Porphyry Cu 1995

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Casrresponadence of Alkalis~ifyaaad Fesric/Fesstauas Ratios of lganekaus Rocks Associateti with

Various Types of Porphyry Copper Deposits


Wooilit~iird-Clydereriel-fil Selvices, Las Vegrrs, Nelzi~dii

The magma metal series classification of ore deposits
developed by S. Keith of MagmaChem Exploration, Inc.,
and neural networks, a new type of pattern recognition software, have profound implications to metallogenesis and
have promising applications to mineral exploration and to
alteration and zoning studies. These techniques were evaluated by assigning 43 deposits to six subclasses of the magma
metal series classification defined on eight variation diagrams, training neural networks to classify analyses of 205
igneous and 887 mineralized samples, and testing the networks on their ability to classify new data.
Porphyry copper deposits are characteristic of six different alkalinity and ferrictferrous ratio categories in the magma
metal series classification. Such deposits occur in calcic
weakly oxidized, calc-alkalic oxidized, calc-alkalic weakly oxidized, quartz alkalic oxidized, quartz alkalic weakly oxidized,
and nepheline alkalic oxidized subclasses. The calc-alkalicoxidized subclass includes world class porphyry copper deposits
with the best grade and tonnage characteristics.
Only two of the foregoing six subclasses were studied in
detail; these were compared to four other deposit types of
different alkalinity and oxidation character. Whole rock
oxides of fresh igneous rocks were correlated with trace elements in rock chip samples from temporally and spatially
associated ore deposits of the six alkalinity and oxidation
subclasses. The K,O versus SiO, diagram best defined the
alkalinity classes of calc-alkalic and alkali-calcic; SiO,/K,O
ratios of alkali-calcic igneous rocks range between 14 and
20, and those of calc-alkalic rocks are between 20 and 30.
Iron mineralogy and the Fe,O,/FeO versus SiO, diagram
best defined oxidation subclasses of oxidized, weakly oxidized, and reduced; Fe,OpeO ratios are more than 0.8 and
magnetite and sphene arc abundant for oxidized subclasses,
between 0.5 and 1.2 with magnetite, sphene, and rare
ilmenite for weakly oxidized snbclasses, and less than 0.6
with only ilmenite for reduced subclasses.
Whole rock analyses from fresh igneous rocks were
obtained from mining districts for which trace element
geochemistry was also available. Lead-zinc-silver deposits
such as Tombstone, Tintic, and Park City are related to oxidized atkali-calcic igneous rocks. Polymetallic lead-zinc-copper-tin-silver deposits such as Santa Eulalia, Railroad,
Taylor, and Tempiute are associated with weakly oxidized
alkali-calcic igneous rocks. Tin-silver deposits of Llallagua
and Potosi are correlated with reduced alkali-calcic intrusives. Porphyry copper deposits such as Ray, Christmas,
Mineral Park, Highland Valley Copper, and Sierrita are
derived from oxidized calc-alkalic plutons. Gold-rich porphyry copper deposits such as Copper Canyon, Ajo, El Salvador, El Teniente, Hedley, and Morenci are linked to weakly

oxidized calc-alkalic plntons. Disseminated gold deposits such

as Chimney Creek, Getchell, Carlin, and Northumberland arc
temporally and geochemically correlated with reduced calcalkalic igneous rocks, hut physical connections between plntons and Carlin-type deposits are rarely obvious.
Learning vector quantization and back-propagation
artificial neural networks correctly classified 100 percent of
igneous samples and 99 percent of mineralized samples. Discriminant analysis correctly classified only 96 and 83 percent of such samples respectively. Neural networks trained
with 90,80,70, or 50 percent of the samples correctly classified 81 to 100 percent of the randomly withheld samples.
The high degree of correspondence between chemistries of
igneous rocks and related mineralization implies genetic
links between magmatic processes or sources and the ore
deposits studied.
The lnagma metal se~iesclassification developed and used
in the exploration industry by Stanley Keith (Keith and others,
1991) predicts that certain types of ore deposits are associated
with particular categories of aluminum content, alkalinily, and
oxidation character in fresh igneous rocks that are spatially and
temporally relatcd to mineralizatioii. The classification contains
75 subclasses, many of which are not well represented by analyses in the geologic Iite~atm-e(table 1j. Only six of the besl documented subclasses were selected for study here.


The magma metal series classification is based on the concept that a suite of co~nagmaticigneous rocks evolves along a
differentiation path and produces a hydrothermal ore deposit as
the final, fluid-rich phase in the crystalliration sequence (Keith
and others, 1991). This concept predicts a consistent chemical
link between parent magma and daughter miiieral deposit; if
metals in a hydrothermal ore deposit are the extremely differentiated residue of a parent magma, lhen exploralion predictability
is intrinsic to the magma series classification.
The elnpiricaily derived magma metal series classificatioii
of a deposit is based on the alkalinity, oxidation character, and
aluminumlalkali ratio of ig~ieousrocks that are temporally and
spatially associated with the deposit. Alkalinity is based on
Peacock's (1931) alkali-lime index classes of plutonic rocks
(fig. 1). Further subdivisions of the alkalinity classification are
based on oxidation character as measured by feniclferrous
(Fe,O,/FeO) ratio and on the presence and variety of accessory
minerals, such as the magnetiteliimenite distinction of Ishihara
(1977, 1981). The aiuminumialkali ratio defines the broader distinction between peraluminous and metalurninous categories

01' hi.i<:\I..iNiSY AKI) FERRIClFliRROilS KAIIOS 0 1 I(iNF,Oi:S ROCKS

Table 1. Magma metal series elassilicatian showing logical subdivisions of aluminum content, alkalinity,oxidatioionstate, and selected metal specializations
(from Keith and others, 1991).

based on the NCNK index of Shand (1927), which is inoleculas

AI,O,/(CaO+Na,O+K,O). Boundaries between classes have
been drawn between clusters of each ore deposil type on variation diagrams. If the empirical derivation of the classification
reflects a natural distinction, then the magma metal series class
of an igneous rock will predict the type of ore deposit associated
with that rock.

