April 2010 Newsletter
April 2010 Newsletter
April 2010 Newsletter
Calendar Items
D&C 8:2–3), by sudden
enlightenment (see D&C
6:14–15), by positive or
negative feelings about pro- April 11 Ward Fast for Missionary Work—pray for those within our ward
posed courses of action, or boundaries that may be open and receptive to the gospel.
even by inspiring perform-
April 17 Ward 10 yr. Reunion, Ellison Park Bowery 3-6pm.
ances, as in the performing
May 4 Senior Saints Luncheon 12pm (noon) Stake Center
arts. As President Boyd K.
Packer, . . . President of the
Quorum of the Twelve Second Annual Spring Vegetable Garden Tour is approaching. There will be an emer-
Apostles, has stated, gency preparedness fair held in conjunction with the tour this year. We will have pres-
'Inspiration comes more as a entations done by knowledgeable neighbors on things like lawn care, water wise water-
feeling than as a sound.' " ing techniques, home storage containers, gardening tips and much more. There will
also be sign up lists to share garden tillers, trailers, etc. Call Melinda LeCheminant to
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the participate in the garden tour: 801-544-9008.
Quorum of the Twelve
Amber Miller had a baby boy on March 22.. His name is Brayden.
Looking for a recipe that
was in a newsletter? Leila Turner had a baby boy on March 23. His name is Nathan.
Visit our blog!
Recipe Box
Previous copies of our Quiche Lorraine
newsletters are stored here! By: Kat Holt
1 1/2 c. shredded cheese (Colby jack or Swiss) 4 Tblsp. Flour
Looking for a metal detec- 1/2 cup finely chopped cooked ham 3 eggs
tor, how about a cake pan 1 cup milk 1/4 tsp. salt
or shoe boxes? Find a 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie shell
good deal that others can
benefit from? Combine cheese and flour, spread in the bottom of pie shell. Spread ham
Sign up for AC Thrifty
evenly over the cheese. Combine eggs, milk, and salt. Beat until smooth and
Tips—the neighborhood
pour evenly over ham and cheese. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes or until the cus-
google group where people
tard is set. Can also leave unbaked, wrap in press and seal and tin foil and
post thrifty tips and ideas.
freeze. FROM FROZEN: Thaw in fridge overnight. Remove foil and press and
Contact a member of the RS
presidency to be added.
seal. Bake uncovered as directed.