A Genetic-Algorithm Based Mobile Sensor Network Deployment Algorithm
A Genetic-Algorithm Based Mobile Sensor Network Deployment Algorithm
A Genetic-Algorithm Based Mobile Sensor Network Deployment Algorithm
Final Report
Yulai Suen
Abstract. This paper describes a genetic-algorithm (GA) based deployment algorithm of mobile sensor
network. The algorithm is designed for real-time online deployment for maximum coverage of the
environment. The paper presents the details on the algorithm and the implementation, including the major
components in our design: recombination, mutation, and the fitness function. The algorithm considers power
metrics of the nodes for real-time planning of the next movement. The algorithm was implemented with Java
Genetics Algorithm Package [4] and simulated with Network Simulator 2 [5] for performance evaluation. The
simulation showed that the algorithm helped the network to avoid local maxima in coverage.
A mobile sensor network is composed of a collection of nodes that has sensing, computation, communication,
and locomotion capabilities [1]. This paper aims to describe an algorithm for mobile sensor network
deployment in an unknown environment by a real-time genetic algorithm (GA). The algorithm allows the
network to achieve maximum coverage with minimum energy consumption. It is applicable in both a dynamic
Genetic algorithm was first proposed by Goldberg et al in 1989 [3]. It has wide applications in model
checking and satisfiability (SAT) problems. The advantage of GA is that the process is completely automatic
and avoids local maxima. GA consists of three important components: recombination, mutation, and fitness
evaluation. In particular, the fitness function in this algorithm considers the nodes’ power metrics, which is
the fundamental limitation on both embedded systems and sensor networks. The algorithm is based on the
assumption that each node is equipped with a sensor, such as a scanning laser range-finder and omni-camera,
which provides the node with the relative distance and bearing of the nearby nodes and obstacles.
The following sections of this paper describe these components in details and the adjustments to general GA
for real-time applications. At the end, the paper presents the result of simulations using a discrete-event
The deployment problem that this paper addresses is the blanket coverage problem described by Gage [2]. In
blanket coverage, the objective is to achieve a static arrangement of nodes that maximize the total detection
area. Howard et al used potential field techniques and spread the nodes over the environment by driving them
with a virtual “force” [2]. The GA approach in this paper achieves a similar repulsive behavior in spreading
the nodes and obstacle avoidance. However, this algorithm avoids the local optima problem faced by many
Haynes compared a few search algorithms including GA and measured their performance in coverage.
However, like many other researchers, he assumed that the network has a complete model of the environment
Mobile sensor networks usually face two limitations. First of all, the environment is dynamic. The position of
other mobile identities and the geographical features of the environment are usually dynamic. This makes
offline planning of deployment by searching through the static map of the environment very inefficient and
inaccurate. Second, sensor networks are very sensitive to power consumptions because they are usually
designed for applications that run for a long time, e.g. a surveillance system. The embedded systems of the
To solve these problems, the algorithm this paper presents contributes in the following ways:
1. Provision of an online GA-based deployment algorithm that is interactive with the dynamics of the
2. Taking into account the power consumption known to a node itself as a consideration when deciding
3. Randomization at different stages allows the deployment to converge to a static global optimum in
In our algorithm, the network consists of two domains: a server, and clusters of nodes. The server assigns a
base-station in each cluster. The base-stations help to monitor the deployment processes from a global point of
view. In the following sections, we will describe five important components of the algorithm in detail. Fig 1 is
At this stage, the server has to set tm which serves as an upper bound to the run-time of the algorithm. The
users can also specify the target coverage. Then, the direction vector (DV) and the base station set (BSS) are
chosen. From the GA point of view, the DV and the BSS are the chromosomes, which carry the genetic
1. Initialization
a. direction vector (DV)
b. base station set (BSS)
c. tm; default: infinity
d. coveragetarget; default: min( cvble[i ] ,
3. Recombination
base-stations sort the sensor vector by the fitness function,
recombines the fittest chromosomes, and send the new chromosomes
back to the nodes
4. Mutation
n n
if cvg[i][r ] -
cvg[i][r 1]
≤ coveragedelta
5. Termination
if tm = 0 or cvg [i][r ]
≥ coveragetarget
repeat 2 - 5
I. Direction Vector
DV is the probabilistic model of a node moving towards different directions. It has d elements, each
representing the probability of the movement to a direction d_i. The summation of the probabilities of one
direction vector is 1.0. The difference in direction between each consecutive element is called direction
resolution (DR). DR is determined by the locomotion capability of the nodes, for example, the resolution of
The algorithm assumes that all nodes are homogeneous. Therefore, the server randomly assigns the initial
base-station in each cluster. BSS is the set of all base-stations in the network. The server also decides on the
The nodes collect the data from the network and the environment in the form of sensor vector (SV). The
sensor vector (SV) consists of the node’s id and energy reserve level, the receiver power from the base-station
and the nearby nodes, and the coverage data from the sensor. The coverage data is based on the node’s
knowledge of nearby nodes. If a node notices that an area is covered by n nodes, then the coverage of this
node is coverageArea / n.
