Acrylic Acid Manufacture in Western Australia: Example
Acrylic Acid Manufacture in Western Australia: Example
Acrylic Acid Manufacture in Western Australia: Example
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This pre-feasibility study has considered a range of local and international issues including markets, industries, trends, raw materials and other factors that
would influence the international competitiveness of an acrylic acid manufacturing facility in WA. These have been compared with relevant technical and
Ba t t e r y M ix e r s
Alkaline, Nickel Met al
strategic issues with particular emphasis on the interdependent relationship with the West Australian acrylic acid-using industry.
Hydride Lit hium I on,
Zinc,Lead Acid
It should be noted that some complex technical assessments crucial to the conclusion, such as the value of propylene to competing plants, purification and Silverw w w.m
transport costs have been premised on part assessments normally undertaken in a more comprehensive feasibility study. Though these are not anticipated
to substantially vary the general conclusions, some require further validation. The most significant issue is the cost of propylene as negotiated with the
refinery. As discussed on page 67, its cost could be sensitive to the ownership of the purification plant.
I n d u st r ia l
A consideration in any feasibility study is the anticipated return on investment used to consider alternate investments and optimum scale of operation. This
report uses such assessment though in the opinion of the consultant, it should be secondary to strategic considerations. As shown on page 79, even a 45
000 tonne per year plant can show an acceptable return, but in the end, it is whether the project has a comparative advantage, an edge, that is not readily
eroded or influenced by short term market influences. For this project the main source of competitive advantage is propylene - the raw material feedstock
from the Kwinana refinery. Distance from alternative markets for propylene has created a significant raw material cost advantage for the manufacture of
acrylic acid. As shown on page 64, the advantage from access to competitively priced propylene does not compensate for the small local market and scale
until the plant has a scale of around 70 000 tonnes per year. Given the small domestic market, the ability of the operators to support overseas sales is
therefore very important.
Ch e m ist r y
Biod e g r a da b le
Polym er s
Sa n d M a k in g Pla n t
D e sig n
Adopt New Sand
Making Machines Also
Feeding, Crushing &
Polyacrylic acid
Superabsorbent containing diapers have been commercially produced overseas since 1986 using polyacrylic acid. Australia imports about 4 000 tonnes of acrylic acid as
superabsorbent per year valued at about $16m. Industry sources predict that by year 2000, the Australian market will double to at least 8 000 tonnes as acrylic acid (valued at
$32m per year at current prices - see also pages 30 and 36) .
Another application is the water soluble form of polyacrylic acid used as a replacement for phosphates in surfactant preparations. Given an interest in zeolite production in WA,
often used to complement polyacrylic acids in surfactants, the manufacture of polyacrylic acid, (in close co-operation or equity with a surfactant manufacturer), should be reviewed
(see also pages 30 and 36) .
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acrylate, for at least import replacement could be reviewed. The absence of a local manufacturer of required ethanol and distance from markets (and no import tariff unlike for the
prepared emulsion or solution) would suggest acrylic acid ester manufacturing in WA to be a marginal activity though worthy of further review. Acrylates are further discussed on
page 52.
This report has assumed:
An exchange rate of US$0.75 equal to A$1.00:
A construction date of 1998:
Product prices based in early 1995 US contract prices:
Propylene and gasoline prices related to Singapore spot prices early 1995. The anticipated cost of crude propylene from the BP refinery has been derived from this
Utility, construction and employment costs as detailed on page 101. For example capital costs have been escalated by a factor of 1.05 for the US cost of capital: and
A vapour phase propylene oxidation process to produce one grade of glacial acrylic acid from 'chemical-grade' propylene (95 per cent).
Acrylic acid is a versatile chemical that can be esterified, aminated or otherwise modified and polymerised to complex molecular arrangements to suit requirements. This
characteristic enables a broad range of reactions for providing performance characteristics to a range of polymers. The esters are produced by reacting acrylic acid with alcohols
especially ethanol, methanol and butanol that may be saponified, converted to other esters or amides by aminolysis.
Acrylates are derivatives of acrylic acid (such as methyl and ethyl acrylate) whose properties have been sufficiently modified to enable of acrylic acid to be used in different media
as emulsion and solution polymers. As emulsions, these products may be used as coatings, finishes and binders leading to applications in paints, adhesives, and polishes with
solutions used for industrial coatings. Two-third of the world's production of acrylic acid is used to produce acrylic esters (acrylates) primarily for use in emulsions and solution
polymers for latex-based paints, coatings, adhesives and textiles.
Polymers of acrylic acid can be produced as superabsorbent materials, and soluble as a replacement for phosphates in detergents. Both of these represent fast growing
applications for acrylic acid.
The chemical and physical properties of the polymers can be modified through controlled variation in the selection and balance of the monomers, the extent of cross-linking and
molecular mass. This flexibility is complemented by high resistance to chemical and environmental degradation, strength, clarity, and being readily available in high purity forms.
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Catalyst 0.0003 kg
Hydroquinone 0.002 kg
Air provides the oxygen.
Therefore at a typical 90 per cent efficiency, one tonne of propane/propylene produces 1.5 tonnes of acrylic acid.
Though all based on the same principle, there are different catalysts, conditions and systems to produce acrylic acid with variation in production efficiencies and the quality of
finished product. The selection must therefore consider that a high grade of acrylic acid is often used in WA. There is only limited technology available to produce acrylic acid.
Most manufacturing plants use the Japanese Nippon Shokubai process (including Rohm and Haas) and another licensor is Mitsubishi Yuka. BASF however, the largest scale
manufacturer of acrylic acid and esters, does not release its technology.
It is worth noting that technical difficulties have been reported as for example during 1995, Idemetsu Petrochemical Company, and the Sumitomo Chemical Company failed to
operate above two-thirds capacity after adding to plant capacity.
Though acrylic acid is now only made from propylene, it can be produced from methane, acetylene or ethylene by a carbonylation process using carbon monoxide. With varying
processess, even one beginning with glucose via lactic acid, all are higher cost than starting with propylene.
With new technology, ethylene represents the most competitive alternative to propylene for the manufacture of acrylic acid. All assessments however indicate propylene will trade
at about 80 per cent of the price of ethylene for several decades, having ranged between 70 and 85 per cent. As ethylene, like other competing hydrocarbon feedstocks, requires
more complex technology (involving a carbonylation step) it has to be at a discount to propylene to be competitive. This status is unlikely to occur in WA.
