Instructor'S Document: Practice
Instructor'S Document: Practice
Instructor'S Document: Practice
Day 1
Cleve Moler invented it.
Explain how images are stored in computer.
Image processing and Vibration example
X = [1:4;5:8;9:12] x(2,3)
C = x(2,3); c
X(2,3) = 97; x
X(2,2) = 123; x
Ab = (2,2) = 123
X(4,5) = 456
X(2,[1 3])
X([2 1], 2)
X(2:-1:1, 3:-1:1)
X(1:end,1) = 45
X(1:end,2:3) = -2
Combining Matrices
a = [1 2; 3 4;5 6]; b = [4 5;3 6;7 8]; c = [a b;b a]
a1 = [1 1 1;1 1 1]; a2,a3 [a1 a2 a3]
B1 = [1;1] b2 = [2 2;2 2] b3 = [3 3 3;3 3 3]
[b1 b2 b3] [b1 b2 b3 b1]
Practice session
A = (1:10)^2 plot(a)
Figure A = (-10:10)^2 plot(a)
T = -10:10, b = t.^2
Figure plot(t,b)
X1 = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin(x1)
X2 = pi/2:0.1:3*pi; y2 = cos(x2)
Figure plot(x1,y1,r,x2,y2,k:)
Help plot
Figure(1) plot (t,b,mo)
Hold on, hold of
Title(sine and cosine plot);
Xlabel, ylabel
Legend(sine, cosine)
Axis(-2 12 -1.5 1.5) {first two inputs are left and right limit, other two bottom and
top limit}
Subplot(3,2,1) plots 3x2 grid of plots at location 1
F(x) = e^-(x-a)^2 / b
Create 1x2 sublot, set b = 1 and plot for several values of a, then a =1,
plot several values of b