MTA Manual
MTA Manual
MTA Manual
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Warranty Information
All products manufactured by Baker Instrument Company are warranted against
defective materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of
delivery to the original purchaser. Any product that is found to be defective
with the warranty period will, at the option of Baker Instrument Company, be
repaired or replaced. This warranty does not apply to products damaged by
improper use. The Purchaser shall assume all responsibilities and expense for
removal, reinstallation, freight or On-Site service charges in connection with
the foregoing remedies.
Companys liability to purchaser relating to the product whether in contract or in
tort arising out of warranties, representations, instructions, installations, or
defects from any cause, shall be limited exclusively to correcting the product
and under the conditions as aforesaid.
Components of MTA for Windows are covered by Baker Instrument Company.
Any component not manufactured by Baker Instrument Company are covered
by the respective manufactured warranties and NO additional warranty from
Baker Instrument Company is offered or implied. Enclosed materials from the
manufacturer and source of these items describe the only warranty pertaining to
these items.
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Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Users Manual.............................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER 1: MTA INSTALLATION ........................................................... 7
MTA for Windows Compatible Operating Systems ...................................... 9
Minimum Computer Requirements............................................................... 9
Configuring the PCs Parallel Port ............................................................. 9
Computer Bios Settings............................................................................ 9
Installing MTA for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP ........................................... 10
CHAPTER 2: GETTING STARTED ............................................................ 11
THE BIG IDEA ................................................................................................. 13
STARTING MTA SOFTWARE ........................................................................... 13
Finding Motors .......................................................................................... 14
The Explore Tab......................................................................................... 15
The Motor ID Tab ...................................................................................... 15
The Route Tab ............................................................................................ 16
Adding a Route ...................................................................................... 16
Renaming a Route .................................................................................. 17
Deleting a Route..................................................................................... 17
Editing Motor IDs on an existing Route ............................................... 17
Viewing Data.............................................................................................. 18
The Data Tab.......................................................................................... 18
Data Tab, Nameplate View:................................................................... 19
Adding a New Motor ............................................................................. 20
Updating an Existing Motors Nameplate Information.......................... 20
Deleting an Existing Motor from the Database...................................... 21
Data Tab, Application View: ................................................................. 21
Data Tab, Results Summary................................................................... 22
Data Tab, Surge Views: ......................................................................... 23
Data Tab, PI View.................................................................................. 24
The Tests Tab ............................................................................................. 24
Test Configuration ................................................................................. 26
Temperature/Resistance Configuration/ Data Acquisition Dialog ......... 26
Megohm/PI/HiPot Configuration/Data Acquisition Dialog....................... 29
Surge Configuration/Data Acquisition Dialog ....................................... 30
The Trending Tab....................................................................................... 33
Resistance .................................................................................................. 33
Insulation Resistance/Megohm .............................................................. 34
HiPot ...................................................................................................... 35
PI ............................................................................................................ 35
Relative Humidity .................................................................................. 35
Special Software Trending Features....................................................... 35
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Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
MTA for Windows Compatible Operating Systems
Configuring the PCs Parallel Port
Computer Bios Settings
Installing MTA for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
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If installing version 2.2 or greater over an installation of MTA for Windows
versions 2.1.4 or older, uninstall the older version first, before installing the
newer version. Uninstall by clicking on the Start Settings Control Panel,
then by clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon. Select Digital MTA to
uninstall. This will delete only the program files and icons associated with the
MTA software and will not delete any data. However, it is always important to
make backups of your data as unforeseen events do occur.
Windows 98/ME
Windows 2000/XP (Recommended)
Must have Internet 5.0 or higher
Must be able to install the MDAC 2.5sp3 or higher (Installs the Jet
Engine 4.0, for the Access Database)
Pentium II
400 MHz
64 MB memory
20 MB Hard Drive Space
ECP-Parallel Port
port. This keystroke varies from one computer to another. Many computers
use Del, Esc, or the F10 key. Most computers in use today use the
BIOS written by Award or Phoenix Technologies. Modification instructions
for BIOS settings can be obtained from their associated web sites. They
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Finding Motors
The left side of the opening screen is used to navigate through the motors within
the opened database. Three methods are
provided: an Explore Tab where the motor
location is shown in a three level Tree View,
Fig 2-3: Finding Motors
a Motor ID Tab where a alphabetical list of
Motor IDs can be used to locate a motor by
typing the first few characters of the Motor ID, and a Route Tab where
predefined lists of motors can be used, such as in predictive maintenance.
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Adding a Route
Spring Outage is the currently
selected Route.
Available Motors list box on the right to the Route Motors list box on the
To add a motor, select the Motor ID on the right and click on the <<Add
button. The Motor ID will be moved from the Available Motors list to the
Route Motors. Continue adding as many motors as necessary.
