Wsf-4 2461 Manuscript
Wsf-4 2461 Manuscript
Wsf-4 2461 Manuscript
World Sustainability Forum 2014 Conference Proceedings Paper
Universidad de Cdiz / Escuela Superior de Ingeniera, Calle Chile 1, 11002 Cdiz, Spain
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha / ETSII, Avda. Camilo Jos Cela s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Alcoa Power and Propulsion / Plaza Obispo 3, Madrid, Spain
EnerOcean S.L. / Bulevar Louis Pasteur 5, Of.321, 29010 Mlaga, Spain
1. Introduction
Organizations are increasingly concerned about contributing to environmental sustainability, and
they may have specific sections or departments dedicated to environmental protection. Nevertheless, to
date the effect that other areas, such as maintenance, can have on the matter has not been considered.
However, the application of optimal maintenance has important repercussions for the lifetime of
assets and facilities, lengthening their use and contributing to the optimal use of resources. In
maintenance policies applied by organizations we find:
Corrective maintenance, or run to failure policy, is carried out after failure detection with the
aim of returning the failed asset to an operational condition.
Preventive maintenance is carried out at set intervals throughout the working life of the
machine, with the aim of reducing the probability of problems or wear in the machine [1].
Predictive maintenance is a maintenance policy based on measuring and recording
intermittently or continuously (on-line) certain physical parameters associated with a working
machine to obtain a diagnosis of anomalies and faults present in a machine and a prediction of
the remaining life of the machine. There exist a number of predictive diagnostic techniques
such as [2]: vibration analysis, process parameters, thermography, visual inspection, tribology,
current spectrum, ultrasound, x-rays, penetrating liquids, etc. Other nondestructive testing
techniques can be seen in NASA [3], or the American Society for Nondestructive Testing
Predictive maintenance, unlike other maintenance policies, contributes to guaranteeing product
quality, because the machines are operating without anomalies (such as excessive vibrations), that have
a negative effect on quality. Guaranteeing product quality also contributes to a decrease in the
consumption of raw materials and components, and the waste generated by faulty batches.
Among predictive techniques, vibration analysis is the most widely used in organizations due to its
versatility of application to a variety of machines, and the number of faults that it can detect and
In the manufacture of bearings for vehicles, the vibration of the assembled bearing is one of the
quality parameters analysed to ensure that the lifetime of the bearing and the noise levels during
operation are as expected. However, although vibration in machines is widely analysed in the
literature, the vibrations produced by the processes themselves are not researched. This is because the
process vibration and frequently mixed in and confused with the vibrations of the machines.
The problem analysed in this study is the appearance of chattered grinding surfaces [4]. Detection
of chatter has been analysed in [5-11] while its removal is researched in [12-17]. Profile and surface
roughness are applied as indicators of the quality of the bearing, as they affect its functional behaviour
throughout their lifetime [18].
Vibration spectra are used to distinguish problematic vibration frequencies from those that are not;
the techniques used are intercomparison of spectrums between similar machines and waterfall plots.
This research considers the possibility of establishing vibration band limits in the machining of
components so as to guarantee the quality of the final assembled product.
Firstly, the characteristics of the experimental system used are shown; next the results obtained for
automotive bearings are described.
2. Experimental System
The measurement systems used in this study are made up of: vibration analyzer IRD 890
Mechanalysis, accelerometer 970 from Mechanalysis, and the databases for the storage and
manipulation of vibration data are the 7090 system of IRD Mechanalysis and ODYSSEY system from
Entek-IRD. To evaluate the quality of the bearing, measurement devices model Talyrond 31 and an
analogue Federal device, calibrated by certified bodies; this equipment is available in the normal
manufacturing areas of the company.
1. Level 0. Null chattering.
2. Level 1. Intermediate chattering.
3. Level 2. Severe chattering with significant widths of displacement.
Standard ANSI B89.3.1-1972 was applied to carry out the tests.
The design of the experiment followed a classical approach, considering all the interactions, and
applying variance analysis systematically. As a result of the experimental design, 25 tests were carried
out with two different machines dedicated to the same manufacturing process.
3. Results and Discussion
Vibrations can occur in displacement, velocity and acceleration. These magnitudes can be shown
against time and against frequency, in the latter case they are spectra. The Fourier Theorem states that
any periodic signal can be decomposed as a combination of pure sinusoidal waves, whose frequencies
are multiples of a fundamental frequency, giving a spectrum in frequency [19], using the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) algorithm. FFT allows a time vibration signal to be transformed into components
characterized by an amplitude and a frequency.
Vibration spectra were gathered in order to identify the vibration frequencies that cause poor
quality. Since there are no studies in the literature about the maximum permissible values and their
frequencies, the concept of spectral intercomparison between similar machines, and a waterfall
analysis, have been used.
The spectral intercomparison consists in a comparison of spectra from different machines
performing the same process and with similar operating variables, while the waterfall is a graph with
the successive spectra shown as a function of the variation of the machine velocity.
Therefore, a set of experiments was performed on two similar machines to determine whether the
process-induced vibrations allow spectral comparisons to be made to show which are the operating
conditions that affect the appearance of loss of quality.
The variables included in the experimental design are: the two grinding machine-tools, the grinding
wheel diameter, the rotational speed of the grinding wheel and, as output variables, high frequency
displacement and the quality of the process assessed according to the presence of high frequency
chattering and low frequency chattering. The choice of these variables has been made after a series of
prior experiments which can be seen in [20].
The waterfall plots of Figure 1 represent the spectral characteristics in displacement, in the chosen
range of frequencies for the grinding process in the outer raceway. It can be seen that the frequency of
appearance of vibration peaks is maintained, showing that the processes retain spectral identity if the
process variables are not modified. From the spectral identity obtained it is possible to define
vibration bands and so quantify the vibration content in each of them.
Figure 1. Waterfalls plots.
Next we see whether two identical machines have different spectral identities for different
processes. The comparison of spectra measured in velocity of the two different grinding processes
obtained from two different machines is shown in Figure 2, where the differences in amplitude and
frequency for each type of process can be seen.
Figure 2. Spectra from two identical machines in different grinding processes.
500 (Hz)
500 (Hz)
At the experimental stage, spectra are obtained throughout the life of the grinding wheel, as well as
the development of chattering in the manufactured components. It is observed that low-frequency
vibration is heavily influenced by the diameter of the grinding wheel. Random high-frequency spectral
components are also observed. Therefore, two vibration bands will be taken:
acquisition devices so that the machines can adjust their parameters and avoid the frequency band that
is sensitive to problems of quality.
4. Conclusions
Grinding processes produce induced vibrations that depend on the process variables. These selfexcited vibrations are independent of the input variables, the amplitudes and frequencies of the
vibrations, and the chattering assessed in the workpieces.
Spectral intercomparison is a technique used to detect problems of quality in grinding processes;
this is done by taking high-frequency displacement spectra. The high-frequency vibration is of the
same order even in different machines working on the same piece, which suggests that this variable is
linked to self-excited vibrations during tool-workpiece contact. For each process it will be possible to
define a given high-frequency band where the displacements should be controlled to guarantee
operation with stable quality.
Spectral identity and intercomparison allow monitoring bands to be defined, in which the spectral
activity indicates the imminent appearance of quality problems in the parts being ground. In the
process analysed this band lies between 44 Hz and 250 Hz.
The methodology described favours the environment by preventing quality problems in the parts
being ground; this leads to more efficient use of resources as it avoids batches of defective parts. These
defective batches have used energy, raw materials, components, etc., which in the end have been
wasted. This also causes a problem of disposal of the defective parts, as in many cases they cannot be
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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