Unit Work Sample 4

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Successful teacher candidates support learning by designing a Unit Work Sample that employs a range of
strategies and builds on each students strengths, needs and prior experiences. Through this performance
assessment, candidates provide credible evidence of their ability to facilitate learning by meeting the following
The candidate uses multiple assessment strategies and approaches aligned with learning goals to
assess student learning before, during and after instruction.
The candidate designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and
learning contexts.
The candidate uses regular and systematic evaluations of student learning to make instructional
The candidate uses assessment data to profile student learning and communicate information about
student progress and achievement.
The candidate reflects on his or her instruction and student learning in order to improve teaching
The candidate will create a Unit Work Sample to demonstrate its impact on student learning. The attached
template, which consists of several components, should be used to fulfill this requirement. Attach samples of
student work as an appendix.EDUC 450: PROFESSIONAL CLINICAL PRACTICE


Candidate: JeLisa Ashby

Cooperating Teacher: Mary Robinson

District: Orangeburg Consolidated District 5 School: Whittaker Elementary School

Subject: Science/Reading

Academic Year: 2015-2016

Grade Level: 4th

Dates of unit: October 5th, 2015 to October 30th, 2015

Section I: Unit Title and/or Description: Properties of Light

Section II: Description of Students: Describe (1) the number of students, (2) demographics of the students,
and (3) any other special features or important information that you included in your Long Range Plan as you
described your students.

This is a fourth grade science and reading classroom at Whittaker Elementary School in Orangeburg, South Carolina. There are a
total of twenty-three students in the classroom; this two females are African-American. All male students are also African American.
The female students interests are fashion, hair, music, jump roping, drawing, reading and writing. They preferred to listen to
Rap/Hip-Hop and R&B music. These particular female students career choices were to become a doctor, singer, veterinarian, and a
teacher. All of them preferred to learn in smaller groups. The times that I gave the girls different direction that the boys, I noticed a
sense of community amongst each group. Science was eight of the female students favorite subject and two enjoyed English Language
The males interests were Plays Station/X-box, basketball, football, and drawing. They preferred to listen to Rap/Hip-Hop and R&B
These particular male students career choices were to become a lawyer, businessman and NBA/NFL players. Three males preferred
to learn by themselves while the other students preferred to learn in a small group or have no preference. The boys favorite subjects
were Mathematics and Science.
The learning level of each student differs in this class. One female student is the top reader in all of fourth grade reading on a 5.2
reading level, while there are students reading on a 1.6 reading level in this same homeroom.

Section III: Contextual Factors:

Describe the contextual factors, including the (1) relevant student characteristics from
Section II, as well (2) as other factors related to the community, district, school, classroom or students, that are likely to impact
instruction and/or student learning with regard to the selected instructional unit. Include a (3) description of the ways in which each
of these factors will be taken into consideration during unit planning and instruction.
I notice that both female and males students enjoy sports; it would be in my best interest to incorporate sports or sport themed ideas
into my lesson. For example, I noticed that there is a strong Clemson USC climate at Whittaker. I could categorize students into themed
teams or have counters/labels of each respective school. This will further engage the students as a whole and encourage friendly, healthy
competition. Because the females enjoy music, fashion, and writing, during English Language Arts, I can find books and articles about
females who had positive and impactful legacies on the music and television, and create writing assignments where students can
illustrate what they read, and write about different aspects of their lives. Assignments could be structured in cause and effect, descriptive,
or sequential patterns when we are focusing of text structure in the third week of this unit as well. Most of my students enjoy Rap/HipHop and R&B music. To keep students engaged during lessons, I could create a performance piece such as a skit or music video where
students have to include contextual evidence with the arts being fully integrated. I could also provide educational videos with content
that the student could connect with while further supporting comprehension of the subject. Since most of my students preferred to learn
in cooperative learning groups, I will incorporate in my lesson a lot of group activities, where students are to work and learn as a team or
in pairs. Lastly, I notice that most of the males and females enjoy science, I will find a way to keep these students interested in this
subject as well as help turn the least favorite subjects into ones that students enjoy equally. This will be done with engaging videos, fun
activities, projects and enthusiasm from me in the classroom.
Seeing that I have a few more males than females in the classroom, I must create an equal learning environment where both genders
are accommodated and challenged. I will include research-based strategies that have been proven to work with both genders. Since there
are fewer students reading above grade level, I will search for a wide range of differentiated reading materials to be included in the
student library. This will keep the students engages as well improve their reading comprehension skills. Students will participate in book
talks and book discussions about what they are reading or were assigned to read to ensure comprehension and reading ability across the
curriculum. With all of my students being on free lunch, this tells me that they come from a low socioeconomic status. With learning this
information it registered to me that they would benefit mostly from hands on concrete activities. This reasoning stems from the
knowledge that typically, low socioeconomic families tend to not be able to provide a wide range of learning materials at home, and it is
my job to strengthen that weakness.

Section IV A: Major Unit Objectives (1) List the unit objectives and (2) indicate the corresponding state standards.
(Remember objectives must contain 4 parts: performance, product, conditions and criterion.)


Unit Objectives
Students will determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported.


Students will use place value and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.


The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties, movements, and

locations of objects in the Solar System.


The student will demonstrate an understanding of political, economic, and geographic

reasons for the exploration of the New World.


Section IV B: Unit Plan

Describe your instructional plan that is, the (1) sequence of steps that you need to follow if your students are to achieve the
unit objectives. (2) Describe the key instructional activities, strategies, materials and resources including instructional
technology), and indicate the unit objectives (numbered according to the order in which they are listed in Section IV A) that
are addressed.
SUBJECT: English Language Arts

Instructional Plan for the Unit



Unit Objective

The anticipatory set of this unit will be the teacher showing students a
video from ETV that focuses on authors word choice and how authors
use word choice (adages, proverbs, hyperbole) to support their witting.
The interactive Smart Notebook presentation provides definitions,
examples, and formative mini checks throughout its entirety.