When completed, click on the Save button at the top of the dialog.
Note: The Save button appeared when the Add button was clicked.
Renaming a Route
Select the route in the Route IDs combo box that needs to be renamed.
The Route ID will be highlighted. Edit the ID to the desired change, then
click the Save button.
Note: The Save button appeared when the Rename button was clicked.
Deleting a Route
Select the route in the Route IDs combo box that needs to be deleted.
Note: Deleting a route does not delete the Motor IDs from the database.
Select the route in the Route IDs combo box to edit. The Motor IDs
associated with that route will appear in the Route Motors list box on the
left. On the right, in the Available Motors list box, will appear all Motor
IDs not on the route.
To add Motor IDs, select the Motor IDs in the Available Motors list box
and click on the <<Add button. Select one motor at a time or use the
control/shift keys to select a group of Motor IDs.
To remove unwanted Motor IDs from the route select the Motor IDs in the
Route Motors list box and click on the Remove>> button and the Motor
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IDs will be remove from the Route Motor list and added back to the
Available Motors list.
To change the order of the Motor IDs in the Route Motors list, select the
motor or group of motors to move and click on the Move Up or Move
Down buttons at the bottom of the list.
When finished editing a route click on the Save List button to save changes.
Viewing Data
The Data Tab
The right pane has three
tabs at the top of the
screen. They are Data,
Tests and Trending tabs.
The Data tab contains two
windows one above the
other. The top window
shows the date and time
for the test result data and
whether or not the motor
passed the specific test.
By clicking on a
date/time, view test result
data for that specific date
within the Application,
Surge, or PI, tabs in the
lower window. The lower
windows view changes
depending on which tab at
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Click on the Add button The motor ID and the serial number field is
cleared. All other fields will stay populated with the previous motors
information. This is to assist in entering motors with like nameplate
information. Click on the clear button to erase all fields.
Enter the new Motor ID by filling in the location fields. For a choice of
existing locations, click on the down arrow of the location boxes and as
listing of existing locations will appear. See example Fig.2-10. All Plant
(location field 1) locations in the database are available to choose from. If
entering a new Plant location then simply type the new name in the field.
Note: Clicking the Reset button will redisplay the previously displayed
motor and no motor will be added.
Make sure the Motor ID is selected and move the cursor to the field to
update. Make the desired changes. The Save button will be enabled as soon
as changes are started.
When finished, click on the Save button and your changes will be
committed to the database. If the changes are not wanted, click on the
Reset button instead of the Save button. All fields will reset and no
changes will take effect.
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Make sure the Motor ID is selected and click on the Delete button.
A dialog will be display asking if that is what is wanted. Click Yes and the
motor and all of its test results will be deleted.
Add new application records (which add a empty test record), update existing
information, and delete test results from this view. To change what test result is
being displayed, click on the date/time in the top window of the Data tab and
this will change the Application view to the selected data/times information.
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Note: Leaving the Tests view will also disable the editing of Test IDs and all
changes will be lost if they have not been updated.
Test Configuration
The three major setup screens for configuring tests parameters will be described
below. The specific choices made in the test setup screens define the Test ID.
Before editing test parameters make sure to check the Edit Test ID box and
enter the password. This allows saving of changes when finished editing.
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The Resistance Test has several options associated with it. The motor may have
Wye or Delta winding configurations. The Wye or Delta configuration is
entered in the Nameplate window. The resistance values may be uploading
from Baker tester (DR series only) or acquired by some other means and
manually entered into the software.
By Checking the Max Delta R (%) box, the resistance values will have their
percent spread calculated at the end of the test. If the percent spread is outside
the number entered in the edit box, the resistance test will show a DELTA R
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The DR series tester acquires resistance data by hooking the tester to a computer
with the MTA for Windows software installed. Perform the resistance test with
the tester. When testing is completed, leave the tester in the resistance screen
and click on the Up Load button on the Temperature/Resistance Dialog. The
MTA for Windows will acquire the resistance data for all leads, calculate the
temperature corrected values (if temperature was entered) and calculate the coil
Note: The data to be uploaded must be present on the testers resistance screen.
Measurements merely present on the screen and not yet saved to memory are to
be acquired by pressing the Up Load button. To acquire data saved to memory
use the Acquire Stored Records button on the Test View.
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If using a non-R series digital tester or have other equipment that takes the
resistance measurement, it can be manually entered. If temperature
compensation is needed enter the temperature and click the ANALYZE button
to calculate the corrected resistance values and coil resistance. This will also
calculate the delta resistance percent which is the maximum value minus the
minimum divided by the average.
