ArticulatedConcreteBlockSystem Designmanual

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Prepared for: Harris County Flood Control District
The Harris County Flood Control District (the "District") acknowledges with appreciation
Ayres Associates preparing this "Design Manual for Articulating Concrete Block (ACB)
Systems" (the "Manual").


It is expressly understood and agreed by accepting and using the manual, that neither the
manual nor any part thereof shall be copied, otherwise reproduced, or modified without the
prior express written permission of the Districts Director. However, the Districts Director
grants permission to copy and distribute the Manual for noncommercial and non-profit use,
so long as the content remains unaltered and credit is given to the District and Ayres
Associates in connection with such use. The user also understands and agrees that the
above disclaimer and this limitation on reproduction or modification shall accompany each
reproduction or use of the materials contained herein.

P.O. Box 270460

Fort Collins, Colorado 80527
(970) 223-5556, FAX (970) 223-5578
Ayres Project No. 32-0366.00

September 2001

C.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................C.1
C.1.1 Background .............................................................................................................C.1
C.1.2 Special Conditions Unique to Harris County ............................................................C.3
C.2 OPEN CHANNEL HYDRAULICS FOR ACB DESIGN ...............................................C.4
C.3 GEOMORPHIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR ACB DESIGN ..........................................C.7
C.4 DESIGNING ACB SYSTEMS FOR HYDRAULIC STABILITY ...................................C.8

Performance Testing of ACB Systems ....................................................................C.9

Extrapolation of Test Data .....................................................................................C.10
Factor of Safety Design Equations ........................................................................C.12
Pre-Selecting a Design Factor of Safety................................................................C.13
Extent of Revetment Coverage .............................................................................C.17
Cabled Versus Non-Cabled ACB Systems ............................................................C.18
Drainage Layers....................................................................................................C.18
ACB Design Procedure and Example....................................................................C.18

C.5 GEOTEXTILE AND GRANULAR FILTER DESIGN ..................................................C.26


Filter Functions......................................................................................................C.27
Base Soil Properties..............................................................................................C.30
Geotextile Filter Properties ....................................................................................C.31
Granular Filter Properties ......................................................................................C.32
Filter Design Procedure and Example ...................................................................C.32

C.6 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ...............................................................................C.41


Subgrade Preparation ...........................................................................................C.41

Placement of Geotextile ........................................................................................C.42
Placement of ACB System ....................................................................................C.42

C.7 Worksheets, Proprietary Block Properties, and Typical Detail Drawings...................C.48

C.8 Annotated Bibliography ............................................................................................C.56


Figure C.1.1. Examples of proprietary ACB systems shown in plan view..........................C.1
Figure C.1.2. Geologic formations in Harris County ..........................................................C.3
Figure C.2.1. (A) Plan view of a river meander bend with region of increased
shear stress indicated (B) Cross section A-A illustrating superelevation
at outer bank of the bend ............................................................................C.5
Figure C.2.2. Two-dimensional model results with velocity vectors at a waterway
constricted by bridge approach embankments ............................................C.5
Figure C.2.3. Horseshoe vortex flow pattern observed at bridge piers ..............................C.6
Figure C.2.4. Schematic of a block protruding above ACB matrix resulting in
added drag and lift forces overturning the block ..........................................C.7
Figure C.4.1. Moment Balance on an ACB at Incipient Failure .......................................C.10
Figure C.4.2. Typical laboratory flume configuration and photographs of the
full-scale testing facility..............................................................................C.11
Figure C.4.3. Three-dimensional view of a block on a channel side slope with
factor of safety variables defined...............................................................C.14
Figure C.4.4. Figure of a block showing moment arms 41, 42, 43, and 44 ............................................. C.14
Figure C.4.5. Factor of Safety Decision Support for ACB Systems ...................................................... C.16
Figure C.4.6. Definition sketch of example problem setting and ACB installation ................... C.20
Figure C.4.7. Velocity Distribution at River Mile 23.4 from HEC-RAS Model............................... C.21
Figure C.5.1. Channel cross sections showing filter and bedding orientation ..................C.26
Figure C.5.2. Examples of soil and filter subgrades ........................................................C.27
Figure C.5.3. Time series of channel and groundwater level changes resulting
from a storm event ....................................................................................C.29
Figure C.5.4. Geotextile selection based on soil retention...............................................C.34
Figure C.6.1. Granular filter detail showing granular filter encapsulation.........................C.43
Figure C.6.2. ACB mats being placed with a crane and spreader bar .............................C.44
Figure C.6.3. Close-up of spreader bar and ACB mat.....................................................C.44


LIST OF FIGURES (continued)

Figure C.6.4. Conceptual detail of minimum radius-of-curvature for bed and bank
protection ..................................................................................................C.45
Figure C.6.5. Bed and bank protection with minimum radius-of-curvature at
grade changes and top-of-slope termination points ...................................C.45
Figure C.6.6. Conceptual detail of minimum radius-of-curvature for bank
protection ..................................................................................................C.46
Figure C.6.7. Conceptual detail of toe termination for spillways or embankment
overtopping flow ........................................................................................C.46
Figure C.6.8. Embankment dam overtopping protection with radius-of-curvature
at top-of-slope termination.........................................................................C.47

Table C.4.1. Design Equations for ACB Systems ...........................................................C.15
Table C.4.2. HEC-RAS Model Output for River Mile 23.4 ...............................................C.19
Table C.5.1. Porosity for Alluvial Soils ............................................................................C.31
Table C.5.2. General Soil Sample Information and Classification ...................................C.32
Table C.5.3. Results from Sieve and Hydrometer Analysis .............................................C.33
Table C.5.4. Pit Run Sand Gradation for Granular Filter .................................................C.35




C.1.1 Background
This Design Manual provides guidelines and procedures for the design and installation of
articulating concrete block revetment systems. Articulating concrete block (ACB) systems are
used to provide erosion protection to underlying soil from the hydraulic forces of moving
water. An ACB system is comprised of a matrix of individual concrete blocks placed together
to form an erosion-resistant revetment with specific hydraulic performance characteristics.
The term "articulating" implies the ability of the matrix to conform to minor changes in the
subgrade while remaining interconnected with geometric interlock and/or additional system
components such as cables. Several varieties of ACB systems are available: interlocking
and non-interlocking block shapes, cable-tied and non-cable-tied matrices, and open cell and
closed cell varieties. Figure C.1.1 shows a few ACB varieties in plan view.

Figure C.1.1. Examples of proprietary ACB systems shown in plan view. Note that this is
not all inclusive of what is available in the industry and no endorsement or
recommendation is intended.


The ACB system includes a filter component that allows infiltration and exfiltration to occur
while retaining the soil subgrade. The filter layer requires a geotextile and may include a
granular transition layer. In some cases a highly permeable drainage layer, either granular
or synthetic, may be included in the system design for sub-block pressure relief, particularly
in turbulent flows.
Articulating concrete blocks can be used in a broad range of erosion control applications with
good success. Since ACB systems have a very high armoring potential, application is not
limited to subcritical flow or locations of low turbulence. ACB systems have been used with
excellent success at installations generating high velocities such as culvert outlets, spillways,
and grade control structures. In many laboratory studies, ACB systems did not fail at
velocities exceeding 20 fps, where failure was defined as any loss of contact between the
block and the subgrade. In many geographic regions, ACB systems offer a less expensive
and more aesthetic alternative to more traditional treatments such as riprap, structural
concrete, and soil cement.
ACB systems are well suited to channel lining applications, in particular for lateral stream
stability. The articulating characteristic allows the systems to be placed effectively at bends
and regions of vertical change, such as sloping grade control structures. Many ACB systems
are manufactured with voids or open cells to accommodate vegetation.
The systems should not be placed on slopes that are geotechnically unstable; ACB systems
are intended for erosion control, not slope stabilization. Geotechnical engineering and slope
stabilization references should be sought for problems in this area.
Ayres Associates, under contract to the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD),
developed this ACB Design Manual. This manual is intended to provide a standardized
basis for the analysis, design, and installation of ACB systems for erosion control
applications in open channels. Sections provided in this manual include:

Open Channel Hydraulics for ACB Design provides background of open channel
hydraulics related to ACB design that supplements the Design Criteria Manual;


Geomorphic Considerations for ACB Design - provides insight and references for
stability assessment of a site prior to ACB application;


Designing ACB Systems for Hydraulic Stability provides discussion of laboratory

testing, design criteria and equations, special topics, and an ACB design procedure;


Geotextile and Granular Filter Design - provides information regarding the

significance of the filter layer, base soil and filter properties, and a filter design


Installation Guidelines provides recommended/required ACB installation procedures

for effective erosion control performance;


Worksheets, Proprietary Block Properties, and Typical Detail Drawings provides

design worksheets to assist with calculations, tables of manufacturer supplied block
properties for proprietary systems, and HCFCD detail sheet(s);



Annotated Bibliography provides a list of cited references and additional references

for subjects beyond the scope of this manual, with a short narrative describing
relevant aspects of each document.

C.1.2 Special Conditions Unique to Harris County

There are four major surficial geologic units which outcrop in Harris County. From youngest
to oldest, these units are
Deweyville Formation
Beaumont Formation
Lissie Formation
Willis Formation
Figure C.1.2 illustrates the distribution of these geologic formations in Harris County. Soils
associated with the Lissie Formation are highly dispersive and tend to be susceptible to
piping failures along stream banks. Essentially, these soils suffer from both internal and
external erosion.
Because of the known problematic nature of Lissie soils, articulating concrete block
revetment systems shall not be used in these areas unless site-specific geotechnical
engineering controls are incorporated into the project design. Such designs must receive
special approval by the Director on a case-by-case basis.

Figure C.1.2. Geologic formations in Harris County.




Effective design of ACB revetment systems depends upon proper characterization of the
hydraulic conditions expected during the design event. The vast majority of revetment
failures, whether riprap or manufactured systems, have occurred where the designer did not
adequately quantify the hydraulics of flow.
The hydraulic variables of greatest interest in ACB system design are shear stress and
velocity. The design procedure presented in this ACB Design Manual is based on an
approach that considers the hydraulic forces imposed on a single block at incipient failure of
the system. In formulating the equations for practical use, a ratio of design shear stress to
"critical" shear stress is used. Cross section averaged shear stress can be calculated for
design using the following simple equation:
0 = RS f

(Eqn. C.2.1)




Cross section averaged shear stress (lbs/ft2)

Unit weight of water (62.4 lb/ft3)
Hydraulic radius (ft)
Local friction slope (ft/ft)

Manufacturers of ACB systems should provide performance data from full-scale tests
performed in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration (Clopper and Chen 1988),
"Minimizing Embankment Damage During Overtopping Flow." The performance results are
then provided to the designer in the form of critical shear stress (also known as maximum
allowable shear stress). A background discussion of laboratory flume testing of ACB
systems is provided later in this ACB Design Manual.
For some applications, cross section averaged shear stress is not suitable for design. Such
cases include bends, confluences, constrictions, and flow obstructions. An example of how
shear stress can vary in a complex flow field is illustrated in the river meander bend of Figure
C.2.1. The superelevation of the water surface against the outside bank of the bend
produces a locally steep downstream water surface slope and, as a result, a region of
increased shear stress. A similar phenomenon can occur at bridge crossings where
approach embankments encroach on a floodplain. A locally steep water surface is
developed near the bridge abutment between the water backed up behind the embankment
and the water moving through the bridge opening at a much higher velocity.
For complex hydraulic systems, more sophisticated modeling is generally an appropriate
solution. For example, a 2-dimensional model would be the appropriate method for
determining shear stress through a bridge where the approach embankment(s) constrict a
wide floodplain. A 2-dimensional model showing velocity vectors through a constricted
waterway is shown in Figure C.2.2. More sophisticated modeling tools are discussed in the
annotated bibliography provided at the end of this ACB Design Manual, along with availability
and ordering information.