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

The direct instruction of this unit will be Students will view a PowerPoint
on authors word choice, supporting details and text features. While
viewing Power Point, the students will verbally complete Smart Notebook
interactive quizzes that serve as a quick formative check. The teacher will
highlight the key points after these assessments on anchor chart paper that
will be displayed in the classroom. For instance, students are learning what
an inference is and develop the steps that help one to determine an
inference. the teacher will highlight the main idea in the sample passage
the class will help locate evidence to support that inference. If students are
confused, teacher will provide more short examples in order to follow the
steps again. Teacher will also review the complete anchor chart after the
power point presentation and examples. The chart will be frequently
referred to throughout the unit.

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

The guided practice of the unit will be for Students will view a PowerPoint
on Main Idea, Supporting details and text features. While viewing Power
Point, students will write all unfamiliar vocabulary words and definitions
into their Whats the Big Idea handbook. Teacher will demonstrate how

All Unit Objectives

and what students are to be writing in their handbooks on Anchor chart

paper. For instance, students are learning what main idea is. Students and
teacher will write down main idea and following will be the definition. If
students are confused, teacher will provided a completed handbook for
students to look at during lesson. Teacher will also show the completed
handbook to students with each vocabulary word, topic and new page to
lessen confusion as well. The completed handbook will be passed from
student to student throughout the classroom.
September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

Students will complete an independent practice activity that focuses on

Text Features. Every student will receive a different book with six Post-It
Notes on it. These text features will include: Title Page, Glossary, Index,
Table of Contents, Bold Words, and Photographs. Students are to use these
Post-Its attached to the book and place it in the correct spot where text
feature is located in the book. Ex: Post-It has Title Page written down.
Students will go to the title page and place the post it there. Once each
student has completed this activity they will raise their thumb to show
teacher that they have finished their activity. The thumbs up system will
help avoid disruptions while other students are finishing the assignment.
When teacher has noticed that every students has finished their
assignment, teacher will call every student one a time to show class where
they have placed their Post-It note at and explain why they have placed
Post-It there. This activity will show teacher how well students understand
text features and where student can find these text features in different
books, articles and passages.
Teacher will conclude the lesson by asking the students to finish this
statement, Today I learned _____________. Students will take one
minute to think of two new ideas they learned in class that particular day
regarding either Main Idea and/or Text Features. Students will be allowed
to look back at their handbook in case they need to refer to their notes.
Teacher will call on each student to stand up either at their desk or in the
front of the class to tell the teacher and his or her classmates two new
ideas they learned in class that day. Once every student has spoken and
teacher as though students have fully understood the lesson, students will
then on to the assessment planned for that day.

All Unit Objectives

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of the Arts: Students

will watch and listen to a song from YouTube

about Main Idea and Text Features. This song is a parody from the popular
artist Justin Bieber and his song The Beauty and The Beat. Students will
have the opportunity to see the lyrics on the Smart Board screen as well as
hear the song played for them as they answer questions that were assigned
to them.

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Health:

During the independent activity, students are to read a

passage that focuses on eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle.
Students are to read this passage and tell teacher and what they believe the
main idea is. This passage will be implicitly stated, students will have to
use key details and text features to help them figure out the correct answer.

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Since students will be taking a good bit of

notes and sitting for a period of time, teacher will give students a quick
exercise break during the middle of the lesson. This will include students
stretching their arms and legs for ten seconds, jogging in place for ten
seconds as well, the last ten seconds of the break, students will be able to
walk around and the classroom to wake up from the lesson. This quick

September 1, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Physical Education:

exercise is to get students blood pumping and students energy increased.

Students have a tendency to lose focus of instruction when in the same
spot for too long. This quick break will get students attention span a little
long for teacher to finish the instruction.

SUBJECT: Mathematics

Instructional Plan for the Unit



Unit Objective

For the anticipatory set, students will complete a preassessment worksheet. These multiplication problems will
include two digit by two digit multiplication problems.
Students are to come in and record these multiplication
problems in their composition notebook. Students are to
work through each of the problems to find the product of
each one. Teacher will give students allotted to work on
pre-assessment. While students are working, teacher will
walk around and monitor students work. Teacher will pay
close attention to the methods students use to solve the
equation. Once allotted time has been completed, teacher
and student will go problems in depth with students.
Teacher will make sure to read the problem aloud to
students and ask students what they did to find the
product and explain how they got their answer. Teacher
and students will work together to work through the given
problem. Teacher will check for understanding by a raise of
thumbs and answers students provide. Teacher will make
sure every student understands what process to take to get
to the correct answer.

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

For the direct instruction for this unit the teacher will give
students various two digit by two digit division problems
that require the student to find the product. Each
problem will be displayed one at a time to students. The
teacher will read aloud each equation to the students
before they are to begin working on the problem. Students
are to work through the using the correct operation in their
composition notebooks. Students must show their work
and be able to explain what process they used to get their
answer. While students are working the specific equation
out, teacher will walk around and guide students who may
seem to be confused about what process to follow to get
the correct quotient. Teacher will know that all students
have completed the problem when students have written
their answer on the mini whiteboard that was given.
Teacher will ask students to hold their answer in the air on
the whiteboard, so that the teacher can check answers.
Teacher will work the first word problem out with the
students. The various problems that follow, teacher will
allow students to come to the Smart Board and explain and
show the work they did to complete the given problems.

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

For the guided practice teacher will provide each student

with a mini whiteboard and a dry erase marker. Teacher will
give students various one digit by two digit division
problems that require the student to find the product.
Each problem will be displayed one at a time to students.

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

The teacher will read aloud each equation to the students

before they are to begin working on the problem. Students
are to work through the word problem using the correct
operation in their composition notebooks. Students must
show their work and be able to explain what process they
used to get their answer. While students are working the
specific problem out, teacher will walk around and guide
students who may seem to be confused about what
process to follow to get the correct product. Teacher will
know that all students have completed the problem when
students have wrote their answer on the mini whiteboard
that was given. Teacher will ask students to hold their
answer in the air on the whiteboard, so that the teacher
can check answers. Teacher will work the first word
problem out with the students. The various problems that
follow, teacher will allow students to come to the Smart
Board and explain and show the work they did to complete
the given problems. Once teacher sees that all students
understand how to get to the correct product students will
move onto the independent activity.
For the independent activity students will be given fifteen to twenty
minutes to complete a worksheet of multiplication problems that they are
to do independently. These word problems ask students to find the
product. Students will be allowed to work on the mini whiteboards and/or
their composition notebooks to complete the given word problems.
Teacher will walk around the classroom and monitor the classroom to
check for understanding. One-on-one assistance will be provided during
this time. Students are to make sure they are showing all of their work to
make sure they are able to explain how they came to the answer they have
written down. Once allotted time is time for students, teacher will call
students to go the Smart board to show how they came up the answer they
have written. Teacher will correct any misconceptions students may have
by demonstrating the process on the Smart board. Teacher will check for
understanding by a show of thumbs.