Peacock I n d e x MCAo

includc siroiigly reduced, seduced, weakly oxidized, oxidiied;

moderately oxidized, and strongly oxidized, as shown on diagrams of ferriciferrous ratio (Fe,O,/FeO) versus Si02(fig. 2e).
Source and original composition of magma affect aluminum content and alkalinity. Melting and other processes within
the crust affect iron, water, and volatile contents, oxidation character, and degree of differentiation. Melting in different layers in
the source region of the mantle results'in different original compositions. Iron, water, and volatile contents and the oxidationstate conditions that a magma encounters as it ascends affect the
sequential crystallization process of Bowen's reaction series because different minerals are stable under different conditions.
Which volatiles are present in the lower or middle crust is extremely important in determining the final metal content of an
ore deposit because the oxidation state of the crust influences
which minerals crystallize first. The ability of the earlier-formed
minerals to accommodate certain metals in their structure determines which metals are concentrated in the hydrothermal fluid
and therefore in the ore deposit. This crustal influence is superimposed on fundamentally different magma types determined
by depth of magma generation; crustal processes are secondary,
whereas magma type or source region is primary
Iron Content (Crustal Influence)




Figure 1. Variation diagram illustrating the technique used by Peacock
(1931) to determine the alkali-lime index, often called the Peacock index.

Aluminum Content and Alkalinity (Source Region)

The hierarchy of subclasses from highest to lowest orders is
based on aluminum content, alkalinity, water content, iron content, halogen content, and oxidation character (Keith and others,
1991). The first distinction of aluminum content is between
peraluminous (NCNK index more than 1.0) or metaluminous
(AICNK index less than 1.10). These classes are then subdivided according to alkalinity into magnesian, calcic, calcalkalic, alkali-calcic, and alkalic subclasses according to fields
on Harker variation diagrams such as K p versus SiO, (fig. 2a),
Y O - CaO versus SiO, (fig. 2b), and &O - MgO versus SiO,
(fig. 2c). Hydrous and anhydrous subdivisions are based on water content as shown by other diagrams and the presence of hydroxyl-bearing minerals. Additional categories are based on iron
content; these classes are shown on a modified Miyashiro diagram (fig. 2d) in which FeO'IMgO is plotted against SiO, where
FeO' is 0.9(Fe20,) + FeO. Further subclasses are hased on oxidation character and on halogen content; oxidation subclasses

Metaluminous magmas that are hydrous and of subduction

origin are chemically distinguished by magnesium enrichment on
a modified Miyashiro plot. Magnesium enrichment resulLs from
continuous removal of iron during crystallization of hydrous ferromagnesian minerals such as early hornblende and late biotite.
Magnesium enrichment in these magmas is also promoled by the
relative lack of minerals such as clinopyroxene that would have
preferentially removed magnesium (Keith and others, 1991).
The oxidized/reduced distinction is similar to the magnetiteiilmenite series distinction of Ishihara (1977, 1981) and
Takahasi and others (1980). Classification criteria include
Fe,O,/FeO ratios; mineralogy of accessory sulfides and opaque
oxides; magnetic susceptibility; and volume percent and mineralogy of opaque sulfides, oxides, and other accessory minerals
such as sphene (Keith and others, 1991).
Oxidation character in the magma metal series classification
is determined from mineralogy and from the Fe,O,/FeO versus
SiO, variation diagram. Categories on this diagram include
strongly oxidized, moderately oxidized, weakly oxidized, weakly reduced, and strongly reduced subclasses. The reduced or
ilmenite-only subclass is characterized by Fe,O,/FeO ratios of
less than 0.6, the weakly oxidized or ilrnenite plus magnetite
subclass has Fe,O,/FeO ratios between 0.4 and 0.9, and the oxidized or magnetite-sphene subclass has Fe,O,/FeO ratios greater
than 0.9. Certain indicator minerals in associated mineral depnsits have been correlated with the various oxidation subclasses
(Keith andothers, 1991).
Although oxidation character depends partly on oxygen
content of the source region, it mainly reflects modification of
magma after its generation. Factors affecting oxidation state of a
magma include the amount of water added, the type of crust the
magma interacts with, the degree to which the magma differentiates, and the degree to which the magma interacts with atmospheric oxygen in shallow subaerial volcanic environments.



Figure 2. Magma metal series variation diagrams of igneous racks of the

Ray Mining District, Arizona. C is calcic, CA is calc-alkalic, AC is alkaliealcic, QA is quartz alkalie, NA is nepheline alkalie. 20. Weight percent
K,O versus weight percent SiO,. 2b. Weight percent K,O minus weight percent CsO versus weight percent SiO,. Zc. Weight percent K,O minus
weight percent MgO venus weight percent SiO,. 2d. Modified Miyashiro
(1974) diagram illustrating iron enrichment; variation diagram plots


- Ray i

~ l a1l.
. r.d

~ e i g h pcn.rnl
SiO: ,cr,tr\ Fu0'filgO uhuru kcO' i, 0.YtFc~0,)+ FuO. 311'
is \tnlngl) in,"-pow. \Ill' i\ mlodcralrl) inln-puor. \\IK ir vwhl! inm
iron rich. and SIK i\ \tn,ncl,
...., l l l K is it~t~durat(.l\
.. in," rich. 2r. Ycrricl
fprrnnr variation diaeram where weieht
Fe.0, divided br weight
.. oercent
kc() i\ plottrd ayain*t ~ c i g h prrrznt
SiO:. SO i, itmngl! o\i#li,ed.
\ I 0 is modrralcl) #oridi,rd. \\'O is uuukl! a,\i<li,cd. \YK i\ wr.uhl! redurnl, and SK i\ slnongl! rcdurcd. If.\-7.r rari;#liun diarrian~in ppm.


Coirelatioii between oxidation charactei- of pluions and

litholecto~iicten-anes indicates that type of crust has a very in?politant influence on magmatism and associated mineralizadon.
Mid-crustal fluids alter the original oxidation state of magmatic
materials fl-om the mantle (Keith, 1991). If the magma is originally I-educed and travels through reduced crust, it remains
reduced and produces precious metal deposits; if the magma is
originally reduced and travels through oxidized crust, it hecomes oxidized and produces hase metal deposits. Keith asserts
that these changes are accomplished by incorporation of midcrustal formational fluids into the parent magma rather than by
melting and assimilating the crust or by mixing solid-state materials in the crust. The degree of contamination of a magma by
volatiles or deep crustal fluids varies with the mass number of
the element, thus varying degrees of crustal mixing are recorded
by different elements in the same pluton.







