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TOM Fly Wheel

Mechanical Engineering Department

The principle of the flywheel is found before

the many centuries ago in spindle and
the potter's wheel.

A heavy-rimmed rotating wheel

used to minimize variations in
revolutions per minute, as in a
machine subject to fluctuation
in drive and load.
A flywheel is a mechanical device with a
significant moment of inertia used as a storage
device for rotational energy.

A flywheel is a spinning wheel or disc with a fixed axle so

that rotation is only about one axis. Energy is stored in
the rotor as kinetic energy, or more specifically, rotational

is the angular velocity, and
I is the moment of inertia of the mass about the
center of rotation.
The moment of inertia is the measure of resistance to
torque applied on a spinning object (i.e. the higher the
Moment of Inertia, the slower it will spin after being
applied a given force).

Main Function
The main function of a fly wheel is to smoothen out
variations in the speed of a shaft caused by torque
If the source of the driving torque or load torque is
fluctuating in nature, then a flywheel is usually called for.
It absorbs mechanical energy and serves as a reservoir,
storing energy during the period when the supply of
energy is more than the requirement and releases it
during the period when the requirement of energy is
more than the supply.


Many machines have load patterns that

cause the torque time function to vary over
the cycle.
Internal combustion engines with one or
two cylinders are a typical example. Piston
crushers etc. are the other systems that
have fly wheel.
In a modern application, a momentum
wheel is a type of flywheel useful in
satellite pointing operations, in which the
flywheels are used to point the satellite's
instruments in the correct directions
without the use of thruster rockets.
Flywheels are used in riveting machines,
where they store energy from the motor
and release it during the operation cycle
(punching and riveting).

Fly Wheels
The function of a flywheel in an engine is entirely
different from that of a governor. It controls the speed
variation caused by the fluctuations of the engine turning
moment during each cycle of operation.

Types of Fly Wheels

1. Disc type
2.Rim & arm type
3. Split

1. Disc type
Up to 600 mm diameter
One piece

2. Rim & Arm type

Generally of bigger diameters (600 to 2500 mm)
Hub is connected with 4,6 or 8 arms

3. Split Fly wheel

Larger size diameter above 2500mm
Fly wheel is spitted in 2 ,3 or more no. of components.

 The function of governor is to

regulate the mean speed of engine

when there is variation in Load
This regulation is accomplished by
controlling fuel supply.
Generally there is not cyclic
variation of load on engine.
Mathematically, It controls N.
There is effect of quality of fuel on
Governor are mainly classify on the
working principle e.g. Centrifugal
type and inertia type governor


function of flywheel is to
regulate speed of engine because of
the fluctuation in turning moment.
This is accomplished by storing and
releasing energy in flywheel.
As per the number of stroke there is
cyclic variation in turning moment.
Mathematically, It controls N / t
There No effect of quality of fuel on
function of Fly wheel.
Flywheels are mainly classified as
per their size and shape e.g. Rim
type, Disc type and split flywheel

The turning moment diagram

(also known as crank-effort diagram) is the
graphical representation of the turning
moment or crank-effort for various positions
of the crank. It is plotted on Cartesian coordinates, in which the turning moment is
taken as the ordinate and crank angle as

Turning moment diagram for single cylinder

double acting steam
With the piston in the given position and the crank turning
clockwise, let the pressure of the steam on the cover side of is p; similarly,
the pressure on the crank side of the piston is p1
The net steam thrust which tends to move the piston towards the
right is therefore given by F = p.Ap1A1.
where A, A1 are respectively the areas of the cover and crank
sides of the piston.
If, for the present, the effect of the inertia of the moving parts is
ignored, The variation of the turning moment due to the steam pressure,
calculated, for a complete revolution of the crankshaft is shown in Fig 1.
The mean height of the curve represents the mean steam torque on the
crankshaft and is shown in the figure.