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

For the closure the teacher and students will review the lesson for the day.
Students will be given an exit slip that will correspond to the math lesson
taught that day. Students are to show the teacher their exit slip and have it
checked off before students are allowed to get on Ten Marks and/or
dismissing from classroom.

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of the Arts: Students

will work in collaborative groups to

complete an assignment where they are to illustrate on anchor chart paper
what they learned during the class session about multi-digit whole

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Health:

Students will take a one minute interval from doing

mathematics to do various exercises involving jumping jacks, stretching of
the arms and legs, rotations and moving about the classroom.

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Physical Education:

October 13, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Teacher will call students to walk to the

Smart board to complete given examples.

SUBJECT: Science

Instructional Plan for the Unit


Anticipatory Set- To get students interested in the lesson, the teacher will
tell students that they are going will complete an activity titled,
Illustration Time. The teacher will tell students to think about a time
they looked up at the night sky and noticed the moon shining brightly.
Students are to think about how the moon appeared that night they looked
to the sky. The teacher will give the students a couple of minutes to think
about when they looked at the sky. Once allotted time is up, student will
be asked to illustrate what they have seen on paper that will provided to
them by the teacher. Students will be given time to illustrate their
drawings. Once everyone has finished the assignment, students will be
allowed to share their illustrations with their peers and the teacher.
During this lesson, students will be presented with a
PowerPoint Presentation titled, Understanding the Moons Phases.
Students will take notes from the PowerPoint into their Science notebook.
The teacher will give background information to students on how and why
the Moon goes through these different phases. Teacher will be sure to
monitor students as they take notes to ensure that all notes are being
copied correctly into their notebooks. Once the teacher and students have
come to the section in the PowerPoint where the teacher explains and
shows the different phases, students will first copy the notes into their
workbook and then have the opportunity to work with the Oreos the
teacher has provided. Each slide will have a picture of each Moon phase
and how the Moon is formed in the picture Students are to use the Oreo to
recreate the picture shown on the PowerPoint. The teacher will show the
students a finished example of what their Oreo plates will look like once it
is completed as well as explain in great detail why they will be doing this
activity instead of the actual page by page note taking. Each student will
get a paper plate, eight Oreos (to represent the eight phases of the Moon),
a napkin and a knife. Students will be using the Oreos to represent the sky
and the Moon. The chocolate part of the Oreo will be the sky and the icing
will represent the Moon. The student will use the plastic knife to scrap the
unwanted icing to recreate the picture that will showing on the
PowerPoint. The teacher will demonstrate exactly what is to be done
Direct Instruction-


Unit Objective

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

before students are to work with the plastic knives. The teacher will show
students how to scrap away the icing to form the Moon and where they
should place their unwanted icing without making a mess in the
classroom. Before students are to place their Oreo on the plate, the teacher
will come around and make sure all students have done exactly as she has
stated. Once the teacher has seen all students are correct, the students will
place their Oreo on the plate. Under the Oreo, students will use their
Sharpie to write the specific phase the Moon is in. The teacher will
demonstrate exactly how it should be written before students begin to
write. During this time, the teacher will be walking around to make sure
that each student is correctly completing the activity. This process will
continue until each students plate has the all phases of the Moon. Teacher
will sure to ask guided questions as well as answer any questions students
may have while working on the activity.
Guided Practice- Students

will be presented with a PowerPoint presentation

titled, Understanding the Moons Phases. Teacher will tell students to
retrieve their Science notebooks because they will be taking notes. Once
all students have all their notebooks out, the teacher will begin the
PowerPoint on each of the Moons phases. Teacher will give background
information to students on how and why the Moon goes through these
different phases. Teacher will be sure to monitor students as they take
notes to ensure that all notes are being copied correctly into their
notebooks. Once the teacher and students have come to the section in the
PowerPoint where the teacher explains and shows the different phases,
students will first copy the notes into their workbook and then have the
opportunity to work with the Oreos the teacher has provided. Each slide
will have a picture of each Moon phase and how the Moon is formed in
the picture Students are to use the Oreo to recreate the picture shown on
the PowerPoint. The teacher will show the students a finished example of
what their Oreo plates will look like once it is completed. This will give
the students a visual image of what they can expect to create during this
lesson. Each student will get a paper plate, eight Oreos (to represent the
eight phases of the Moon), a napkin and a knife. Students will be using the
Oreos to represent the sky and the Moon. The chocolate part of the Oreo
will be the sky and the icing will represent the Moon. The student will use
the plastic knife to scrap the unwanted icing to recreate the picture that
will showing on the PowerPoint. The teacher will demonstrate exactly
what is to be done before students are to work with the plastic knives.
Before students are to place their Oreo on the plate, the teacher will come
around and make sure all students have done exactly as she has stated.
Once the teacher has seen all students are correct, the students will place
their Oreo on the plate. Under the Oreo, students will use their Sharpie to
write the specific phase the Moon is in. The teacher will demonstrate
exactly how it should be written before students begin to write. During this
time, the teacher will be walking around to make sure that each student is
correctly completing the activity. This process will continue until each
students plate has the all phases of the Moon.