Porphyry copper deposits are common in six different alkalinity and femclferrous ratio subclasses in the magma metal series classification as indicated by the solid squares on tahle 1.
Porphyry copper deposits occur in calcic weakly oxidized, calcalkalic oxidized, calc-alkalic weakly oxidized, quartz alkalic
oxidized, quartz alkalic weakly oxidized, and nepheline alkalic
oxidized subclasses.
The calcic weakly oxidized subclass generally produces
copper-gold stockwork porphyry deposits in or near low-potassium granodioritic epizonal plutons. Examples include Panguna
in Bougainville, Yandera, Ertzberg, and Plesyumi.
The calc-alkalic weakly oxidized subclass produces several
types of porphyry copper deposits generally associated with
mesothesmal mediurn-potassium granodioritic plutons which
contain either biotite and hornblende or only hiotite. Examples
of moderate-sulfur porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum deposits
in or near granodioritic plutons include Ajo, El Salvador, Frieda
River, and Morenci. High-sulfur gold-skarn deposits include
Hedley and McCoy. High-sulfur gold-lead-zinc-silver fringes of
gold-copper-zinc porphyry and or skarn deposits are exemplified by Copper Canyon, Nevada. Hypothermal tungsten
skm-copper-molybdenum deposits at the contact of dioritegranodiorite plutons include Elk Mountain and Mill City.,
The calc-alkalic oxidized subclass contains world-class
porphyry copper deposits with the best grade and tonnage
characteristics. These mesothermal high-sulfur porphyry deposits are primarily copper-silver-molybdenum deposits. The
central zones of these districts contain porphyry copper-dncmolybdenum deposits. These central zones are surrounded by
zones of copper-zinc mines, which are in turn surrounded by
zones of lead-zinc-silver mines. Furthest from the central zones
are zones of silver-manganese mines or prospects. Examples
from Arizona of mesothermal high-sulfur porphyry coppersilver-molybdenum deposits are Bagdad, Christmas, MiamiInspiration, Ray, Mineral Park, San Manuel, Siemta-Esperanza,
Silver Bell, and Twin Buttes-Mission. Bethlehem and Valley
Copper in British Columbia are Canadian examples. Other
examples are Tyrone, Yerington, Escondida, Sar Cheshmah,
Cananea, and Chuquicarnata.

The quai-ir alkalic wcakly oxidized suhclass iiicliides porpliyry copper deposits and or skarn deposits with gold, high
sulfur, and sometimes platinum group elements. Examples of
quartz alkalic weakly oxidized porphyry copper deposits include Bingham, Copper Flat-Hillsboro, Bajo de la Alumbrera,
Ok Tedi, Ely, and Ingerbelle.
The quanz alkalic oxidized subclass includes the porphyry
copper deposits of Bisbee, Equity Silver in British Columbia,
and Cerrillos in northern New Mexico.
The nepheline alkalic weakly oxidized to oxidized subclass
includes epigenetic mesothermal hase metal veins and stockworks with very minor gold associated with nepheline-monzonite to syenite plutons. Examples include Carihou-Bell and
Galore Creek in British Columbia.


In order to test the magma metal series methodology, mines
were classified into subclasses by whole rock oxides of fresh igneous rocks. Mineralized samples from the same districts were
then examined to determine if they could be classified into the
same distinct suhclasses. Two alkalinity classes (calc-alkalic and
alkali-calcic) and three suhclasses of oxidation character (reduced, weakly oxidized, and oxidized) were examined for a
total of six types of ore deposits shown by solid circles on tahle
1. Only two of the six magma metal series suhclasses that commonly contain porphyry copper deposits were included in this
study because of the need to evaluate the methodology on
clearly distinct types of deposits. Evaluation was accomplished
by assigning 43 deposits to subclasses defined on eight variation
diagrams, training neural networks to classify analyses of 253
igneous and 887 mineralized samples, testing the networks on
their ability to classify new data, and comparing the results with
those obtained on the same data by discriminant analysis (Wilt,
Whole rock analyses were obtained from the literature and
from files of MagmaChem Exploration, Inc. The data consisted
of analyses of S i O , A1,0,, TiO,, Fe,O,, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO,
NgO, K,O, P20,, and loss on ignition (LOI). Approximately 400
samples were obtained from 90 mining districts selected for this
study. Fony-two of the 90 mining districts had both sufficient
numbers of good quality trace element analyses available from
mineralized samples and whole rock analyses available from igneous rocks associated with mineralization. These 42 districts
were selected for further study.
Mining districts were classified into magma metal series
suhclasses by plotting whole rock data from each mine separately on 13 variation diagrams. The field into which samples
fell on those variation diagrams determined to which subclass
the mine was assigned. After each mining district was classified,
variation diagrams that included data from all the mines in each
subclass were plotted.

Qualifying the Whole Rock Chemical Analyses

Because representative examples of the six subclasses were
needed to define limits and averages, qualifying the data was an
important part of this research. The districts were classified based


g w.



@ m-

3 loP+


Q m-


,MIX r m*n r ~ r z u r ~ l


'* J










- Ray





Incl. olt.r.0


fresh or other

Figure 3. Igneous racks of the Ray Mining District, Arizona, plotted on

magma metal series alteration filter diagrams showing fresh and altered
fields. 3n. Weight percent SiO, versus AICNK, where AICNK = molreular
AI,O,l(CaO + Na,O + K,O). 3b. Weight percent SiO, versus Alteration



** @






Index (AI) = (MgO + K,O)/IOO(Na,O + K,O + CaO + MgO). 3c. Weight

percent SiO, versus sodium index (Na I) = Na#3/(K,O + AICNK) plotted on
a log scale (base ten). 3d. Weight percent SiO, venus potassium index
(KI) = (Na,O + K,O + MgO)l(CaO + [0.9(Fe30,)+ FeOl).


Figure 4. The metatuminaus ealc-alkalic oxidized class plotted on K,O

versus SiO, variation diagram; points scatter outside of field when altered
m k s and volcanics are included (on left) and remain within 15 percent



of the field using only unaltered meks (on right). C is ealcie, CA is

eale-alkalic, AC is alkali-caleie, QA is quartz alkalic, NA is nepheline


~i~~~~ 5. iqagrna mehiseries alkalinity .graphs of Crehecous (left side)

and Tertiary Ruby Star Granodiorite (right side), in the Pima District,Ari-

zona;NA is nepheline slkalie, QA is quartz alkalie, AC is alkali-ealcic, CA

is calc-alkalic; Cis calcic, M is magnesian.


of unaltered plutonic rocks and o n niineralogic criteria.