Figure C.2.1. (A) Plan view of a river meander bend with region of increased shear stress
indicated (B) Cross section A-A illustrating superelevation at outer bank of
the bend.

Figure C.2.2. Two-dimensional model results with velocity vectors at a waterway constricted
by bridge approach embankments.


If a simplified modeling approach, such as the Manning equation or the HEC-2 model, is
used to model a complex hydraulic system then conservatism should be incorporated into
the design shear stress and factor of safety (discussed later in this ACB Design Manual). In
the case of flow around a bend, velocity can range between 0.9 and 1.7 times the cross
section averaged velocity (Lagasse et al. 2001b). Shear stress is proportional to the square
of velocity; therefore, the range of multipliers that is suggested for shear stress is 0.8 to 2.9.
Some example shear stress multipliers are provided as follows:

0.8 for a location near the bank of a straight reach

1.4 for a location in the main current of flow of a meander bend
2.9 for a location in the main current of flow of an extreme bend

To date, there is limited information available for quantifying how velocity and shear stress
increase locally at obstructions to a flow field, such as bridge piers or pipelines. Flow around
local obstructions is very turbulent and generally results in some vortex flow pattern, both
contributing to very erosive flows. A schematic of the horseshoe shaped vortex often
observed at flow around bridge piers is provided in Figure C.2.3. The rearranged Isbash
riprap equation for piers from Lagasse et al. (2001b) uses a velocity multiplier of 1.5 for
round piers and 1.7 for rectangular piers. These values correspond to shear stress
multipliers of 2.3 and 2.9 for round and square piers, respectively. It is suggested that these
values be used along with an increased design factor of safety for bridge piers.

Figure C.2.3. Horseshoe vortex flow pattern observed at bridge piers.

Flow velocity becomes a significant hydraulic variable when considering the potential for
increased drag on individual blocks that can result from blocks protruding above the
surrounding ACB matrix due to local subgrade irregularities or imprecise placement. The
problem is presented in the schematic of Figure C.2.4. The added drag on the block is a
function of the velocity squared according to the following relationship:
FD = 1/ 2 C D ( Z) bV 2

(Eqn. C.2.2)




Drag force due to block protrusion (lbs)

Drag coefficient (CD 1.0)
Height of protrusion (ft)
Block width perpendicular to flow (ft)
Density of water (1.94 slugs / ft3)
Velocity (ft/s)

The added lift force (FL) due to the block protruding above the ACB matrix is conservatively
assumed equal to the drag force. With the added drag force imposed on the block
proportional to velocity squared, proper subgrade preparations and installation quality control
are very important, especially in regions of high velocity, such as supercritical reaches and
overtopping spillways. In the design procedure that follows, allowable height of block
protrusion is specified by the designer and should be used by inspectors as a criterion for
acceptance or rejection of the installation.

Figure C.2.4. Schematic of a block protruding above ACB matrix resulting in added drag and
lift forces overturning the block.
Ascertaining whether or not a stream is stable requires a functional definition of stability. In
the context of ACB design, stability implies that the geomorphic state of the stream, with the
ACB system in place, is such that adverse conditions to the revetment do not develop over
"Stream Stability at Highway Structures" (Lagasse et al. 2001a) provides a stability
characterization system that classifies several stream properties as being unstable or stable.
The system is qualitative in nature, but provides a quick method for ascertaining stability of a
stream using very little data: annual hydrograph characteristics, soil properties, aerial
photography, and land topography. Thirteen stream properties are used in the method,


which can be categorized into temporal flow characteristics, channel

characteristics, topographic relief, plan geometry, and cross section geometry.


Many natural streams migrate laterally without impacting the stream as a system (i.e., effects
of migration do not propagate upstream and downstream). However, lateral migration
becomes a concern when the security of nearby infrastructure from erosion is jeopardized.
In such cases, ACB systems can be used as a countermeasure or as a component of a
countermeasure to arrest lateral migration. The designer is referred to "Bridge Scour and
Stream Instability Countermeasures" (Lagasse et al. 2001b) for lateral instability
countermeasure options.
In many applications, an ACB system is used for embankment lining while a "soft" channel
bed is maintained for environmental, habitat, or economic reasons. The vertical stability of
the project site, in terms of aggradation or degradation, should be quantified to determine the
sufficient toe-down depth for the revetment. Long-term bed elevation changes are usually
the result of change(s) to the watershed system, such as: urbanization, deforestation,
channelization, meander cutoff, and changes to downstream base level control elevation.
Since vertical instability is typically indicative of system-wide response, local use of
articulating concrete blocks should not be used as the sole countermeasure to arrest
Prediction of long-term bed elevation changes is a multi-disciplinary problem that must be
solved using a system analysis approach. Analysis of the problem requires the consideration
of all influences to the system: runoff from the watershed (hydrology), sediment delivery to
the channel reach (sedimentology), sediment transport capacity of the reach (hydraulics),
and the response of the channel to these factors (geomorphology). Lagasse et al. (2001a)
offers a three level system approach to fully characterize stream stability:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:

Application of simple geomorphic concepts and other qualitative analyses.

Application of basic hydrologic, hydraulic, and sediment transport engineering
Application of mathematical or physical modeling studies.

Not all three levels of analysis must be completed, it is suggested that each level of analysis
be carried out until adequate characterization of stream stability is achieved. Given adequate
characterization of stream stability, the designer can then utilize Lagasse et al. (2001b) for
countermeasure design if needed.
This section defines a procedure for designing ACB systems based on hydraulic stability
concepts. A linkage between performance testing in laboratory flumes and real-world field
applications is described and a method that uses results from full-scale performance tests is
In the design of ACB systems, a factor-of-safety is calculated for the proposed product and
then assessed against a pre-selected target value. This section presents equations for
calculating a factor-of-safety for a specific ACB system, a rational approach to pre-selecting
a target factor-of-safety, and a design procedure that compares the calculated and preselected values. Special topics related to ACB design are also addressed in this section.


C.4.1 Performance Testing of ACB Systems

Starting in 1983, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) led a group of federal
agencies in a multi-year research program to evaluate the performance of different erosion
control systems for embankment overtopping flow. Clopper and Chen (1988) summarizes
results from the investigation. The erosion control systems in the 1988 report included three
proprietary articulating concrete blocks. Test results indicated that ACB systems showed
promise as an erosion control countermeasure under severe hydraulic loading; however, the
performance of tested systems varied significantly. The scope of the 1988 study does not
provide a thorough understanding of the failure mechanisms associated with ACB systems
and does not provide reasons for the broad range in system performance. Clopper (1989)
provides a follow up report that more thoroughly addresses these issues.
Concurrent with FHWA testing, researchers in Great Britain were evaluating the performance
of similar erosion control systems. Both the FHWA and British researchers agreed that a
suitable definition of "failure" for ACB systems is the local loss of intimate contact between
the ACB and the subgrade that it protects. Clopper (1989) outlines four causative
mechanisms that will result in this definition of failure:
1. Loss of embankment soil beneath the system by gradual erosion along the slope beneath
the system or washout through the system at joints and open cells;
2. Deformation of the underlying embankment through liquefaction and shallow slip of the
embankment soil caused by the ingress of water beneath the system;
3. Loss of a block or group of blocks (uncabled systems) which directly exposes the
subgrade to the flow;
4. Local uplift of a block or group of blocks due to hydraulic loading.
It should be noted that these are not the only mechanisms for failure, but those observed
during FHWA laboratory testing.
Given the nature of ACB system installation in typical applications on slopes of 2H:1V or
less, the probability of failure due to slipping or sliding of the system matrix along the plane of
the subgrade is remote. The loss of intimate contact is most often the result of overturning of
a block or group of blocks, in which incipient failure occurs when the overturning moments
equal the restraining moments about the downstream contact point of an individual block.
The hydraulic stability of a block is thus a function of its restraining moments (block weight
and inter-block restraint) versus the applied overturning moments from hydrodynamic drag
and lift. Inter-block restraint is the force from block-to-block contact that resists overturning.
The process of incipient failure is illustrated in the moment balance of Figure C.4.1.
Summing moments acting on the block at incipient failure produces an equation defining
hydraulic stability. The following equation, which conservatively ignores inter-block restraint
is proposed, with the restraining moments on the left side of the equation and the overturning
moments on the right side:
l 2 WS 2 = l 1 WS1 + l 3 (FD + FD ) + l 4 (FL + FL )

(Eqn. C.4.1)


Figure C.4.1. Moment Balance on an ACB at Incipient Failure.

The above figure illustrates that the ability of any ACB system to provide a stable erosion
resistant boundary under a given set of hydraulic conditions is a function of its weight, interblock restraint, geometry, and quality of installation. In addition, the ability of a system to
provide a degree of flexibility through block-to-block articulation is an important factor in
maintaining intimate contact between the system and the subgrade that it protects. Since
these characteristics can vary greatly between ACB systems, laboratory flume testing of a
system is necessary to quantify the performance of a particular system. Using test results,
the manufacturer can provide performance criteria in the form of "critical" shear stress to the
designer of the ACB system. The term critical implies the condition at the brink of failure of a
single block.
A schematic of a typical laboratory flume is shown in Figure C.4.2, along with photographs of
actual testing facilities. Flume configurations vary greatly depending on the laboratory
setting provided by the testing Contractor, but are most commonly used for full scale testing
of the blocks. Reference can be made to the annotated bibliography provided at the end of
this ACB Design Manual for further documentation on laboratory flume testing of ACB
C.4.2 Extrapolation of Test Data
Often laboratory flume testing of blocks is conducted using a steep bed slope. In order to
use the design procedure that follows, the critical shear stress for a horizontal surface must
be known. An equation for extrapolation of test results from one bed slope to results for
another bed slope has been developed. The equation is based on a moment balance
approach that assumes inter-block restraint to be the same for the tested and untested
configurations. The following equation is suggested for extrapolation of test results from one
bed slope to another for the same ACB system:



A. Schematic of a typical laboratory flume for ACB performance testing

B. Photograph of full-scale flume test (courtesy

of Colorado State University)

C. Photograph of subgrade inspection after a

series of full-scale tests (courtesy of Colorado
State University)

Figure C.4.2. Typical laboratory flume configuration and photographs of full-scale

testing facility.


l cos U l 1 sin U

CU = CT 2
l 2 cos T l 1 sin T

Eqn. (C.4.2)



Critical shear stress for untested bed slope (lbs/ft2)

Critical shear stress for tested bed slope (lbs/ft2)
Untested bed slope (degrees)
Tested bed slope (degrees)
Moment arms (ft)

Note that the moment arms used in this equation should apply to the orientation of the block
during testing and are not necessarily the same as those suggested later in this document for
Similar to extrapolation based on bed slope, an equation for extrapolating test results from a
tested block to an untested block of similar characteristics has been developed. The
equation should only be used to extrapolate results from a block within a similar family (i.e.,
having a similar footprint area and interlock mechanism) but with different thickness and
weight. This equation is also based on a moment balance approach that neglects inter-block
restraint. The following equation is suggested for extrapolation of test results from one block
to another within the same family:
W l
l + l 4T

