25 - Ivanpah GeoPaleoMinerals
25 - Ivanpah GeoPaleoMinerals
25 - Ivanpah GeoPaleoMinerals
The proposed Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS) is located in a
moderately active geologic area on the west side of Ivanpah Valley, east of the Clark
Mountain Range in the eastern Mojave Desert of Southern California. The main
geologic hazards at this site include ground shaking; liquefaction; settlement due to
compressible soils, subsidence associated with shrinkage of clay soils,
hydrocompaction, or dynamic compaction; and the presence of expansive clay soils.
These potential hazards can be effectively mitigated through facility design by
incorporating recommendations contained in a design-level geotechnical report as
required by the California Building Code (2007) and Condition of Certification GEO-1.
Conditions of Certification GEN-1, GEN-5, and CIVIL-1 in the Facility Design section,
should also mitigate these impacts to a less than significant level.
The proposed project is currently not used for mineral production, nor is it under claim,
lease, or permit for the production of locatable, leasable, or salable minerals. Sand and
gravel resources are present at the site and could potentially be a source of salable
resources; however, such materials are present throughout the regional area such that
the ISEGS should not have a significant NEPA or CEQA impact on the availability of
such resources.
Paleontological resources have been documented within 45 miles of the project, but no
significant fossils were found during field explorations on the solar plant sites or near the
sub-station and ancillary facilities; however, pack rat middens with plant remains were
found in the carbonate bedrock outcrop west of Ivanpah 3. If encountered, potential
impacts to paleontological resources contained in these materials due to construction
activities will be mitigated through worker training and monitoring by qualified
paleontologists, as required by Conditions of Certification PAL-1 through PAL-7.
BLM and Energy Commission staff (hereafter jointly referred to as staff) believe that the
potential for significant adverse cumulative impacts to the project from geologic hazards
during its design life and to potential geologic, mineralogical, and paleontological
resources from the construction, operation, and closure of the proposed project, is not
significant with respect to CEQA or NEPA. It is staffs opinion that the ISEGS can be
designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances,
regulations, and standards (LORS), and in a manner that both protects environmental
quality and assures public safety, to the extent practical. Conditions of Certification
referred to herein serve the purpose of both the Energy Commissions Conditions of
Certification for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and BLMs
Mitigation Measures for purposes of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
This Final Staff Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Statement (FSA/DEIS)
discusses the potential impacts of geologic hazards on the proposed ISEGS as well as
October 2009
General Mining
Law of 1872
Materials Act of
July 31, 1947
Resources Act of
Mining Claims
Restoration Act of
August 11, 1955
Classification and
Multiple Use Act
of 1964
Provides for the immediate and future protection and administration
of public lands in the California desert within the framework of a
program of multiple use and sustained yield, and the maintenance
of environmental quality. This Statute requires the Secretary of the
Interior to retain and maintain public lands in a manner that will
protect the quality of Scientific, scenic, historical, ecological,
environmental, air and atmospheric, water resources and
archeological values.
Declared all valuable mineral deposits in lands belonging to the
United States to be free and open to exploration and purchase.
This law remains the method for disposal of minerals in Federal
lands that are not specifically provided for in later mineral leasing
and sales laws.
Authorizes the sale of certain materials, including sand, stone,
gravel, and common clay from public lands, if not otherwise
expressly authorized or prohibited by law.
Defined common varieties of sand, stone, gravel, and other
materials and authorized the Government to manage and dispose
of any land and surface resources that are not incident to mining on
unpatented mining claims.
Permits the mining, development, and utilization of mineral
resources on all public lands withdrawn or reserved for power
Authorized the Secretary of the Interior to classify and Manage
Bureau of Land Management land for retention or disposal, and for
multiple use, including specification of dominate uses and
preclusion of inconsistent uses in an area.
October 2009
Applicable Law
Mining and
Mineral Policy Act
of 1970
Declared that the Federal Government policy is to encourage
private enterprise in the development of a sound and stable
domestic mineral industry, domestic mineral deposits, minerals
research, and methods for reclamation in the minerals industry.
California Desert
Defines multiple-use classes for BLM-managed lands in the CDCA,
which includes the land area encompassing the proposed project
Area (CDCA) Plan location.
Northern and
The purpose of this amendment to the CDCA Plan was to evaluate
Eastern Mojave
land use changes necessary to protect threatened and endangered
Management Plan
Antiquities Act of
The proposed ISEGS is located entirely on federal (Bureau of Land
1906 (16 United
Management) land. Although there is no specific mention of natural
States Code
or paleontological resources in the Act itself, or in the Acts uniform
[USC], 431-433
rules and regulations (Title 43 Part 3, Code of Federal Regulations
[43 CFR Part 3], objects of antiquity has been interpreted to
include fossils by the National Park Service (NPS), the Bureau of
Land Management (BLM), the Forest Service (USFS), and other
Federal agencies. All design will also need to adhere to any
applicable BLM design standards.
Omnibus Bill (HR Provides for the protection and preservation of Paleontological
554) and
Preservation Act,
of March 30, 2009
Title 43 Code of
Regulate the management of Public Lands.
California Building The CBC (2007) includes a series of standards that are used in
Code (2007)
project investigation, design, and construction (including grading
and erosion control). The CBC has adopted provisions in the
International Building Code (IBC).
Mitigates against surface fault rupture of known active faults
Earthquake Fault beneath occupied structures. Requires disclosure to potential
Zoning Act, Public buyers of existing real estate and a 50-foot setback for new
Resources Code
occupied buildings. The site is not located within a designated
(PRC), Section
Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone.
The Seismic
Areas are identified that are subject to the effects of strong ground
Hazards Mapping shaking, such as liquefaction, landslides, tsunamis, and seiches.