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

Students will complete an Independent practice

worksheet titled, Name That Phase! Students will spread out around the
classroom away from their Oreo Plates and their science notebook. The
teacher will pass out the Name That Phase worksheet to each student.
The worksheet will have eight different pictures of the each of the Moons

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

Independent Practice-

phases. Underneath each of the pictures will be a line that students will be
asked to write the name of each phase on. Located on the bottom on the
worksheet will be a word box containing the name of each phase. Students
will be allowed to use this word box to assist them in completing the
worksheet. Students will be given ten to fifteen minutes to complete the
assignment. During this time, the teacher will monitor what students are
writing down to ensure each student is on the right track. Teacher will
provide one-on-one assistance if needed during the independent worksheet
as well. Once allotted time is, students will be able to come back to their
desk and check their answers using their Oreo Plates and science
notebooks. The teacher will go through the worksheet with the students in
depth to ensure understanding. The teacher will fill in any missing
information that students may be confused about or have not written
Closure- Teacher

will conclude the lesson by asking students to put away

their Science notebooks and all other notes they may have open. Teacher
will go through a quick review with students about what they have learned
that day about the phases of the Moon. Students are to answer review
questions in their own words. Teacher will ask students questions such as:
1. Why does the Moon change its appearance over time?
2. How many phases of the Moon are there?
Teacher will fill in any missing information that students may miss during
closure review. Once review has been completed, students will complete
an exit slip for that specific day and lesson. Students are to write at least
three complete sentences on either what they learned today in social
studies or what they found interesting during the social studies lesson.
Once finished, students are to raise their hand and wait for teacher to come
and check their exit slip before dismissing.

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

Integration of the Arts- Students

will have a chance to illustrate their extended

activity (homework). Students will keep a journal of what the moon looks
like each night for a month. Students will also illustrate a time they have
looked at the sky and seen the moon during the anticipatory set.

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Health- Teacher and students will participate in a brief discussion

about the Oreos that will be used during the lesson. Teacher will ask students if they
believe the Oreos are a Go Food or a Whoa Food. Teacher will students an
opportunity to answer. Teacher will also ask all students if they think Oreos would be
a healthy food to take to on a rocket to the Moon. Each student will have an
opportunity to answer the question and give their reasoning to why or why not Oreos
would be a healthy food to take to the Moon.

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

Since students will be taking a good bit of

notes and sitting for a period of time, teacher will give students a quick
exercise break during the middle of the lesson. This will include students
stretching their arms and legs for ten seconds, jogging in place for ten
seconds as well, the last ten seconds of the break, students will be able to
walk around and the classroom to wake up from the lesson. This quick
exercise is to get students blood pumping and students energy increased.
Students have a tendency to lose focus of instruction when in the same
spot for too long. This quick break will get students attention span a little
long for teacher to finish the instruction.

October 30, 2014

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Physical Education-

SUBJECT: Social Studies

Instructional Plan for the Unit



Unit Objective

The anticipatory teacher will present students with four animated pictures
on a PowerPoint slide. The slide will be titled, What if there were no
One by one, pictures of a hamburger, cup with coffee in it, a bag of sugar
and a piece of bacon will appear on the screen. All students will participate
in a classroom discussion about what how they would feel if the world did
not have these particular foods. Students will take turns sharing their
answer to this question. Teacher will then tell students that because of the
Columbian Exchange, we are now able to enjoy these items that they see.

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

For my direct instruction, students will view a PowerPoint presentation on

The Columbian Exchange with a primary focus on the people of the New
World and the Old World. Teacher will show students various pictures of
how the people of the New World and the Old World dressed, lived and
what the Europeans and Natives believed in. Teacher and students will
look at these various pictures, side by side, and compare and contrast the

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Native Americans (who lived in the New World) and the Europeans (who
lived in the Old World). While this activity is going on, students will
complete a Venn Diagram worksheet that has been given to them by the
teacher. Teacher will model how to write and what to write in the Venn
Diagram on a projected copy of the Venn Diagram worksheet. (This will
be projected on the Smart Board). One side of the Venn Diagram will be
labeled: The New World and the other side will be labeled: The Old
World. Teacher and students will first look at the projected picture, think
about the differences and similarities seen in the photographs, then go to
the Venn Diagram worksheet and write/ record all students responses
under the correct section. Teacher will fill in any missing information to
the projected Venn Diagram worksheet for students to transfer onto their
papers. Students are able to complete their worksheet with the help of the
teacher modeling what is to be written down on the Smart board. Teacher
and students will continue this process until all of the pictures have been
viewed and all information have been written down. Teacher will circulate
the classroom to make sure each student is writing down the correction
For the guided practice section of this unit students will complete a Venn
Diagram guided practice activity. This activity will be done with the help
of the teacher. Students will look at several pictures of the people who
lived in the New World and the Old World during the 1400s. Students are
to pay close attention to the way the people of the two worlds (different
continents) dressed, live and what they believed in (religion). Teacher will
tell students to take a few moments to look at the various pictures (pictures
will be side by side) and look for similarities and differences. Once time is
up, teacher will call on students to discuss what they see in the pictures
with the class and the teacher. Teacher will have a projected Venn Diagram
worksheet on the Smart board for students to follow along and see exactly
what they are to be writing down on their own worksheet. Students will
complete this activity until all photographs have been shown and Venn
Diagram is complete. Once activity has been completed, students will
have a moment to reflect on what they have written down. This will help
them better understand the differences and similarities both the New
World and the Old World had. Teacher will have a classroom discussion
about all that was written once students have had a chance to reflect.
Students will complete an independent practice activity that focuses on the
New World and the Old World. This activity is called the Think About It
Activity. Students will be presented with a PowerPoint slide that asks them
two questions. These two questions are: 1. How different do you think life
was in the New World before Christopher Columbus discovered it?
Discuss different ways. 2. How different do you think life was in the Old
World before Christopher Columbus took his voyage? Discuss different
ways. Students will be given about 10 minutes to write what they believe
the answer is on the notecard that was given to them. Students are to make
sure they write in complete sentences as well. Once allotted time is up,
teacher will ask each student to go to the front of the classroom and share
their answers with their peers.
Teacher will conclude the lesson by asking students to put away their
Social Studies notebooks and all other notes they may have in the open.
Teacher will go through a quick review with students about what they
have learned that day about the Columbian Exchange. Students are to

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

answer review questions in their own words. Teacher will ask students
questions such as:
1 What is the Columbian Exchange?
2 What continents were involved in the Columbian Exchange?
3 What does the word exchange mean?
4 Who is the explorer that the Columbian Exchanged is named
5 What are some differences we have seen today between the
Native Americans and the Europeans?
Teacher will fill in any missing information that students may miss during
closure review. Once review has been completed, students will complete
an exit slip for that specific day and lesson. Students are to write at least
three complete sentences on either what they learned today in social
studies or what they found interesting during the social studies lesson.
Once finished, students are to raise their hand and wait for teacher to come
and check their exit slip before dismissing.
Integration of the Arts: Students

will have a chance to illustrate their extended

activity (homework). They are to draw what they have written on the lines
above to give a visual aspect of their writing. They are allowed to be as
creative as possible during this assignment. Students will have the
opportunity to share their writing and illustration with the rest of their
peers the following day.

