Radio Propaganda During World War II
Radio Propaganda During World War II
Radio Propaganda During World War II
Propaganda played an important role before and throughout World War II. It
helped accelerate the development of the war and hastened actually fighting. It also
played a crucial role in individual countries in increasing production and helping the war
effort. Without propaganda, it is doubtless that the war would have taken a different
was somewhat low. The radio made it possible for stories and news to be delivered to
everyone in plain simple English. The radio served as a medium that provided a sense of
national community. Although it took time, the radio eventually rallied people together
to back up the American war effort.
Propaganda in the Pre-World War II time period was very unpopular with the
American people. Before WWII, the American people were getting tired of propaganda
efforts put on by the government.
war propaganda tactics used in earlier in World War I and now FDR was putting tons of
effort into radio propaganda to support the new deal. FDR and his administration worked
hard to convince people, politicians, and the media that the government was NOT trying
to censor up information about what was going on. However the government still
increased the radio informational network under the cover of the emergency defense
The government began to slowly expand radio usage and they even began a Radio
Division which developed rapidly as foreign affairs got more intense. They collaborated
with commercial and on commercial radio to promote the sale of defense bonds and
stamps. They also sponsored shows such as The Treasury Hour which started out with
300 subscribing radio stations to 830 in less than a year. Actors and actresses even would
volunteer to speak on behalf of the department. Eventually, justified by Americas
campaign for preparedness, governmental propaganda was reaccepted by the people.
In fact, the success of governmental pro war propaganda was not solidified until
after the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the Munich Crisis. These critical events made the
people turn their heads and pay more attention to what the government was saying. The
government was already prepared with basic propaganda for the war, but they still
werent giving clear reasons why the United States was going to war. The main
challenge to the government was to try and convince the people to make the war their
The government began to air radio series programs, such as We hold these
Truths and This is War! Many of these programs focused mainly on the enemy,
describing the evil of the Germans and giving very detailed descriptions of concentration
camps and stories heard from them. Reminding Americans of the evil enemy was one
of the key tactics to successful war propaganda. They also reminded listeners of heroic
wars from the past such as the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
A very successful radio propaganda tactic used by the government was the youtechnique. They would add a sense of drama to their shows by directly involving the
listener. The narrator would present life in the military from an insiders angle. They
would talk as if the listener were actually in a military camp, or actually in battle. By
personalizing the plot, the listeners imagination was brought to another level and each
listener was given individual attention. Besides trying to make the war personal for
Americans at home, the propaganda also tried to put the listeners into the shoes of the
soldiers fighting, and draw in a sympathy factor.
Americans, at the time, were also conflicted with who the focus of our attacks
should be the Japanese or the Nazis. According to most polls, the American people
thought we should focus on fighting the Japanese. This was largely due to the attacks on
Pearl Harbor, and at the time, the Americans held racism against the Japanese. While
Americans didnt agree with what the Germans were doing, they still considered them to
be hard working people. Although the majority of America thought our attention
should be on the Japanese, the government thought otherwise, and aired programs on the
radio that focused on the Nazi war aims. The programs gave in depth coverage of every
aspect of Hitlers Germany and Nazi conquest. Some of these radio programs were
entitled The anti-Christ, Swastikas over the Equator, Work or Die, and Women
versus Hitlerism. These programs also lashed out against sympathizers of fascists and
isolationists in the United States.
When the government started focusing on foreign language propaganda, radio
took an even larger growth in usage. Ethnic radio continued to climb in popularity, until
controversy regarding the ethnic identity portrayed by these stations.
Government propaganda wasnt the only thing that influenced the American
people on the war. Also, advertising companies and members of Hollywood contributed
to the war effort. The radio soon became the most popular form of media during the
time. Companies were all competing for the best air time slots. Americans were all
supportive of the war, so companies would link their product to patriotism to help boost
sales. Advertising companies would sell their product while giving the listener
information on how to make their food healthier or how to ration their belongings to
make them last longer. So in the eyes of the people, even commercials were being
helpful in a time of war.
Shell Oil Company is one of the many companies that tied their product to that
war to help it sell better. Here is an example taken from a radio ad:
Your car and your tires are a national asset now! See that you keep them in good
condition. To help you get longer wear from tires and car Shell now offers you
Ground Crew Service, patterned after rigid Army Air Corps routine. Its
absolutely free at all Shell dealers displaying Ground Crew Wings. When you see
your Shell dealer, ask him about the new 5,000 miles Ground Crew Logbook. It
maps out an economical plan for servicing you car during the next 5,000 miles.
Your dealer gives you a free check-up and tells you exactly what work needs to be
done to lengthen your cars service and to get extra mileage from you tires. He
records every step in the Ground Crew Log Book just as the Army Air Corps
mechanics record the work they do on Uncle Sams fighting planes.
Also, the American people were big fans of the radio stars, actors, and actresses.
The radio entertainers made it their business with a company to help win the war. The
stars would offer to speak on behalf of a company, so even when the listener got tired and
saw through the advertising and propaganda techniques of the companies, they were still
getting fed advertisement. Most listeners had trouble applying skepticism to their
favorite radio stars.
One key factor in the boom of radio as a popular medium during the World War II
period was the radio sponsors. Radio stations got 70 percent of their budget from
regional and national advertisers, unlike newspapers which got 70 percent from local
advertisers. Before the war, the country was coming out of a slump with the Great
Depression, and advertising and businesses werent doing all that well. But the war
helped to increase the use of the radio as a way to connect to people on a national level,
and the radio gathered the support for the war, so companies who would advertise on the
radio also profited. One method of advertising often employed by companies through
radio was to get the stars to incorporate an ad into their radio program. It was a fun way
of incorporating an ad into the show, and the listeners often wouldnt even notice that
they were being given an ad.
Of all the movie stars and famous comedians that were helping to draw people
into the radio, Bob Hope was one of the most successful. He was considered the funniest
comedian on the radio at the time. He became known as a quintessential GI comedian.
All his shows were broadcasted from an army or naval base, and he became the unofficial
spokesperson for all GIs. In his radio show, Hope was able to make a strong connection
to the soldiers at war because his comedy talked about the things that most affected the
lives of the soldiers. Although almost all his shows were directed toward soldier
audiences, he was still able to make a connection to the audience at home.
Most people in America where completely unaware that the radio was designed
with a master propaganda plan, by both the government and advertising agencies.
Overall, the radio propaganda effort during World War II was highly persuasive. And
although the radio was full of a much planned out blueprint for propaganda, there still
was no end to the creativity of the types of propaganda offered on the radio. The radio
successfully entertained, informed, sold products, and united the American people behind
the war effort.
Radio was the most successful form of medium to combine entertainment, news,
propaganda and advertisement. A survey conducted by the national opinion research
center at the University of Denver in November 1945 asked 2500 Americans Taking
everything into consideration, which one of these do you think did the best job of serving
the public during war- magazines, newspapers, moving pictures, or radio broadcasting?
67 percent of the people polled responded with radio. Without the radio propaganda
effort, the government would have lacked a much needed American support for World
War II.
Nazis had a second agenda it carried out through propaganda. The German government,
attempting to carry out its genocide against the Jews and other races, tried to play on the
existing racial prejudices among the masses. It was extremely important the German
population be desensitized enough that when the deportment began no protests would be
made. German propaganda helped shape Germany into the efficient war machine that it
began during the war.
As Germany prepared for and carried out World War II, it implemented a variety
of forms of propaganda. This was necessary for several reasons, but primarily to serve
two main goals. It was important to convince the public to fight and that it was necessary
to fight. German had just recently gone through a power struggle establishing the Nazi
Party as superior over the socialists, but it still lacked enough political support to go to
war. The main body of German propaganda consists of material increasing or fueling the
wartime effort. Also, Hitler and many of the higher Nazi leaders harbored racism and
wished to begin the extermination of races they deemed inferior.
German wartime propaganda utilized a variety of forms in its delivery. Much of
the propaganda was implemented through the recently invented radio, as well as through
speeches from the main Nazi leaders.
One People, One Reich, One Fhrer (leader), was a piece of one of the most
important parts of the German propaganda. By establishing a rudimentary worship for the
leader figure, Adolf Hitler was established as the absolute head of the government and to
some a semi-deity. This inspired the public to work harder and do more for the Reich,
having been convinced by the propaganda that the war was a sort of holy quest or
crusade. This type of propaganda helped instill pride in Germany and the Reich among
the German population. It also was heavily reinforced by speeches and radio broadcasts.
German radio propaganda was used many of the same techniques as American
radio propaganda, except it was straighter forward when delivering the message. Hitler
took complete control over what was aired on the radio. All radio was pro Hitler and
very anti-Semitic. Unlike American radio propaganda at the time, the radio was less
fun and more serious in tone. Whereas American radio would mix news shows with
comedy shows and advertising, much of German radio at the time was news briefs, shows
that focused on the German Reich, or speeches made to glorify Hitler and his beliefs.
The most important new tool of Nazi propaganda was the radio because Hitler
believed it reached the German people directly. The Nazis set up factories to build cheap
radios like the 'people's receiver' (volksempfnger) which cost only 35 RM. They made
sure that the new radios had a limited range so that they would only pick up the German
stations that the Nazis controlled. By 1939, 70% of German households had a radio,
which was three times the number in 1932 and the highest percentage of any country in
the world. Broadcasting was directed at public places. Loudspeakers were put up in
factories, cafes, offices, restaurants, even in the streets.
One person that played a major role in Hitlers Nazi radio propaganda was Dr.
Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels was a strict follower and admirer of Hitler, and he made
numerous speeches and propaganda that continued to glorify Hitler. He was so
influential in speaking that Hitler eventually gave him full power over al German radio,
press, cinema, and theater.
Hitler said that good propaganda had little to do with the truth unless it favored
the Nazis. It concentrated on simple messages and repeated them frequently. According
to Hitler, propaganda was better if heard rather than read, and he was in fact successful in
bringing pulling together German people in support of the war.
By taking control of the media and only printing or broadcasting Nazi material,
the Reich was able to effectively flood Germany with its propaganda. This, combined
with the genius of men like Joseph Goebbels, created one of the most potent barrages of
wartime propaganda in history.
III. Conclusion
Both the United States and in Nazi Germany, radio propaganda proved to be
successful in finding the support needed for World War II. However, the concept behind
each set of propaganda differed in theme. The United States government tried to cover
up their propaganda effort by covering it up with entertainment. Hitler, Goebbels, and
German radio made a direct approach to sending out their message. Although very
different in style and approach, the radio propaganda effort by both the Germans and the
United States were very fitting for the attitudes of the people at the time.