CU = CT SU 2U 3 T
WST l 2T l 3U + l 4U

Eqn. (C.4.3)

WSU and W ST
4XU and 4XT


Critical shear stress for untested block (lbs/ft2)

Critical shear stress for tested block (lbs/ft2)
Submerged weight of untested and tested blocks (lbs)
Moment arms of untested and tested blocks (ft)

Note that the moment arms used in this equation should apply to the orientation of the block
during testing and are not necessarily the same as those suggested later in the document for
C.4.3 Factor of Safety Design Equations
The following design equations quantify a "Factor of Safety" for application of an ACB system
based on an approach that considers the hydraulic forces imposed on a single block. The
procedure was originally developed by Stevens et al. (1971) for riprap design and has been
modified by Julien (1995) to account for the case of riprap placed on a steep longitudinal
slope and a steep lateral slope (e.g., a revetment system protecting the bank of an
overtopping spillway). Juliens equations are the most general formulation to date and can
be applied to any hydraulic system where the water surface slope is approximately equal to
the bed slope (i.e., gradually varied flow). Juliens equations have been modified slightly for
this procedure to consider the known geometric dimensions of concrete blocks and the
"critical" shear stress determined from performance testing. Clopper (1991) first presented


the process of adapting the factor of safety equations to ACB systems in "Protecting
Embankment Dams with Concrete Blocks," Hydro Review. The major adjustment to the
equations is to use the known block geometry for the moment arms rather than an
appropriate angle of repose for riprap.
Changes have also been incorporated into the design procedure to account for the additional
forces imposed on a block that protrudes above the surrounding ACB matrix due to local
subgrade irregularities or imprecise placement. Since a slight disruption of intimate contact
between a block and the subgrade constitutes failure, the equations do not account for the
restraining forces due to cables. The potential restraining force imposed on the block matrix
by cables is intentionally limited so that block-to-block articulation is maintained. Similarly,
the additional stabilizing forces offered by vegetation and/or mechanical-anchoring devices
are ignored in the procedure because such effects are difficult to quantify and are assumed
to be of limited value for the sake of design conservatism.
The safety factor (SF) for a single block in the ACB system is defined as the ratio of
restraining moments to the overturning moments. Rearranging Equation C.4.1 from page
C.9 and adding terms to account for a block placed on a three-dimensional surface results in
the following equation for SF:
SF =

l 2 WS a
l 1 WS 1 a cos + l 3 FD cos + l 4 FL + l 3 FD cos + l 4 FL

(Eqn. C.4.4)

The forces, dimensions, and angles in the equation for SF are presented in Figure C.4.3.
Dividing Equation C.4.4 by 41W S and substituting terms yields the final form of the factor of
safety equations as presented in Table C.4.1. The equations can be used in any consistent
set of units; however, variables are indicated here in English units.
The submerged block weight, W S, is the weight of the block after subtracting out the force of
buoyancy. The moment arms 41, 42, 43, and 44 are determined from the block dimensions
shown in Figure C.4.4. In the general case, the pivot point of overturning will be at the front
corner of the block; therefore, the horizontal distance from the center of the block to the
corner should be used for both 42 and 44. Since the resultant of weight is through the block
center of gravity, one half the block height should be used for 41. The drag force acts both on
the top surface of the block (shear drag) and on the body of the block (form drag).
Considering both elements of drag, eight-tenths the height of the block is considered a good
estimate of 43.
Extensive research has been conducted to determine the critical shear stress for virtually all
sizes of granular soil particles and riprap, but there are limited test data available for
proprietary ACB products. Therefore, critical shear stress for a horizontal surface, C, should
come from performance testing of the ACB system being considered. Determination of
design shear stress, des, is discussed in Section C.2.
C.4.4 Pre-Selecting a Target Factor of Safety
The target factor of safety should be a function of the complexity of the hydraulic system, the
consequence of failure, and the uncertainty in the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. Figure
C.4.5 is a flow chart that offers a simple decision support system that is based on these
elements of ACB design.


Figure C.4.3. Three-dimensional view of a block on a channel side slope with factor of
safety variables defined.

Figure C.4.4. Figure of a block showing moment arms 41, 42, 43, and 44.


Table C.4.1. Design Equations for ACB Systems.

SF =

(l 2 / l 1 )a
(l F cos + l 4 FL )
1 a 2 cos + 1 (l 2 / l 1 ) + 3 D
l 1w S


+ + = 90 or 2 radians


l / l + sin ( 0 + + )
1 = 4 3
l4 / l3 +1

cos( 0 + )
= arctan

1 a 2
+ sin( 0 + )
(l 4 / l 3 + 1)
0 (l 2 / l 1 )



sin 0 cos 1
tan o
= arctan

= arctan

tan 1
sin 1 cos 0


a = cos 2 1 sin 2 0


FL = FD = 0.5 ( Z ) bVdes

0 =




S 1

WS = W C



a = Projection of W S into
subgrade beneath block
b = Block width (ft)
FD & FL = additional drag
and lift forces (lbs)
4x = Block moment arms (ft)
SC = Specific gravity of
concrete (assume 2.1)
SF = Calculated factor of safety
Vdes = Design velocity (ft/s)
W = Weight of block (lbs)
WS = Submerged weight of
block (lbs)
Z = Height of block protrusion
above ACB matrix (ft)
= Angle of block projection
from downward direction,
once in motion
= Angle between drag force
and block motion
0 = Stability number for a
horizontal surface
1 = Stability number for a
sloped surface
= Angle between side slope
projection of W S and the
0 = Channel bed slope
(degrees or radians)
1 = Channel side slope
(degrees or radians)
Note - the equations cannot be
solved for 1 = 0 (i.e., division by
0); therefore, a negligible side
slope must be entered for the
case of 1 = 0.
= Mass density of water
(1.94 slugs/ft )
C = Critical shear stress for
block on a horizontal
surface (lbs/ft )
des = Design shear stress
(lbs/ft )

Figure C.4.5. Selecting a target factor of safety for ACB systems.


In the flow chart, a base factor of safety is selected that considers the complexity of the
hydraulic system. If the flow is relatively uniform and predictable, then a lower value for SFB
can be assumed. Alternatively, if the flow is complex and highly erratic, then a larger value
should be used to account for the possibility of high transient velocities and shear stresses.
Two multipliers are then selected in the flow chart. The first, Xc, is used to consider the
social and economic losses associated with failure. The range for each of four categories
(low, medium, high, and extreme) is provided in the flow chart. The selection of Xc should be
based on the assumed cost of failure relative to the cost of the ACB system. The second
multiplier, XM, is used to consider the degree of uncertainty in the hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling used for the design. There are three approaches to determining the hydrologic and
hydraulic variables of a system for design: deterministic, empirical or stochastic, and
estimation. Deterministic techniques are physical or numerical models where empirical and
stochastic techniques are based on statistical analysis and regression equations. Estimation
is the use of educated guess, often based on observations of previous events.
Suggested values of SFB, XC, and XM are provided in the flow chart for common applications.
The balance between the cost of conservatism and more sophisticated engineering analysis
must always be considered. If the flow chart yields a factor of safety that is too conservative
then it may be necessary to redo the modeling or consider a more sophisticated approach to
selecting a target factor of safety, SFT. In all cases, prudent engineering judgment should be
C.4.5 Extent of Revetment Coverage
Longitudinal Extent: The revetment should be continuous for a distance which extends
upstream and downstream of the region which experiences hydraulic forces severe enough
to cause dislodging and/or transport of bed or bank material. The minimum distances
recommended are an upstream distance of 1.0 channel width and a downstream distance of
1.5 channel widths. The channel reach which experiences severe hydraulic forces is usually
identified by site inspection, examination of aerial photography, hydraulic modeling, or a
combination of these methods.
Many site-specific factors have an influence on the actual length of channel that should be
protected. Channel controls (such as bridge abutments) may produce local areas of
relatively high velocity and shear stress due to channel constriction, but may also create
areas of ineffective flow further upstream and downstream in "shadow zone" areas of slack
water. In straight reaches, field reconnaissance may reveal erosion scars on the channel
banks that will assist in determining the protection length required. In meandering reaches,
since the natural progression of bank erosion is in the downstream direction, the present limit
of erosion may not necessarily define the ultimate downstream limit. Lagasse et al. (2001a)
provide guidance for the assessment of lateral migration. The design engineer is
encouraged to review this reference for proper implementation.
Vertical Extent. The vertical extent of the revetment should provide ample freeboard above
the design water surface. A minimum freeboard of 1 to 2 ft should be used for unconstricted
reaches and 2 to 3 ft for constricted reaches. If the flow is supercritical, the freeboard should
be based on height above the energy grade line rather than the water surface. The
revetment system should either cover the entire channel bottom or, in the case of unlined
channel beds, extend below the bed far enough so that the revetment is not undermined
from local scour or degradation. Techniques for estimating local scour are provided by
Richardson et al. (2001c) and long-term degradation is discussed in more detail in Section


C.4.6 Cabled Versus Non-Cabled ACB Systems

Some manufacturers of ACB systems provide the option of cables for block-to-block
connection. The use of cabled systems is recognized as advantageous when installation can
be done via a pre-assembled mat of blocks held together by cable using heavy equipment.
Such installation procedures can result in significant cost savings but are limited by
equipment access to the site. Under the precepts of the definition of failure and the factor of
safety design procedure, cables are not considered to increase the hydraulic stability of the
ACB system and no explicit terms are incorporated into the procedure for block-to-block
connections. However, the use of cables can be considered beneficial in preventing local
areas of instability from expanding and progressively "unzipping" large areas of the ACB
C.4.7 Drainage Layers
A drainage layer may be used in conjunction with an ACB system. A drainage layer lies
between the blocks and the geotextile and/or granular filter. This layer allows "free" flow of
water beneath the block system while still holding the filter material to the subsoil surface
under the force of the block weight. This free flow of water can relieve sub-block pressure
and has appeared to significantly increase the hydraulic stability of ACB systems based on
full-scale performance testing conducted since the mid 1990s.
Drainage layers can be comprised of coarse, uniformly sized granular material, or can be
synthetic mats that are specifically manufactured to permit flow within the plane of the mat.
Granular drainage layers are typically comprised of 1- to 2-inch crushed rock in a layer 4
inches or more in thickness. The uniformity of the rock provides significant void space for
flow of water. Synthetic drainage mats typically range in thickness from 0.25 to 0.75 inches
and are manufactured using stiff nylon fibers or high density polyethylene (HDPE) material.
The stiffness of the fibers supports the weight of the blocks with a low fiber density, thus
providing large hydraulic conductivity within the plane of the mat.
Many full-scale laboratory performance tests have been conducted with a drainage layer in
place. When evaluating a block system, for which performance testing was conducted with a
drainage layer, a drainage layer must also be used in the design. This recommendation is
based on the apparent increase in the hydraulic stability of systems that have incorporated a
drainage layer in the performance testing.
Vertical components of velocity in highly turbulent flow can create conditions where
detrimental quantities of flow may penetrate beneath the block system in local areas. For
this reason, the designer may wish to incorporate a drainage layer with any ACB system
design in areas where very turbulent flows are expected.
C.4.8 ACB Design Procedure and Example
The following example illustrates an ACB design procedure that uses the factor of safety
equations presented in Table C.4.1. The procedure is presented in a series of steps that can
be followed by the designer in order to select the appropriate ACB system based on a preselected target factor of safety. The major criterion for product selection is if the computed
factor of safety for the ACB system meets or exceeds the pre-selected target value.


