Discover The Love of Christnov15.Publication1
Discover The Love of Christnov15.Publication1
Discover The Love of Christnov15.Publication1
Frostproof, Florida
Pastors Remarks
Dear Church Family,
If we are not careful, in our haste to get in to the Christmas season, we zip right past
Thanksgiving. Take the time to give thanks to our God, because He and He alone is
worthy of our praise. We have a bounty of blessings to be grateful for- lets give Him
During the last few weeks we have been focusing on ReConnect, a time of praying for
the lost, inviting others to Bible study and worship, and particularly learning to share my
story. Let me encourage you to keep doing those things.
I want to encourage everyone to be involved in a small group, which we call LIFE Groups.
Here are some reasons why small groups are important to a believers spiritual growth:
1. It helps you learn to get along with family members. We need to remember that we
are all imperfect believers and we need to experience the connection God intends for us
to have with others. God expects you to love others in the same way that Jesus loves you.
2. It moves us toward maturity by engaging one another. We are commanded to love
each other, pray for each other, accept each other, forgive each other, and many other one
anothers. You cannot grow to maturity just by attending worship services and being a
passive spectator. In order to grow you need other believers.
3. A small group helps confirm your identity as a genuine believer. You are not the body
of Christ by yourself. You need others to express that. Together we are the body.
4. A small group helps us as we take the love of Jesus into the world. We are not to just
love one another, we are to take Christs love to a lost world. Jesus had a small group as
He walked this earth. Together is easier.
WMU News
What Are You Thankful For?
Kidz-Korner News
5. A small group helps us to stay on track. None of us are immune to temptation. We have
the responsibility to keep each other on track. We are to be involved in each others lives.
Student Ministry
6. A small group is a place for you to discover, develop and use your gifts and talents.
Your family needs you. God has gifted you and you have a ministry assignment that God
wants you to do.
November Calendar
November Birthdays
FBC Ministry
Service Schedules
Thank You Note
Bro. Darrol
This has been a good year for our pillow ministry with an average of 16 workers at our monthly meetings.
Lakeland Regional Hospital has received 495 heart pillows and Tampa General Hospital has received 522 heart
pillows, in addition to another 200 will be sent to Tampa General Hospital in December.
There are several ways you can help the pillow ministry at home. We need people to cut out the heart-shaped
pillows or to sew them in preparation for stuffing. We also are always in need of more hands to stuff pillows at
our monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday.
If you would like to donate toward the purchase of the fiberfil for stuffing that also would be a great help. For
each donation of $10 or more during the next few weeks you will receive a copy of the inspirational book Paw
Prints. A limited number of these books have been donated by the author Susan Safrit. She visited one month and
wanted to help in some way.
Please note on your calendar that we will have a guest speaker, Jan Cook at our December 8, 2015 brunch. Jan
and her husband Jay serve as missionaries in Argentina. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting begins at
9:00 a.m. with brunch at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Gloria Smith
WMU Team Leader
Blessed are they that put their trust in Jesus. Psalm 2:12
As parents weve been given this precious gift of training our children up in the Lord and our time to do that is fleeting. I hear from
parents that they just dont know what to teach them. Let me help alleviate this stress. If a child can learn it, you can teach it. Here
are a few steps you can do to grow your kids/grandkids spiritually in your home:
1. Make a Plan. Start out by committing to sit down with your kids for a family devotion 3-4 times a week. Dont try to go for it
every single day, life happens. Share that plan with your family.
2. Pray with them. I say with them because we make the mistake of taking the lead and praying every time they gather. Modeling
is great, but allow your kids the opportunity to pray as well.
3. Teach them the Bible. That means as parents were going to need to be reading the Bible to have something to share. If you get to
a passage you dont understand, do some study and/or ask someone a bit further along in their understanding. Read or allow your
child to read a passage of scripture and then talk about it. Draw out the principles you see and talk about how they can be applied in
our everyday lives.
4. Leave time for questions. Some of the greatest teaching moments I have are in their bottomless questions. Dont get stressed by
the rabbit trails that lead to other topics. Go with them. Youll be amazed at where they lead you.
Childrens Ministry leaders embrace the opportunity to serve and to teach your children, but they should never be a substitute to the
ongoing discipleship that Gods called us to in our home.