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Health: Students

have a section in the lesson where they are to

create a T chart with one side being labeled Old World and the other New
World. Students will see variety of foods on the PowerPoint slide one by
one. Students are to use the T chart to predict where the food originated,
either the Old World or the New World. While students are looking at each
food item, teacher will ask students if they believe that item is a Whoa
Food (Food that should be consumed less; high in sugar and fat) or a Go
Food (Healthy items; low in sugar and provides energy). Students and
teacher will do this for each item presented on PowerPoint.

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

Integration of Physical Education: Since

September 15, 2014 (1 Day)

All Unit Objectives

students will be taking a good bit of

notes and sitting for a period of time, teacher will give students a quick
exercise break during the middle of the lesson. This will include students
stretching their arms and legs for ten seconds, jogging in place for ten
seconds as well, the last ten seconds of the break, students will be able to
walk around and the classroom to wake up from the lesson. This quick
exercise is to get students blood pumping and students energy increased.
Students have a tendency to lose focus of instruction when in the same
spot for too long. This quick break will get students attention span a little
long for teacher to finish the instruction.

Reflect on the instructional plans for the units: How does this instructional plan (1) establish a balance between grade-level
academic standards and expectations and the needs, abilities and developmental levels of individual students? (2) Discuss
the strategies used to teach students on varying levels. (3) Discuss how you designed your instructional plan using students
characteristics, needs and learning contexts.
I established a balance grade- level academic standards and expectations and met the needs, abilities and developmental levels of my
students individual needs by differentiating all instruction. This was done by centers and grouping. Those that were progressing
throughout the lesson was given more advanced work. Those who were progressing at an average rate was given guided activity and
work. The students that were struggling or not understanding the unit or content was given one-on-one teacher assistance. I used a
variety of strategies during the unit instruction. The students participated in cooperative learning groups where they were able to work
together and possibly understand the unit from one of their peers. I would lecture students before their guided or independent practice

to ensure understanding. The integration of technology was used a great deal while teaching. This includes PowerPoint, Smart board
activities, Edmodo, Ten Marks, and Success Maker. The students would also participate in classroom discussion. This would help
students see different point of views from their peers. During the unit, I would model what the students need to do and/or provide
examples for students to solve to ensure understanding of unit. The class also participated in a question and answer portion of the
lesson. Students were able to ask any question they needed to help them better understand the material. I designed all my instructional
plans keeping in mind their strengths, weaknesses, learning level, interests and social economic status. Also I provided an equal
learning environment for every student to succeed as well as accommodating all the students needs within the classroom.

Section V A: Unit Assessments - List the key unit assessments.

Type of Assessment
(Check one for each assessment)
(A copy of each teacher

Key Unit Assessments

made assessment must be

attached to this plan.)

Finding Main Idea-Explicitly and Implicitly Stated


Mastering Multiplication


Explorers and Columbian Exchange Assessment

Reflect on the unit assessments: (1) How did you determine that your unit assessments are valid and reliable for all
students? (2) How did you use your prior understanding of students skills to plan your instruction?
I determined that my unit assessments were valid and reliable for all my students by first reviewing the commercially available
tests. Before I began instruction, I would look over these tests to make sure that I was going to teach according to the test and not give
my students information that they did not need. I wanted to make sure that my lesson was correlating with the test that would be given.
While I was constructing the teacher-made assessment, I made sure I was teaching to the Common Core Standards and apply rigor to
both the instruction and the given assessment. I used my students prior understanding to help plan my instruction by first giving all
students a pre-assessment before each unit. Once I gathered the data from the pre-assessment, I focused my attention on planning
instruction for the unit. For the students who seem to have great knowledge in the unit, I moved them up to a more advanced pacing
and independent work of the unit. For the students who seem to understand but may still need assistance, I provided teacher assisted
examples and equations to help them progress. Those students I see struggling with the unit, I knew to place them in small group or
work one-on-one with them until they were able to work on guided problems and independent work with the their fellow classmates.

Section V B: Assessments (1) Describe and attach the assessments for each unit objective. (2) Include descriptions
of any necessary accommodations. For each assessment, (3) include the evaluation criteria (i.e., describe and/or attach each
appropriate scoring rubric, observation checklists, rating scales, item weights and the like). (4) Attachments must be clearly
labeled to indicate their relationship to the elements in the table below.

Unit Objective 1: Pre-Assessment(s)

Resource students will hear their
instructions orally. Teacher will

Evaluation Criteria


: Post-Assessment(s)

: Other Assessment(s)

Unit Objective 2: Pre-Assessment(s)

: Post-Assessment(s)

: Other Assessment(s)

Unit Objective 3: Pre-Assessment(s)

: Post-Assessment(s)

: Other Assessment(s)

orally give an outline of the

lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.
Resource students will hear their
instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.


69 and below


69 and below



Resource students will hear their

instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.
Resource students will hear their
instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.


69 and below


69 and below



Resource students will hear their

instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.
Resource students will hear their
instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the


69 and below


69 and below

assessment and if needed take

their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.

Unit Objective 4: Pre-Assessment(s)

: Post-Assessment(s)

: Other Assessment(s)



Resource students will hear their

instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.
Resource students will hear their
instructions orally. Teacher will
orally give an outline of the
lesson. Resource students will be
allowed to take more time on the
assessment and if needed take
their test in a different setting to
ensure completion.