Regardless of how the resistance measurements were acquired, once the
measurements are obtained, the software will calculate the temperature corrected
resistances and display them. The individual coil resistances will be calculated,
if possible. If not possible, the software will display a message indicating a
solution to the coil resistance could not be found
time megohm, PI and HiPot data. All three of these tests should be thought of a
single type of test. The Megohm test is the first test to be run, followed
immediately by a PI test, and continuing into a HiPot test. Therefore, a single
set up screen for these three tests is used to configure each test.
This dialog is used to setup test parameters and to acquire real-time data. In the
upper left corner of the dialog is where test enable, test voltages, minimum
Megohm readings, and test times are entered. In addition to DC test parameters,
the temperature can be enabled and entered without having to enter the
resistance screen when not taking resistance values.
Each test may be run individually by pressing the appropriate test button located
in the upper center of the dialog, or all selected tests can be run by pressing the
Run Selected Tests button.
The right side of the screen is a display of the real time voltage, current, and the
insulation resistance reading during the DC tests. The voltage and current will
be displayed as slider bars. Below the slider bars are real time numerical
outputs of the voltage and current.
sets the maximum Lead-to-Lead Error Area Ratio (EAR) that is allowed
between the different leads. This is set to 10% as a default. This option should
not be turned on if testing a motor with a rotor installed. If it is absolutely
necessary to use the L-L EAR with the rotor installed, increase the tolerance to
avoid nuisance trips. The increase in EAR tolerance with installed rotors makes
the use of this feature a poor detector of a turn-to-turn insulation problem.
The P-P EAR (%) sets the maximum Pulse-to-Pulse Error Area Ratio that will
be allowed for the test. This parameter helps identify turn-to-turn faults. If the
pulse-to-pulse EAR % is greater than the entered tolerance, the MTA for
Windows will flag a PPEAR error. The remaining three columns (L1, L2, and
L3) will show real time numbers for the specific lead while the test is running.
These numbers will become visible during the test. Top number will indicate
the current P-P EAR and the bottom number is the maximum P-P EAR percent.
When P-P EAR (%) is turned on, voltage should be ramped slowly and
The Test-Ref EAR (%) edit box is used to set a pass/fail criteria when
comparing the surge waveforms from the test to a previously stored Reference
The 4 buttons on the right side of the screen will run a
surge test if pressed. Clicking the Lead 1 button will
start the acquisition of the surge waveform on lead 1
only, likewise for the Lead 2 and the Lead 3 buttons.
The Surge All Leads button will automatically
sequence through Lead 1, Lead 2, and Lead 3 as if each
button was pressed individually.
Fig 2-24: Run Surge
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The peak voltage reached for each lead tested is displayed on the middle right of
the screen. The L-L EAR values shown correspond to the measured Lead-toLead Error Area Ration between the three leads during the test.
The surge waveform graph is shown below. The vertical or y-axis shows a
voltage while the horizontal or x-axis shows time. The surge waveform is a plot
of the voltage across a coil versus time.
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There are three different types of Resistance data that can be trended, Balance,
Line-to-Line, and Coil. Selecting one will bring up a graph similar to Fig 2-40.
Resistance measurements are against time and show very little variation over the
test interval. Each of the three leads is shown in its own color. Each data point is
indicated by a square, diamond or triangle marker. Hovering the mouse pointer
over any of the data point symbols will display the value, test date and time for
that point to popup. This feature allows for easy identification of the test record
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for that point. By clicking the Markers checkbox the markers can be hidden or
Insulation Resistance/Megohm
By checking the Megohm button, the megohm data is graphed. In the example
shown below the Megohm reading fluctuates between 1246 and 1275 Mohms
acceptable values, while the current remains constant. Hovering the mouse
pointer over any of the data points brings up a box indicating the value of the
point and test date/time for the corresponding test record in the database.
Note: When trending Megohm values, the temperature corrected values should
be used and not the uncorrected values. Both values are available to the
software. Sometimes it is not possible to acquire the temperature of a motor
when testing due to inaccessibility of the motor.
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Pressing the HiPot button brings up a graph of the HiPot leakage current data
and has the same features as the Megohm trending graph.
Pressing the PI button displays the graph trending the PI ratio versus time and
has similar features to the other trending graphs.
Relative Humidity
Checking Relative Humidity will cause the tool tips to display the RH% entered
at test time. Hover over a data point will cause the tool tip to display Time/Date
Stamp value of the point and RH%.