Act, PRC Section
October 2009
Applicable Law
PRC, Chapter 1.7,
Sections 5097.5,
5097.9 and 30244
Act, PRC,
Sections 25527
and 25550.5(i)
Quality Act
Sections 15000 et
seq., Appendix G
Society for
(SVP), 1995
California Surface
Mining and
Reclamation Act
San Bernardino
County General
San Bernardino
County 2007
Code, Chapter
California Surface
Mining and
Reclamation Act
Regulates removal of paleontological resources from state lands,
defines unauthorized removal of fossil resources as a
misdemeanor, and requires mitigation of disturbed sites.
The Warren-Alquist Act requires the Energy Commission to give
the greatest consideration to the need for protecting areas of critical
environmental concern, including, but not limited to, unique and
irreplaceable scientific, scenic, and educational wildlife habitats;
unique historical, archaeological, and cultural sites With
respect to paleontological resources, the Energy Commission relies
on guidelines from the Society for Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP),
indicated below.
Mandates that public and private entities identify the potential
impacts on the environment during proposed activities. Appendix G
outlines the requirements for compliance with CEQA and provides
a definition of significant impacts on a fossil site.
The proposed ISEGS will be constructed in three phases on a total of approximately
4,072.5 acres (6.4 square miles) located approximately 4.5 miles southwest of the
California/Nevada border and Primm, Nevada, and 1 to 3.5 miles west of Interstate
Highway 15 in San Bernardino County, California. The proposed project is located
October 2009
entirely on federal land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and is
roughly 1.6 miles west of Ivanpah Lake, a predominantly dry playa lakebed. The power
plants will be capable of generating a total 400 megawatts (MW) of electricity from the
three separate electrical generating sites. Ivanpah 1, 2 and 3 will occupy the southern,
central and northern portions of the overall site, respectively. Ivanpah 1 and 2 will
consist of one heliostat (mirror) array that will focus sunlight onto one solar power tower
receiver, and Ivanpah 3 will consist of five heliostat arrays focusing sunlight onto one
solar power tower in the center of each of the five arrays. Steam produced by solar
boilers will be fed to a single Rankine-cycle reheat steam turbine adjacent to each
power tower. A natural gas-fired boiler will used for start-up and during periods of
temporary cloud cover, but use will not exceed 4 hours on any given day.
A new 115/220-kilovolt (kV) substation will be constructed between Ivanpah 1 and 2 by
Southern California Edison (SCE) adjacent to existing transmission lines. New 115 kV
transmission lines will connect each power plant to the SCE grid at the new Ivanpah
Substation. Auxiliary components include air-cooled condensers, water storage tanks,
deaerators, back-up generators, and switchyards. Ancillary facilities include two water
wells, a water treatment system, a septic system for disposal of sanitary wastewater,
and an administration/maintenance/control building. A total of approximately 6 miles of
4- to 6-inch diameter natural-gas pipeline, most of which will be installed within the
project boundaries, will connect to an existing Kern River Gas Transmission line located
approximately 0.5 mile north of Phase 3. A total of approximately 8 miles of optic cable
line will be installed both overhead on the existing Nipton 33-kV or 12-kV distribution
line poles and through new underground conduits in two segments: between the
Ivanpah substation and the Mountain Pass substation and from Mountain Pass
substation to a designated local telecommunication carrier interface point approximately
1.5 miles away.
October 2009
Outcrops of carbonate and metamorphic rocks to the west of Ivanpah 3 and northeast of
Ivanpah 2, respectively, indicate that alluvial fan thickness is relatively thin in the area.
However, boreholes in Ivanpah 2, which were advanced to depths up to 80 feet, did not
encounter bedrock (Terracon 2007). Subsurface information is not available in the
immediate vicinity of Ivanpah 1 and 3.
The Quaternary alluvium mapped across all power plants of the proposed solar plant
can be grouped into two major categories based on composition of the sand and gravel
clasts. Sediments composed of fine sand to boulders derived from multiple sources,
including granitic, metamorphic and carbonate rocks, are present at the surface in the
northern half of Ivanpah 1 and the northwest half of Ivanpah 3 (USGS 2006). All other
areas are mapped as alluvium that contains coarse sand to fine gravel of predominantly
granitic composition (grus). Young alluvium of both types is late Pleistocene to
Holocene in age and characterized by poorly cemented and consolidated sediments
with poorly developed soil horizons and desert pavement. Older young alluvium (latest
Pleistocene to early Holocene) is slightly more weathered than young alluvium and
contains localized weak soil and desert varnish development. Intermediate alluvial fan
deposits occur only in the northwest corner of Ivanpah 3, and are middle to late
Pleistocene in age. The sediments are composed of silt, sand, gravel, cobbles and
boulders, and are moderately to strongly weathered with a dark brown surface clayey
horizon. Desert pavement is moderately to well developed, and desert varnish is
moderate to strong (USGS 2006).
Two exploratory borings were drilled within the limits of Ivanpah 2 to depths of 80 feet
(Terracon 2007). Medium dense to very dense granular soils, including silty sand with
gravel and silty gravel with sand, were the predominant materials encountered. Clayey
sand occurred only locally, in boring B-1 (7 to 15 feet) and boring B-2 (3 to 4 feet). All
soils are typical alluvial fan sediments. No fine-grained or clay soils typical of deposition
in a lacustrine environment were observed. The lowest blowcount recorded was 21
blows/foot, and all but four blowcounts were above 30 blows/foot, indicative of generally
dense granular soils. Sieve analyses yielded 8.4 to 16.4 percent non-plastic fines and
3.8 to 20.3 percent gravel in silty sands. Groundwater was not encountered in either
Two small bedrock hills are located adjacent to Ivanpah 2 and 3. All literature sources
agree that the small ridge of carbonate rocks to the west of Ivanpah 3 is Paleozoic in
age, and the hills composed of metamorphic rocks to the northeast of Ivanpah 2 are
early pre-Cambrian to Cambrian in age (CDMG 1961; CDMG 1967; CH2M Hill, 2007).