Acrylic acid plants can use chemical-grade of propylene that is typically 95 per cent propylene while polymer-grade (99.5 per cent propylene) is reserved for the manufacture of
polypropylene and its co-polymers.
Propylene is produced as a by-product in naphtha crackers and petroleum refineries, and by the dehydrogenation of propane.
In Australia, propylene is produced exclusively as polymer-grade for the manufacture of polypropylene synthetic resin from a naphtha cracker at ICI Botany, New South Wales
and a gas-oil cracker at the petrochemical complex at Altona, Victoria operated by Kemcor for use by Hoechst. The Shell oil refineries at Clyde, New South Wales and Geelong,
Victoria also use propylene to produce polypropylene polymers. Other Australian refineries, like at Kwinana, convert propylene to gasoline. There is no coastal trade in propylene
though the announced conversion of the ICI petrochemical plant to gas from South Australia, with an installed polypropylene unit, may see its movement from Altona, Victoria or
other refineries.
Clearly the price of propylene will be determined by international competition adjusted for freight and its opportunity value (that may be assumed to be for polypropylene synthetic
resin). Given uncertainty about the intentions of ICI and Hoechst, and reserve production capacity at the Shell plants, a best estimate is that propylene will be transacted at the
international price plus the cost of freight.
Dehydrogenation of propane
The other source of propylene is from propane by a process called dehydrogenation. As a generalisation, propane is an uneconomic source unless its price is less than one-third
that of propylene with local economics enabling propane dehydrogenation units at such locations as Mexico and Venezuela.
During early 1995, the price of propylene in the USA reached US$539 per tonne (about US24 cents per pound contract with a spot price of US28 cents) while the price of propane
(as the alternative source) reached about US$178 per tonne (when naphtha, as its principal source was US$180 per tonne). Propylene prices are also discussed on page 79.
World trade
Much of the recent growing world demand for propylene by the chemical sector, predominantly supplied by naphtha crackers, is met by oil refineries. The refineries presently
supply about 80 per cent of production potential, with the balance like at the Kwinana refinery reformed to fuel. Both chemical-grade (95 per cent propylene) and the higher valued
polymer-grade (99.5 per cent propylene) is traded, especially in Asia.
Regional propylene production imbalances are increasing so that world trade, currently about 800 000 tonnes per year, is projected to increase to 1 million tonnes by year 2000.
Europe is projected to import 500 000 tonnes per year, with a deficit in Asia by 1998. The USA will remain the dominant, and most competitive exporter of propylene with prices
about 10 per cent lower than Japan and Asia, and at least 5 per cent lower than Europe.
Demand for propylene is projected to grow at 3.2 per cent per year compared with ethylene at 2.1 per cent. The growth, though well below the 5 to 7 per cent experienced in the
mid 1980s, is being driven by the firm demand for propylene's main uses, namely polypropylene synthetic resin and propylene oxide.
Propylene in WA
There are two potential sources of propylene in WA, from the oil refinery and from North West gas.
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From BP Refinery
BP Refinery (Kwinana) produces about 60 000 tonnes of propylene. It is produced as a mixed LPG stream from their cracker containing approximately 65 to 70 per cent propylene
with most of the remainder being saturated propane "plus a few per cent of C2 and C4 products and traces of other hydrocarbons" that are converted to gasoline in their catalytic
polymeriser. The refinery is anticipated to increase propylene production to 70 000 tonnes by 1998 and, according to BP production could be further increased by between 5 and
20 per cent.
The value of propylene to BP is therefore between its current value to produce gasoline (less the cost of production in a catalytic polymeriser installed 1986), and its value as
chemical or polymer-grade propylene (less the substantial cost of preparing and transporting this gas to markets).
Though propylene is more expensive in Japan and Asia, transport cost savings and large scale production units have justified acrylic acid industries near their markets. Therefore
in contrast to Asian and European suppliers that rely on scale and market proximity, the primary source of competitiveness for an acrylic acid plant in WA would be cheap
propylene providing prospects for offsetting its operating scale penalty and freight costs to reach markets. The significance of propylene on the plant's competitiveness is detailed
page 64.
The BP refinery may be reasonably anticipated to negotiate the supply of propylene at substantially lower prices than negotiated by refineries located nearer major petrochemical
centres. This status underpins the viability of the acrylic acid plant and analysis has been undertaken by Fluor Daniel indicates a price of around A$235 (as crude propylene, see
page 79) could be anticipated. This deduced price would be significantly below that anticipated to be available to competing acrylic acid plants. The benefit is illustrated by Figure
Esters (acrylates)
Australia imports about 14 000 tonnes of ethyl acrylate and smaller amounts of other esters as shown in Figure 15. Expressed as component acrylic acid, some 12 000 tpa of
acrylic acid as esters are imported suggesting potential for import replacement. It is worth noting that esters are more stable and less corrosive than acrylic acid and therefore
cheaper to transport. In other words, the freight advantage is somewhat less for esters than the acid. Furthermore there is also the question of the availability of competitive
alcohol raw material.
Scales of manufacture range from about 2 000 tpa (Japan) to 300 000 tpa (Rohm and Haas, Deer Park USA). Those producing more than 15 000 tpa of esters also manufacture
the required technical grade of acrylic acid - a grade which is not nornally traded. World production is about 1.7M tonnes approximately equally divided between Asia, Europe and
North America.
Acrylic esters such as methyl, ethyl, butyl and 2-ethylhexyl acrylates are made from technical-grade acrylic acid.
Ethyl and methyl acrylates are manufactured on a continuous basis by passing acrylic acid and a small excess of the alcohol in a reactor bed at elevated temperature extracted at
a yield of about 90 to 95 per cent. The ethylhexyl and other esters are produced on a batch basis reflecting smaller markets, (sometimes even produced by transesterification from
ethyl acrylate).
Acrylic esters may be polymerised, catalysed by heat and oxidising agents in solution or emulsion methods to form long-chain thermoplastic resins. Broadly, acrylic ester
polymers are colourless, insoluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons and resistant to alkali, mineral oils and water so that with good resistance to degradation, adhesion and electrical
properties, they are widely used.
