Innovative Techniques in Non-Destructive Testing and Industrial Applications On Pressure Equipment
Innovative Techniques in Non-Destructive Testing and Industrial Applications On Pressure Equipment
Innovative Techniques in Non-Destructive Testing and Industrial Applications On Pressure Equipment
The average age of pressure vessels in service worldwide is increasing from year to year. A major concern of industrial operators is to
ensure the security of their facilities and people, while extending the life of their fleet of pressure vessels. In this context, it is necessary to
control the health of this type of structure, and also be able to assess the residual life of a device.
Through a real case, the study presented in this article shows all the stages of implementation of a process that allowed initially to make
an accurate diagnosis of the condition of a sphere of storage and to evaluate its lifetime, then in a second time, to ensure the operations
back into compliance to ensure a reactivation of this structure.
This process is fully insured by the CETIM, involved the following:
Testing additional relevant Non Destructive testing (NDT) (TOFD, Ultrasonic, Magnetic ...)
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Keywords: NDT, non destructive testing, pressure equipment, thermography, acoustic emission, calculation
1. Introduction
The term "Non-Destructive Inspections" or "Non-Destructive Testing" (NDI / NDT) reminds the diagnosis that a
physician expresses during the examination of his/her patient. The same principle applied to industrial parts and equipment
consists in implementing investigation methods to assess the health condition of those parts and equipment without
destruction and expressing an opinion on their ability to fulfil the function which they are intended to.
When considered under this aspect of operability, the definition implies good knowledge of all the phenomena involved,
in particular the harmfulness of the defects, their evolution over time and the general laws of failure mechanics. In practice,
Non-Destructive Testing specialists are rather faced with problems of interpretation of the inspection results with respect to
1877-7058 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of SYMPHOS 2011
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.472
Other methods exist and they have the advantage of being overall and real time. These are, in particular:
Active thermography
Acoustic emission
This list of methods is far from exhaustive. We still could mention, among others, sealing, whose complexity of
implementation can significantly vary depending on the type and size of the anomalies searched for, or else those methods
which use particular effects to characterise materials or parts (Barkhausen effect for instance). At last, new methods are
emerging: FAST, non-linear methods, etc.
We will only deal with 2 methods in this article.
3. Contribution of simulation and phased array techniques
In the field of non-destructive testing of materials, the phased array ultrasonic technology offers many advantages: better
sensitivity and accuracy thanks to beam focusing, imaging, traceability or also fast execution of an inspection, etc.
Designing an inspection which implements such a technology for a complex industrial case requires simultaneous setting
of several parameters (type of transducer, position and displacements of the transducer, calculation of the time delay laws,
CETIM still uses the CIVA software to design complex inspection solutions. The view of the ultrasound beam within the
part and the study of its interaction with the geometry and the defects make it possible to study the feasibility of the
inspection, propose solutions of improvement and demonstrate the performance of these solutions.
The work carried out showed the consistency between the numerical and experimental results obtained within the
framework of the development of a phased array ultrasonic inspection of a multiple-section shaft. These results therefore
substantiate the use of simulation to design realistic inspection solutions (figure 1 to 3).
3.1 Context and ultrasonic testing
The mechanical shaft studied is used in the paper industry. It has significant dimensions: several metres long for a
maximum diameter of 180 mm. Only the end of the shaft is accessible (shown in red on Figure 1). As a matter of fact,
several components are tight fitted on the shaft, and the produced paper is then rolled over it.
indications. The analysis of the results takes from 3 to 5 minutes for the entire shaft.
Time saving, improved accuracy, easier interpretation and better result traceability provided by the phased array
examinations are therefore the main advantages of this technology for this type of inspection.
4. Contribution of active thermography
Today, infrared thermography has become the reference method in many applications such as inspection of electrical
facilities or inspection of the thermal insulation of buildings. But in the last years, the evolutions of the equipment and the
data processing tools have also allowed thermography to become a full NDT method.
