MECH 202 Spring 2009 Competition Project - "The Truss Climber" (Updated April 3, 2009)
MECH 202 Spring 2009 Competition Project - "The Truss Climber" (Updated April 3, 2009)
MECH 202 Spring 2009 Competition Project - "The Truss Climber" (Updated April 3, 2009)
Your team is to design, fabricate, assemble and compete with a device that will climb a roof truss and
satisfy the rules of the competition. The MECH202 TAs are the Judges of the Competition. Bob
Thilmont and Bert Vermeulen will act as Chief Judges.
The Time
The Competition will be held Saturday, May 2 starting at 10am in Eng 100. You should plan for this to
take most of the day.
The Competition
1. The course will be a simulated roof truss with two sides, each of which is just less than 8 feet long
and angled up about 20 degrees.
2. At the top center of the truss there is a hole approximately in diameter. The objective is to build a
device that carries a small flag up the truss and is the first to place this flag in the hole.
3. At the start of each round of the competition, two devices will be placed on opposite ends of the truss.
The devices must fit entirely on the truss. At the starting time, the device can extend no more than 12
inches from the base of the truss in the direction of its peak. No part of the device may touch the
ground. At the starting time, the device can extend no more than 12 inches from the base of the truss
in the direction of its peak. The device cannot extend beyond the base of the truss by more than 6
inches at the starting time.
4. At the start of the round of the competition, each of the two competing teams will be given a flag that
has a small flagpole. The flag must be carried on the device.
5. At the sound of go you will start your device. Once you have started the device, no one can
physically touch the device until the round is finished and the judges have declared a winner. No part
of the device may be left behind after the device starts. All parts of your device must ascend the truss.
6. Each round of the contest is 45 seconds long. At the end of the round, the devices will preferably be
stopped or stop themselves.
7. During this 45-second period, the judges will observe whether either of the two devices placed their
flag in the hole. If so, the device that placed its flag first will be deemed the winner.
8. If neither device placed its flag in the hole during the 45-second period, the device that (a) completely
cleared the obstacle and (b) moved its flag closest to the hole will be declared the winner.
9. If neither competing device completely cleared the obstacle, then the device that moved its flag
closest to the hole will be declared the winner.
10. The competition will be double elimination so each team will have at least two chances to participate
Other Rules
11. Machines will not be weighed. It is believed that overly heavy machines will self-penalize.
12. The device can use only the top of the truss and the upper of the sides for guidance and balance.
There will be a line painted on the truss to identify this mark. We reserve the right to place
anything below that mark to help identify any vehicles that violate this rule.
13. In case of a tie, the lightest device will be judged the winner.
14. The truss is not perfectly symmetrical. There are differences in features depending upon which side
of the truss you will be ascending. There is also an obstacle (a non-symmetrical set of cross beams
partway up the truss) that your device must overcome. You will be allowed to take any measurements
of the test fixture prior to the competition. You will not be allowed to test your device on the test fixture
prior to the competition. This is quite a realistic requirement. When the Americans and Russians
raced to get to the moon, they could not run a test of their device on the moon before they sent it.
15. Your device can be made from any materials that you would like to use. However, you cannot use
any energy storage method or device that might be deemed hazardous. Examples of hazardous
energy storage devices include, but are not limited to:
Chemical explosives, gunpowder, combustion processes, or highly exothermic reactions (such as
model rockets).
A compressed fluid that might release too quickly
A spring or other storage device that can release a tremendous amount of energy too quickly.
Any element that is deemed to be unnecessarily harmful to either the roof truss or another
competitors device.
The TAs will serve as OSHA safety inspectors. You will need their certification from a safety
inspector at least 18 hours prior to the start of the competition. It is in your interest to contact the
safety inspectors early to ensure that you do not waste time on a device that may not be certifiable.
16. No human thrust (pushing, pulling, nudging, shooting, etc) allowed at any time. You are allowed to
touch the device to start it, but that touching must not provide a force that creates work (force *
displacement up the truss).
17. ANY intentional attempt to damage the opponent in lieu of meeting the objectives of the competition
will be grounds for disqualification. In the case of destruction deemed by the judges to be accidental,
but severe enough to unfairly influence the competitions outcome the judges may permit repairs and
a rematch.
18. Your device must remain a single unit at all times no free or unattached components are allowed
at any time.