Data from volcai~iclocks and sainples that did not pass alteration filLers were excluded from consideration by discriminant
analysis and neural network classification.
Alteration filters (fig. 3) include diagrams with SiO, plotted
against AICNK, alteration index, sodium index, potassium
index, and loss on ignition. Shand's (1927) AiCNK index is the
molecular ratio of AI,O, to total CaO, N%O, and q0 and is calculated by dividing the weight percent of A1,0,1102 by the sum
of the weight percents of Ca0156, NsO162, and YO194 (fig.
3a). The Alteration index of lshikawa and others (1976) and
Date and others (1983) is calculated by dividing 100 times the
sum of K,O and MgO by the sum of Y O , MgO, NalO, and CaO
(fig. 3h). The sodium index is the ratio of Na,O to the slim of
6 0 and AiCNK (fig. 3c). The potassium index is the sum of
K,O, Na,O, and MgO divided by the sum of CaO, 0.9 Fe,O,, and
FeO (fig. 3d). Inspection of whole rock chemical data can identify altered plutonic rocks as those with more than 2.5 percent
loss on ignition.
The approximate alkalinity of a mining district can be obtained from altered samples, but this practice is risky if there are
few sample points or if the samples are severely altered. Comparison of alkalinity diagrams for volcanics and altered rocks
with those for unaltered rocks showed a contraction of data into
specific fields when altered samples were excluded (fig. 4). Data
from twelve of the forty-two districts with whole rock analyses
were found to be too altered for I-eliable classification, so only
30 of the original 90 mining districts were used in the data set
for statistical and neural network analysis.
Because altered samples contributed greatly to the scatter
on the Fe,O,/FeO diagram, the elimination of altered samples
from the data base was especially important in determining the
oxidation character of the subclasses. Moreover, it was necessary to know the iron mineralogy of igneous rocks and mineral
deposits in order to assign a district to an oxidation-reduction
subclass particularly for the reduced and weakly oxidized subclasses. In many mining districts the presence of ilmenite in
igneous rocks and of pyrrhotite or carbon in mineralized systems indicated reduced status. In other districts the presence of
magnetite and sphene in igneous rocks and of pyrite among the
primary sulfides indicated oxidized status. Districts with both
reduced and oxidized mineralogies were classified as weakly
Isotopic age dates and cross-cutting geologic relationships
establish links between mineralizing events and particular
igneous rocks. It is necessary to determine which phases of a
plutonic suite are related to a particular mineralization, which
are earlier phases unrelated to mineralirdtion, and which are too
altered to he used. In several districts in the western United
States magmatism swept eastward during Cretaceous time and
back westward during Tertiary time resulting in overprinting of
magmatism and mineralization. Magmatism as little as five to
ten million years older or younger than an ore deposit can plot in
a different alkalinity field, so complex magmatic histories require careful examination to exclude irrelevant rocks. Such care
was necessary for Sienita (fig. 5), Park City, and Tombstone.
Because alkalinity changed with time in areas that experienced
transgression and regression of subduction-zone magmatism,
combining all igneous rocks in a mining district introduces so

mucl? scatter oil alkaliiiity plots that coi~zlatioilsbetween miileralization and whole I-ockgeochemistry of associated plutons are

Race Element Geochemistry of Mineralized Samples

If the anions and cations in an ore deposit associated with
an igneous complex are the products of differentiation of a cogenetic igneous-metal-volatile suite, then the distribution of metals should be separable into the same subclasses as the igneous
suite. Characteristics of mineralized systems can be measured
by the quantity and grades of metals produced, types and relative amounts of ore minerals, and concentrations of elements in
mineralized rock chip samples.

Statistical Analysis
Standard statistical analysis was used to detect general
characteristics of the data, to increase the efficiency of the
neural networks, and to classify the samples. Standard petrologic diagrams, magma metal series plots, statistical histograms,
and other diagrams were used to characterize the data (Wilt,
1993). Commercial software such as IGPET, Rockstat, and
SPSS was used to produce comparison diagrams and to categorize subclasses. Discriminant analysis was used to classify
analyses of both igneous and mineralized samples into the six
magma metal series subclasses of the study.

Neural Network Analysis

Neural networks are a new type of pattern recognition computer software with classification capability. Neural network
software excels in pattern recognition, classification, pattem
completion, generalization or determination of pattems from
examples, and discovery of distinguishing features (Dayhoff,
1990). In contrast with traditional computer software, neural
networks are not programmed; they leam from experience, generalize from previous examples, and abstract essential characteristics from input data containing irrelevant information. Most
applications use training sets of input data that are paired with
their output classes. After each presentation of data in supervised learning, the neural network adjusts the values of its internal weights. If the neural network chooses the right output class
for the data that were presented as input, connections are
strengthened. If the network chooses incorrectly, connections
are weakened and weights are adjusted to minimize error. After
enough iterations, the network can produce the correct output
class in response to each input pattem.
Neural networks were used in this study to recognize
pattems in two sets of data: (1) whole rock analyses of fresh
igneous rocks and (2) trace element assays of mineralized rock
chip samples from ore deposits associated with those igneous
rocks. Mines were grouped according to the magma metal series
classification, and neural networks were then trained using geochemical data as input patterns and ore deposit subclasses as
output. This procedure was first done with whole rock chemical
analyses of igneous rocks as input data and ore deposit subclasses as output. The procedure was then repeated with trace
element assays of each sample as input data and ore deposit suh-






Figure 6. Comparison of K,O versus SiO, variation diagrams for metaluminous alkali-ealcic (left side) versus calc-alkalic (right side) and for
oxidized (top), weakly oxidized (center), and reduced (bottom) classes. C is






calcic, CA is calc-alkalie, AC is alkali-calcic, QA is quartz alkalic, NA is

nepheline alkaiic.



~i~~~~ 7. Comparison of K,O minus CaO versus SiO, variation diagrams

far metaluminous alkali-calcic (left side) versus eale-alkaiic (right side)
and for oxidized (top), weakly oxidized (center), and reduced (bottom)





classes. C is calcie, CA is eale-alkslic, AC is alkali-ealeie, QA is quartz

alkalic, NA is nepheline alkalic.