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The second method is to choose points from a list of all test dates/times. By
pressing the Select Dates button, a window pops up showing the entire test dates
and times as well as a spreadsheet style view of the data. All of the data can be
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Creating a Motor ID
Creating a Test ID
Configure Temperature/Resistance
Configure Megohm/PO/HiPot
Configure Surge
Running a Real Time Test Sequence
Saving Data
Reviewing Test Results / Data
Printing Reports
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Creating a Motor ID
Under the Data tab - Nameplate on the right half of the screen, the Motor ID
information is displayed for the selected motor from the left hand Explore tab.
In this case the CirPump3233-22L is chosen. Pressing the Add button clears the
fields of the Nameplate view. In these data fields, the nameplate information for
the Delco motor is entered. See Fig. 3-1.
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example, we will select the 480V/woPI Test ID next we will create a new Test
ID and assign the new Test ID to this Motor ID.
Once the Test ID is selected, click on the OK button. The new Motor ID,
Delco-B-95-22L, is displayed in the tree to the left along with all the other
At this point the Motor ID, Delco-B-95-22L, has been created. The next step is
to create a Test ID and assign it to this motor.
Creating a Test ID
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Enter the password. (Note: If this is the first time to edit Test IDs you
will need to set the password by clicking on the Change Password
button and entering a password then click on Set Password.) Click
OK, once the application has accepted your password, the Save, Add,
and Delete buttons will appear and the voltage class dropdown list will
be enabled.
Click on the Add button, the Create New Test ID dialog box appears.
Using the dropdown box select a Target Motor Voltage Class. For
this example, choose the existing voltage class of 460. If it does not
exist you can create a new one by typing 460 in the edit box of the
dropdown list.
Click OK; this will close the Create New Test ID dialog.
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The new Test ID will be displayed and all tests are turned off.
10. Turn on all of the tests by clicking the left most column of ON/OFF
radio buttons. The Tests view will resemble Fig. 5-4.
11. Proceed to the next section, Configure Temperature/ Resistance.
Configure Temperature/Resistance
The Temperature and Resistance Tests share the same setup screen.
Click on Config/Aquire Data button under Temperature/Resistance
Tests heading. The Temperature/Resistance Test dialog will be
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Click on the Temperature Enable check box. MTA for Windows will
accept a temperature range of range of -32C to 250C.
Check the Max Delta R (%) check box, setting it to 10%. If the spread
of resistance readings are more then 10% MTA for Windows will fail
the motor.
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to check the Target Corrected Resistance check box and enter the
value of 3.1 +/- 10%. Enabling target corrected resistance makes this
Test ID specific to the example motor. If resistance data is not
available, do not enable this.
Since this is a small motor, the PI test will be ran as a DA test only by
selecting the DA Only from the middle combo box.
This motor has newer insulation doing a full PI test will not yield any useful
The other option, DA If IR>5000 @1m, sets up MTA for Windows to
automatically skip the PI test in favor of the DA test, at 3 minutes if the
insulation resistance (IR) is greater than 5000 megohms at 1 minute. Insulation
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Configure the surge test as shown. Select the Target Voltage to be 2000V
which is approximately 2*V + 1000.
The L-L EAR (Lead-to-Lead EAR) has been turned off since this motor
will be tested with the rotor installed. If this option were left selected, a
nuisance trip would almost certainly occur as the rotor coupling is different
for each phase winding.
The P-P EAR (Pulse-to-Pulse EAR) is set to 10%. This means a pulse-topulse EAR value greater than 10% will cause the MTA for Windows to flag
a failure.
The Test-Ref EAR(%) is set to 10% which means that if a test is run, and a
reference test exists, the reference waveforms will be compared to the
acquired waveforms. Should the EAR values between reference waveforms
and acquired waveforms be greater than the value shown, the MTA for
Windows will fail the motor. If this option is not checked and is grayed out,
no reference waverform is associated with this test.
Press the Close button in the upper right corner of the Surge Data
Acquisition screen to return to the Tests view.
On the Tests view click on the Save button to save the Test ID to the
database. From this point on the Test ID called Delco_460V/wPI will be
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used to test the Delco motor or any other motor that has this Test ID
assigned to it.
At the end of the sequence, you will need to click on the yellow Save Results
button to save all test results in the same record. You may save after each
individual test, however each test results will be save in a different record.
Example Test ID:
Temperature Enabled
Resistance Enabled Max Delta %
Megohm Enabled Test Voltage 500, Min Meg 10, Time 60s
PI Enabled Test Voltage 500, Min Meg 10, Time 600
HiPot Enabled Test Voltage 2000, Min Meg 10, Time 60s
Surge Enabled Test Voltage 2000, P-P EAR, 10%
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Using the example Test ID: follow the instructions below to acquire tests results.
Make sure that the parallel port cable is plugged in to the computers
parallel port and in to the testers printer/parallel port. The testers do have
an Aux port; do not use this port for communication with the computer.