Jennings (CDMG 1961) maps the carbonate rocks as undivided marine limestone and
dolomite of either the Riggs Formation, which occurs only in the Silurian Hills to the
northwest beyond the Clark Mountain Range, or the early Cambrian to Devonian
Goodsprings Dolomite. Exposures of the Goodsprings Dolomite, which is described as
a dark gray, fine-grained, thick-bedded and locally mottled dolomite (CDMG 1961;
CDMG 1967), are abundant in the Clark Mountain Range several miles north of the
project site (CDMG 1967). The unit generally lacks fossils, except for echinoderm
plates. The Geologic Hazards section of the AFC (CH2M Hill, 2007) also refers to the
carbonate bedrock adjacent to Ivanpah 3 as Goodsprings Dolomite. However, the
Paleontological Resources section interprets the rocks to be part of the Bonanza King
Formation, which is similarly fine-grained, thick-bedded and devoid of fossils, based on
October 2009
field examination of the outcrops (CH2M Hill, 2007). The Cambrian Bonanza King
Formation does occupy the same relative stratigraphic position as the Goodsprings
Dolomite (CDMG 1967; Miller and Walker, 2002).
McCleod (2007) speculates that the carbonate bedrock belongs to the Mississippian
age Monte Cristo Limestone or Pennsylvanian age Bird Spring Formation. Both units
are mapped in the Clark Mountain Range to the north (CDMG 1961; CDMG 1967). The
basal portions of the Bird Spring Formation and certain members of the Monte Cristo
Limestone contain abundant marine fossils. The lack of fossils in the outcrop near the
project site makes positive determination of the age and formation of the rocks difficult.
The east half of the Clark Mountain Range is mapped as much older pegmatite dikes
and gneisses of granitic composition that could be Archean in age (CDMG 1961; CDMG
1967). The hills northeast of Ivanpah 2 are composed of gray quartzites and other
metamorphic rocks that are undifferentiated in most literature sources. The rocks are
tentatively assigned to the lower Cambrian Zabriskie Quartzite in the Paleontological
Resources section of the AFC (CH2M Hill, 2007) based on field observations. Although
the unit is not mapped in the Clark Mountain Range in the vicinity of the project, the
Tapeats Sandstone is a red quartzite of Cambrian age mapped north of the nearby
Mesquite Pass (CDMG 1967). The Tapeats Sandstone occupies the same stratigraphic
position as the Zabriskie Quartzite (CDMG 1967; Miller and Walker, 2002).
Several active and potentially active faults related to regional strike-slip faulting to the
west and north, as well as to extensional tectonics in the Great Basin and eastern
Mojave Desert, are present within 100 miles of the ISEGS project area. EQFAULT
Version 3.00, a computer program for the deterministic estimation of peak site
acceleration using three-dimensional articulated planar elements (faults), was used to
model seismogenic sources (Blake, 2006a). The site latitude and longitude inputs were
35.5588 degrees and -115.4672 degrees, respectively, which is centrally located in
Ivanpah 2. The search radius was 100 miles. The attenuation relationship used was that
recommended by Boore, et al. (1997) for Site Class D. The various faults are listed in
Geology, Paleontology and Minerals Table 2, along with the distance from the project
site and maximum earthquake magnitude. The peak acceleration and estimated
intensity the site would experience during a maximum magnitude earthquake on each
fault is also given. The fault locations can be found on the Fault Activity Map of
California (CDMG 1994).
October 2009
(mi [km])
Magnitude (Mw)
Peak Site
Acceleration (g)
51.3 (82.5)
51.3 (82.6)
67.0 (107.9)
Estimated Site
Mercali Scale)
76.8 (123.6)
79.6 (128.1)
Panamint Valley
Calico Hidalgo
Emerson South Copper
Gravel Hills Harper Lake
Johnson Valley (Northern)
Tank Canyon
Woman Springs
(mi [km])
Magnitude (Mw)
Peak Site
Acceleration (g)
80.9 (130.2)
84.1 (135.4)
92.3 (148.6)
Estimated Site
Mercali Scale)
93.3 (150.1)
94.4 (151.9)
94.6 (152.3)
97.9 (157.6)
98.7 (158.9)
99.2 (159.6)
Geology, Paleontology and Minerals Table 2 presents only the active faults with
Holocene age (less than 10,000 years) activity. One northwest-striking fault, the
Stateline Fault, has had movement in the early to middle Pleistocene (700,000 to
1,600,000 years) (CDMG 1994). The fault is located approximately 4.5 miles to the
northeast, and closely follows the California-Nevada border. The Stateline Fault is the
southern segment of the Pahrump Valley Fault Zone, which has been interpreted to be
a right-lateral strike-slip structure with some vertical movement (USGS 2006). The fault
borders the east side of Ivanpah Valley, and crosses the valley north of the solar plant
site. No other fault with Pleistocene activity is present within 35 miles of the proposed
solar plant. Numerous older bedrock faults are mapped in all mountain ranges, including
the Clark Mountain Range, in the eastern Mojave Desert, but are not considered to be
active. The Ivanpah Fault, which is shown by the CDMG (1961 and 1994) to be
concealed beneath Quaternary sediments of Ivanpah Valley, is located roughly 4,500 to
5,500 feet southwest of the site. The fault separates predominantly pre-cambrian
granitic and metaporphic rocks in the western portion of the Clark Mountain Range from
Paleozoic carbonates in the eastern half (CDMG 1961; CDMG 1967). Several bedrock
faults have also mapped on the small metamorphic rock outcrop just northeast of
Ivanpah 2 (CDMG 1961).