Figure 8. Comparison of Y O minus MgO versus SiO, variation diagrams

for metaluminous alkali-ealeic (left side) versus calc-aikalie (right side)
and for oxidized (top), wfahly oxidized (center), and reduced (battom)





classes. C is ealcic, CA is calc-alkalie, AC is alkali-calcic, QA is quartz

alkalic, NA is nepheline alkalic.



Figure 9. Comparison of Fe,O,lFeO versus SiO, variation diagrams for

metaluminous alkali-ealcie (left side) versus calc-alkalic (right side) and
for oxidized (tap), weakly oxidized (center), and reduced (bottom) sub-





classes. SO is stmngly oxidized, MO is moderately oxidized, WO is weakly

oxidized, WR is weakly reduced, and SR is stmngly reduced.

Ag-rich Pb, with some Zn, Cu;

some dist. Zn prod > Pb;
Byproduct Ag and Mn;
lesser amts. B, Bi, Ba, Sb, Hg,
Au, Be, Te, F;

Alkali-calcic weakly oxidized

Pb-Zn-Ag deposits with Sii;

also Bi, Mn, B, Hg, As;
Ag-rich Ph deposits with
byproduct Zn, Cn;
similar grades to MACoxidized;
but higher Cu+Zn than MACo;
have higher Ag:An ratio;

lesser amounts Au.Cu, In, Ga.

As, B, Y, F, and P;
Ag-rich Sn deposits with no
byproduct Au or base metals;
very large volume systems

Calc-akalic oxidized

abund. sulfides (py, cpy, gal, sphal);
some enargite;
abund. Pb minerals, sulfides,
Pb sulfosalts, oxides, sulfates,
Pb arsenates, phosphates,
Pb vanadates, molybdates;
large variety of Ag minerals;
Ag sulfides, sulfosalts, halides, Ag
tellurides, esp. argentite;
Zn carbonates, oxides, sulfates;
small amts. Cu minerals;
As, Sh, Sn not mentioned;
Mn oxides common;
native Ag, Au reported
abund. sulfides (py, cpy, gal, sphal);
smaller variety of minerals than MACo;
native Ag, Au infrequent;
fewer Cu minerals; Cu carbonates reported
fewer Pb or Zn minerals; but cemssite,
hindheimite, duftite are common;
few Ag minerals; argentite, rare sulfosalts
and halides are present; no Ag tellurides;
Mn oxides, some W, Sb, Fe minerals;
no Mo, Bi, As, Sn, Co, Cd, Ni, TI, Hg or
Te min
conunon sulfides (py, cpy, gal, sphal);
no mention of native Ag, Au;
no Cu, Zn minerals, except tetrahedrite,
anglesite, cerussite reported, not other Pb;
lead snlfosalts nunierous;
huehnerite, wolframite minor;
bismuthinite, Sb minerals present;
Sn, esp. cassiterite, stannite are common;
no Mo, As, Mn, Co, Cd Ni, TI, Hg, Te

abund. common sulfides (py, cpy, gal,

major porphyry Cu production;
significant Zn & Pb production; sphal, bor);
Cu minerals common; abund.
Ag prod > Au prod.;
some Mo & Mn prod.;
II common scheelite, rare wolframite;
lesser amounts of As, B, W;
1 minor native Ag, Au, argentite;
Cu/(Pb+Zn) = 4 to 450
no mention of Pb or Zn minerals, Ag
Ag:Au = 240: 1 (Ag bias);
base:precious = 1000 to 9000: 1 halides, Ag sulfosalts, or Ag tellurides;
cam. mt, hem, lim;
arsenopyrite reported; Sh sometimes
present; rare bismuthinite; no As, Sn, Co,


7 to 200,000;

c o m m o ~wide variety Cu minerals;

Ag minerals rare; abund pyrrhotite and

sparse magnetite; com. hematite, marcas.;
abund. molbdenite; Bi min. frequent;
As & Sb minerals are reported;

low sulfur content;

no base metal productipn

some Pb or Ag sulfosalts; no Zn minerals;

some pyrrhotite, rare magnetite;
marcasite and arsenopyrite occur in most;
molybdenite, scheelite, stibnite common;
As min. (realgar, orpiment) gen. present;
some Sn and Co min.; Hg (cinnabar)
no Mn, Cd, Ni, Te minerals;

Table 2 continued.

classes as output. Ten, twenty, thirty, and fifty percent of the

analyses in the geochemical data base were then withheld at
random from the data base as a test set and the remaining ninety,
eighty, seventy, or fifty percent of the data were used as the
training set. Withheld data were then presented to the network
for classification, and the resulting output subclasses were
evaluated for accuracy.
Whole Rock Subclass Characteristics
Differences among alkalinity subclasses were apparent
when all mines from each subclass were plotted on alkalinity
variation diagrams. All igneous rocks in the study contained
hornblende and were metaluminous, thus samples from all six
subclasses plotted in the same general area of the NCWK diagram. The categorization as alkali-calcic or calc-alkalic was
determined on several alkalinity diagrams, hut the Y O against
SiO, diagram was most reliahle (fig. 6). The two subclasses
overlapped slightly on the charts, especially where the diierentiation index exceeded 85. Alkali-calcic and calc-alkalic rocks
were also distinguished on variation diagrams of Y O - CaO
against SiO, (fig. 7) and of Y O - MgO against SiO, (fig. 8).
There was only minor overlap into adjacent fields among most
of the subclasses, but some samples from alkali-calcic oxidized
and alkali-calcic weakly oxidized subclasses overlapped into the

calc-alkalic field. Degree of oxidation was not reflected in alkalinity diagrams.