Problem Statement:
A hydraulic structure is to be constructed at the downstream end of a reach on Meandering
River, Texas. The river has a history of channel instability, both vertically and laterally. A
quantitative assessment of channel stability has been conducted using the multi-level
analysis from "Stream Stability at Highway Structures" (Lagasse et al. 2001a). Using
guidelines from "Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures" (Lagasse et al.
2001b), a drop structure has been designed at the indicated reach to control bed elevation
changes. However, there is concern that lateral channel migration will threaten the integrity
of the structure. An ACB system is proposed to arrest lateral migration. Figure C.4.6
presents a definition sketch for this example problem.
The design discharge for the revetment is the 100-year event, which is 6,444 cfs. The bed
slope of the reach upstream of the proposed drop structure is 0.01. The bed material is clay,
the bank material is silty clay with sand.
The design procedure assumes that appropriate assessment of hydraulic and geomorphic
conditions has been made prior to the design process. The HEC-RAS package has been
used to model the design hydraulics for the reach upstream of the proposed drop structure
on Meandering River. Table C.4.2 presents pertinent results from the hydraulic model at the
cross section that is exposed to the most severe hydraulic conditions.

Table C.4.2. HEC-RAS Model Output for River Mile 23.4.

Channel Discharge (cfs)
Cross Section Averaged Velocity (ft/s)
Hydraulic Radius (ft)
Energy Grade Line Slope (ft/ft)
A horizontal velocity distribution was calculated at River Mile 23.4 using HEC-RAS. Figure
C.4.7 presents a reduced form of the velocity distribution with 9 velocity subsections; HECRAS originally calculated a distribution of 20 velocity subsections. The distribution indicates
that the maximum velocity expected at the bend is 11.0 ft/s, which will be used as the design
value in the factor of safety calculations. The cross section averaged shear stress can be
calculated with Equation C.2.1 as 0 = RSf = 62.4(4.3)(0.007) = 1.9 lb/ft2.
Section C.2 provides guidance for increasing cross section averaged shear stress at
meander bends. For this example, the velocity distribution in Figure C.4.7 can be used
instead, knowing that shear stress is proportional to the square of velocity. The maximum
shear stress for design can be estimated as follows:

= 0 des

= 1.9 11.0 = 3.5 lbs / ft 2


(Eqn. C.4.14)

For this example, the estimated maximum shear stress is used as the design value (des =


Figure C.4.6. Definition sketch of example problem setting and ACB installation
(not to scale).


Figure C.4.7. Velocity Distribution at River Mile 23.4 from HEC-RAS Model.

The suggested design procedure follows:

Step 1. Select a target factor of safety
Use Worksheet 1 from Section C.7 to assist in the selection of a target factor of safety. For
this example, a completed worksheet is included, and a target factor of safety of 2.4 is
Step 2. Select potential ACB products for design
Contact ACB manufacturers and/or review ACB catalogs and select several systems that are
appropriate for the given application based on a preliminary assessment of the hydraulic
conditions. At the same time obtain the block properties necessary for design. These
properties generally include the moment arms in Figure C.4.4, the submerged weight of the
block, and the critical shear stress for the block on a horizontal surface.
For this Example, two products from ACB Systems, Inc. are selected based on guidance
from the manufacturer. ACB Systems, Inc. suggests that the 105-S or 105-L blocks would
be appropriate for velocities in the range of 10 to 15 ft/s. The block properties provided by
the manufacturer are shown on the worksheet. Section C.7 provides tables of block
properties supplied by manufacturers of commonly used ACB systems.
Step 3. Calculate the factor of safety for each product
Use Worksheet 2 from Section C.7 to assist in the factor of safety calculations using the
equations from Table C.4.1. For this example the calculations are presented for the 105-S
block and a completed worksheet with both blocks is included.


a) Assuming a specific gravity of 2.1 for the concrete, calculate the submerged unit weight:

S 1

WS = W C

(see Eqn. C.4.13)

2 .1 1
WS = 66.0
= 34.6 lbs
2 .1

b) Calculate the stability number on a horizontal surface:

0 =


0 =

= 0.14

(see Eqn. C.4.12)

c) Calculate the additional lift and drag forces from block protrusion out of the ACB matrix:
FL = FD = 0.5 ( Z ) bVdes

(see Eqn. C.4.11)

FL = FD = 0.5(0.04 )(1.25 )(1.94 )(11.0) 2 = 5.87 lbs

d) Calculate a:

a = cos 2 1 sin 2 0

(see Eqn. C.4.10)

a = cos 2 (26.57 ) sin 2 (0.57 ) = 0.8943

e) Calculate :
sin 0 cos 1
tan o
= arctan

= arctan

tan 1
sin 1 cos 0

(see Eqn. C.4.9)

sin(0.57 ) cos( 26.57)

= 1.14 deg rees
= arctan

sin(26.57 ) cos(0.57 )

f) Calculate :


cos( 0 + )
= arctan

1 a 2
+ sin( 0 + )
(l 4 / l 3 + 1)
0 (l 2 / l 1 )

(see Eqn. C.4.8)

cos(0.57 + 1.14 )
= arctan
= 19.48 deg rees
(0.88 / 0.33 + 1) 1 0.8943
+ sin(0.57 + 1.14)


g) Calculate the stability number on a sloped surface:

l / l + sin ( 0 + +
1 = 4 3
l4 / l3 +1

(see Eqn. C.4.7)

0.88 / 0.33 + sin(0.57 + 1.14 + 19.48 )

1 =
0.14 = 0.12
0.88 / 0.33 + 1

h) Calculate :
+ + = 90 or 2 radians (see Eqn. C.4.6)
= 90 (19.48 + 1.14 ) = 69.38 deg rees

i) Calculate the actual factor of safety for the 105-S block under these hydraulic conditions:
SF =

SF =

(l 2 / l 1 )a
(l F cos + l 4 FL )
1 a 2 cos + 1 (l 2 / l 1 ) + 3 D
l 1w S

(see Eqn. C.4.5)

(0.88 / 0.21)0.8943
= 2.2
(0.33(5.87) cos (69.38 ) + 0.88(5.87 ))
1 0.8943 cos(19.48 ) + 0.12(0.88 / 0.21) +

Steps a) through i) are then repeated for the 105-L block.

Step 4. Assess the suitability of each product and select a final ACB System
Compare the calculated factors of safety for the considered blocks with the design factor of
safety and select the product that best meets the design needs. For this example the 105-L
product is the only choice because the alternative did not satisfy the target factor of safety.
Once a product has been selected, fill in the block specifications at the bottom of the


Worksheet 1 - Target Factor of Safety Selection

Meandering River

Project Information

Site Description:


ACB Consultants, Inc.

Modeling Approaches


John Doe


Project Name/Number:




Harris County, TX

Design Event:


Hydrologic Model:

USGS Regression Equations

Hydraulic Model:


Determine Variables for Target Factor of Safety Equation from Figure C.4.5
Comments related to SFB:
Rank complexity and turbulence of hydraulic
flow field (low, medium or high): Medium

The river is very sinuous and high velocities

can be expected at the outside of bends.



Rank consequence of failure (low, medium,

high, or extreme): medium

XC =

Comments related to XC:



What type of hydrologic/hydraulic models

were used?

Comments related to XM:

Hydrology from recent restudy and SWMM
model; cross-sections for HEC-RAS model
have not been updated since last study.

XM = 1.2

Calculate the Target Factor of Safety




Worksheet 2 - ACB Design and Selection

Project Information

Site Information

ACB Consultants, Inc.

John Doe




Project Name/Number:


Harris County, TX

Target Factor of Safety:

Meandering River

Bed Slope (ft/ft):




Side Slope (H/V):




Hydraulic Design Data

Discharge (cfs):





Additional Comments

Velocity (ft/s):

Flow Depth (ft):

Hydraulic design data comes from XS 23.4

Friction Slope (ft/ft):

in the HEC-RAS model

Design Shear Stress (lbs/ft ):



Factor of Safety Calculations from Table C.4.1

ACB Systems for SF Calculation
Variables in SF

W (lbs)
W S (lbs)
b (ft)
1 (ft)
2 & 4 (ft)
3 (ft)
C (lbs/ft )
Z (ft)
FL & FD (lbs)



































Manufacturer/Selected ACB System

ACB Systems, Inc./Class 105-L

Block Width (in.):


Critical Shear Stress (lb/ft ):


Block Length (in.):


Calculated Factor of Safety:


Block Height (in.):

Block Weight (lbs):


Acceptable Protrusion (in.):




Step 5. Design horizontal and vertical extent of the ACB system

Following guidelines from Section C.4.5, the ACB system should terminate against the drop
structure and extend 2200 ft upstream, which is more than one channel width beyond the
observed limits of channel erosion. The drop structure is expected to arrest vertical
degradation, therefore, bed erosion is not expected to undermine the revetment. A toe down
into the bed of 2 ft is specified so that lateral movement of the lowest point in the channel will
not undermine the revetment. The specified freeboard for this application is 1.5 ft above the
water surface profile computed in the HEC-RAS model. The maximum side slope for any
ACB system should be 2H:1V.
Step 6. Design the filtration component of the ACB system
The procedure outlined in Section C.5 should be followed for filtration design. A worked
example problem is provided in Section C.5.5 to illustrate the procedure. If performance
testing of the selected ACB system was conducted with a drainage layer in place, then a
drainage layer of the same type is required for the design.


The importance of the filter component of an ACB system should not be underestimated. If
laboratory testing of an ACB system was conducted with a filter in place then the design,
which uses the ACB system, should include a filter. Geotextiles and granular layers perform
the filtration function. Some situations call for a composite filter consisting of both a granular
layer and a geotextile. The specific characteristics of the existing base soil determine
whether a granular filter is required.
The filter is installed between the ACB and the base soil (Figure C.5.1). The primary role of a
filter component is to retain the soil particles while allowing the flow of water through the
interface between the ACB system and the underlying soil. A granular filter also provides a
smooth and free-draining surface to rocky or otherwise irregular subgrades, thereby
maximizing intimate contact. The need for granular material is fully addressed in the
installation section. Careful design, selection, and installation of the appropriate filter
material all play an important role in the overall performance of ACB systems.

Figure C.5.1. Channel cross sections showing filter and bedding orientation.


C.5.1 Filter Functions

The primary function of filter components is to prevent fine particles from washing away while
allowing water flow through the filter material. These two contrary objectives must be
considered to achieve an effective functional balance between retention and permeability.
Filters assist in maintaining intimate contact between the revetment and the subgrade by
providing stability at the interface. Depending upon the internal stability of the soil, several
processes can occur over time along the interface of the base soil and filter material. The
filter pore size and the base soil stability dictate these processes. As an example, consider
the process of "piping." Piping is basically the washing away of very fine particles, resulting
in greater void space in the soil structure. Piping is more likely to occur in noncohesive/unstable soils that are in contact with a filter material that has large openings. The
large openings do not retain the smaller particles and therefore these particles are removed
by flowing water and only the larger particles remain. This process increases the potential for
soil erosion by weakening the soil structure. Correct filter design reduces the effects of
piping by limiting the loss of fines. Figure C.5.2 illustrates a stable versus unstable soil and
several common filtering processes that can occur (modified from Koerner 1997). The large
arrow indicates flow direction.

Figure C.5.2. Examples of soil and filter subgrades.


Figure C.5.2. Examples of soil and filter subgrades (continued).