69 and below


69 and below



Objective 1 Assessment

Main Idea- Verbal Assessment

This was the verbal assessment that was given to the students to answer during a review game. I
have provided the question and correct answer.
1. What is Main Idea?
a. What the passage is all about.
2. What are the two types of main ideas we have discussed?
a. Explicit and Implicit
3. True or False: Explicit main ideas are not directly stated in the text.
a. False; explicit main ideas are directly stated in the text.
4. True or False: Implicit main ideas are implied.
a. True
5. How can you make an inference?
a. You use what you already know.
6. What are text features?
a. Text features helps the reader make sense of what he or she is reading.
7. Name one type of text feature. (This question was asked a total of four times)
a. Titles, Charts, Graphs, Illustrations, Bold print, Subheadings, Captions
8. This specific text feature defines words contained in text.
a. Glossary
9. This specific print feature identifies topics in the book and the order they are presented in.
a. Table of Contents
10.This specific print feature is an alphabetical list in the back of the book and tells you the
page number.
a. Index
11.Name one type of Illustration. (This question was asked three times)
a. Photograph, Drawings, Magnification
12.Fill in the blank: __________ aids help readers find important information.
a. Organizational
13.Fill in the blank: __________ aids represent information in some specific way.
a. Graphic

Objective 2 Assessment

Name: ________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________
Directions: Complete the following multiplication problems below. Make sure you show your work. Good

1. 20

2. 1,937

3. 419

4. 17

5. 200

6. 8,447

7. 9,545

9. 2,790

8. 36

10. 3,103

Part B: Solve the word problems below. Make sure you show your work!
11. Tammy drove 55 miles in one hour. At that rate, how far can she drive in 36 hours?

12. Rob could run 7 miles in one hour. At that rate, how far could Rob run in one day?

13. It takes 4 apples to make 1 pie. How many apples does it take to make 504 pies?

BONUS: At the zoo, I see 35 elephants and 48 tigers. How many legs do I see?

Objective 3 Assessment
Name: ______________________________________

Is the Moon bigger or smaller than the Earth?

Both the Same

2. When the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun, it is most likely a:
Full Moon
Half Moon
3rd Quarter Moon

Date: ___________________

3. The Moon gets its light from the _____________________________.

4. About how long does it take the Moon to complete its cycle?
1 year
1 week
1 month

Why does the Moon have different phases?

It moves around the Earth
It moves around the Sun
It follows the Sun around the Earth


Choose the correct order of the Moon Phases.

New, Full, 1st Quarter, 3rd Quarter
New, 1st Quarter, Full, 3rd Quarter
1st, Quarter, 3rd Quarter, New, Full

7. During the New Moon phase, we can see light shining on the Moon.
8. When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, it is most likely what phase?
3rd Quarter
9. During the New Moon phase, the Moon leaves the sky for a while.

Who was Virgil "Gus" Grissom?

An famous basketball player
A scientist who discovered Moon phases
An Astronaut from Mitchell, Indiana


People from Earth have journeyed to the Moon and explored its surface.


Objective 4 Assessment

Name: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________

Part A: Match each explorer with the country they claimed land for. Write your answer on
the line below. Some countries will be used more than once. Good Luck!
___1. Christopher Columbus

A. France

___2. John Cabot

B. Netherlands

___3. Leif Eriksson

C. Spain

___4. Henry Hudson

D. England

___5. Ferdinand Magellan

___6. Robert LaSelle
___7. Hernando De Soto

Part B: Read each question below carefully. Circle the correct letter that responds to the
8. In what year did Christopher Columbus take a voyage to the New World?
A. 1454

B. 1562

C. 1492



9. The exchange of goods, ideas, religion and technology was called

A. The Columbian Exchange
Colony Exchange

B. The American Exchange

C. The World Exchange

D. The

10. What continents made up the New World?

A. Europe and South America
Europe and Asia

B. North American and South America

C. Africa,

11. Which disease was not exchanged between the Europeans and the Native Americans?
A. Measles

B. Smallpox

C. influenza

D. Diabetes

12. What group of people had a healthier diet?

A. The Europeans B. The Native Americans
D. Neither

C. Both Native Americans and Europeans

Part C: Imagine you are Christopher Columbus. What goods, resources, and ideas would
you be most excited about to take back with you? On the lines below, you are to write a
paragraph (4-6 sentences) answering the question above. Remember to write in
COMPLETE sentences.


Section V C: After administering the pre-assessment(s), (1) analyze student performance relative to the unit objectives. (2)
Attach one or more clearly labeled tables, graphs, or charts that depict the results of the pre-assessment(s) in a format that
allows you to find patterns of student performance relative to each objective. (3) Summarize the results of the preassessment(s) and describe the implications of these results on instruction.
Pre-assessment Results for Objective 2


Objective 2 Pre-assessment

Gender of Student

Student 1

90 percent - Passed


Student 2

50 percent- Did not Pass


Student 3

80 percent- Passed


Student 4

90 percent- Passed


Student 5

60 percent- Did not Pass


Student 6

70 percent- Did not Pass


Student 7

80 percent- Passed


Pre-assessment Results for Objective 2


Pre-assessment Focus Students Results for Objective 2


Objective 2 Pre-Assessment Results

Gender of Student

Student 3

80 percent- Passed


Student 5

60 percent- Did not Pass


Pre-assessment Focus Students Results for Objective 2

Student 3

Student 5

This pre-assessment was given for the teacher to see each students prior knowledge in working with multiplication. The preassessment consisted of ten two digits by two digits multiplication problems. Students were asked to show their work as they solved for
the product. Look at the results collected from the assessment, four students out of seven students passed while three of those seven
students did not meet an 80 percent or higher. With this information, I know that Student 1 and Student 4 were able to move to more
advanced and independent work because they had the objective mastered. Student 3 and Student 7 would be able to move to more
advanced and independent classwork after I worked with them. I would provide a few guided practice problems for these students to
see where they do not quite understand the steps needed to solve for the product. Once those students have showed progression with
the guided problems, they will move on to independent work. I will monitor their work while they complete the independent activity and
check for progression throughout the lesson. The students who did not pass their pre-assessment, I will provide small group assistance
as well as one-on-one assistance. We will move at a slower pace making sure to use variety of models, visual examples and guided
practice problems as a way to ensure student understanding. Once progress has been shown, students will slowly move from guided
practice problems to independent practice. Teacher will still continue monitor all students progress throughout the unit.

Section VI: Analysis of Student Learning)

Once you have completed the unit, analyze all of your assessments and determine your students progress relative to the unit
objectives. (1) Did the information increase your understanding of individual students performance? (2) Attach clearly
labeled tables, graphs or charts that depict student performance (strengths and weaknesses) for the entire class, for one
selected subgroup and for at least two individual students. For each visual representation, (3) provide a descriptive narrative
that summarizes your analysis of student progress and achievement. (4) Finally, explain the ways in which you have
assigned student grades (or other indicators of student performance), and what were the overall results? (5) Based on the
overall results, did the students gain from this unit all that you expected? Why or why not? (6) Include a description of the
ways in which these results have been recorded as well as how and to whom they have been reported.