All samples in this study were related to mineralized systems, and all were in the moderately iron-poor fields in the
FeO'IMgO versus SiO, variation diagram (Wilt, 1993). Exceptions were the relatively barren Cretaceous diorites in the
Siemta district and older barren stocks in the Park City district.
Oxidation subclasses were estimated on a variation diagram
of Fe,O,/FeO ratio versus silica (fig. 9). All sample points in oxidized suhclasses plotted above 0.6 for Fe,O,/FeO; some sample
points from weakly oxidized suhclasses extended into weakly
reduced fields between 0.6 and 0.25, and some samples from
each mine in the reduced subclasses were below 0.25.
The Fe,O,/FeO ratio is sensitive to alteration, weathering, analytical errors, and careless handling; samples can easily become
oxidized. Many samples therefore fall into more oxidized portions
of the diagram than they would if tested immediately after crystaliization. For this reason mineralogic criteria are more reliahle in assigning oxidation character. The presence of ilmenite, pyrrhotite,
carbon, or graphite suggest reduced or weakly oxidized subclasses
while primary magnetite or titanite (sphene) in a plutonic rock or
primary pyrite in an ore deposit indicate oxidized subclasses.
Production and Mineralogy of the Subclasses
After mines were assigned to magma metal series subclasses,
petrologic, production, and mineralogic information were com-


piled for each rnine and grouped to detennine metal charactcristics of each subclass (Wilt, 1993, appendicesj. General pautems
are summarized in table 2.
Si1ver:gold ratios of more than 40:l are a conspicuous characteristic of production from metalumirlous alkali-calcic ore deposits. High base-metal contents, high manganese contents, and
high Lead-zinc ratios are also typical. Alkali-calcic suites are characterized by significant production of silver, lead, zinc, tin, boron,
molybdenum, and beryllium; they also have significant byproduct
indium, fluorine, lithium, manganese, and tungsten with trace
amounts of gold, copper, gallium, iron, uranium, thorjum, phosphorus, selenium, mercury, antimony, bromine, arsenic, barium,
and magnesium (Keith and others, 1991). Silver production is at
least 100 times gold production, and lead and zinc production is
ten times copper and molybdenum or tungste~tproduction. Alkalicalcic ore deposits lack molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, thallium, and
mercury minerals. Sulfosalts of most metals are present or abundant; tellurides, pa~ticularlysilver tellurides, are present but rare
in oxidized alkali-calcic districts.
Alkali-calcic oxidized districts used in this study include
Tombstone, Tintic. Park City, and Castle, Montana. These
include vein, skarn, and replacement deposits in which zinc production is greater than lead and silver and manganese are commonly produced as byproducts. Lesser amounts of boron,
bismuth, ba-ium, antimony, mercury, gold, beryllium, tellurium
and fluorine are also present in these districts.
Alkali-calcic weakly oxidized deposits include the tin-hearing orebodies at Santa Eulalia, Mexico, and Candelaria, Nevada.
This type of deposit includes epithermal veins, skams, and replaceme~ltsfrom which lead, zinc, and silver are produced and
that have significant associated occurrences of tin, bismuth,
manganese, boron, mercury, and arsenic. Districts also include
epithermal hotspring deposits that have greater silver production
than gold; that include some lead, zinc, and beryllium production; and that have a significant presence of arsenic, antimony,
mercury, bismuth, scandium, and fluo~ine.Alkali-calcic weakly
oxidized mining districts used in this study include Taylor,
Railroad, Kinsley, Tempiute, Cherry Creek, Linka, and Swales
Mountain, Nevada. Alkali-calcic weakly oxidized deposits generally have 100 times less volume than, but similar grades to,
alkali-calcic oxidized deposits. Weakly oxidized deposits have
higher silver-gold ratios and higher proportions of base to precious metals and of copper and rinc to lead than do deposits of
the oxidized subclass.
Alkali-calcic reduced igneous rocks are associated with tinsilver deposits similar to the metaluminous tin-silver deposits of
Bolivia. These include epithermal vein, porphyry, skam, and
replacement deposits with tin and silver production and lesser
amounts of gold, copper, indium, gallium, arsenic, boron,
yttrium, fluorine, and phosphorous. Examples of alkali-calcic
reduced mining districts include Llallagua, Omro, and Potosi,
Bolivia. Production from alkali-calcic reduced districts indicates
that they are very large volume silver-rich tin deposits with
no byproduct gold or base metals. The mining districts of
Llallagua, Omro, and Potosi, Bolivia, each had production of
several hundred million kilograms of tin, several tens of millions of kilograms of silver, and no lead, zinc, copper, or gold.
Metalun~inouscalc-dkalic districts are characterized by
significant PI-oduction of copper, gold, tungsten, and magne-


sium; by minor production of silvcr, zinc, lead, molybdenum,

antimony, mercury. and sulfur as byproducts; and by significant
trace amounts of barium, arsenic, thallium, iron, and sclenium
(Keith and others, 1991). Production from calc-alkalic ore deposits is dominated by copper over lead and rinc and is relatively silver-poor compal-ed to alkali-calcic districts. Silver
production is only ten times higher than gold pt-oduction, and
copper production is 150 times higher than lead and zinc production. Precious metal ratios for oxidized and weakly oxidized
subclasses are more silver-rich than for reduced subclasses,
which have only gold production.
Calc-alkalic ore deposits generally contain abundant copper
minerals, locally important inolybdenite and scheelite, and some
antimony minerals. Except for galena and sphalerite, lead and zinc
minerals are unusual. Antimony, arsenic, cobalt, nickel, thallium,
and mercuq minerals occur in all calc-alkalic classes and are common in the reduced subclass, but tellurium minerals are lacking.
Calc-alkalic oxidized deposits are simila to the Pima mining district in southern Arizona. These porphyry, skarn, and vein
deposits have major production of copper, significant production of zinc and lead, silver prodilction greater than gold production, some ~iiolybdenumand manganese production, and trace
amounts of arsenic, boron, and tungsten (Keith and others,
1991). Calc-alkalic oxidized districts used in this study include
Mineral Park, Red Mountain, Sierrita-Esperanza, Twin ButtesMission, Christmas, Ray, Valley Copper and Bethlehem in British Columbia, and Elk Mountain and Mill City in Nevada. The
large mining districts, such as Pima, Ray, and Valley Copper and
other districts associated with the Guichon CI-eek batholith have
each produced several billion kilograms of copper.
Calc-alkalic weakly oxidized igneous rocks are associated
with gold-rich porphyry copper deposits similar to Copper Canyon, Nevada, and Morenci, Arizona. These deposits include porphyry, vein, skarn, and epithern~aldeposits with significant
production of copper, gold, silver, zinc, molybdenum, and lead
with lesser amounts of bismuth, arsenic, antimony, vanadium,
scandium, and phosphorus (Keith and others, 1991). Calcalkalic weakly oxidized districts used in this study included Ajo,
Dos Pobres, and Morenci, Arizona; Copper Canyon and McCoy,
Nevada; El Salvador and El Teniente, Chile; Dexing, China; and
Hcdley, British Columbia. Some of these mining districts, such
as Ajo, Morenci, Copper Canyon, and El Salvador have each
produced several billion kilograms of copper.
Calc-alkalic reduced igneous rocks are associated with disseminated gold deposits similar to Carlin-type deposits. These
deposits include epithermal, skam, jasperoid, porphyry, and hot
spring deposits that have higher gold production than silver.
Lesser amounts of arsenic, antimony, mercury, thallium, tungsten, light rare earth elements, zinc, copper, vanadium, nickel,
and barium are also characteristic, as is low sulfur content
(Keith and others, 1991). Calc-alkalic reduced districts used in
this study include Northumberland, Alligator Ridge, Carlin,
Cortez, Chimney Creek North, Maggie Creek, Round Mountain,
Getchell, Pinson, and Preble in Nevada and Yellow Pine, Idaho.
Some of these mining districts have produced or have reserves
of several million kilograms of gold.
Data on production and mineralogy indicated that mineralized systems in this study clustered into groups that correlated
with magma melal series igneous classes. Alkali-calcic sub-