Polymers of methyl methacrylate and other esters with alkyl side chains are hard brittle solids while straight chain esters are soft and flexible. By co-polymerisation different acrylic
esters, polymers with the desired hardness and flexibility may be produced. These esters (often using acrylic acid) can be co-polymerised with other unsaturated compounds such
as styrene, vinyl toluene or vinyl chloride to provide other useful products. Introducing reactive groups along the polymer chain produces more complex acrylic esters that can be
cross-linked with other groups to produce epoxy, amino and carboxyl derivatives. They may be further modified for specific applications and manners of use such as surface
coatings that are curable by ultra violet light.
Extensive research is applied to acrylic chemistry and with a very broad range of alternative processes, this activity has become specialised with patents and proprietary
knowledge. There are now more manufacturers of specialty acrylic esters (that do not themselves manufacture acrylic acid) than there are manufacturers of the acid. The esters
are generally produced near major traditional markets and suppliers of acrylic acid.
Acrylic esters may also be used in solutions and emulsions; the ethyl ester is used in water-based paints and binders in non-woven fabrics; methyl ester as the copolymer
component of acrylic fibres; the butyl esters in water-based paints and adhesives; and the 2-ethylhexyl ester, used like the butyl ester as well as for stick-on labels and sealants.
Co-polymers and blends of methyl methacrylate, butyl acrylate and ethyl hexyl acrylate are used in acrylic gloss paints where the acrylates typically represent between 20 and 30
per cent (dry basis) of the formulation. These are imported into Australia for the preparation of solutions and emulsions for paint manufacturers as undertaken in Victoria by Rohm
and Haas and Albright & Wilson for use as surface coatings for buildings, paints and textile industries.
Produced in batch processes, the normal concentration of acrylate in the emulsion or solution is in the range of 30 to 60 per cent. Emulsions are produced near markets to avoid
the cost of freighting the liquid medium and, being unstable, to minimise the risks of sediments, skins or other changes in form. The production of ester emulsions in WA is
nevertheless not precluded, though reflecting the disposition of Australia's paint industry, probably a marginal activity with freight costs weighing heavily against any possible
offsetting raw material advantage.
With plants around the world down to below the size of the Australia market, the manufacture of ethyl acrylate associated with an acrylic acid plant could be considered in the
more comprehensive feasibility study. Again it will be influenced by the availability of competitively priced ethanol.
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WA's two flocculant manufacturers import about 1 500 tonnes of acrylamide per year valued at $3m, (ie. about $2 per kg).
In Australia, acrylamide is used with glacial acrylic acid to manufacture flocculants and viscosity modifiers, especially the powder form. Acrylamide is manufactured simply by
hydrating acrylonitrile using water and sulfuric acid (with the most expensive part being its recovery from the reaction mixture). Transport costs require the location of acrylamide
plants where the acrylonitrile is produced.
Acrylamide is most commonly transacted as a 50 per cent solution with the freight penalty offset by the avoided cost of drying. However being more isolated from major suppliers,
Australian companies import acrylamide in the costly dry form, dissolving it in water prior to use. Australian users would clearly benefit from its local manufacture but, contingent
on acrylonitrile production, this prospect is clearly unlikely.
Acetic acid
Acetic acid is co-produced with acrylic acid generally representing about 5 per cent by mass or 2 per cent by value of total production. Acetic acid is removed in the distillation
process and may be sold for industrial purposes.
In the USA, typical of other major industrialised regions, applications for acetic acid are, vinyl acetate monomer (42 per cent), acetic anhydride (18 per cent), solvents (16 per
cent), terephthalic acid (5 per cent) and other purposes (19 per cent). There are no comparable applications for acetic acid in Australia with most used for food and industrial uses.
Australia imports about 3 500 tonnes valued at $3.3m (imports into WA are not recorded by ABS but are believed to be less than 300 tonnes).
Acetic acid is a common industrial acid generally produced by the carbonylation of methanol using technology owned by Hoechst, Celanese and BP Chemicals. Other
technologies are under development that begin with ethane or methane.
Manufacturing plants range in scale from 5 000 tpa to 700 000 tpa with most about 300 000 tpa. Industry production capacity is estimated for the USA at about 2.2Mtpa, in
Western Europe at 1.3Mtpa and in the Asia Pacific region about 1.5Mtpa.
The current value of acetic acid in the USA is about US$500 per tonne (with spot prices about US$800 per tonne). Imports to Australia are valued at about A$900 per tonne FOB.
An import tariff of 8 per cent applies, phasing down to 5 per cent by 1996. All imports are under a Tariff Concession Order that could be revoked by application of an Australianbased manufacturer inflating the price in Australia by about A$45 per tonne.
Therefore, with an acrylic acid plant producing one tonne of acetic acid for every 20 tonnes of acrylic acid produced, at a scale of say 60 000 tonnes of acrylic acid per year, about
3 000 tonnes of acetic acid would be available. Refined acetic acid would therefore be worth about $3m per year.
One possible application for acetic acid is the manufacture of cellulose acetate synthetic resin using waste cellulose (say straw). Though there is a small Australian market and an
import tariff, its production at small scale is clearly uneconomic. Cellulose acetate is generally manufactured in regions with a supply of cheap cellulose (bagasse, grain straw etc.)
and a large market for the resin and acetic acid. Countries such as China, that meet those criteria, have therefore also become very competitive exporters of this resin. With only a
limited market in WA, this mildly corrosive acid could be railed to other parts of Australia taking advantage of import tariff and international freight costs savings to defray intrastate transport costs (helped by backloading rates often available from WA).
Polyacrylic acid
The markets for polyacrylic acids are described on page 36.
Broadly, polyacrylic acid may be water soluble (molecular mass in range of 2 000 to 5 000), or insoluble being of higher molecular mass and or cross-linked. The two major uses
are as superabsorbents and for water treatment and surfactants.
Cross-linked poly sodium acrylate is used as superabsorbent materials especially diapers and sometimes as agricultural mulches. The major manufacturers are Allied Colloids,
Arakawa, Chemishe Fabrik Stockhausen, Dow Chemical, Nippon Shokubai K. K., Sanyo Chemical Industries and Seitetsu K. K. K. The technology is tightly held though licensing
arrangements are available (as undertaken by Nalco in the USA).