Therefore, by subjecting the inspected component to a controlled external excitation and by analysing the propagation of
heat in the examined zone, it is possible to detect surface or subsurface defects such as cracks, delamination, or corrosion. In
this case, this is active infrared thermography.
We will present here the various possibilities provided by active thermography and we will discuss the interest of this
method with respect to conventional methods and their future use.
Infrared thermography is an inspection method widely used in the diagnosis of buildings or the inspection of electrical
cabinets [2]. It consists in acquiring, using a thermal camera, the heat flux naturally emitted by the examined body. In this
case, this is passive infrared thermography. The image obtained, called "thermograph", can therefore reveal an abnormal
variation of the thermal flux and evidence a defect.
However, in the case of applications in Non-destructive testing, production or maintenance, the parts to be inspected
often do not emit heat. By disturbing the analysed sample through heating and by analysing its thermal response, it is
possible to have access to data which is not transmitted spontaneously. This is therefore active infrared thermography. In the
case of faulty parts, the analysis of the sequence of images makes it possible to detect heat transfer discontinuities. It is
therefore possible to detect and determine the dimensions of these discontinuities which correspond to the defects
(delamination, cracks, water infiltration, etc.).
During the last years, evolutions in the equipment and the data processing tools allowed the development of
thermography as a full NDT method. This is active infrared thermography.
Already used in the aeronautical industry, in particular to inspect composite materials (certification EN4179), today
active infrared thermography is used in many applications in the mechanical industry and it might be used in addition to, or
even in certain cases in replacement of, conventional methods for applications of the following types:
inspection of surface defects;
inspection low thickness plates;
inspection of welds.
As the mean age of pressure equipment in service throughout the world increases every year, it becomes essential to be
able to carry out reliable and complete diagnosis of these facilities, in order to extend their service life while ensuring a
satisfactory safety level. The control of the health condition of this type of structure requires regular inspections, using many
complementary technologies, so as to lead to an accurate description of the damage (if any). When a structure exhibits some
damage, it is therefore necessary to assess its residual service life. Therefore, making an accurate diagnosis of the health of a
structure and giving relevant data as to the possible repairs require competences which cover wide and varied fields.
Through a real case carried out by CETIM, the study presented in this article illustrates all the steps of the
implementation of a process which first made it possible to carry an accurate diagnosis of the health condition of a storage
sphere and then assess its service life. Then, this process made it possible to carry out the necessary operations to restore the
conformity of the sphere and ensure release to service of this structure [3].
The LPG storage sphere which was subjected to the examination is located in a large storage area of approximately
15,000 m3.
The target in the scope of this project was to carry out all the necessary operations to assess the integrity of this sphere,
and in the end, to be able to release it to service. The various steps are described in the paragraphs below.
The hydraulic test was carried out and monitored by acoustic emission testing. Therefore, the sphere was subjected to a
maximum pressure of 22.5 bars, according to a pressurisation cycle defined in the inspection procedure.
The configuration adopted by CETIM to carry out this inspection is of the planar type (full covering of the equipment
with triangulation location of the acoustic emission sources at any point). As a result, 77 sensors were installed on the
structure. All the check operations before and after the test made it possible to check the sensitivity of the inspection, like
for example location check by means of Hsu-Nielsen type artificial sources.
Figure No. 6: Location check on a leg of the sphere and on a portion of a circular weld
A certain number of emissive regions were detected during the test. These were clearly identified, characterised and
located on the structure. Depending on their emissivity (according to the Standard Practices Guide) [4] - [5], these regions
either required further investigations (NDT adapted to each case) or were just archived.
All the emissive regions detected during the acoustic emission testing (Category 2 or 3) were subjected to further NDT.
The methods used were as follows:
Ultrasonic testing - TOFD: for circular weld and vertical butt weld
Ultrasonic testing: for pipe connection, manhole, zones in the middle of the plate
Magnetic particle testing: all outer zones
Penetrant testing: all inner zones
Radiography testing: only on certain regions requiring more thorough investigation.