The information I found did increase my personal understanding of individual students performance. I found that each student
has their own way of learning and all learning in the classroom should be differentiated based on students needs. Based on this, I was
sure to provide examples, manipulatives and models to provide students with visual examples so that they would have a better sense
of numbers. Small group, one-on-one assistance and various guided practice problems were all included before post assessment was
given. After reviewing the post-assessment, I noticed that all students scores increased except Student 3 and Student 7 who scored at
least two to three points lower than they did on their pre-assessment. Students were to score at least an 80% or higher on their postassessment to be considered a passing grade. Even though the majority of students did not pass their post-assessment, there was a
significant increase in the scores. Students were allowed to take a re-test on the same unit to increase their score.

Post assessment Results for Objective 2

Objective 2 Post Assessment



Gender of Student

Student 1

93 percent - Passed


Student 2

69 percent- Did not Pass


Student 3

77 percent- Did Not Pass


Student 4

93 percent- Passed


Student 5

63 percent- Did not Pass


Student 6

77 percent- Did not Pass


Student 7

78 percent- Passed


Post Assessment Results for Objective 2


Post-Assessment Subgroup Results for Objective 2


Objective 2 Post Assessment


Gender of Student

Student 3

77 percent- Did Not Pass


Student 5

63 percent- Did not Pass


Post Assessment Subgroup Results for Objective 2

Student 3

Student 5

Post- Assessment Two Individual Students Results for Objective 2

Objective 2 Post Assessment



Gender of Student

Student 3

77 percent- Did Not Pass


Student 7

78 percent- Did not Pass


Post- Assessment Two Individual Students Results for Objective 2

Chart Title

Student 3

Student 7

II. Provide evidence to support the impact on student learning in terms of the number of students who achieved and make
progress toward the unit objectives.

Student multiplication table. Students were to complete this table in order to work on their multiplication skills.

Student multiplication and division chart for students who mastered multiplication unit at a quicker pace. These students were gradually
introduced to division

Section VII. Reflection and Self-Assessment

(1) Reflect on and describe the relationship between your students progress and achievement and your teaching
I believe that my students did a decent job during this unit. To say that the majority of the students did not understand how to
multiply multi-digit equations at the beginning of the lesson, most of the students improved their score. I do see that there was a lot
of students unsuccessful in not passing the unit assessment, however that told me that I needed to spend more time on this unit
before moving on. Students were allowed to retest after a week of reviewing what they missed with teacher one-on-one
conference, guided practice problems, multiplication facts worksheets and card games, model and manipulatives. I took the higher
of the two tests to input into the grade book. Most students scored an average on three to ten points higher on the retest. Students
needed an 80% or higher to pass the test.
(2) If you were to teach this unit again to the same groups of students, (2) what, instructional decisions would you make to
improve your students performance? What specific aspects of the instruction need to be modified?
If I were teach this unit again to students, I would not worry so much about following the pacing guide. I would take into
consideration the pacing of my students. If I see that my students are having trouble with their multiplication skills, instead of rushing an
assessment on them, I would go at a slower pace. Now, I did make sure to differentiate my lesson to meet the needs of my students
throughout the lesson, however I would consider the pace and level that my students are familiar with rather than follow the pacing
guide so much.
(3) What activities were successful? Which were unsuccessful? Give reasons based on theory or research as to why you
believe the activities were successful or unsuccessful.
During instruction there were several activities that help all the students improve and get to the mastery level of this unit. Students
played multiple math games that suggested to me by Ms. Gloster. They would have ten to fifteen minutes to complete assignments that
were placed on this web pages and then have the opportunity to access games once they have completed the assignments. The
guided practice activities also worked well during instruction time. This is where I would place a problem on the board and students
would copy the same problem in their composition notebook. The students and I would work together, step by step, in solving for the
product. Another activity that worked well with students was centers. Usually we see centers being incorporated in English Language
Arts class, however I found that the students was becoming less and less engaged in the work because he or she was having to do the

same thing repeatedly. Incorporating centers into the instruction, students could practice their math facts in one center, get on Success
Maker and/or play an education game in other center, fill out an independent worksheet in another center and I could provide small
group/one-on-one help another center. Students seemed to be much more engaged in doing this than direct teaching the entire class
period. One activity I found that was not so successful during one class period was the timed multiplication practice. Students had to
complete a certain number of multiplication problem in under three minutes. Students felt pressured during this time and began to get
frustrated. Immediately stopped this game and switched back over to allowing students to take their time when working out a math

EDUC 450




G (1)

Description of
ACEI 3.1
with others and
sources of

Describes students in-depth

according to ability, disabilities,
ethnicity/race, socioeconomic
status, student interests and
other relevant school factors
that could impact student
learning; list 5 or more factors.

Describes students according to

some differences, lists at least 4
factors that could impact student

Does not include at least three

(3) types of descriptions;
displays minimal understanding
of addressing a variety of
student needs.

Uses substantial information

from descriptions of the students
to select standards to meet
students individual differences
and plan instruction and

Uses adequate information from

the descriptions to select
standards to meet students
differences and plan instruction
and assessments

Fails to use the information from

the descriptions to plan
instruction and assessments to
meet the needs of students

Data is collected from multiple

sources, including verbal,
nonverbal and media, etc.

Uses at least three (3) types of

sources to collect data

Uses only one data source

(records) to set standards and
plan assessments

Displays an understanding of the

importance of collaborative
relationships with families,
school colleagues and agencies
in the community.

Selected sources show the

importance of collaborative
relationships with families,
school colleagues, and agencies
in the community

Shows little or no importance of

collaborative relationships with
families, school colleagues, and
agencies in the community

Overall Rating


All objectives are thorough,

significant and challenging, and
are clearly stated and correlated
with the SC State standards


Objectives are challenging and

are clearly stated and correlated
with the SC State standards

Objectives are not clearly stated



Objectives are appropriate for

the development, prerequisite
knowledge, experiences,
diversity, and other student
All objectives contain
performance, products,
conditions and criteria

Objectives are appropriate for

the development, prerequisite
knowledge and experiences, but
are limited in diversity

Objectives do not address the

development, prerequisite
knowledge, experiences, and
diversity, or other student needs

Objectives are measurable,

containing 2-3 components

Objectives are not measurable.