The superabsorbent polymer is made from a 30 to 40 per cent aqueous monomer mixture of sodium acrylate and acrylic acid, with initiators and additives. Control of conditions
are important to achieve appropriate polymerisation to minimise excessive cross-linking. The product as used in disposable diapers is supplied as moderately dense granules.
Dispersant/surfactant use.
Water soluble forms of polyacrylates are used as scale inhibitors, dispersants in cooling water, pigments and paper coating materials. Homo- and co-polymers of acrylic acid and
methacrylic acid and mixtures (with up to 10 per cent alkyl acrylate co-monomers) are very effective as anti-redeposition agents in detergent formulations. The process of
manufacture is proprietary and undertaken by manufacturers such as Allied Colloids, Colloids Inc. and Rohm and Haas.
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The table indicates a range of production capacities from 25 000 tpa to around 400 000 tpa with a mean size of around 100 000 tonnes. A 70 000 tpa scale being considered for
WA would therefore be near the the middle of the range.
Capacity utilisation
In 1992, coinciding with a trough in prices (see Figure 8), world acrylic acid capacity utilisation fell to about 65 per cent. Significantly, whilst the USA and Europe export only
between 5 and 7 per cent of their installed capacity, Japan had been exporting up to about 20 per cent. In other words, with substantial capacity underutilisation and a local
market representing only about 60 per cent of installed capacity, Japan by necessity has become a very competitive supplier to world markets despite their raw material
disadvantage (see page 19). Trade data show Japan became the dominant supplier to Australia at prices well below those within Japan (page 49).
Three years later in 1995, even with plant expansions, utilisation rates rose substantially with the USA at 90 per cent, Japan 80 per cent and Europe 90 per cent.
The acrylic acid industry is highly competitive as signalled by substantial investments and aggressive pricing. For example Rohm and Haas, one of the largest manufacturers
deriving half its income from acrylics, has since 1983 experienced returns on shareholders' funds falling to one-half. Over the past three years, their employment has been
reduced by 10 per cent while increasing production by 30 per cent.
Broadly, the market for acrylic acid may be divided into two sectors (with significance in the USA in brackets):
Polymers of acrylic acid (about 35 per cent): and
Esters and compound polymers of acrylic acid (65 per cent).
Though overall growth in the 1990s has slowed from previous years, some applications for acrylic acid have been growing rapidly especially polyacrylates, for detergents (to
replace phosphates) and for superabsorbent materials (such as disposable diapers). These new fast growing applications have increased world demand for acrylic acid by about
6 per cent per year with similar growth projected beyond year 2000. Acrylic esters on the other hand are projected to grow at only about half that rate at 3 per cent per year.
Whereas during the early 1980s nearly all acrylic acid was used as a lower technical grade to produce acrylic esters, typically about one-quarter of world production today is sold
as the high purity glacial form. This major shift reflects faster growing demand for polyacrylates in the superabsorbent polymers, detergents and for water treatment compared to
the now more mature and slower growing markets for acrylic esters.
Again as elsewhere, there are substantial variations between regions such as Government regulations in some countries imposed on the sale and use of preparations containing
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) promoting water-based preparations for coatings, adhesives and sealants that often use acrylic esters.
Figure 3 summarises the applications for acrylic acid in the USA with indicative growth shown in Figure 4. It is important to note that size and growth rates vary substantially
between countries. For example, in newly industrialised countries, acrylics for textiles and superabsorbents for disposable diapers are growing faster. In Australia there is little
demand for acrylates for surfactants as there is (currently) little concern about detergent phosphates in waterways for which they substitute.
For Australia, the important issues for intending manufacturers are market size and comparative advantage.
Polyacrylic acid is manufactured for use as superabsorbent for disposable diapers and soil mulches representing about 70 per cent of polyacrylic acid applications (ie. 25 per cent
of the market for acrylic acid). Growing at 6 per cent per year, polyacrylates are projected to represent 37 per cent of the world market for acrylic acid by year 2000.
The Australian market in 1995 is estimated at 4 000 tonnes of acrylic acid as polyacrylic acid valued at about $16m growing at about 8 per cent per year.
Polymers of acrylic acid can be designed to replace phosphates in surfactants especially in liquid forms sometimes in combination with zeolites as in parts of Asia and the USA.
These polyacrylates represent about 8 per cent of the US market for acrylic acid with world growth at about 10 per cent. There is presently little demand in Australia for this form
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of acrylate.
Polyacrylic acid can be designed for use as flocculating agents for water treatment. In the USA they represent about 5 per cent of the market for acrylic acid in a sector growing at
about 4 per cent per year. The Australian market is described page 41.
Surface coatings
Surface coatings, such as paints, represent the largest application for acrylic esters at about 19 per cent of the market. Demand, that was motivated by the convenience of waterbased paints especially the superior acrylic-based emulsions, is now being driven by regulations and interests to reduce atmospheric release of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) used as solvents in traditional (alkyd-based) surface coatings. This sector is growing at 3 to 5 per cent per year with faster growth for newer more sophisticated
applications (such as UV radiation-curable polymers).
The Australian surface coating industry is dominated by ICI Australia, Wattyl and Taubmans using emulsions made by companies such as Rohm and Haas and BASF from
imported ethyl and other acrylic esters. The paint industry in Australia, like in other developed countries, is growing at about 2 per cent per year.
Textiles represent about 11 per cent of the market for acrylic esters in the USA of which about 90 per cent is used as emulsions for use in non-woven fabrics and textile treatment,
and only 10 per cent for textile fibres. Growth in the USA has been about 2 per cent but substantially faster in some Asian countries.
Australia's small textile industry uses solutions or emulsions prepared from imported esters by companies such as Rohm and Haas and BASF.
Paper treatment
The use of recycled and higher quality papers and wall paper has increased demand for acrylic ester emulsions. Representing about 3 per cent of the market, these chemicals are
growing at about 2 per cent per year.
A range of acrylic compound polymers are prepared for use in oil drilling, mineral processing and water treatment. They represent about 2 per cent of the USA market (some 15
per cent in Australia taken with viscosity modifiers). This sector is growing at about 2 per cent per year.
By year 2000, superabsorbents will overtake flocculants and viscosity modifiers as the largest acrylic acid user produced from 8 000 tonnes of acrylic acid (see also page
The ester market growing at 3 per cent per year.