In order to ensure full traceability of all indications, all the data from the additional examinations was recorded even
when the indications were acceptable in accordance with the standards used (European standards).
A complete analysis, including a historical search, made it possible to refine the diagnosis. For example, in the case of
region K, 3 internal defects were detected and dimensioned through Ultrasonic examination and TOFD. An additional
radiographic examination was carried out and revealed indications which were acceptable in accordance with the CODAP.
After viewing the initial radiographs (made during the construction of the sphere), it appeared that these indications were
present on the films and given as acceptable.
This investigation makes it possible to check that these indications, coming from welding defects introduced during the
construction of the sphere, have not changed significantly.
Figure No. 10: Emissive zone K Characterisation of the indications by ultrasonic examination Position of these
Three cracked zones located at the weld beads had been detected by magnetic particle testing (zones which had not been
revealed by the acoustic emission testing). In order to obtain more data concerning the dimension of these cracks, CETIM
implemented several techniques (conventional ultrasonic examination, phased array ultrasonic examination, TOFD). As it
was difficult to distinguish these indications, CETIM recommended to flush machine the weld bead (with a perfectly flat
surface condition) in order to carry out more accurate ultrasonic examinations and try to determine the dimensions of these
indications more accurately.
The combination of these techniques made it possible to accurately determine the dimensions of two cracked zones. Note
that the last crack is detectable only by magnetic particle testing.
This specific case demonstrates that it is necessary to combine different technologies to obtain a complete and accurate
diagnosis. Remaining objective and trying to understand the results obtained allows technical progress to be made.
Additional investigations will make it possible to give relevant explanations as to these defects and their ability to be
detected by any non-destructive testing method.
This part brought many technical and objective elements. It made it possible to answer certain questions raised during the
previous steps.
Metallurgical replicas were made on the cracked zones detected by magnetic particle and ultrasonic examinations. They
made it possible to confirm the presence of opening defects and to check the metallurgical condition of the welded zone.
In order to fully characterise these defects and understand their root cause, it was decided to carry out a sampling
operation (also called "boat-shaped" sampling). The analyses and examinations carried out in CETIM laboratories on these
boat-shaped samples were as follows:
Opening of the cracks and study of the cracking planes,
Analysis of the decohesion mode with a scanning electron microscope,
Macrographic and micrographic examinations,
Making of impact test specimens on the boat-shaped sample in order to estimate a toughness value necessary for the
Phase 4: Calculation of the criticality of the defects and calculation of the service life
Determining the criticality of defects with respect to brittle fracture and to the fatigue phenomenon implies to know:
The stress condition in the zone of the defect,
The mechanical characteristic of the material for a sudden fracture failure mode, that is to say toughness, and its
characteristics in terms of fatigue (coefficients of the Paris crack propagation law).
The specific characteristics of the defect (geometry, orientation, etc.)
Using these elements and using an analytical approach which especially uses influence functions associated to the type of
defect (opening, internal) and to the stress terms, it is possible to determine the critical size as regards the risk of brittle
fracture of the defects.
This characterisation consists in:
Estimating a stress intensity coefficient in mode I, KI (mode of opening of the defect by pulling its lips) corresponding
to the size of the defect found,
Comparing this KI coefficient with the critical intensity factor for this mode, KIC or toughness.
This methodology is used in various industries, in particular the oil and nuclear industries.
The software used for the proposed study is the CETIM SECURE software, developed based on API RP 579 "fitness for
These calculations and estimation of the service life mainly concerned:
The defects of zone K,
The defects (crack + internal defects) of zone 1.
In conclusion, the defects of zone K do not induce any particular danger, considering a certain number of parameters.
The minimum number of residual cycles in case of:
complete draining of the equipment with pressurisation to atmospheric pressure is 41,000 cycles,
variation of only the hydrostatic pressure of the equipment corresponding to draining and partial filling is
449,000 cycles.
