Excretion Is The Exit of A Substance
Excretion Is The Exit of A Substance
Excretion Is The Exit of A Substance
domestic, etc
Photolysis &
Hydrolysis, oxidation,
WATER soluble - the ability of a chemical to dissolve in water. Usually, compounds that are highly water
soluble have a low potential to bioaccumulate and do not leave water readily to enter the cells of an
OIL or fat soluble - chemicals pass into organism's cells through the fatty layer of cell membranes more
easily than water-soluble chemicals. Once inside the organism, these chemicals may move through
numerous membranes until they are stored in fatty tissues and begin to accumulate.
inhaled toxicants immediately enter the general blood circulation and can distribute
throughout the body prior to being detoxified by the liver
3. TIMING OF EXPOSURE time of day, season, year. Brief encounter or long term. Exposure
refers to the concentrations or amount of a substance presented to individuals or populations
amounts found in specific volumes of air or water, or in masses of soil.
4. SENSITIVITY OF ORGANISM Target organ is the primary or most sensitive organ affected after
exposure. The same chemical entering the body by different routes of exposure dose, dose rate,
sex and species may affect different target organs. Interaction between chemicals, or between
chemicals and other factors may affect different target organs as well.
(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) which showed that where soil levels were 10 parts per
million (ppm), DDT reached a concentration of 141 ppm in earthworms and 444 ppsm in robins.
Organisms lower on the food chain take up and store toxins from the environment. They are eaten by
larger predators, who are eaten, in turn, by even larger predators. The highest members of the food
chain can accumulate very high levels of the toxin. Through biomagnification, the concentration of a
chemical in the animal at the top of the food chain may be high enough to cause death or adverse
effects on behavior, reproduction, or disease resistance and thus endanger that species, even when
levels in the water, air, or soil are low.
* DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), an organochlorine that was widely used as an insecticide
during World War II to protect soldiers from malaria carried by mosquitoes. Due to the low cost and low
toxicity to mammals, the widespread use of DDT for agricultural and commercial motives started around
1940. However, the over-use of DDT leads to insect tolerance to the chemical. It was also discovered
that DDT had a high toxicity to fish. DDT was banned in the US by 1973 because of building evidence
that DDTs stable structure, high fat solubility, and low rate of metabolism, caused it to bioaccumulate in