As discussed in Section 14 Soil and Water, groundwater depth on the ISEGS site is not
precisely known. The only local information available indicates that groundwater does
October 2009
not occur within 80 feet of the existing ground surface at two boring sites within the
limits of Ivanpah 2 (Terracon 2007). It is recommended that the areas of the project that
lack subsurface information be investigated to establish depths to groundwater and
bedrock, as well as other geologic conditions, per CBC (2007) requirements and
proposed Condition of Certification GEO-1. Data from wells within Ivanpah Valley, which
was obtained from the California Department of Water Resources (CDWR 2004), show
high historic groundwater levels at 367, 90, 24 and 85 feet in the south central, central,
western margin and north central parts of the basin, respectively. Levels have fluctuated
between 6 and 8.5 feet since about 1916-1917.
Local subsidence in the form of sinkholes has been observed at the site and along the
northern edge of Ivanpah Dry Lake. While its potential cause can sometimes be
attributed to groundwater withdrawal as well as other causes, in this case, the cause is
believed to be from dehydration of clays between the soil surface and the water table
that can result in a major loss of volume, and thus the collapse of overlying soils
(Broadbent 2009). The potential for such shrinkage to affect structural components will
need to be mitigated through facility design.
Section (V) (c) includes guidelines that determine if a project will either directly or
indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site, or a unique geological
Sections (VI) (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) focus on whether or not the project would
expose persons or structures to geologic hazards.
Sections (X) (a) and (b) concern the projects effects on mineral resources.
The California Building Standards Code (CBSC) and CBC (2007) provide geotechnical
and geological investigation and design guidelines, which engineers must follow when
designing a facility. As a result, the criteria used to assess the significance of a geologic
October 2009
hazard include evaluating each hazards potential impact on the design and
construction of the proposed facility. Geologic hazards include faulting and seismicity,
liquefaction, dynamic compaction, hydrocompaction, subsidence, expansive soils,
landslides, tsunamis, and seiches.
Staff has reviewed geologic and mineral resource maps for the surrounding area, as
well as site-specific information provided by the applicant, to determine if geologic and
mineral resources exist in the area. Staff also reviewed the operating procedures of the
proposed facility, in particular groundwater extraction and mass grading, to determine if
those operations could adversely affect geologic and mineralogical resources.
To evaluate whether the proposed project and alternatives would generate a potentially
significant impact as defined by CEQA on mineral resources, the staff evaluated them
against checklist questions posed in the 2006 CEQA Guidelines, Appendix G,
Environmental Checklist established for Mineral Resources. These questions are:
A. Would the project result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that
would be of value to the region and residents of the state?
B. Would the project result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral
resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan, or other land
use plan?
Under NEPA, the impact of the proposed project and alternatives on mineral resources
would be considered significant if they would directly or indirectly interfere with active
mining claims or operations, or would result in reducing or eliminating the availability of
important mineral resources. The staffs evaluation of the significance of the impact of
the proposed project on mineral resources includes an assessment of the context and
intensity of the impacts, as defined in the NEPA implementing regulations 40 CFR Part
The Antiquities Act of 1906 (16 United States Code [USC]) requires that objects of
antiquity be taken into consideration for federal projects and the California
Environmental Quality Act, Appendix G, also requires the consideration of
paleontological resources. The Paleontological Resources Preservation Act of 2009
requires the Secretaries of the United States Department of the Interior and Agriculture
to manage and protect paleontological resources on Federal land using scientific
principles and expertise. The potential for discovery of paleontological resources or the
impact of surface disturbing activities to such resources is assessed using the Potential
Fossil Yield Classification (PYFC) system. This system includes three conditions
(Condition 1 [areas known to contain vertebrate fossils]; Condition 2 [areas with
exposures of geological units or settings that have high potential to contain vertebrate
fossils]; and Condition 3 [areas that are very unlikely to produce vertebrate fossils]). The
PYFC class ranges from Class 5 (very high) for Condition 1 to Class 1 (very low) for
Condition 3.
The proposed conditions of certification allow BLMs Authorized Officer, the Energy
Commissions compliance project manager (CPM) and the applicant to adopt a
October 2009
October 2009
to 1,600,000 years) (CDMG 1994). The fault is located approximately 4.5 miles to the
northeast, and closely follows the California-Nevada border.
Geology, Paleontology and Minerals Table 2, page 9, lists all Holocene age faults
within 100 miles of the solar plant site. The majority, including the Pisgah-Bullion
Mountain-Mesquite Lake, Calico-Hidalgo, Landers, Emerson-Copper Mountain, Gravel
Hills-Harper Lake, Blackwater, Johnson Valley, and Lenwood-Lockhart-Old Woman
Springs Faults, are right-lateral strike-slip faults similar in style and orientation to the
San Andreas Fault. These structures are located in the western Mojave Desert. The
Panamint Valley Fault is located east of the Death Valley Fault Zone, and sense-ofmovement and orientation are similar. The Owl Lake Fault, which strikes northeast, and
the Tank Canyon Fault, which is a north-striking reverse fault, appear to be associated
with the regional left-lateral Garlock Fault.
The Garlock Fault is the only structure designated as a Type A fault (CDMG 1994;
ICBO 1998). All others listed in Table 2 are Type B. Type A faults have slip-rates of >5
mm/yr and are capable of producing an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 or greater. Type B
faults have slip-rates of 2 to 5 mm/yr and are capable of producing an earthquake of
magnitude 6.5 to 7.0.