Fig 1.Turning Moment due to Steam Pressure

Note: For a vertical engine the effect of the deadweight of the reciprocating
parts must be taken into account. Obviously, when the piston is moving
downwards the weight of the parts must be added to the effective steam
thrust, and when the piston is moving upwards the weight of the parts must be
subtracted from the effective steam thrust.

The variation in torque required, on the crankshaft in order to

overcome the inertia of the reciprocating parts, for a complete
revolution of the crankshaft is shown in Fig 2.
Fig 2.

Note: For each half-revolution of the crank the diagram has a positive and a
negative loop. The two loops are different in shape because of the effect of the
obliquity of the connecting rod, but they are of equal area.

The diagrams of Figs. [1] and [2] have been combined in Fig. (a) to give the
net torque or turning moment diagram.

The net torque for a given crank position is represented by the ordinate of the
shaded portion of the diagram.
Thus for the crank position represented by C the steam torque is given by CD,
the torque required to accelerate the parts by CE and the net torque by ED.
The variation of net torque is shown in Fig. (b).

Fp = Piston effort,
r = Radius of crank,
n = Ratio of the connecting rod length and
radius of crank, and
= Angle turned by the crank from inner
dead centre.

Turning Moment Diagram for a Single Cylinder

Double Acting Steam Engine

The turning moment T is zero, when the crank

angle is zero. It is maximum when the crank
angle is 90 and again zero whent angle is 180.
This is shown by the curve abc represents the
turning moment diagram for outstroke. The
curve cde is the turning moment diagram for
instroke and is somewhat similar to the curve

Since the work done is the product of the turning moment

and the angle turned, therefore the area of the turning
moment diagram represents the work done per revolution.
In actual practice, the engine is assumed to work against the
mean resisting torque, as shown by a horizontal line AF. The
height of the ordinate A represents the mean height of the
turning moment diagram.
Turning Moment
Diagram for a Single
Cylinder Double
Acting Steam Engine

1. When the turning moment is positive (i.e. when the engine torque is
more than the mean resisting torque) as shown between points B and C (or
D and E) in Fig. the crankshaft accelerates and the work is done by the
2. When the turning moment is negative (i.e. when the engine torque is
less than the mean resisting Torque) as shown between points C and D in
Fig., the crankshaft retards and the work is done on the steam.
3. if

T mean

= Torque on the crankshaft at any instant, and

= Mean resisting torque.

Then accelerating torque on the rotating parts of the engine = T - T mean

4, If ( T - T mean) is positive flywheel accelerates and if (T- Tiwan) is
negative, then the flywheel retards.

Turning Moment Diagram for double cylinder double acting

Steam Engine

The diagram for each engine is drawn separately and After

summation of all three, the resultant diagram is drawn .

The arrangement of cylinders are done in such a way that

there is minimum possible variation in turning moment. Thats
why cranks arranger on the angle of 90 degree.



Three cylinders double acting compound steam engine.

the diagram for each engine is drawn separately and After
summation of all three, the resultant diagram is drawn.

Here generally first cylinder is of high pressure second is of

Medium and third is low pressure.

The arrangement of cylinders are done in such a way that there

is minimum possible variation in turning moment. Thats why cranks
arranger on the angle of 120 degree.



A turning moment diagram for a four stroke cycle internal

combustion engine is shown in Fig. In a four stroke cycle IC
engine, there is one working stroke after the crank has turned
through two revolutions, i.e. 720(or 4 radians).

Since the pressure inside the engine cylinder is less than the atmospheric
pressure during the suction stroke, therefore a negative loop is formed as shown in
During the compression stroke, the work is done on the gases, therefore a higher
negative loop is obtained.
During the expansion or working stroke, the fuel burns and the gases expand,
therefore a large positive loop is obtained. In this stroke, the work is done by the
During exhaust stroke, the work is done on the gases, therefore a negative loop is
formed. It may be noted that the effect of the inertia forces on the piston is taken
into account in Fig.

