Automatic Meter Reading PDF
Automatic Meter Reading PDF
Automatic Meter Reading PDF
Sudhish N George
AMR system and several related works are available. Many emetering systems have now been proposed, based on GPRS,
Bluetooth, GSM as explained in [1], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] and
[8].Design of an Electric Energy Meter for long-distance data
information transfers which based upon GPRS is proposed in
[1]. These systems cant be implemented so easily because the
regular use of GPRS is still a dream to the common people .A
GSM Energy meter with instant billing facility is introduced in
[2] and [3],but still the problem of missing SMS will degrade
the accuracy and performance. A more reliable and userfriendly system with web portal for multiple access using the
advanced Visual studio .net frame work is created in this
project which will manage the data efficiently even if there is
loss of SMS. It makes the design different from the previous
proposals. The GSM/GPRS channel is a very useful means of
communication as sending data as SMS turns out to be a very
handy tool, due to its good area coverage capability and cost
effectiveness. Different state electricity boards in INDIA
started using GSM facility for fault management and so there is
increased demand for this method.
For this design, energy meter specifications and tariff
structure followed by the Kerala State Electricity Board
(KSEB) are adopted. In this project the front end is User
friendly and any employee with minimum knowledge of
computers can work on this software. Employees can read the
meter by sitting in their office.
The engineering challenge is to develop a product that can
serve as wireless system replacement for the metering and
billing system currently in use. This emphasis that the meter
under development has to work under the old circumstances
and perform all the previous functions, but also be able to relay
the information in a new way and perform additional functions,
without the need of replacing all meters on the electrical grid
The developed AMR system consists of three main parts: a
digital GSM power meter installed in every individual
consumer unit, transmission facility (SMS gateway), and
billing server at the energy provider side. Overview and
functional block details are shown in Fig. 3.
a very small coin cell (3V CMOS battery) which runs
continuously even in power failure.
In the office, the GSM unit will receive these data and
software will calculate the total consumption of each user. The
design can be discussed as two broad categories, Hardware
detailed design and software web portal design.
D. Implementation Details
Output pulses from the metering IC are counted using the
default timer of PIC MCU. The signal from meter through
Octocoupler is normally high (5V) and the high to low
transition of this voltage wave indicates the occurrence of a
pulse. The counting of low pulse is an inefficient method as
improper grounding issues may even be counted as a pulse by
the device. So the produced pulse is reversed before applying
to the counter. A TTL compatible inverter circuit is used for
this purpose.
The microcontroller is programmed to read data from the
metering IC every second. When microcontroller reads the
power consumption, it is stored and current reading is
incremented in its software. In this design meter is calibrated
such that for 1 unit of energy (kWh) consumption, it generates
3200 pulses in LED. (It can be calibrated for a meter constant
of 1000 imp/kWh or 100 imp/kWh or 32000 imp/kWh etc as
per the requirement).
Energy per count, Epc = (I max X V rms)/3200.
Where Imax is the maximum load current and Vrms is the RMS
Energy per LED pulse, Epp =1000 X 3600/ Mpr.
PCB layout for the meter routed with the aid of Cadence
Orcad 9.2 suite and corresponding printed board are shown in
Fig.9.Mechanical design and assembly of the developed meter
is shown in Fig.10.The device has a plastic enclosure. It has
less weight and easy to handle. For status indication, a green
LED is placed in front side. 20x4 LCD display is there on the
top of the meter to display the reading and RTC time date
information. Push button switches are provided to read
EEPROM content.
B. Billing Software
A web oriented GUI designed especially for e-billing,
manages all received SMS readings, updates the database
regularly, computes the monthly bill amount, and notify the
consumer his bill details through SMS. It also publishes the bill
in the designed web portal and consumer can log for getting the
usage details any time. Printed postal mails can also be
provided for respective consumer. Authority can log for bill
preparation and analysis of any collected data. Information
portal helps to assist the smart meter to log consumption data to
the database. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE is used to
develop the web portal. Data base used is Microsoft SQL
Server2005 (Fig. 11).
the server for practical use, once hosted the user can access it
from anywhere through internet.
Fig.13 User login, Category registration, Port setting, Tariff table updating.
Designed meter is able to send the usage value at a
predefined time and the status is displayed in LCD for the next
5 minutes after sending, as shown above in Fig. 10.
ensures that power consumption values can be transmitted
more frequently to a remote station. The implications of being
able to transmit readings more often are that energy utilities
will be able to generate timely bills, better understand energy
demand patterns, manage meter failures more efficiently and
manage fraud better.
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