesis.
Subject: A longitudinal study of patients initially treated with complete dentures and
finally with tissue integrated prostheses.
Methods and materials: Twenty-three patients were initially given complete upper and
lower dentures for at least one year. Each was then treated with a tissue integrated
implant prosthesis for the lower jaw. Seven different food recordings were made for
each patient throughout the treatment regimen. Changes in dietary selection were
evaluated from 4-day records obtained before prosthetic treatment, and on six occasions
up to 78 months after treatment.
Results: No significant changes in food selection were recorded during the
rehabilitation period, except for a slight increase in intake of crisp bread and fresh fruit
after treatment with tissue integrated prosthesis in the mandible.
Conclusion: Improved oral function will not in itself lead to a change in dietary
selection. Dietary changes probably require professional and individually given dietary
advice by a trained dietitian.
34-012. Michael, C.G. Javid, N.S., Colaizzi, F.A., Gibbs, C.H. Biting strength and
chewing force in complete Denture wearers. J Prosthet Dent 63:549-553, 1990.
Purpose: This study compared occlusal forces during chewing in denture wearers
having two interchangeable occlusal schemes of artificial posterior teeth teeth without
cuspal inclines and teeth with 30 degree cuspal inclines. Also to compare chewing
forces and the maximum biting strength of complete denture wearers to corresponding
measurements in natural dentition subjects.
Material and methods: Five subject with residual ridges of favorable morphology, firm
mucosa, and a class I skeletal jaw relationship were chosen. Complete denture with
interchangeable segment were 30 degree and rational teeth. A transducer adjacent to the
first molar and canine on the right side were wired to the opposite arms of a four-arm
bridge so that outputs were additive. EMG data were recorded with surface electrode
over the masseter, temporalis, and anterior digastric-mylohyoid muscles. Recording
were recorded after the subjects chewed two soft foods (cheese) and two hard foods
(one peanut and one carrot).
Results: The maximum biting strength of the five denture wearers averaged 35 lb., with
a range of 22 to 47 lb. No statistical difference were found between the two posterior
denture tooth types. During closure, the working side force was eight times greater than
the force on the non-working side.
Conclusion: Chewing forces were greater for harder food than for softer food.
Uncomfortable spots greatly reduced chewing force. The force at occlusion during
chewing averaged 9.8 lb. The closing force during chewing averaged 4.6 lb. The biting
strength of natural dentition is 162 lb. The biting strength of denture wearers is 29.3 lb.
34-014. Gunne, HJ. The effect of removable partial dentures on mastication and
dietary intake. Acta Odontol; Scand 43:269-278, 1985.
Purpose: To follow a number of edentulous patients over a ten year period after
treatment using mandibular fixed complete denture prostheses retained by
osseointegrated implants, and to subjectively and objectively evaluate masticatory
function at various periods following therapy.
Methods & Materials: 33 edentulous patients who had receive a mandibular fixed
complete denture were followed for 10 years. Masticatory ability, occlusal force,
masticatory efficiency, and patient satisfaction were evaluated at various recall periods
of 3, 6, and 10 years. The patients evaluated masticatory ability as much better,
somewhat better, unchanged, or worse. Occlusal force was recorded by an apparatus
using strain gauges. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated using almonds for chewing.
Results: Occlusal force increased from a value of 80 N with conventional dentures to
240 N with the fixed restoration. Masticatory efficiency increased with placement of
the fixed prosthesis. Subjective evaluation of masticatory efficiency showed an increase
after receiving the mandibular fixed restoration.
Conclusion: Placement of a mandibular fixed complete denture on osseointegrated
implants in a dissatisfied complete denture wearer led to a rapid and dramatic
improvement of masticatory function that was acceptable for many patients. This
improvement persisted in the long term perspective. Some patients, however, demanded
a further treatment, including a maxillary CDOI, to experience a satisfactory
rehabilitation. The gain for the group receiving a maxillary CDOI was mainly
psychological, as the functional tests showed only minor improvement after the
maxillary implant treatment.