As regards defects of the opening crack + internal defect type and considering a certain number of parameters, the
minimum number of residual cycles in case of:
complete draining of the equipment with pressurisation to atmospheric pressure is 32,000 cycles,
variation of only the hydrostatic pressure of the equipment corresponding to draining and partial filling is
530,000 cycles.
The results obtained following the harmfulness study showed that the residual service life of the sphere allowed it to be
kept in service and that none of the defects was harmful.
However, considering the samples taken for the metallurgical examination, and by precaution, it was decided to carry out
repairs in the following zones:
zones containing surface indications: repair by grinding or opening and resurfacing by welding;
zone of the boat-shaped sample: resurfacing by welding.
CETIM gave repair recommendations for each repair zone.
Following the previous phases, CETIM supervised the welding operations.
This welding work was carried out in line with CETIMs recommendations, in accordance with the welding process
qualification and in accordance with the requirements of construction code ASME Section IX.
The process and the welders had been previously qualified.
All the steps allowing perfect control of this operation were taken:
Previous visual examination,
Surface preparation by grinding in order to remove all oxides,
Measurement of the opening depths,
Magnetic particle testing before and during the welding operation,
Execution of the welding process with all required heating phases, number of passes, welding parameters, etc.,
Finishing by grinding.
The last step consisted in inspecting the zones of the sphere, which had undergone repairs. The different methods below
were implemented:
- TOFD examination carried out from the inside and from the outside,
- Ultrasonic examinations carried out with 45, 60 and 70 sensors,
- Magnetic particle testing carried out from the inside (only the repaired or resurfaced zone).
During these inspections, small linear indications were detected by the magnetic particle test; they were hardly visible
with the ultrasonic testing and not detectable with the TOFD testing. These indications were very superficial and slight
grinding was enough to remove them.
In conclusion, no unacceptable indication was detected by the NDT procedures carried out, on the zones concerned. The
repairs were therefore validated and the sphere then becomes fit again for a hydraulic test followed-up by an approved
organisation, with a view to decennial requalification in accordance with the local regulations in force. Subsequently, an
inspection plan of the sphere, that is to say periodical NDTs, will be implemented by the user in order to keep the equipment
under control.
Controlling the health condition of risk structures requires regular inspections, using many complementary technologies
leading to an accurate description of all possible damage. When a structure exhibits any deterioration, then it is necessary to
assess its residual service life. Therefore, giving an accurate diagnosis as to the health of a structure and giving all relevant
data as to any possible repairs are tasks which require skills covering wide and varied fields.
Thanks to the real case carried out by CETIM and presented in this article, one can realise the necessity of the multiple
skills necessary to implement such a process:
Non-destructive testing,
Metallurgical analysis,
Welding, etc.
However, for a successful operation, all these actions will have to be connected, synthesised and coordinated. Thanks to
its very wide field of competence, CETIM has the ideal structure to ensure this type of operations.
6. Conclusion
Control of the risks related to pressure equipment requires the implementation of several tools and skills in the following
Dimensioning and calculations
Inspections and measurements
Materials and reliability
[1] M. Cherfaoui, Engineering Techniques, Non-Destructive Testing, 2006
[2] S. Maillard, J. Cadith, D. Eschimese, H. Walaszek, H. Mooshofer, J.C. Candore, J.L. Bodnar,
Towards the use of passive and active infrared
thermography to inspect metallic components
in the mechanical industry, QIRT congress proceedings, Laval (Quebec), 2010.
[3] ESOPE 2010 Pressure equipment under embankment: Acoustic Emission Testing.
[4] Development and use of NDE Methods on pressure equipment: Industrial Experience in applying acoustic emission, M. Mediouni, J. Catty, C. Herve
and M. Cherfaoui, ECNDT 2006, Berlin, September 2006.
[5] Guide AFIAP/GEA Guide of Standard Practices for Acoustic Emission Testing of Pressure Equipment (2nd Edition, 2009).