The Alquist-Priolo Act of 1973 and subsequent California state law (California Code of
Regulations, 2001) require that all occupied structures be set back 50 feet or more from
the surface trace of an active fault. Since no active faults have been documented within
the ISEGS power plant site, setbacks for occupied structures will not be required.
Estimates of potential seismic ground motion generated using the Seismic Hazard
Curves, Response Parameters and Design Parameters software found at the United
States Geological Survey website (http://eartquake.usgs.gov/research/hazmaps/design)
indicate that the peak bedrock ground acceleration is expected to be 0.15g at the site.
The resulting deterministic peak surface accelerations on the site for each fault are
summarized in Geology, Paleontology and Minerals Table 3.
October 2009
Acc. (g)
Distance (mi
91.1 (146.6)
91.1 (146.6)
91.6 (147.3)
92.5 (148.9)
98.7 (158.8)
46.1 (74.1)
66.5 (107.1)
71.0 (114.2)
71.8 (115.6)
72.8 (117.2)
73.6 (118.0)
73.5 (118.2)
73.5 (118.2)
74.7 (120.2)
76.1 (122.4)
Acc. (g)
Distance (mi
76.6 (123.3)
77.8 (125.3)
80.6 (129.7)
82.8 (133.2)
82.7 (133.1)
86.4 (139.0)
86.7 (139.5)
88.9 (143.0)
Location of
Southwest of
Death Valley, CA
South of Death
Valley, CA
Lathrop Wells, NV
South of Hector,
East of Landers,
Boulder City, NV
S. Bristol Mtns.,
Hector, CA
Hector, CA
East of Barstow,
East of Barstow,
East of Barstow,
East of Barstow,
Hector, CA
Southeast of
Hector Mine, CA
Location of
N. Bullion Mtns.,
Hector, CA
Southeast of
Hector Mine, CA
Southeast of
Hector, CA
South of Hector,
Calico Mtns., CA
Bullion Mtns., CA
Southeast of
Hector Mine, CA
EQSEARCH Version 3.00 software was used to search an abbreviated and modified
version of the published CGS earthquake catalog for California in order to obtain the
information presented in Geology, Paleontology and Minerals Table 3 (Blake,
2006a). The site latitude and longitude inputs were 35.5588 degrees and -115.4672
degrees, respectively, which is centrally located in Ivanpah 2. The range of historic
earthquake magnitudes selected was 5.0 to 9.0, and the search radius was 100 miles.
The location of each seismic event was obtained from the USGS 7.5 Minute
Topographic Map Series and the California Historical Earthquake Online Database
October 2009
(driven piles; drilled shafts) for severe conditions, geogrid reinforced fill pads for
moderate severity and over-excavation and replacement for areas of minimal hazard.
Hydrocompaction (also known as hydro-collapse) is generally limited to young soils that
were deposited rapidly in a saturated state, most commonly by a flash flood. The soils
dry quickly, leaving an unconsolidated, low density deposit with a high percentage of
voids. Foundations built on these types of compressible materials can settle
excessively, particularly when landscaping irrigation dissolves the weak cementation
that is preventing the immediate collapse of the soil structure. Medium dense to very
dense sands and gravels present in borings in Ivanpah 2 are not generally susceptible
to hydrocompaction. It is not possible to assess the potential for hydrocompaction in
Ivanpah 1 and 3 without site-specific geotechnical exploration. The potential for and
mitigation of the effects of hydrocompaction of site soils should be addressed in a
project-specific geotechnical report as required by the CBC (2007) and proposed
Condition of Certification GEO-1. Typical mitigation measures would include overexcavation/replacement, mat foundations or deep foundations, depending on severity
and foundation loads.
Consolidation settlement may occur when areas containing compressible soils are
subjected to surcharge loads. Although consolidation testing was not performed on soil
samples from borings in Ivanpah 2, the coarse-grained soils encountered are not
considered highly sensitive to surcharge loading. It is not possible to assess the
potential for consolidation settlement in Ivanpah 1 and 3 without site-specific
geotechnical exploration. The potential for and mitigation of the effects of consolidation
settlement at the site should be addressed in a project-specific geotechnical report as
required by the CBC (2007) and proposed Condition of Certification GEO-1. Mitigation
is normally accomplished by over-excavation and replacement of the surifical materials,
or by incorporating deep foundations for deeper deposits.
Regional ground subsidence is typically caused by petroleum or groundwater
withdrawal that increases the effective unit weight of the soil profile, which in turn
increases the effective stress on the deeper soils. This results in consolidation or
settlement of the soils. No known petroleum or gas fields are located within hundreds of
miles of the project site (CDC 2001) such that subsidence due to petroleum withdrawal
is not anticipated. However, regional subsidence associated with shrinkage of clay soils
may be occurring (Broadbent 2009), and possible evidence of subsidence has been
found on the playa surface to the east of the project site in the form of sinkholes and
possible degradation of a portion of the Interstate Highway 15 road base. Subsidence
associated with shrinkage of clay soils will need to be addressed in the design-level
geotechnical report required by proposed Condition of Certification GEO-1 and
mitigated through facility design.
Groundwater pumping can also contribute to regional subsidence. Staffs assessment
as noted in the Cumulative Impacts and Mitigation analysis of the Soil and Water
section also concludes that groundwater withdrawal is not causing a local lowering of
the water table, and thus would not contribute to subsidence.
October 2009
Expansive Soils
Soil expansion occurs when clay-rich soils with an affinity for water exist in-place at a
moisture content below their plastic limit. The addition of moisture from irrigation,
capillary tension, water line breaks, etc. causes the clay soils to collect water molecules
in their structure, which in turn causes an increase in the overall volume of the soil. This
increase in volume can correspond to movement of overlying structural improvements.
