TOMS5301 A - 2022 Course
TOMS5301 A - 2022 Course
TOMS5301 A - 2022 Course
Course Description:
This course deals with some of the important quantitative methods for strategic, tactical, and operational
business decision making. The course will help you develop problem-solving and decision-making skills. The
decision modeling techniques studied here have been applied successfully in the problems of business,
government, health care, education and many other areas.
The emphasis will be (1) on the understanding of the basic underlying ideas of the techniques, (2) on the
applications of those ideas to management/business problems from various functions, (3) on model
formulation and (3) on solving and analyzing the models using Excel. The unified approach of this course
(minimal theory and more emphasis on applications) is intended to help you to understand how quantitative
methods can be applied to practical problems so that you will be able to:
▪ Identify situations where Management Science techniques can be applied;
▪ Solve basic problems yourselves as managers;
▪ Communicate with specialists during the identification and solution stages of business problems.
The course introduces some of the important management science approaches in modeling systems for
problem-solving and decision-making. The emphasis will be on optimization models, decision analysis and
multi-criteria analysis.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students should:
1) Gain an understanding of the strategic role of modeling in managerial decision making and problem-solving
and develop an appreciation of the entire modeling process from problem identification and formulation
to solution development, implementation, and evaluation.
2) Recognize which cases are amenable to different types of analysis, what is required to find an optimal
solution or even the best solution.
3) Develop an understanding of how to extract insights from management science models and use them to
communicate, persuade, and motivate change.
4) Earn how to become an End-User modeller capable of structuring problems to effectively communicate
with specialists/consultants or apply by themselves as decision-makers the management science thinking
tools this course focuses upon to solve management/business problems;
5) Learn about the resources available to managers in modeling approaches and leverage this knowledge to
solve real-life business problems.
Course organization
the format of the course consists of a mixture of lectures, exposing the relevant material, case discussions
on specific applications of management science approach, and in-class problem-solving. Students are
required to read the assigned reading materials prior to the respective class. Learning will be enhanced
through a set of review problems assigned to practice some of the management science approaches
discussed in class. The answers to these problems are not to be handed in but should assist in preparing for
exams and in-class problem solving and discussion.
Required Materials: Students are required to have reliable, high-speed internet access, a computer (ideally
with a webcam), and a headset with a microphone.
Course Textbook(s):
Frederick S. Hillier and Mark S. Hillier: Introduction to Management Science: A Modelling and Case Studies
Approach with Spreadsheets, fifth Edition, McGraw Hill Ryerson (Select Chapters)
Please note, you do not require to buy a textbook to succeed in our upcoming course. Following electronic
resources are connected via ARES for your use. Either one of the chapters or their parts is required.
1. Applications of Management Science by Kenneth D. Lawrence and Dinesh R. Pai (2020) ARES
2. Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets by Kenneth R. Baker (2015)
3. Applications of Operations Research and Management Science Case Studies by Murthy, GSR (2015) (ARES)
4. Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets by Kenneth R Baker and Stephen G Powell
(2010) ARES
5. Operations research and management science handbook by Ravi Ravindran (2007) ARES
Also, a few related Textbooks listed below are available on RESERVE in the main Library.
1. Quantitative Analysis for Management by Barry Render and Ralph M. Stair Jr. et al. (13th Edition), Pearson
2. An Introduction to Management Science with Spreadsheets by W. J. Stevenson, C. Ozgur, and A.L.
Nsakanda, 1st Canadian Edition, McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2009
Case studies
We will use three (3) case studies in the course for group work. Each group (a three-member team) will be using
the following cases and simulations.
Case Study -1: Appshop, Inc. by Samuel E Bodily and Eric Clark
Source: Darden Business Publishing (2 pages). Product #: UV0367-PDF-ENG
Case Study -2: Merton Truck Co. by: Anirudh Dhebar
Source: Harvard Business School (2 pages). Product #: 189163-PDF-ENG
Case Study -3: Merck & Company: Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity.
Source: Harvard Business School (6 pages). Case No. 9-201-023.