Fluctuation of Energy
The fluctuation of energy may be determined by the turning moment
diagram for one complete cycle of operation.
When the crank moves from a top, the work done by the engine is
equal to the area aBp, whereas the energy required is represented
by the area aABp.
The engine has done less work (equal to the area aAB) than the
requirement. This amount of energy is taken from the flywheel and
hence the speed of the flywheel decreases.

Now the crank moves from p to q, the work done by the engine is
equal to the area pBbCq, whereas the requirement of energy is
represented by the area pBCq. Therefore, the engine has done more
work than the requirement. This excess work (equal to the area BbC)
is stored in the flywheel and hence the speed of the flywheel
increases while the crank moves from p to q.

A little consideration will show that the engine has a maximum

speed either at q or at s.
this is due to the fact that the flywheel absorbs energy while the
crank moves from p to q and from r to s.
On the other hand, the engine has a minimum speed either at p
or at r. The reason is that the fly gives out some of its energy
when the crank moves from a top and q to r.
The difference between maximum and the minimum energies is
known as maximum fluctuation of energy.

Determination of Maximum Fluctuation of Energy

A turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder
engine is shown by a wavy curve. The horizontal line AG
represents the mean torque line.
Let a1 a3 a5 be the areas above the mean torque line
and a2, a4 and a6 be the areas below the mean torque line.
These areas represent some quantity of energy which
is either added or
Subtracted from
the energy of the
Moving Parts of
the engine.

Let the energy in the flywheel at A = E,

Energy at B = E + a1
Energy at C = E+ a1 - a2,
Energy at D = E +a1 -a2 + a3
Energy at E = E + a1 - a2 + a3 - a4
Energy at F = E + a1 - a2 + a3 - a4 + a5
Energy at G = E + al - a2 + a3 - a4 + a5 - a6
= Energy at A (i.e. cycle repeats after G)

Let us now suppose that the greatest or highest energy in energies is

at B and least at E. Therefore,
Maximum energy in flywheel = E + a1
Minimum energy in the flywheel = E + a1- a2 + a3 - a4
Maximum fluctuation of energy,
E = Maximum energy - Minimum energy
= a2 a3 + a4







Where, moment of inertia, I = mk2

E = 2ECs = m K2 w 2 Cs

N1 = Max speed during cycle

N2 = Min Speed during cycle
N = Avg. speed ( N1 + N2 ) / 2
Coefficient of Fluctuation of Speed, Cs
= (N1 N2 ) / N

Coefficient of steadiness, m =


w1 - w2 ) / w

Coefficient of Fluctuation of Energy

It may be defined as the ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the work
done per cycle. Mathematically, coefficient of fluctuation of energy


Maximum fluctuation of energy

Work done per cycle

The work done per cycle (in N-m or joules) may be obtained by using the
following two relations :
Work done per cycle = Tmean x
Tmean = Mean torque, and
= Angle turned (in radians), in one revolution.
= 2, in case of steam engine and two stroke internal combustion engines
= 4. in case of four stroke internal combustion engines.

The mean torque (Tmean) in N-m may be obtained by using the following

Tmean = P /
P = Power transmitted in watts,
N = Speed in r.p.m., and

w = Angular speed in rad/s = 2 N / 60

The work done per cycle may also be obtained by using the following


n = Number of working strokes per minute,

= N, in case of steam engines and two stroke
internal combustion engines,
= N/2, in case of four stroke internal combustion

Hoop Stress = X v2
= density of flywheel material
V = peripheral velocity
= d N / 60

If b is width and t is thickness of the Rim having

rectangular section,
Mass m = vol. X density
= (2 r X A) X
= 2 r X (b X t) X

Vertical axis : 1 mm = 650 N.m

Horizontal axis : 1 mm = 4.5 degree

Turning moment











Crank angle

Find out the mass of flywheel of radius 0.7 m , if the total

fluctuation is +/- 1.8% of average speed and the avg. speed is
400 rpm.