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DR Series only
1. Hook the resistance leads to the motor to test. Perform the resistance test
for all leads, using the procedure for the tester. Leave the tester in the
resistance screen.
Click the Up Load button. The MTA gets the resistance data from the
tester, displays it along with the corrected resistance and coil resistance.
Digital Series without Resistance
1. Enter Temperature of the motor, in the temperature field on the
Temperature/Resistance Dialog.
2. Manually enter resistances data that was gathered with some other
3. Click the ANALYZE button to temperature correct the resistance, to
calculate coil resistance and to calculate the delta R %.
The DC tests can be treated as one continuous test. Starting with the Megohm
test using a low voltage held typical for 1 minute. Next is the Polarization Index
(PI) test held at the same voltage as Megohm for 10 minutes the first minute
being the Megohm test. Or the Dielectric Absorption (DA) test which is a 3
minute PI giving a ratio of the 30 second reading to the 3 minute, instead of the
1 minute reading to the 10 minute reading. The final test is the HiPot in which
the voltage is increased to a higher target voltage and held for 1 minute. Consult
IEEE 43 and IEEE 95 for the appropriate test voltages.
Click the Run Selected Tests button. The software will instruct you to
push the Test button on the digital tester. Push the test button on the
tester. You have 4-5 seconds to push the test button on the tester before
it times out.
Slowly increase the voltage output on the tester. The voltage and
current will be displayed as blue and red bars on the screen of the
computer. If these bars do not appear after 5-6 seconds, release the
Test button and repeat the step above. Note there is a slight delay in
response due to the communication between the tester and computer.
Increase voltage to the test voltage specified by the Test ID; a target
voltage line appears on the voltage slider bar. When you reach the
target voltage a message in yellow will appear.
Adjust -Amps/div knob on the tester to best match the leakage current
of the motor being tested.
Hold the Test button on the tester for the amount of time entered in the
Test ID for the Megohm test. One minute is the standard time for a
megohm test. A timer on the computer screen will count down the
remaining time.
At the end of the Megohm test continue to hold down the Test button
on the tester. A DA test was requested to be performed, at the end of
one minute the time remaining will reset to 2 minutes remaining for the
DA test. (Since 1 minute has passed for the megohm and DA is 3
minutes in total) After a few seconds the DA/PI dialog will be
displayed, plotting megohm values at each minute and current values at
each second.
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Once the DA test has concluded, you will be prompted to increase the
voltage to the HiPot target voltage. Before increasing the voltage,
change the -Amps/div knob to the 100 -Amps/div to avoid an over
current trip. Increase the voltage to the Test IDs test voltage for HiPot,
for this example that is 2000 volts. A message will be display when
you hit the target voltage.
10. Remain holding the test button as the computers time remaining counts
down the specified time. Consult IEEE 43 and IEEE 95 for
recommended HiPot test times.
11. At the end of the test you will be prompted to release the PTT button on
the tester. A few seconds after the PTT button has been released; the
computer will be ready to respond to commands. During this time the
computer is still communicating with the tester. You will get a
message on the CRT screen of the tester that indicates an error in the
transmission has occurred. This is normal.
12. If satisfied with the test results press the Close button and return to the
Tests View.
13. Continue to the Surge Test
Note: Keep your main attention on the Digital tester. Occasionally glance at
the computers screen to insure that the data logging process in proceeding
properly and to check test time remaining. The clock displayed on the CRT
screen of the tester will not be accurate while communicating with the computer.
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Real time surge will acquire data from the tester to the computer after each surge
pulse is applied to the motor under test. As a waveform is acquired, it will be
displayed as nested waveforms. The waveforms at 1/3-Target voltage, 2/3Target Voltage and Full Target Voltage will be saved as the test for each lead
progress. If the pulse-to-pulse EAR is turned on, as the voltage reaches 1000
volts a smaller graph will appear in the lower right corner of the surge graph
displaying the pulse-to-pulse EAR values from one pulse to another. If a turnto-turn short is detected the software will flag a failure and you will need to
release the test button on the tester.
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Quickly press testers Test button. You will have about 10 seconds
between pressing the Surge Lead button and pressing the Test button on
the Digital tester. When the computer begins acquiring data a red
Testing Lead 1 message will replace the green Ready Lead 1
Slowly increase the output voltage until the desired test voltage is
reached. While increasing the voltage, watch the surge waveform
display, looking for indications of a turn-to-turn short. See the Digital
Testers manual for information on identifying turn-to-turn shorts.
Release the PTT button when the Target Voltage is reached or a failure
is detected. A message will be displayed on the computer screen in
either case.