a MACow 0MCAow


Figure 10. Comparison of means of trace elements from mineralized

samples (0 to 15 ppm) showing contrasts among magma mctal series classes

(MAC = alkali-calcic, MCA = ealc-alkalic, o = oxidized, ow = weakly axidized, r = reduced).

classes had high silver and lead production or grades, whereas

calc-alkalic subclasses had high gold or copper production or
grades. Oxidized subclasses had high volumes of low grade base
metal production and byproduct precious metal production,
while reduced subclasses had high volumes of precious metals
and low volumes of base metals.
Although mineralogy of various magma metal series subclasses is difficult to quantify, a qualitative tabulation of the data
showed clear differences between subclasses (Wilt, 1993). The
rich assortment of silver and lead minerals, tin, and manganese
in alkali-calcic subclasses and the lack of molybdenum, thallium, and mercury minerals in those subclasses contrasted
stsongly with the abundant copper minerals, molybdenite,
scheelite, and various arsenic, antimony, mercury, and thallium
minerals of calc-alkalic subclasses.

rameters of elements of mineralized samples (Wilt, 1993). Because most whole rock oxides varied with silica, their means did
not reveal differences among subclasses, but ratios such as SiO,/
&O and FelO,/FeO clearly differentiated the six subclasses.
High variances from the means of each subclass were found
for most elements in mineralized rock chip samples, yet many
means differed enough to allow the subclasses to be distinguished.
For example, alkali-calcic suhclasses had 10 to 100 times as much
silver as did calc-alkalic subclasses. Most elements did not have a
normal distribution; asymmetrical distribution resulted partly from
a wide range of data being grouped into 21 equal classes so that
most samples fell in the bin closest to zero. The asymmetry also
occurred because many samples were not analyzed for all 40 elements and therefore had zero concentrations for some elements.
In spite of the diversity in the data, discriminant analysis
was able to properly classify whole rock data for 88 percent of
the samples and trace element data for 76 percent of the
samples. When mineralized samples were first classified as alkali-calcic or calc-alkalic and then subdivided into oxidation
subclasses, discriminant analysis correctly classified 96 percent
of alkali-calcic samples and 83 percent of calc-alkalic samples
(Wilt, 1993). Despite high variances in the data, the six magma
metal series classes were clearly distinguished.

Results of Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis of whole rock oxides indicated a wide
variety within each subclass, yet the suhclasses were sufficiently
different for discriminant analysis to be relatively successful.
Means, standard deviations, and variances of whole rock oxides
of igneous samples deviated less than did the same statistical pa-

Wace Element Patterns of the Subclasses

Trace element concentrations in parts per rnillio~iof rock chip
samples from mineralized systems had wide variations in their
means, standard deviations, and variances. Means of trace elements
that varied between 0 and 15 ppm are shown in figure 10, those
varying between 20 and 400 are shown in figure I I, and those with
concentrations over 1000 ppm are shown in figure 12. General
characteristics of element means for each subclass are summarized
in table 3, and sample data are in the appendices of Wilt (1993).
Results of Neural Networks Trials
Neural networks accurately classified data from both whole
rock and trace element analyses into the same subclasses as those
obtained from magma metal series variation diagrams. Results of
learning with learning vector quantization were 100 percent accuracy for whole rock oxides and 99 percent accuracy for trace elesamples. Results with back propagation
ments from mi~~eralized
were 99.2 percent accuracy for igneous rocks and 93.3 percent
accuracy for mineralized samples. Outcomes of testing withheld
samples with leaming vector quantization ranged from 100 to 85
percent on networks trained on 90 to 50 percent of the whole rock

Rb Y


Co Mo

Figure 11. Comparison of means of trace elements fmm msneraiized

san~pies(up to 400 ppm) sl~owingcontrasts among magma metal sertes

samples, and outcornes of testing withheld saniplcs with back

propagation ranged fiom 100 lo 80 percent on networks trained on
90 to 50 percent of the igneous samples. The success of neural networks in classifying the data was encouraging, especially coiisidering the high val-iability of the data.
Changing the types of data presented to the networks demonstrated the ability of the networks to obtain information about
the classes even from ratios and indices derived from whole
rock oxides (Wilt, 1993). When the two principal magma metal
series classification criteria (SiO,/K,O and Fe,O,/FeO) were
used as the only two input processing elements, the networks
performed poorly with less than 60 percent accuracy. However,
when additional types of whole rock information were used as
input processing elements, the networks were able to correctly
classify more cases in less iterations. Neural networks, particularly learning vector quantization, were a very effective means
of classifying igneous whole rock data and mineralized trace
element data into magma metal series subclasses.
For a classification to be meaningful and predictive, it must
be based on a fundamental truth, organizing principle, or caus-

Cr Cd Sr Ag W Sn

classes (MAC = alkali-calcic, MCA = calc-alkalic, o = oxidized, ow =

weakly oxidized, r = reduced).





