Fuzzy Logic

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 29 2007

Intelligent ABS Fuzzy Controller for Diverse Road

Roozbeh Keshmiri, and Alireza Mohamad Shahri

the difference between the velocity of the vehicle and the

translational velocity of the wheel to the velocity of the
vehicle [1].

AbstractFuzzy controllers are potential candidates for the

control of nonlinear, time variant and also complicated systems. Anti
lock brake system (ABS) which is a nonlinear system, may not be
easily controlled by classical control methods. An intelligent Fuzzy
control method is very useful for this kind of nonlinear system. A
typical antilock brake system (ABS) by sensing the wheel lockup,
releases the brakes for a short period of time, and then reapplies again
the brakes when the wheel spins up. In this paper, an intelligent fuzzy
ABS controller is designed to adjust slipping performance for variety
of roads. There are tow major sections in the proposing control
system. First section consists of tow Fuzzy-Logic Controllers (FLC)
providing optimal brake torque for both front and rear wheels.
Second section which is also a FLC provides required amount of slip
and torque references properties for different kind of roads.
Simulation results of our proposed intelligent ABS for three different
kinds of road show more reliable and better performance in compare
with two other break systems.




Fig. 1 Front wheel free-body diagram [9]

The goal of the Anti-lock brake system is to hold each tire

of the vehicle operating near the peak of the curve for
that tire, which implies performance of an ABS is strongly
related to the surface condition. Up to now different control
methods have been developed to keep wheels slip in desired
interval. Anti lock brake systems based on Sliding Mode
Control [2], Neural Network [3], and Fuzzy Logic Controller
[4-7] are a few examples of the ABS design. As shown in Fig.
2, it can not be expected that an anti-lock brake system which
is optimized for dry asphalt, performs as reliable as on a wet
or icy surfaces.
However, an intelligent method based on identifying the
type of surface, which is proposed in this paper, may adapt
itself for different condition of road surfaces to have optimized
wheel slip. The Main propos of this control method is to
identify road surface condition which leads to an optimized
brake efficiency for different surface conditions.

KeywordsFuzzy Logic Control, ABS, Anti lock Braking





HE main disadvantage of the ordinary brakes is that the

driver can not precisely control the brake torque applied to
the wheels. Moreover, as the driver does not have enough
information of the road conditions, he may cause locking up
the wheels by applying extra pressure on the brake pedal. The
wheel lock up not only ends to have maximum stopping
distance, but also causes lateral instability of the vehicle. All
modern vehicles are equipped with anti lock braking system
that prevents locking of wheels. Anti lock brake decreases the
stopping distance of vehicle and improves controllability of
vehicle in compare with other brake systems lacking ABS.
When a vehicle accelerates or brakes, the tractive forces Ftf

Road adhesion coefficient



and Ftr developed by the front and rear tire, respectively are
proportional to the normal forces of the road acting on the tire
( Fzf and Fzr ) as illustrated in Fig. 1. The coefficient of

Dry asphalt


Wet asphalt


proportionality, denoted by , is called the road coefficient of

adhesion and it varies depending on the road surface type, as
shown in Fig. 2. The wheel slip, denoted by , is the ratio of


Icy asphalt


Manuscript received June 30, 2007. Roozbeh Keshmiri is with the member
of Young Researchers Club, Tabriz Islamic Azad University, and member of
IAUT-CRL (computer Research Laboratory), Tabriz, Iran (phone: +98 914
411 1418; e-mail: roozbeh.keshmiri@gmail.com).
Ali M. Shahri is with the Electronic Research Center, Iran University of
Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, 16844, Iran (phone: +98 21
73913704; fax: +98 21 77893174; e-mail: shahri@iust.ac.ir ).




( ) Wheel slip


Fig. 2 - curves for different road conditions



World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 29 2007

Fuzzy control system presented in this paper is consisted of

three sections which are shown as FLC1, FLC2 and FLC3. All
Fuzzy controllers are designed and simulated by MATLABTM
software. The FLC1 and FLC2 which are designed for front
and rear wheels are exactly similar and have similar FuzzyLogic-Components. In these two FLCs the optimal brake
torque for front and rear sections are considered as FLC
output. The FLC3 determines the amount of optimal wheel
slip based on the vehicle acceleration.

The front and rear tractive forces are denoted Ftf and Ftr
respectively. The total tractive force, denoted Ftot , is;
Ftot = Ftf + Ftr
Ftf = ( f ) Fzf , Ftr = ( r ) Fzr
Fzf and Fzr are normal forces acting on the front and rear

tires, respectively, and

( ) is the road coefficient of adhesion which is a function


of the wheel slip . For the front tire, = f while for the

The development of FLC for vehicle brake system which is

discussed in this part is generally based on the work carried
out by Will and Zak [9]. A straight-line braking with no
steering is assumed in this work. We have also neglected the
effects of pitch and roll for simplicity.

rear tire = r .The wheel slip is defined as;