Although expansion testing was not performed on soil samples from borings in Ivanpah
2, the coarse-grained, generally non-plastic soils encountered are not considered to be
expansive. It is not possible to assess the potential for expansive soils in Ivanpah 1 and
3 without site-specific geotechnical exploration. The potential for and mitigation of the
effects of expansive soils on the site should be addressed in a project-specific
geotechnical report as required by the CBC (2007) and proposed Condition of
Certification GEO-1. Mitigation is normally accomplished by over-excavation and
replacement of the expansive soils. For deep-seated conditions, deep foundations are
commonly used. Lime-treatment (chemical modification) is often used to mitigate
expansive clays in pavement areas.
Landslide potential at the ISEGS site is negligible since the proposed energy facility is
located on a broad, gently east-sloping alluvial fan.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has identified the ISEGS site
and gas pipeline route as lying in a Zone D, which is an area in which flood hazards are
undetermined (FEMA 1997). Flooding potential is further addressed in the Soil and
Water section.
Tsunamis and Seiches
The proposed ISEGS power plant site is not located near a large body of water that
could be inundated by a tsunami or seiche, such as a lake or open ocean. As a result,
there is no potential for a tsunami or seiche to affect the facility.
The closest current mining operation is the Chevron Mining, Inc. Rare Earth facility
(formerly Molycorp) located in at Mountain Pass, approximately 8 miles to the west of
the proposed project location. Other mining operations that have occurred in the local
area in the past include the Colosseum Mine, which produced gold at a location
approximately 5 miles west of the proposed project location from 1988 to 1993.
Regionally, mineral production includes gold, silver, barite, boron, hectorite, bentonite,
gypsum, tungsten, talc, zeolites, sodium, limestone, sand, gravel, stone, and turquoise.
The nearest prospects and historic workings are located approximately 8,000 feet
northwest of Ivanpah 3 and 12,500 feet southwest of Ivanpah 2 and 3 (CDMG 1987;
CDMG 1998). Base metal and limestone prospects are also located roughly 6,000 feet
northwest of the northern end of the proposed gas pipeline. A pit is located 7,500 feet
east of Ivanpah 1, and is the closest known source of borrow material (USGS 1985).
The proposed project location is located on alluvial fan materials. The general area is
potentially leasable, and there has been limited exploration for oil and gas. However,
there has been no production, and the area is considered to have low potential for
leasable minerals. The nearest oil and gas fields are located at least 75 miles west and
southwest of Barstow, California, which is roughly 100 miles to the southwest of the
project site (CDC 2001). Some dry lake beds in California are sources of brine and salt
production, but Ivanpah Dry Lake is not expected to be a potential resource for these
The presence of alluvial fan materials on the proposed project location means that the
property could potentially be accessed a source for of salable sand and gravel
resources. During construction, the applicant may need or desire to move sand and
gravel either offsite, or between the different units of the facility. Should this occur, the
applicant would be required to comply with BLM regulations in at 43 CFR Part 3600,
which regulates the production and use of sand and gravel from public lands. Use of
sand and gravel or other mineral materials within the boundaries of an authorized Rightof-way (ROW) is permitted, however, removal of these materials from an authorized
ROW would require payment to the US of the fair market value of those materials.
Adjacent to the western boundary of the proposed project location is an outcrop feature
known as Limestone Hill. Limestone Hill is the location of two active locatable minerals
claims, including a lode claim and a placer claim. These claims are identified as
Numbers CAMC234026 and CAMC237293. Underground exploration is being
conducted sporadically, however, commercial economic production is not apparent from
either claim. The extent of the underground workings is not known.
Although active mining claims exist on Limestone Hill directly adjacent to the proposed
property boundary, there are no indications that these would become active economic
commercial operations. If they become active economic operations, the existence of the
proposed facility is not expected to interfere with the ability of the claimant to access
those minerals. The only potential conflict would occur if the claimant or another person
locates a new claim for locatable minerals located underneath the proposed project,
within the project boundaries. This could potentially occur, as the proposed project
location has not been withdrawn from mineral entry. The potential for this scenario is
expected to be low. If it did occur, conflicts between the surface use of the land for solar
October 2009
October 2009
October 2009
October 2009
and mitigation plan, conduct the worker training, and provide the on the monitoring.
During the monitoring, the PRS can and often does petition the CEC for a change in the
monitoring protocol. Most commonly, this is a request for lesser monitoring after
sufficient monitoring has been performed to ascertain that there is little change of
finding fossils. In other cases, the PRS can propose increased monitoring due to
unexpected fossil discoveries or in response to repeated out-of-compliance incidents by
the earthwork contractor.
Based upon the literature and archives search, field surveys, and compliance
documentation for the ISEGS, the applicant has proposed monitoring and mitigation
measures to be followed during the construction of the ISEGS. Energy Commission
staff believes that the facility can be designed and constructed to minimize the effect of
geologic hazards at the site during project design life and that impacts to vertebrate
fossils encountered during construction of the power plant and associated linear
projects would be mitigated to a level of insignificance.
October 2009
The Impacts of the proposed project would not occur. However, the land on which
the project is proposed would become available to other uses that are consistent
with BLMs land use plan, including another solar project.
The benefits of the proposed project in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from
gas-fired generation would not occur. Both State and Federal law support the
increased use of renewable power generation.
The No Project/No Action alternative would leave the proposed project area
undisturbed and would therefore have no affect on existing geologic or
paleontological resources in the area other than to maintain their availability for
potential future development.
If this project is not approved, renewable projects would likely be developed on other
sites in the Mojave Desert or in adjacent states as developers strive to provide
renewable power that complies with utility requirements and State /Federal mandates.