C. Recombination
The DV of the fittest nodes in a cluster are chosen to recombine. The probabilities are recalculated to produce
the next generation chromosomes. The fitness function we use will reward and penalize the chromosomes
Fitness Function
The function rewards the increase in coverage and decrease in receiver power while it penalizes the decrease
in energy reservation. Note that the function abandons the receiver power when it drops beneath a lower
bound below which there would be packet loss. Chromosomes with higher fitness values are chosen to
recombine for the next generation. Based on the probability model of the fittest nodes, the bad nodes adjust
for rx_power[i][t] < rx_powerm
where coverage is the coverage area,
rx_power is the receiver power,
and energy is the remaining energy.
Figure 2. Fitness function.
D. Mutation
When the deployment reaches a static equilibrium, the nodes would randomly mutate the DV and BSS. Some
nodes would randomly vary the probability assignment of the DV. The server will also randomly re-assign
some of the base-stations. Through this process we can “shake” the distribution of the nodes over the field to
reach a better global optimum. There is also mutation on the probabilistic model at the recombination stage.
E. Termination
The number of generations of the evolution is bounded by tm. After each generation, t m is reduced by t delta so
that the nodes would collect sensor vector more frequently as one generation passes the information to the
next. This allows a finer adjustment to the deployment in order to reach a static equilibrium. If we allow the
algorithm to run for an ideally infinite time, it may achieve a better coverage. However, depending on the
situation, the users may like to reserve more energy for tasks after the deployment. The tm parameter allows
the users to put an upper bound on the deployment time. The algorithm terminates after t m becomes 0 or when
There are two parts in the implementation: GA, and network simulation. We used Java Genetics Algorithms
Package (JPAG) [4] for implementing the GA portion of the deployment, including the fitness function,
recombination, and mutation. Our software produces a trace of the node movement and collects the coverage
data in the simulation. We transform this data into traffic-pattern and node-movement files readable by
Network Simulator 2 (NS2) [5]. NS2 can visualize the node movement in an animator and calculate the
The simulation was run in a virtual environment showed in Figure 3a. In this environment, we introduced a
possible local maximum by placing a one-meter door gate between area C and area B1 as illustrated. Figure
Coverage Area (sq. meter)
0% mutation
5% mutation
0 10% mutation
Time (s)
A. Coverage
We randomly placed a wired server and 100 wireless nodes into area A. The server assigned 10 clusters each
with one base-station. We assumed that each node carried a laser-range finder and an omni-camera with
maximum range at four meters. The maximum speed of the nodes was 0.5m/s. The mission of the network
was to cover the entire environment with an area of 500m2. The following table shows the initial values of the
tm 60s
tdelta 6s
coveragetarget 500m2
Table 1. Initializations
We used three different mutation rates and ran the simulation for 300s. With 0% mutation, we observed a
maximum coverage of 275 m2. However, the nodes were unable to enter area B as the fitness function
penalized them from moving away from their base-stations. The nodes could not explore the new area as the
increase in coverage at the gateway tends to be very small. The randomness of 5% mutation permitted the
nodes to go through the gateway and obtained a very good coverage. These nodes gained a very high fitness
value and were able to be elected to pass their chromosomes to the next generation. The nodes eventually
reached coverage of about 490m2. The simulation for 10% mutation reached the global optimum at about 10s
We also ran the simulation with a control experiment with 100% randomness in node movement. The network
did not reach 50% coverage even after 1200s. The reason was that many nodes overlapped their coverage.
Some nodes managed to move through the gateway to area C. However, there were about 5 nodes in area B.
The control experiment demonstrated that the fitness function was very effective in guiding the deployment
B. Energy Consumption
For the measurement of the energy consumption, we attached constant bit-rate sources to each node. The
packet size is set to 512Kb using IEEE 802.11 media access control protocol with 11Mbps bandwidth. In
NS2, the energy consumption in communication is measured in terms of the number of packets sent and the
packet size. With our GA based approach, there was about 0.02% packet loss. The random control experiment
showed about 0.05% packet loss. We also measured the power consumption on locomotion and sensor
operation in terms of distance traveled and the number of times the sensor operated. We assumed that the each
sensor operation consumed 1J and the motors consume 0.5J per meter. The data is summarized in the
following table.
The nodes also had more sensor operation and traveled 118m more to reach the global optimum. The
randomness in base-station assignment increased the frequency of changing in network hierarchy, which in
turn created more communication overhead. Also, the randomness in direction vector created extra overhead
on locomotion which helped to achieve the global optimum in a short time. The 10% mutation experiment
consumed about 10% more energy for the deployment process and gained 10s better performance in time.
There is a trade-off between the two performance perspectives for the user when choosing the mutation rate.
In this paper, we presented an online genetic-algorithm-based mobile sensor network deployment algorithm.
To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first online GA-based algorithm in embedded systems. The
paper presents the details on the algorithm and the implementation. The simulation also shows that mutation
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