Plans to assess each objective

domain through the assessment

Plans to assess most of the

objectives through the
assessment plan.

Does not plan to assess the

objectives through the
assessment plan

All assessments are congruent

with standards, content and
cognitive complexity.

Assessments are congruent with

the standards, content, but have
limited cognitive complexity.

Assessments are not congruent

with the standards, content, or
cognitive complexity.

All content is paced and

sequenced so that it is covered
in the allotted time

Content is paced that it is

covered in the allotted times, but
there are some sequencing

The content is not paced and

sequenced so that is covered in
the allotted time

All standards thoroughly display

knowledge, skills and

Standards are inclusive of

knowledge, skills and

Standards are not inclusive of

knowledge, skills, and

3 or more activities relate to real

world experiences

2 activities relate to real world


Activities do not relate to real

world experiences

Overall Rating
Alignment with
Objectives and
Alignment with
Objectives and
Overall Rating
Overall Rating

Selection of
Strategies for
Varying Levels
Design for

Uses and justifies a variety of

strategies to teach students on
varying levels, including
activities that require students
to think critically and solve

Uses a variety of strategies to

teach students on varying levels,
including activities that require
students to think critically and
solve problems.

Uses less than three (3)

strategies; does not
accommodate the varying levels
of students or activities that
require students to think
critically and solve problems.

Designs instruction for specific

learning standards using
students characteristics and
needs for learning contexts.

Designs most of the instruction

using the standards, but fails to
use students characteristics and
needs for learning contexts

Attempts to design the

instruction using the standards,
but the attempt lacks
congruency and fails to use
students characteristics and
needs for learning contexts.

Knowledge of
Students Skills
and Prior
ACEI 3.1
Modes/NAEYC 3b

Displays specific understanding

of students skills and prior
learning that affect instruction.

Displays general understanding

of students skills and prior
learning that affect instruction.

Displays no understanding of
students skills and prior
learning that affect instruction.

All informal assessments are

completely aligned to the

Informal assessments are

aligned to adequate portions of
the standards

Does not use informal


All formal assessments are

completely aligned to the

Formal assessments are aligned

to adequate portions of the

Does not use formal assessments

Uses more than one (1) authentic

assessment type

Applies an authentic assessment


Does not use authentic


Has rubrics for all performance


Uses rubrics for most

performance tasks

Does not use performance tasks


Plans substantially for student


Plans adequately for student


Does not plan for student


All assessments are valid

Most assessments are valid

Assessments are not valid

All items or prompts are clearly

written and correct

Items or prompts are clearly

written, but exhibit minimal

Items or prompts are not clearly


All directions and procedures are

clearly written and correct

Directions and procedures are

clearly written, but exhibit
minimal errors

Directions and procedures are

not clearly written

Thoroughly, but succinctly,

explains the scoring procedures
for all of the assessments

Adequately explains some of the

scoring procedures for the

Fails to explain the scoring

procedures for any of the

Uses assessment data using

graphs, charts, tables, etc., to
profile student learning and
communicate information about
student progress and
Thorough and accurate
interpretation is provided

Provides an appropriate
summary of assessment data to
explain student learning and
communicate information about
student progress and
An adequate interpretation is
provided; contains few errors in

Overall Rating
Validity of
Validity of
Validity of
Overall Rating
Analysis of
Student Learning
Interpretation of
Data and
Student Learning

Makes an inadequate attempt to

summarize or display student
learning and communicate
information about student
progress and achievement.
Interpretation is not accurate

Interpretation of
Data and
Student Learning
Interpretation of
Data and
Student Learning

Meaningful, appropriate, and

data supported conclusions are

Meaningful and appropriate

conclusions are drawn with
limited inclusion of data

Conclusions are not meaningful

or supported by data

Provides relevant and detailed

hypotheses for all achieved and
unachieved learning goals.

Provides generalized hypotheses

for why students met or did not
meet the learning goals

Does not provide hypotheses as

to why the students did not meet
the learning goals

Uses ongoing analysis of student

learning to make instructional

Uses intermittent analysis of

student learning to make
instructional decisions.

Provides no evidence of using an

analysis of student learning to
make instructional decisions.

Identifies successful and

unsuccessful activities and

Identifies unsuccessful and

successful activities , but not
assessments or vice versa

Does not identify successful or

unsuccessful activities or

Provides plausible reasons

(based on theory or research) for
both the success and lack

Provides plausible reasons to

support why activities and
assessments were either
successful or not successful

Does not provide reasons to

support the success or
nonsuccess of activities or

Includes substantial evidence of

the impact on student learning in
terms of the number of students
who achieved and made progress
toward the unit objectives

Includes adequate evidence of

the impact on student learning in
terms of numbers of students
who achieved and made progress
toward the unit objectives

Is easy to follow and contains no

errors in conventions or
grammar usage.

Is easy to follow and contains

minimal errors in conventions or
grammar usage.

Overall Rating
Instruction and
Instruction and
Overall Rating
Impact on
Student Learning
Clarity and
Accuracy of

Includes incomplete or no
evidence of the impact on
student learning in terms of
numbers of students who
achieved and made progress
toward unit objectives
Is easy to follow and contains
numerous errors in conventions
or grammar usage.

EYC 6b

Reflects comprehensively on his

or her instruction and student
learning in order to improve
teaching practice.

Reflects adequately on his or her

instruction and student learning
in order to improve teaching


Unacceptable/Developing (1)

Acceptable/Meets (2)

Candidate demonstrates a limited amount of

the attributes of the standard. Performance
indicates that few competencies have been

Candidate demonstrates most of the

attributes of the standard. Performance
indicates that the competency has been
demonstrated including examples, extension,
or enrichment.

Reflects, but does not

adequately support ways to
improve teaching practice.


Target/Exceeds (3)
Candidate demonstrates all of the attributes
of the standard. Performance clearly
indicates that the competency has been
mastered, including examples, extension,
and enrichment.

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