Chapter 10: Other Planetary Systems: The New Science of Distant Worlds
Chapter 10: Other Planetary Systems: The New Science of Distant Worlds
Chapter 10: Other Planetary Systems: The New Science of Distant Worlds
Gravitational Tugging
-Stellar Wobble
Gravitational Tugging
-Stellar Wandering
Stellar Wandering
We can detect
planets by measuring
the change in a stars
position on sky
However, these tiny
motions are very
difficult to measure
(~0.001 arcsecond)
Measuring a stars
Doppler shift can tell us
its motion toward and
away from us
Current techniques can
measure motions as
small as 1 m/s (walking
The first-ever planet was
discovered in 1995 by
the Doppler technique
system formation?
Measurable Properties
Orbital Period, Distance, Shape
4p a
p =
a O R M 1 + M2=
GM 1 + M2
G p2
p = orbital period
a=average orbital distance (between centers)
(M1 + M2) = sum of object masses
The result:
The masses of any orbiting bodies can be calculated
from the size or period of their orbit (measureable
Measuring Mass
We cannot measure an exact mass for a planet
Calculating Density
Using mass,
determined using
the Doppler
technique, and
size, determined
using the transit
technique, bulk
density can be
Orbital properties, such as period, distance, and
Planetary properties, such as mass and size.
Atmospheric properties, such as temperature
and composition.
Surprising Characteristics
Some extrasolar planets have highly elliptical
Some massive planets orbit very close to their
stars: Hot Jupiters
Gas Giants that have smaller orbits than
Kepler has discovered a huge range of sizes,
including Earth-sized.
Hot Jupiters
Kepler Mission
Habitable Zone Habitable Planet
A planet may be in a star's liquid water zone, this
does not mean that the planet must have water or life.
Planet Migration
A young planet's motion
can create waves in a
planet-forming disk.
Models show that matter
in these waves can tug
on a planet, causing its
orbit to migrate inward.
Gravity assists and
resonances can also
have an effect