Completed Simulations Assignment 1
Completed Simulations Assignment 1
Completed Simulations Assignment 1
Online .
Grade Level
Fourth Grade
Objective 4.6 The student will investigate and understand how weather conditions and phenomena occur
and can be predicted. Key concepts include
a) weather phenomena;
Activity Prior to the start of the activity, the teacher will meet with students at the designated time for
the start of class. For this class in particular, students will have their virtual class with the
teacher and their peers via Zoom.
To introduce the lesson, the teacher will begin by reviewing the tools of measurement. Since
this is a review, the students will begin by watching an interactive YouTube video shared on the
screen by the teacher.
• This video in particular will require the students to stand up from their learning spaces
and get active. (Being that students have been on their computers for a certain number
of hours for virtual schooling, the teacher should use this time to encourage this active
• For each question, the students will demonstrate their answer by preforming the
exercise that is linked to it. The students will be reviewing the following weather
instruments during the video:
o Thermometer
o Anemometer
o Rain Gauge
o Wind Vane
• 4 grade Science: Weather Instruments (stop the video at 2 minutes and 30 seconds)
The “Observing Weather” online simulation will allow students to observe, record, and measure
the varying weather conditions in different cities around the world by use of meteorological
tools that have been discussed and reviewed during previous lectures. It is important that
students read the directions in full to ensure that that the simulation is carried out effectively.
• For the completion of this simulation, students will be completing the simulation during
the synchronous class meeting. The teacher will share his/her screen to demonstrate
the necessary features needed for students to understand to complete the simulation.
• After explaining the basic functions needed to maneuverer, the students will complete
the simulation on their own. The students will be given approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
At the start of the simulation, students will have the option to choose from any of the provided
cities. Students will also have the option to choose what time of the year they would like to
observe weather patterns at that location.
• The options for observation will be January 1 or July 1.
• After choosing the location and the date, students will then be instructed to select the
“Observe Weather” option at the bottom of the screen in the green area.
• After selecting the “Observe Weather” function, students will be prompted to a new
screen. In the bottom left corner, students may choose to have the simulation pause
itself every three hours, or they have the option to pause the simulation every three
hours on their own. This option is completely up to the students; however, data will
need to be collected and recorded at least 7 times.
o At the top of the screen, students need to have the measurement set to
“Customary Units” (degrees Fahrenheit, mph, inch, %)
• To record data, students will be typing their measurements into the Weather Journal
located on the right of the screen.
o This will be a feature that the teacher will explain when introducing the
simulation to students at the beginning of the lesson.
• Once the students have collected and recorded their data, they will be instructed to take
a screenshot of the recorded data.
o In the top left and right corner of the simulation screen, a camera icon will
appear. Students should click on the camera icon, which will then take a
screenshot of the information displayed. Once the students have selected the
camera icon and the screenshot has been processed, the students will need to
click on the image to download it. (This will signify the end of the simulation
portion of the lesson.)
Now that the students have went through the simulation on their own, recorded their observed
data into their Weather Journals, and have taken a screenshot of their completed work, the
students will now need to pull up the downloaded image.
With a partner in a breakout room, students will turn on their microphones and to discuss and
evaluate the differences in their data:
• What city did your partner choose to observe? What time of year (January 1/July 1) did
your partner observe?
• Did you have an idea of what the weather patterns in your selected city were going to
be before you started? Were you correct?
After the students have discussed, compared, and contrasted the data that they were able to
collect, the teacher will assess students and their knowledge on the meteorological tools.
• The teacher will instruct students to complete a quick quiz. The quiz will assess the
knowledge of students by providing students with definitions of each weather
instrument, and the students will have to type the name of the weather instrument into
the provided box.
• During this time, students should also upload the image taken of their data during the