Design and Analysis of Two Wheeler Carburetor
Design and Analysis of Two Wheeler Carburetor
Design and Analysis of Two Wheeler Carburetor
Carburettor is the most important component in fuel feed system of spark ignition engines. It is
connected between the fuel filter and induction manifold. It supplies air-fuel mixture of varying
proportions to suit engine operating conditions. There are two laws which allow the carburettor
to function. They are Vacuum and Venturi Effect.
SI engines generally use volatile liquids. The preparation of the fuel-air mixture is done
outside the engine cylinder. The fuel droplets that remain in suspension also continue to
evaporate and mix with air during suction and compression processes also. So carburetion is
required to provide a combustible mixture of fuel and air in required quantity and quality.
The literature survey reveals a lot of work has been carried out in the area of designing
and analyzing the carburettor using CREO and ANSYS. The analysis of carburetor has been
carried out by applying structural and thermal loads. The present work particularly deals with the
making of carburettor by using Rapid Proto Typing to increase mass production, to achieve cost
reduction, to achieve weight reduction and to prevent the component from getting corroded or
undergoing corrosion.
Carburettor is the most important component in fuel feed system of spark ignition
engines. It is connected between the fuel filter and induction manifold. It supplies air-fuel
mixture of varying proportions to suit engine operating conditions.
1.1.1 Definition:
The carburettor is a device for atomizing and vaporizing the fuel and mixing it with the
air in varying proportions to suit the changing conditions of spark ignition engines. The air-fuel
mixture so obtained from the carburettor is called the combustible mixture. The process of
mixing the gasoline fuel with air to obtain the combustible mixture is called carburetion.
Vaporization is the change of state of fuel from liquid to vapour. Atomization is the mechanical
breaking-up of the liquid fuel into small particles (but not actually breaking-up into atoms, as the
name implies) so that every particle of fuel is surrounded by the air. In order to produce very
quick vaporization of the liquid fuel, it is sprayed into the air passing through the carburettor.
Spraying of the liquid turns into many fine particles, so that the vaporization occurs almost
Fig: 1.1. Shows the variation of mixture requirements from no-load to full-load in a S.I Engine.
1. Idling and low speed : (From no-load to about 20% of rated power)
Idling refers to no power demand. During idling air supply ids throttled and
residual gases make up a large fraction of charge at the end of the suction period. In
addition, during overlap period some exhaust gases are drawn back into the cylinder. The
result is chemically correct (stoichiometric) mixture of air and fuel (~ 15: 1) would be so
diluted by residual gases that combustion would be erratic or impossible. A rich mixture
is supplied during idling (say A/F ratio 11: 1 or 12: 1). The richness should gradually
change to slightly lean for the second range as shown in the above figure.
2. Cruising or normal power :(From about 25% to about 75% of rated power)
In the normal power range the main consideration is fuel economy. Because
mixture of fuel and air is never completely homogeneous the stoichiometric mixture of
fuel and air will not burn completely and some fuel will be wasted. For this reason an
excess of air, say 10% above theoretically correct (~ 16.5: 1), is supplied in order to
ensure complete burning of fuel.
Maximum power is obtained when all the air supplied is fully utilized. As the
mixture is completely homogeneous a rich mixture must be supplied to assure utilization
of air.
In case of modern high speed engines, the time duration available for formation of
mixture is very small and limited. The time duration for mixture formation and
induction may be of the order of 10 to 5 milliseconds.
Atomization, mixing and vaporization are the processes which require a finite
time to occur. The time available for mixture formation is very small in high
speed engines(For example in an engine running at 3000 r.p.m.., the induction
process lasts for less than 0.02 second). For completion of these processes in such
a small period a great ingenuity is required in designing the carburettor system.
In order to achieve high quality carburetion within such a short time requires good
vaporization characteristics of the fuel which are ensured by presence of high
volatile hydro-carbons in the fuel.
For a S.I engine, the design of carburetion system is very complicated owing to
the fact that the air-fuel ratio required by it varies widely over its range of
1.3.2Emulsion Tube
The main metering is jet is generally kept 25mm below the fuel level in the float chamber
so as to avoid the overflow of the fuel. A jet is placed at the bottom of a well having holes which
are connected to the atmosphere. When the throttle is opened fuel starts to flow from the
well and the holes get uncovered and the air-fuel ratio increases i.e. the richness of the mixture
decreases when all the holes get uncovered. The air is drawn through these holes and the
fuel gets emulsified and the differential of pressure across the column of fuel is not as high as
that of the simple carburetor.
1.3.3 Compensating Jet
The main purpose of the compensating jet, which is connected to a compensating
well, is to make the mixture leaner as the throttle valve opens gradually. The compensating well
is vented to the atmosphere and is also connected to the main fuel chamber through a
restricting orifice.
With the increase in air flow rate, the fuel level in the compensating well decreases so the
fuel supply rate through the compensating jet also decreases. Thus the compensating jet tends to
lean the mixture whereas the main jet tends to richen the mixture. So the sum of the two jets
tends to keep the mixture to the required ratio.
1.3.4 Back Suction Control Mechanism
In this device, the top of the fuel float chamber is connected to the entry part of the body
of the carburetor by means of a long vent line fitted with a control valve. Another vent
is connected from the top of the chamber to the venturi of the throat. When the control
valve is completely open then pressure at the float chamber is same as that of the air
inlet. So there lies a pressure difference between the float chamber and the venturi and fuel from
the float chamber flows into the venturi. But when the control valve is closed the pressure at the
venturi and the float chamber are same and there is no fuel flow. Thus by proper control of the
control valve a proper differential between the float chamber and the throat can be maintained
and hence the quality of the mixture.
1.3.5 Auxiliary Valve
When the engine is in idle conditions the pressure at the top of the auxiliary valve is
atmospheric. With increase in load, the vacuum at the throat of the venturi increases. So a
pressure differential is created between the throat and the spring and this pressure difference
raises the valve against the spring force. And as a result more air flows and the mixture becomes