As illustrated in the above Figure, matching the correct filter opening to the characteristics of
the base soil is critical for obtaining the desired retention of the filter component.
Filters should be permeable enough to allow unimpeded flow of water through the filter
material. This is necessary for two reasons: regulation of the filtration process along the
base soil and filter interface, as illustrated above, and reduction of hydrostatic pressure build
up from local groundwater fluctuations in the vicinity of the channel bed and banks (e.g.,
seasonal water level changes and storm events) that can weaken the channel soil structure.
The permeability of the filter should never be less than the layer below it (whether base soil
or another filter layer).
Figure C.5.3 illustrates a process that can result in an increase of hydrostatic pressure
beneath the filter. The figure is a time series view of channel cross sections showing
changing water levels and seepage resulting from a storm event. A properly designed filter
will help alleviate problems associated with fluctuating water levels.


Figure C.5.3. Time series of channel and groundwater level changes resulting from a
storm event.


C.5.2 Base Soil Properties

Base soil is defined here as the existing material of the channel bed and banks. The
following properties represent a minimum level of information that should be obtained for use
in the design process:
General Soil Classification. Soils are classified based on laboratory determinations of
particle size characteristics and the physical effects of varying water content on soil
consistency. Typically, soils are described as coarse-grained if more than 50 percent by
weight of the particles are larger than a #200 sieve (0.075 mm mesh), and fine-grained if
more than 50 percent by weight is smaller than this size. Sands and gravels are examples of
coarse-grained soils, while silts and clays are examples of fine-grained soils.
The fine-grained fraction of a soil is further described by changes in its consistency caused
by varying water content and by the percentage of organic matter present. Soil classification
methodology is described in ASTM D 2487 "Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for
Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)."
Particle Size Distribution. The single most important soil property for design purposes is the
range of particle sizes in the soil. Particle size is a convenient and relatively simple way to
assess soil properties. Also, particle size tends to be an indication of other properties such
as permeability. Characterizing soil particle size involves determining the relative proportions
of sand, silt, and clay in the soil. This characterization is usually done using either a
technique called sieve analysis for coarse-grained soils or sedimentation (hydrometer)
analysis for fine-grained soils. ASTM D 422 "Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis
of Soils" outlines the specific procedure.
Plasticity. Plasticity is defined as the property of a material that allows it to be deformed
rapidly, without rupture, without elastic rebound, and without volume change. A measure of
plasticity is the Plasticity Index (PI), which should be determined for soils with a large
percentage of fines or clay particles. The results associated with plasticity testing are
referred to as the Atterberg Limits. ASTM D 4318 "Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit,
Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils" defines the testing procedure.
Permeability. Permeability is a measure of the ability of soil to transmit water. Permeability is
related to particle size distribution, dominated by the finest 20 percent, and can be
determined using an equation that has been developed for this purpose or through laboratory
analysis. ASTM provides two standard test methods for determining permeability. They are
ASTM D 2434 "Standard Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)" or
ASTM D 5084 "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of
Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Perimeter." Soil permeability is used as
part of the design process to help select an appropriate filter material.
For granular soils, the permeability may be estimated by the Fair-Hatch Equation in lieu of
performing laboratory testing. The Fair-Hatch Equation relates permeability to soil porosity
and the particle size distribution. Porosity is defined as the ratio of void space to the total
volume of the soil. The pores in the soil are the means of conducting water; therefore,
permeability of soil is influenced by the soil porosity. The Fair-Hatch Equation is:


K = 1.958 10 6
(1 ) N Pn
n=1 dn

(Eqn. C.5.1)





Soil permeability (cm/s)

Dimensionless soil porosity determined from Equation C.5.2 or
Table C.5.1, both shown below
Percentage of material in the distribution between adjacent
particle sizes
Geometric mean of adjacent particle sizes in the distribution (mm)
Number of intervals between adjacent particle sizes

If the particle size distribution does not include a particle size at 0 percent, this value should
be estimated by extrapolation and included in the calculation. This is important because the
presence of small particles representing the fine end of the particle size distribution
significantly influences permeability.
Commonly observed values of porosity for alluvial soils are presented in Table C.5.1. If the
soil has been compacted in place rather than naturally deposited, the following equation that
relates porosity to compaction and dry unit weight of the soil is recommended:
= 1

100 165.4 lb / ft

(Eqn. C.5.2)




Soil porosity (dimensionless)

Soil compaction in percent of Standard Proctor Density (90 to 100)
Dry unit weight of the soil at 100 percent of Standard Proctor
Density (lbs/ft3)
Table C.5.1. Porosity for Alluvial Soils
(after Terzaghi et al. (1996)).
Uniform sand, loose
Uniform sand, dense
Mixed sand, loose
Mixed sand, dense

C.5.3 Geotextile Filter Properties

The following geotextile properties are available from manufacturers. The ASTM standard
test is cited where applicable.
Permittivity. This is a measure (used to compare geotextiles of various thicknesses) of a
materials cross-plane permeability that when multiplied by the geotextile thickness gives a
traditional permeability value. (ASTM D 4491)


Apparent Opening Size (AOS). Also known as Equivalent Opening Size, this measure is
generally reported as O95. O95 represents the aperture size such that 95 percent of the
openings are smaller. In similar fashion to a soil gradation curve, a geotextile hole
distribution curve can be derived. (ASTM D 4751)
Percent Open Area (POA). POA is a comparison of the total open area to the total geotextile
area. This measure is applicable to woven geotextiles only. POA is used to estimate the
potential for long term clogging.
Thickness. As mentioned above, thickness is used to calculate traditional permeability.
C.5.4 Granular Filter Properties
Generally speaking, most required granular filter properties can be obtained from the particle
size distribution curve for the material. Granular filters serve as a transitional layer between
a predominantly fine-grained base soil and a geotextile.
Particle size distribution. The gradation curve of the granular filter material should be
approximately parallel to that of the base soil. Parallel gradations will minimize particle
See above explanation of permeability in Section C.5.2.
Often the
permeability for a granular filter material is estimated by the Fair-Hatch equation or
determined by laboratory analysis. The permeability of a granular layer is used to select a
geotextile when designing a composite filter. The permeability of the geotextile should be at
least 10 times the permeability of the soil.
Thickness. Practical issues of placement suggest that a typical minimum thickness of 6
inches be specified. For placement under water, thickness should be increased by 50
C.5.5 Filter Design Procedure and Example
The following example illustrates a six-step design procedure for the filter component of an
ACB system. The major criteria for geotextile and granular filter design are permeability and
retention, which need to be compatible with the base soil.
Problem Statement:
A filter needs to be designed for the ACB system that was designed in Section C.4.7 for
Meandering River, Texas. See Section C.4.8 for an overall description of the site and the
need for the ACB System. Tables C.5.2 and C.5.3 provide the needed soil properties from
geotechnical laboratory testing for this example problem.
Table C.5.2. General Soil Sample Information and Classification.
Sample ID
Test Date
Soil description
USCS Classification
Moisture Content
Liquid Limit (LL)
Plastic Limit (PL)
Plasticity Index (PI)

No. 3 (in Channel)

Silty Clay with Sand
7.5 x 10-7 cm/s


Table C.5.3. Results From Sieve and Hydrometer Analysis.

Sieve Size
3/4 inch
1/2 inch
3/8 inch
No. 4
No. 10
No. 20
No. 40
No. 80
No. 100
No. 200
0.005 mm

Particle Size (mm)


Percent Finer

The suggested design procedure follows:

Step 1. Obtain base soil information
Section C.5.2 can be consulted for a definition of common soil properties. Typically, the
necessary base soil information is a grain size distribution curve, permeability, and the
Plasticity Index (PI is required only if the base soil is more than 20 percent clay). Worksheet
3 from Section C.7 can be used to plot the grain size distribution on a gradation curve. For
this example, the information is provided in the problem statement and a gradation curve is
Step 2. Determine the geotextile retention criterion
Use the decision tree in Figure C.5.4, modified after Luettich (1991), to determine the geotextile
retention criterion. The figure has been modified to include the Terzaghi rules when a granular
transition layer is necessary. A granular transition layer is required when the base soil is
greater than 20 percent clay or there is predominantly fine-grained soil. If a granular transition
layer is required, the geotextile selection should be based on granular layer properties.
Note: If the required AOS is smaller than that of available geotextiles, then a granular
transition layer is required, even if the base soil is not clay. However, this requirement is
waived if the base soil exhibits the following conditions:
K < 10-7 cm/s
PI > 40
Under these soil conditions there is sufficient cohesion to prevent soil loss through the
geotextile. A woven monofilament geotextile with an AOS #70 sieve (approximately 0.2
mm) should be used with soils meeting these conditions.
Document the percentages of gravel, fines, and clay that were observed in the sample.
Gravel is characterized by particle sizes greater than 4.75 mm, fines are defined as the
particles that passed the No. 200 sieve, and clay is characterized by particle sizes less than
0.005 mm per ASTM D422. Also, document the plasticity index (PI) if the percentage of clay
is greater than 20 percent. Worksheet 4 from Section C.7 can be used for documenting the
geotextile selection process. For this example, the sample contains no gravel, 71.9 percent
fines, and 24.2 percent clay.


Figure C.5.4. Geotextile selection based on soil retention.


From Figure C.5.4, determine if a granular transition layer will be necessary. If a granular
filter is used, the remaining steps in the geotextile selection should be based on the granular
filter properties. Go to step 2b to design the granular filter before continuing on with
geotextile selection.
From Figure C.5.4, no wave attack is expected at Meandering River, therefore the Uniformity
Coefficient will be used for the final step in determining the retention criteria. The Uniformity
Coefficient, CU, is defined as follows:
CU =

d 60

(Eqn. C.5.3)


Particle size of which X percent is smaller

For this example, the computation of CU and selection of the geotextile retention criterion for
O95 is shown on Worksheet 4, page C.36.
Step 2b. Determine the granular filter retention and permeability criteria if needed
Use the Terzaghi rule to specify d15 of the granular transition layer (filter) such that:
d15 FILTER < 5d85 BASE
Use the Terzaghi rule to specify d15 of the granular transition layer (filter) such that:
d15 FILTER > 4 d15 BASE
The gradation curve of the granular transition layer should be approximately parallel to that of
the base soil. At this point the granular transition layer design, when required, is complete.
For practical considerations related to constructability and inspection, the granular filter
thickness should not be less than 6 inches. For placement under water, thickness should be
increased by 50 percent.
For this example, a granular filter is required and should be 9 inches thick because the
revetment will be continuously under water. Pit run sand is selected for the filter based on
the d15 criteria. The particle size gradation is provided in Table C.5.4 and is plotted on
Worksheet 3. Notice that the gradation of the pit run sand is approximately parallel to that of
the base soil. Calculations for d15 of the granular filter are presented on Worksheet 4.
Table C.5.4. Pit Run Sand Gradation for Granular Filter.
Sieve Size
3/8 in.
No. 4
No. 8
No. 16
No. 30
No. 50
No. 100
No. 200

Particle Size (mm)



Percent Finer

Step 3. Determine the geotextile permeability criterion

The permeability criterion is specified as a function of the base soil permeability as follows:
Kg 10Ks

(Eqn. C.5.4)



Permeability of the geotextile (cm/s)

Permeability of the base soil or granular filter (cm/s)

To obtain the permeability of a geotextile in cm/s, multiply the thickness of the geotextile in
cm by its permittivity in s-1. Typically, the designer will need to contact the geotextile
manufacturer to obtain values of permittivity.
Generally speaking, if the permeability of the base soil or granular filter has been determined
from laboratory testing, that value should be used. If testing was not conducted, then the
Fair-Hatch Equation should be used. For this example, the calculation of permeability of the
granular filter using the Fair-Hatch Equation is shown below. A dry unit weight of 115 lbs/ft3
and 95 percent compaction are assumed for the selected pit run sand filter material.
Calculate the porosity:
= 1


100 165.4

= 1

95 115.0

= 0.339
100 165.4

(see Eqn. C.5.2)

Calculate the permeability for the pit run sand. For the gradation in Table C.5.4 there will be
eight particle size intervals, the seven shown in the table plus one to extrapolate down to 0
percent (particle size 0.008 mm scaled from Worksheet 3).