The Surge Data Acquisition Dialog will show the final display of the
Repeat the same procedures for Leads 2 and 3. After all three leads
have been tested; the lead-to-lead Error Area Ratio (EAR) values will
be calculated and displayed on the right side of the surge window. The
peak voltage from each leads test will also be displayed.
If the test results are satisfactory, press the Close button to return to the
Tests view.
Note: The Surge All Leads button will automatically sequence through Lead 1,
Lead 2 and Lead 3 as if each button was pressed individually. The operator will
only have to operate the tester.
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Saving Data
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The Date/Time Window shows a quick summary of the time and date of tests
and whether the tests passed or failed. Double click on a test date and time to
move to a new record.
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The surge test data can be reviewed by pressing the Surge tab.
MTA for Windows comes with a complete set of report generation features to
facilitate the requirement that test results be made available to managers,
owners, and repair personnel. Reports containing test data, nameplate data,
application data, etc., can be printed to a physical printer or can be printed to a
Microsoft Word 2000/XP/2003 file.
The following are three ways to invoke the Report Generator, shown above,
clicking on the File Print menu item, holding down the control key and
pressing the P key, or pressing the printer icon on the upper left of the main
screen. The top section of the Report Generator, called Select Filter(s), contains
the filters by which you can choose what test results to print. You can select the
current motor and test result, or use any combination of the other filters, such as,
a date range and all motors that fail any test during that given test range. The
bottom section of the Report Generator dialog is called Select Reports. This
section is where you choose what reports you wish to print.
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The Report Generator can look a bit intimidating, especially when you only
want to print out the test result you have just been reviewing.
This is the simplest case. The motor and test result that is selected in the main
program will appear to the right of the checkbox titled Current Motor/Test
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Generator will go thru the entire database, looking for any failed tests that
occurred on 4/29/2005. Once it is done searching a dialog box will appear
informing you of how many records were selected. You can either choose to
cancel or continue and print the selected reports.
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lot of records to print means the system will be tied up for a long period of time
before all records can be transferred to the Word document.
A typical Word report looks like the figure below. Each of the sections is a
Word table, except the surge waveform which is a bitmap. The reports can be
modified by adding text between the tables or the data tables can be cut and
pasted into other documents. See the next three pages for a sample report.
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Sample Report
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Motor ID Field
Motor Location Fields
Multiple Databases
Opening Databases
Creating a New Database
Data Transfer
Transferring Motor and Test Data
Transferring Test IDs
Archiving a Database
Restoring a Database
Converting Older Databases
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Database Management
Database management is a highly important feature of a good predictive
maintenance-testing program. It facilitates organization of periodic maintenance
data. The database section of the MTA for Windows software allows the entry
of identifications to help clarify the location of specific motors, along with the
use of multiple databases to help organize overall program maintenance. You
will need to develop a best practice in keeping the data collected, easily
accessible and meaningful. The discussion in this chapter will be about the tools
the Analyzer Software provides to aid you in database management. The
following will be discussed:
Motor ID
Motor Location Fields
Multiple Databases
Data Transfer
Conversion of Older Databases
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Motor ID Field
The records that are stored are linked to each other hierarchically. The principle
field, which serves as the base for linking associated records, is the Motor ID.
The Motor ID is also the main means of locating and interacting with a motors
data. Therefore it is important to develop a naming scheme that will facilitate
location and retrieval of information. Case in point, it is not uncommon for a
plant to have duplicate processes, with identically named motors in each process
(ex: Intake Pump) . This can cause confusion, since the motors have the same
Motor ID, but are in different locations. Take steps at the start to ensure that the
Motor IDs will be unique!
Example: If Intake Pump is present in duplicate processes, it makes database
management easier if these two motors can be uniquely identified. One way to
solve this problem is to include in the Motor ID the process ID as in the
following: The Motor ID for Process 1 could be Intake Pump P1 while the
Motor ID for Process 2 could be Intake Pump P2.
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in Plants and Units. North Platt and South Branch are Plants and Unit 23,
Unit45A, Unit 17C are all units.
Multiple Databases
The MTA for Windows software allows the use of multiple databases. You may
split the data between different databases, grouping motors in whatever way that
is beneficial to you. For example, motor shops might want to use different
databases for each of their customers. A preventive maintenance department
could use a different database for each part of their plant. You may need to keep
the data in a centrally located database on a network and have databases locally
on other computers, which are used to update the main database.
It is important to establish your best practices for database organization early
and maintain adherence to the establish practices to avoid loss of data or data
from the same motor being in several different places.
Note: Manipulation of the database may be useful for management and auditing
purposes. Do not delete records associated with Motor IDs. Proceed with
caution when manipulating data always backup a database before deleting
records or manipulating the database in any way.
Opening a Database
To open a database, select the Open option under the File menu or click on the
on the toolbar. An open file dialog box will pop up and
open database icon
allow the selection of a database to use as shown below. It will default to the
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folder that has been selected in View-Option-File Locations menu item. In the
case above the default folder is MTAData. By selecting a database (.mdb) and
clicking the Open button or by double clicking the desired database the AWA
application will open the database.
Data Transfer
The Data Transfer tool allows you to transfer motor and test information from
one database (source) to a second database (destination). The transferred
information is not deleted from the source database, it is only copied to the
destination database. The Data Transfer can be used to combine two existing
databases into one centrally located database. It can also be used to re-organize
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exiting database into more convenient groupings. Anytime you need to move
motor data or Test IDs the Data Transfer provides this functionality.
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The option to pick the default database or choose another database to transfer
data from is available.. This is the source database.
Once the source database is chosen, click the Open button. The following dialog
will be displayed, with the source database opened on the left side. Notice the
familiar Motor ID tree structure.
After the Data Transfer dialog is displayed, click on the destination database
Browse button, in order to open the destination database.
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Presented will be a destination file open dialog. It will default to the same folder
as was used to open the source database. Choose a destination database to open
and press the Open button. At this point the software returns to the Data
Transfer dialog with both databases open.
If either database is not the desired database, choose the appropriate databases
by clicking on the Browse button next to the wrong database and choose
When both the source and destination databases are open the Add All and the
Add buttons are enabled. The application is ready to select motors from the
source database to be added to the Transfer List. The Transfer List is the list
of motors that will be transferred when the Transfer button is pushed. The Add
All button adds all the motors in the source database to the Transfer List. The
following gives two ways to add selected motors to the list.
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If there are motors on the Transfer List that are not to be transferred, remove
them by selecting a motor(s) and pressing the Remove button. When the
Transfer List is finalized, press the Transfer button.
The method the Data Transfer application uses to transfer the data is as follows.
The Data Transfer runs through the Transfer List adding the motor
(Nameplate) information if the motor does not exist in the destination database.
If the motor does exist, no motor information will be added. Next, the Data
Transfer adds any test records that do not exist in the destination database. It
compares the time/date stamp with existing test result records and if the source
time/date equals a test result record in the destination database it does not
transfer the record. If the application does not find any matching time/date then
it adds the source test result record to the destination database.
The Data Transfer creates a log during the transfer process. Information logged
is source/destination database names, Motors IDs added, and number of records
updated. If the transfer encountered any problems, it also logs the Motors ID
and reason the transfer failed. Print this log by clicking on the Print Log
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Archiving a Database
Along with the Data Transfer, Archiving (compact/zip) is a tool to help move
data. This functionality exists for backup and shuffling of whole databases
from one computer to another as oppose to the Data Transfer which moves
motors/test information from one database to another database. It is important
to retain a current backup copy of database(s) on some persistent storage
medium, such as floppy diskette, CD, or a backed up network drive. The
Archive provides an easy means to backup data. Use the Archive option for
more than just a backup. It is the best way to put a database on a floppy drive to
move it from one computer to another. If the Archive option is used to copy and
compress a database to a floppy, use the Restore option, discussed the next
chapter, to extract the database from the floppy back to the hard drive.
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
In order to use the Archive feature, WinZip must be installed on your system.
(Supplied with MTA or available from The WinZip
application compresses files, so significantly less room is required for storage.
This makes the files more convenient to store (archive), transfer to a floppy, or
e-mail. The Archive automates calling WinZip and compacting the database.
To archive a database, it must be opened in the MTA for Windows application:
1) Choose the Database Archive menu item.
Note: If the default is the floppy drive make sure there is a diskette in the drive
before archiving.
The default name of the archived (zip) file will be a combination of the database
name and the time/date of the archive. For example, if the database name is
Example.mdb then the archived file name will be: The YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
indicates the year/month/day/hour/minute/second when the file was archived.
If archiving to a floppy drive such as A:\ and the file is too big to fit on one
floppy disk create a multi-disk archive by inserting another disk.
When the archiving is in progress the WinZip dialog & status bar is displayed.
Once finished the following message box will be displayed.
Restoring a Database
In order to view archived data with the MTA software the database must be
restored first. To restore an archived database WinZip is needed. (See
Archiving a Database.)
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
The application will invoke WinZip to extract the archived file. If a database
with the same name exists the following will appear.
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Make a backup copy of all old databases. Use WinZip, an older stand alone
version of the Data Transfer archive feature, or simply use Windows
Explorer to make a copy.
Convert all of the old databases to the new version by opening each of the
old databases with the MTA version 3+ software, as described later.