Though the overall market for flocculants and viscosity modifiers is increasing by around 2 to 3 per cent per year, all that growth is taken up by the powder form growing at 5
per cent per year (in other words there is no growth in the market for liquid forms).
Based on these projections, the following table projects acrylic acid-using applications in year 2000 summarised as Figure 6. It shows superabsorbents estimated to represent
about one-quarter of acrylic acid applications, greater than viscosity modifiers and flocculants.
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Ciba Specialty Chemicals and Ondeo Nalco manufacture these processing aid chemicals from mixtures of acrylic acid, acrylamide (especially for powder forms) and other coreagents (especially amines) with initiators, special surfactants, emulsion oils and other chemicals that determine the performance of the final product. The process polymerises
acrylic acid and other raw materials in a liquid medium in batch operations using reaction vessels.
Broadly, at one end of the spectrum are flocculants that are polyacrylamide nonionics and copolymers of acrylamide and acrylic acid, and on the other are viscosity modifiers
made from acrylates as anionics. Considerable experience and research is required to produce the required functional characteristics often developed in close liaison with the
The liquid forms contain between 30 and 50 per cent active ingredients with a shelf life of only about 6 months and are more expensive to transport than powder forms.
Powder forms are more difficult and costly to produce involving solution polymerisation using costly additives, with a risk of failure until dried and require special equipment and
more energy to remove the liquids. However, with over 90 per cent active ingredients, powders are more efficient to transport and store with an indefinite shelf life so that they are
the only source of overseas competition. In early 1995, Imdex commissioned a powder manufacturing plant while Nalco, like other suppliers to WA, imports the powder form.
Users of acrylic polymers indicate the market price of flocculants and viscosity modifiers to be far less than their value to the users especially as they are employed at very low
concentrations (to 0.01 per cent). The polymers reduce operating costs through better recoveries, producing less environmentally harmful waste products and higher quality
products. Their market price is therefore determined by competition between suppliers and not their value to the user.
The manufacturing process increases the raw material (ie. acrylic acid and acrylamide) value from about $3 per kg to a finished product between $5 and $6 per kg equivalent dry
On a dry weight basis, the liquid form is priced at a small but declining premium to the powder form reflecting customer preference and increasing competition between the
suppliers of liquids and growing preference for the powder form.
Import tariff
There is an import tariff of 8 per cent (declining to 5 per cent by July 1996) on acrylic-based polymers. For the bulkier liquid form, international freight provides the margin of
advantage to local suppliers so that local rather than international competition determines the market clearing price. Nevertheless, competing with powders at international prices
increased by the application of Australia's import tariff, the price of liquid polymers also seems thereby partially increased (by about 3 per cent).
Import tariffs directly raise the margin available to Imdex as the only Australian manufacturer of powders. The tariff is therefore particularly helpful as their powders are more
exposed to overseas competition (ie. by incurring lower freight costs). Of course Australian tariffs are irrelevant for exports to international markets (though providing a mild
In the end, import tariff provides a small advantage to the local manufacturers, somewhat more for low freight-incidence products like the powders produced by Imdex. At a 5 per
cent tariff as applicable from 1996, the benefit is a vestige of Australia's protection system, is small and perhaps best described as an offset for the fact that Australia, unlike
competing regions, provides no rebate for taxes incorporated in goods for export sale. (See also page 103 on import tariffs.)
With a wide range of characteristics and a favourably high ratio of value to cost to resource developers, some companies like Alcoa encourage suppliers of viscosity modifiers and
flocculants to work closely with their operations and even encourage the use of their research facilities. This level of co-operation promotes a high level of international skills that is
perceived by some to help Imdex export to Asia/Pacific markets. In a sense therefore, these acrylic polymers act as a vehicle to export locally developed, internationally
competitive skills.
In a national perspective
The Australian market for acrylic based flocculants and viscosity modifying polymers is estimated by industry sources at about $70 million per year of which 40 per cent is
represented by WA at $30 million per year. The two WA manufacturers are estimated to supply about one-half of Australia's production. Other manufacturers located in the
Eastern States of Australia are Allied Colloids, Henkel (Australia), BASF and Rhone Poulenc with small manufacturing facilities now supplying only about half the Australian
market for the liquid form.
The Australian market is broadly evenly divided between liquid and powder forms on a dry weight basis (the liquid forms are between 30 and 50 per cent solids). Powder forms
are imported and supplied by SNF (Floerger), Rhone Poulenc, Stockhausen, Cytec, and Allied Colloids. Since 1995, Imdex has begun to manufacture powders.
As shown in Figure 13, the demand for powders has been growing at about 5 per cent per year whereas the demand for emulsions (ie. locally supplied given little or no imports)
have shown little growth. Nevertheless, WA production has been growing about 16 per cent per year part due to the expansion of Imdex. The demand for locally manufactured
liquid forms is indicated by the volume of imports of acrylic acid (Figure 11) used in their manufacture.
The Australian market for viscosity modifiers and flocculants is growing slowly, around 2 per cent per year because any growth in the volume of minerals processed is being offset
by the use of more efficient products. The combined effect is there is no increase in the market for liquid forms which are losing market growth to the powders. Against this, WA
suppliers have been substantially increasing their market share being furthered by the entry of Imdex into the faster growing powder market.
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Prices also vary substantially between the major acrylic acid production centres. In early 1995, European prices were 7 per cent higher than in the USA (84 to 86 cents per
pound), and 20 per cent higher in Asia (94 to 96 cents per pound). Such differentials between regions are enabled by international freight costs and sometimes non-tariff barriers.
When acrylic acid prices in the US, Europe and Japan ranged from 64 cents (lowest contract price) to 96 cents per pound) in early 1995, the average FOB price to Australia was
about A$1.80/kg - equivalent to just US60 cents per pound.
Figure 7 summarises the relative price of acrylic acid during early 1995 at three sources of supply and Australia. The FOB price to Australia was below the contract price in the
USA and even after including freight and distribution costs, the price delivered to the gate in Australia was still below the US list price, (and only marginally above the US home
market contract price). As discussed on page 52, imports of acrylic esters supplies to Australia have also been substantially discounted.