K = 1.958 10 6

(1 )2 N Pn 2
n=1 dn
n =1 d n

100 98.7
(9.52)( 4.75 )

26.0 5.0
(0.300 )(0.150 )
K = 1.958 10 6

(see Eqn. C.5.1)

98.7 95.5
( 4.75)(2.36)

5.0 4.1
(0.150 )(0.075 )

0.339 3

(1 0.339 )

95.5 89.3
(2.36 )(1.18 )
4.10 0

(0.075 )(0.008 )

49(408.476 )2

(1.18 )(0.600 )

= 408.476 mm 1

= 0.02 cm / s


89.3 71.8

71.8 26.0
(0.600 )(0.300 )

The permeability for the granular filter and the calculated criterion for the geotextile are
indicated on Worksheet 4.
Step 4. Select potential geotextiles for design
Using results obtained in Steps 2 and 3, select several geotextile candidates. A valuable
reference is the annual "Geotechnical Fabrics Report - Specifiers Guide" (published by the
Industrial Fabrics Association International).
For this example, three products from three different manufacturers are selected as
candidates for design. The selected systems are 121F, 113-004, and XW45. All three
products satisfy the retention and permeability criteria.
Step 5. Screen potential geotextiles using the following considerations
1. Geotextile strength relating to installation. This refers to the ability of the geotextile to
withstand installation, the weight of the block system, and additional compaction.
Minimum strength requirements are as follows:

Grab Strength 90 lbs.

Elongation 15%
Puncture Strength 40 lbs.
Trapezoidal Tear 30 lbs.

(ASTM D 4632)
(ASTM D 4632)
(ASTM D 4833)
(ASTM D 4533)

2. Durability and the ability to withstand long term degradation. This is particularly a
concern for geotextiles exposed to ultraviolet light during installation. Follow manufacturer
recommendations for protection against ultraviolet light degradation. For additional
guidelines regarding the selection of durability test methods refer to ASTM D 5819,
"Standard Guide for Selecting Test Methods for Experimental Evaluation of Geosynthetic
3. Other criteria for selection. HCFCD requires the use of a woven monofilament geotextile
in conjunction with ACB systems. Select a system that has a percent open area greater
than or equal to 4 percent (POA 4%). Typically, the geotextile with the largest AOS that
satisfies the retention criteria, and all other minimum standards, should be used.
For this example, the strength values are indicated in the table on Worksheet 4. Two of the
three products satisfy all of the strength requirements.
Step 6. Make a final geotextile selection by assessing cost and availability
The XW45 system from Geotextile Fabrics, Inc. is selected because of availability and cost.
Note: During construction, but before the geotextile is placed, collect soil samples for
analysis to ensure that the geotextile selected in the design process is still appropriate, per
HCFCD Standard Specification 02379 "Geotextiles for Erosion Control Systems." See
Section C.6 for required testing frequency and laboratory tests.


Worksheet 3 Grain Size Distribution Curve


Worksheet 4 Geotextile Selection and Granular Filter Design


ACB Consultants, Inc.


John Doe

Project Name/Number:

Meandering River

Site Description:

Project Information

Soil Information


Harris County, TX

Reddish Brown Clayey Silt






Plasticity Index:

From Figure C.5.4 Geotextile Criterion Based on

Base Soil Properties

Granular Filter Properties

For Granular Filter Only

d85 BASE (mm):


d15 BASE (mm): 0.0026

Description of
Selected Material: Pit Run Sand

d15 FILTER < 5d85 BASE < 0.5


d15 FILTER 4 d15 BASE 0.0104


d15: 0.21

Geotextile Retention Criterion from Figure C.5.4


Base Soil or Granular Filter Particle Sizes

CU =

d10 (mm): 0.18

currents are

d50 (mm): 0.41


d60 (mm): 0.48




geotextile retention criteria for O95

d90 (mm): 1.2

0.41 mm < O95 < 1.2 mm

Geotextile Permeability Criterion

Soil permeability determined from
Fair-Hatch Equation
Ks (cm/s):


laboratory testing of soil

geotextile permeability criterion: Kg 10Ks




Worksheet 4 Continued Geotextile Selection and Granular Filter Design

Geotextile Strength Screening Table
Selected Woven Geotextile Products
Grab Strength
(lbs) 90
(%) 15
Strength (lbs)
Tear (lbs) 30
Note: use additional tables if more than three products are being evaluated

Manufacturer/Selected Geotextile

Percent Open Area:

O95 (mm):

Geotextile Fabrics, Inc./XW45

Does the geotextile have a woven structure?



Kg (cm/s):




The proper installation of an ACB revetment system is essential to achieve suitable hydraulic
performance and maintain stability against the erosive force of flowing water during the
design hydrologic event. These guidelines are intended to maximize the conformity between
the design intent and the actual field-finished conditions of the project. Quality workmanship
is important to the ultimate performance of the system. The following sections address the
subgrade preparation, geotextile placement, block system placement, backfilling and
finishing, and inspection. These guidelines apply to the installation of ACB revetment
systems, whether hand-placed or placed as a mattress.
These guidelines do not purport to address the safety issues associated with installation of
ACB revetment systems, including use of hazardous materials, mechanical equipment, and
operations. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to establish and adopt appropriate safety
and health practices. Also, the Contractor shall comply with prevalent regulatory codes, such
as OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) regulations, while using these
At the completion of rough grading, soil samples representative of subgrade conditions shall
be obtained at a frequency of one sample per 50,000 blocks, or additional fraction thereof,
and tested for the following properties:
1. Grain size distribution (ASTM D 422)
2. Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318)
3. Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D 698)
Results of laboratory tests shall be submitted to Engineer to ensure conformance with design
parameters prior to placement of the geotextile and ACB revetment system. When a
granular filter is used, it shall be tested for grain size distribution at the same frequency as
the subgrade soil testing.
C.6.1 Subgrade Preparation
Stable and compacted subgrade soil should be prepared to the lines, grades, and cross
sections shown on the contract drawings per HCFCD Standard Specification 02315
"Excavating and Backfilling." Termination trenches and transitions between slopes and
embankment crests, benches, berms, and toes should be compacted, shaped and uniformly
graded to facilitate the development of intimate contact between the ACB revetment system
and the underlying grade. Secure the revetment in a manner that prevents soil migration
when the ACB matrix is terminated at a structure, such as a concrete slab or wall.
Subgrade soil should be approved by the Engineer to confirm that the actual subgrade soil
conditions meet the required material and compaction standards. Soils not meeting the
required standards should be removed and replaced with acceptable material.
Care should be exercised so as not to excavate below the grades shown on the contract
drawings, unless directed by the Engineer to remove unsatisfactory materials and any
excessive excavation should be filled with approved backfill material per HCFCD Standard
Specification 02314 "Fill Material" and compacted. Where it is impractical, in the opinion of
the Engineer, to dewater the area to be filled, over-excavations should be backfilled with
crushed rock or stone conforming to the grading and quality requirements of well-graded
coarse aggregate in ASTM C33 "Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates."


When placing in the dry, areas to receive the ACB system should be graded to a smooth
surface to ensure that intimate contact is achieved between the subgrade surface and the
geotextile, and between the geotextile and the bottom surface of the ACB revetment system.
Unsatisfactory soils, soils too wet to achieve desired compaction, and soils containing roots,
sod, brush, or other organic materials, should be removed, replaced with approved material,
and compacted. The subgrade should be uniformly compacted per HCFCD Standard
Specification 02315 "Excavating and Backfilling." Should the subgrade surface for any
reason become rough, eroded, corrugated, uneven, textured, or traffic marked prior to ACB
installation, such unsatisfactory portion should be scarified, reworked, recompacted, or
replaced as directed by the Engineer.
Excavation of the subgrade, above the water line, should not be more than 2 inches below
the grade indicated on the contract drawings. Excavation of the subgrade below the water
line should not be more than 4 inches below the grade indicated on the contract drawings.
Where such areas are below the allowable grades, they should be brought to grade by
placing approved material and compacting in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness.
Where such areas are above the allowable grades they should be brought to grade by
removing material, or reworking existing material, and compacting as directed by the
Engineer. The subgrade should be raked, screeded, or rolled by hand or machine to achieve
a smooth compacted surface that is free of loose material, clods, rocks, roots, or other
materials that would prevent satisfactory contact between the geotextile and the subgrade.
Immediately prior to placing the geotextile and ACB system, the prepared subgrade should
be inspected and approved by the Engineer.
C.6.2 Placement of Geotextile
The geotextile should be placed directly on the prepared area, in intimate contact with the
subgrade, and free of folds or wrinkles. The geotextile shall be placed in such a manner that
placement of the overlying materials will not excessively stretch or tear the geotextile. After
geotextile placement, the work area should not be disturbed so as to result is a loss of
intimate contact between the articulating concrete block and the geotextile, or between the
geotextile and the subgrade. The geotextile should not be left exposed longer than the
manufacturers recommendation to minimize damage due to ultraviolet radiation.
The geotextile should be placed so that the upstream strips of fabric overlap downstream
strips, and so that upslope strips overlap downslope strips. Overlaps should be in the
direction of flow wherever possible. The joints should be overlapped at least 3 ft for belowwater installations and at least 2 feet for dry installations. When a granular filter is used, the
geotextile should be placed so as to encapsulate the granular filter as shown in Figure C.6.1.
The distance between encapsulation points should not exceed 20 feet. The geotextile
should extend to the edge of the revetment within the top, toe, and side termination points of
the revetment. If necessary to expedite construction and to maintain the recommended
overlaps, anchoring pins or 11 gauge, 6- by 1-inch U-staples may be used; however, weights
(e.g., sand filled bags) are preferred to prevent creating holes in the geotextile.
C.6.3 Placement of ACB System
The articulating concrete block system should be placed on the geotextile in such a manner
as to produce a smooth plane surface in intimate contact with the geotextile. For blocks
within the mat and blocks that are hand set, the joint spacing between adjacent blocks is to
be maintained so that binding of blocks does not occur and block-to-block interlock is
achieved. In curvature and grade change areas, alignment of the individual block and the
orientation of the neighboring adjacent block is to provide for intimate block to fabric contact
and block-to-block interlock. Care shall be taken during block installation so as to avoid

damage to the geotextile or subgrade during the installation process. Preferably, when a
geotextile is used, the ACB system placement should begin at the upstream end and
proceed downstream. If an ACB system is to be installed from downstream up, a Contractor
option is to place a temporary toe on the front edge of the ACB system to protect against
undermining when flows are anticipated. On sloped sections, where practical, placement
shall begin at the toe of the slope and proceed up the slope. Block placement shall not bring
block-to-block interconnections into tension. Individual blocks within the plane of the finished
system shall not exceed the protrusion tolerance beyond that used in the stability design of
the system. Typical protrusion tolerance specifications range from 0.5 to 1.0 inches. See
HCFCD Standard Specification 02374 "Articulating Concrete Block for Erosion Control."

