HRDV 3308 Syllabus Spring 2016 Zaragoza
HRDV 3308 Syllabus Spring 2016 Zaragoza
HRDV 3308 Syllabus Spring 2016 Zaragoza
Spring 2016
Name: Stella Zaragoza, M.A.
Office Location: Virtual
Office Hours: Available by Appointment, Monday-Friday from 7-9PM CST.
Phone: (806) 239-2057. Feel free to text me to set up appointments.
Backup Email:
Preferred Contact Method: I will respond to all student messages within 24 hours during
weekdays, and within 48 hours on weekends and/or holidays.
Course Textbook: Fossum, J.A. (2012). Labor Relations: Development, Structure, and
Process (11th Edition). McGraw Hill.
Student Access to Free or Inexpensive Software such as Microsoft Office:
Information about free or inexpensive software that is available to Texas Tech Students can
be found at:
Course Description: This course focuses on the complexities of labor and employee
relations. Topics include organizational culture, employment counseling issues, negotiation,
dispute resolution, and employee motivation and retention.
Purpose of the Course: This course serves as an elective in the Bachelor of
Undergraduate Studies degree program. There is no prerequisite for this course. This
course is designed to introduce students to the complexities related to labor and employee
relations. Attention is paid specifically to carrying on difficult conversations, negotiating
techniques and other sensitive topics when managing others.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
be constructive
add to the overall value of the discussion (simply posting a statement of "I thought this week's
ideas were neat" or I agree) will not count towards your participation points
utilize appropriate language, grammar, and spelling
Quizzes (worth up to 150 points or 15% of the overall grade)
There will be three quizzes this semester. These quizzes will cover the weekly reading
Collective Bargaining Simulation (worth up to 250 points or 25% of the overall grade)
This assignment simulates part of the Collective Bargaining Process. For the first part of this
assignment, each student will analyze a Collective Bargaining Case Study and Contract. Based
on the information in the Case Study and Contract, students will prepare an Initial Offer that
represents the Union perspective (worth up to 150 points). In a related class discussion,
students will analyze these Initial Offers using the perspective of a Management team (worth up
to 100 points; 20 of which will be for posting the Initial Offer in both the Discussion Board and
Assignment Dropbox).
There is a template for this paper posted in the online classroom. While not required, it is
strongly recommended that students use the template for this assignment.
Final Project RESEARCH PAPER (worth up to 300 points or 30% of the overall grade)
One of the very first topics explored in this course is how to create a more positive culture in
the organization. One way is through more effective labor and employee relations (also
discussed throughout the course). In this final 8-10 page (not including the cover page or
references) project you will select a real life scenario involving and employee/labor dispute
(such as the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012). This paper should follow APA guidelines.
Your paper should address the following:
if you like): Discuss how the overall problem and subsequent events would
impact the HR department. If you know what role you plan to hold in a HR
department, feel free to include examples that relate to your role.
There is a template for this paper posted in the online classroom. That template utilizes the
bolded and underlined headings listed above as heading within the paper. While not required, it
is strongly recommended that students use the template for this assignment.
Review of Course Assignments
Class Participation
Collective Bargaining Simulation
Final Project - Paper
Grading Scale
A= 900-1000 points (90% - 100%)
B = 800-899 points (80% - 89%)
C = 700-799 points (70% - 79%)
D = 600-699 points (60% - 69%)
F = 0-599 points (0 - 59%)
Required Hardware
Computer available for download/installation of software and plug-ins
Speakers / Sound card
Headset with a microphone (recommended)
Webcam (recommended)
Required Software
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Microsoft Lync (see note below)
Blackboard (see note below)
Internet access - regular, dependable
Access to email
Web browser - a current version of one of the following - Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, or Microsoft Edge. Downloads for the newest
browser versions are available free of charge.
The latest version of Java - Available here
The latest version of Adobe Flash - Available here
The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader Available here
Technical Support
If you have any questions or need assistance, Texas Tech University Service Desk is
available for all supported technology needs (806.742.HELP).