Figure 8 shows the average annual FOB prices of acrylic acid to Australia for the seven year period ending June 1995. The economic downturn beginning 1990 promoted export
sales at heavily discounted levels (to minimise underutilising installed capacity). With growing demand beginning 1992, the incentive to discount reduced with prices returning to
pre-recession levels.
Figure 9 shows FOB import prices on a monthly basis. During the 12 months ending June 1995, prices increased some 70 per cent (with the trend continuing in subsequent
Both price graphs indicate WA companies have negotiated more favourable prices than other Australian acrylic acid users.
It is relevant to note that though described as a 'glacial' grade of acrylic acid, there are different specifications and prices - the manufacture of flocculants requiring the purer
grade. It is not clear what the implications are on technology and feedstock conversion efficiency. This issue will require consideration in a more detailed feasibility study.
There are no manufacturers of acrylic acid and esters in Australia. However, companies such as Rohm and Haas, AC Hatrick Chemicals and BASF Australia produce a range of
polymer emulsions and products made from a range of imported acrylic acid esters.
There is no import tariff on acrylic esters, though there is a tariff of 8 per cent on polymers and preparations of acrylic acid and acrylic esters (phasing down to 5 per cent July
The average 1994-95 FOB prices to Australia, in equivalent US cents per pound, with current list and contract prices in the USA in cents per pound in brackets are as follows;
Methyl acrylate: 58 cents (82 & 66 cents);
Ethyl acrylate: 55 cents (71 & 63.5 cents );
Butyl acrylate: 56 cents (73 & 66.5 cents); and
Ethylhexyl acrylate: 61 cents (82 & 77 cents).
Clearly, and as for acrylic acid (see page 49), acrylate prices in Australia have been well below those of the country of manufacture, typically 15 to 20 per cent below the list (and
contract prices). Those marginal prices could have been used by any Australian-based manufacturer as prima facie grounds for appeal to the Anti-dumping Authority and the
application of anti-dumping duties would have raised raw material prices in Australia by the amount of the discount (ie. some 15 to 20 per cent!).
The low prices of acrylic acid and acrylates in Australia clearly represents an important consideration for the acrylic acid plant.
Not surprisingly, most imports of acrylic acid have been sourced from Japan which has experienced the world's lowest capacity utilisation rates. The pursuit of markets to utilise
excess production capacity, has seen Japan's manufacturers negotiating prices about one-third below those in their home market. More recently prices appear to have returned to
normal values and with increasing imports from other sources including the USA.
As an indication of a base or normal price, European industry sources say their industry requires an acrylic acid price of DM2.60 per kg (ca. US$0.80 per pound ) to justify
investment (Chemical Week, May 4, 1994). The significant investment currently being undertaken reflects the price being about that base level (and helped by projections for
continuing firm demand). In June 1995 the FOB price for acrylic acid was A$2.20/kg (US$0.72 per pound) and with more recent increases, suggests import prices have risen to
about the list price in the USA. Freight costs, say 5 per cent, further reduce any previously held advantage for the Australian acrylic acid manufacturers.
During the early 1990s, marginally priced acrylic acid helped the competitiveness of Australia's user industries. With demand catching up to installed capacity, acrylic acid prices
available to Australia are rising to match those of the USA. The competitive advantage once enjoyed by Australia's viscosity and flocculant manufacturers is thereby being eroded
and when freight costs are included, their one-time advantage has been eliminated.
With plant expansions, typically by 20 per cent in Europe and the USA predicated on projections of sustained demand, there is of course potential for another downturn as
occurred in the early 1990s that promoted discounted sales to smaller markets like Australia. Were this to occur, with a newly established acrylic acid manufacturer in Australia,
such low priced (then 'dumped') imports would probably attract price-inflating anti-dumping duties through Australia's well-tested anti-dumping legislation (see page 105). This
outcome should of course be compared with the probable stabilisation of prices with a local acrylic acid manufacturer.
The complexity and significance of pricing suggests an in-depth sensitivity analysis should be included in a full feasibility study to quantify the effects on users and manufacturers
of acrylic acid in WA.
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world levels and more favourable than those faced by overseas competitors.
The significance of imports of acrylic acid and derivatives on a weight basis is shown in Figure 15, with average FOB values in Figure 10.
The price observations serve to illustrate the complexity of relating the benefit of a local manufacturer of acrylic acid to local users. In the three year period 1990 to 1993, there
was no benefit to West Australian users for an acrylic acid manufacturing plant. The users then had access to acrylic acid well below the prices available to their overseas
competitors. Though of course their advantage at that time should be considered against the benefits of a local supplier during periods of tight world supply.
Strategic summary
The Executive Summary (page 8) and the related Commentary summarise the salient issues supporting the prospects for the manufacture of acrylic acid. This section comments
on some strategic issues.
Geographic isolation precludes competitive uses for propylene at the BP Refinery other than as gasoline providing the acrylic acid plant its only advantage over competing plants.
However, unlike most other commodity petrochemicals, the manufacture of acrylic acid is far more sensitive to the cost of plant than to raw materials. Lower construction and
infrastructure costs at Kwinana help locate it here, over the say the north west, that advantage has to pay for the cost of freighting most of its production. The home market is
clearly relevant.
An acrylic acid plant has been assessed to be potentially viable using propylene derived from the BP refinery, as shown in the appendices following. To be internationally
competitive, a production capacity of at least 70 000 tonnes is necessary (see for example Figure 21). Heavily reliant on export sales, enlarging the home market is clearly
important with new acrylic derivatives including in particular superabsorbents for which an import tariff of 5 per cent would be helpful. The venturer in the acrylic acid plant must
have confidence in the home market which may come through some joint ownership perhaps combined with some rationalisation in manufacturing facilities and naturally, and
above all, a strong presence in world markets for acrylic acid.
The project is underpinned by the feedstock advantage so that some ownership or realistic amortisation of the propylene refining unit will be important. However, in the end, it will
be the skills and market influence that will be overriding factors in its success.
Appendix -Scale influenced by freight, feedstock and scale influenced by freight, feedstock and scale
Though Kwinana is well located with excellent infrastructure and port facilities, the manufacture of acrylic acid can only be justified with access to competitively priced propylene.
The isolation of the oil refinery from overseas markets for the propylene has rendered alternative higher valued applications uncompetitive because of freight costs. As shown
pages 19 and 79, the anticipated cost of propylene is estimated to be favourable when compared to most acrylic acid-manufacturing plants. This appendix reviews the
significance of propylene on the competitiveness of the acrylic acid plant. It also shows the extent that this advantage can offset the penalty of operating below the size of
competing plants and international freight costs for its predominant export sales.