N = 400 rpm
Average fluctuation = +/- 400 x 1.8
N1 = 400 +
N2 = 400 Coefficient of Fluctuation of Speed

Cs = 0.036

Let the energy in the flywheel at A = E,

Emax = E + 402
Emin = E -36
E = Maximum energy - Minimum energy = 438 mm2
Convert this value by scale,
438 x 650 x 4.5 x
E = m K2 w 2 Cs


m= 725 .11 Kg

Engine produces power of295 KW while rotating at 90 rpm. Co efficient

of fluctuatuin = 0.1 and limited by +/- 5 % of average speed. Radius of
gyresion is 2 m. Find out mass of fly wheel.
N = 90 rpm
P = 295 KW
CE = 0.1
Work done in 1 cycle =

P x 60

= 196.67 KN.m

Max energy fluctuation = E = Work done in 1 cycle x CE

= 19.667 KN.m
= 19667 Nm
E = m K2 w 2 Cs
m = 553.5 Kg

A vertical double acting steam engine dedvelops 75 KW at 250 rpm.

The maximum flactuation of energy is 30 % of work done.The
maximum speed and minimum speeds are not vary more than 1 % on
either side of mean speed. Find out mass of flywheel if radius of
gyration is 0.6 m
N = 250 rpm
P = 75 KW
E = 30% of WD
k = 0.6 m
Cs= 2 X 0.01 = 0.02
Work done in 1 cycle =

P x 60
18000 N.m

Max energy fluctuation = E = 0.30 X Work done in 1 cycle

= 5400 Nm
E = m k2 w 2 Cs

The turning moment diagram for one revolution of a multicylinder engine is shown in Figure. The vertical and horizontal
scales are: 1 mm = 600 Nm and 2.5 respectively.

The fluctuation of speed is limited to 1.5% of mean speed, which

is 250 rpm. The hoop stress in rim material is limited to 5.6
N/mm2. Neglecting effect of boss and arms, determine the
suitable diameter and cross-section of flywheel rim. Take density
of rim material as 7200 kg/m3 and width to be four times the

Given Data:

Cs = 1.5 % of mean speed = 0.03

N = 250 rpm
= 5.6 N/mm2
= 7200 Kg/m 3
b = 4t

Let the energy in the flywheel at A = E,

Emax = E + 445
Emin = E - 30
E = Maximum energy - Minimum energy
Convert this value by scale,
475 x (600 x 2.5 x
E = 12435.47 Nm

N. m

= 475 mm2

Hoop Stress = X v2

V = D N / 60

D = 2.1 m
E = m k2 w 2 Cs
m = 549.3 Kg


mass / Vol


b = 215 mm



t = 53.7 mm


Flywheel in Punching Press

The load acts only during the rotation
of the crank from = 1 to = 2,
when the actual punching takes place
and the load is zero for the rest of the
Unless a flywheel is used, the speed
of the crankshaft will increase too
much during = 2 to = 2 or = 0
and again from = 1 to = 2,
because there is no load while input
energy continues to be supplied.
On the other hand, the drop in speed
of the crankshaft is very large during
the rotation of crank from = 1 to
= 2.

A punching press makes 25 holes of 20 mm diameter per minute in a plate 15

mm thick. This causes variation in the speed of flywheel attached to press from
240 to 220 rpm. The punching operation takes 2 seconds per hole. Assuming 6
Nm of work is required to shear 1 mm2 of the area and frictional losses account
for 15% of the work supplied for punching, determine (a) the power required to
operate the punching press, and (b) the mass of flywheel with radius of gyration
of 0.5 m.

Work required for punching one hole

= Area of shear in mm2 x Work per mm2
= d t x6 = x 20 x l5 x 6
= 5654.86 Nm
Accounting 15% for frictional losses, the actual work supplied


6652.78 Nm

Total work required per minute for drilling 25 holes

= 6652.78 x 25 = 166319 Nm
Power required =

-------= 2.772 kW
60 x 103

Energy supplied during the punching operation

= 2.772 x 1000 x 2 = 5544 Nm
Energy supplied by the flywheel,


M = 87.92 Kg

w1 w2

= 6652.78 - 5544 = 1108.78 Nm

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