The above three cases will be free to access through ARES. Please download the case studies in advance and
prepare them before the session in which they are to be discussed. Also, a coursepack that contains the two
online simulations (one per group) has been created with Harvard Business Publishing.
You may use any software package which contains Management Science models, including Microsoft Excel.
Drop Course Policy: The deadline for academic withdrawal is the last day of classes in the term.
Grading Scheme:
Contribution to Class Discussion 18%
Problem solving exercises – Individual 30%
Case Analysis Presentation – Group-work 20%
Final Take-home – Group-work 32%
TOTAL 100%
Each component of your grade will be assigned a percentage score. Your final course grade will be a
weighted average of each of these components.
Contribution to Class Discussion: (18%) Each session per day shall be rated at 3%. The general guidelines
are: Make sure that all the required readings of the day are studied prior. Participate in class discussions as
actively and constructively as possible. I will grade each student's participation per session. The continuum
of the instructors' evaluation ranges from 0 to 3. The minimum possible mark for participation in each class
discussion is 0, and the maximum is 3. Therefore, the total highest mark for participation in class discussions
throughout the course is 18; the lowest is 0 (all sessions will be counted).
The instructor will evaluate your participation in class discussion by applying the following criteria:
1. Did the student participate in today's session discussion (other than the assigned role of case presenter
or case discussant or the simulation analysis - as there are separate marks assigned for that)?
2. Was there evidence that the student's participation in the discussion was based on his or her knowledge
of the required readings? Did the student really read ALL readings assigned for a given class, or was the
student's discussion based only on his or her experience and/or common sense?
3. Was the student's discussion appropriate and to the point?
4. Did the student contribute to class learning?
Class discussions provide an opportunity to manifest your creative abilities.
Group-Work: There will be 3 to 5 groups in the class, depending on class enrollment. Group details shall
be available one week before the start of the class. Groups shall independently work out all the four case
studies for which specific sessions are scheduled in the Course Schedule section.
• Case Analysis Presentation – Groupwork (20%) There will be three (3) short case studies discussed in
the course. Each group will be making a case presentation or writing a reflection (Three (3) slide PPT/per
case study) on the group's learnings. Marks will be based on group performance.
Approach: Cases are brief descriptions of a situation in which an organization finds itself at a point in time.
Basically, they are a description of events, usually in chronological order. These events provide one source
of information you will need to answer the questions posed. Another source is the lecture material and
research articles discussed in the class. The group assignment's primary purpose is to identify the
problem(s)/opportunities facing the organization and utilize theories and ideas you have learned in this
course to decide how to solve those problems. You may feel uncomfortable making such decisions even
after you have done a thorough analysis of all the information available. Some of what you consider key
pieces of information may be missing, but this is part of everyday reality. Management decisions are never
made based on complete information.
The cases will be discussed in class. You may be called upon to discuss some aspect of a case during the
case discussion. You should come to class prepared to discuss any aspects of the problem(s)/opportunities
in the case and of the decisions you make.
The following steps are a suggested framework. You can modify them as necessary:
1) Preview the Case - You may read rapidly or skim through the case, take notes, and jot down the essential
ideas. Discover the parameters of the problem and keep in mind the questions that have been asked.
2) Read the Case – Once you have reviewed the case, read it in detail. While reading in detail, you should
be looking for significant problems, variables, constraints, limitations, alternatives. Keep in mind the
relevant literature that may help in solving the case. Note down the relevant points.
3) Identify the causes of the problem and the type of relationship between the problem and the causes.
4) Identify alternative solutions and try to determine what is the best solution.
5) Give a recommended solution and an implementation plan (action plan). The action plan should
attempt to solve both present and future problems. Undesirable solutions that may occur in the future
should also be addressed during this stage. Try to answer what, who, when and why. For example, what
should be done, when it should be done, who should do it, and why should it be done. Give a clear
rationale for the recommendation.
6) Conduct risk analysis. In other words, what things could go wrong if your client/organization
implements your recommendations and how the organization can prepare for the least damage in case
an unwanted situation occurs. What are the suggestions you can give to the firm for the smooth
implementation of your recommendations?