Verify data has been correctly converted in the new databases. The old
databases will still be on the machine.
Once confident the data is correct, remove the old databases from the
computer, to avoid confusion as to what version to use. The old data is
typically stored in the C:\MTAData\YourDatabaseName\. To delete the old
databases, after conversion, delete each databases individual folder. The
version 3.0+ database is stored in the C:\MTAData\ and not in individual
folders. For example: old database is called MyBakerDb.mdb, is located in
C:\MTAData\MyBakerDb\MyBakerDb.mdb. It will also have a srg folder.
After conversation it will be located in
C:\MTAData\MyBakerDb_Rev3.mdb with no srg folder if all defaults are
taken. Note: If defaults are not used, attention need to be paid to what the
names are and where the databases were saved.
If data resides on a network or desktop(s), make sure that all databases, not just
those stored on the computer, have been upgraded. This will insure the old
databases do not get advertently used for new testing.
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
When using the Version 3+ software for the first time, the databases from
previous versions will have to be converted. The conversion process happens
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Step 2.
Remove the black screws on the Display Control board and Function board. Use
a M2.5 hex key or ball driver. Set the screws aside.
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Step 3.
Grasping the knobs pull out the Function Select board. Pull the board straight
out. Over 10lbs of force may need to be applied to remove the board from its
internal connector.
Step 4.
Grasping the knobs remove the Display Control board. Again, over 10lbs of
force may be needed to pull out the board from its internal connector. Also, pull
this board straight out.
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Step 5.
The remaining circuit board in the testers card cage is the controller board.
Grasping the end of the board pull this board straight out and place it on the antistatic foam provided.
Step 6.
Using a chip puller remove the PROM (U3) from its IC socket. A pair of pliers
can be used in a pinch as shown in the photograph. A small screwdriver may
also be used to pry the chip out of the IC socket. Take care not to bend the leads
of the chip. After the chip is removed, insert the chip into the anti-static foam
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Step 7.
Remove the supplied PROM from the anti-static foam and install it in the
PROMs IC socket. Take great care to not bend the leads of the new PROM
while inserting the chip in the socket. Make sure the chip is fully seated in the
IC socket. Also make sure the small divot on one end of the IC is aligned with
the decal of the chip that is printed on the PC board.
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Step 8.
Insert the controller board in the Testers card cage. The top and bottom of the
controller board will ride in small plastic channels in the card cage. The ICs are
on the right side of the board as the board is re-inserted, otherwise the board is
in upside down. Gently insert the connector of the board in the mating connector
inside the card cage. Be very gentle at this point. Less than a pound or two of
force is required. Gently wiggle the controller board back and forth until the
connectors mate. Once the connectors are aligned, push with about 5lbs of force
to insure that the controller board is completely seated in the card cage. If the
connectors do not mate, remove the controller board and inspect the pins on the
boards connector. Check for pins that have been bent over. Bent pins can be
straightened with needle nose pliers. Re-insert the controller board in the card
cage taking care to get the boards in the plastic channels of the card cage.
Step 9.
Re-insert the Display Control board in the slot to the left of the controller board.
Once again, insure the card is riding in the plastic channels in the top and bottom
of the card cage. Follow the same procedure above. Gently wiggle the card until
the connectors line up. Push the card in firmly to fully seat the connector.
Step 10.
Re-insert the Function Select board using the same procedures above.
Step 11.
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Connect the power cord and turn on the tester. Test the Digital Tester with a
motor and verify that all functions of surge testing and HiPot testing are working
If problems are encountered, remove and reseat the boards again. Make sure the
Display Control board is on the left and the Function Select board is on the right.
Feel free to call the Standard Products Service Department at Baker Instrument
Company for help.
Step 12.
Replace the black socket head cap screws removed in Step 2.
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Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1
Browse 72, 73
Changeable Labels 19
Convert Database 81
Markers 34
Max Delta R (%) 27
Motor ID 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 72, 74, 81
Data Tab 22
Data Transfer 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
Database Management 67
Delete 16, 17, 21, 25
Edit 16, 17, 25, 26
Explore 11, 14, 15, 19
Options 19, 76
PI 11, 18, 24, 29, 30, 35
P-P EAR 23, 31
Print 36, 74
File 36, 71, 76, 79, 81
Recommended Testing Sequence
79, 80
Relative Humidity 35
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Rename 16, 17
Reset 20, 35
Restore 75, 78
Results Summary 18, 22
Route 11, 14, 16, 17, 18
Run Selected Tests 30
Target Corrected Resistance 28
Target Voltage 30
Temperature Enable 27
Wye 27
Doc #: 71-009-001 Rev 1