Freight costs, when compared to world-influenced prices of acrylic acid and propylene feedstock, are constant and an influence on the comparative advantage of the project. As
described later, it is the isolation of WA that provides for cheap propylene but that advantage is reduced by the costs associated with exporting acrylic acid. Freight provides a
margin of advantage to domestic sales but obviously reduces the benefit of export sales.
The transport cost of acrylic acid has been reviewed comparing isotainers with a capacity of 20 000 litres (22.5 tonnes) with the alternative of its movement in some 86 nominal
200 litre drums (215 kg) packed in 20' freight containers. Reflecting the unstable nature of acrylic acid that requires special storage (see page 15) and consistent with industry
practice, there is little difference in the cost of freight by either method. The cost of exporting acrylic acid in substantial tonnage from Fremantle is estimated at US$75 per tonne
(or about A$0.10 per kg which may be compared with about US$90 (A$0.12 per kg for imports in smaller volumes by WA's current acrylic acid users). The difference represents a
contributing advantage in supplying the local market.
Acrylic acid may be described as propylene combined with oxygen (from air). Given 1 tonne of propylene typically produces about 1.5 tonnes of acrylic acid (see page 16), moving
one tonne of acrylic acid is equivalent to moving 0.66 tonnes of propylene, the balance being air. Therefore the cost of shipping acrylic acid may be expressed in terms of the
propylene used in its manufacture. Given that one tonne of propylene and acrylic acid may be shipped to Singapore for about the same cost, ie. about US$80 per tonne,
propylene requires substantial cryogenic storage facilities which adds some US$80 per tonne. Based on the contained oxygen therefore, about one-third of the freight for acrylic
acid, that is US$25 may be avoided by not manufacturing in Australia. Clearly, on this basis alone, the breakeven is when about one-third - being the non propylene component of
the acrylic acid is supplied in the home market.
Freight costs are an influence but compared to scale and propylene, its cost is relatively small. At around 5 per cent of the production cost (as exports), a substantial variation in
the freight cost has little influence (especially when compared to the scale of production, see later).
As undertaken later, an alternative expression is if the average freight cost is considered with variation in scale of production assuming all surplus is exported. The effect is small
as shown in Figure 20.
Propylene feedstock
Cost unpurified
Propylene is a by-product of the refinery process at the BP refinery where it is converted to gasoline (at 95 per cent estimated efficiency). The value of gasoline to the refinery is
the opportunity value being the Singapore price plus the cost of freight estimated at US$10 per tonne, approximating its value in the WA market. Based on this, Fluor Daniel has
estimated the value of propylene to BP at A$235 (US$176) per tonne (ie. based on the current production at 70 per cent purity, see page 79). This value would therefore
represent about the minimum the refinery would be prepared to negotiate a contract to supply propylene for purification to the required chemical-grade form (ie. 95 per cent).
Cost purified
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The cost of facilities to increase the purity of propylene from 70 per cent to 95 per cent purity (ie. chemical-grade) and including required intermediate storage is estimated at
A$15m. This cost is recovered totally by the volume of chemical-grade propylene required by the acrylic acid plant and, if viable, exports of any surplus. As shown by the Fluor
Daniel study, exports of chemical grade, even at more substantial volume of 60 000 tonnes, is not viable unless its value in Singapore remains above US441 per tonne. When
associated with the acrylic plant however, the cost of the facilities compared with the more limited volume available for exports, it clearly precludes this option. In other words, the
cost of purification will be totally recovered by the propylene required for the acrylic plant (and the crude propylene price will be determined for its application for gasoline, and not
by its alternative application for export as chemical-grade propylene).
The cost of chemical-grade propylene feedstock depends on the amortisation (payback) period. Oil refineries typically assume a three-year period which Fluor Daniel has
calculated to imply a cost of A$518 (US$388) per tonne. If the refining unit was operated by the acrylic acid plant venturers, the cost of chemical-grade propylene, based on a sixyear period, would reduce by one quarter to A$376 (US$282) per tonne. These prices could be compared with Asian levels where propylene in September 1995 ranged to
US$450 per tonne. The amortisation period is therefore clearly important to the viability of the plant.
Though conservative, the three-year period (ie.with a higher feedstock price), has been assumed for the financial analysis to calculate the IRR and payback period (see page 79).
Cost importance
It is important to note though propylene is the only raw material, its price is not as influential on acrylic acid production as most other commodity petrochemicals. This is well
illustrated in Figure 17 that shows the variation in the cost of propylene in relation to the cost of acrylic acid. Like freight, propylene costs are not influential showing again the
dominating influence of scale economies (see Error! Reference source not found.).
Production economics favours large scale acrylic acid plants with relatively low feedstock costs and manning independent of scale. Based on the analysis undertaken by Fluor
Daniel, the importance of scale is clearly shown in Figure 18 and as previously indicated it is more influential on production economics than most other commodity petrochemicals.
As shown in that graph, a 30 000 tpa plant would, all else equal, operate at a 40 per cent operating cost penalty compared with a 100 000 tonne unit.
The three key variables may be considered collectively to identify the scale of plant required in WA to be competitive. The assumed benchmark for competitiveness is the
production cost of a 100 000 tonne acrylic acid plant (as indicative of typical world scale) using chemical-grade propylene at different prices.
For this assessment, chemical-grade propylene is valued as the ex BP refinery crude price (ie. A$235, ie. US$176) plus the variable cost of its purification to chemical-grade
compared with a benchmark plant using it at US$450 per tonne (ie. Singapore price; 1 tonne of acrylic acid produced from 0.63 tonne of propylene). Expressed as a percentage,
the advantage to the WA plant with access to favourably priced propylene can then be directly compared with its disadvantage in scale and freight expressed. The following
graphs show how competitiveness depends on the amortisation (payback) of the propylene purification plant.
For comparison, a 45 000 tonne pa plant (as used in the financial analysis) producing only for the home market with no exports (therefore not incurring international freight costs),
as shown in Figure 19, would still be about 9 per cent less competitive than the 100 000 tonne plant. The importance of scale, that can overwhelm any feedstock advantage, is
clearly demonstrated.