7) Writing should be well organized, logical, clear and free of any grammatical or spelling mistakes. You
must support statements with facts.
Group Approach: An interactive learning environment provides the maximum potential to explore and truly
grasp the course material. To facilitate interactive discussion groups (each with four members) will be
formed. It will be necessary for the groups to meet outside of class (in Zoom break-out rooms) to discuss
the case analyses. Also, during class, groups may be given topics for discussion and small tasks to
accomplish. Good group dynamics are essential. You are strongly advised to speak to the instructor about
group problems as soon as they arise, rather than waiting until it is too late. Instructors will do their best to
help mediate group problems as needed.
The Sprott School of Business encourages group assignments in the school for several reasons. They provide
you with opportunities to develop and enhance interpersonal, communication, leadership, followership
and other group skills. Group assignments are also suitable for learning integrative skills for putting together
a complex task. Before embarking on a specific problem as a group, it is your responsibility to ensure that
the problem is meant to be a group assignment and not an individual one.
Problem solving exercises (30%) – This shall be based on the individual effort and submission of the
numericals assigned (5x6) on a weekly basis. Marks will be based on group performance.
Final Take-Exam Exam (32%) The exam shall be held in class on March 1, 2022 (8.30 AM – 11.30 AM). The
structure of the exam and examples will be provided. The goal of the exam is to test the knowledge acquired
during the course. The release of the exam will be on Saturday, February- 26, 8.30 Hrs. Questions will be
asked from the material covered in the class, including cases, simulation exercises, class notes and readings.
The format of the examination may consist of short essay questions, qualitative and quantitative, writing a
short-concept based case-study, or even analyzing and presenting a mini-case (analyzing and make
Late Assignments:
To ensure fairness for all students, penalties will be applied. As a presence in all the six sessions is essential,
missing a session means no marks, especially group work. Requests for an extension (for Final Take-home)
will be considered in cases of illness, family emergency, or other exceptional circumstances.
MB2 Communication
Graduates will be effective communicators
MB3 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Graduates will be skilled in critical thinking and problem ✓
MB4 Functional Knowledge
Graduates will have functional knowledge of all areas ✓
of business.
Letter Grades:
In accordance with the Carleton University Undergraduate Calendar (p 34), the letter grades assigned in
this course will have the following percentage equivalents:
A+ = 90-100 B+ = 77-79 C+ = 67-69 D+ = 57-59 F = Below 50
A = 85-89 B = 73-76 C = 63-66 D = 53-56
A - = 80-84 B - = 70-72 C - = 60-62 D - = 50-52
Grades entered by Registrar: WDN = Withdrawn from the course DEF = Deferred
Academic Regulations:
University rules regarding registration, withdrawal, appealing marks, and most anything else you might
need to know can be found on the university's website, here:
• Pregnancy
Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two
weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more
details, visit the Equity Services website:
• Religious Obligations
Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two
weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more
details, visit the Equity Services website:
• Survivors of Sexual Violence
As a community, Carleton University is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and
living environment where sexual violence will not be tolerated, and its survivors are supported
through academic accommodations as per Carleton's Sexual Violence Policy. For more information
about the services available at the university and to obtain information about sexual violence and/or
support, visit:
• Student Activities
Carleton University recognizes the substantial benefits, to both the individual student and the
university, that result from participating in activities beyond the classroom experience. Reasonable
accommodation will be provided to students who compete or perform at the national or international
level. Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first
two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist.
For more information on academic accommodation, please contact the departmental administrator or visit:
Academic Integrity:
Violations of academic integrity—presenting another's ideas, arguments, words or images as your own,
using unauthorized material, misrepresentation, fabricating or misrepresenting research data,
unauthorized co-operation or collaboration or completing work for another student—are a serious
academic offence, weaken the quality of the degree, and will not be tolerated. Penalties may include; a
grade of Failure on the submitted work and/or course; academic probation; a refusal of permission to
continue or to register in a specific degree program; suspension from full-time studies; suspension from all
studies at Carleton; expulsion from Carleton, amongst others. Students are expected to familiarize
themselves with and follow the Carleton University Student Academic Integrity Policy which is available,
along with resources for compliance at: