IEEE-A Primer On Capacitor Bank Protection
IEEE-A Primer On Capacitor Bank Protection
IEEE-A Primer On Capacitor Bank Protection
AbstractCapacitor banks are applied in power systems to provide reactive power. The reactive power results in lower current in
lines upstream of the bank improving system voltage and power
factor and reducing line losses. Capacitor banks can be configured
as filters for harmonic reduction. The protection systems for capacitor banks include fuses, surge arresters, and protective relays. This
paper will focus on protective relaying philosophies of grounded
and ungrounded Y-connected shunt capacitor banks, which are
commonly applied on industrial and utility power systems.
Index TermsCapacitor bank overcurrent protection schemes,
capacitor bank protective relaying, capacitor bank unbalance protection.
APACITOR banks are normally constructed using individual capacitor units connected in series and parallel to
obtain the required voltage and Mvar ratings. Individual capacitor cans are constructed using series and parallel capacitor
units, called packs.
The purpose of an unbalance protection scheme is the removal of a capacitor bank from the system in the event of a fuse
operation in a fused bank, or a pack failure in a fuseless bank.
This will prevent damaging overvoltages from being impressed
across the remaining capacitor units in the group where the operation occurs, thereby protecting against a situation which can be
immediately harmful to the capacitor units or associated equipment.
There are many methods available for detecting unbalances in
capacitor banks; however, there is no practical method that will
provide protection under all possible conditions. The cost of a
foolproof detection scheme would be economically prohibitive
and physically complicated. For example, all unbalance detection schemes assume that unbalanced phase impedances will result from the outage of one or more capacitor units. It is possible,
of course, to lose units in such a manner that balanced phase
impedances result while overvoltage conditions exist within the
bank. Experience and the small probability that such a condition
would occur have indicated that designing a protection scheme
for such a condition is typically not required.
Paper PID 0122, presented at the 2000 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical
Industry Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX, September 1014, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS
by the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee of the IEEE Industry
Applications Society. Manuscript submitted for review September 15, 2000
and released for publication May 17, 2001.
M. Bishop and T. Day are with the Systems Engineering Group, Cooper
Power Systems, Franksville, WI 53126 USA (e-mail:
A. Chaudhary is with the Relay and Integrated Systems Group, Cooper Power
Systems, Franksville, WI 53126 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(01)06307-1.
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Fig. 1.
number of series groups;
number of units in each group;
number of units removed.
Substitution into the expression with the values for this example yields the expected neutral current
of nominal phase current
Fig. 2.
A neutral CT and definite-time overcurrent relay would suffice to generate a trip signal for the banks breaker. Table I
shows the value of the neutral quantity (percent of nominal bank
voltage appearing at the neutral for ungrounded banks) for different numbers of series groups. Values in the table are calculated under the assumption that an unbalance sufficient to result
in an internal 110% overvoltage has occurred.
Note that for banks with more series groupsto accommodate higher system voltagesthe external neutral signal
becomes smaller, and more difficult to detect, for like values
of internal voltage stress.
Correct application of an unbalance protection scheme depends upon proper understanding of system conditions that confound reliable measurement of the indicating quantity, in this
case the neutral current. This neutral current (or voltage if ungrounded) is influenced by unbalances in the system bus voltages as well as can failures. Even though the bank may be perfectly healthy, a system voltage unbalance may result in a false
trip by causing sufficient neutral current flow, or , if a bona fide
bank problem does exist, it may be masked by the phasor relationship of the unbalanced bus voltages combining to reduce
the magnitude of neutral current calculated above. A robust protection scheme should provide means for compensating for the
effects of system voltage unbalance.
Assuming a healthy bank (no blown fuses) and balanced bus
voltages, a neutral current may still be present due to manufacturing tolerances of the individual capacitors. That is, not
all phases have the same capacitive reactance. This is usually
a secondary concern in modern banks but is more problematic
in banks with many series groups where the measured signal
is small. A robust protection scheme should provide means for
compensating for this inherent imbalance due to manufacturing
The neutral current detection scheme mentioned above has
an additional shortcoming: although unlikely, if one unit fails in
each of the three phases, overvoltages will exist within the bank.
However, since all phases have the same reactance, there is no
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Fig. 3.
applied line-to-neutral voltage;
rated voltage of capacitor units;
voltage on remaining units in group with
units remaining;
neutral-to-ground current flow;
rated current of one phase;
number of series groups per phase;
number of parallel units in one series group;
number of units removed from one series group.
The advantage of the unbalance protection scheme shown in
Fig. 3 using the neutral-to-ground current sensing is its relative
low cost.
The disadvantages of this scheme are as follows:
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The relay would further be set to trip the bank upon loss of
units. The neutral shift voltage and relay setting can be
in place of .
determined by the same formulas using
Similar equations can be derived to determine the relay settings
of for the protection scheme shown in Fig. 9.
For the protection schemes shown in Fig. 7 and each wye
of the protection scheme shown in Fig. 9, the percentage overvoltage for any number of units removed from a series group
can be determined by using the following formula:
neutral shift voltage;
applied line-to-neutral voltage;
rated voltage of capacitor units;
volts on remaining units
units removed;
number of series groups per phase;
number of parallel units in one series group;
number of units removes from one series group.
For the split-wye arrangement of Fig. 8, the allowable number
of units that can be removed from one series group, given a
on the remaining units, can be calculated with
the following formula:
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mine the neutral current flow and relay setting upon loss of
units, the following formula may be used:
The relay would further be set to trip the bank upon loss of
units. The neutral current flow and relay setting can be
in place of .
determined by this same formula using
The percentage of overvoltage for any number of units removed from a series group can be determined using the following formula:
applied line-to-neutral voltage;
rated voltage of capacitor units;
volts on remaining units
units removed;
current between neutrals of two banks;
rated current of one unit;
number of series groups per phase;
number of parallel units in one series group;
number of units removed from one series group.
Fig. 7 shows a connection diagram for a neutral
voltage sensing unbalance protection scheme for an ungrounded-wye-connected capacitor bank. This scheme may
be used to protect banks of relatively modest size. A VT is
connected between the center point of the wye connection and
the substation ground. Another type of voltage transducer,
e.g., coupling capacitor voltage transformer (CCVT), might
be a more economical application in some high-voltage applications. If all capacitor units are in service and the system
voltage is balanced, then the center of the wye should be very
close to ground potential. An overvoltage relay senses voltage
that appears between the center point of the wye connection
and ground indicating an unbalance in the bank due to a
capacitor that is out of service, or due to system unbalance. The
advantages and disadvantages of the scheme shown in Fig. 7
are the same as those for the scheme shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 8 shows the connections for a neutral current sensing
unbalance protection scheme for an ungrounded-split-wye connected capacitor bank. This is a common and simple connection
to negate the effects of system voltage unbalance. A CT is connected between the center point of the wye connection of each of
the two wye-connected banks. If all capacitor units are in service
only small values of current flows in the connection. An overcurrent relay senses current that flows between the center point
of the wye connection of each bank indicating an unbalance in
the bank due to a capacitor that is out of service. The advantages
and disadvantages of the scheme shown in Fig. 8 are the same
as those for the scheme shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 9 shows a variation of the split-wye scheme of Fig. 8 except voltage versus current sensing is employed. The operation
principles of the two schemes are similar as are the advantages
and disadvantages. Since the VT measures small signals relative to its rating, the CT scheme generally displays greater sensitivity.
Fig. 10.
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Fig. 11.
be applied to detect unbalances due to failure of individual capacitor units in the bank. The problem of measuring external
quantities to determine the internal voltage distribution within
the bank was described. Equations were presented to determine
the resulting unbalance as cans are removed from service for
both grounded banks and ungrounded banks.
Protection technologies have been developed by the industry
to overcome some of the difficulties in sensing problems within
capacitor banks. The capabilities of microprocessor based relays allow the protection engineer to implement sophisticated
protection logic at a reasonable cost. A new technique using
impedance monitoring devices was also presented.
[1] IEEE Guide for the Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks, IEEE C37.992000.
[2] IEEE Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors, IEEE Standard 18-1992.
[3] M. T. Bishop, S. R. Mendis, J. C. McCall, and W. M. Hurst, Capacitor
overcurrent protection for industrial distribution systems, presented at
the IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Tech. Conf., Vancouver, BC,
Canada, September 1114, 1994, Paper PCIC-94-33.
[4] J. McCall, T. R. Day, S. Wu, and T. Newton, New techniques for capacitor bank protection and control, presented at the Western Protective
Relay Conference, Spokane, WA, Oct. 1999.
Tim Day (M88SM00) received the M.S.E.E. degree from Washington State University, Pullman, in
He is a Senior Power Systems Engineer in
the Systems Engineering Group, Cooper Power
Systems, Franksville, WI. His present professional
endeavors include modeling and analysis of electrical power systems in order to assess and optimize
protection schemes. He enhances existing protective
algorithms and develops customized schemes for the
EdisonPro line of relays and incorporates Cooper
Power Systems simulator to verify all scheme modifications.
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