For example, there are three large solar projects proposed on BLM land in Nevada
within a few miles of the Ivanpah Site. In addition, as of August 2009 there are currently
66 applications for solar projects covering 611,692 acres pending with the BLM in the
California Desert District.
October 2009
The analysis in this section first defines the geographic area over which cumulative
impacts to geology or paleontology could occur. The cumulative impact analysis itself
describes the potential for cumulative impacts to occur as a result of implementation of
the ISEGS project along with the listed local and regional projects.
Cumulative impacts can occur if implementation of the ISEGS project could combine
with those of other local or regional projects. Cumulative impacts would occur locally if
ISEGS project impacts combined with impacts of projects located within the Ivanpah
Valley. Cumulative impacts could also occur as a result of development of some of the
many proposed solar and wind development projects that have been or are expected to
be under consideration by the BLM and the Energy Commission in the near future.
Many of these projects are located within the California Desert Conservation Area, as
well as on BLM land in Nevada and Arizona.
However, with the exception of geologic subsidence, cumulative impacts related to
geology only have the potential to occur within the boundaries of the project site itself.
This is because geologic materials occur at specific locales and are unaffected by
activities not acting on them directly and any impacts of the ISEGS project would be
site-specific. Therefore the geographic extent for cumulative impacts associated with
geology is the project location itself (including all linear facilities).
The geographic extent for the analysis of local cumulative impacts associated with the
ISEGS project includes the Ivanpah Valley Basin. Regional cumulative impacts for this
analysis are impacts that would occur as a result of implementation of future solar and
wind development projects that are currently proposed on over one million acres of the
California Desert Conservation Area, as well as on BLM land in Nevada and Arizona.
Therefore, the geographic extent for the analysis of regional cumulative impacts is
defined as the desert areas of southeastern California, southern Nevada, and western
Arizona, as shown on Cumulative Impacts Figure 1 (Regional Renewable Applications).
October 2009
The applicant would be able to comply with applicable LORS, provided that the
proposed conditions of certification are followed. The design and construction of the
October 2009
project should have no adverse impact with respect to geologic, mineralogical, and
paleontological resources, and thus would not have significant impacts with respect to
either CEQA or NEPA. Staff proposes to ensure compliance with applicable LORS
through the adoption of the proposed conditions of certification listed below.
The Soils Engineering Report required by Section 1802A of the 2007 CBC
should specifically include laboratory test data, associated geotechnical
engineering analyses, and a thorough discussion of the potential for
liquefaction; settlement due to compressible soils, subsidence associated with
shrinkage of clay soils, hydrocompaction, or dynamic compaction; and the
presence of expansive clay soils. The report should also include
recommendations for ground improvement and/or foundation systems
necessary to mitigate these potential geologic hazards, if present.
The project owner shall include in the application for a grading permit a
copy of the Soils Engineering Report which addresses the potential for liquefaction;
settlement due to compressible soils, groundwater withdrawal, hydrocompaction, or
dynamic compaction; and the possible presence of expansive clay soils, and a
summary of how the results of the analyses were incorporated into the project
foundation and grading plan design for review and comment by the Chief Building
Official (CBO). A copy of the Soils Engineering Report, application for grading permit
and any comments by the CBO are to be provided to BLMs Authorized Officer and the
CPM at least 30 days prior to grading.
The project owner shall provide BLMs Authorized Officer and the Compliance
Project Manager (CPM) with the resume and qualifications of its PRS for
review and approval. If the approved PRS is replaced prior to completion of
project mitigation and submittal of the Paleontological Resources Report, the
October 2009
project owner shall obtain BLMs Authorized Officer and CPM approval of the
replacement PRS. The project owner shall keep resumes on file for qualified
Paleontological Resource Monitors (PRMs). If a PRM is replaced, the resume
of the replacement PRM shall also be provided to BLMs Authorized Officer
and the CPM.
The PRS resume shall include the names and phone numbers of references.
The resume shall also demonstrate to the satisfaction of BLMs Authorized
Officer and the CPM the appropriate education and experience to accomplish
the required paleontological resource tasks.
As determined by BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM, the PRS shall meet
the minimum qualifications for a vertebrate paleontologist as described in the
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) guidelines of 1995. The experience
of the PRS shall include the following:
The project owner shall ensure that the PRS obtains qualified paleontological
resource monitors to monitor as he or she deems necessary on the project.
Paleontological Resource Monitors (PRMs) shall have the equivalent of the
following qualifications:
(1) At least 60 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project
owner shall submit a resume and statement of availability of its designated PRS for onsite work.
(2) At least 20 days prior to ground disturbance, the PRS or project owner shall provide
a letter with resumes naming anticipated monitors for the project, stating that the
identified monitors meet the minimum qualifications for paleontological resource
monitoring required by the condition. If additional monitors are obtained during the
project, the PRS shall provide additional letters and resumes to BLMs Authorized
October 2009
Officer and the CPM. The letter shall be provided to BLMs Authorized Officer and the
CPM no later than one week prior to the monitors beginning on-site duties.
(3) Prior to the termination or release of a PRS, the project owner shall submit the
resume of the proposed new PRS to BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM for review
and approval.
The project owner shall provide to the PRS, BLMs Authorized Officer and the
CPM, for approval, maps and drawings showing the footprint of the power
plants, construction lay down areas, and all related facilities. Maps shall
identify all areas of the project where ground disturbance is anticipated. If the
PRS requests enlargements or strip maps for linear facility routes, the project
owner shall provide copies to the PRS, BLMs Authorized Officer and CPM.