Figure C.6.1. Granular filter detail showing granular filter encapsulation.

Do not use the ACB revetment system as a road for heavy construction traffic unless
designed as a flexible pavement that can handle the expected wheel loads. Light traffic,
such as single axle trucks and mowing equipment, may operate on installed ACB systems.
If assembled and placed as large mattresses, the articulating mats can be attached to a
spreader bar to aid in the lifting and placing of the mats in their proper position with a crane.
Figure C.6.2 contains a photo of a crane placing bank protection with a spreader bar while
Figure C.6.3 is a close-up of an ACB mat and spreader bar. The mats should be placed side
by side and/or end to end so the mats abut each other. Seams between individual mats
should be laterally connected so that adjacent mats are physically joined together.
Mat seams or openings between mats greater than the typical separation distance between
blocks in the matrix should be filled with grout. Whether placed by hand or in large
mattresses, distinct grade changes should be accommodated with a well-rounded transition
(i.e., minimum radius determined by individual system characteristics). Figure C.6.4 is a
conceptual detail showing a minimum radius for a top and toe-of-slope transition for bed and
bank protection. The trapezoidal channel in Figure C.6.5 shows a properly finished ACB
revetment system with minimum radius-of-curvature. A top-of-slope transition and a typical
toe detail for bank protection is shown in Figure C.6.6. Figure C.6.7 is a conceptual detail for
spillways or embankment overtopping flow and Figure C.6.8 is a photo of an ACB system
that has been installed to protect an embankment during overtopping flow.

Figure C.6.2. ACB mats being placed with a crane and spreader bar.

Figure C.6.3. Close-up of spreader bar and ACB mat.


Figure C.6.4. Conceptual detail of minimum radius-of-curvature for bed and bank

Figure C.6.5. Bed and bank protection with minimum radius-of-curvature at grade
changes and top-of-slope termination points.


Figure C.6.6. Conceptual detail of minimum radius-of-curvature for bank protection.

Figure C.6.7. Conceptual detail of toe termination for spillways or embankment

overtopping flow.


Figure C.6.8. Embankment dam overtopping protection with radius-of-curvature at

top-of-slope termination.
If a discontinuous revetment surface exists in the direction of flow, a grout seam at the grade
change location shall be provided to produce a continuous, flush finished surface. Grout
seams should not be wider than one-half the maximum dimension of a single block.
Termination trenches should be backfilled with approved fill material and compacted flush
with the top of the blocks. The integrity of a soil trench backfill must be maintained so as to
ensure a surface that is flush with the top surface of the articulating blocks for its entire
service life. Top, toe, and side termination trenches should be backfilled with suitable fill
material and compacted immediately after the block system has been placed.
Anchors or other penetrations through the geotextile should be grouted or otherwise repaired
in a permanent fashion to prevent migration of subsoil through the penetration point.
C.6.4 Finishing
The open area of the articulating concrete block system is typically either backfilled with
suitable soil for revegetation or with 3/8- to 3/4-inch diameter uniform crushed stone or a
mixture thereof. Crushed stone can enhance the interlock restraint, but can make the ACB
revetment system less flexible. Backfilling with soil or granular fill within the cells of the
system should be completed, as soon as possible, after the revetment has been installed.
When topsoil (HCFCD Specifications 02911 - Topsoil and 02921 - Turf Establishment) is
used as a fill material above the normal waterline, overfilling by 1 - 2 inches may be desirable
to allow for consolidation.


C.6.5 Inspection
The subgrade preparation, geotextile placement and ACB revetment system installation, and
overall finished condition including termination points should be inspected and approved by
the Engineer.
Each step of installation - subgrade preparation, geotextile and granular filter placement,
ACB revetment placement, and the overall finished condition, including termination points,
shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer.



Subsequent pages in this section provide design worksheets, tables of manufacturer

supplied block properties for proprietary systems, and HCFCD detail sheet(s). The
worksheets are provided as a design aid given the complexity of some of the calculations
necessary for ACB system design. They are intended to guide the designer through the
appropriate series of calculations and decisions and to expedite the review process on the
part of HCFCD. The tables of block properties are provided for efficiency of the design
process; however, they do not include all available proprietary systems and no endorsement
or recommendation is intended. It is the responsibility of the designer to contact
manufacturers and investigate alternative products that may not be included in this manual.
The HCFCD detail sheet(s) provide typical details that can be adapted by the designer for
specific applications.


Worksheet 1 - Target Factor of Safety Selection

Project Information

Site Description:


Modeling Approaches


Design Event:


Project Name/Number:

Hydrologic Model:


Hydraulic Model:

Determine Variables for Target Factor of Safety Equation from Figure C.4.5
Rank complexity and turbulence of hydraulic
Comments related to SFB:
flow field (low, medium or high):


Rank consequence of failure (low, medium,

high, or extreme):

Comments related to XC:

XC =
Comments related to XM:

What type of hydrologic/hydraulic models

were used?

XM =

Calculate the Target Factor of Safety



Worksheet 2 - ACB Design and Selection

Project Information

Site Information





Bed Slope (ft/ft):


Project Name/Number:

Side Slope (H/V):



Hydraulic Design Data

Target Factor of Safety:

Discharge (cfs):

Additional Comments

Velocity (ft/s):

Flow Depth (ft):

Friction Slope (ft/ft):


Design Shear Stress (lbs/ft ):

Factor of Safety Calculations from Table C.4.1

ACB Systems for SF Calculation
Variables in SF

W (lbs)
W S (lbs)
b (ft)
1 (ft)
2 & 4 (ft)
3 (ft)
C (lbs/ft )
Z (ft)
FL & FD (lbs)

Manufacturer/Selected ACB System

Block Width (in.):

Critical Shear Stress (lb/ft ):

Block Length (in.):

Calculated Factor of Safety:

Block Height (in.):

Block Weight (lbs):

Acceptable Protrusion (in.):


Worksheet 3 Grain Size Distribution Curve


Worksheet 4 Geotextile Selection and Granular Filter Design

Project Information

Site Description:


Soil Information



Project Name/Number:



Plasticity Index:



From Figure C.5.4 Geotextile Criterion Based on

Base Soil Properties

Granular Filter Properties

For Granular Filter Only

d85 BASE (mm):

d15 FILTER < 5d85 BASE <


d15 BASE (mm):

Description of
Selected Material:

d15 FILTER 4 d15 BASE




Geotextile Retention Criterion from Figure C.5.4


CU =

Base Soil or Granular Filter Particle Sizes

d10 (mm):

currents are

d50 (mm):


d60 (mm):


geotextile retention criteria for O95

d90 (mm):
Geotextile Permeability Criterion
Soil permeability determined from
Fair-Hatch Equation
Ks (cm/s):

laboratory testing of soil

geotextile permeability criterion: Kg 10Ks



Worksheet 4 Continued Geotextile Selection and Granular Filter Design

Geotextile Strength Screening Table
Selected Woven Geotextile Products
Grab Strength
(lbs) 90
(%) 15
Strength (lbs)
Tear (lbs) 30
Note: use additional tables if more than three products are being evaluated

Manufacturer/Selected Geotextile

Percent Open Area:

O95 (mm):

Does the geotextile have a woven structure?


Kg (cm/s):


Contact Person:




Other Information:

Block Group

Block Size/Designation

Physical Properties
Block Dimensions
Moment Arm 1
Moment Arm 2
Moment Arm 3
Moment Arm 4
Open Area
Block Weight in
Water (lbs)
Mannings n
Performance Properties
Critical Shear Stress
(lbs/ft2) at Horizontal
Peak Tested Velocity
Tested Bed Slope
Data? (T/E)
Tested with Drainage
Layer? (Y/N)
Specific Gravity Concrete 1

Block Weight in Water = Block Weight

Specific Gravity Concrete
Moment Arm 1 = 0.5 (Block Height )
Moment Arm 2 = Moment Arm 4 = 0.5 (Block Width )2 + (Block Length )2
Moment Arm 3 = 0.8 (Block Height )


11 x 17 Detail Sheet



ACB Design



American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

specifications, standard test methods, standard classifications, and
standard guides.
The following are the ASTM standards that are referenced in this manual and
others that are related to ACB design, filter design, and system installation:

C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates

D 422 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
D 698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics
of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3))
D 2434 Standard Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant
D 2487 Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified
Soil Classification System)
D 4221 Standard Test Method for Dispersive Characteristics of Clay Soil
by Double Hydrometer
D 4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of Soils
D 4491 Standard Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by
D 4533 (1996) Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of
D 4632 (1996) Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and
Elongation of Geotextiles
D 4751 Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size of
a Geotextile
D 4833 Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of
Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and Related Products
D 5084 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic
Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall
D 5101 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Soil-Geotextile System
Clogging Potential by the Gradient Ratio
D 5819 Standard Guide for Selecting Test Methods for Experimental
Evaluation of Geosynthetic Durability

ASTM standards summary can be previewed and the standard ordered

through the ASTM web site:



ACB Design


Chow, V.T. (1959). Open-Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill, New York.

This famous textbook has been the definitive reference in open channel
hydraulics since the time it was published. It was reissued in 1988 in
response to a high demand after discontinued printing. The textbook is a
good reference for any design professional working in open channel
hydraulics, including erosion control and ACB design.
Open-Channel Hydraulics covers a wide range of topics related to ACB
design, including evaluation of shear stress, uniform flow, hydraulic backwater
profiles, flow over spillways, hydraulic jumps, and flow in meandering
channels. The reasons for its popularity probably include the broad range of
topics and the fact that the textbook provides a useful balance between theory
and application.

Clopper, P.E. (1989). Hydraulic stability of articulated concrete block

revetment systems during overtopping flow. Technical Report FHWA
RD-89 199. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
This document summarizes findings from full-scale laboratory testing of five
proprietary ACB systems. The research was conducted as a follow up study
from FHWA (1988) testing to provide a more comprehensive understanding of
ACB performance. The goal of the testing was to define hydraulic processes
causing ACB failure and isolate the hydraulic conditions at failure for each
system. A secondary goal of the testing was to develop preliminary design
guidelines for protection of embankments against erosion. The research
conducted for this document has become the industry standard practice and
set the starting point for continued research and development by ACB




ACB Design

Clopper, P.E. (1991). Protecting embankment dams with concrete block

systems. Hydro Review, April.
The article represents the first time the factor of safety equations, as applied
to ACB system, were published in a peer-reviewed journal. This document
provides a good background and history of concrete block testing programs.
Particular emphasis has been placed on research conducted by Simons, Li &
Associates, Inc. that evaluated a number of methods for protecting
embankments from erosion caused by overtopping flow. From this research a
method was developed for assessing the stability of block systems under field
hydraulic conditions. A thorough explanation introduces the resulting method
referred to as the "factor-of-safety" procedure. This procedure has been
adapted from previous research on the stability of riprap. Application of the
factor-of-safety method is illustrated through a design example.