We are excited about the great attendance we have had in J.A.M. and Life Group 4 KidZ. I hope you will continue to
invite your friends to come. J.A.M begins at 9:30A.M, if you are late you miss out on the object lessons, snacks, music,
and fun games.
Born in a Barn will be presented on December 6 at 11A.M. Practice is Sunday mornings at 11:00AM, in the
Fellowship Hall. Dress Rehearsal will be Saturday December 5 from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Nov 4: Thankful Chain-What are you thankful for? Nov 11-NO AWANA (Veterans Day) Nov.18- Hot Dogs/Chili and Wear your
favorite football jersey/T shirt. Nov 25-Thanksgiving break, No AWAWA.
Thanksgiving Season is here again, yet-everyday we need to be thankful for the many blessings our Lord and Savior bestows upon
us. His Forgiveness, Faithfulness, Mercy and Grace (underserved favor) is over whelming. Our God is an AWESOME God.
Happy Thanksgiving!
W|tx Vt
As we all know, the primary purpose of Thanksgiving Day is to express gratitude to God for his many gifts.
However, this season of year also gives us a chance to say thanks to people. We can express our gratitude to
those in our lives for whom we are grateful and who sometimes dont get to hear this from us throughout our
busy schedules. We see an example of this sort of thing in the letters of the Apostle Paul. On several occasions
he not only thanks God for his churches, but also he tells them of it. Consider Pauls letter to the Thessalonian
Christians, for example. Here we read:
We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly. (1:2)
Thanksgiving provides a salutary occasion for saying thanks, both to the God from whom all blessings
flow and to those who are conduits of divine blessings in our lives. Its a time to stop what were doing and
say Thank you to the people in our lives who deserve to hear this from us. Even if you manage to thank
only one other person this Thanksgiving, that small gesture can make a big difference in the life of that
person. Who will you thank today?
Keep fishing,
Bro. Brian
November 2015
1Deacons serving:
Cliff Lightsey
Doyce Cotton
6 Feed the
Community 5:30
Fellowship Hall
10 WMU Sewing
Fellowship Hall
11 No Awana
Student Refuge
6pm Bible Study
6:30 Choir Practice
14 Joy Class
Fellowship 4pm
Smith Bldg.
15Deacons serving: 16
John Cavanaugh
Ed Butler
18Awana &
Student Refuge
6pm Bible Study
6:30 Choir Practice
22Deacons serving: 23
Ernie Wasdin
Garry Talley
24 Community
Service Emmanuel
Baptist Fellowship
25 No service
Re-Connect Sunday
8Deacons serving:
Larry Blackwelder
Larry Ogburn
29Deacons serving: 30
Freddie Senterfitt
Bill Rankin
Deacon Mtg. 4:30
Dee Sheveland
Annette Whaley,
Ernie Pittman,
Terry Fulton
Inez Sullivan
Amanda Martin,
Kasie Robarts
Jenny Bell Spurlock,
Greg Ervin,
Carrie Starnes
Barbara McFarr
Josh Thompson,
Cliff Lightsey
Renee Sousa
Ruth Cavanaugh,
Jason Smith
Kathy Plante
Katie Norris,
Chris Hill
Mike Cannon
Betty Walters
Linda McKinney
Judy Ogbrun
Veronica Bullock
Pauline Boball
Jonathan Ogbrun
Youth Thanksgiving
Dinner 6pm
Gods Vision For FBC: He desires us to be a church that impacts our community
with the Gospel.
Gods Mission For FBC: Making disciples, leading believers to become fully
devoted followers of Christ.
Gods Strategy For FBC:
Connect with God thr ough wor ship and with other s thr ough
Grow spir itually and numer ically thr ough small gr oup Bible study.
Serve other s by joining a team engaged in ministr y.
Service Schedules
Life Group Classes 9:45am
Celebration Worship Service 11:00 am
and Student Programs 6:00 pm
Connecting with
November 2015
Dear Church,
At times like this, your comfort and support
mean more than words can say. Thank you for
the sweet card and beautiful flowers.
The Reba Dubberly Family
Dear Church,
Thank you to all my church family and friends
for the food, flowers, cards, monetary
donations, thoughts and prayers after the
passing of my son Ronald.
Special thank you to Bro. Darrol and Cheryl
for all they did for the preparation of the
Its folks like you that ministers to the families
left behind when a loved one goes home to be
with the Lord.
I will never forget your kindness.
Love in Christ,
The family of Ronald Hadden