Topic 8 - Amplitude of Sun
Topic 8 - Amplitude of Sun
Topic 8 - Amplitude of Sun
Topic 8:
Principles of Navigation
Amplitude of Sun
The amplitude of a body is the angular distance between the body and the prime vertical at the
time of theoretical rising or setting. The prime vertical is the great circle on the celestial sphere
which passes through the observer's zenith and the east and west points of the rational horizon.
Theoretical rising or setting of a body occur when the centre of the body is on the observer's
rational horizon, East or West of the meridian. At these times, the true zenith distance is 90 and
true altitude of the body is zero.
If the true altitude of the Sun is 0 0, the observed altitude of the Suns lower limb, for an observer
at sea level will be about 18 because of semi-diameter correction and refraction.
True Alt. of Sun
Apparent altitude
Dip, @ sea-level
00 00.0'
--------00 00.2'
00 34.5'
--------00 34.3'
--------00 18.3'
--------00 18.3'
The bearing amplitude of a body is the arc of the horizon contained between east and a rising
body or between west and a setting body. The amplitude uses east and west as its origin.
The diagram shows the path of body X with a northerly declination, dXd, and the path of body
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Topic 8:
Principles of Navigation
Amplitude of Sun
Y, with a southerly declination, DYD. Thus, the amplitude of body X rising is angle EZd and
the amplitude of body Y rising is angle EZD. The amplitude of bodies X and Y setting would be
angle WZd, and angle WZD, respectively.
Clearly a body will always rise and set on a northerly bearing when its declination is north,
and will rise and set on a southerly bearing when its declination is south. The amplitude,
therefore, is always named the same as the body's declination.
Finding the amplitude of the Sun is a quick and simple method of determining compass error.
Theoretical sunrise occurs when the centre of the Sun is on the observer's rational horizon.
However, refraction, which is maximum at zero altitude, makes the Sun appear to rise about
35 minutes above the horizon when it is theoretically at an altitude of zero degrees. This
value of 35 minutes roughly corresponds to the diameter of the Sun; to allow for this,
amplitudes should be taken when the Sun's centre is about the Sun's diameter clear of the
horizon. In other words, there should be a clearance about the Sun's semi-diameter between
the horizon and the Sun's lower limb at the time of amplitude.
The true amplitude may be calculated from the formula: sin Amplitude = sin Declination x
sec Latitude. This formula is deduced from Napier's Rules for the solution of right-angled
spherical triangles.
The problem is much more readily solved by extracting the true amplitude directly from
prepared amplitude tables.
The L.M.T. of sunrise and sunset for any observer is listed in the Nautical Almanac for cer tain latitudes at three-day intervals. One must interpolate between the listed latitudes in order
to obtain an accurate time of sunrise or sunset in intermediate latitudes.
Example 1:
dec 17d 08 h
d (0.5)
Sin Amp
True Azimuth
Gyro brg
Gyro Error
Sec Lat
Sin Dec
S 20 51.8'
0.2' S 20 51.6'
= Sec 12 X Sin 20 51.6
= 1.0223 X 0.3561
= 0.3640
= 21.3
=E 21.3 S
111.3 T (90 + 21.3 = 111.3)
114.0 G
2.7 H
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Topic 8:
Principles of Navigation
Amplitude of Sun
You will note that amplitude is not named the same way as the azimuth. Amplitude is named
East when the body is rising and West when the body is setting and North or South according to
the declination of the body. In this case, the body is rising and the declination is South,
therefore, the amplitude is named E and S.
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