Absence Policy
Students are expected to attend class. If you cannot attend class, please contact the faculty
member in a prompt manner (prior to the absence if possible). It is always the students
responsibility to make up coursework or information that is missed as a result of the absence.
Graded work may be made up for excused absences only.
An absence may be excused if:
The absence is due to religious observance (see page 64 of the University Catalog)
You are required to participate in an official University activity (documentation required)
You are under a doctors care (documentation required)
There is a death in your immediate family (documentation required)
Other circumstances as deemed appropriate by the faculty member.
Absence due to religious observance: The Texas Tech University Catalog states that a student
may be excused from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for
the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose
absence is excused for this purpose may not be penalized for that absence and shall be
allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused.
A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in
writing to the instructor prior to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the
observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an
assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence. (pg. 64)
Absence due to officially approved trips: The Texas Tech University Catalog states that the
person responsible for a student missing class due to a trip should notify the instructor of the
departure and return schedule in advance of the trip. The student may not be penalized and is
responsible for the material missed.
Always document any absences when they occur. In the event of a students absence because
of an approved university event, documentation from an authorized university official will be
required. Notice is to be given to the instructor prior to the scheduled absence. A physicians
note will be required for a students hospitalization. In the event of a family members death, an
obituary announcement will also be required. Students will be responsible for missed work upon
return to class.
Late Assignment Policy
Please note that it is the students responsibility to plan ahead to submit assignments on time. I
do not typically grant extensions. If you are traveling, etc. and are unsure of your access to the
internet, it is strongly recommended that you plan ahead and submit assignments and take
quizzes early. If for some reason the Blackboard system is down and the class has trouble
accessing the quiz (this is rare but has been known to happen) I will work with the class to
create a new due date. The key is this: internet access is required for this course, if you are
unsure of your potential access submit early! Generally, lack of internet access and computer
that we should be tolerant of different ideas and varying opinions about topics of discussion
between students; we address each other respectfully and without interruption; and we do
not engage in disruptive behavior.
Instructors are authorized to take necessary steps to address disruptive or disrespectful
actions. Instructors may take additional action for continuous and/or serious disruptive
behavior which includes beginning discipline proceedings. (Refer to Code of Student
Conduct, available in the Student Handbook.)
Violations of the Code of Student Conduct may result in serious sanctions up to and
including expulsion. In addition, instructors have the right to limit discussions in order to meet
the education objectives of the class lesson(s).
Tentative Course
Week 1
Unit 1: Introduction to the
Week 2
Fossum, Chapter 1
Online Discussion
Introduction Discussion
Fossum, Chapter 1
Online Discussion
Fossum, Chapter 2
Online Discussion
Fossum, Chapter 11
Online Discussion
Week 5
Monday, Feb. 22 Sunday, Feb. 28
Week 6
Monday, Feb. 29 Sunday, March 6
Supplemental Readings posted in
Online Discussion
Week 7
Unit 7: Unions
Monday, March 7
Sunday, March 13
Fossum, Chapters 4 and 5
Online Discussion
Week 8
Monday, March 21 Sunday, March 27
Week 9
Monday, March 28 Sunday, April 3
Fossum, Chapter 6 and 7
Online Discussion
Quiz #2
Unit 9: Collective
Fossum, Chapter 8
Online Discussion
Collective Bargaining Assignment
Part 1 Due (Individual Review of
the Contract)
Week 10
Monday, April 4 Sunday, April 10
Week 11
Online Discussion
Discussion of the Collective
Bargaining Assignment begins
Unit 11: Employment Law
Week 12
Week 14
Monday, May 2 Sunday, May 8
Fossum, Chapter 3
Online Discussion
Discussion of the Collective
Bargaining Assignment Ends
Week 13
Fossum, Chapters Chapter 9 &10
Fossum, Chapter 11 and 12
Online Discussion
Fossum, Chapter 15
Online Discussion
Quiz #3
Fossum, Chapter 16
Online Discussion
Wrap Up Online Discussion
Tuesday May 10th at 11:59 PM
REMINDER: There is no final exam
in this class.
REMINDER: No late assignments
are accepted after the last official
day of class (11:59 pm Tuesday May