In Figure 20 a range of scales are considered with a three year payback for the purification plant as typical of the oil refining industry. The graph shows the scale penalty, the
average freight cost (assuming a home market of 4 000 tonnes) at US$75 per tonne, and the propylene advantage (that ranges from 3 to 10 per cent). The sum of the propylenederived advantage and the freight and scale disadvantages is shown as the solid line. Using the benchmark plant as described above, it would be competitive in WA at a scale of
around 75 000 tonnes. Of course the outcome is very sensitive to the benchmark value for propylene (in this example at US$450 per tonne).
A 6 year amortisation for the propylene purification unit is shown in Figure 21. Here the breakeven scale has been reduced from 75 000 tonnes to around 67 000 tonnes reflecting
the greater benefit derived from the lower cost of propylene (ranging from 8 to 13 per cent with increasing scale).
The previous three graphs assume a market value for chemical-grade propylene at US$450 per tonne for a competing 100 000 tonne acrylic acid plant. It is that margin between
the assumed international value and its cost in WA which compensates for penalties of scale and international freight. A lower propylene value requires a larger scale as shown in
Figure 22 where a benchmark value of US$375 per tonne requires an 80 000 tonne plant for equal competitiveness.
The margin between the crude propylene value negotiated with the refinery at A$235, ie. US$176, and the Singapore benchmark price for chemical grade propylene, impacts on
the scale of plant required to be competitive. The variation in chemical-grade prices and impact on competitiveness is illustrated in Figure 23. The point at which each curve cuts
the 0 line from below is where the plant begins to become competitive against the benchmark 100 000 tonne plant.
The amount of propylene immediately available at the refinery restrains the scale of plant to around 90 000 tpa. At this scale, the minimum benchmark value for chemical-grade
propylene for the plant to be competitive is about US$300 per tonne (based on A$234.60 negotiated for supply of crude (ie. 70 per cent) propylene from the WA refinery.
A commercially acceptable return has been demonstrated at a scale of 45 000 tonnes (see analysis by Fluor Daniel page 79) reproduced here as Figure 25 based on an identified
price with 90 per cent of production sold overseas.
As elsewhere the returns are sensitive to assumptions - in this example to net prices. This is illustrated in Figure 26 where a reduction in the selling price by just 15 per cent of the
acrylic acid produced in a 45 000 tonne plant, reduces the return to about the same level as a 30 000 tonne plant shown in Figure 25. Financial returns are helpful but clearly
require qualification in a historical perspective of prices and costs.
Though providing commercially acceptable rates of return at 45 000 tonnes, even on a conservative basis, as shown by Figure 20, it is only at a scale of around 70 000 tonnes
that the plant has an absolute comparative advantage (assuming a chemical-grade propylene benchmark price of US$450 per tonne for a 100 000 tonne plant using crude
propylene at A$234 per tonne). Even larger scales are required for lower benchmark values as shown Figure 23.
In the end, it is the negotiated price of propylene, as its opportunity value to the BP oil refinery that determines the competitive scale and competitiveness of the acrylic acid plant.
The feedstock value in turn depends on the cost of freighting propylene or its product gasoline to the principal overseas markets. In other words the plant's viability is driven
indirectly by international freight costs though its competitiveness is dominated by scale. On the defined assumptions, a plant of around 70 000 tonnes capacity, provides for
competitive operation and sound commercial return.
It is important to note that these analyses are sensitive to many variables that include:
The benchmark value assumed for chemical-grade propylene used by the 100 000 tonne world-scale plant (eg. US$450 per tonne).
Larger plants to 300 000 tonne capacity are in use with economies of scale.
The low cost of propylene may enable cheaper (ie. less efficient) technology (reducing the required scale of plant for competitive manufacture).
The higher grade of glacial acrylic acid required by Australian users may be able to use different technology or additional purification.
Surplus chemical-grade propylene is not economically produced for export or for other applications (ie. surplus propylene will continue to be converted to gasoline so the
cost of purification will continue to be recovered by that used in the acrylic acid plant).
These are considerations that should be incorporated in a more comprehensive feasibility study.
Appendix - Cost factorsCost factors
This appendix details some of thekey factor costs and considerations for the acrylic acid plant. Import tariff and anti dumping protection are described in the following appendices.
Electricity prices
A cost of US$0.055/kWh may be assumed for the plant for uninteruptable power.
Pipeline related costs (including $1.2 billion debt funding) increase the cost of gas in the Kwinana region by at least 50 per cent above that negotiated by the North West Joint
A price of about $4.00 per gigajoule may be assumed at Kwinana.
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Construction cost
A report by Chem Systems prepared for the Department of Resources Development, Western Australian Competitive Cost Issues of September 1994 describes the international
competitiveness as they apply to chemical projects.
Table II.C.1 in that report summarised estimated capital cost factors for 1994 compared with the USA Gulf Coast. They were also projected at year 2000 (reproduced here in
blankhesis). The factors ranged from 0.85 (0.95) for China and India, 0.95 (0.95 to 1.00) for Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan, 1.00 (1.00 to 1.05) for Philippines and South Korea,
1.10 (1.15) for Singapore, 1.15 (1.20) for Indonesia and 1.30 (1.30) for Japan.
Australian capital city costs were estimated at 1.05 now and in year 2000. The costs at Kwinana were judged to be equivalent to Sydney.
Transport costs
Road transport costs are between A$0.08 and A$0.10 per tonne per kilometre.
For some products backloading rates enables West Australian companies to competitively supply regional markets in eastern Australia.
Other costs
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The report is a joint project between Fluor Daniel Australia Ltd and Chemlink Pty Ltd and it is based on extensive on-line research of information providers including Dialog.
Other information used include in-house resources, reviews of current literature such as the Chemical Marketing Reporter, European Chemical News, Chemical and Engineering
News, Chemical Week, previous reports such as Opportunities for the Manufacture of Industrial Chemicals in WA, and other published information including Chemicals and Heavy
Industries 1992, Etonwood Directory of the Chemical Industry, ACTED resources including Guide to Chemicals in Australia and Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
It also used the published data resources published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). This includes Table MM04A for imports, Table MX04A for exports as well as
related trade data from tables such as MM03A & E. Fluor Daniel has used extensive information from their overseas offices.
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