Clopper, P.E. and Y. Chen (1988). Minimizing embankment damage

during overtopping flow. Technical Report FHWA RD-88 181. Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
This document provides a discussion and background literature review on the
mechanics of overtopping flow (steep slope, high velocity conditions) and
summarizes findings from full scale tests of bare soil, gabion, geosynthetics,
soil cement, asphalt, cellular confinement systems, and ACB system on a 6
foot high earthen test embankment. The FHWA and the Bureau of
Reclamation sponsored the research to provide pilot testing of each of the
systems so that their performance and feasibility could be evaluated for field
applications. Since the research was so broad in scope, the document does
not provide substantial information related to ACB performance; however, it
does define some of the observed failure mechanisms. A broad range of
performance was observed between the three proprietary ACB systems that
were tested, indicating the need for further research and development of the



ACB Design


Escarameia, M. (1998). River and Channel Revetments.

Manual. Thomas Telford Ltd., Heron Quay, London.

A Design

Escarameia begins with background information including geotechnical

factors affecting bank stability and the modes of bank failure most common in
river engineering. A concise section on geotechnical stability addresses soil
characteristics and applicable geotechnical parameters.
The design manual identifies common revetment types and design equations
for each, including ACB systems. Escarameia separates the discussion of
block revetments into two sections: interlocking blocks and cabled blocks, and
provides design equations for both. Parameters for these two design
equations differ. Additional parameters included with the cabled block design
equation include porosity of the revetment, water depth, and a slope factor.
These two design equations determine required thickness only.
equations are empirical in form and very simple to apply. However, given the
large variability in block performance observed in laboratory testing, the
equations may not be suitable for all ACB systems. The manual does provide
useful information related to the suitability of each block type to various
As an indication of the relative importance of bedding component design
within the overall framework of revetment design, an individual Chapter
entitled, "Use of granular filters and geotextiles," is included in this manual.
The provided flowchart for filter design can be used to compare/contrast with
the design steps recommended in this design manual. The explanation of
geotextile types is brief yet very informative and useful. Also, provided are
several examples of situations where drainage layers are not advisable. In
summary, Escarameia provides a compact presentation on filter design that is
to the point and easy to follow.

Hewlett, H.W.M., L.A. Boorman, and M.E. Bramley (1987). Design of

grassed waterways. Construction Industry Research and Information
Association, London.
This manual addresses a number of issues relating to grassed waterway
design. Methods to reinforce grassed waterways are outlined and basic
channel design is reviewed. Within the erosion resistance section, a
recommendation is made to use a 2-dimensional woven fabric when the
channel design process specifies a geotextile underlayer. A lower limit on the
geotextile opening size of O90 > 0.5 mm is recommended here as well.
Several field and laboratory experiences with erosion resistance
reinforcement systems are reviewed within the ACB Design Manual.



ACB Design


Industrial Fabrics Association International (2000). "2001 Specifiers

Guide." In Geotechnical Fabrics Report, v. 18, No. 9, December.
This guide is a special edition of the trade journal "Geotechnical Fabrics
Report." It is updated annually, and provides tables of values for various
physical properties of geotextiles. Tables are organized by manufacturer and
product name (or alphanumeric acronym), and include most geotextiles
typically specified for use in conjunction with articulating concrete block
revetment systems.

Julien, P.Y. (1995). Erosion and Sedimentation. Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge, UK.
This sediment transport textbook is referenced because it provides the most
general form of the factor of safety equations (i.e., steep slope in both
longitudinal and lateral directions). The equations presented in the text are
formulated for riprap design, and therefore can not be used to replace this
design manual as an ACB design reference. The text is an important
reference for subjects related to hydraulics and sediment transport. In
particular, Juliens book gives an excellent presentation of turbulent velocity
profiles and incipient motion analysis, both subjects pertinent to erosion
control applications.

Koerner, Robert M. (1998). Designing with Geosynthetics, 4th edition.

Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Koerner presents a thorough coverage of geosynthetic design. Individual
Chapters are devoted to designing with, geotextiles, geogrids,
geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geopipes, and geocomposites.
Specifically for purposes of design with geotextiles, Koerner details the
functions and mechanisms of geotextiles as well as their properties and
related test methods. A section addressing geotextile design for filtration
proves somewhat useful although the applicable example problem is of a
geotextile below riprap used as a coastal inlet protection. The description and
analysis of geotextile property test methods is the strength of this reference.
The soil retention function of geotextiles presented here parallels the method
chosen for the HCFCD design manual.



ACB Design


Lagasse, P.F., J.D. Schall, and E.V. Richardson (2001a). Stream stability
at highway structures, 3rd edition. Hydraulic Engineering Circular No.
20. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
This FHWA publication is most often referred to as HEC-20. The document
provides background and methodology for stream reconnaissance and
restoration projects. HEC-20 uses a multi-disciplinary approach including
methods from geomorphology, sedimentology, hydrology, and hydraulics.
An excellent feature of HEC-20 is that it is written for a broad range of
audiences; it provides sufficient background for general planning, technical
analysis, and design. It presents quantitative procedures for assessing local
scour at piers, local scour at abutments, contraction scour, and long term
degradation scour. The document suggests a three level approach to stream
analysis/restoration projects that is systematic and general enough to apply to
most projects. To date, HEC-20 is the most comprehensive and applied
document related to stream reconnaissance and restoration projects.

Lagasse, P.F., L.W. Zevenbergen, J.D. Schall, and P.E. Clopper (2001b).
Bridge scour and stream instability countermeasures, experience,
selection, and design guidance, 2nd edition. Hydraulic Engineering
Circular No. 23. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
This FHWA publication is most often referred to as HEC-23. The document
provides guidance for scour countermeasure designs at bridge crossings.
HEC-23 was developed in response to the recognized need for FHWA
support to design professionals related to scour countermeasures. Included
is a countermeasure matrix that provides tabular information related to scour
type and river environment suitability. The matrix also provides states where
each countermeasure has been used successfully.
HEC-23 provides specific design guidance for ACB systems that is similar to
that presented in this document. However, this design manual is much more
comprehensive and the design procedure presented here uses a more
general set of equations.



ACB Design


Luettich, Scott M. (1991). Geotextile filter design manual. Nicolon Mirafi

This design manual was prepared for the Nicolon Corporation by Luettich and
reviewed by Dr. Robert C. Bachus and Dr. Jean-Pierre Giroud of GeoSyntec
Consultants. The document closely follows a similarly titled article, "Geotextile
Filter Design Guide", authored by the three individuals just mentioned, that
appeared in the "Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes" in 1992. The
manual covers many of the same topics and procedures as those presented
in the HCFCD Criteria Manual bedding section. A good overview of the
filtration processes associated with bedding components is presented. A step
by step design procedure shows in detail the process for selecting an
appropriate geotextile. Many topics relating to geotextile application design
are briefly introduced and references for further information are provided. A
number of design examples are included addressing a broad range of

Richardson, E.V. and S.R. Davis (2001). Evaluating scour at bridges, 4th
edition. Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 18. Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C.
This FHWA publication is most often referred to as HEC-18. The document
provides guidelines for estimating scour at riverine and tidal bridges under
hydraulic loading.
HEC-18 presents two major classifications for scour: live-bed and clear water
(indicating if sediment is being transported into the subject reach). Scour is
also classified into three sub-types: contraction scour, pier scour, and
degradation. In terms of ACB design, the scour of greatest interest is
contraction scour and degradation. These variables need to be estimated
when considering toe-down depth of the ACB revetment, as discussed in
Sections C.3 and C.4.5.




ACB Design

Stevens, M.A. and D.B. Simons (1971). Stability analysis for coarse
granular material on slopes. In River Mechanics, Shen, H.W. (ed.), Fort
Collins, Colorado.
This document provides background information and development of the
factor of safety design procedure. Stevens is the original developer/inventor
of the design procedure for stability analysis using the moment balance
approach. The document provides thorough insight into the development of
the factor of safety equations; however, it is of limited use for ACB design
purposes because the original equations are not tailored to analysis of blocks
of known geometric dimensions.

Terzaghi, K., G. Mesri, and R.B. Peck (1996). Soil Mechanics In

Engineering Practice, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
This widely used and renowned textbook covers in great detail many of the
soil mechanic topics critical to the field of civil engineering. Of particular
importance to filter design are Articles One through Nine devoted to the index
properties of soils and several articles included within Chapter 3 (permeability
of soils, and particle migration and erosion). The Terzaghi rules used to
determine the appropriate grain size of granular filter material are presented
and briefly explained. These are the same rules used to design granular
bedding components as presented within the HCFCD Design Manual. This
text is particularly useful at providing definitions and explanations of the
background soil information required by the bedding component design



ACB Design


United States Army Corps of Engineers (1997). RMA-2V Version 4.35.

USACE Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi.
RMA-2V is a sophisticated 2-dimensional model for free surface flow
applications. The model is written in the FORTRAN programming language
and is executed through DOS. RMA-2V solves the 2-dimensional version of
the momentum and continuity equations at each node in a finite element
mesh to calculate depth and velocity. The program is limited to sub-critical
flow and longitudinal bed slopes less than 10 percent. Time dependent wind
fields can also be added to the model as a boundary condition. RMA-2V was
originally developed by Resource Management Associates but is currently
maintained by Waterways Experiment Station. The program itself does not
provide editing utilities for the input file or a post processor for viewing model
results. The most efficient way to develop the model and interpret results is
using Surface-Water Modeling System (SMS) developed and supported by
the Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory (EMRL) at Brigham Young
University. SMS is a pre- and post-processor that can be used to develop the
finite element mesh geometry and boundary condition/run control file and view
the model solution using several graphical tools. The RMA-2V source code,
program, and manuals can be downloaded from the Environmental Modeling
Systems Incorporated (EMS-I) web site:
The SMS program is not free but can be purchased at the above web address
or alternatively using the following contact information:
719 North 1890 West, Suite 38B
Provo, Utah 84601
Phone: (801)373-5200
Fax: (801)375-6410



ACB Design


United States Army Corps of Engineers (1998). HEC-RAS Version 2.2.

USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, CA.
This is a widely used software package for 1-dimensional hydraulic modeling
of open channel flow. Version 2.2 provides only steady flow modeling;
however, Version 3.0 is currently being tested and offers unsteady flow
capabilities. For most applications the model offers similar function to the
HEC-2 program that is currently recommended for use by HCFCD, except
that it is executed using a graphical user interface rather than DOS. A feature
that makes HEC-RAS suitable for ACB design is that it will provide a
horizontal velocity distribution at a cross section for a specified number of
intervals that is based on the conveyance of each interval. However, this
procedure can not replace 2-dimensional modeling for complex systems
because the velocity distribution is not based on principals of momentum.
The upcoming unsteady flow feature of HEC-RAS will make it suitable for tidal
applications, where time dependent tide elevations can be used as a
boundary condition. The HEC-RAS program and manuals are available free
of charge from the HEC web site:

Wilson-Fahmy, R.F., G.R. Koerner, and R.M. Koerner (1996). Geotextile

filter critique. In Recent Developments in Geotextile Filters and
Prefabricated Drainage Geocomposites, ASTM STP 1281, Shobha K. and
L. David Suits, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials.
This paper compares data collected from exhumed highway drainage field
sites with existing geotextile design criteria for permeability, soil retention, and
long term performance (clogging). The purpose here is to verify current
design practices with actual in-field performance. The exhumed sites were
each given a letter grade based on a visual assessment of their performance.
This rating is followed by a review of the three primary requirements of
geotextile filter design. Each of the specific design criteria widely in use
(permeability, soil retention, and long term performance) are then presented in
tabular form. These design criteria are assessed through comparison with
actual in-field performance. The authors conclude by recommending a set of
design criteria based upon the results of the comparison. This paper presents
a very good summary of the current design methods in practice and provides
some useful insight into observed behavior of geotextiles under actual field



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