Note Set 7 - Nonlinear Equations: 7.1 - Overview
Note Set 7 - Nonlinear Equations: 7.1 - Overview
Note Set 7 - Nonlinear Equations: 7.1 - Overview
7.1 Overview
xk +1 = xk J k 1 f k
Notice, in particular, when f k = 0 , the algorithm will suggest a negligible correction.
As one might imagine, this method does not work well without modification. A
globally convergent medication sets,
xk +1 = xk J k 1 f k
for 0 < 1 . As with unconstrained optimization, we will start from a full Newton step
and backtrack if the new point does not result in a sufficient improvement. How do we
measure improvements though? The strategy we will take is to use some norm. The most
likely choices and the L-2 and L-1 norms,
x 1 = | xi | ,
x 2 = xi 2
i =1
i =1
A natural question to ask is why we did not simply choose to apply unconstrained
minimization from the beginning using the objective function,
g ( x) = f ( x)
effective strategy.
The algorithm above, of course, requires that the Jacobian be analytically
provided. If it is not available, we can compute it using finite differences,
J k ,i =
f ( xk + hei ) f ( xk )
for i = 1, 2,..., n
Here, ei denotes the i th unit vector. Notice, in particular, that we require n + 1 function
evaluations at each iterations. If analytical derivatives available, we only require one
function evaluation per iterations (not including backtracking evaluations).
An alternative strategy is to develop secant methods. Secant methods solve the
secant equation,
Ak +1 ( xk xk 1 ) = f k f k 1
As before, there are many solutions to this system. To pin down the solution, we will
solve the following problem,
Ak +1 =
where B
arg max
A: A ( xk xk 1 ) = f k f k 1
A Ak
denotes the Frobenius norm (which is simply the L2 norm on the vectorized
Ak +1 = Ak +
( f k f k 1 ) Ak ( xk xk 1 ))( xk xk 1 ) '
( xk xk 1 ) '( xk xk 1 )
This update is known as Broydens update. Notice, in particular that it is a rank one
update, which means an efficient implementation of Broydens methods will require
O(n 2 ) worth of linear algebra operations per iteration. As before, we need a starting
point. We take a slightly different approach than unconstrained optimization here and
typically start A0 = f '( x0 ) .
While Quasi-Newton methods are almost exclusively used for unconstrained
optimization, Newtons methods is much more commonly used that Broydens method.
In order to implement Newtons method, we must evaluate the function as well as
the Jacobian. For example, suppose that we would like to solve the system,
x2 + ex + y 3 0
f ( x) =
In order to compute the Jacobian, we would first take analytic first derivatives of the
above formula,
2x + ex
f '( x) =
y 1x
2 y
f j ( x + ei h) f j ( x)
J i ,i +1
fi ( x + e1h + e2 h + ... + en h) fi ( x)
J i , j 0 otherwise
The second type of efficiency gain results from applying linear algebra routines that take
into account the band-diagonal structure of the Jacobian.
applications, this method is orders of magnitude more efficient than Newtons method. It
is, however, less likely to converge.
There are some modifications we can suggest. First, we can try to dampen the
iterations, and use xk +1 = g ( xk ) + (1 ) xk where 0 < < 1 . Selecting small enough
can sometimes make this algorithm work, though it will generally slow it down. A good
strategy is to start at a high value and reduce it if it appears the iterates are diverging or
if cycling is occurring. We can detect cycling if xk +1 and xk are far apart, but xk +1 and
xk 1 , xk 2 , xk 3 , xk 4 are close together. I find that a good strategy is to try fixed point
iterations first on any game-theoretic problem, particularly if the relevant equations are
best response functions.
f ( x, 0) = 0 can be solved relatively easily. This suggests the following approach. Begin
by solving f ( x, 0) = 0 . Using the solution as a starting point in solving f ( x, ) = 0 . Use
Consider the following game. In the first stage, players 1 and 2 must decide
whether to arm themselves of whether to agree to a default settlement of ( ,1 ) . In
order to build up their armies, each country must pay a cost of ck which is drawn from
the distribution Fk . In the event that only one country arms itself, they receive the entire
surplus of 1, but must pay a cost of ck . The other country receives a utility of 0. In the
event that both countries fight, country 1 wins the war with probability 0 < < 1 , and the
surplus is discounted at rate < 1 .
This is a slightly more complicated version a model we considered in Note Set 1.
We have the following utility functions,
( c1 , (1 ) c2 )
(1 c1 , 0)
Country 1
Country 2
(0,1 c2 )
( ,1 )
Let 1 denote country 1s beliefs over the probability that country 2 fights. Then country
1s expected utility form fighting is given by,
U1F = 1 ( c1 ) + (1 1 )(1 c1 ) = 1 c1 1 (1 )
while country ones utility from not fighting is given by,
U1D = 1 *0 + (1 1 ) = 1
Notice that U1F U1D if and only if the following conditions holds,
c1 1 1 (1 )
Country 2s utilities are given by,
U 2F = 2 ( (1 ) c2 ) + (1 2 )(1 c2 ) = 1 c2 2 (1 (1 ))
U 2D = 2 *0 + (1 2 )(1 ) = 1 2 (1 )
Country 2 will fight if an only if,
c2 2 ( (1 ))
We can see that for a given set of beliefs about the other players type, each player will
use a cutpoint strategy,
F , c1 c1 *
x1 *(c1 ) =
DF , c1 > c1 *
F , c2 c2 *
x2 *(c2 ) =
DF , c2 > c2 *
Using rational expectations, we can conclude that the following two equations must be
satisfied in equilibrium,
Now, let us pick some more interesting values. Suppose that = 23 , = 34 , and
so that B j =
g j +12 g j 2
t j +1 t j
g j +12 g j 2
t j +1 t j
gj =
c( F (
g j +12 g j 2
t j +1 t j
y =
j +1
g j 2 g j 12
ydFy ( y )
t j t j 1
g j2
t j +1 t j
) F(
g j +12 g j 2
t j +1 t j
Now, notice that all the parameters of the model are known except ( g1 ,..., g J ) .
Hence, we can solve for the equilibrium public good levels using a non-linear solver.
Notice, in addition, that the solver has a band-diagonal format (e.g. the j th equation only
depends on g j 1 , g j , and g j +1 ). This means that we can economize on the computation
of the gradient.
Numerical Recipes in C.