Clarification to the Ground Rules (04/03/09)
Each round will have a maximum of five minutes for you to place your device onto the truss, start,
compete and remove the device from the fixture. If you device fails to start or becomes disassembled
during the competition you will forfeit that round. If both teams fail to pass the starting line rule 13 shall
Your team must check into the registration table 15 minutes prior to your round. Failure to do so will result
in a forfeit for that round. Once your round is complete you will need to track your teams placement on
the bracket sheet and note the time of your next competition. You will be responsible to be ready on time
for subsequent rounds based on the brackets you are assigned. If you fail to show up to your respective
round you will forfeit that round.
During each round of the competition your device must remain in a space that extends two feet
horizontally in either direction from the center of the top surface of the truss fixture and two feet in height
from the top of the truss fixture.
All devices must be completely supported by the truss. No part of the device shall touch the ground or
any other surface that is not part of the truss. Nor shall any team members be allowed to support the
device at the starting line. You may only touch your device to; engage its start from the line on the
judges command, to remove it from the truss once the round is completed or to prevent damage to the
Remote Control
Rule 18, which states that "the device must remain a single intact unit at all times" eliminates the use of a
remote control. A wired remote would have to be touched during the round and would then be disallowed
by rule number 5 in the original project specification.
The painted line marks the region of the truss and the obstacle below which the devices cannot touch.
A device will be disqualified if it comes into direct contact with the truss below the line. This will apply to
any device which may tilt due to the obstructions in the truss or from the normal assent to the top.
Your group will be given a flag prior to your round. No modifications of the flags will be allowed. You may
purchase flags for testing at Michaels. The flags we will use are 4x6Economy US Flags. These should
cost $0.49. Below is a scan of the bar code:
The flag stem must penetrate the metal cylinder by at least 1. The flag can be dropped into the cylinder
or suspended in the cylinder while being attached to the device.
If your flag is released and it does not enter the cylinder it will not be considered a successful plant.
Can your device block the hole from the other team?
Your device will be allowed to cover the hole provided your device will start planting or at least attempt to
plan the flag within 3 seconds or less of blocking the hole. If you block the hole and the flag cannot be
successfully planted you must prove to the judges through your design process that the device was
designed with the intent to plant the flag within the 3 second rule. If you cannot nor attempt to plant the
flag and just block the hole with the intent of blocking the competing device, your group will be
You may insert the flag through the bottom of the hole provided the flag clears the top of the cylinder.
See rule 15. If your team is not willing to stand next to your device without protective clothing or safety
glasses, your device will be considered hazardous! However, since some individuals are braver than
others, the judges reserve the right to deem a device hazardous.
Your team will be disqualified if your device intentionally or unintentionally damages the fixture in any
manner including but not limited to: breaking the truss, generating noticeable nixes or notches that will
impact the integrity of the competition, adding foreign substances such as oil or lubricants onto the truss.
All protests must be registered immediately after the competing round. You must qualify your protests
based on the ground rules and the project definition. Keep good engineering records (engineering book)
of your development process to use to defend your positions. If you have no supporting documentation at
the day of the competition, your protest will be disallowed. Bert Vermeulen will be the final judge on all
8 ft
Obstacle on
both sides of
4 ft
Approximately 20O
be posted on RAMCT. If you have any of us sign a non-disclosure agreement (sample attached), we
will then discuss with you confidentially those issues you have, and will not disseminate your questions or
the answers to the entire class.
Required Report
Grading for this competition will consist of a required report. Your competition outcomes will not affect the
grade of the report (unless you place in one of the top 3 positions). The report will be turned in at the time
of the competition, the first time your device runs on the truss. Please bind the report in a professional
manner. The report will consist of:
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MECH 202
Loser to A
(B)Group 2
Loser to R
Group 3
Loser to G
Group 4
Loser to C
Group 5
Loser to S
Group 6
Group 7
Loser to I
Group 8
Loser to E
Group 9
Loser to K
Group 10
Loser to Q
Loser to M
Group 11
Loser to U
Group 12
Group 13
Loser to B
Group 14
Loser to N
Group 15
Loser to D
Group 16
Loser to P
Loser to H
Group 17
Loser to T
Loser to V
If 1st loss
Group 18
Group 19
Loser to F
Group 20
Loser to J
Loser to O
Group 21
Loser to L
Group 22