Figure 12. Comparison of means of trace elements fmm mincraliacd

samples (up to 20,000 ppm) showing contrasts among magma metal series

classes (MAC = alkali-calcic, MCA = ealc-alkalic, o = oxidized, ow =

weakly oxidized, r = reduced).

ative process. Because the magma metal series classification was

empirically developed by grouping similar ore deposits together
and investigating the geochemistry of fresh igneous rocks
related to them, correlation is intrinsic to the classification. If
metals in an ore deposit are one of the end products of differentiation of a cogenetic igneous-metal-volatile suite, then ore mineralization should be divisible into the same subclasses as the
igneous suites. The high correspondence between chemistries of
igneous rocks and related mineralization demonstrated in this
study suggests magmatic processes or sources are genetically
linked to the ore deposits studied.
The six magma metal series subclasses investigated in this
study are internally consistent through all types and scales of
chemical information from microscopic trace elements through
whole rock oxides and petrology of fresh igneous rocks to ore
mineralogy and district-wide metal production. Just as a broken
fragment of a holograph transmits the same image as the whole,
any type of compositional information can identify the magma
metal series subclass.
The excellent results obtained using computer methods are
quite remarkable considering the amount of overlap into incorrect fields of some igneous samples and the high degree of vari-

ance in mineralized samples. Several samples from each district

fell outside of the field occupied by the majority of samples on
the variation diagrams, yet neurill networks were able to correctly classify even these outlying samples. Neural networks
were also able to accurately classify trace element samples in
spite of extremely high variances.
Neural networks were very effective in classifying geochemical data into the six magma metal series subclasses examined in this study. When networks that had been trained on 90 to
50 percent of the data were tested with the withheld data, they
misclassified less than 20 percent of the test cases regardless of
the amount of data withheld. The networks performed best when
presented with more kinds of information: The poorest classification success with whole rock samples resulted from using
only the two parameters (SiOJqO and Fe,O,/FeO) that were
the chief classification criteria in defining the magma metal series subclasses, and the greatest success resulted from using all
the whole rock oxides, oxide ratios, some alteration indices, and
magnetite and ilmenite concentrations from the modal mineralogy of the plutons. The networks must extract useful classification criteria from oxides and ratios other than the two used to
define subclasses in the magma metal series graphical method.

Table 3. Traceelement cl~aracteristicsofsix classes studied (means of samples in parts per ntillion).

Neural networks were much more effective in classifying

samples into the six magma metal series subclasses than was discriminant analysis. Neural networks correctly classified 100 percent of the samples; discriminant analysis correctly classified
only 76 to 88 percent of the samples. The better performance of
neural networks was prohably related to the distribution of the
data. Most whole rock oxides varied positively or negatively
with silica and formed n m o w bands on Harker variation
diagrams. Because class boundaries were defined by linked
changes in two parameters (and particularly the increase in Y O
with increasing SiO,) no single parameter effectively distinguished between the classes. Even though the whole rock data
generally had normal distributions, the means and standard
deviations of oxides from different subclasses overlapped.
The poor performance of discriminant analysis on mineralized samples probably resulted from erratic data distribution. Discriminant analysis is based on the assumption that samples have a
normal distribution and that different subclasses have distinguishable means and standard deviations and low variances. With an
asymmetrical data distribution and missing chemical analyses
these assumptions were not fulfilled and means and standard deviations of the mineralized data were not as useful in distinguish-

ing magma metal series subclasses as they are in populations that

have normal distributions and complete data sets.

Possible Exploration Applications

Alteration filters used in this study were very effective
in eliminating scatter from variation diagrams used to assign mining districts to magma metal series subclasses. Alteration indices,
particularly the potassium index, sodium index, NCNK ratio, and
alteration index, would be vely effective exploration tools if they
were plotted on maps to show areas of a pluton that were most
affected by alteration. These spatial alteration paltems could be
recognized by neural networks in areas where mineralization is
not obvious. Neural networks could also he used to distinguish
horizontal or vertical alteration zoning patterns that are characteristic of various ore deposit types or wall rock types.
This study demonstrated the correlation of magma metal
series igneous data with six types of ore deposits, and exploration could be based on either kind of information. If mineraliration is present, trace element geochemistry of rock chip samples
could distinguish what trpe of ore deposit is potentially present.
All examples of each magma metal series subclass do not pro-

diice ore deposits, so standard economic evaluations iiie also rcqoised. However, the assigiiment of prospects to magma iirctal series subclasses can indicate iT further evaluation is warranted.
The magma metal series classification is an inexpensive preliminary step that can eliminate prospects that do not fall into the
targeted type of deposit. For example, even though some alkalicalcic oxidized silver deposits have high gold and copper concentrations, they would not make good exploration targets for
porphyry copper deposits or Carlin-type gold deposits. If only
igneous rocks x e present without obvious veins or mineraliration, potential mineralization of a particular ore deposit type
could be predicted by the magma metal series subclass.
Applications of Neural Networks
The success of neural networks in classifying geochemical
data in this study indicates they can he useful in mineral exploration and in deciphering geological systems. Trace element
data from exploration projects of unknown ore types can he
tested on the networks trained in this study to determine which
types of deposits may be found. Once a network is trained on
data from either fresh igneous rocks or mineralized trace elements from mining districts of known magma metal series subclasses, the network can he tested on similar types of data from
districts whose subclasses are unknown. It is not necessary to
obtain whole rock data on fresh igneous rocks related to mineralization in order to correctly assign a mining district to a
magma metal series subclass; using neural networks, trace element data from mineralized rock chips can he used to classify
the district equally well.
Neural networks can be applied to geologic pattems at many
different scales. This study demonstrated patterns in the broadest
range of data that could be used to classify types of ore deposits
and no attempt was made to distinguish between proximal and
distal samples. Within each deposit type, more detailed representations of the areal distribution of the data may allow a neural network to find zoning patterns withn trace element data, alteration,
fracture density, ore grade or type, or whole rock data. If there are
numerically definable differences in the data, neural networks can
be trained to detect those differences. The challenge is to define
training patterns that have predictive value in exploring for ore deposits. The magma metal series classification has this predictive
power because it is empirically based on the correlation between
ore deposit types and natural geological processes.
My mother, Jeannette L. Rasmussen, is gratefully acknowledged for financially and emotionally supporting my doctoral

sciidics. Additional fiirancial support was supplicd by Grant M.

Wilt, by a Universily of Arizona scholarship established by WHP
Minerals, and a grant from the University of Arizona. This study
would not have been possible without the generous support in
the form of data, ideas, and enthusiastic encouragement from
Stanley B. Keith of MagrnaChem Exploration, Inc., who supplied thousands of whole rock and trace element chemical
analyses which would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. These data had been collected during twelve years of consulting for numerous MagmaChem clients and these clients are
to be commended for their willingness to share geological data
for the advancement of the science.
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Porphyry Copper Deposits

of the
American Cordillera

Frances Wahl Pierce and John G. Bolm, Editors

Anzona Geological Society Digest 20


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