V wR w
wR w
= 1
Where V is the vehicle velocity, w is the angular velocity of
the tire, and R w is the radius of the tire. It should be noted that
0 1 and it is common to present the values of in
Wheel lockup occurs when = 100% or ( = 1 ) which
equivalently, means the angular velocity of wheel is w = 0 .
However, as can be seen in Fig. 2, a wheel lockup does not
have the maximum coefficient of adhesion, and thus, does not
lead to the maximal braking force. The maximum braking
force is achieved when the wheels are slipping. For example,
in Fig. 2, for an icy road, the maximal braking force is
achieved when the wheel slip is about 1. It also should be
noted that tractive force is a functions of normal force and
there are two components in the normal force. One component
is due to the mass distribution of the vehicle, while the other
component comes from the mass transfer of the vehicle. Based
on the vehicle dynamics equations and performing some
manipulations, we obtain;





a Ftf

Fig. 3 Vehicle free-body diagram

A vehicle-free body diagram for the straight-line braking

maneuver is shown in Fig. 3. The symbols, parameters and
values which are used in our simulation are described in Table

acceleration due to gravity


distance from center of gravity to front axle


distance from center of gravity to rear axle



height of the sprung mass

0.6 m


height of front unsprung mass

0.3 m

height of rear unsprung mass

0.3 m

m3 = (m f h f + m s h s + m r hr ) /( a + b)


total mass of the vehicle

1500 kg

The state variables could be defined as;


sprung mass of the vehicle

1285 kg


front unsprung mass

96 kg


rear unsprung mass

119 kg


moment of inertia of the front wheel

1.7 gm2


moment of inertia of the rear wheel



radius of tire

0.326 m


engine torque

0 Nm

K br

brake displacement proportionality



x = g

( f )m1 + ( r )m3
mtot ( f )m3 + ( r )m3


m1 = bmtot /(a + b) ,
m 2 = amtot /(a + b) ,

x1 = x, x 2 = x , x 3 = w f , x 4 = wr
Therefore, the vehicle brake state space model and its
output could be presented as follow,
x1 = x2

x = f = g ( f )m1 + (r )m2
mtot + m3 ( (r ) ( f ))


x3 = f 3 = 2 J (Tbf + ( f )m1Rw g ( f ) m3 Rw x2 + Te )

(Tbr + (r )m2 Rw g + (r ) m3 Rw x 2 )
x 4 = f 4 =
2J f



World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 29 2007

y = x1 , x 2 , f , r


is the optimal torque of each surface that results from the first
and third outputs of FLC3. This error for front and rear wheels
eTbf = Tbfref Tbf (t 1)


Note that our brake system model is composed of only four,

nonlinear, differential equations, which makes it suitable for
our design purposes. Ref. [10] could be referred for more
details of the derivations of the vehicle brake system model.

eTbr = Tbrref Tbr (t 1)

This input is fuzzified by five linguistic values which are
defined below in the universe of discourse [5000 -5000].
Terror = [vfew, few, zero, big, vbig]
Fig. 6 shows membership function of second input for
FLC1 and FLC2.


The Fuzzy controllers which are designed in this paper, are
shown in Fig. 4. As it is explained it has three sections FLC1,
FLC2 and FLC3. In FLC1 and FLC2, optimal brake torques
for front and rear wheels are determined based on given inputs
which are 1) error of slip ratios and 2) error of optimal torque
with torque of wheels. FLC3 also determines optimal slip and
torque according to the vehicle acceleration as its input. First
input for FLC1 and FLC2 is error of slip ratios, i.e. It is
difference between wheel slip and reference slip.


Tbf (t 1)








Out put of these two Fuzzy controllers is the variation of

torques Tb which adds up to the previous applied torques to
generate required braking torque for each wheels.
Tb (t ) = Tb (t 1) + Tb



Tbf (t 1)




Fig. 6 Membership function for second input of FLC1&FLC2

Front optimum




+Rear optimum
torque T (t 1)


Where Tb refers to brake torques. Membership function of

Tb which are defined by five linguistics values as below are
shown in Fig. 7.
Tb = [vneg, neg, zero, pos, vpos]



Tbr (t 1)






Fig. 4 Schematic of the proposed fuzzy ABS controller

Reference slip is amount of optimal slips for all road

surfaces which is outcome of the second output of FLC3. This
error for front and rear wheels is;
e f (t ) = fref f (t )





Fig. 7 Membership functions for output of FLC1 & FLC2

There are 9 IF-THEN Fuzzy Rules for each of FLC1 and

FLC2. A 3-D input-output map for FLC1&FLC2 is illustrated
in Fig. 8.

e r (t ) = rref r (t )

This input has 5 linguistic values as shown Figure 5.

error = [vneg, neg, zero, pos, vpos]







Fig. 8 3-D input-output map for FLC1 & FLC2

Fig. 5 Membership functions for first input of FLC1&FLC2

FLC3 which is shown in Fig. 4 is applied to determine slip

and torque references for different road surfaces. According to
Fig. 2 which shows slip and adhesions - curves for different
road conditions, it is obvious that there is no constant slip

Second input of FLC1 & FLC2 is error of brake tourqe or

Tb , that is difference between the last applied brake torque
and optimal torque. The amount of required torque reference


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 29 2007

values for maximum road adhesion in different road surfaces

such as; dry, wet or icy asphalts. Therefore, it is possible to
define optimum slip reference for FLC1 & FLC2 by FLC3
which consequently results in maximum adhesion applied to
the brake system. Input of the FLC3 is vehicle acceleration
which is shown in Fig. 9 by 5 linguistic membership functions
as below;
Accelerate = [vbig, big, med., small, vsmall]
In this fuzzy controller, we may identify the type of road
surface by vehicle acceleration.






hydraulic systems and brake pad travel as in [6], [8].