The site grading plan and plan and profile drawings for the utility lines would
be acceptable for this purpose. The plan drawings should show the location,
depth, and extent of all ground disturbances and be at a scale of 1 inch = 40
feet to 1 inch = 100 feet range. If the footprint of the project or its linear
facilities change, the project owner shall provide maps and drawings
reflecting those changes to the PRS, BLMs Authorized Officer and CPM.
If construction of the ISEGS project proceeds in phases, maps and drawings
may be submitted prior to the start of each power plant. A letter identifying the
proposed schedule of each project power plant shall be provided to the PRS,
BLMs Authorized Officer and CPM. Before work commences on affected
power plants, the project owner shall notify the PRS, BLMs Authorized
Officer and CPM of any construction phase scheduling changes.
At a minimum, the project owner shall ensure that the PRS or PRM consults
weekly with the project superintendent or construction field manager to
confirm area(s) to be worked the following week, and until ground disturbance
is completed.
(1) At least 30 days prior to the start of ground disturbance, the project
owner shall provide the maps and drawings to the PRS, BLMs Authorized Officer and
(2) If there are changes to the footprint of the project, revised maps and drawings shall
be provided to the PRS, BLMs Authorized Officer and CPM at least 15 days prior to the
start of ground disturbance.
(3) If there are changes to the scheduling of the construction phases of each power
plant, the project owner shall submit a letter to BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM
within 5 days of identifying the changes.
If after review of the plans provided pursuant to PAL-2, the PRS determines
that materials with moderate, high, or unknown paleontological sensitivity
could be impacted, the project owner shall ensure that the PRS prepares, and
the project owner submits to BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM for
review and approval, a paleontological resources monitoring and mitigation
plan (PRMMP) to identify general and specific measures to minimize potential
October 2009
October 2009
9. Identification of the institution that has agreed to receive data and fossil
materials collected, requirements or specifications for materials delivered
for curation, and how they will be met, and the name and phone number of
the contact person at the institution; and
10. A copy of the paleontological conditions of certification.
At least 30 days prior to ground disturbance, the project owner shall
provide a copy of the PRMMP to BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM. The PRMMP
shall include an affidavit of authorship by the PRS, and acceptance of the PRMMP by
the project owner evidenced by a signature.
If after review of the plans provided pursuant to PAL-2, the PRS determines
that materials with moderate, high, or unknown paleontological sensitivity
could be impacted then, prior to ground disturbance and for the duration of
construction activities involving ground disturbance, the project owner and the
PRS shall prepare and conduct weekly BLM Authorized Officer- and CPMapproved training for the following workers: project managers, construction
supervisors, foremen and general workers involved with or who operate
ground-disturbing equipment or tools. Workers shall not excavate in sensitive
units prior to receiving BLM Authorized Officer- and CPM-approved worker
training. Worker training shall consist of an initial in-person PRS training
during the project kick-off, for those mentioned above. Following initial
training, a CPM-approved video or in-person training may be used for new
employees. The training program may be combined with other training
programs prepared for cultural and biological resources, hazardous materials,
or other areas of interest or concern. No ground disturbance shall occur prior
to BLMs Authorized Officer and CPM approval of the Worker Environmental
Awareness Program (WEAP), unless specifically approved by the CPM.
The WEAP shall address the possibility of encountering paleontological
resources in the field, the sensitivity and importance of these resources, and
legal obligations to preserve and protect those resources.
The training shall include:
1. A discussion of applicable laws and penalties under the law;
2. Good quality photographs or physical examples of vertebrate fossils for
project sites containing units of high paleontological sensitivity;
3. Information that the PRS or PRM has the authority to halt or redirect
construction in the event of a discovery or unanticipated impact to a
paleontological resource;
4. Instruction that employees are to halt or redirect work in the vicinity of a
find and to contact their supervisor and the PRS or PRM;
5. An informational brochure that identifies reporting procedures in the event
of a discovery;
October 2009
The project owner shall ensure that the PRS and PRM(s) monitor consistent
with the PRMMP all construction-related grading, excavation, trenching, and
augering in areas where potential fossil-bearing materials have been
identified, both at the site and along any constructed linear facilities
associated with the project. In the event that the PRS determines full-time
monitoring is not necessary in locations that were identified as potentially
fossil-bearing in the PRMMP, the project owner shall notify and seek the
concurrence of BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM.
The project owner shall ensure that the PRS and PRM(s) have the authority
to halt or redirect construction if paleontological resources are encountered.
The project owner shall ensure that there is no interference with monitoring
activities unless directed by the PRS. Monitoring activities shall be conducted
as follows:
1. Any change of monitoring from the accepted schedule in the PRMMP shall
be proposed in a letter or email from the PRS and the project owner to
BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM prior to the change in monitoring
and will be included in the monthly compliance report. The letter or email
shall include the justification for the change in monitoring and be
submitted to BLMs Authorized Officer and the CPM for review and
2. The project owner shall ensure that the PRM(s) keep a daily monitoring
log of paleontological resource activities. The PRS may informally discuss
October 2009
The project owner, through the designated PRS, shall ensure that all
components of the PRMMP are adequately performed including collection of
fossil materials, preparation of fossil materials for analysis, analysis of fossils,
identification and inventory of fossils, the preparation of fossils for curation,
and the delivery for curation of all paleontological resource materials
encountered and collected during project construction.
October 2009
October 2009
Certification of Completion
Worker Environmental Awareness Program
ISEGS (07-AFC-5)
This is to certify these individuals have completed a mandatory California Energy
Commission-approved Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP). The WEAP
includes pertinent information on cultural, paleontological, and biological resources for all
personnel (that is, construction supervisors, crews, and plant operators) working on site or
at related facilities. By signing below, the participant indicates that he/she understands and
shall abide by the guidelines set forth in the program materials. Include this completed form
in the Monthly Compliance Report.
Employee Name
October 2009
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