Simulation results are compared based on braking or stopping
distance, vehicle speed profile and also wheel slip for three
different states of a vehicle a) without ABS, b) ABS with
constant slip and finally c) with proposed ABS. In the process
of simulation, three different surfaces are applied to vehicle
braking systems in series, i.e. a simulation surface starting
with 10 meters of dry asphalt, and then 20 meters of wet
asphalt and finally change to an icy condition. As it is shown
in Figs. 12 and 13 for a vehicle without ABS, stopping
distances is approximately 80 meters and stopping time is 10
seconds. As in this case, there is no ABS system wheel slip for
front and rear wheels will be one and wheels will be locked up
which it consequently results in larger stopping distance (Fig.



Fig. 9 Membership function for input of FLC3

Position (m)

Without ABS

There are three optimum outputs for FLC3, front brake

torque, slip and rear brake torque. All three output
membership functions in FLC3 are defined with 5 similar
linguistics values as below;
Reference = [Icy, Icy-wet, wet, wet-dry, dry]
Fig. 10 illustrates output membership functions for optimal
front and rear wheel brake torque which could be adjusted
based on slip and road adhesion relationship.




Fixed slip ABS

Proposed ABS

Time (sec)

Fig. 12 Plots of the vehicle position on the surface changing from dry
asphalt to wet asphalt after 10m and icy asphalt after 20m for three
different of braking systems





Velocity (m/s)


Fig. 10 Membership function for first & third outputs of FLC3

Fig. 11 also illustrates output membership function for

optimal slip.





Proposed ABS

Time (sec)

Wheel slips ()


Fixed slip ABS

Fig. 13 Plots of the vehicle velocity on the surface changing from dry
asphalt to wet asphalt after 10m and icy asphalt after 20m for
different of braking maneuvers


Without ABS


Fig. 11 Membership function for second outputs of FLC3


Time (sec)

In order to simulate the proposed intelligent fuzzy controller

and compare the simulation results with other methods, it is
assumed that the vehicle is moving at 20 m/s, (72 km/h). It
should be noted that all the simulation results are based on the
assumption of straight-line braking in the brake system model
and neglect of transportation delay caused by the brake

Fig. 14 Plots of wheel slip on brake without ABS

As the second braking method, ABS with constant slip (0.2

for all three different surfaces) is applied. As it is shown in
Figs. 12 and 13, stopping distance has been reduced to
approximately 43 meters and stopping time is about 6 seconds.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 29 2007

Wheel slips ()

Brake torque

Figs. 15 and 16 illustrate the wheel slips for front and rear

Time (sec)

Fig. 19 Front wheel applied brake torque by the proposed ABS

Time (sec)

Wheel slips ()

Brake torque

Fig. 15Plot of front wheel slip on brake with fixed slip ABS

Time (sec)

Time (sec)

Fig. 16 Plot of rear wheel slip on brake with fixed slip ABS.

Fig. 20 Rear wheel applied brake torque by the proposed ABS

Finally, the proposed ABS is applied to the simulation

process and according to the Figs. 12 and 13 there is an
evident superior performance in simulation results in compare
to other two methods. Stopping distance has been reduced to
40m and stopping time has been reduced to 5 seconds. Figs.
17 and 18 also illustrate adaptive wheel slip based on the
changing surface conditions. This result verifies that the
proposed fuzzy controller (FLC3) is able to generate different
wheel slip according to the surface condition.
Wheel slips ()

Acceleration (m/s2)

Acceleration of Vehicle for different surfaces which is an

input of the FLC3 is also shown in Fig. 21. This acceleration
is actually the reason to determine adaptive slip wheel based
on the surface condition.

Time (t)

Fig. 21 Plot of vehicle acceleration in proposed ABS.


Time (sec)

In this paper an intelligent ABS fuzzy controller is

designed. The vehicle dynamic based on the half of vehicle
equations are presented in the form of state space model. This
model is applied for all simulation process using MATLAB
SIMULINK toolbox. Simulation results verify the superior
performance and quality of the proposed Intelligent ABS
fuzzy controller over other methods without identifying road
conditions. This controller has excellent ability to apply
continuous brake torque and accordingly determines optimal
slip to reduce stopping interval and distance. Two parallel
fuzzy controllers have been designed to determine braking
torque for front and rear wheels respectively. Furthermore,
third fuzzy controller is designed to determine optimal slip and
torque for different road surfaces.

Wheel slips ()

Fig. 17 Plot of front wheel slip in proposed ABS

Time (sec)

Fig. 18 Plot of rear wheel slip in proposed ABS.

Applied brake torque to the front and rear wheels by the

proposed ABS control system have been shown in Figs. 19,



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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 29 2007


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